4 d Weer teee rif ” ; iy Frid i es riday tay PAGE TWO THE DAILY NEWS -_ , mee ~~ —-- oe ——_— ee Se ; ae : 2 ? + Ya a +h | a i 9? { v4 e : sa , a ers | O a x a yj s rday Specials fy I 3 = oa } pp 50 BOYS’ SERGE SUITS 7 S TURD b At Bargain Annex Prices Saturds Extra wel * We j Of Cosy Comfert A A made and trimmed, all double breacteg sty hey | | s At tess than manufacturers’ co; ' For the Whele Family s GROUP 1 P ‘ For Boys ages 8, 9, 4; strong | fe ‘2 SLIPPERS, the gift that finds a warm welcome ras er a ne S breaeted coat and TWO pa g ig?! a at Chri is, OMe that betways the thought for parts; per sult e 4.95 + mfort the giver hada il giving, a friendly GROUP y hae bth erost well worthy a friend oe Two » 8 i 4 > . ’ : ame OC . aor oat and" putt ort pant 0 be PILLOW CASES WOMEN’S WINTER VESTS ne $5.95 i ot HOSTERY. a gift always acceptable at Holi- 10 Doz. I idered Pillow Cases. boxed i is , wnahrink ’ i Oe day time im pa gored mobreice: seal! ps wbi« nou : ‘ i ide Thea " “f 2° al 7 Y \\ ‘ ind i tcnet XUI 700d ] ty medium s : ’ ; be he ; breasted coat and ONE pair | pe % oh $1. 00 wn : ; 1.00 J ints; per : ult $5.65 nay FAMILY SHOE STORE LTD. eee asain ¥ _ , 'm ke : sie GROUP 4 i #3 TOWEL SETS LADIES’ SILK BLOOMERS x serge for Be r : wy? Box 1584 Phone 357 a on : D i he 25 . (a aA 5 EE TT RTE i Nae Novel! ed wwels, « ne wray iad , 03.25 00 a7 NAS? w LM Nusl i § nae Just nine, but a real princess is ea ia ee $1.00 ) 1.00 MEN'S TES “ir Isabelle Pignatelli dAragon, des orn . - ; eT ) . jant of a long line of Spanish ——a . .o on Pee Vn f ‘wer 25 doz. | : vee THE DAILY NEWS. cendan of oe See IRISH LINEN TABLE ‘LADIES’ FABRIC GLOVES Ee iis ee 39C * 49¢ a . and it n yar, @. >} ' . . ‘ sia ‘ 9 ae PRINCE RUPERT ~ BRITISH COLUMBIA Frisco. Her mother, Princess Ruth CLOTHS Ghamet o ay $1.66 CREPONNE COVERED CUSHIONS a oo d'Aragon, is an American Pure Tri Ligon, asl colored boi ; retonn vering ! we Publishea Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert ders™ ‘size 52x52 inches $i Oo 1 cottons. size T?x17 inct $1 : Daily News, Limftea. Third Avenue | Dotter De . BOXED HANDKERCHIEFS each te; 3 for 1.00 W H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor _ nee as p wi ‘ Les’ SILK & WOOL SWEATERS ih Th L ti B cl RTAIN i ANELS kerchieis in box $1. 60 j a, pure i . : ruil Trew ion Size cnn nas ream Dellar LD ; ; + tore rted nlere io Vt SUBSCRIPTION RATES e Leiter BOX | caiat ra goea valu 89 sa Sn on Re 9 ‘| City delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance 5.0", Dollar Day. eacn < c MISSES’ VEST & BLOOMER LADIES’ SKIRTS Hf, For lesser periods, paid in advance per week . THE OTHER SIDE tad mo \ ry pure woal fleck tw . 4 By mail to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and : sik TU RKISH TOW ELS SETS tne 14. 14. 08. 90: om $1 45 ‘ : United States, paid in advance, per year 3.0 litor, Daily News hit } strives ‘ iy 1D By mail to all other countries, per year ‘ peiinceyrmtetisities bhieictctaigs Se I have read several letters recent ve = ish Tow ; : ine a a ; $1 00 MEN » ENGLISH BROADTLOTH — _ ew check nad jacquereda efiects arye : j roen & while, : f ADVERTISING RATES ly about the government relief, andj Size. 23x44 $1 00 Dollar Day, per « © 95¢ pa Classified advertising, per ineertion. pet word 02 tay another imam pone ane meee Day, 5 Conan pet . ‘ caren cake or I CLS BEAVY RIBBED UNDENWEAR AA» Lega! notices, each insertion, per agate Iine j i before 3 Inches putes ik ; i t & $1 00 ril bee cotton Thi tacl $2.2 hanr mno reat . L wine ~ Ye DAILY EDITION “ee Friday, Dec. 16, 1932 + rok * wes > an in Deliar D $1 00 tyle 6 to 12 Doll LADIES’ PLANNELETTE NIGMHTGOWNS many people who have been and} 8s ; — , White 4 . trinen 59 re y well off on relief who used | ; 2 ( a MAYOR TAYLOR ae ee ae " PLD CCR rare si t LOVES. a LADIES’ PURE THREAD SILK Host ‘ a oa veryone ought te be better satis- 7 é il ee * a oe : 7 \ ‘ d , . fied with Havine to work for what Ruffled ‘curtain fabrics, 27 it wide Color ial wt Wo! are ‘ _ = : . 3 “ ( ongratulations to Louis D. 7 ayior on his re-election they feCeivé. and not -haviti¥’ to ac colored edges, good quality $1. 00 $1 95 - ined Pret ear 3% a for his eighth term as Mayor of Vancouver! Consideri ing pt a dole scrim. Dollar Day f j Dollar Day, per pat ® ; _ e ; s regards clothes to now! LADIES’ SILK & WOOL TOs! ‘ the very strenuous opposition he received and the money , “ “ a or al vam ae 34¢ , : ‘ : 7 le , * |there has been a very substantial} : ec 'iiah, ou aC ‘ . #4 which must have been spent in the effort to dislodge him, ajiowance for clothes to be worked Annual Suk Under wear Sale ' or Sate he certainly must have a firm hold on the electors of the for and I notice men in these parts LAD AS BAYON SILK VEST & BLOOMER SETS : ‘ . P mo yt