mber 16, 1932 lake This Your Xnias Store ur Store is Packed With a Variety of Goods Arranged For the Holiday See Our Windows and Try Your Skill ite the number of Handkervhiefs DOLL Displayed itractively Season used in Every purchase of 50¢ one trial dressing entitles you to We Are Offering a Prize of $10 in Merchandise the correct, Or nearest answer. Correct answer is de ited with the Daily News, in sealed envelope WILL BE ANNOUNCED ON \ IPMBER OF OUR STAFF OR PUESDAY, DEC FAMILIES ELIGIBLE A FEW SUGGE STIONS Bridye $1.2 25 — nome BEC ES. waver 2jth 75¢€ ‘15c ” $2 $10.00 15¢ ° $1.50 ac “ 10¢ descriptions Third Ave. & Fulton St. THE DAILY NEWS | LOCAL NEWS NOTES Basketball tonight Anditorium, 7. For day and night Taxi ser- vice Phone 32. tf | : ; ae he: Alberta's Bast Sootless Goal 1 per ton. “Nandimo-Weillingten mil bulk-lump, $12.25 per ton. Phone 116. Albert & MeCaffery (tf) | Salvation Army sale of home cooking and fancy work Saturday at 3 pm. Come and buy your} Christmas presents (290) Goldbloom returned to I the Venture this ng from a brief busine he Bella Coola district CHILDRENS William €, SALY, OD, morn - | trip to We ’ersonal Greeting Cards asx ate vée Printed While You Wait Good Selection to choose from ROSE, COWAN & LATTA, Ltd. IRD AVENUE PHONE 251 Port { ‘ n eee eeeeeeeeneeenzeanaarnea Hotel Central Ltd. beautiful harbor | A Radio, Sewing Machine, views easonable Spacious imple rooms, FIRST CLASS CAFE pen at All Hours > thiy rate for T , iter ind Meal ypewl Hotel ¢ Central Ltd. McRAE BROS., LTD. ieee \ Seventh Si ae cate tenes UNION STE AMSHIPS I. IMITE D (ARDENA EVERY areal 1:30 P.M VENT RE EVERY THURSD AY MIDNIGHT » I 7 Simp . . ECIAL WINTER 1 x¢ RSION RATE, ROUND TRIP, PRINCE RUPERT TO VANCOUVER, $32 On sale Nov. 10 ta Teb return timit wate Se ol mation regarding a " ing and t kets a rte ie second A venue ; INCE RUPERT AGENCY To mic catiiaemnindseiidinatnne eee aE TD woe CANADIAN PACIFIC 1 Ocean Falls ¢ \\ I VOT PM r direct PRINCES PARE ROUND TRIP WESTER lickets on «ale November 10 t Final re M nation all or NT ‘ L. COATES, General Agent v aes oO VANCOLVER EXCURSIONS T 3 ; 0% bebruary TA, Ute Prince Rupert, tee Announcements | fo ! | } N La y I N \ j M BLACK DIAMOND RINGS y 92:00. to $4.90. Place your order now on r reserve list fo CHRISTMAS FLOWERS Arctic Studio NEW 1932 CROP NUTS All Varieties MUNRO BROS. The Other Wise Man Speaks.” 290 CHRISTMAS GIFTS..A nice se- lection to choose from, at very rea sonable prices. GORDON’S HARD- WARE —= Gyro Charity Dance tonight, Moore Hall. Good music. Admis- sion 5%. Proceeds in aid of Community work. 290 Special Christmas decorations ind Christmas Cards at reduced rice Third Ave. West, next to Fraser & Payne's (294) Mr nd Mr;. T. H. Johnson sailed ast night on the Prince Rupert for V yuver a elsewhere in the outh. They will be away over the siristmas holiday season MARCH OF WORKLESS Demonstration This Afternoon Was Quite Orderly—City Hall and Court House Visited banners which expres- r more adequate un- mnployment relief and for the re- f per in Canada who are imprisoned uy ies on behalf of the rkles yved of Prince Ru- iundred strong geaq a si lemonstration here ‘ ernoon. It took the form of in the course of e City Hall and tl pok smen for been parade e Court CLiL itis th t both plates. Mayor C ired the delegation of Sanervent 1@ ASSISTANCE A. Wat I parade Was an Orderly one ng rain Third Avenue which had an wing recent frosts parade and vere Messrs. Chapman White and S« ully Xmas Baking Specials speorige Remon , 14c " 25c : - 39c ere ener 39c eo a4 Lemon | '19¢ : 25¢ “gia wore. 25c a oe 12c Get Your Requirements and Shop Early Peek-Frean Biscuits at half price. Different varieties, Reg. 50c to 60c per Ib. 29c Peek-Frean’s Caviar Puffs ' at Half Price e price, mixed s and I's We also have Plum Pudding and Mincemeat, Cake Decor- Mail prompt atten- ations of all varieties, orders reece tion We deliv.r all orders $2.00 or over MUSSALLEM’S Economy Store 18 — Phones — 360 P. O. Box 575 CHRISTMAS GIFTS - - TOYS A selection that will be a great help to Santa Claus.’ {ify “be CHILDREN’S BOOKS We have a very complete line of new books ranging in price from 5c to $3.25, including the well known Chums Annual, Girls Own and Boys Own, Chatterbox and Seout. FRAMED PICTURES What could be a more appropriate gift for the home? We have a large selection to choose from. Both Old English and Burnt Leather Goods j in variety of choice such as'Purses, Oriental Gift China, Novelty Silver Gifts, Christmas Cards. Full lineof Wrap-" ping Paper, Seals, Tags, Tinsel Ribbon, Christmas Decorations, Ete. FRASER STATIONERS - Third Avenue CALENDARS Our lines of Calendars has had a reputation mya many gre . le, UP. iil f2 Eo W350) GakistiasicaRDs Some of the newest things which your friends will like to receive. We have a large selection from 5c to 20¢ each. PERSONAL CARDS There is still time to get personal cards made. Leave orders with us. See samples at the store. : * Agent Norman A a brief trip to Terrace Government Watt is on on official duties He is expected back on tomorro' James Underwood of 1¢ Fo Branch staff sails tonight on tl |Princess Adelaide for his home in ' Victoria where he will spena the Christmas and New Year holiday season William Cook, formerly an em- ployee of the marine department at Digby Island lor . many years, is a patient in the Prince Rupert Gen- eral Hospital. The day bef ves terday he had the sfortune to fall and fracture his hip Hotel Arrival Central J. Garfin, CNR J. Freestad rity Ly JONES’ = Family Meat Market Rump Roast Ste What could be more deligatful for a Christmas gift than high grade perfume such as those we sell. Give her Jasmine of Southern France or Gardenia or why not try Yardley’s Lavender? Christmas Presents for every member of the family ean be found in our store, the kind they like to receive. CHRISTMAS CRACKERS SHAVING SOAP TOILET SOAP Ormes Ltd. 75C 6 Ibs Rump Roast Baby Be : . 7 ak 75€ TJhe Pioneer Druggists Round Steak, 2 Ib Phones 81 & 82 The Rexall Store Bacon, 1 Ib 2 Ib oo R 3aby Beef 75¢ Y; . Gi 0 ggg, Useful Yuletide Gitts nc ane a. ANg00 10 $8.50 $8.00 to $825, rr 8c akent Gals 29c| Thompson Hardware Co. Ltd. per ib Third Ave., Prince Ruper se . Mail orders carefully “one r Carving Sets *. Fishing Tackle ae : yy 50¢ filled ” gelatine ae agit it Tip Beef 18¢ : : agrshire Ba a=, || Special Low Christmas Prices Balkan Alberta Sootless Lump Coal .... Balkan Alberta Soetless Stove Coal This Christmas $12.50 $12.50 Kalkan Alberta Sootless Nut Coal $11.00 (Per ton, sacked, delivered) $12.25 $11.00 ff $10.75 Nanaimo-Wellington Lump: Goal Nanaimo-Wellington Mine Run Nanaimo-Wellington Nut Coal (Per ton, bulk, delivered) Give ALSO SPECIAL PRICES ON COMBINATION Milk Tickets ORDERS FOR WOOD AND COAL —ora Service and satisfaction guaranteed! Phone us before placing your orders. Phones: [16 and 117 ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. Daily News Want Ads. bring quick Results 7-Pound Box | of Butter It is sure te be appreciated VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 RNa KOON RG A aN MTS. OP em < RRS RE i GA Re, ogee eR,