...,.ru vntf WANT- A JUST ARRIVED yyitr.f New Bprlng and Summer Ml i 99 Aft 'Art Patterns Clothes'in lin a nurry To Meaiure.Moderate Prices Phone PRINCE RUPERT STEVE KING Third Ave. ALL NEW CARS II '7.:'-".,. a Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Opp. C.P.Il. Tlckcl Office. I Mil NO- J PIIINCI 111 PKHT, II.C . l ltltiAV PKIUIL'AIIY IW. 1023. rmirtit'i Circulation 1S11 Strut Sain S22. PRICK riVK CtN If TORM SENDS FERRY ASHORE PORCHER 1SD. RINCE RUPERT MAN BECOMES SUPERINTENDENT OF PROVINCIAL POLICE tuck Business Coming GRAYSON LED COMMISSION FRENCH SOLDIERS : Colonel J. H. McMullin FIRED AT GERMANS to Local Drydock Will AT HALF-WAY WITH ll'iCIHM.FATAL Feb.EFFECT J.'i. Heads Provincial Police Followed Closely by Wlnlerton First Day Hear Evidence on De-and Ki 'iii-li i..ier- rir-i niln CamDball In The Pas tall of Administrations a .r..w.l iff lit-rmatis af Employ Goodly Number Dog Derby ;I Aim Practical fill-erleil llie law rourla(Sermatl when- fll".-jierts lltey View to Reorganization v.wcotv, 1:11. i-i.. -.vi. The were lifina liiirbiii'-il. Till: PAS. Vb. -a. Hilly j ........ .. li lie rX'' i'i lull of ;i few rscl wIihIi will ff" .I-.V...U It Ura.i.'. ri.... i iiivw-.jiii! m comim--; r (Mi)' (Ict-iiiaii kil-leil VAXUOl VKH. IVI. r.t. Wilh Hip aim of reorganizing- the Cimidiati (iiivertimcut Mi-nli.nil Marine fled D'rby. hi lieaHnf on 4ctured ...mier f anil lii i"Mnly uliuli- i (he r:i(:i-L' entry ii.'ll.e lh.u wa. lend- pniviiiritil mlic ."loiii. Hon. A. M. Man-on lias ap- ft t:i ,titl lhl ciwl will ionic Hi Prince Hnpcrl this in-., when Sturgeon ,indinp. im P"iuii-iii wn orwupte.1 wmi nr. j. wiiiiihIi'iI a a ri'Mill uf pointed Colonel J. II. McMullin. at pri-eiil govcnimcnt agent at . : li 11 i.il jl) -lied mil Jlllil OVCrlliUll. Half ll dozen llf the mil... rrum lirv. Mirhr.1 al lul1 "f hlllllllffliHi, m-dical Mm- -linol injf. l'l-im-i lliiju-rl. In be iiipcriiilonilciil of iiruvimiul poll re dulitig 1 lit- ht-ro iii Ihe -oiir-e ! Ihe next five c. k IO..-T la.l Mfiiili?. News lo llii 'rraiiii-iii n pyi..ii iliiii. from Mui-i-h :tl. (. ;: uli in lliiMrlrr froiii (.aba .'n the (..iii.nli.iii Hover. i fieri vi a hrouuli here by a enr- li. c. l'i.H-l..r ero-faiiiiii.-.l hy 4. -4'4.1 The l.ri-enl imiHcc iinoiiiilpiiiieiil V fi. MiMv-tm l,p.v,niP ::...ilwi-t' soti.-e. ur due tin Frl.rn.rv 20. Tin- Importer ilT llltflll II. I. rutin uf Vfc-li.rin for Dm . suii.-niili-mliMil of tin- Okulla ttri-ion farm wlinli in nUn In tie li the din k for 2 or :t iIhvs ,nid the Hover will have full ray-on wn folluw. A frw Velertin id final veteran w-re rtr r m m n. t nnnr ' reorcaiiizeil. iSiiJig from T In 7 day. iiniinl.-, iMH-r by W. Wlnlirlon r,),"n iieiii itmiiiwhi nn- HKII Wl hAKhril Odomd .Mr.MiiIlin will have . Iiargo with Mr. Man.on of I .::dii.hi Iii ii i1ht from ;iii. llanli.tf ('jimutll ilrltiMK HHWMirijr wiirnt iirsMiny ite.-.j.-u ,ii. t-MiruaiilraUoii Willi a vi. w to a vm I'oH'and. d Cri'iuliton'i. trniii. The rrit of tin- an'' Oifir -li2flfln- imiuired in- rnn tni-i t TT7Pn '"' ,-lrlioii with tin lli . Hi" w ll ul-n be in Hi- . .iil-laiili won- -IriniK out !- I" oflerwanl. iptr.iiiik' pay mid III KM KljVrK 'l"r HuanJ. i:din lniplifll. IS OPPOSED TO r fr-iuit 3 I" ' ila-i ami lli-! Iiiml. allimHiir. Ilif ain- aiHij.-. l vr i u uiuit . in.sMl( rtiKtinimJ! of lln' a:: liiv.'iil- i. ilin'cl from S..i kiiian lin.l In mill tin- r ' My. . - UKaliu prison is U ue HUnfan- " ;.-!jI Will Im- in fnini ? I ; FOR STEAMERS wiuu t" Hi.- pom- .-omiition ti hi (.Litirrr,.,, - " Joseph M.rcmo Is SouBht by '"" CHURCH UNION luniiiHinri, at lltf efwHlii7 "f lli ,. i t 3 aili.iM Ob-. ri r and lli M-.-i.Mi that lhP,.ibJpt of Hip ,ur r...-..v. m U(hi kii(iw( ,rinp( Hun f oriui'i . uf IIm cohi.1- Seattle and Victoria Calls Likely lifnrinif w- lo try to solve pro- Operations llupirf r.ir .iti- l into Dial Rev. R. Q. McBeth Is President - ?-vi!'- iii - 't'l'' on Marrli to be Eliminated In Near MARTIAL LAW lilriii...ami work util prarlleal (VIonH .Mi-MiiII'm was It. strl the of Reorganized Presbyterian a. I'II li' I I'i I 1 f I. iinj il r'H i i ivcty and rarli Future leicinlulx.il aii.l iioi n near ' ""J. " 13. - -..irii apmiintnienl but no oliiri.il noli- Association uY (' t r in & lo 7 lav. 1 rim mid ri-i-i-iininulioin. Muni no, known the i-iMiiilry fjcaiiu,, ,a,j (n-vi.omly lM?rn rr- . . s r il,r aatuo Ilwl THREE TRIPS A WEEK IS DECLARED ui.lc tindri .Jiff-rmt name. I r..ivl. The ltlon.'l w lo..ki-d Y.N(tt;T.II. Feb. 23. - ftev. II. )! -f HI Apt ll. II"' fiitlle M. M. STEPHENS COMPANY yonylit l.y tltf ixtlice for ulUcrd Umil 8- I"tuie i?i..xilly well U. Mrlt.-th was appoinlnl prrsi. f rnal yl lln tii-iicmi unawr in -wiitrii hi: Ik ntifc.1 ru ll.- u.ut ul,l, Iw. l.u. .Inl f il. r.in.ni...i T....V... ar Encrt to be Made to Cater to the i'i Tourist Business by this French Take Citreme Measures HAS BEEN INCORPORATED nkl lit liaveheaUfl Invlor of ui,.HhVp and. will d'ubti ipi-ian AsMKiatioii of Uritisl. I, K it kUt. i inl'tii''iil fiijlin- Route in Bochum In Con-seauence :i million .lolai twt-lte etr brinif rrniu , fo. Ul, t3lsntlin. which i opposed to fur ilic r.n M.M . will fcrw' .,, 'h -- - - .-(.jr -rtfttry-or vrtftrb ntfanst a-tlie'lfTnted tninh union. - of Disturbance. Vn-i 71 I'liiMin-ial M.'fioo to " ratflr .,, ... ,,. j. Frit, in MMfV': A rt-oIntion wa vi- U vtr.k VA.NUil VKIl. I"H. 9S. - - adnptH ron- b Willi ilio .) Unit ot UitoaU .MMI,( f t,r IwIi-p a k iiifni li. U'i-k III- lai. H a,, a iru. r inniiicrani anu , M((Hvh , 1l( ,o;,lk,a,ur. ,..Wiu? tli proposed union and il llvrl Mynllirmi klrulii1al ... i . ... i Indf V II t i i-' firm. M. 1 1 "" a V,a"L 7 u'-,''a,'r la-1 uiiliimn lltw. A. M. Manon il.-i.iaiidinit the retention of the Wi.piUir will ! hni.- frrnij 1 1 ft .riWrr niiM-ri in .prll und Hi BERLIN, Feb. 23. "Martial M Si. i.l.. . A -. I.U. .i '' .-i " i"i"-. le larll bank , , . ,., . . , ,,,.. ,.,. i,i,.nlju r ,1.. p-hvirian lo lliiicjaa n'Uuiivd. II. C. KiHtlry htmmoHil.m f u llirk a'M law Is declared In toi- iiiiiI'.i y ap'iali.-d u .In-ill II ill! ffivnl lull.-.J. parlx or America a llu,mM.r of rhantre in the pro- r:tiur. h in Canada, dc-ltyinsr that ..li.M.M. liiiiiiaif-r. i tfnu in j, i, Mauntt.1 l.v Hi.- Bochum" says a despatch ."iii.niiil. vinrial iMjIiee fores and that Hi'- li.-inral A-fcoinMy had any fooin am " li. vl WitliOiMlav. K.li.M.M. rotlitl l-onilllp i-riri- In consequence of yesterday's .oilier wen- to follow. Tin- in- niainlale to ili-al with the matter. The vtor! n tltr.- Imal will for Ihi year. OIHelaU r lite disturbances In which elliclenl iillli-oi-N were to lie we.-d-jel K-an iii'.' u h.Im'Oi.ii lo lli? rnMinmiv will eonfrr In-rr on French soldiers fired on a Car Ferry Driven Ashore on out a in I olhi'PK put in llii-ir yrtdl at '" T i v ( -. U . , Moiula) on lin- Mimmrr m-h.-ijuli-wliii-ll. crowd with fatal results. In place. Tlie depart men I. he NEW OFFICERS it in -pm-lnl, will In-iiiml the affair one German was Porcher Island this Morning l.ialeil. were liemaiidin? rr-ultH killed and two wounded. where it found thai Hie i.ipbtir very ftnon ,inii was IV1L SERVICE I AVIIh a lame t.niriel htinlni-- were not Telling renulla ORANGE LODGE n Aboard" Had Nine Cars i - ' -! IHKtAlhlNtU SUlLIUt Empty re were lo he rlianpfK. Ilotibl- If-j. Ilii. will In- Iht iKili.-y of iulil IrafTir norlhituril- eon- Turn nicinnrinc nut INVESTIGATION Mnntly inereiialnii. it i Hie plan Intn UlJAir LflrVO DU1 the new. head of the deiuirlmeut. Membership Increaulna and Cash I lie hwuiiuii Hay car feny. proi ecdiiig wilh nun- empty mllt,.r!.i(Hi i,at Mr. Mr. Balance on Hands Says r,iiii. mm in run- rompanj- yuar lin- RETURNS TO FRIENDS ai. to Hie Wliuleii pulp null, was driven u-liort- on rorcher M,,ni .....i r.ltI,iiv ili m- "Officials Reports -. iii rale more (lien ever on Progressives support uioer- norl H wlJ. MJ I.-I.iikI at 7 o'clock llii- morning when tin- tiller of the tug Her- j. , ,,. (,. ( ii-- In Appointment or torn- , nf ii A XI ml VI II. I M K I". Illllda. Capl. Ifugcil. which wa lowing her .-oulll, broke. loria wln-r" Ihev will live. vh toiiia; i-i-b. jz. -a. 11. rn,llee I lie lierniiiua ami licr Uiw leu Here hi mx o clock evening of Princeton -was elected N.-wi.-n. of the jAvery li. Sr-atMe and Vit toria i t rmin i ioanai,i'i- Hiny to lake on a cargo of pulp al Svunon Hay for 'ulcrn Master of the . I"" "lliiiiimled. Aflt-r March 3. niff na.-i- M-rviee now in liiuid- jliinnd provincial TWVA t-' i Aflrr a shipiiieut. The lug relumed here al II o'clock this morning JAPS ASKING :irraiid lodge of llrilish (luinbia ... iii.. I'yuiiiiiiiii. the li.T.I'. leiner will ceai- In nl ion. who dtappear-i m-iidinir. . 1 1 : ii.- ,.i.. ii.. n....... u.lrn.lf.l -a run from hrn- ! Ill two Houfh- Hi real- "f -ni.-ldf Ulilf IiIm llf- - '"'" iiranye A-wialion yesterday. made araiiii-l The exlenl of llie damage i. iiol ilefiuilcly known as et UK her ofllcers are: ... .I....I..I1.IM,. ii .nMiial i-oiii- rn imrls. the Prince Unpen he- fiiiix and rliar?ei but us Mion a- the pri-sciil slorm ha tiiibsided a repre!eiilalivc FOR SUFFRAGE I Iiii liepiily Oram! Mwnter, D. II. . f . .ii" the civil r. imr m-lieduh-d to make h-r laid him i'h' rlnirwl up, re- (tiv. -.! of Ilic underwriter, and A. A. Forsvthe, of the local CO.M.M. Iliuittain of Coquitlam. ,, i i. ,I,. i..L. n inn In Viincotivi-r IkIhimI ami luin-. ! i.iwii on mm- piiiiiiKiiru office, will proceed -oiilli In make a survev. n mnlloli va- I'll I liO. I'lUT'-l Sitmnl on Dial Hale. ; IHMIUI mil in nit irienu-i. who --ilaiil deputy l.rand Master. inlo Ills alTann Demonstration In Favor of V. Hobbi, Victoria. "lift.' tlll.l lull 111111. it... Atji'i! I' i tin- dale tentatively ! iiromUed inquiry fi tin- liinlloll wlnli III MM f"i- til'' rrnllliiplion or Hie III-1 imme.liiil.-ly. .m-wioii ij.iiillfd to Dr. Grant Bill in Toklo today Big iiraml Chaplaiii. flcv. Hubben. vuiive und the rent nf Hi. w.-.-kly -..-rviff. The doiihle-i-nd- n il. finili-ly that-hit threal of Urges Rupert People to Affair Secretary, J. K. Carpenter. from Prince lliierl lo -nn-nl.- lul tieeii w ithdravii. Tri-a-turer. (I. L. ftaynor. it i d run i- .Mclulii'll- a ' oi'i.n.-d uri-UHi-n...I in ifov- M.-uari... . ami... ..in n..... "-'i i... I Hustle for Business for Themselves j TOKIO, Feb. 23. Ten The report h of the grand "it of Irilnix to i-epi-al Hi.- difoiiliiiue.l ami earn oi "" IlKS I Kill. 1 1 Vh HKc thousand police were called eeerctary, grand treasurer declare,! . . . ... - out here today to control the order throughout the i i it i i ..111 ...4.1. jna 141 I Ikn I f vi leu ,v i ir Ht rniurr 11 ut'iii win i"-' "- Instead of Others iiluiiriuy . i.i i ii Mllliour I... .ii.. ii"-II... II.....tin-. lut.tAl j IN KANSAS CITY Looking to a demonstration In favor of province to be in a llourUhing I of !a t vi'iir. leiivinn I'rinee llu-i Universal suffrage bill to be cmiililion with the membership nn- mill al midnight Introduced In the lower inci-caing and a satisfactory )Y OF CONTRACTOR !::,':;' f in Hif morning u at Twelve Lose Lives and Others Tliut Prince llupert .should get out and liuslle buMiR-s- for house of the Diet tomorrow. i-a-.ili balance on hand. Reported Missing! Bodies l!ionii'ht in-ilend of ulwuy- looking In the government and the The procession paraded IS FOUND IN RIVER " Recovered' rnil way for help, wii one uf the rather daring -uggcslion made the city and then marched CAUGHT IN BELT AND by Or. II. It. (ii-ant to the Hutary Club at il.s Itiiicheoii yetcrday. around the palace cheering IC. Rogers of Vancouver Was CANCELS ALL KANSAS CITY, Feb. S3- Twelve lie nrgeil that we -.liould not lie always trying lo play llie other the emperor. INSTANTLY KILLED III and Despondent Before pei-noiiii vtvre bui'licd to dealh mans game in our own way. If hir Henry 'Iliornlou aid the The Opposition In the He Disappeared und five olherit are reported line did mil pay and m nt lie shut down, we -hunk! feel ore. Diet Is supporting the bill MAGISTRATES misniiiK an a re.ull of u fit" Why not develop the iinlii.-liies of Prince llupert and di-lrict andt the Government party VANCOlVFIl, Feb. 23. Carl ' ANMil vr.li, IVb. nn- which ilelroid u two ntorey ami make it impoviihle fur micIi a thing (o happen. In lliii ctni- Is expected to oppose It. fiaiiim. 30 years of age, a Swiss f AM lin i l.hui'len lloiier. jliting al Sea Inland was inntanl-ly Irani'- rooiiHuV linu'-i- here. licelioii lUMilieily wa tifcei.aiy f 'juvei foillruelor who had. Twelve bmlie were recovered HilJ it '" for ll"' local people lo done ami wan villi being perfect- killed when ho was caught in HiixaiMir for Ih.-ee day. wuM.Man, New Justices of the Slate Police Dili inot-ililiK. rive adulli and muke jmwuMiilit if of the ilace ed with the idea of protecting CAPTURE OF the bell of a machine oa which Aopolnted lo Bring In- In the F.burns d in I lie I'l Ukci- llher imi1 .i-ti'ii I'liildien. Iletwi-i-n 30 and kmiwu. They all wauled lo nee I Im-iii 1 and iiraking (lie iui wan working 'u Inlund. He hud been ill Up to Date Ml pri'Min. occupied rounm oil the Ihe cily grow. lie-.- in which llit-y were unnamed Lumber Mill. . UlMpOlllWllt U4 u I'iQlt uf M iTi nil riiiiil- of the bulldilltf. Dr. (irttiit imd Hieitt huMld be pro-iiH-rou. They rufusted to, IRREGULARS ' ill Ihhh uf hin muther. VICTOIIIA.i i,.ll,.,,,.,l I'll. -'In- Him. A. Af. a man fiil (' from here who atiain plai-e Ihelii.elveM al the ii illi'i' believe he miicided. m;;;:;; "anceu -seriously injured had made a nluily of all Ihe con-illliuii.' liflno.1 of Ihe men who had! BETTER HOUSINQ ACT. Uticit will he held, Five Were Taken Last Night, -- lb- lii in til get In touch been Ili-iH-in I In-ill. ' left u wife but 0iof Ju.lice of the coioni wce nirouaii-'- SAWDUST EXPLOSION wilh tliH-i- likflv lo come here Dr. tiranl iii.-ed the petiU-In-i-e Among Them Sean Fitz-patrlck Applieutiouti will be receive.) oul the Mioviliee and induce llu-in lJ luveJ their nii to hanir on to Ihe ikirlM b .Ihe undersigned 30. Iwl More April Hiuii tllMI ll.-tv jinlieeii. III-cludinii Nine Men Thrown Twenty Feet money here. .Vol only were there of tin- kipvi-i nun-ill but lo get will III I'l.lN, Feb. Kite I1-1-I1 up to '5 p.m. Monday next of ' Kin i n diMh-r Inii mei InlerentiHl and do iioinethiug for themnel. irregular. Ihe moot important of from llclurned Soldiers nuiny ie-aipoiiilineiiU In Air at Montreal Cigar in lin- pulp Hniinoi and ill tlietten in ord.-i- to help tbe city. N 0 T I 0 E . old iilie Uie In lug ailijoupced. v.I10111 wan Scan Fitpal rick, were (married' for the transfer i nen - ary. Mr. Factory Two Badly ei-ei-liiiu of a Niiu'ller. The poi He naul In- knew II was during ,-aptui-et1 by officer ..r the t-rim. or Lot 3. lll.K-k 24. aelion Tin- uniiuul nicfiimr of Thin MuilMill U-. I" l"iK Hurt t iuii here wiu an important om1 id him in ay this to a uroup of niii invetii.-alion 'i.-pai liu.-nt of Keel ion 0, and dwelling l''r l-i-ini-K liupeit llowlng ''' "' !" Okanagan's Example liuninessiueu but t-ouiMlmei a (be Free Slute in a rail al Drum-nujjueni thereon; now occupied by ""I Yuelit Club will be elimlnule of Jtlxlli-ft from HP I he ",t "w,, wl" MDN TIUUI., Feb. 23. - Nine 'I'll speaker ifferrttl lo what urn wa a great help. (i-onrra A reHi-t is in t-irrula-Dr. V. C Iteith. Cash pay. ""d in Hut City Hall on no loner ui liiiR- liremeii were blown twenty feet the peiie of Okuuagan were doing. iliunl's KUbJect wan friend- lion lhat De Val.ra ha Im-cii ineiit approximately I tiii-iii rebruuiy JX at 8 are The lint of new .iu-lieei for ill Die air by the explotihni of sev- Lam year Hiey were lleeed -bin in t-iiniiei-liiin wilh Hutary. taken but there m no couiirma-lli- 300.00. 'i .in llupi il illKlriel ll- in I tmiit of (iuwdust following a in dinpomiig uf ihelr riitp. As -.poke of the '-spirit de corps Imu or tins. n uljin wei-. V- V. JON IIS. .llie Prince W.I-.V All 11A1 . Keeretary. .not been published "l : n'i in (In- h'-atiug plunl of a locul a renull Hiey w 'il to California nl tin .-lull, wliii-li bound the or-Uuk- u in rui'l In n las' night and Q City Solicitor. mil factory toduy Two of the and vol a man 'u come In und .-unuai U'li t.igiitiier He urged 1' li . tuurniiiK Mm-. ' uid are ih'V t' Bubs'-i-ihe 'ii- 'U'i Dally New I. , ' . :t !. ' ''idUl'H) i'i-g-i,:'i 1 Thi.- bad bee a Cvaticued oa 1'uga Two) urutrc ... t