PA6t TWO i For Your Health ii (2 (3 It .-'(V) you should bur the beat. SALADA Commission at four per ii KCOO . ! purest end most scientifically -em red tea. sold todtsy, - Try it. The Daily News PRlNCfi -RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue, H. P. PULLEN. Managing Editor. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation!. iWUlA EDITION Monday, Sept. 10, 1923. AUDITOR'S REPORT ON OOTH SCHOOL BUILDING FROM INCEPTION TO ITS COMPLETION (b) ' i) (continued from page one. ..the purposes of the contract as agent of the School ' Trustees, was Ui supply all Hie materials anil perform all the vork mentioned hi the specifications and shown in the drawing prepared ly the Architect. He was at lilierty to sub-contract subject to the Architect's consent, and , was not to do work !' means of day lahour without the Architect' consent in He was not to make or enter into any contracts for lahour or materials iuvol- vingan amount of mot e than $100 without the Architect's consent in writing, ami he agreed to at all times suhmit and render available to the Architect all the hooks, accounts, vorchers and information necessary to 'liable the Arehilect to arrive at a complete understanding of the position of the contract as between the parlies thereto. It was agreed that the sum be paid, to the contractor by Hie . Trustees for sai) work and material should be as follow: r 4a) The nmount of the following sub-contracts: oi i 1 ...:n ni., ." iii'rii x i.iiiikw in, i-iuiiiiiiiiu , . " " Sheet Melal Work '.t and n oo fin? ....... " " v ; Healing and Ventil- i- ... aling .. ' l'attinson, Ling A Co, F.leetrical work.. V. Basso-Bert. Mamap- and(.Ooncree work.. if ft . 10,3 19.00 l.SCft.OO 25,711.00 .1,810.00 2t5,127.0n 870,863.00 Cent on said sum of j; 0,83.(o. . The cost of the work not already taken care of in the nbine-mntioned sub-contracts and of the materials necessary. for Hie completion thereof. 0ommissi(ni at ten per cent on ilie cost of the work' and materials mentioned in (c, iip lo hut liot -exceeiliiiK S99.I37.00, Provision was also made iir the Contract that if the total cost of Hie erection of the school as covered by subsections ia, and ;ri supra exceeded $170,000 the Contractor was not' to be entitled to any percentage as re-muneration for his services on any sum in excess of said i;o,ooo. was further agreed that no certificate gien by the Ar chitect or payment made under Hie contract, except the final certificate or final payment, was to be conclusive evidence of the performance of the contract, either "wholly or in patt.jbiit at the same, lime it was agreed also that no payment was to be construed as an .accepl- . -ance of defective work or .improper materials. Before the 3th day of each mouth during the progress of the work, the. Contractor undertook to render a full and true accoimt of the progress and coss.'of the erection of the building to the. endof the preceding nionlh. Payment for the 'materials purchased by the contractor and delivered upon Hie site and accepted hy the Architect sJuring any mouth was to be made in full to the Con-tractor upon production by him pf duly certified accounts . for such material. Pnyment for all lahour engaged hy the Contractor not covered by ,a sub-contract was to be made on production of the pay-roll for any period during construction duly certified by both the Contractor and Hie Architect, subject to the provision that the Contractor, was to deliver lo 'the Trustees each pay-roll duly receipted by all Hie workmen shown thereon for the full amount of their wagen for such period before the Trus tees could be required to pay the next or succeeding pay roll. Payment for all work and materials under all subcontracts .was lo be made to the extent of 80 of the value of the work and materials actually and satisfactor ily incorporated in the building. Payment of the commis ion Vine to (Ik; Contractor was lo be mhde lo the extent of 80 on amount earned on each and every month during the erection Of the building, and Hie balance. of20. of both his commission ami the amounts still due to the sub.coidrnclnrs to he paid fhirly-lwo days afler Hie hchool had been aeeepted in writing by the Architect. 'la itie course of toy audit I have been unable lo ascertain whether the cost of Ihe work and of the. materials necessary for the rotftpI'lKm of me 'hull. ling, exclusive of the -NiitK-ontrnetitl -work tel by tlw Trustees, is correct, as no detailed invoices or receipted account hy the respective, tradesmen supplying the goods have been producedjo me. 1 liaxc. seen the requisitions made monthly by the Contractor "for tininunls due to tradesmen and ub-ron- iraclwrs, and for wages and commission the particulars of which I have detailed in "Schedule 4 attached hereto. These requisitions are all certified hy the Architect as being In order, and 'The. amount requisitioned icerr duly paid hy ihe -Trujtfcs lo the Contractor. On requesting 'production of the detailed invoices and pay-rolla, the Contractor jdulcs that In-fore he wan released, from his contract the Trustees appointed nn nuditnr who checked over his accounts hud reporteil that Ihey were correct, and,fiial he had produced vouchors for all expenditures and paid, all parties concerned, and that consequently there would be no further audit of his account unless evidence 'were submitted to him fhat the audit already made was not a correct and proper on. Without In any way reflecting on the nalure of (he audit already tnade. I maintain thai II is necessary for me to satisfy myself a In Ihe purchases of material ami labour before I can lie called upon o certify that Ihe figures given in Ihe Counselor's re-(continued on page five) CAREER OF LUIS FIRPO . I Argenterean Challenger for Heavyweight Ohamplenshlp . Unknown Two Years Ago I NEW YOltK, Sept. 8. Jy the Associated Press), l.uis Angel Firpo, ex-sleveilore, the son of an Italian emigrant In the Argentine 1 -has scaled Hie pugilist io I heights to challenge for t1ic( world' heavyweight lille after ( one of the stiiangest, most pic turesque careers Ihe prue ring has ever known. Unheard of two years ago, he'is matched lo fight Jack Dempsey, the champion, at Ihe Polo (Jrounds on September 14. Hig .slVong.and possessed of n imwerul punch, Firpo is recog-ni.ed by boxing critics here as, a dangerous contender for the title, hut hack in his native Argentine, Luis is more than that he is a actional hero. Firpo's ,arly career in the land of the pampas gave little forecast of the athletic prowess he was lo gain. Horn October 29. 1895. nearly 28 years ago, in Ituenos Aires, he had little but size and ruggedness lo recommend him as a ring prospect. His father, a native of Oenoa, llaly. emigrated lo the Argentine at an early age. Enrique Firpo was small of stature but his wife, born of Spanish parents 'in Ihe Argentine, was of much larger build and from her Luis interited his size. The mother died several years ago, leaving an older brother and a younger sisler, be sides Luis. The father i now employed in the goxernmenl rail road offices at Huenos Aires. Bootblack and Bottle Washer Before, turning to pugilism as a mvans of livelihood, Firpo hail a variety of occupations, doing odd work as a stevedore for some time. He also earned a little as a bootblack and had another job as botlle-waher in a drug store the foundation upon which was built the legend that he once was a drug clerk. Firpo. however, irked under the drudgery of these tasks and devoted most of his spare time lo athletics, where he demonstrated all-round prowess through nat ural aptitude and physical qualifications. He had read of the acliieements of the world's great pugilists and one day when a friend took him to a gymnasium he seized a chance lo enter the ring against an amateur named Angel llodriguez. The disastrous ending of that attempt, in 1917, was the real stimulus lo Firpo' i ring career. He was knocked out in Ihe first round by llodriguez, who since has retired from active compel I- tion. Series of Triumphs That setback, the only one nf his career, was followed by a succession of triumphs. Firpo, finding a natural outlet for his physical ability, learned Ihe rudi ments of the game rapidly, through relying chiefly on his strength and punch. He knocked out a score of opponents as an amateur. Then, in his first bout as a professional, -he knocked out an American, Mllliatu- Iary, in the seventh round. That bout oc curred in September, 1913 in Chile, and was followed by n siring of knockouls by Firpo among opponents in that country Uruguay and his natic land, the Argentine. By the winter of 1921-22, Fjrpo had conquered about all Hie pugilistic opposition South America afforded and began to (urn toward other fields. Influ enced by sportsmen who bad taken an interest in him, Firpo came lo Ihe United Stales early in 1922 and after some delay obtained a match with Sailor Max-led, at Newark, N.J., Firpo won oy a knockoitl in sewn rounds and I hen in succession slopped two other lesser heavyweight lights. Italian Jack llermnn and Joe MeCann, before reluming lo the Argentine, Rise to Prominence Yel uiisrhtiolcd and crude in Ihe finer points of the game, Firpo showed enough prolnise lo attract attention -of boxing experts. Afler howling oer Jim Tracey, an Australian, in Buenos Aires, nrpo slimed an agreemenl with Tex Itichard to return lo this country for a nerles pf fights, Ihe last wilh Jack Dempsey for the heavyweight lille if he won the others. That marked the rise of Firpo io real prominence and recogni lion as a title'' contender. He -. Monday, September in a PRINCE RUPERT EXHIBITION September 11 to 15 The Exhibition will be officially opened at 1 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 1 1 by FRED STORK, M.P. FARE AND ONE THIRD, ROUND TRIP from all stations from Prince George to Princ Rupert. Good going September 9th to 14th. Final return limit September 17th, 19231 EXHIBITS Wonderful Fvhihits of Farm and Hairy Products. Featuring District Hxliihits from Ihe ferlile soil of the Interior of Northern B.C. Poultry Sbw Aiyansh and Greenville Prize Bands In Attendance During Fair Week. Pie Eating Contest OH, BOY! Grand Costume Mask Ball FRIDAY NIQHT. $50.00 In Prlies. Note- Only Ihose persons In costume will be permilled to dance until H p.m. SIX PRIZES. For Best CoUume, Lady and (lentleman Iidy, Umbrella, tienl. Cigarette Cae Original CostumeCasseroloT 'Comic Costume Set of Military Hair Brushes, Prixa Waltz Lady, Hair Comb. Oenl, Smoking Sland. Crowning of Carnival Queen WEDNESDAY ON EXHIBITION GROUNDS. Parade Assembles in Front of Court House at 10 am. headed by Exhibition Bands. SPORTS Tuesday, 2.30 p.m.- itaseliAll. .Hrnithrr V. I'rincr lluperl. Wednesday, 11.30 a.m.- -Children's llftre. Wednesday, 1.30 p.m. Baseball, Attyox v.. Smither. Wednesday, 3.30 p.m. Football. "Oceiiti" FalU " v. Prmre lluperl. t Thursday, 10 a.m. Indian Football. Thursday, 1.30 p.m. Football. ()rn FfllU v. Telkwa. Thursday, 3.30 p.m. IBiMdmll. Anym v.. Prince Mnpert . Friday, 2. p.m. Foolhall. Tolkwa v. Prince lliiM'rl. Friday, 4 p.m. Indian Football Final. Better Babies Contest Presentation of Prizes Wednesday Afternoon at 4 o'clock INDIAN EXHIBIT Numerous Attractive Mineral. Iiheii.-- I. urn! Boat MiMleU. Pholnci .n ; ) 1' Work. Home Otokuu' .tfj at Trattiintr. imei : k . I'biwer and Plant I r-I'-thlhiUon of S-hiMti Wu'i Dog Show- 1 ATTRACTIVE AND INTM-CITING COMaURCIAL Mfr-lft. DUSTRIAL DISPLAY BOOTHS. Weod Chopping Coufe Rock Drilling Contest FUN! FUN! FUN! Visit the GREAT MIDWAY Louche. Ilol loas Ire U"". Candlex. Sofl hrink. .' ' "! Ihe Inhibition (innfuN ' i! lime. "Meny-Go-RouniT One of the most attractive of the whole Exhibition, demonstrating the intelligence, skill'tind artistic nature of our Northern B.C. natives Practical Demonstration of Basket Weaving, Wood and Slale Carving BIG CONCERT EACH EVENING bowled over Bill Breiman, Jack McAuliffc and then balled a come-back by Jess Willard, be. sides scoring a number' of minor victories here and on a "barnstorming trip to Cuba and Mexico. He had battled his way to Ihe lop of the JieavyweiKht .chrflleiiKiiuf heap and the title malch wai a natural outcome. Sport Chat J Six important baseball and football games heiinj Hinged In four dnyM at Ihn'Fair Mils week makes the fans who are legion wish thai King (Jeorge or .Mayor Xewlon or somebody like that would declare a general holiday between now and ncxl Saturday. Willi llireo team in the running OillakdamikH, . I'orl, $imp-Hon and Alyansli llin nullvn football Heries this week for Ihe Exhibition Cup will he full of interest for all Ihe Indians and many whiles. The first Kame lakes place on Thursday inorninir and the final on Friday Now I lint the Fair Board ha arranged hucIi a fine, njiorln pro gram for Ihe week, fan are jearrieally hoping for fine weather, j'l'he financial nuccenH of Ihe Fair idepend in no Hiuall degree on the patronage that in alTorde. (ho game. It linn cost the Kx-hibilion people a lot of money to bring lhee leatiiH to'tho cily, - The management in Jn good handu, Harry Breen, upon whom ilhe nelertlon of the Fair Board ifell for Ihene dulieH, ban a replication for bufdneRH-like and fair treatment.. Nobody will have any reannn lo kjek. In bringing in Ihe oulnide football lea'niH this year will bring Into action the old North, cm B.C. championship eocccr cup which him not been in rout-pel II ion for neveral yenrH, new Irophy U being olTered hy Ihe Fair Board for the hatehall erlcH, Jack K'eefe, necrelary of the Prince Jtuperl (lun r.lub, up lo Ihe end of last week had not been definitely adined If the Ocean Falln (rnptOiooler nre actually comfng. lie expeclH In bear IIiIh afternoon. BIGGESTSPORT PROGRAM YET Baseball and Football Catnee t Fair Will Fill up Week Thl.i year's Fair nport program In a bigger one Ihan haa ever be. fore been prenenled, Two oulnlde baneball lennin, two, outnldo foot, ball teams and three native soc- cer nggregat.on. l'or (llllakdamlki ami ,u"'"" already ultniificl H'r nl"",B of coining. ports Program The proHiani of M'rh f,,r " Fair Week will b" " ,nV1"i'1,i T.e,day afler.ioo. vti. Prince AupM Wednesday inornlnir len'H racen. . f. .Wednesday nflernoon . hall. Anyni v.h. Smilher!. ' 1,11 hall. Ocean Fall vn. ITlnf perl. Indian TburH.lay morninK football. , ihall. ' Tbnrmlav. afternoon !0cean Fall a v. Telkwa ,a hall, ,Vyox vf. I-rlnce-on,"-. Friday nflernoon F01" Trlkwa va. Prince 'lluperl. , Friday ariernoon lnlmn i hall filial. Ml ah Dora P. Bum 'vd Jj the Britice Allerl Ibjj" '""e for front Skldctfiile .and will Ir" Anyox by tlio next steamer.