PAGE FOUR Suegestions For Christmas Gifts rifiace posit will hold chase. Give men’s silk ties searves, kid gloves, py jamas, men’s and ladies suits, overcoats. sweaters dress shirts and children’s shoes. Come and be convinced men's, ladies Everything Must Be Sold Out Here Are a Few Typical Prices: men's Silk Neckties— vee 39c° 49c All Latest Styles La lies’ Very Fine Pumps, Ties Inch iding Kid and Baby Calf Shoes— 4 n’s Silk Scarves— 50¢°99e Men’s © 84,39 Ladies’ Fine Slippers— $1.19 | s500s¢3 99 Men's Fine Dress Shirts Ladtes’ Overdioes— $2.50 to $3.50 Si 29 reg. 32.00 $i 49 a . 1 now ° Ct bettie Men's Oxfords Men’s Rubbers 79¢ $2.49 Sale price Ladies’ Rubbers 64e Sale price Combina- $1.19 _ S? 00 reg. $2.00 pair 6. 30 to reg. $4.51 } Sale price Men’s Vici Kid Oxfords Dr. Jones and other well KNOW? makers Children’s reg. 30 GB_OO |} Rubbers Men’s Fine ~ tions— pers reg. $2.25 ™ All Our Underwear of i oe such well known mak a > as Gold Fleece, Vikings Stanfield’s and Turn- Ladies’ Fine Shoes— bull’s at great reduc- reg. $4.50 BO AQ |f tions ard Boys’ All Wool Carr’s Men's Very Fine Dress Mackinaw Coats— ce, $1.25," $2.95 reg. $2.25 ” now ove Buy Your Christmas Presents From the B. C. Clothiers at a Great Saving, as Everything Must Be Sold Out B. Third C. CLOTHIERS LTD. \venue—Next Frizzell’s Meat Market We Have Wonderful That can be bought at sac- prices. A small de- your pur- bedroom = slippers men's The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous “Rupert Brand” SMOKED ~ BLACK COD — Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. ol THREE-WAY WHIST TIE Canadian Legion, St. Andrew's and Fish Packers Even in Fraternal Whist League Canadian Legion and Fish kers emerged in a Pac- rew’s for the first half of the Fra-} ternal Whist League season last) evening by defeating Mus ke teers and § mpress respectively while St Andrew's Society. which has led @ : { a feat the hand he a ’ . p . ; 4 6; Muskete e Se Swi 4 f Norway, 9: St. Andrew's 0 Postponed Games wit from November 10 Oddfellows, 4: Sons of Norway Cove. 3- Musketeers 6 First rey Standing tie with St. An-/ T ls @ for the fir if he se as follow Ww : A ew's 7 2 7 motor . ’ A di Legic 7 2 7 World's grea A Packers 7 2 7 E 4 5 Swift's 4 5 4 s Cove 4 5 4’ . r ctw 1} ! TORONTO ORE FROM Musketeer ‘a oe ~ _—_e OG e.10W 2 7 2 Grott > > ? WONOUT SKIDEGATE ae ar Bae a due Displaced Ottawa Senators From MeMoerrie Arrives From Skidegcate— A TON Second Place as KResuli of Sample Shiments Show Vietory Last Nicht flich Vaiues “A” Division Dec. 19—Rupert No. 1 ws. Skeena;}_ TORONT Dec. 16: « iia nager of the PRE & Ang No. 1 vs. CNR; CNR No. Press)—-The world cham, re Su e after a 2 vs: Ripert: Skeena No. 2 vs PRE; ** Maple Lea q ‘ ‘B” Division {night . ' Dec. 18—PRE No. 2 Ys. Hillside jf m se Moose No. 2 vs. CNR; U & C No, 2} “onal D vs. Rupert; Rupert No. 1 vs. U & C:| ny Ls ‘ if one Hillside No. 1 vs. Moose; CNR No.1| The pate-m New York . ‘PRE oT 1 : 4 x 9—CNR No. 1 vs. Hillside: | keenly fought $125 pe Hillside No. 2 vs. CNR: Moose No. 1| New York Rupert: PRE No.l vs. U &C Rupert No. 2 vs. Moose; U & C No 2 vs. PRE Jan. 16—CNR No. 2 vs. Huliside Hiliside No. 1 vs. CNR: Moosé No. 2 s. Rupert: PRE No. 2 vs. U & C;/ Rupert No. 1 vs. Moose: U & C No. } PRE } Jan. 23-—-U & C No.1 vs. Hill Rupert No. 2 vs. CNR: PRE No. 1 vs . . wf the lare-! Rupert: Moose No. 2 vs.U & C: CNR Hockey Standing ' Western Ni Moose: Hillside No. 2 ¥ * PRE American Division t group Jan, 30—U & C No. 2 vs. Hillside WD. I ne , ' Run N CNR: PRE No. 2 ¥s | Rang: , Rupert: Moose N }' U & C: CNR} Boston 7 : 45 4 No. 2 Moose; Hillside No. 1 vs licag ; 4 "RE Detrov 4 26 NO BILLIARDS PLAYED } international D vision “une Muntrea } Q Billiard Averages jroo 6 2 « % % «| ; Ottawa 6 i f 29 +) oe Tu. ay| Americans, i 3 25 A. Zaddroski (CS) 7 1400~ -aug/“"Pee*™* en ») Antonelli ‘LA 4 am 200 W. E. Hutson (LC) 7 1384 198 |B t Earl Batt iE 4 1163 “ Nick Chenoski ‘E) 6 1154 J. May ‘CS 7 1340 191| a ember 16—Grott B. Windk cs 7 1325 189 | ‘ Me Owen Pisher ‘E) 5 7 iat | , ve: Meteors ve. Bi P. Pritchard ‘LC 8 1506 188 | W. Stone ‘CS: 8 1497 * F. Ald ridge lA 7 1306 187 | Today's . Weather D rr izzell (£ 6 1069 178) f ; 17 P Vaccher (CS) 7 1234 «#17 porate oatheast wind: barometer FP. Kenny ‘LC) 4 701 175 42; ter ee om an pee Chris Perry (J 6 1014 16¢| ‘tiple island--Part cloudy, strong M. Eckert (BE) 4 657 164| St southeast wind; sea moderat W. E. Funnell (J 6 948 159) bene island—Overcast, mo J. Bulger (J 6 gg2 147 lerate easterly wind. sea choppy A. Strachan (LC) 5 707 1461] YO8¢ Tree Point—Part cloudy J Marchelton ‘(E) . 2 71 196| {Te8h southeast wind; barometer W. Stuart (C8 i 000. «00 29.96; temperature, 38; heavy sv | Pradiis Schedale Mt For Basketball: Sunday If you lose anything, try a classified ad. 2:30.1.00, Revers. 1:00-1:40 Kaiens-Warriors 1:40-2:20, Comets-Scouts 2:20—3.00, Grotto-Merchants. 3:00-3:40. Cardinals-Meteors 3:40-4:20, Japanese-Amazons | 4:20—5:00, C.N.R.-Tuxis, Boston Broir Terrace—Cloudy,® north wind emperature, 14 above Aliya Part cloudy caln ‘ above Anyox..Part cloudy, cals i4 above Stewart—Part cloudy. caln i9 above A lonely tally was i B Chy “ma al . ly Las gnt 4 ‘ from Americans 2. R pepe O A ? i 4 ' State gare B i, Cl , { Islands Interior Weather Hazelton—Cloudy calm, 2 below his ativerts enient 8 nyt pub- Smithers Cloudy, east wind.1 iished or played above quor Beco Roard Bur) Lake—Cloudy, cakn, 8 the Government of @ 4 ibove Columbia, WHY BAKE It’s Cheaper to Buy Yo Xmas ie and the quality is assured if yo Christmas Cakes — Plum Puddings Anything to order PRINCE RUPERT BAKERY Mince 1 insist on “GRANT'S BEST PROCURABLE” For Sale at Vendors or direct from Dest.” Liquor Central Board, The 0 Mail Orde, Victoria, B¢ a yy Cy “BEST PROCURABI PURE SCOTCH WHISKY RICHEST IN FINEST HIGHLAND MALT eBax : Kettle? and guarenteed by Wittem erent & Somes Limited Glentxideet and Balvensedjleniwet [netillerwe (rudl own & Glasgow Seotland .e f! < os Toombs Radi Service All ; Rupert Radio Service Repairs to A via RADI ET : nos of be Out-of-towr Phone: Blue 932 Prinee Rune RY Phone Blue seen’ Jasper Hard Coa Fuk FR i — EGG—Per Ton S115 MINEHEAD LU MP—Per Ton I JASPER LUMP—Per Ton 12.8 Dry Cedar and Jackpine For Sa\ ALL COALS ARE IN A DRYSH HYDE TRANSFER—PHONE 58 —- wee eee € % . © Give a Subscription to The Daily News already subscribers of P. eople rT) hetween now and Christma: scription to one or more out ot at Half Regular Rates Regular Rate, per year - : : ° 2 : : . yf Special Christmas Presentation Kat’ ! - Six Months eo mw No more greatly appreciate ed pre given and the cost is little. eels — Early Ad. Copy is appreciated