eee lay, December 16, 1932 —+ mised THE DAILY NEWS Thousands of People Read The Advertisements on This Page Every Day RENT THAT ROOM, SECURE HELP, SELL FURNITURE,, REAL. ESTATE, ET C., THROUGH A CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENT SS — —— peas — - = CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS | "heMarkets For rent, for sale and all other small advertisements in this section charged at the rate of 2 cents sent aie as fallows a word per insertion with six ee for the price of four. By the month the charge is 25¢ a word. Ne advertisement taken for less than 5¥e. Vegetables Potatoes, 13°td 15 Ibs. 5 | wrntte Figs,» a , sack, $1.40 to s, 6 tbs. 28 ' be — .... “Tunips, 8 Ibs 1 SRC 7 ‘ A'ifor zl ‘ TP a fas ana ‘“ , B ok: rade W ANTED—Boy between age of 16 eran 'S Transfer—Wood, Coal, ‘Carrots, 8 lbs inery. 40 my beam, 16 20. Must be willing and careful ving, chairs for rent tr Green Peprers, lb 30 Ford generator, Dverna Balla verker. Apply im own handwrit Swect Potatoes, 3 Ibs vacuum system tect ign wz. Box 158, Daily Nev oy a me e sexgaurtg~ Hothouse Toinatoes, Ib ait ittiee, 00 Miche CLEANING & PRESSING |p. nine 6 tb 25 © erytning ir an 2 THE 3. RK. WATEENS COMPANY eC 4 nliflov ee ¢ 25 9 wmhiowe id ul ime i ‘ PRICES nabie Benkenc [ Ynions, Ba 6 Ib 25 Ps ? t le a <4 , ieee AY > or 2 {ubbard Squash, Ib oF ut oi ama Gs ; i Ne z saith - Gelogs head, Be to 15 . , ha ee te: tea. z ‘™ Spanish Onions, lb 1@ FOR RENT 1 Many selisiied custome: a Aienneted sti Te 5 e of household tle indie emcee’ TYPEWRITERS jeicamt on" 3 WLY Renoy MOT a ry en : ae ee Cc shine 6 Jock! green D3 Cote fy s ons 7 ye 49 50 1 For Sale or Rent | California Head Lettuce, cto 16 w oe ; 3 ees va; ich Wa ae | Brussels Sprouts, Ib 154 OM Por rr hove wnby Street. Vancouver, B Rose. Cowan & Latta | Spinach. Ib 10 ent iy ; rm { ' rs a one Gr | a) Phone 734 Flour PIANO TUNING =a Fiour, 49's, No. 1 hard wheat 1.35 EARLY ne " a Second Patent 1.25 4, nt. Furn Clos PHONE sap ay, Sait Malai : Mail § +} dul Pastry Ficur, 10 Ibs 45 to 50 1 720 LANG (ued $390, Watke : } e e Aust. Pastry flour, 10 ibs 40 Store tl : ’ , 7 ; Eggs ae s ; . fo. the East— Alberta Seconds, doz 25 Met = +? PAINTERS Monday and Friday 8:30am. 5&.C. Fresh Exti cartoned WO P , : " Wesinesda' 9°30 am BC. Fresh First, daz 45 PAINTING ant ®~orhanging ©rom the bas- Lecal, new laid, doz 55 ; . F " Ty fay Thur ‘ . Soetur Butter > . > > . Moller Ph Tuesday. Tt day and Satu FOR SALE OR RENT , Phone Rec 802 av 8 pm. Fancy cartoned, tb 34 F ' .or Vancouver— Wo. 1 Creamery, 3 lbs 90 P , SOR Tuesday 12:30 p.m Honey “ a MRNRESSER Thursday) 9 pm Extracted Honey, per jar 20c to 30 ; one’ oe WATCH Ww tow fo Weekly ll pm Hioney 5 LOST mesial Ringlette echt Dec. 4 and 18 . p.m 4 Creere k 0 Hl from Vanceouver— Intario solids, new ib 25 Fing avi an . . : 3 Sunday pm |Umtame sature. ib 30 : . . - Wednesday 9:30 an tilton, Ib 35 } ‘ ’ Firy ~ Fri pm. | &dam, -Ib 4 t eeeeeee er eeeee@ Dec if and 29 .m.| Raguetoys, re > , Por Stewart and Anvox- onecia, Ip av) a The followine is the scale © Sunday 7pm Sugar > } e for Laine © Wednesday 3 p.m ‘White, 100 Ibs. 5» The AUC f IONEE K + @ From Stewart and Anyex— Yellow, 100 IDs 5.00 + ° Puesday 11:30 aa Lard Packing — Cr Wrapping + on . ma B sanent @ Thu \ 8 pn y Ib. 15c ¢ 17 nd General ! ef Mepair a : ner 29 a tor Qucen Charlottes— Mews List your ds with me 18 Total capacity 70.000 tons yeu square in the eve, n » ’ GULLTY of fighting vicoreusty and re- ’ E m Shipbuilders ; lentiessl) vour ancient enenry, tuberculo Sm oked Kippers. Ib 15 , ale . ear) Salmon, fresh, lb 15 and Ship Kepairers : for Steel and W Vessels } Of bringing aid to 3080 sick British Halibut, Ib 15 c ane ood P » ° " . ' e Oolumbians during Mhe pas! vear; Apples tren and Brass Casting | Of providing frec 7490 valuable and costly X-ray pictures McIntosh Reis .wranped?) lb 07 Mectric and Acetylene Welding for ieedy poople; box 50 Of helping to protect thousands of nren, women and chil BC. ( Ib. 4 05 50-ton Derrick for Heavy Litts dren threngheut the province against the spread ef tuber Delicious, fancy wrapped, Ib 08 culosis per ix 2.75 Sawmill and Mining Machinery Of helping to protect YOU Deliciou Grade, wrapped Repaired and Overhaaled per box 2.35 EEE ER F oe Delicious, bulk, Ib 06 Yhis Great Werk Is Worthy of Your Support RUY CHRISTMAS SEALS Saener. bulk. B 06 a The Goed They Do Depends on You per box 1.75 Grimes Golden, bulk, Ib 06 : rf 4 et } trnas Seals ; h will vide to ' ive © hristinas Seal bs nu il they will be per bax 1 60 ent gladly upon request by 7 ’ F % The Tranquille Tuberculesis Society, Kamloops, B.( : rete Valencia Oranges. loz. 25c to 80 Correspondents 1) Seals $1.00; smaller quantities if desired Jeo ie . bet 95 The Dally News welcomes ’ a — ject of public interest, 0uU | ters must be brief and to the point. The long-winded cor | Lemons, Cai., large Grapefruit, Calif., 7c to Pears, Anjous, doz. 40c to Pomegranates, each, 5c Retail prices curcet.t mere at pre- Emperor Grapes, 2 Ibs. Dried Fraits 179 Dates, bulk, Lemon and 4 range Poci FOR SALE ‘Tp , ; . Bee HELP WANTED TRANG SRS Parsley, bumgh g74 Citron Peel 35 Prunes, 30-40, lb. g5 Prunes, 40-50, |b. Prunes, 60-70, $ mei - Raisins, ‘99 Raisins, Cal. seedless. 2 Apples, dried Almonds, shelled Vaiericias California soft shelled Waluuis Wheat, No. 3 Alberta Wheat, Bulkley Valley ps ee ee oe be Oyster She!! Ground Oi) Cake Fine Oat Chaps Crushed Oats — no t & to SBA 10 30 10 35 AS 12%" 35 cow Ww uw «3 = Aoonm wn wo ot oF mf HSSan a 1.80 L. Lt. JOIN THE PROSPERITY Procession Give Prince Rupert Mer- a what they can: do. sell han the mail order houses. Buy Canadian goods but them Prince Rupert. Keep the city on the map, correspondence on live topics bs % iene ce oem TILISE THE TOILER Three is a Crowd for publication but a8 a mat ter of good faith and courtesy THAT Fy All unsigned documents go to HAT BREN i I; rFck+- DOAVT For - - the waste paper basket. Let : MAC PUT} Nie T. Wie bey \ yOu 7 \ | Ou 5 rs ters of a causti character AN MIPIR AY — must have the signature &pP wre OID Ot, o ee oO“ On , “ pended for publication | , a . Letter should be written on ineeo I ee ay one side of the paper only in eal Correspondents must ave'd | *S Shin uN y personalities and the language | 5 Ve oe a te . ' } | should be such as would be & tA | ° ’ lowed in the ordinary rules of ad a \ _ —— | debate, f z Se FORGET (7 MAHAIND Nes PLAY AND WE ALL. APPRE CIATE respondent has no place In —) NBEO NT ) COOLANT = ~ modern journalism - . = e i HELP 1T IF He j LI Stel, MAC - My a MAC - VM Every letter must be signed Le lee Las wantecs| |] SOME OUT To THE Eve EP? Booby pvang Sweet | + CV ASO lime To GICTY | MOUSE TO-f ‘ ‘ > by the writer, not n sarily hSe gGierzs THE 2 AWD RAPS i