ace ame Friday, December 18 1939 THE DAILY NEWS | CON CERT IS i | Save Durin George Bancrof i AN OPEN LETTER - - - | ABLE g 3€C oft P ’ ‘ ENJOY Cold Weather wins gecnal \ ; a — A A Paramount Picture. With Wynne Gibson, Charle« Starrett, From Your Ch ristmas Store ene neh on a — James Gleason, To her, a speakeasy was home, sweet home To ped a The way to save at this sea- him, a fight ring was the family circle, B If you are one of the many people that experience difficulty in. sel, maeepts ois 60 buh pace te 0 tear uous Comedy-—"HOOK & LADDER” (OUR GANG) & ecting both useful and novel Christmas gifts we ‘feel’sure that. this as fakde: MICKEY MOUSE in “MICKEY'S WHOOPEE PARTY: r Christmas message will interest you. | The Christmas concert which h ud ‘| Admission—lLic & tl : ; vesture Starts at 7:30 & 9-39 Tae ’ . “9 already been given f the pupils SATURDAY MATINEE at 2:30—15e & 35e = Feature Starts ai 5 oy j In our store we have made preparations for a popular price Christ- Sf the Hootli Biiiterial School on MONTREAL MONDAY and TUESDAY—“NIGHT OF JUNE 13 44 mas, and for that reason you will find well selected gift merchandise at Wednesday and Thursday after- IMPORTERS ———— prices which will accommodate the modest pocketbook as well as those |noons, was presented last evenin — a . . . +i ; } f narents I if interested in more elaborate things. jto a large number of parents. In . y "4 . ¥ cals ° . . welc ng the pare Miss E. A ‘ ‘ . ee oadl hisky , Se Gar We must confess our inability to describe in this letter the many de- Soda ed srl “hanked the | Guarantee of at least 35% — Fie of Us Sood HdDays mm Ye a f ; oe , ng Fa i see and let ai 4 lightful presents on display; but there are presents for mother and dad, parents for.their co-operation and | *¥!ms. Cal — =o € i sister and brother and sweethearts, too. Perhaps you haye felt that jew- ‘explained that originally the pro- us convince | A % rot ellry store gifts were just for the fortunate few, but we hasten to assure gram had been prepared for the _ Pl i you that we welcome you to our shop. Come in, feel at liberty to look at 2 cag 0 but was now bel | given at ne request of m > everything without being pressed to purchase. It will be a pleasure to aS “ BANCROFT parents. No expense id . Fe show you the gracious and beautiful things which are suitable for the darved ih. pein Perfection of Ola ‘ee | many names on your Christmas list. elaborate staging. That the aud-| FEATURED phe? Jewellry, silver, glass and china will appeal to mother. We have per- lence thoroughly enjoy th wr "ei tH) sonal! things for men such as leather-goods, smokers’ needs, handsome eee ieee ee ; j j i , ies. Ri : a ] f od pene hearty ippiau ' ‘“ Burly Star Heads Cast in “Lady and wy? te toilety are including baggage and accessories. Rings are always favorec tem Gent” With Able Assistance ref ble SSis “ hile nothing could be more practical than a watch for someone in the Action songs, sk a ncaimn Setiniien tional dans Doesn't it all sound exciting? Here is your Christmas store ready hora bet ‘ yp : to serve you. Will you not drop in? —— a iM i 2 . . . . . . ie y : iil a iI t ( i Sensational values in our Down Stairs Store. Hundreds of Fine Items— enbeabeadaeae B ind W ; 7 c ier i : » bh or ented a ty Dozens of Suggestions. rhe program pow Be eee ee sate 4 i" «= sale aes wET ; IT ’ x . nor Principal's welcomi iddress by PO ind EO ag | MANY NEW WAYS TO CUT DOWN YOUR CHRISTMAS BUDGET pet * te ta een of the Capitol Theatre her e ; oo Re | Choruses The First Noel wi ; 7 ome “i | MAX HEILBRONER Diamond Specialist Choruses — ihe Furst Norland at the same time humat 4 - Sleep.” choir enaeeet tole EACHER’S WHISKY is a . i vit big *-* A et Mother Goose Rhymes and-a é Sudi tne pure, mellow spirit, every a rownie song and dan jrades 1; See ° : ° 42 zit eee Beauty Qu n - oe ee eee Grades 1) ied uy ) between cas drop of which is distilled, Y ee Ali «& : , ; t ty or ue i mig | Jack Be-Nimble and Miss Polly ey ade ~ tb e blended and bottled in Scot- he wth. ¢ © m fos fa ro xe 12 7 ; Hs ” |Grades 1, 2 and 3 , id friend. Hi land. Its popularity is world- 4 Boys’ Chorus, “Who Killed Cock . . : a S$éru [ Nf Robin?” ae 2 brings resu wide because its quality never ’ wl 4 . | Christmas in other lands, Grad ; varies. | i4 and 5 : : . htt Girls’ Chorus What Child a oon a ¢ . : . If your nearest Vendor cannot supply rou Y This?” “While Shepherds Watched outs ae - ne r order direct from Mail Order Department ; ny Their Flo ngued k wred nigh 1 Liquor Control Board, Victoria ih roprietre ‘ ime wi Pi Scene from “Ali in Wonder af : Bar ti t : f wardship f | ‘p We have one only land.” Grade 6 . Bancroft’s life] 7 y" pl Chorus and solos, “King Wen-', , eating tele ts— 2 ' ek te as lished or displays yf : > cesias - ' . pr ; ; aiteall : wr - the ( — ; i} ’ ea Full Ename! Cream and Green Sachs idasan Miike, Welt made. Despite a rather callous ot by the Governmes ; ng Bird’s “Christmas Carol,” Grade. ver ee Ne” 17 eee * Tye i Chorus, “The Camé Hump B E Mi Gibson includes | Z oal Nange sama” ea ne os a vos ee e pl } Gi ; “A ; . . . . » - ' at peri } ea Ban- | ' ord 4 This Beautiful Range Sold For $100.00 We have a fine new line of Prince Rupert made | At the conclusion, Mr. Woodland || and young. We welcome your |, , e een program that had been Th R | Sh Christmas Cards os p Nees ee | © —— ; Aboard Helen II Mr. and Mrs, John MeRae | BUY o<- d Pi _ Home From Trap Bulkley Valle , and Frictu Li iti Your Health y y , res COAL! COAL! Lineat Kitimaat our Healt ‘ teed to give satisfaction. Try a /trned home from their trapline Consult— and the money 18 spent at home. | ton of No. 1 Bulkley Valley, We , 0D the Kitimaat River, While away THE BETTER COAL ote a rle |}which had climbed wp a tree just ; W , W Oats and Barley. oe ip Chiropractor) i jin front of the cabin, She shot at Green 241 Phones Green 549 R A T H A L L, | Prince Rupert Feed Co. the bear twice and jt finally fell Exchange Block A Local Product ° e ,expressed the pleasure it had given inspection i Fresh Fish Daily members of the club to hear the ae | ‘ow Bay RE en RRR Art Calendars Cow Bay Kitselas Chiefis 0 FORE I RO ' . ' ' ’ ' : : aa: . hey help your friends to keep in touch with Prince || Our Famous Edson, Alberta and | KITSELAS, Dec. 16 Chief and Is More Important than Rupert. They are made by Prince Rupert people |} Buty Valley Coals are guaran- |Mrs, Mark McKay have just re- anything else | also sell Timothy Hay, Wheat |Mrs. McKay killec a black bear! WC, ASPINALL D.C. 58 — Phones — 558 jon the roof of the cabin REE St IR SN RN