Monday, September 10. 1923. We equip Incur olSupplies y the Jiumlrcds. Ilecause we have Bpfeks, Bags, Rulers, Loose Keaf Binders and Fillers in fiirl evcjylhing lliul an iip-lo-dale hook and stationery ht,$ ,luve ttl .PricfH (M Satisfy everybody. Call or write tor u, romplelc lint ull books und supplies used in the Public ninjilgli School, aUu Commercial School, Every item is priced to please. GMlaeMvs.o&l COAST STEAMSHIPS SAILINGS FROM PRINCE RUPERT. 8.8. PRINCE RUPERT and PRINCE GEORGE. FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, Intermediate Point, Monday, Thursday, Saturday, 11 p.m. FOR ANYOX . . . . WEDNESDAY, 10 p.m. FOR STEWART FRIDAY, 10 p.m. SS. PRINCE ALBERT or PRINCE JOHN. far rM SlmpuMi an Monday, I pjn. Vtncfr tit Qutsn Chartolt ttltnav W4ar S p.m, '' Sunday tin! PASSENGER TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. J.. m "Irl pin frlMVi: uE )hCE. tOMOSTOX, WIN-MIT III fiinu lantern uiuili, I nilH stales, AOtNCy ALL OCIAX STEAMSHIP LINES. CU Ticket OffKa, S2S Tnlr. At, Prints Rupart. Fhen 260. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert S.S. PRINCESS LOUISE, S.S. PRINCESS ALICE. For Vancouver, Victoria and' Seattle, SepL.1, 8, 14, 25; Oct. 5. For, Ketchikan, :Wranflell,.Jdneu and Skagway, Sept. 3, 10, 21 1 Oct. 1. 8.8. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Butedale, Swanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Ocean jfalle, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Van-'eouver, every Saturday at 1 p.m. G" Agency for all Steamship Lines. Full information irom W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. .Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. UNIQfS STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. j i silllnti Trim Prtnre Rupert, fae VANCOUVtft, VICTORIA. Ocean Fill, ana Sann Bar, Tud.y, B PJS, to' VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, i Al.rt Bay, ana Swanaofl Bar, aaurday No.n. for ANVOX, ALICC ARM, STIWART, Walta Iilantf, Sunaay F-M. for poafT 'SIMrsON ana Km Rlf Cann.rl... Prlday A.M. el tod Xtenu. J. afnir, Ajant. Prlnc nuprt. B.C. Special Teapot Sale We. liavc been fortunate- in securing an assorted crate of Old Knglish Teapots which wc have priced exceptionally low. There ore' several styles and sixes lo cIiOujq from. Prices run from 00c to $1,G0. They nro now on display in our window. KAIEN HARDWARE CO. P.O. Box 1646. 608 Third Ave. Tel. 3. "DEMERS" Fall Opening NOW SHOWING The - Latest - Styles . . in . Hats, Coats, Dresses, Blouses "DEMERS" Third Avenue Phone 27 i ROYAL PURPLE TEA bazaar. AND SALE SATURDAY Successful Affair Held Saturday AUernoon to Raise Funds for Annual Fall Bazaar A sucrrjtifiil lea and ale of home cooking wan, held Saturday ailernoon in the Klks' Home by Jhe ladiea of the Moyal Purple to raise fund.' for (Re annual fall Mr; V. Held, Mrs. I. Xewell and Mr. II. ; Alkinn were In rh a ice of I he home cookinjr boolli and Mrj. F. Dil.b, Mrs. II. J. I. Smith. Airs'. II. F. (ilassev. Mr. H. I. Johnson Miss May Itenl pi -eiud over Hie. tea room. Mrit. Hi'iiiiiiinaT-pourcd: while Mr Hen SHfwH cashier. Hie hall wit laelefully (b'loiated for the occasion. . (i. A. Woodland, local manager for the Imperial Oil $o., nailed liy t Jj Prime Hupert oij Salur iJaJfrfKlit for Ocean Falls. Mr. ami Mrs. Kdward Lipsctt returned to Vancouver by the I'rinee Itupcrt Saturday evening after having sjent a week in the eitv C.X.Il. sleainer Prince Albert, Capt. Hairy Nfdden, arrived! from Vancouver via the, Queen Char lulle llail(N nl 7:IT (bi in'omlnR and will ait tuniplit a! 8 o'clock f"r Anyns ami Stewart. 4. .. i Hoberl .1. lllackburn of Prince Oeorse arrival from the interior last night. He i Wore in charge of l he l-'orl icorKe Farmer' Inst itule district exhibit at the Prinre Hupert Kihibitton. 11. V.. Fraer, sehwil inspector ailcil (hi inorninp by the Prin eetif A I ire for Allin. He will be away for a fortnight making hi annual in perl inn of jtIkmiIs in Noriliern Hrilifli Oolumbia. X. I. FraVer,' 'fiX.H. asent a AMn rott, nrrivel nrom the in- i lormrby Saluijrijov. uigbt'K train mid Vailed for Vancouver on the a I'rini-e Hnpetff He motored from Atirrofl he I'rinre !eor?e ami came from lo Princt Hupert by I rain ,1' tliiM nioruinp by (he Pruieejid Ali-e enroule 'lo lwun where Mie will join Ihe hospital .lafT. Sin arrived lat week from Any ox ami fxnl v'eral daj! vihiliu wilh Major and .Mr. II. M.'Tav lor. Second Avenue. T. o. iilliland, 'wirelex opera tor of the iiiHiiiir Prinee .Khn wlni wa taken -iiek while the steamer wan proceeding iip the mast reeenlly, wa. removed frcm Queen Charlotte City lo Victoria where be purees fully underwent an iiperaliou for appcmlicitis. He will he at hi. post on the Prince John in the roure of u few- week., il is expected. FULLER'S SPECIALS Peaches ami Prunes, box $1.50 , t ins week we w ill sell one special I 3 lbs. l reli Ground Gollee I 1 tins Pacific .Milk i All ror 2.00 King Uracil Jied Currant Jam lb. linn, regular ?I.I0. this week only .75c. til-eat lig Cui umliers. 2 for 25c, Crab Apples. Id lbs. for .50c TBI DAILY KIWI THRBR Local ui Personal! H.C. Undertakers. Phone 41. Hayners, Undei takers. Pboue 351. . tf The new Boston Grill will open to-morrow at noon. ' Tuesday Special Fresh crab salad exhibition tea rooms. Mr. Philip Melz arrived from Ketchikan on the Priuceas Louise yesterday mornin(f. - Mr. and Mr. H. Itoderi Smith returned from Vancouver on the Cardeua last evening. I.vcry dollar buys a book. The library needs 1,000 books. How many will you, provide? 2H Ticket No. 1 won the Stork fishing rod pu. Labor Day. Mir ror and watch will be drawn for on Saturday. Kvery dollar bj)s a book! The library will be closed from Tues day until Friday inclusive duriu; the campaign. . 210 Kver; dotlar.buys a book. The library campaign H for 11,000, You can iubscribe at the- Book case the Exhibition Ha". 215 Dominion Constable V,. ( Xewnham of the Xaas Hiver was in the cily over the week-end. He returned north by the Cardena last evening. The Los Angeles Timber Pro ducts Co.'s sleatu schooner FJ Codro is at Buckley Hay loading lumber for California at the Massed Timber Co.'s mill. Better Sables Contest Class No. 4, babies 24 to 36 months, will be Judged at 10.30 a.m Tuesday, Sept. 11, In new build ing next to Benson's Studio Third Ave. ' I .u'liiur no Di lis i, pioneer rancher of the Queen Charlotte. Islands, arrived from Port Cle- me.iitsliydiels.leimer Prince At bert thus morn tyg. and will spem Hie. week in the, city attending the r air. Viiien Moose Heart -'Legion Utrulval Drive and Dance, Mel- ropole Hall, Wednesday. Sept. 12 Whist at W.30 p-pi sharp, dancing unlil'3 aim. Hefreshments Weslholme orchestra. Ladies 50c. ents $1.00. 21 1 Union steamer Canlena, Capt. A. K. Dickson, arrived from Van couver and waypoiuts at 7:15 last evening and cleared at 10.30 for Stewart, Anyox and Alice Arm. The vessel bad u considerable quantity of freight' for this port CP. It. steamer Princess Alice, Capl. Unnislon. was in port thi morning from to 12 enroule from Vancouver to Alaska. The vessel had about 55 Passenger five or six of whom debarked here. The passenger movement north is now falling oft but heavy lisls are coming south. 4 - Miss Helen Handal, H.X., of Vancouver, registrar of the Graduate Xurses' Association of Hrilish Columbia and inspec tor of nurses' training schools. arrived in the cily yesterday af lernoon lo pay her annual visit of inspection to the local hospl tal. She is registered at the Hotel Prince Hupert. K V. Ankntel Jones, who net as Judge for fruit, vegetables, field crops, honey and dairy pro- luce nt the Fair this week, and Greenwood, oultry judge, ar rived on last nislil's train from the Interior afler attending the 'mice George Fair in their of fieial capacities. At the end of his week they will proceed to sniilhers for the exhibition there noin come, from Victoria and are connected with Hie Department f Agriculture. The ease of (he. Canadian Pacific Hallway against tbo Union Steamship Co. urising out f the collission last January of the sleaniers Princess Healrioe ml Camosuu south of this port pened in the Admiralty Court at Vancouver last week. It will con tinue unlit the middle of next eek, it is expected. The suit in- olves damages claimed by the C.l'.H. V ? 1 5.000 ami a counter latin of the I'uion Steamship Cu. lo the same amount. The new Boston Grill will open to-morrow at noon. 4 Robert Dowdier sailed by the 'rince Hupert on Saturday even ing for Vancouver. Mrs. II. X. Delmonico and family of Shawatlans Lake sailed Saturday .nig-ht by the. searpet Prince Hupert for .Vancouver on a holiday (rip. Mrs. II. H. Grant and daughter, Miss Lorraine Grant, returned home this morning on the Prin cess Alice rifler an extended visit to the prairies and southern H.C. V. and F. Kergin, accompanied by Iteid McLennan, spent the week end in the Georgetown dis trict on a duck hunt. They re turned to port on Sunday night with a bag of thirty-two ducks and two geese. -- Knights of Pythias I Lodge meets tonight 8 o'clock sharp. Hank work. Special meeting p.m. Wednesday evening for second and third ranks. Old lime Party, Knights and ladies, Monday, September 17. Hig feature this week. ELK'S SMOKF.H, Wednesday night, Klks' Home, 10 p.m. Five Hig Iioxing Houts, Special Vaudeville attrac tions. Music and singing. 1U-- freshmenls. All for ?l.00. You can't alTonl to miss this. Get your tickets 'early. 215 M. II. Jackson, chairman of the game board, is expected to arrive on Wednesday anil will leave the ante evening for Prince George to attend the meeting of the board called for that place. " He will be accompanied by Inspector Parsons of the Provincial police. P. Initial, who is conducting dredging operations for gold in die black sands of Graham Island, arrived from Massed on the steamer Prince Albert this morning and will sail tonight by the Prince George for Vancouver He is accompanied by .Mrs. I.uuat Two new companies of interest lo Prince Rupert have. been recently incnrjioralrd. according to the H.C. Gaielle. They are -the Skeena Laminated Wood Co., I. ttl flu private company with .beiid- olHees in Vancouver and the Hu pert Fish Company, an extra-provincial concern incorporated to do business in ltritish Colum bia. NOTICE. .Mllllt IS IIIIILHY tilVEi llul in pliratlim will be imilf by llw city ul ITIOCT lluirrt In the l.rnsUtlve As.-fiuLlv of live I'rurlnre ir Hrltl.h ColunibU. it lis nvil ftiitoa, tor b Act to be rhutlMl "I'nnre lluprrt Local liupruvriiM-DI Valida tiou Art l3." aulliurlimr Inter alia Hm lllrralluo of the ralv of lulfirt payable oil the drbentur- tu be Usucd under Local Improvement Bylaw .No. 4 ill. rrmu seven per rent. (7) to SU per cent tc). Paled at tlie Cllr of Prlnre llurw-rt mis xnn oay or auku-i, i?3. E. F. JO-iES. Sollciior for the applicant, the Munlelpallty of the Cily or Prince Hupert. LAND ACT. Notlct of InWntlon to Apply to Purcnaa Land. In skrena Land DIMrlcL Recordtnr DH Irlcl or JTlnre Hupert, and situate about !i miles south wot or Salrua on C..N. Hallway and rontainlni- all or Devil Island. Take notice that Crank F. Rurdett. nt Vancouver. B.c occupation lumberman. imenus lu apply ror permission 'lo bur- chase the rollonln; described lands; Com-nienctn at a post planted on west aide or Devil Island at root or C..VR. embank ment, theuce following- the shore line or Mia island to (mint of commencement, and uirludlnir all of Mid Perils Island save and except the fount of Way or ald CJS. Hallway, ami contalnln- JiO acres, more or less. FRANK. r. BI RDETT, Name of Applicant, Attnl ror Frank F. Burden. Jay C. Wllmot, Herbert 0. Ross. Paled al salvm, Aug. nth. 1883. NOTICE. IX THE MATTER or an application for me issue pr a rresn certificate or Tine ror Lot Two i?). Block eight S). Town or Port Ksslnglon, Map 5JJ. sallsractory proof of the loss or tne Certirirale or Title covering- the above land having been Mrnlshed me. it Is my In trnllnn to Issue, after the eiplratlon of one month from the first publication here- or, a rresn i:ertinraie or Tine to tne said land In I he name of Y. Yamaiakl, w hich Certirirale Is dated the IMh October, IS01, and is numliered llJ.C. Land Heglsiry orrice. Prince Rupert, H.C (3rd July. I5i3. It. F. MACLEOD. Registrar or Titles. LAND ACT. Notice of Intantlon to Apply to Laaao Land. In Skeena land District, Recordlnr District or Prince .Rupert, and situate, at Captains Cove, Pitt Island. C.R. 5. Take notice that W. Jefrerson. of Van-rnuvrr, occupation cannery man, intends to apply ror permission to lease the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted on the south shore of Cap tains Cove, thence south It chains i thence west to chains: thence north IS chains to shore: thence follow lur shore to place of rottiinencmeni ami containing roriy acres, more or less. W. J. JEFFERSON, Name or Applicant. Dated Tib July. 1023. rCZEMA You are not when vou use Dr. ( haie'a Olut- ment fur Keiemk 'and Skin Irrlta- btlous. It relieves at once and gradually heals the skin. Kjmple, box lr. Cbase'a plutuieiit free l( ywi mention this paper and send So. si.irop for po'tnge. eoe. a bot t all dealers or K.i1nino, Hates ft Ov. Limited. Toronto MILLBANK" w 1 W Ml. A rS " ... v v i; ... n Exhibition Week Specials 1 Writing Tablet Q g and Package of jr Envelopes for This is a 50c Value. Chocolates GANONG'S CHOCOLATES the finest in thejand, 65c lb. 65c per lb. Sponges SORBO SPONGES. A sponge that can be thoroughly rleansetJ without damaging it. o. 1 25c; formerly -50c. No. 3 and I 75c J formerly $1.00 and .$1.50. A WIDE ASSORTMENT OF TOILET, BATH AND MEDICATED SOAPS AT VERY SPECIAL PRICES. ASSORTED TALCUM POWDERS for 20c, 2 for 35c Face Powders in White. Flesh and Brunette Shades 50c box ORMES LTD. The Rexall Stores, Phone 200, 82 and 134. 3rd Ave. and 6th. 3rd Ave. and 2nd. Ye pay postage on all mail orders. Premier Gold Medal Beer The New Wonderful Beer There is only one way lo prove that PHKM1KU "GOLD .MEDAL" HKKH is best THY IT. Order from the Government Vendor Today. This advertisement is nut published or displayed by the Liquur Control Hoard or by the Government of Hrilish Columbia. Of Interest to Men Call in and Inspect a New Slock of Fall and Winter Underwear etc, etc Just Received SEASONABLE STOCK OF WORK SHIRTS, UNDERWEAR, WORK PANTS, SUITS, OVERCOATS, Etc Steve King Opp. Bank of Montreal. Phone Green 85. 19 i i l 1 i - i