PAGE BIX TUB DAILY NEWS 1 1 TleiUy' May i i i ii FISHERMEN'S HEART PALPITATED COMBINES BILL THIS WEEK'S TIMBER SALE X5081. HOME LEASE - Was Short of Breath; IS UNDER FIRE SMOKE Tender will ls rereUfil li'v ll Specials hni-er nf t Vniurla, tml later I - - - nan iiimhi mi me triiHi day of imp, lit?., .Tnl (he tirrlia?r ef Licence. X MISI, to City Decides to Make Offar to' ihrnutb ran-" .-r aiH.iner larr Criticism of Government Measuro in ...ini.iii.ti feel nr Minire ami lli'ln .f tn.uhied. mure uri Conservatives Led by tnajnriiy prr an- by Pure Hony, tail (ma. Wo i.'. aixl t.fiin.iiiiii feel ur Mini aiwt Lutheran Church for Establishment GDENS hmk-il si.rtir.- aihl llemlot k, i an area jiraa. itn anie tnm prari troaiWe. Melghen and Stevens liHVi' about I ."ill tins (o sell -.iiraleil mi i.iineMnrie itay, t.uima llaml, of Institution j .Many pnTl may le nwre r harms j lit Hip lowest in-ii'o we imxe uitcrii liar kille l.tainH Ufiil IHttrlrl. lyihlflf rnt ith lUrtr hearl INI eiw " rvcr seen Honey sold nf. iiiHiai T ur( limit'!-.year will be allowed for re Here lilihr. e.HleineM. ner k or wwr 11 1 I AW A .Mil) H. I hi oil.I While Ibcy lout. S fur 35c. InrllHT partlmlara itt IIk chlrT I'nnl lalarla It t palHtatr anl Inn, klp tal. reailinii of Ihe I ioltiliiilen Hill Irr, VlcKH-la, B.I... nr tbc I'UIHel lurvilrr. 'I1m rllv council lnl iiiKh! lieal fa.t tor a time and Iken m rtrt a l,riHg, .nine .harp ilcbale in t lit' McCormtck's Sodas, 5 lb. riini iitiiH-ll, U.V.. unanimously tlevMiil lo offt r n iu .rem biiikpii 10 ,1'ip, iwen lloiiw of ( .ominous. Ihe pro CUT PLUG rnrion. $1.15. i haw ireil aoxieiy and alarm. lie lit the Lutheran I'.liurcli fur .imrxl h-sUtion was rtplrtineii bc-rll mil of llii.s Imp for To all aarrn aajfferer. I Ihe riliernrcn'. lioliw which il i by I'rrluler Macke ule KIliK who some I i me. ti.'injr unable lo Itvt slock. 'I'll it slock is' pliiposeil In linllil heif. -it hel- Milburn's mill: "II iloes mil seek in nny wtiy hikan or nl l'elM sluirir. The lo ii-lrlcl such comiilnes tr li'h mill crisp. TetMlcr lll Iff! rerelv nl iy lint UtlJep. Pills Canned stais-d fur the Inilldinr ur a J tuot i'i iih w ill be in I lie nature of n Heart and Nerve nurrentvills belween any buslliPss Peaches real IIII'M'I i.ii-eti lauiKh. lelllv-,nr lmif nl HI ia vmr .... .... .. special , (.Miakcr sliced I'l.lii- ami In'rinraiioiii ran Ur nblaliml n'rmaarnl relief. IIMIUHiriUI nouses ami lirill", I'enehcs. rrtmi Hip PIMrlti l'nrt!irr. Vant-uurr, with Ihe opium o mti-c hile. , mi.i.. ,x llaslnorne Are., hot il llov seek lo protect Ilif ".'. rtp(s. value iii.iriii turrMrr, rrinrr ituprrt, anil liw AM. Slephen nl firs "lij.'cleil ,n,iii,m. 'rnr. lake PJr .i.s..Ie III I ... ......., 1 t!..... i.linr InrrMer. Xiriuria. mi pajtiH-nl of in,, puhlle nwniilst Ihe ill Pf .m.i m-i i iii it 1 1 in-1 i-. r-n if j mi. ttlilrh mill In rruiiiliil mi rrlArn lo sncll a oini eillire nnil fell Hint hi remnuiwndttif MlllMirti'a lleaM "Wis ol lllese eonibllH'S." tt r I l!l I -DC, III' .) 1 1 1 1 ill' nf aim-. II uniil.l I... I.... I'llla la all l-r IrmrtiM packoi I I.. ..ffi. t .1;M.-l...I I... ......I .........I II...I O'Cedar Mops, hiannle, Tl'IHlrr will Ih mKIMsl IHKHl. MV I (III. hail lieirn I n nnr.-ini( 1,.-, itaainiii toiii 95c. ihI iiihkI 1m rrrrltrd on ur bcrore I In I file properly for ilirchise al Ihe I nafrere.l fissn palellalK of Ike hetrl eomlMlM' Which iperale,! In the O'Cedar Polish, Hue size. lair.ham irnorr tnul br arcuinnanmi l.r a psel price, lie wu also opposeil ami .horinesa of breath: my heart vM ilelriment of the piiblrr. rrrliflrU Hniim for ! of tlw IrixlFrVO lo Ihe itrineiple of criiuiiiiK rim- kl lieau. awl In ihe wl. al IMnra. I i Hser-lies Wiil lnlf prll. frlnl 45c, ,1 for $1.25. aimiiinl. ami In- roraninl In an Mvrimi es.jnns lo nny tnirlirular ileiiitiii- vmU liae to Mi up iu .hii"p hi in.- i 'imiiii wmi.irr oi Hand Cleaner. Snap IUk. Vl-I'ina. iil'lllon. lie fell rouM twl n mii .lair. laiBl". ami inarlo-cl "Vrmlrra for dial il wiilllil all M- iirumi ine inn ,i u nir usurp tioi ".'5c. Special Hum week only j r,i uanniii. ' rranermr. and niy nene er 20c. O. Ii. SAPK.I. leml lo I rouble. mnmr. Pat amce -in or (aimw I In el rouri-el si'lls bill one fo iHIHily Mlnimtr of I amj Mil. Collar! ami ALL MuCiloiial.l I hava felt Ilk a dlfferenl s-o." .IVllklillat I hem. Llbby's Orange Marma CITV OF PRINCE RUPERT. fell ILal eer- m.liic 'inenl slioulil lTe- te a twl al all Mktn or maUKl II. II. Slevitis of Yuncomrr op III all lade, I Go, jars. II.';:. value HAYS CREEK B HI DOE. ! inaile lo fishermen lo reman direr! on rerIH f f"ee by Tke T. M libs i brrause H We While tiny lasl. ii't TrlHh'rs 1ll Im rrrrUrd liy IIh nil In Co. Uluftad. Turupaa. Out. jsisnl w "Inqiil.!-lorial." iiiirtl fer IIh rnnimi uf a THnlwr in Ihe cily ami make il llieir II wwuhr harus business Jars nl 25c. TM'-tlr Hlidrn rnn, Hay Creek. Plans, heniiqiinrlers. I hey appnoi'sl Llbby's Pork and Beans. I'mrile ami ."iM-ririraltoii. may lie etara- work be done hy lay labor, lie Mil bout serNlliK JIH useful pur Ined and fori her Inromialieu nMaimd al Ihe move lo Rie Hie lease. Tin pose. Ilcjf. -Oe. Special. for lltr urriee of I lie i n liialheer un ami IIIHMir liHik Ihe sMIIle lew. paxe as his rra-on thai too murh 35c, S for $1.00. aflir May Till. I3. of Ihe Mime rilici-ni of llie'liill ul-" wouhl bo left in Ihe hauii. Temlern will lie rwi!derrl l I lie :iv I'lnnlly Ihe ileejion was ihihu- came from Un f.ilier:il iimk-. Terrace Turnips. . They ioiiiu'II. rowimunalty un Hie iKialns of illlollsly nillile In nffer llle lease. eonlraelnr if the report was lir' (felllllU llll'IIV Well elellll- the neeaaary Uylaw. Uiloplnl ami the cusl ot makillX sealwl Toiiden.. eodtreu "Tiiider. for .,,... inAinn J up fir llii- year. This. Hi hire." tiMMI lie detMKltccl Willi 11m- i:iiv repairs wouhl perhaps be double flLf,Jlflr(0 ADUAnU WESTHOLME THEATRE clerk un ur lierore & p.m. May I lilt. MCLEOD TO REPAIR is 1 1 v lasl iintii-nily i m 1 1 a up, by such a met hint. .Naturally. lOfn. Tender imii.i ue ari-rfiiianleil liy a lo liny a k'"I supply f erllfled rheijue for fle per eitil (i'ii CITY PLANK ROADS I lie cotilrarlor wouhl prpfpr lo SOUTHBOUND SHIP Tonight Only, Tuesday, 7 and 9 ,r iIn anWnini i.r ihe lnd. . I hp finest Tn i-n i i - uriiwii a' use nw lumber when be u Tlie rirlii n'JT any nr all tender money saving prices. Mnre- I i.-.erveil liy llle rllx i mini il p.iiil for wiirkiiiu with it ami ol Yukoners Also Enroule From Vl-r til!- ! j ill".! ;,!.. r. v. I':mish His Tender for Work was Accepted lumber wmM mt he iisial. Ullk l it. Khlll I. Skagway on Princess Mary 77if2 Beautiful tliev 'it i en! -in ..iii.Mi 7 it,. last Night by Council Aid. "Mnnro ami nlher mpmbi'rs for 25c, Ml II' ( $1.00, p. r Aid. Mackenzie Offered of the rtttiucil poillletl oul thai Several pr.'inuien! Alu-kau-llie jyjarje preixst, KMI lb. sac!,. $2.25. Buy Your Objections cily wtriilil Ite amply pro- were passengers bimml south mi the nolti Md Stue lecletl for I lie work would be Hip steamer I'rtiiress Mary which and Damned Table The tender at .Malcolm It. Mr. done umler Ihe ..nler ami uMr- railed in port ypaleriUy afler- bathing Itaatj ts On Rupert Supply Leml for the repnicius of plank vision of ihe cily eiiKiiieer. He- noon enroule from Skagway lo tnr mptr-lifftr mads ami siibrwnlks Phones 211-212. Shoes wad arcepl-eil pairs so far Ibis year on the ilay Yanrouxer. by Ihe city council last iiicht labor plan bail .1 the city 27 AnioiiK them was lihurles All-Star Cast includes Kenneth Harlan, Loulie mi recommenilation nf Die Hoard a thousand. N W they had a bid llnrfiebl. asslslnnl seerplary of Harry Myers, and Cleo Rldgetey. From A Practical Man. or works. me nut wa: cap nV(.ri,ainr l . the Seattle of r.nin-tlils mi't. i.un.mii. -I'M' ..I ili. ttluli lifch sins, 7 11 i-r i iioiisnnii : joists. i ... l ....L -w. . ... fur Ihe .1.1 .ielilnr. despite merre Alaska bureau. He You el benefit of liaml rails, aW.Sll; Jrki,"r explanation, x ..l.-t IIKIIinst the is reliimiuK to Seattle after al-leudiiiy lljc a ami IG. aTiiartls ail".li"ii of tin' re "Ml. the session of Ihe ler-lilurial HAL nOACHE COMEDY "FniOAY THE THIRTEE.1TM. I'raclirul Man's I'.xperiencc ALL Mackenzie siibmilleil an PATHE REVIEW. Admission 35c and 19c Clean Ipgislature al Juneau. and Up when litiyin; Shoes here. ameiulineiil lo the mot tun for METHODIST PASTORS .Mr. Kunler. manager of Ihe I bat fine Shoes made lo ailoplioii of the report, lliul the hunter I lav camierv. was also on e.le-.l.l .111.1 Tlmr-il.i (lllel.ill. T - my own in-der by one of Ihe .Ill's" II' II- ' GOING TO CONFERENCE "" ' Paint Up Now l.csl manufacturer in I'.an-inhr SYNOPSIS Or home in llelliusham after walrh- l-'ndiiv .hi.I Siiinid.iv lt M anil every pair carries a , . in? the territorial leui.tulure audi I' ' whIi .til;ii c Mr nl. guarantee of money back If Several Will Pass Through ne , making arranicpinnnls for the ' unsatisfactory. LAND ACT AMENDMENTS City on Thursday Nlghl En oprlltnir of the flshlliK neasoii nt Martln-Senour, route to New Westminster his plant. Mr. La-p. a wel'-kuow f'IO'f, 1'uru I'aint. Alabastlne, GEO. HILL Minimum prf of flml claa .an4 SottTJll Mlt-Hl.t f.lllltlrr Ol' ii Fairbanks niiinuir rn -inieer. YOUR LIFE MAY ONE DAY DEPEND UPON UttHA. -nrd to fS an cr: contl rii t vias mi oilier isrui;rr. Sanitary W all linisli. (lit- ih-lrifl wijl ut4 I limtiyli tin NURSING I in an atr .loll n Olscii, a looHjiui.luc pn-Kiitppr Kyanize, The Shoeman. Third Ave. rremiUtsn now confined lo ur-vryed nly un rimifWHy t initiK iirmtlr Varnish Slain. rifx-ord laftdo wll only.fpt rranttf covetint ny tt Un anuunl rliiirrli riuifrriMirt on Hip WIiIIp I'aaa-Yukon On.. I I n ket Offire. his Iu Vancouver Be Generous railway, was on way Neu-Tone, land ru'latla for urttruliural purp wliii'li wil ) JftfUl ih1 m k in and whlrh l non-ilinhr land and Sea I lie on a holiday Flat Wall I iiusli. ' fartT?rhip pr-?tnt(on atMiltohed Sow U CLKiiiilrr. Aiimhiv IImiii Vllrallte, but partt for of not adjacent more than pe-o-empttfytv Fuui nw-rrarc will Ih- M.-v. .1. It. Hi wiif. f llur trip nod II. I.. .Ii.linsli.ii.. (' !!! With Your Donation to the Nurses' Home CamrHN Life Knaiiiels. with rdMM. bo. ci nwkiri -lliMi: III K. Ilriiri t loii-iu-i, of nueni nl Skauway. Mas hound fr May 15-10. netiMi7 Improvemvnta on rvrrtl Vancouver also mi a holiday trip Barretts Special, cHalma. I'oi-lry : Ui-. V. II. I'li'irr, ttf Shingle 'u LING ITe-friipiura mat onwity rlann lot I'tnl I -.-.Mipilon. ai .l W. M. Canadian Steam Laundry i n five year and makt i m rr vementa u valut of 110 per acre. Ineludlni ctar-ln.t I .. of SimiIIm-i- Mr-. J. II. LABOR LEADER MIGH T and crtiKlvatftun nf at leaal re You.111. V if- ;f Hl'S . J. II. VotJMX- Phone 8. tef're rereivluc C"r i OianVJ Kaien Hardware THE TAILOR SHOP. Wher pra-emptor In ceuiajti'! ttu cf I'i-i i a . i al- (Ur4 Mi rmi j:li BECOME PUBLIC CHARGE tevx than I ard ha mad u yeaira, COS Third Ave. Phone 649. pfarttirrato lrnnrovmrna. he mi. tm lilt rilV In allt'lltl III VttU f'i,IM'1 P.O. Box 1646. Tel. 3. Cra caue tiled of I IlI-heaMh.term11alP or rertifkle otJter rau-.ol tin Mr. . M. itf Sii,;n'r-.. will Was Turned Back at Border by ATTORNEY GENERAL Yurmiis W'.ijllen l alnics in proxement and trannfr hit la! arrivi ttvi uitk rn-ni Kiiulltft-- Canadian Authorities and fast ci.lors tock. Hixord without permanent rea fiirotil In (In ojl itinli-y oti 4 IN AUTO ACCIDENT in deiM-e m t imni. prvvlded appli Appeal Dismissed rv a a in faint make Improremetita to aiient wf lioliiju i-il. made iM ter annum and rMjrda nunc w I Xysf JL1 K 111 to Kallure lo make- Improvement I III I AW A, May K II,. n...-.,l ear Hon. M A, .Manson Saves But Boy it reif d tm me w III opera t mm ft ji.r Mexiiuil 'i ilowiill. r.ite-ueil felture. THJe fa,nnot be obtained In SEEDING IS GENERAL Runs Down Light Standard measure Mute Workers Announcement! etfr Utan )rirn, at'rt improvtinet.. 'of the I'liileil of vt iia.lpo iter a.te. ifH-tuntt a a - t Victoria America avaiiisl Hit iiclion of (he rtea rd a td rult(rated, a nd rr Me tr THROUGHOUT PRAIRIES and the Mux 1 1 lak vet' Hie see uf mi M-a- 2 ar' are roq aired. iiiMc lor of ItMiiiiairalioii al .Mc-A.ltllll business of the Pacific Carl - SUITS I'rt-emptor haldtiK Crown flmrit Juiielluli, iN.II., Hi ifllliiri III seekma Iu HMOil rollldliiw if M New tn.'iv rr-t -rd alother pre-emption, Store. lle I.III.. We III'.' now in I teou're. Iatd tn rvMtlunrtlon wMh ti Crop Goes In Later Than Usual lo aiiiiiil ll mi to I Ui inula has hceii with a cyclist, who came aroiiml poiliitn u liiinille .-very d Vidd fit rni frtatulory ithmf actual lnirovemnta oamruiMtton, made pro and Some Districts Delayed di-iiiissi-d hy the U'tarl liwiit of the corner so iiiickly as to run M'l'lpl i'HI nl cul'lil?!- Will'k III- Up To The Minute. and rexktefu-e maintained on l.'rown by Floods t in in i rut mil here. Iluwalt was lulu his car. ,llorne -I iciiei al Willi l in 1 1 ii rn i nil u re ami ' vrantid land. Maitlon, ill I I.IS Thursil.-iy llel . Hip K plan (..Hue iiii li I in anil let t'raurveyed arta. nM es"eedti 2 denied admission on Ihe tecliu,-eul ,i, removals, clc. Patrons uri; show our wide of wrien. may le leaaed aa hoinHtea. WINMI'Kl.. May H. S Im;.- is around that ho was liable to iiilihl, drove his l to I or dtrr Hi-eiirh Vl'Kelnlit. you rungi! tula ii ttw obtained after f'jlftmna. real assured "f efficient service; dextlail Improvement mnditlona now Kciienil Ihroiiwhoiil the tell Ihe liulit aide of Val4 slyies for -nd hecoiiu' a 1 1 1 1 c- rliai-Ke. A ii...) Foi era i In r and indaxtrtal purpat Hrpel. jul al Hip iiilrrsrc Iioi. of in till branch.- nf our business. SPRINQ AND SUMMER 1923. areaa itredlrg I0 acrea mar be I'l iiirie iro imccs. II is nhoiil two! .C' i.i : il. VMit i lav one eran or rvfnpanr. weeks Inler f Nun llsiml. Willi 'iilicouver HI reel, and crulieHil-to 821 Second Avenue. M III. (ji tory or Induat rial alt aa hi BUSINESS SEQION one uf tip Iron Unlit standard Minleei land rot cireedlnf 49 acrea eeililif i nn.IH ions lime lnvll fuv. I s m I LINDSAY'S Opp. I'oal Office Corner. nay be piirrhaaed: -ondilHFiia lodude omlile. Hie lurk of I II I II ill some suudiiit II off short and hu.ll i.a v merit of slufflDftl. AILSA CRAIG BURNS i Natural hay mraiowa oat eatbl- lilriel tin- cuiisisjI uiulely to wni-kiiijr Hip fore wrl of Ihe rar. l . IT . iiiiiri m iy exvMtlfjr rot dp- may l puichaatl fariik-r-. Ihjs The lad ridliiit Hip cycle was Cartage and Storage 1 "tiidlttonal uion c net run ko f.f a road wiis parliiilarly .n them. Iterate of on ha If of coat ot true ..f Allierla, whcl'i Hie ee. AII.SA IIIIAKS. May H. The thrown lo Hip roadway, hut he. V.... M 214 Fourth Street. t, la not ma evfeetJlnkt da of punnlMa has "Ilr I!. iillillT Ihr hest I'OII- hiisiliiss scclloli of this Ontario von.l iM-tnif sliffjjilj briilard, c- Phone 13. P.O. SOI 1S Phone 68. Stove WOOD CtMPTOei FREE GRANTS ACT. ililious hut l lo land was dry. lovtii is iii ruins in n resiill of i cupisl wilhuul injur) Hon. Mr The Mpa of thlp Act la enlarged In Ihe ..w IjillK lands seed I lit firp which In Him1 hour rou- Manson also sraied injury, REMEMBCn THE NUf irlude with all Mia ierKna Majaaty rln4ri a fonaa.and aerv-'t.g Th was dola.M'd. e.cvially in llie siirifeil ImllillllKs ill- lioth sides of thuuilh the heavy aUllidiilih fi-ll HOME DRIVE i mi vsUhM. a hu h the heirf or denta lislricls iiff.clnl hy Hit ai.rliiK Main Slrecl in n hlork esllnialed across (he hooii uf I lip mulur. We have Just received i cf a deceaad pra-emptor may apply flood. nl 100,000. 'ihe rite stalled in Vii'lorlu OiTloiiisl. for title under the Act U a tended cur load of up river wood, from for one year fr.m the death ,f hai l. St. Buuruulccd seasoned and Much ieraon. aa formerly, unlU one a Regis . year after the rondueton of the (teat dry. bize cul to order. t war Thla privilege la alh" made ra BUTEDALE POLICE COURT IMlllVt, Also Kindling In Sasks. No feea relating to preeniptiont ara 'lue or payable by ardlera on pre Cafe -n.p!ton!i rerdd after .lio ?f, St A. II. Criiliie, rhlof engineer at TIMBER SALE X fc024. l'or l'rices, call TaiKea are remitted for five yeara. I Hips cold sluruiff. left lor Iho John Docheff Given 30 Day For sealisl T. ntler. , aim Ii. of i.-. eiv. ') Provlalop for return money ae riled, due and been paid elnre Auiat south on receli4 of u wirrliias Beer Selling N, Taliara ...iii.iit u( i.aiHi.. (i i., mil iii Prince Rupert's account of Fined For lliau ixh, i Us- l.l iia ..I Ji.m. ' Leading I, 114, on paymente, -aea iiicssaf Hint $50 Liquor tu. Dr. J. Maguire HydeTransfer his- inulher r taiea hi "Mho ie-aniptlorta. wus lis' iurcliae ..r i.i.sih. k i. .. u Restaurant. I nteret on ar.,er"o't imrclietjse cry ill in Vancouver. Possession fiel ul -iiiiili-. i ilia i town or cliy lota held by mambera vf . . aixl llMiiliMk. mi an ana al Ut" A Bakery, Unsurpassed. Phone 580. Ml led Kort'-ea. : ul?'-a aur4ulred John llocheff, of Heal l'.ii Lake, II,nre ,. i iw.i I aisl lii-ln. i Rooms 7 and Smllh V direct or Indirect, remitted from o-liniment II. II. Hue. j .-,i. hiii ,ii".'i i"i r-mural Third Avenue. Bervi. e and Quality our to March 11, ItZO. I'ayiip, iHilslde ujriii-li-iideiii Mouleiu-Kriu. was found uilly in '.f iiml,ei Office Hours! 1 ' Mollo. tUB-PURCHAtERft OF CROWN for ihe Canadian I'lali-itiu Hip police court IM morning- on l urtliei .ai I" ulai "f . m. t i ... ... . aaalatl ler, Vil li.rlt, n. . .ii In.tun i .. LANDS .,r. i lompuiiy, wul fcoulli . hy a fliuruc of shiIUiik heor ami was ITIwe llup. il. II . Croan Provision a rant a-tnada to for ub-p,rchere laauartce of of way of Sv.aii,nn Hay ufler havlntr sentemeil lo (hirly day liiipris Cruwn Ia-nda. aenulrlug rlghta from inail a lour f iiMtxwiion of Uih .iniieul wllhoui odion of finp u. who ailed purchaser a to oomplata fiiirrhaae, t(voiviig forfeiture, on var ious iilunisof Iho eumiiaiiy in provided for iiii,tor Hie II. C. See Yourself as Others See Dr. E. S. TAIT j Boston Ahd of taiaa U'nalttuua Where of purchaae,aub-purchaa-era In-taraat .Noil hern Ji.G. .huor I'oiilrol i l. I You. FRESH MILKDAIU do not claim whoJa of orlglitai pat . i . 'laluiia. Jiit, also uf Seal el, purrhaae price due and taiea (nay From be distributed proieortlonately over EXCHANGE RATES TODAY tjne. was round KUilly of liuviiifrl ytt DENTIST. GRILL : by whole May area t li:Appitcattora tnuat be made lit ult 2U. liitovicalniK lnuor iii Ida possesion for MIRRORS Our ,o ci-iiiu llfld uf Our'" Helgerson Block, GRAZING tlfill"lf. 4.7. DM ilelllWrS uliere soft j SEASONABLE SALADS. Orating Act, lla. for ayatematu Ili'iig Kmiy, St.US. uw drinks oil sale, the mpim nuiiiely PRINCE B. C. . of Hiia RUPERT, SEASONABLE FRUITS. development II text or k Industry pro BETTER MILK, 9 6. I vldea for graving dlMrlcta and range heal Cove I'ool llooni, Jlo Was -buicC. Office Hours, to Phone 686. SEASONABLE MEATS. adtniotatrauon annu'U gralig under parmlta Comrnlaalouer.laauad baaed J"hn II Turner, inaiia,ter of assessed $T0. T. ROSS MACKAY on iiuiobera ruuged. priori t for aatab Hie iiullite Mine, arrived on lual Hi.Ill urresls folluwed i; visit DP Open Tuesday, Thursday and OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. Itahad o net a. Btu- k o wnern may STANDARD "mid ' from Hunt tiers: and Fulton form AaaoclaUonc for rang inaoaae mii i.uid lo ieal Cove veslerday by St. Saturday Evenings. 3rd Ave. Phone 457, for oient.aatttara.Krre, or partially free, pernnu oi nvlMere,! l lll II..lei JTlllCC I'oli. .- CiuiHtuhli'i Murdoiiatd and Phone Blue 165, Phons Black f- cam far a or Uavaliara. us to tea he4. III,,).-, ! C ami" 'iii