When You Want A 'AXI P.R.FISH MARKET mm Phone 671. 99 Our Buslnosa I Increaalng. a hurry WHY7 Phone Because Wa Give Satlsfae- PRINCE RUPERT tlon. and Best Service it Car We imly Soil fine Onality the City. Ratea Reasonable Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper TIIK 1IKST. XIII No I i IMIINUv III PKUT. H.U.. fl'l KKllAY. JtXIi 12. IUS3. VMUr4y't Circulate 16eS Strttt Stlt ma. PMCU FIVE CENTS. OLITIOM ARE DEFIED BY RAILWAY HEAD IPPONENTS OF CHURCH ONION ORGANIZE FOLLOWING TAKING OF VOTE r nenrv 1 nornzon uenes an LIQUOR POLICY Politicians and the Criticism of UNITED STATES AND STEAMERS His Action Regarding Railway !French Company Refused Per-j mission to Serve Wine to QUEBEC, June 12. "Our object. It to transform the Cana- PENSIONS DISCUSSED Crews km i.iuhaI niiumu iam at aAiiMka r rwniiat sa n n iimiari ri i Ide for the people of Canada and whatever politician may at- AND VOTE IS rAijtU I YVASIIINOTON, June 12. A impt to do to prevent ua we will continue unaitiuroecj ana ao leipiei.1 fniin Ilie French ein-l-asy that we think will make u reach our end." Such was the HOUSE OF COMMONS, l that linerp leavlHK France ileetaratlon of Sir Henrv Thornton, president of the Canadian jj for Hie United Slatex before June FNatlonal Railway, here yesterday In commenting on the much Appeal Boards to be Established stjjj 10 when Hie new liquor reui'la-IjoiiH debated Scrlge Hotel deal. "In the course of my last visit here lo which Those Dissatisfied came into foire shoulil he I stated that I had placed my private car ai me disposal oi ni May Take Cases perlnitleil lo n'lir liijmir to Ilie Eminence Cardinal Begin. I thought that the Canadian National diipV crew in I iii I ! Stnte portu Railways owed that courtesy to the primate or ina catnoiic OTTAWA. June I a The lion- !-a liiriieii down I.y Ireasiiry of. Church In Canada. I have been criticized in this connection. I if Commons passed mi item hi fieiaN Itnlay wIi.mi il wa poinlcil must add that these criticisms did not change my decision. I Kiri.."iit(i,iMMl for Ibe Kuropcan wur 'out thai MTiiii.ioii to carry already have told you what was my ambition regarding the National 1'inl urHlvc mililia pension iu')t. i lliuor on such piiii wa Miihject system and no politician will make me change my course year arirr a Ion? l-tut- in which ( lu Hie liipmr l.eiuic kept penletl. lo reach this end. I want to deserve the confidence the Canadian iiium)' speaker urucd a more lib-i The allezation in the New York Government has placed In my hands. nil interpretation of the I'i'ii i Times I.Mlay Hint Hie I'rnicli ami sinus Act. Hun. S. V. Toliuie, otue of IliO delegates of the inler branch of lite Norlh Aliierii'iiu llicken fellowship, 1 1 al i it ii pilp were still nivin FOREST SURVEY ON i i-pi-rially urued that tx-servlcj who inel in llarl House. Toroiilo, ure shown uIhjvc. From left In right, they ure. top row: Iheir er-W! wine, wa denieil I.y SHIPPING FISH men lir cnlilhil l more consid- Prof inn Mr A, IVrrv front Winnipeg; Mr. Albert K. S. Snryllie. F.H.S.A.. Toronto: Hie official of the h'renrli line QUEEN CHARLOTTES I III lull. am) Miss Hr M. lludon. of Seville. Itollom row: Miss Marion I., Price, vice-presideni who sail the stock wen- kept Ilmi. Ir. II. S. Ilelan.l. inmili-r. of (lie Itoolon brunch; lir. William Milligun. ulo oT Ihistnu. ami Mrs. A. I.im-olu Howie, ealeil ami the crew wen1 paid BY THIS PORT C. O. Orchard Hera From Victoria I soldier rr-eslahlishiiicul.. vrerelury of (lie Itnstou liruiirh. On Hie right i Mr, J. lougheed, of Hie local inler-i-ouferciirr money in lien of rat ion ttiey lin.iin"il Hull iru kiiiii wiiil.l committee. were 11..I receiving. If Ute crew. on Way to Take Charge of Ex mink" lor appeal board front bad ll.pioi' (V wa bootleg. .JKInar.Sever, Alaska Canneryman, ,tensive, - .Work.. . --nvblrlt ii" ! Irm' Hie lr-Hin "JHALIFAX MAY BENEFIT Arrives In City Accompanied hoar.1 ileeision wuni.i ne ikm-u ' Buyera C. I. Orcjmnl. ullalif forester Prince Rupert will be One rnum uiiuuk lavy LEAVE LIQUOR Mr fm the I m tn I ifovemmciil. !i:l.nr tie li . I u-tn i'iiii-v. i.rti-riii'nii. itiiiiI from iihiI Victoria will pail li'iiiornm elTiIv TO INCREASE of Five Great Pacific Ports Suggestion in English Paper That AT VICTORIA pry man, -l.T.lny m to U.S. Use Canadian -v mini by I! ieHiii'r I'rine Ships May lit I'ruif' ' fiiiin Senlllr Julm fnr Ilie Vien i:im n ! . USE OF FISH Says Dean Spencer, Seattle Port prompm . Iplallil uifrr lie will lake eli.ll-r Japanese Ships Will Pick Them k flh hiiy-i I'JlO renin .f II rerMMlHlimee furenl ur-M-y I.iiMmiN. June I?. I'aneiliaii up on Way Out to Sea lo lnM,el Tin uliicli i Iwiiitf u.iilerluki"! of I res I'iihh' A spi-cial article Under Arrangement Ciphty Per Cent Output 1. , A .i itii irwik- llila l ll.vl.nnil IlllVI "Prince llilerl hai a great fuhirc a u I'jcifie orl." &-. i u-lll Canada in Hie l.iverpi Journul of Ij'in-nrerce i ii te I ll ' ,,r Hlrti' ',rr Marketed Outside pialnl I lean l.jle Seiicer. heuiJ of Ilie ilepdrliiient of 1"J;I" Mm. jiii-I all II.. at Present say the slraiiKc prohibi-lion VIC l OlHA. June K'. The Jap jonriialiMii or I lir Uiiicrity of Wii-hingloji, who wu a rn I Imlwr stan.li. on M.M-el.y i.n.l policy of lb. t'nited Stale. u anese liner Africa Maru. en route ft lo :i I- .-i'"'" member of Hie Kiily o( new 'j.jernicii i;iliug here c?tcr-.lay. "i u iVl''raliam lluw.l. will l ex.iiiini.Ml MONTREAL, June 12. vpplied to ship from other countries I nun lb.- Orient lo Seattle. 1111-btadiNl e I i.y I. Si. t U(jrL lu ukr M0 f , cent of Canada'a landing al l'nileJ Stale li.pior supplier, at Y'ictoria I..r( I - irrTloH Eighty per "The Pacific cMt to hop off jiew i jii!l re(lily on u !KUim,r- ,,p Mtly j, ar.u.y nl i leading lils pliip-piliV ports fish output must find a market many iitnler a special arrauuenteul with '" 1,1 "ul "' forwanl niotcmeiil ami ltiiierl i bonml lo share Hi " Prince ill Ilie Man.. mi.I I In oilier will Im' outside Canada, It was eoinpauie lo mushier seriously the Attorney lieneral of llrilish M I: li u .ante .liil the prosperity which i lo come," lie declared. There vfll ,,, jUHP S(l ,, of Had. p, Hie iisinu pro,w ipiesliou slated at the annual meeting r.uliiuihin and w ill pick I hen. up I .1- IM....... ...,, l.e fie great imrlx on lliis i-oasl, l.os Angeles, tiiti Frm Hie allernalive of call or the Canadian Fisheries fas 11 port 1 vain outboiiiiil. This is Hie first -I Miriiimli Mii- 'ico. Seattle, Vancouver ami Prince Ituperl. taking llieiu Association held here. To lo New York. For the price involved of (lie ships pi viui: intn American l.llll'lll will I"' not in tinier of .receilence but in onler from mmiIIi to Increase the consumption of in "P'1 extra day on the porl lo eoine iiuiier the new lilt! I .1' M.lll Ml'' fH-' SWANSON BAY FOREST north. I look for great Ihiiigs in Ilie fulure .inl I feel sure traveller could Is a cscac Auieriraii fish In the Dominion It voyage law and probably in li: .i-y U'W li nolliiug cini Imlil I'riiice Ituperl lia. k. There ii ImiiiihJ to all of Hie liuntbiiK ami new RANGER HAS RESIGNED proposed that a publicity worry' augurates what will become a fOW I i llll II T II campaign be conducted lie u hig sliippiug business done tit this poll. prohibition law. Hie article regular practice. t'liil.ia.l- "i froii throughout, the country as stated, and il surest eil thai Ihi W. 0. Hennlng to go Into t-ogglng soon as possible. The could be aeeomplislieil by enterprise Business at Klllmaat T. Hie of (Taiiieliao opinion was that the federal on part Clarke Temporary Successor and provincial governments National Itmlwavs. Decides in should assist financially as Majority well as otherwise In the campaign UQUOR LAWS W. (i. HeiiniiiK. flir HI'MTill TWO MILLION BONDS POUCE COUPE liny.eur Iiuh foicNl reinel runner from ill hwiiiiMin Hie r- enterprises,while various should commercial slso Favor Church Union SEIZED BY STATES contribute lo develop the Industry. Thought President Will Ask U.S. Uitiiinl forenlry servire from Congress For Change Re- Inclal Oovernment Organltea iJune 10 iitnl will niosi; to hili- I Nnntlallnn Bmii UnHiie lAav R. t gardlng Foreign Ships Ith View to Increased inuiil when? lie l.;n Hnuiiiii in-intrl-est Break gardlng Two Million Allen of Ml". Milrliell in III.' LEGISLATURE WILL Minority Away Settlement There Enemy Canadian se WASIIINtiTON. June 1 2.- In. ..uiiiK outfit of llallel A M i I -ihell. I'. Clarke, Junior foreler MEET IN OCTOBER curitles ereasiutr imlicalu.n are Hint IIIIIIA .Ion.- I.'. Irmnil fur Mil iliplritl, km ' POUT AltTlll II, June IS. Cliuicli I uiou 1 e.li.ilcly President llurdimr iniclit ask WASIII.NO ION. June IS.- The Congress, when it rc.assciidile loll ;if "tie liMwriiuieni iiiiee hwuiipoii nay lo lake ihit me VMiTOIIIA. June I'.'. 'Hie wa decided upon Iy Ilie (ienrral As.fint.l of the Prerliyteriau I'ltiice (''iinr iii li iliplrlel h Mr. Ilen-l.intf meet in Church here Canadian mission sent lo Washington in the auluinii, to iiixl i fy Hie pro. ilulie ieliii.iilpnil lejila!uie llii year l to vesterday and uuollier decision of importance wa dilution luw it affect the pre i miiIi i uliif new . eei lie- until u ei nuiiienl Valiger Ip llelolier. arcui'.liiili lo .reielil that luuile I.) Hie oiposiug niinorily thai they would curry 011 lo negotiate with tho a cur. tying of ti.uor board foreign I'uilisl Mate tiovei'iiineiil relative o.u Ill i'iii'i "'il eouiilenl niiiiiiilel. plaiiM. nlate.1 Premier Oliver who Ilie Prcsbj teriun lllmrtii u an indepeiident church. vessel. hi American water. to CanailaV claim to certain Jenluy Tl Illeera Inelll.le is here en roule lo Hie Kooleuay The vole lukeu yesterday closed it four day debale in w hich enemy alien omuls of (.aiia.liuii The president is paid to believo ln;i f h I'l nii'iil uKi'in, eoi- eoiinlry. II will meet early enoiiKii a large iiuiiiiht 01 Delegate look part ami 111 wlucii u lew lliol-i that EARNINGS Oiiiitres never iutemle.J that INCREASED corporal ion seizel by the r iwlriii nr i lie nuireine III K.'1 tlll'lillell Iiullien liy I'rule, inude a plea for Jiirlher delay in order lo try In secure enemy Ibe 'n eminent pboill.l be ulirii rustoiliau bus ile. coit-fronle.1 Ior I In IkIiiihs. unanimity. Tins million for voted down uml prvnerty uihU'in of liirllip. mar- NATIONAL RAILWAYS greater delay wu ci.l.il to return, leaving I lit mut with the sitii.'illiui il 1 . oliHiiipplone" a liiir majority wa given Hie pniiuiil (hut Hie Prcsbj Irriun, liinl ill Mill'. Hie ter in Hie hands of Hie American now railed upon to meet i.y l.iii.lo ill. ml iiiliiilniliulor SEA KING IS .Metho.lit und Hougregaliouul cluirches sliould be united. Ion TUG rrom i MllMlll AI.. Jinn "'"--riirnliiVN uoverniiM-ul ufler Hie court have object foreign pow er in POIt r Alt l HUH. June I:', re leimly intiiiny reeonler. II. of Hie l aiiuillaii Nu-llonul I(riven I heir decision. regard to the new rigorou ship HIGH AND DRY ON ll n o 11 . - 'I'ho Presbyterian Ului'lie f pom-.' r.nilie Iiup llallwa for Hie week in.l The bond involveil are worth liquor ban. Church Association ruinioe. 01' (oil lo fill all I lie JAP MURDERED Inbuilt two million dollar, iniliid- npi)i inc June J wvre l,:.lii.l; an ROCKS AT NANAIMO ilnlegaleit opposed church union re.- A Inn- l-iKlier wa nalii- imrea f IIH.D.il owe Hie held Iwo largely alleuded meeting inn nix iioi.iiuv or ine i.ina.iiiiti CHINESE BANDITS 'ilejnify r.'K'-1!'"' "f "I' i'eioii.liiiy week i.r IiipI year. ' aeifie Hallway uml oilier Caua- i iii fince the ole in favor of fine i, i . Hint v i'iiiii'I " anil Ilie Cunailian I'arifle eainUiif N'ANAIMO. June I'.'. Ilie Seat- union wa taken at which it wu AT VANCOUVER lian coiporutioii bomls. RELEASE HOSTAGES Cii.l. (iule. rail Sea KiiiK. lie Inn 5lll"' 'll' olIlIT lllll'l,. for Hie mine week were p.i.imi.- harbor nl 1 nnnuiiccd ky one of them I he I Hie i.M'kp in Hn (idii. an iiHTeuoe or i.'.imhi. on hiuh li.le an.l wax left It in l uml no Injunction would be uskeil for LIQUOR PROFITS TO TSAOCIIO.NC June ( Hie VANCOl YKII. June il. Ile-porliiiK LAHOMA FLOODS lr at low H.le willi tier tow oX from Hie court lo check any elhl while people In lit by humid at police lieuilipiai (rr BE DISTRIBUTED THIS LEAGUE BASEBALL limp iliuini; her faiHier tilt und movement toward union. Com a hostages for Hicit' ilemumls on BEGIN TO DECLINE tliffieillt. luil lee will be liuiued in rucli ol early Ibip inoruiug that he bad Hie Chinese n.aeiiiiiieiil were re-l"UPei makiiiv reflouling WEEK IS ANNOUNCEMENT Ibe nine province to formulate a killed a mail I'.siiil KeUuil Morn, last iiihl. National League policy for the fuluru uml lo work' a JupHiiese, li the police to CANSAS CITY. June I:'. I lie lo. dominionTaytcTbe il IIupIoii a, Clileui,'.! . for Hie fin.ling of kUppoilei'H uml uuuwuy i-irrei near Hie waier- YIC IdlHA. June t Ilislri. BARON AYLMER DIES i)f Hi. rio.nl of wiilei'H that . (All oilier ..wl.one.l, rain friend for u policy of continu ironi 10 wnere me e i.oiiy 01 !. (lf ,. ,.oflU ly ,. fi ilny. (he CELEBRATED JULY 2 owi'iyl eu-leril American League Mice of the Pre.hv teriun Church an elderly Japanese uuiued Shir- provincial administration ro. the NKI.KO.V H.H.. June 13 Major If ' Kill- -it- an.l Nin lliei n New Yolk a. ueshl lay with hi skull crushed ! ...,... , . , lulittma r.lexelunU t, ill Cuiiuda lo bu vigoruiiply cur-rit'il iai., ijv iii,l lieneral Huron Ayliiwr. former 1 inllv iiiiM.i.. lo.luy. C.li kro 5, IIopIoii i VH IIIIIIA, June 1 .MoikIio on, jln. Moru wa. luken into cuto.ly vv,.ek ..,,er than wa fxpected. inspector h.h.'IhI of I'.anu'llau fell ,e in ll '. iI.-m.I us U re- It ' ulliem ihIii July .' in ! he oloercil In licit- , naii.eu won ii.ume. ! Ilie aluoiinl uvuilablr for ill.I11- forces, is ile.i.l he..' ugi'll Hi. ut 1'"'ii:mm nun' nr.' iiiikhihu an.l Coast League ihli i tilimlHM up l Inioii Day I' K Sbeppanl. C.N.II. lravfll- ilispule over inone: inatler1- liilloii i not plale.l i.ul It i vx Iii estat. On r Hay. Kuul- i'i'ii nullum ilaniHIi''ilnllai - Ulitl''''KUli'il Thomt tirul' I" I Vernon 0 us July t mine lliH year ol lug uudllor, arrived yesterday r,.rn ip ulleged to have euufepped 1 ecleil to lie about the anw us , nay i. 1. .ye- 111 . uii aim :r ( V ",or it .: 1 :U" 'f't:'-. I '.: I