Mfli TWO THIl JIAIL.J 5CWD are fresh fruit juices combined with tonics into the finest remedy for stomach, aver, Kianey, and skin troubles. 25c and 50c a box at all dealers. FRurr.A.nvEs limited, Ottawa, ont: Oafesatarc NX. M.t4, Cfcrt.U.rtk. NX. 1 i A The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, eicept Sunday, tha Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN. Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month. . . ,$l.0() By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United slates, in advance, per year , .16.00 To all other countries, in advance, per year 97.&0 TELEPHONE 91 Transient Display Advertising $1.40 per inch per insertion Transient Advertising on Front Page.. $2.80 per inch Local Readers, per insertion V.' .....2fc per jine Classified Advertising, per insertion 2c per word Legal Notices, each inertion IRc per 'agate lint- Contract Rales on Application. AQ advertising should be in The Daily New Office nn day pre ceding publication. All advertising received subject to approval Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation. DAILY ED ITI 0.1 BARROW BOOSTS CENTRAL B.C. ?al unlay. Sept. 29. 192.1. hie to home, lniled Slal, and oversea market ithroiifrh Ihe construction of railway. ?oo. road, and the improvement jren- erally in transportation facilities anl Ihe u.e of mechanical appli- ance in farm and ilairy work. Olwu Intarvlew In London In -(if rourse;" continued Mr. '.Which tit Telia of Oppoc- Harrow ."I iloii't mean In mijt-. tunities In Thl Province pe,t thai men who conu wilh capital do not poe an advan- I con-oiler the prospect fop a tajre, always provided that they man wilh practical knowledge of wail to invel that capital until agricultural work who jroe out U,ey hae sained experience. t British Columbia now are Where there have been failure better than they were in 181)2. io our province they hae pencr-when 1 left my natrte county of ally been on the part of lho-e Hampshire and settled in the who, uen.l of eaminjr their own province at the a?e of 25." So living and o eaininsr experience t said Ihe Hon. rVlwar.l Dodsley of -ondition and comparative! j Harnw, M.IMS. wl... ha . .heeii jand xalues. have Iaveted in, mjnister of agriculture in the properties where. Ihey had a pnorli ............... . . . " r..i innUI ....I nl 11iltl. - i i.i....... i. fuiriuiinii Mi iiiixn malice aivi nanoirapeii iiieni- Columbia since 1918, in an In- sle ffhni Ihe ver' elart." lerview in I.umlon with a repiyj- Lay By Nest Egg tentative of "Canada." i Aked how propwlie ult- I went out without capital," able settlers without capital continued Mr. Harrow, "and first should make a farl. Mr. Harrow worke.1 on a mixed farm in the replied: They should pet away Fraser Valley area, and steadily from Ihe citie or town, a .-non improved my position, taking up a ;oiible. Hy applying In one land, which Ihe experience I had .of 'the provincial government la-gained enabled nie to select with hor bureaus which exlt in almol good judgment, and became me province, jwmc.ii sjm-e then of (ieorgclown are registered at ' 1 " "M"J" I,u" m"I accessl-MJie ,oe --7 - - "Nugget Your Shoes! It not only shines them brilliantly but it softens and preserves the leather. hoe Polish BLACK-TAN-TONEr ri-"AKK BKOWN Ab WHITl QUEEN MARY CHAPTER TEA AND SALE FRIDAY WAS SUCCESSFUL AFFAIR A very Mireenful lea anil sale (of home nwikinz wa lie( yeer-jilay afternoon by yun Mary Cli;iiler, Imperial Daughter of 'the Kinoire, at Hi home of Mr. iWallaee (1 Orvliar.1. rtO Mil- crae Mace. Many lailie alien. I- ml ami I lie um of ;:.30 wa realucil. The room were very prettily decorate.! with rrimon and while inter and aiiluinii fnliajte. Mr. S. I. McMonlie and Mr. J. ll .Mrl.ennan pore and were aoill by Mr. A. T. Iarkjn, Mr. A. K. lUietl-Jone Mr II. A. Miilnolt, Mr. I. W. Mnr- riey and Mr. Iaid Thninon. Mr. A. Woodland wa in eliarpe of Hip home cooklnjt lahle nild by Mr. Jack Harnley. Mr. !. V. Morriey wa Ihe winner of a Otiina cup and au cer donaleil iy Mr. S. I. Mc Monlie. CONDITIONS NOT YERY PROMISING IN ENGLAND Strikes Too Frequent and Not Enough Coopratlon from Other European Countries A privafe letter from a leller in Kngland who ha many op IMirlunilie of pet I In? firt hand information in regard In Ihe in dustrial condition say: Tnemploymenl' i preliy bad here and the men don") help thins; forward much. Strike are loo fretpienl ami ton long. A few peosde hold up a larjte number. Mol of Ihe -trite are not a?ainl employer. but atrain! nme of I hejr own fellow in another Union. I fear we shall have a Ihirf winleand Jhal there will Iw a harvest of hunger. II all very unfortunate for Ihe pnierity of Ihe country. Our continental neizhbor don't help much to puh llie'rarl -along and we can hantly do all the hnv. in?." Ten Year! Ago In Piince Rupert September 29, 1M3. The railway commission ha authorized Ihe operation of freifrlil and pannj?er train between Prince. Huperl and Mile 300. Superintendent V. 0. C. -Mohan announce that pacn?er train will run a far a Smilher ad combination train from there In tin end of sleel. M.enl of Ihe Fraser Valley Milk find no difficult in finding an 'm '"V1"1,,'1 ,l"r, "J n"v-Irolucer.' Association and direc. mmtnvof ri.a t, . ,i-n.i J3'"' NX- McLeod died ;e. tor of Ihe Chilliwack Pr.Nlucer' n.m-i-n,i. .Irday morning at the General Lxchange before entering: Ihe provincial legislature in lulfi as for hard work until Ihey have member Jor the constituency orjafd by Hie neceary nel-egg CluIIiwark." with which to acnuire land for Ks minister of agriculture, Mr. thenisehes. If they have a capi- narrow na 10 ueai wiui all me laU.f !2,500 (say 5rt or Cf.OO . settled land in the province. 'or II equivalent in stock and Crown land coming under the equipment, so much the ooner control of Ihe minister of lands can Ihey select, with the discre-and forests, the. Hon. T. I. Pat- lion gained by personal practical ,n"' jexperience, land in Ihe Nechakho, Northern Interior jHiilkley, or Cariboo areas, and I Mr. Harrow said that he had should advise- starting wilh nol made hi present visit wilh a more than o(l acre. view lojooking into agricultural! Mr. Harrow slated (hat it. was conditions in (treat Hrilaiu ,and the intention of the provincial the opportunities for increasinglgovernment to iave a very fine me imports or the furm dairy ami comprehensive exhibit of ami fruit product from Hrjlish Hrilish Columbia' agricultural, Columbia. "I may," said Mr. fwH, and dairy prodnce'a. well Harrow, "address a few loeal,a. of its mineral and fonwi re-gatherings li my native county sources, on view at Hie Hrilish anu inose adoiniiig. I hope lo I.mpire Exhibition at make Ihe fact more fully known iixl year. Hint we have room fr a large . numiier oi men without capital' r rank. J. Lancaster and ..T. who have worked on farms, and N'ixon arrived from Vancouver fin for whom .the prospers of sue cess are, I consider, greater (ban Ihey were when I first went out. This is especially the ease In" Ihe Ihe Princes Heatrire llii inorn- Ing ami are registered at Ihe Hotel Prince Huperl. interior oi nie noriiiern part of Clirl Dixon find .1. V. fSibon Harry Howson, .well known mining marl, arrived from fKir- reen tiv Irain lull nlnlii nn.i nn morning ror viol or in. WERE MARRIED LAST WEEK AT KAMLOOPS K. Millar Arrives In City to Become Prince Rupert 'Rep re-sentatUe of RolyUchnlc and Secretary to Director Mr. and and Mrs. Mrs. J J. K; Millar nr. ried in the rily on Ihe uuro AN YQX LOCALS l'rince C.eorge yes(erday - afternoon lo lake up hejr residejfee here, Mr. Millar Ciiininir f J III Li A I ill all! I ilk J Wembley pril)rP. nn,j.r, jep,rentnlie or the Aorlhern l'oltx'hnic In stitute and nee'relary (n John I'inder-Moss, director. Mr. and Mr.. Millar are newly. i i , . . "-us, iiuviiiK neen marricii on ."epiemher 19 at Kamlnop. The nride was formerly Mis Marv M!l A successful jovial event look piace ai die hegmniiur of Ihe week, when the Calholm l.a.lles i.iiiii entertained nl a card parly and dance in C:ilhoie Hall. There was a big attendance, (he music was good and Ihe supper excel leni. .Mr. C. Salmon whs the winner of card honor on the ladies side .and 1). Mch'enzln was Ihe winning-gentleman. Ihe Anynx Parent -Teacher Association nl their ' fri fa meeting, held a few night ago, elected the following ottlcer for the ejieuing year: Hon. President, Hi ..uiii.r; presKni, .Mrs jcjuinson; vice-president, Mrs. MRS. H. W. MITCHELL IS SAVED FROM THE SURREON-S KNIFE Bfi'i BTbM aBBBBBBBk BM '' 'VLbBBBBBBi VBBBBBV4BBBBBBBBk MRS. II. W. MITCHELL The following IttUr tells its own story of how Jo-To prevcntl a r-ions operation. JO-TO COMPANY, Dr Sir, A few we5t ago yon tent a sample of your wonderful preparation, Jo-To, to Joe Wood for trial, and I have taken it and found it a great benefit to me. I cave been troubled with, my atomach for years and Lave never found anything that save Ine auch relief as Jo-To. I hav been examined by stomach specialists and they have pronounced my trouble cancel of the stomach and hare advised an operation at once, but since I have bU-n taking this wonderful remedy I have had no trouble at all, no pains aLd no gas, and I have been able to eat more than I have for years with perfect satisfaction, so I can't aay too much for Jo-To. I hope everyone who Ls troubled with atomach trouble will irive it a trial, for I am sure if it will help me it will everyone who tries it. Respectfully yours for Jo-To, MRS. H. W. MITCHELL. Jo-To quickly and hirralrsslj- re. lieve all stomach dittrema and sf ferine seen as gas. acid, sour stomach (heartburn), bloatiaf, and a'' after eating distress, (iuaraa'.ee-abaolately harmless. Sold at a., drag stores. Dwyer; recording secretary.- Mrv McAllister; corresponding ecre- lary. Mi llowe; lreaurer. Mr,. McKay. Convenor of sperial conunillee membership, Mrs. Kve; Muic. Mi H. I.eirh; prn-graiiime, II. i. S.ulham: sports. W. Itoliertson; refre.hment, Mr. II. Selfe. e - ... The High School Cluh met I hi week and eleelpl otllcer for the ensuing year a ollow: preI-dent, MR Janet MotTall; ice-priilenl,' Ted Swanithn ecrc-lary. Mi Harr; lreaurer,. Mi T"abo. Mine output. Tffe output from Hidden Creek mine from Sept. II In Sept. H inclusive wa S 1,083 wel Ions. Total tonnage for nioiilh In September 1H, :t;,iri0 wel inn. Frnm Seidember 1 1 In Seplern- ber I? inclusive, l.fiilo short Ion of coal were charged and 1,120 short Ion of rokewere produced. .I.r.oo imperial gallon of light oil were recovered, and ",'J'Jo im perial gallon of tar. Ammonium sulphate manufactured amounted to l?,ir0 lbs. At Hie smeller from September 10 In September Irt Inclusive H,- fifdl wel Ion nf ore were treated at Anyox smeller. This was made up a follow: Any i n oref I rt,03 1 ; oulside ore fill Jons. ' Avernge price of copper for Ihe week 1.1,. 271c. BOAT ARRIVALS C.N'.H. steamer Prihee Henrge Capl. W. S. .Morehouse, tirrhed inuii Vancouver and way norl yesterday afternoon wlilj Ihe fo. towing iisi or passengers: For Prince Huperl .1. I), Sweeney, J. Kntilsen, J. S. flilli, M re. and Mr. II. C. Heeler utid family, A. Cameron, A. (1. Howie, Mi K. Shrnlon, Mr. nnd Mr. J. K. Millar. F. Price, Mr. Simpson, K. F. nierin. V. .1. I'yle, C. A. I.yfonl. S. W. Heal. Miss Alice DuVernel, F. T. Howies, A. O. llaeer, Mr. nnd Mrs, II. J. Heii-linin, .1. A. Arinslertj!, O. (lilies-pie, F. I.. Huckley, A. K. Warren and .1. It. Cameron. For Stewart A. "Kelly. I.. L. Crocker, Ml .1. It. Iirysdale, Mr. I. .1. McLean, F. (1. KIder, C. Ilrown, S, (I. Henson, J. !,. 81am. ford, Mis C, Taylor. Mi I,. M. Nicholson, 1. H, Wlilleley, ,1, Fraser, A. Wile and II. Wilson, i T-rrrmwW imn:M:n Tke Mai n tk Mom SAYS)- HI.FSI!1 i the man who In Itelli.tke. C.AItHYlNlJ the kidding too far" wa an exnreion usl In the doctnr. who announced that for the third time hi wife had preent him with twin. IT i wonderful what ncce some people meet in trying to conceal their, early training. IHMtVKIl said piou statement, scientific diciiinn ami Hiitu cal oratory would not pawii salmon, perhap (hat i uhal i the matter with th nppT KraseH Uier. NOW that women are imitating everything Kgyptian what alnil imitating the silence of lln pphinx? 1 IF eer you eat an apple, (hat iyoo hoiild not eat. reniemler The and avoi.l the (oivernmenl store and the hMitetger ele you tu may c it,ike, i IF. you w1h In gauiie Ihe in- lellicencn of a Mople. nel(gale the Ming they sing and the fluff they drink. ' I WISH I wa Canada o I could e a million dollar worth of paper for a million dollars. -Hat Beens How an a fellow Show much pee, When hi old straw hat Ha gone lo need Jacksonville Time Union How can a goof, Fee up to par When hi shoes aren't shine,! Arid lila troiier are? Macon Telegraph $' How can a bloke lb up In snuff With a coar-edge Worn to the rough? Keirhikan Chronicle. How ran a guy He lirijrht and keen If he dream of how II mighl have een. Not Enough Melon ! yon litr wntermelon, Utile boy!" "Xaw; dey lale ton much like water an not enough like melon. LAND ACT. Nolle sf IntMttl U Apptt M Prtit In rvti Ijikt liOlrlrl. llMnrttlm III iriri at ft If Itulfl. ami lliul 4 l.l'll lUisl. i(ufn Jwrl.m I.UiHlt, Tk .MT 111 I , TItM V. llIWjf. f Isimnllr, Hj: iirriiMIMm lirlns TtlW. InleiMl lu !! for trriMI..I4i OtfiaiH-lirliiv l a. H Unrt k ihe tmtrr m oi invi, iihii rnim Mwin- erljr frH s lift (smI lit I Jit I). IhriK-r Milh 1 1. IV rtuliu: Itx-ftr ,f il.H rluUia-. Umrr miti .? rtulu. tlwttrr loiHimin in nits lr tun in ihr nl m eicmnenrmirtil. simI nuiUinlns l.fl Sr, Miff lit i liiou. v. srUcv. Mm of HHriil. Illd iMl.lief Vih. If. LAND ACT. Nslke r UUntlsn U Aas4f U ttth Lane. In 0-l I.sinI noirlcl. Itenilinr I'U inn nt rrttire Hurrl. ami llnile SI C.uinhes, Vi.rr.lijr .liit. Oiimi iiuiuu, siui ijiHnint T.I.. S4.1 l - lamill, T Tk yut&f llul I, T hi 41 144 A krller.l nf VatinMiter, H.rM imjtH4i jrilir OfTtl'ir, inland lu l'ply fr i-niii.i.i in irrne iw rMioiiir iwroiH-l iimi.i Osimirnrint si s fuui pUtiird im ihel lKrr i,t r.nnhs Inlrl; llwiir luirih' U.7J rhsin. more t to hh mmmhi iMMtruUrr i.f TX. M?3: llwnre r and) rlki mr Hie mid mhiUi luiUry. It. ill fhlli, UDttr or !, In Itir xHHIieaal n-r ' hr ft Mid "T.I..; Ilienre ealrrly smli MMllturlv a.t.1 fi.lL.M l. 1 1. lnK nisrk nf i:uni'liea IiiU-i ut itie rtnt i.f nmimiM-iiirni.. ami -KiUlniii If iJ T. nr !. Tinniv . kn.i.r.v. ."Vanie of AMilirant. lulxl fiiniif ma, iff). kRj0 RQ( Mailt r InUMlon I Asala t Laaa Una. In O.i.l IjinI lnorlrl. Ilrrorillns l'l-lrlr ,,f I'rllirr Hinrl. aiul iliiate In f:umtlM-a InIM, MirrUf lUrnl, 'Viirrfl hirlotl ItUllit. , TSk llre thai , Ttxniiat V. klley, of Vaiiromrr, H.i:.. nrrnfiallon l.nriins oirraiir, HiImkI in ici'lv er prnma.iiMi li Warn Hie fiillimlnt teirliiei1 fur. hnri OaiKiirnrliis at Hie Mnitffl rnnwr of T.I.. till; llviirr m.iiiIi f rtialn; I Inure S.'.O II I:., 41.11 l lulu. ; llieiire IK. rill t rlialix; itienrr northrrl)' aisl .rrlr, ami fllniiir ihe iKir ,f ciiiiilira Inlet in ids point or riMiiineiM-eiiienl, aiul firti. lalmnr is. is arrs. nsire or leM, tiiomxh a, kn.u:v. , .Vaiiie of AM'liranl. tHleil SeplMliUr fSlh. 1013, LAND ACT. Ntlc f InlSnUas I Aa4y t Lim UnS. In ('as I Land Imiilrl, llrrorilinr l'l Irlrl i.f . I'finr liiiin. ami tliuale al Ihii liml tit A Ml ini-c iv.ii i.i.n ' onsen CharliMIe l.lamls, -.. nf . .. iiwoioer, ,r f).i: H orrnnallon H-f-ijiii.iu Uirtlnr Mirruiff 0M-ramr, IiiIukI in apply for ... .- if..; I.HMIlMllt- iierfll ClUnliulirln .1 IMTIIIIM.I1 irriiiil.ii m fore . . . n.r, ,',.l..ri ..I. . lKr line of All! Inlrl, alsml flvs rhalna iiorllifa.i i.f the soniheaM ruriicr of l.ol Ui7! llwiM m. si js i:.. Jn.jn chains, ninrs or e, ( the o-.i.n tlmrr uf AIM Inlel: Ihenri. sonlherly. WeMPfly llnl imrilwrlr, ami f.lkiinr said horf line n, he ff.lni of rnniinerioiiiehi. and ' ronnln-Inn t.7j afr, mors or l4. TlloU A. kl lir.Y, r.led J.piemi,r lliTtli! A",lifn, Saturday, Should a woman endure this? Is it fair to ask n woman to bear more than a man to submit to the heavy drudgery of washday and the unwise exposure to cold 'and chilling winds? Certainly it is no longer necessary. For a very nominal charge less than it would cost you ut home when you count your own time we will call for your bundle and do your entire washing, and any part or all of the ironing. A phone call wDl bring our representative who will explain in detail our many washday helps. Canadian Steam Laundry Send if Phone 8 SC' aaafc-WT- VJ 4)ii ns hihe pun ny Drink, lOO I ATABOB TEA it primarily a man'i drink. It has the body and flavor that make for strength without bitterness. It yields a beverage of wonderful "bouquet". When a man Is tired and worried, nothing will set him up quicker than a cup of NABOB TEA As a healthful sedative and nerve soother there is nothing better; as an all-satisfying thi"t quencher, St is unrivalled. 0 Nabob is the password. Tea -as it should be f Premier Gold Medal BeerT The New Wonderful Beer There I only one way lo prove Unit I'HKMIHl ool.H MKUAI." IIKKIl is lies! THY IT. Order from lh Government Vendor Today. This mlvrrtitiwiMMil i not pullihcil or Ji-pl ,v 1 the hiipior Ouitrol Itonnl or hy the (iovcrimient or Hi ' h (Vilumhia. r t mm0P i