ly. June I 1023, TUB DAILY NEWB pxor thfieu BOILS Local and Personal Get tMs 'LOOt 50c Made Him Sick U. 0. Undnrtakers. I'hooa 41. tf .. heaitii habit and Miserable 361.Hsyners, Undni lakers. Phnti if Xpw fhlpinciil or Iiilllc llurko For One Week Mr. tllrli.l d Zali-ntonkl, Mr I ran,, iIipkppa Jn-t nrrluil at Itpiiii-m. It stomach vidor wrllca: "I had bcrn auffrrlnf eontlnu- means comfort, bodily and i.iialy, m i iti f,r inn yurt, and InliTiiiiillalc ll;ii-li.il1 (iniialil. mental buojancy. liat two Slireadcti Wheat rturliif thai time I irird many different 0.15 High Si-houl Wlilti' ll-MH-illn Wllh.Mll inr aurr... sli.l.v.r p.m. s. Biscuits every morning with milk or cream WOok Sale Sox. Clearance In anile nf alt my erforti I ai cumpelled and a lit tle iruit. H you like a hot dish that is i in ui tne iHHipiial. ThU In the . Ian i ii jrar, aixl riant In the bualeal For Plumbing and IIHATINH, better than ordinary porridge, pour hot milk time uf the (!aon. Vma my return W. I.oriKwIII. J'hone Jilue 270. W 'M Our 'I'liiiii-.nnl ' Cni nglil llnok- (hid h'liuc It juM imk about two rk until over the Biscuit, adding a little salt. Shredded I'.O. Uox 730. If f''" "I '" e.n-h lliiipiiuhiiiil Ciiiiiilii. 'I'lir puper by my III lawk bulla ami anna lilh wrre made aialn mil frrl(x-ruplrd trr 4 Wheat requires no sugar you get all the l -Ii(IiM -oiled nil -niiif nf (lii'in. o In iiiilkc bilk and mlarrab. Have you llk'tl our Nanalmu-W'rllliiytoii natural sweetness of the whole wheat berry. UhH; .f .v -lock we offi-r II bunk- ill cnn-idei ably ClIW day iriM ut Inv rrtoikdt a1vl.Ml hi. nut i-nat for kllclini Contains all the nutritive elements the human clir.v he w Ik.( le mM. .Mi.- en li, In tin- lot uri' ull the to try Burdock bi4 Bitt.r., and arttr fii 11 Ri al 13.50 a ton? Albcrl- needs with IJR AN stimulate body just enough i nan wa i-aa than two boltlct I ai McCaircry, Lid. If ,to Jill ll nc InTII 1 1 1 lllg HIt (lining ft'i-eul lMlv rry inuin turprlaed it Hm rnult. bowel movement. Delicious with sliced Mr. 11111I Mr. J. II. Mi-Kay ami II la iniw over two yrara ainre I ! bananas or other fruits. In l"iih with B. It. B, and I bave had 1'lil ll. who hatp Ihm-ii hnliiliiylti? imi boilwr with bulla ainre. I will reeom-mrnd in VaiicioiM-r,' li'lurnpil home nn TRISGUIT It to all franiM lurrmiif from llii? I'rlni-c llgpprl yepiiluy af-leriioon. 'fflaeMw.Jdd any tW t In- the Llood." is the Shredded Wheat crack B. B. B. la manarartiirod lr I.t Th cr a real tyholc wheat toast T. Nllburu Co.. Limited. Toronto, Ont. 'I'Iip rPipii'l 'r I In" police ciiiii-inliipi eaten with butter, soft Unit nilonl poli-piin?n hp cheese or marmalades. . I' llll' KpiMVIHt prPt;pl ill nix 'ponipri on inw:i 1 U2 l.511. Mi x. Ii.iI.IMooim . lllWU p-Pt WM tPflTII'll lo Hip; lloanl nf WorVn nl lal nittlil' Mi- .1. I.. I in ri wlin hafi n.(n pouiH-il inpftfm.'. ' 1 i-iIiiiu fur Hit- imol fp VPPk in llii- i-iiy. will volurp l1 Imt Mi I.. M. llarriiiM. of FOR SALE inuin' ui iiippii Uliarliritr t;ily Spokano. arrlviil on Hip Pnin'p Shredded mi llii' I'riMrp John lomorrow IIUpH ypplay aflprnooii fi.,m Mllll. Hip niillh ntttl lofl on Hip pvpii ins train fur SniillnT where !lic 40 Mi. I'. Sliarkpy nnil family will viil wilh rplnMix. -inli'il ImI iiIbiiI on Ihp I'rinrn lluiMTl fur Vanruiivpr. 'Iiy Hm Iluil llarrip ri'tiirnpil ypprday K"iov in iinil a couple of aflpi-nonn by Hip I'rim-p lluppi ' Wheat Row Boats imi.iiIIi. Milinic in llie (triliim from Vntipompr whprp hn ha inuiilry. . lippn rerrfYinsr IipIiih-ii! fur Hie 4. - arm In- had anipiitalpil a I Irr-rare V. ii. Wal-oii. manaspr of I lir a few iiKnlli auo. iIrtlkil with ".j- wi.M'k Mui.ibJe Mr .irj-urc l.uLi'Ui Hut Sprinaa, Ltd., hp-iiwiI buuls unci iIi;:k'i In llii" i-ily from Vanpiunrr Illrliaril IH!thury, on of Mr. fMuhm fhmJa ofCanadian Wheat yc-liTilay In ullpnd at iiippIhit a in I .Mrp. J,lljj l'lll-liury. arrivpil $30.00 each r l ln r.miiiiy whlrli will Iw yetpiilay Jijfpj-iioon on Hu? ln'lil in Hip i-ily kunurriiw. rrinew ltum' fiviii Powoll llixpr ( . whpre Ijp liaajlK-PH wurkins for Adair i'.ar CliaplPr I.i" ii eyitlleiil iiiiiltliun. Hep,, aled April. Apply II lliii-hit. who ha bmn miiop thin-. 1 Hp pxppplft lo remain will hold 11 tea and nale of Iimiiip Kiolani liiilil Iiiiup kppM?r al in Hm eily. cook i 11 u al Hip honip of. Mrs. .1. Tf T A jy Put it in your pocket and Caiadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. I.HiiifHiit Nlanil, IJ.C.I., aprivnl - - M. CaiiiplM'll, llordeu SI reel. 101 J V w J A TV ifc puts your trip in frmn Hip l-lnint n Hip PHih-p l'.lk- Min-lrH Show in aid or Ihur-day. June It, from :i ! 0. Oil PRINCE RUPERT liilm ln-l ihkIiI anil will i Hip .N'urfPf' Hihim? Fund, in 1:1s pictures. llii- Mfli-rimiHi nn Hip t'.liplnhfin "plltlmp . 'llrPMlrp, June II'. 4. re tup Vni-iMier. Heitpra! .liii1'i"ii llekrl now Aid. Ilollart i ii'-liliu inayr KODAK FILM STbT. 4. un 1p, 5p.. 'whirli ran'hp px- iluriUK Hie fabeu'i- in the south I'. S Itmiiipy, iliHlpirl fiu-poier. phanunl al llfim-i. lirus Slotc nf Mayor Xrwlon. He wa i:ei-ii-.l your size is here. 1- mi Iii way fpiiMi Tpppim-p 1n for SS?. Vxlra fHr rej.'rpil pal. lo I lie eJiair lal nuihl . i-.nin-ril Coast Steamships inkp Hip t.iiion nlpimer (Itaplnli. 138 mpplinp on motion of Aid. KODAK Self Timers, Carry-inir -in l.inlalil fir'.i-w WnclHiliiMlpi Stephen, neeuiuled by Aid. Perry! Cases. TriDods. Sailings from Prince Rupert in i-piimiiip livi lpwr)m ke lid' On reroiiuoPiKlalioii of Hip r ivtil Ii-IIimk uf Mr. Ilmiiiey' loi(iI tt Work, Hip plfy potnipjl 'llie 3o.00 iPinporary hor- ACCESSORIES Portrait Attachments S.S. Prince Rupert i-riiiux illup. , liil niylil vranlpil Ihp Hoy i-uwiiiK by-law and Hip by-law they re all m stock rpoiil A-Kopialion Hip Ipinpor- mitauriiiir iim dale i eualiipii here. and Prince George- Mr. M. Artimlriihit, wifp f )h ary iip of a pile near Mri:iyiiionl for lueal intprovemenl , axalion ' FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, Intermediate liuhlhiHiAP kppiipr al l.aiivra I'ark in whlrh lo pi-orl a pahin c-iillpplioiiH wnre jfivi-u llicir ihinl Let us help you plan a Kodak Outfit Points, Monday, Thursday, Saturday, 11 p.m. arrlpil in Hip pily from wliirh will .c up. a hpad- reailinxH and finally iidvpled at for good pictures and lots of fun FOR ANYOX WEDNESDAY, 10 p.m. Hip lUif1 on Hip lrinrp Julift iuarlprc. la-l niihr roiini-il nippliinf. FOR STEWART FRIDAY, 10 p.m. lii'l iiltrhl and will nnil loniuht 4. S.S. PRINCE JOHN for Vancouver, via Queen Charlotte ii Hip Uliplulinin fur Vanpuupr IVixiprf for ppveti fit-piiipir In ie!in-r lo a reinip.t from Islands June 13th, 27th, July 11th, 25lh 11 u Imliilay lrii. iliiiforni were iTri-ic. al la: F.. Carki-r, ini'sidi'iit. and II. ORMES LTD PASSENGER TRAIN. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. niahlV rily roiincil inrrliiu- innl A. Ilrppii, prri'lary. the Suh nl i I s-i - i ?.-miu; . . ii ,iiuda tt i.m f'r rnni-e ftewae. I .1. SmilhxHi, llaiill-l Cliurrl; referrrd The Rexall (o Hip Stores nlililip pom- l.anii'lu wi-re lul iiikIii Krallli'd Phones 200, 82 and 134 I tdm ;. - V I-z iIiiki iini ii ii 11 nip ra caliada and L'mtrd pii-lnr. KailPil tal nitrhJ mi I hp tnlllpp for t-piiorl. The Iu.I.I.ti by Hip pity i.-i'Uin il Hie .rluip I AOfftCV ton ALL OCtAN STCAMIHIP LINES. I'l-iui-p HiiMi-rt fur Virloria were: llryunl (., 5C, and 5M hp of Hip Arrnpo'i II(it'tri-. tt.l - Cllr Tlea.i Xrri, J7 Third Am, Prlnca Rupari, Phon. 2 CO. W lnlf in lliPKiiulh he will hIIpihI M'r Mill; Lnhi-r-al Ira.liny lii, for I heir annual li"iiiiniiii llii (In- iii-ut ini-iul poiivpnlrutt uf Hip fll per Mill; A. t'iil-oii. Iflill prr eelebral ion on July 2. i-lniivh ami on hi rplurii In Ihp uil. . Canadian National Railways ily In' will lip atPi'iMitimiPtl by Tpiidpr Tor Hie prinlingt l lii- family who will lake up I heir MIUpii wi!l no lonm-r he ahle Hie May Crei'k bruise and llonlh CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY ri'Mili'iirc hei-p. In (ni lo Hip dm? nri and oh. Spbool repair debenliiiep were Prince lain ral iiu rliaipln it up In opened al lu.-l niflil noiiiu-il Rupert . B.C. Coast Services 'Ho- rily i-oiini-il i palliiiif fur Ihp rily. A rrport fiinu I he 'l-aiirp ineelinp and ii'feiii'.l lo the Fi li-nih'i'H for Hip priiilinu of I.'(HI Couiiiiillt'i) I'miiiiiiiPiidiii? lliiiire eiHiimiilee for report. Mr DRYDOCK iipw li'lpphoiip iliroi'loripn. 'llii tha all fiiluii' puri-liap.4 of i Hap llro. bid ?II5 and lloe. Sailings from PrinceRupert wa-i ih'i-iipi upon al lant niwlil'i Ml ho inadi- Hiftiugli Hip hpallh iiwaii A I a, ALICE. iiiiril ini-i-liiiK mi rppoiMiiieiiiJa. and AND B.8. PRINCESS LOUISE, S.S. PRINCESS'iit wa ap (For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle, lion of Hip 1'lililipn t-oimiiilf rtv pppled ill lu'l nffliFn rily coun- FULLERS SPECIALS n O 111 1i .11 u T 11 1 7H. Tin' -iiKKi'"ii wan iniulp lhal rll. SHIPYARD Fop Ketchikan. Wranae II. Juneau and Skagway, new dirii'loriox inluhl nut he llullrr eeia! creamery).. .15 June 11,18, 25 July z, u, 13, iw, zu, hj, hi. ni'i-ili-il and lhal tliPir pritilintr i:ty I'reantin-r ll. J. Malhpioii 3 lbs. for 1.25 S.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE. iniKhl hp itidaypd fur a whilp. will rppfpsi'iil Ihp eil.v at Vie lliii-in. sppillp, 3 lb. for .50 Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock . ri Rnirlal. Swanton Bav. East Bella Bella. Ocea.i Hovir. IIiih i turf lo he ilf-rinili-ly una when Hip fS.T.P. 1 1.' i-Kii. l.onihard l'luina, pxlra spec Engineer, Machinists, Boilermaker, Blacksmiths, Pattern ' fall, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell Hlver, ana Vancouver, li'i'i.lcil iipun until iifli-r ini'lll l.n. ia IiixhIIoii cji.c i lo'anl ial. 2 lino 25 makers, Founder, Woodworker, CLe. every Saturday at 1 p.m. 1 In li'iulpm nif in. p fore Hip CoiiiI of Appeal. Thin Ii for 1.25 Electric and Agency for all Steamship Lines. wa dpi'idi'il upon al lul nlj;li-. I'ork and llean. I a ihp linn Acetylene Welding. Full information from NOTICE. pouneil uipptiiii,- whi'it :il v Soli 7 for 1.00 W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. llur Jimipi plaltil lhal it would Fry' lioine Uureja .25 Our plant is equipped to K-ndle all kinds of Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. Fiulilh (m'iiiip I'.axl. Ih'Iwppii lie iiunpi-pHry and iin'oiariiionl ApritHil Jam, 2. uppeiul 35 I.1 1 1 1 1 i. aii'l Iti'iialil Slii'i'l. will lie Marine and Commercial Work for him lo alli'iid. Mr. Mallo'i. J'earh Juiu, I, pprial 75 I I 1,1 liiiU'r Thiirxilay aflrr- oll leateM for I he houIIi oh Hip Strawberry Jam. i, ipt-ial .un PHONES 43 AND 3SS 1 lii'in I 1. 111 llhelolmiu liiiiljjIiL ' W. pu Mlurk Strap MoIupk, 2s, .20 UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY Oh LID. Ily iiiiIit. 111010, of I'allii.'ra, iV.JidJon, I Kipperoil HerriiiK, tin, ppi - tilling, fr.m print Rup.rl. i il Fiittnii'i'r. alo (tuitijf nuulh M jrppur fur V for 23 for VANCOUVIR, VICTORIA, mm rana Ilia Bwanaiill iiij, mnnii r.i. llie ruiiipaiiy. Clam, tail tin, cin'rlul. For VANCOUVIR, VICTORIA, AlrN Hay Slid Swanaon Da). Saturday Moon. P.. .mav ii trm .MM irr.iul.lM Wale. 1J. A Purl Sluinaau. Sunday Mld'ht. I-j r. "J prr doxen 1.50 lain lUilinitiiipd one row. Ielipr- llarley Flour, 2 lb. tin, only .25 SPECIAL! ! tud Avenui JACK BARNSLIV, A(nl. ITInr. Import B r J I'd -one i'iiw and yiie. mlf. In Spppial tNilTee, freh Bi' imd, poisonous olher wtinl 11 ouw llnln-rl Mr- :t lb. I"r .. 1.00 -That's for Kay, of Hip I iiiii-e Hlippt'l haiiy. Corn ami T""es .... .ih the children wa liiuiny ih'iiwi'pul from Hie Libby t ill -op . . ,.'ri ouHi lo tin , ily put,, hirlh In Aratliti i'."ilti,li. v 11, ti 1X1'. Good Quality FISHERMEN! 11 euir "ii tin' nloainer l'riiuel half iirirp . .25 MAPLE llupprl ui Swaimou Hay while IjK-liurJ. ii-ji. 25.-.. Special Wheat, $2.70; Scratchfood, $2.85 j'liiouli' niiilh )e.Uiilay iiii'iii-I .' for .25 New Season's In. In Iho feeuud limo I'jll D (l"i!Py r. I... I ins. 1.25 Pr 100 lbs. ptr 100 lbs. LEAF 'hi year lhal nticli an m-- SPECIAL PRICE ON LOTS OF FIVE SACKS OR OVER FROZEN HERRING BAIT Piii-p ha happened on (he (, ' p ll H lltak 1. lrm iiiat lt'aiiifin iiiiiinv a row CATARRH Prices on othtr Fttds also reduced MATCHES Mi. Mch'iiy wu liiliigim 1101H1. l th. Just Frozen Beautiful Quality 'I'Iip firl ralf wa horn 011 II10 BLADDER The Brackman-Ker EW ENGLAND FISH Company (l'l iiu'e (iporva and has been I Milling Co. Ltd Wei worth ffia box Kttchlkan, Alaske Brancfc ,' ltllril (ii'orji.v tli- Mvnml, on tI ixuiiiBir PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. ' 1,1 lliii" 1 1 ii.tntrU Hu: ' 4 ,,r