vaqe rovn THE DAILY NEWS BRINGING UP FATHER By Georpe rVUi Prices that are i -MHaaaMHiaaHaMaMMaw Reasonable We hellrv.. that quality tronda hi a price Hint i It If;II I will f.uil.l a huaineaa on anli.l Rritin.l. Iluinea with N In-day i kooo. hul thi i nol arcorr.-lliln'.l today without effort. A annar.- .leal at l,flH I2T I'llli I s i., nil. SPECIALS For This Week. Ladles' Crown Kid Oifords. Wilkuiit 'I 1 Altai price '.!. All !! t. . J6.25 Men's Black or Brown No. 1 Calf Boot, ail tfc.-. An iiii'i-nal i.anrain. at $7.50 S ' Family SHOE Store Shma F'i Tin' ranuly nn i rTT 1 tiait nr a xu hKAUUA UN lir lVlilDurn s njiivnl I He i i THREE NURSES Laxa"Liver Pil,s lb Tnaap.ii wwk-ett.i- and In (Awn.m rvhi. Daily News Classified Ads' Summer - 2 CENTS PEH WORD IN ADVANCE. No Adv.rllMmml The Great Mr. neat Mr. nK Keth and ,vMngo Miss Hazel Ludgate, Miss Mary Mi Kerr Ml ..n T Header McLennan, and Miss Florence Liver Regulators Ktmontam. WANTED COAL Bjratl Formally Re WANTED. Men and Women to OKT cele Their.-at Qualifi- WlUa T) antr Kt of lad u n m to HImi prrfwr n m TW Kins- l.rMj w eete learn Uarberlnr. Paid while1 NOTICE SCHEBllfi tuu4. rHawi II at til Knpanbr aa "rm'r" by a t..enl1 match he learning and toot fr. Writ A'lriiiT. ar mniml-ml BaStBlU vm. Itrrii bM-al team ami a .lance for eatalomj. Moler HarW; EXERCISES IN ELKS' thai alr-lifmiil Tafof ka Ik Brrr U Murtttt 11 arr Ihe cenia)ft. Colirne. Vanewier. R.C. 1 iy Oreat satisfaction ' Repeat HOME LAST EVENING 4. houltl b In lhf tnlf i - fill, i - .-ry uty niiiiaj una aad eiavr ar t W.STKI. Ki rnmg mfrflj I ally .wa tMr hfatn John i lark, loiMr inprrt'r. II 'lay f..r Ml. Hm.l I- lial li na fate. i kou r ftt ao in. Hon, t pm. I'-Ukf u, mmr tm- , . . Mra. H PrtrrtMrMts. makmir an nr)a vUil tn lun. II wary ,v tiri-niuii ami i 'at, aiun. -f ' pfftl. Pmaanl Iwiaiil; f1ln In laimwrrnw'a l- Nanaimo-Vellington n..renre m. iiya". law mic: naura' Lata-Uacr rtlM it n ehllaVm. Apply lint Imi, . . ir r..t. ura.ltiate nf lite t'ruwr IliMart I, m M ! taai. m. ;ratai i4ll Pain r IMIIr UIKer. II General Hninlal nnrmi Irani utx. m mwrr m imi al; I I'm. Mli in-HaVr IMa swt. 5 H.ti. '1 Nut Coal WAXTF.Ii. - Flahenwan lo lake It 1.1I . n Quick Fire' L.-.M. Lunjrer.' out M foot haliltiil boa I on 1 MISCELLANEOUS. I:(. ,iiiii n other X-it - T. inin. which (M.k lilavrc Iw-.Imt ri mmt ! mmt ttr fwian MM J. C rMTrW, aiMl- ware. Write I lot 11.1. Ihiily PYRO KXIIMil lSHKIt-i. f:-al f..r- an a--ml.y nt iivilnl "fll I W w U" m'li nMiaf iH tn tnam New. If Thej r rr " """ J in.-I noiMlerfMl, afe(y firUl f--id' V-1 A Phone 116 564. imI l.i I mshl in IN Klk-'l ifet. WM. . or I ... Mart rhairwi TU. ' WOM AN :04K wted for eHi ImeiiM.iii of Ihe aee, A few ! .r..1 :. Albert & McCaftery of lh ho'iiilal ImhiH. nryMrifl. i 0,1. ; Mr. miut Km. L of three men. 1 4A.MA a nKmlh, Vi man wanletl to place tee'l4. S.'.4 ' V .K. W illiams ami Dr. J. A. l jn, . a.hanr. TIm- ln.l. w a ttm 4ay in lowil. Aptdy I lot 114, Kir ew rapid aellcr on his coohtiI t I- lilt a v. LIMITED ;,.l.l tho (rrailnalinir rl.,J.. ,tf lhr Ilu,iK antf-..i - -ion. Send Sc. lani. A an- nr.,im sikI Mr. iKmaklwm. arlinif Hja .,iin,iw' ,:., .k.t lr ukl VI r. Kwl of vn ply al ..nee 1,. M. J. WMIaam. lUrmliU MAX wan I a wnrk a wnlehman I .iron. iw.i"iiii me mmmix riiirl of o-arrr. itt in Ikr HkNlPaiaie Mi..i..n, wre kariy aiMl(V, nnnwi l.y or At her lihl employ nen 1. p. It lllfll ,. , J"""rrnl The Vwi- wnn-jlhan in the .t. II Wm mn pljf I Wit iai)y e iitHre. RXPKJUFJiffiKli MANIOUfllST aM l a- 1v.11. . ,vnl- lilwlste. AucH. honnrnt r.rofcuH. Ih wari.t vr For Sale! iary nf t It HmmUI liauinl hail IM Slinnip((n. Itnahleniiat wnrk ?ft U ! lie K t ... ' anil it w up lo all wo wore; The Andrew .erie4y clmrgr nf arrangement. a p?tcHjr. I'hwne llle 17. J 1.-'V ihr tne nire unirorm to mainlain a mi nreriit wil even in(T MAN or W'ttman wanted fnr Mm. Cnfeman. 1 Mifh aVNAr- . flu,', Following fnlmnce tt I In Ibal honor wtierever the- nrtwht niiry' now in trainins, vrailuatc 111 I' Hall on FrMny. hnaaewnrk. Apply iNitly ew t0 Clt n H' ,riv' THREE LOTS fti. 1 He Mtimird r traininft 111 There n. an eie-lrnt prncrnm ofKee lr pimne sa. 133 ROOMS 16 lir St . . menilwm f Hip taff ami former the Frinee lieneral H-o-,,, on Alfred St- with scrailuale of tUr rhixil. I In- mrm- al wn lusl..Hupert II y.m wmil.l ,uPhiir waia I he onlxr t Ike WA.VTEIi. Cnn reiri.ter. Male tT. KI.MII HfrrKI.. Hat ami eld tl Kifti ak- .. U r JIhtk of.the prit . BaiiiatinK A Uh-k, umr ..taeir water n every rnm. gleam DWELLING uv-.,or ..,e,. . nnnH- y.i. fcenl lfiM t I hit lift. iHlty f ia rnlernl Ihe hall to Hi.- ou will have l honor jl. mrmhmrn wrr,. . New ouV, ' heated. Hate eeaxtnahle. m 1 and 2 Greenhouses fmrn nf nmtlr hy l'rf. prjrfe 1 1 .iv-.-." ..IAi -1 Phone fireen sin N34 Seand 7U i, r.rrhexlra. The former lnk ilwii L : . VT IT . 1 . .. Mi-alKaW. had a picnic for In WAXI KIi. Voun jirl lo rare Atanue U e.l. U3- H.iik wjU" Or Owner will exchange tor pI.'M-eM in I lie front mw f oeaU i. i 1 1 1 ;- .o-r la ortlaf for eblMren after elMm). nvr-ffi fm aim im'miii i in utry" I'wellinff and Lot more cen- anil the tcrmtiwlea frrupint ehair IioikmiH of carnation ami ru-r iiiiirniiin. Phone IA&. , 135 TAXI al the Able nf the hea.l laMe a! Irally locaUI. were then presented lo e4'li of Tail 87 wnieh were eatef Mr. Slewerl. I lie The V.. niei H the honte of WANTKI) TO nitXT Small Fur. Phone. trrailuale hy 1'reoi.leut u fur Particulars 1 Cfinll fir. Wel. Mr. William.. Mr. Meumrt on behalf of the U oiuen -Auxiliary Mr.iilhrl on Wetlneadaf. nthd llou.a. 9tr9 Oally Ross Oeorif-Brothers.or filial) New a Offkw. Jvaler lional.l'nn, an.l Rev. G. U aiul friend. Oliver Typewriters. Five-paaaenirr Tounn Car llaeker. Mr. Th..niaon returned from Cary Safes. The Congratulations Offered FOR RENT Prompt Day and Nlal.t Strvlce -r..-ii i . . it : prvireevlinci were rtpeneal The formalitie over. I tie iiimt Hnelfon Hiilat m Sunday. Stand: Boston FIRE INSURANCE. ly l'rei.ent Stewart w!k refwrred I lien proceeded lo offer their FOIt IIKNT. Three r.M.n.e, Grill Third Avenue fV.o ?- - jliriefly la Ihe uttjoet of the 1 tet-A- eoimraf ulal ion to Ihe pradnalc 1:. II. Or in.- and K. C. liiMxtn nwalern h.MIe. furiillel. clon AUCTION KALZS. II Falc ... V ' & ion an.l ealttnl upon W . 1;. i il-lianiK after which .lancing cmno-nreil Hetif e week-eiMl al jkel;- in 011; Fifth Ave., Haal, diiruiK 19- ; - V ' Dybhavn Hanson loiejier the firt aHn-. lo the Ir.'iioa of nnixic fumieh- July and Ali?nl. He.I 1-on.)lined 111 your home or a tt-Wh.'. Third Avenue. Compliments Craduates e.1 hv an orchclrB cnilinv of 710 between H and 0. lit eur rooms. Good alao sold nn tS Fair- ! M Prince Rupert, B.C. Mr. WiliianiM romlimenlNl f'mf. H. Auhrey I'ryrp, !Ur. J. A. Ty..n of prince Itiiperl f-jmniiiaion ;h S.-.M.' (he iiieinlwr f the icrailuatimi (iavifhorne and ieonre llorie Jr. teu eeveral ,.! in Uiwn la FOn nFyiT-Furnliilied roonm. H. H. HEaMnnst Auctioneer, i ,1 la on fheir original ilerioion to flcfr.'linienl were er el and al wek. wilh or without board, home Third Avenue 3 -Wliii. enter the nuritinf; profekikm aiwf I?..10 Ihe (ratherinw dioprracd cooklncr. Alio housekeeping (Oei.ny Allen's Old Store! ft-Fair f-oliirralulalei aulle. Norfolk Itooin, phone Phone black 13 and Qreen 471. pKeoot- llietn on Iheir tir-re wilh ihe iiifriua of the National Mlaa Ma vine llotih ienl I he at vrailtiHtin? afler three Anthem. Irtaek 329. tf 2 Win hdLy in l'rne HiHMrl. trnmu year of hard an.l fm'u-nliou Jarnea Mitdhell wait mauler nf MAIL SCHEDULE J Fah ilown Sal unlay an.I reiurniinc Hunted Flat f.r re 11 1 training. Tlii wa Iheir firtj cereHMtnieM, and Ihe roHliillllee in MiHiday uiithl. Meaner apartments. M. M Rfl-Hrmil-te3 urt-.ii oureeaw an.) I In- ItoHpilalj charae connrlte. Mr. II. Illam-e. Blephen. For the East . l- fx wait Jiroijil of tin- yrailuafc. I'll Mr. J. L. Ixe. and Mra. J. i. .Mom lay,, Wedredaya and Fri 24 Falno ' 1 uurin . Mr". McOrepor la apeudiair (I . Id s.a'lierinir prenenl in.liealel that Sleen. yir. Ilorrsill w in FOn IIR.VT llouaekeeplnir mom day., -. ' ai--rV-ools V ai c ir, T'luritiK- with alarter . S30 fi-w day in Itiiperl lull will re-lam (. p.m. HuiialHMit .(imre ei(.e tixik an inlereni in charge of Hie rrin(c of refrenh. 410 Sltlh Avenue I-iiaL Phone- From the East-Monday. P" 40S t Terraw almrlly. - t v- 'iheir 3 Whit.' uwh lhan they might nienl. lllue 217. if lliinal.iil. with Marlcr 490 Thurwlaya and Sal-urday. ftFalc..n- Ihaxe Ihoiinhl. Life wax I.11I a Nlan. with Hiarlfr . . 785 i.'oiiliiiuatioii of education -and Mr. finrdon, A'anderlip and MOnFlt.V four room flat for S.30 p.m. n u....i. . I'jj.-'ina. IViiiiic, with utarlfr . . 695 TERRACE NOTES rent. Wealenhaver . ft ..' .. work wilh trial and diaifioiril- lUeliinoud alleiiie ,la. Ilioli-inoii.r llroa. tf I t-,-While K. v v Clinnoi From 345 iienl hnl Hie ealinfaelion o.' ale in llaejioii, wlich FOn IIKNT. Front Vancouver 7- Falcon a v- flat in Smith C:iiaf m. willi alartT 430 arhievprnent wa afler all the n- Mr. WiUoii of Kemo wa up wii well allciiilc.l mid ery uc-cefn. & Mallet Ulock. Suiidayj , , , ...P. M. 0 S-ouU w ra.-'w li Trurk 495 for the Andrew' dance Friday Mnndaya ...3 P.M. t V liiralinn of life. Mr. William SI. " ...- - - Trork. wilh ularlcr . . StO Wmlneadaya ' hi BOARD. . 3 p..m; aKalroll v - referred to Ihe Mjdi rallinpt in life uighl. v l.ialil . licry 430 Fridaya .. ! that lh graduate, had 1-hoi.eii 4 Mr. Anderon of the Hank of A.M. 3Soiila l.iflil liflitt-ry. willi I mid for w hich Ihey were now F J. Moore returned from Ihe Mnnlrenl xpent Hie w.'i-k-ciiil IIOAMH. The Inlander. 8.10 Friday ... 3 P.M. Sei(fniwr .tt. alarlf-r S15 nalified. If Ihey lived up In th prairie Sunday. in Terrace. Second Avenue. Phone 137. tf Katiirdaya 3 P.M. 3 hlle S v v- F.O.H. Fonl, Or.t O.P.U. June 3, 18 and 25. l i'iii'iile thai Ihey had M-eii FOR SALE S. E. PARKER taiiKhl in the eoure of Iheir Sir cnrloa.U nf picnicer apen' Mr. lliijrtii wenl In llupert To Vancouver. F00TSU Dealer, training, i. iiii... .1 loyal u, Iheii ihe week eo.i al l.itke I.iik.'Ur. ..11 Sunday. The report that FOIt SAI.K. - llrey Dorl nir. I'J'.M Monday in P.M. Julia Prince Rupert, B.C. cIiimiI, c.iiiilry. and Kin The weather was Meal and I lie reaclx-d Ti rruce tiefyre ahe left model, four eitou oi. liiM'k Tuesdays, Mall cloe 5 P, M, Itnroll" v- i- f 'A Ihey would not ten wroujf and llliaoi'her, ill firal rlaa c.indi-Hon. Tliurday p.m; II Hefrree would continue lo achieve fur .Vtl', .'0.IHI cah. Ap-ily Saturday A.M. ..... i.U v ' II) it her Mieri-KHCK. SI. Iteyi l!afe. ;uj Saturday o P.M. Fimlan.l. H' '' ' ' LADIES! j Mf. Jrvinit N I.innill nnjr n r. June 7. Ifl. S3 and an; Junior Ul If voeal nolo. 'Tlie Valley of FOll SAI.K. Fumed Oak dimna To Anyoi, Alice Arm. J..M- FIGURED VOILE l.aiililci- kin nits Srliulierl 'n Hiiile; Willon Atiniiialer Hilda, Wedneadaya 9 p.M. 1 " .1 t a ii I ' ferenailc' a- nn .'m-.n-i- Mi-- linoleum. ued year. IkIi From Anyoi, Alice Arm H-Plllillc Schonl II' 1 ill IT- RATINE DRESSES. 'o-orniria I Ifnnlcr a'.'oiit.anieit friii- Apply Sulle Iwo, Clapp iuiiriiay m p.m. ,- teeo up, 1 Mr. lional.lsoii (lien iireHcnied Itlock. l.i(J To Stewart and Premlar . It -Ulllli ;lh' ochftol inetlala lu Ihe irrnili) ; - r1 1-rnlay u P.M. eice fllfll'l" 1,111 BENT'S I FOll HALF..- u,, i3 u. 25 ,i:oll Ready-to-wear iiite ami conferred the Floreni" From Stewart and Premier-- Niwlilinal I'letltre, 1'ic-ol.oii with i li.ji. engine. ( cycle. AH Sal unlay . h P.M. He fere.- I'"'" Third Ave. iMewnH awardiuir Ihe didi.fiiux. ( lomplele. Ileal mui ever offered. To Alaska Points ------ Hunk nf Mofilr.'iil. I Dr.' J. A. West X. M. MrLeaii, (Viw Hay. .lime .1, li, Ik and ?3. PRINCE ur TIC" j lr. Weal, in a.Mreioiliiir 4lt ! la From Alaska Points- ' iKruiliiuliiiv rla. rcfcri-i'il lo tli FOll SAI.K. Two roomed houae June 7, It, 2.1 and .10. Friday, Jn I'-V"ii if you don't live n a ermii.tuo.. ,,f Florein- , on final, cheap. I'lione To Naas River Points llluli NiahliiiKale .lye UI. f "' Hhicli I Itt "t ,0 pla lioi ami Ihrow .'Mil. 'I'll 11 r-.l.'iy- ii P.M. linn-.en ha.1 JmmI taken. Willi If -8 111 , llj. 'liiriee 1 From Naas River Points f.ow ,iakio of thai oath Ihey had H. Royal Yeast Cakes been sflBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB r. it pJ" Your WINDOW 1 iiiued ieuMMiilili,.. which n used and recommended by watt lluil afler Mr. Iluxliai.ii un-dciweiil Saturdays A.M. JM ' To Queen Charlotte Island Saturday, jthe coiire of their IrainiiiK Hi. ' Canadian housewives (or over a Ihoiniiitli 1'xiiiiiiiialioii Points Or Wind Shield May Get hud not had. If tliev ..riliini. .1 j 50 years. hi ley pii.vcl lo he hroken in June l.i and :'7 P.M. Itliih in .'i.9 Jl.H'-tS From y., Broken. i their work i'.iiclciiiii.u.iv m,.1 Time is the test of Quality. 'hrce rdacc. Queen Charlotte Paints Ui- ioiufhly they would hiive no Insist on "the kind that June I i mill 25, l.ow .'8 nlll T. ROSS MACKAY ;Ilium I" fear lliouuli Ihey wer sHL mot he I W. Iiowllii- Mini relumed To Port Simpson, Alice Arm lit I 11 Anyon and Arrandale. Sunday. J""1 ii-radimllim. there war- liiucli la ' from Will Fix It. 1 1 infill fori ia-er "" he leariicil and lliev Buriday in p.m. lliih li- M011I1) lia'l' ti where he had lieen in, ileimr' . In Everything Glati. From Port n Simpson, Alloa I'oiiliinie lin o -.In.In - tt lljc ineiilal tint Jc -. I'l'iiiirli'ii Arm v.-.'. 1,mi "' were to he '"X irely ic -,f ud Anyox and Arrandale l.ow rt 1 r Wfulher 111 thu interior 'n Tuonlay A.M. 1 , 0 r