King George Sends Message of Sympathy to Mrs. Harding LONDON. Auk. :i King Oeorge this inoniiiig commanded lla1 (ourt to wear mourning for oit week for the Inle President llahl-lug In a message lo Mri. Harding the Kin? deelared: Tlie Oueeit ami I are inucli shocked and grieved to hear of your irreparable loss and wc as sure you of our heart fell sym pathy in your sorrow. The whole of (lie Hritlsh people will join with their sister nation in mourning (lie ilealli of (lie president a. (lie cir1mlnallii4 point of Ms tlis. tliiRiiislied career.'' IMMIGRANTS INTERVIEWED Say Canada Does Not Need Them Conditions In England Bad MONTH1.AL, Aug. . The Slur 'today features interviews with many of Ihe fifteen hundred Scottish 1 111 in i 1 111 n I s landing hero en roulii lo Ihe l.'nilcd Stales. Some said thai Ihe needs of Canada 111 presented In the old ciiunlryinen were for formers and I Ii it I industrial workers were not wanted. "I never saw an iiutnljnatioii olllelul representing Canada down our way," said A. C. Sinllh, "No one ever spoke lo me about prospects In Canada." Tlie acute distress, unemployment and 1 1 1 u gloomy outlook for Ihe fuluie in (Ileal llrilain are Hie chief reasons ascribeir by immigrants for leaving tliolr lioines. Several deplore Ihe necessity of settling under a foreign flag but large numbers liae an antagonistic; idea of remaining under the Union Jack In conditions which do not provide u decent slapilard of living t.bey lay. There wa no time lo iimmo:i aiblilioiial phy-leian. lo memlier of the official family 01-for miilieal eklll lo exeirie li kiiulilye. l"le phy I ci 11 11 t Hiiileil in their ileeiion a to the eaue of ilealli ilerlaring It lo be lue lo apoplexy or miilure of ltool e!M-N in the a- of (he brain near the respiratory eeiJrc. Tliey emphaifil that ileath fiotn riieli a rail mi might have wciirrn at any lime anil rame alter re-eovery from 1111 arute illnf from vvhieli Ihe reilenl hal been Miffering for a week a la iro?re. When oVatli oeeurreil. .Mr. llanling wan rea'ling to Ihe pir-hleiil an arliele In n current mair- nzine. enlitleil "A Calm llrvlew of a Calm Man." written by Samuel C. Ithtlic. the noleil poljtirnt writer. U ileM-ribeil tlie man to whom "lie win remling, ami he wan lntereiteil in il. She pauei in leailiug. (ilanring up. Im raiel hi liiiinl ami cnhl, " Ihat'x gooil---gooil. Itead Mime more. ' l'hoe were III last word. Burial at Marlon President Harding's body will be taken to ashmulou for a PRESIDENT HARDING BsF jJTTp-vB WSMhBV&-'' ajajajajajaw k'iH Whie HeiDh I niii'il .Sfates and Ihe Civitied Worbl Mourns.. Today ioavply. When Ihe nurses turnii! tu console her on her luisband'tt death, she promised them thai she wool; not break down. Slic, herself, .went lo the door and summoned I lie consulting doctors. I'resideul Harding was a man who loved "home folks" ami, if he had hud lime to leave a parting word, il would undoubtedly have contained Instruction JJiat he be buried in Marion that knew him as "Warren" and where everyone called him by hi" first iiamci Saddest Journey When the gray ilavvn crept over tlie mountains ami til up the Ooldfii Cute this morning, arranaeineiils were almost rum plele for Ihe sndilesl trauseou- tluentnl journey in Hie history of late ceremony and Intermentlhe Untied Males. Ihe limly will I... iiiu.le ill Mniiiiii. Mliin. his leaves on special train al ltn home town, where Ihe ng-d evening going direct to Wasli father, prostrate with grief, sur- inglon. s. 1 Aned 57 Mrs. Harding is bearing ui President llanling was born at British Columbia Mourns Death of President Harding who Made Friends with Everyone he Met VAMJOUVKII, Aug. l. llrilisli Columbia in general am Vancouver in Darlicular went into mourning loday. While t lit' official world half musled its flags uml compiled formal. mes suges of condolence lo Mrs. Harding mid lo tlie niillioriljes o America, plain men ami women of Ihe community talked of I'resideul Harding s ilealli its nf I ho passing of 11 conmide. It is exactly a week ago that Uiey trumped lo the nuisic of Hie massed band through tiislcs of hunting lo greet the head 01 Hie house of Iheir nearest neighbor and bid him welcome in Hie inline of Canada, II Is exactly 11 week since they that the ready smile of hi mobbed Iheir police 'in hiyh good gracious wife was quenched In humor In fling an nu revolr lo, sorrow". their kui'sIh as (hey sailed for From Lieut, (lovernor W. C, home. Mnny of those who made Nichol. Attorney General Man merry' llieu .found II hard to be- son, acting premier of the pro Hcvo Hint the "cleun uml capable .vince, and Mayor Tisdull cent man," us Muyor Tlsdull described niessitnes of condolence and yco Inm, bad -6ue to bis death unU found rcrtt. Iral College (now defunct; at Iberia from IH7i lo IH;. He married Florence kliiu of Mario. Ohio. 011 July H, I !l. The late president was eiia'-, etl in Ihe newspaper business al Marion, Ohio, since I hk f and w:(j president il llie iiarijing i'uu-lislueg Co. publishing the Marion Oaily Star. When be slarled (he eourerii il was a bankrupt week-My newspaper. He was ID years nf ae. I rout IH'.'H lo liml. he was a meinfier of ijie Ohio Senate ami 1 was lieutenant-governor y Hie! s'ate from IUOI lo IU01'.. In y 1 0 be way Itcuuldic nou 1 i 11 re II for governor but he was defeatist 111 Ihe elections. He iva menilirr of the I. oiled Stale Senate f 10111 Ohio from IJI5 lo I'J-'o and in Ihe laMer year received Ihe lie-publican iiomiiialioii for president and was elected al the general elections ver (loveruor .lames M. Co of Oaylon. (Hiio. he Oemoerat nominee. He wa liiaunraled president on March I. ty.'i. I he late president was a member of the itaptisl Church and made his home at Marion, Ohio, before going to Ihe While House. CITY'S REGRETS ARE EXPRESSED Acting Mayor Collart Called on U.S. Consul This Morning Acting Mayor Thro. Collarl alleil mi Fred Weaver, acting American consul, this morniim o express tlie deep sentiment -Of ympathy on behalf of Ihe eily of Prince Itupert for Ihe loss sustained by Ihe American peo- le in Ihe death of Iheir presi dent, Warren U. Harding, at San Francisco last night. The flaiz oxer Hie Cily Hall was unfurled at half mast Ibis morn ing as were those of all oilier public buildings in Hie city. WELL ivOTNMMON FISHERMAN DROWNED lames "Scully" Ileal lie, a well- known salnioii fisherman, was frowned yesterday morning about H o'clock al Oceanic Can nery according, to word received today by Ihe local provincial police olllce. Willi his .partner nametf il- son, lieaine was repairing me mast of Iheir boat when tlie boom swung back uml struck him pi'ecipituting him into the water. .lames (libsou, in a cannery ten der was soon at 'Hie scene but was too late lo elTeecl a rescue. There Is a strong tide where the accident occurred mid Ihe body was not recovered although drug ging operalhuis are being instituted. Lieut lie was about :ti years of ago and was a Canadian of Scottish descent. He wus unmarried, a relumed soldier and was well known among local salmon Whan Ypu Want A AO TAXI mil P.R. III! FISH MARKE T 99 Phone 671. FOR THE PIC-NIC. in a hurry Jellied Tongues,. Boiled Ham, Phone Roast Ham with dressing, tt Cars and Beit Kervlce , PRINCE RUPERT Fresh Sausage Dally. In the City. Bates Reasonable Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Out of Town Orders Solicited VOL XIM., NO. u'liti.-. PIUNCK HUl'KItT,, Fit I DAY, AUGUST 3, IMU. YMUr4' Circulation 1692 SlPMt SM. PIllCE FIVE GENTS. "fl m2 President Harding Died Last Evening UNITED STATES AND CIVHJZffi WORLD MOURNS CHIEF EXECUTIVE'S PASSING Leader of Nation Succumbs to Attack Cerebral Apoplexy Just as Pronounced Out of Danger WASHINGTON IS SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 3. United States today mourns Corsica. Morrow County, Ohio, on the passing or the nation's leader and people bow their heads in November t. IHGS, the son of i. o.iAt t. ama 'lieorge Tyrun ami Phebe F.liza- PFiirr PTnirirM Stricken with a sudden stroke of cerebral apoplexy, Warren belli Diekersou, ICanlmw. lie I.kIHH l KM K H IM r II. i u.-a .niu-nlnth nrtldpnt nf the United States.'""- a student ul I lie Ohio (.- lllllil 111 111VjI1j11 r --- , w-.- ded wtn0ut warning at 7.30 on Thursday evening wniie nu wire was reading aiouu uiu nun. HJ.3. Capital Awakens Slowly to Th, president had just said "That's good gooa. tieaa Realization That President 80me more." Before Mrs. Harding could resume, a shudder Is Dead From Hi IiikIicI officials (o th- M. motif hut before I lit forme humblest citizen. Washington ,.,,,,1,1 r,.a,t llie bedide. ttir ' loilay wkr slowly to lhe realiza- ! r iIiit hal died. CoiiulllRKj Ulon that president Harding I! i.livslcian were called nl one dead in fin uwny San rraneUcu. jj,uf (lt. palient va beyoml, Hie UiMi'iiin-'" or Hie loow ..llllHn n,i ((ruck lhe rily 1at night with numbing fori. Among Hit' common fitJU everywhere, (ho neve Jhrotixhl reeling of personal lns. flip klmlly big man, wlnvfor I wo year, lived at the While lloun. had come lo bu looked upon with tvry friendly eye n lie moved about the rit) BRITISH COURT MOURNS TODAY i.assed over his body lirigadicr U Oencral Sawyer, chief physician. I WASHINGTON. IM... Aug. J, ulu nurses wri' Hilling in lieileiil llanliitj had oir been innnoiiuei'il onl of ilmis.-al the eiul of tlie Im-1 ilay he bail) eiijovnl iner he beeame iul lori. He , lMwrer. weak, from hi labor aiM wa unaliic lo wttlctaiiil the nttai-k of 11 po pley hieh xinMeuly ilerlopMl. Cause of Death GRAIN BOARD TO SIT IN RUPERT Social to Itaily News MOoSK JAW. Au. 3 it i Mated here that lit; (rain Cuquiry Commission, nuw working jt, way Wesl, will probably nil at I'rincn Itupert following ilM srsslon al Vancouver. Tim commission in making a minute study of (lie grain situation from every standpoint ami trai sport-a I i j ii of tlit crops j oli. taining a laryu measure of attention. COOLIDGE PRESIDENT Vice-President Sworn In at Plymouth,, Vermont, This Mornln; WASHINGTON, Au?. 3. Calvin Coollde. Vice President of the United States, was sworn In as President before the nearest Judge at his home town of Plymouth, Vermont, this mornlno. He announce that he would carry out the Harding policies and desired that "those who had assisted the late President In his administration shall remain and assist me." Cooliri?e is expected to arrive In Washington to-day to assume the Presidency. The cabinet will formally resign but It Is expected that their resignations will not be accepted and that the administration will proceed alonn the present lines unchanged for the present. At the request of President Hardlno, Calvin Cool-Idge had been a member of the cabinet family as a precedent. He sat regularly In the cabinet councils and thus unknowllngly was preparing himself to pick up the threads of national and International affairs where they were dropped so suddenly from the lifeless hands of his predecessor. On his shoulders Destiny has thrown the mantle of authority. CANADIANS ARE RETURNING NOW Department of Immigration Re ports Great Increase In Numbers of People Entering OTI'AWA. Aug. a.- The. rapid increase in immigration to Can ada during the first three months of Hie present fiscal yenr, uinounling to sixty three per cent more than for the., same period a year ago, is accom punied by Indications of a return movement from the United Stales according to the Depurlmenl of Immigration. It is reported that there hus been a considerable, movement of returning Canadians who were recently attracted to Ihe United States by industrial prosperity. The prospect of i good crop in Canada wilh im proved Industrial conditions and Hie northward movement of yvuve of prosperity is already reelected in admissions at United fciuies border jjoiuts. Economic Conference This Fall Will Frankly Discuss Imperial Preference and Trade Relations !Uy George llamblelon, Canadian Press Staff Correspondent;. OTTAWA, Onl.. Aug. II. Concurrenlly wilh Hie opening of Vibe Imperial Conference proper, Ihe Imperial Kcononiic C011- 4. rerence win, 111 uciuuer, uegm us ueiiueraiiuu.s. Ihe proceed ings ami decisions of Hie F.couomic will nol be less important in Ihe view of many Uiey will be more important than those of (lie parent conference. The Imperial Conference will deal wilh jllie broad question of foreign jKilicy ami defence. Hut the point lis laken thai, (he war over, defence has ceased (o be (he major 'problem. It is urged lliat Hie prime consideration now is re- 4. sioraiiou or lue wori.l lo some . I .............I. 1. 1 HiiiuaLii ... iii.iiiitii tuniii iiifim. thai what is needed more than ;iuythiug is wrld-wide resump- ion of trade. "F.uropeans" com-' nienls Premier Smuls nf South- Africa, "know how lo make war.: bul unlike South Africans I bey do' not know how b make peace.'. "Harold No ice and Party Sailed I intend," he further declared.1 Lat N1?ht for Nome "lo li'-'hl on behalf of South Af- by bid wlien al the l.oloiuui Cuiirerriiei. of 1887 South Africa proposed I wo per cent duly on foriegn '"ods. Ihe proceeds to be devoted lo the maintenance or the Im ! periat Navy. Imperial Preference EXPEDITION TO WRANGELL ID. VI ll K lai.a Vii-r 'A .11 1. 1 ricaa ballle for peace al Ihe lm-:Nok.p 'llf ju rlar ,,, Uvt ex penal Conference. jpedilion to Wrangetl Island. saiU Sir Philip Lloyd-Creame, pre-w j n. Lanier !onaldson last sidenl of Ihe board if trade, ha-. n,iVlil wilh a speeial outfit in an mlicaleil ihe importance winch tlie IJrilisli Government attaches lo Ihe Keonomie Conference.. Th conference i not lo be one for Ibe. -ia iuy itT-4iiio resolution; Tlie policy of Ihe Hiifi!i (5vern- al tempt to rescue Allan Craw, ford and !arly. the Canadian expedition which two years ' ago, under Slellanson's direcliou lo rrtrrt he i.bih?ftW JiV mi mT of" iri'at Hrilaiii. Noire has been men! will i.e e.,-operation wilh jii-ealeiied will, arrest by the the Hominions for the accelej-a- Sovj'el p(,vernineiil which claims lion of development, will, con- lhe owership or Wran?ell Is-sideialiou of Ihe iiuesijnii nnv iu,.( best Ihe credit of Iho. Mother, MefTanson has cabled. a large Counfry may be used. 1UII1 .,r ,,.,.,iev to Noice inslruet- Australia intends l hrimr ex- . ,,., , exDelse to tension of Imperial Preference ..-.lalili!! conneelions with Craw- liefore Hie (.onrerenre and there- fH.i ,i i n.,i,i, i, exnedi- lair hi raise a crucial ij,,,. r,m,eie the oeennanev issue. Imperial tariff Tirst came of ,e Mand , ie name of cuncrctely before the Dominions ir,.a itrilam WOMAN'S DEATH STILLMYSTERY Since days Imperial Pre- uu,e Further Brought to Light ference has made great strides., in Connection With Late particularly in Ihe overseas do-1 Mrs. Dick, Victoria millions. Canada substantially j led Ihe way in I8'.7 by givimr n1 VliridltlA. Amr. 3. One week larilT preference or 25 per cent after Hie mysterious death of lo llrilisli goods. Subsequently Mr. Jane Dick. whoaebody wan he increased her Hiilish pre- frt,'l wltl' ll,e rraclure.1 skull tu ference to 33 1-3 per cent ami "" lHV v"c ure ",M!- according to Premier King il now coininiiiai on ine resuns oi uieir- reaches on certain goods as hi-.'h mvesugauons. neiiniie progress. is fifly per cent. Willi the ex- "U!i ,,lu"1 1,1 ception or New foundland ami " "U,!H mairn.u. cus, .l.u.. l . t- il. II... Australia its advanlases extend "a" lUK ",uu " lo all the larger Hiilish posses, "'rs ""'r ;u""- ,,f 1;l1' Mr"- ,,ut sions. In return Canadian goods '"'' 1,ck, these suspicions have now- been, are now granted a tariff prefer- t'" Held ence in Ihe United Kingdom (in- " eluding Northern Ireland), jhi, widened again. p Free Stale, New Zealand, Union af Soul Ii A Trim, Southern Hlu lesia, Northern HIiihIosih excel Congo llasiu, llrilisli Guiana, llrilisli Honduras, Trinidad, Hur- biido.s. (Irenada. St. Vincent, St. Lucia, Oomitiiou, Antigua, Motit-scrral, St. Kills-Nevis, Virgin N. lands, Jamaica. Bahamas, Cyprus, Samoa and Fiji a long list, running across Ihe Seven Seas to remote corners of lhe Kmpire. In IVI7 (he lu.periul War GERMANY TO BORROW GOLD Attempt Being Made td Return to Healthy Standard of Currency HKHLIN. Aug. 3. pew twelve year - Oerinany's international gold loan. ciidtuliied al five hundred million marks, is pronounced tJubinVI accepted the principle of (? w , rrl ,.',;,, ,u rj(, Preference ami the Imveria . c naUim of j,,,,,,, of l r Mother Country herself has made marks ami, substitute for them ti some departures from lhe ortho- ,...,... SVsie.n fo,.,.,i..,l .. il dox lines or Free Trade. In the ,.., i,.,,,!.,! Chamberlain budget or Hill) the, NVll ullm, Umi Is set main feature was recognllb.ii of for Uie )IIUI Ma, ,,resent estl-Impcrial by giving uu ,ales vmvl thai. If the Hrst Hbalemenl or one-sixth on lhe fiu. hundred million imirks am duties levied on suclmnports as housht up by palriotle (tcrmnm, leu. coffee, cocoa, sugur, lobucx-n the country will more thiiii ubsorb und motor spirit uml one-lliird forty trillions of paper now In or those levied on cineiuu films circulation thus virtually de-Clocks and watches, motor cars; throning the paper mark ai,d und cycles. A further develop-'bringing about a truinilloii to inenl In (Heal llrilain or llie'new and healthy national cur-(cyullnued uu paytj flvA itrcy.