IU23. THl-DuUltY REWI PJfOE nv PLED BY CITY TO REPAIR SOCCER HONORS RHEU1TI1 PACIFIC PLACE WON BY GROTTO On the ' Offer of Railway Company to Pay Tobacconists Defeated Sona of to After Improve $2,400 for Work Aocepted Pan.... k. to (nil lg Fniil-a.l,es'' by Council Aid. Stephana I Champlona of Sanlor Mountain Dissenting League Top ilcir.e Mads From Fruit ii gft rlil of llhriimatiun. "I'll '"Hy niiiicil lnl n ivli I. m Iipfpftlifi? Hip Son nf C.nnailfi il frefl of pain of awnllpn rrClllllllldlrlllli.lll of I ho Hoard of by n ppurp nf 3 fn I, Hip Urotlrt kl fee -of idling rm, I.gt Worka. derided lit ncrepf I ho nf ' won IhP rirnlor roojliatl l.ratfiiP Li-live-14 mil i1rlf tlieeaiiaa fif fit Hie llnnadlAil National I rliaiiiiionhii nml Hip Moldpy nnt 101 ut oftlioayitrmnud Halfway In iny Hip Mly a suin' lliGILLETT'sl (.Ui lnl nivlil nl Hip Arrnpolit ..a: nt relief. tfftl oxrerilinjr f, t"(I fnr Hi. M ,11111 (rrnini. Itolh Irnm wptp three I V if 00.TO LYE W .yar, m to . i wH.ii Itli.-umallnm. irrudlntt nml aiiifnclnjr of Hip joul In win nml Ihpy jilaypil lianl !' il il to try Inula. rtw.l i.n I'firlflc aee len.liiiir I lliul Hip lintml f poorrr wn nl (Jtelure unilll half lxi. I Hip O.T.P. overhead crin;j IjIgI LLETT'S iof nf a pry liiili fliinilnifl. TIip tuprdTl'mcnt. I continued nml' wliurf. iioobkVlye ll iuiaillann ilijilaypil wonknpp CLIMB the mountain stand on the peak and before roil -titrs" Im proline; all I ran lu.w walk almul two .ll. Stephen oppoe. Hip no on Hip furwanl Hup nnil Hip there unfolds a panorama extending as far Oi'ii.-ri -.ai'iiiii'ltlip rdarr". eeplnncp nf audi an iilTrr nml Kirollo, on Hip whnp, wa Hip IIX MLMiO. l.orne,Ont. iilitoilleil nil amendment Dial IiphI (pain, Hip fpnrp lnMnfr fairly as your eye can reach. Stay in the valley, and your i( flfoi : r0, trial alifSTK!. Hip imlii'HlhP of Hip 1'ialily of rily only ilo Hip work on Hip play r i fiuiii Lrmt-aLltra view is restricted by the surrounding hills. Ottawa, Out. e.ial iiim willmiil n limil liPlnif , ITIip iniilcli wn wnlfhril Iiy llin allai-lie.l ihmI m Hip work ip 'lipl rrowil lli.il liii" nllrmlpil .1 Inner of Hip iifl W1H lliloplPil. mil larle. unlit nflpr HiPViil of opppr jtmiip mi far (lii xpnon. U,..''i ii'nij II II...i'ro.Mi 1 ... I iiiiti I...1 .iip.. I 1 Aid Stephen- uliiliP ViUlIK Hip llrollii JtTayPil Willi Hip This newspaper, properly used, will guide you to inivhl pp whal Hip Plllfpna had atrmii I it. srrmlp nnil lijtlil In ihrir favor in the mountain top. Read it and your vision is enlarged. Hip fil half nn.i rarly in Hip HOE -nil in. wild for year, ill !hoLnl.,.n , I.iiii.N of Hip railway rompntiy. TKInlL JUilil 111 irnuip Mclinwnn riirPil. I'.r-kinp You get a bird's-eye view of world events. You glimpse, lp oi,iiiip. Hip itriiipfulp nf Hip pill llirmiBli Hip nppnn for FROM ISLANDS AND the doings of the day. iiy iroinu into Hip pnnlrarlinir Hip lolmpponi.li nnil Hip xrnrp nl REPAIRING I(ii-iiip n Hip aeeeplaiirp of SAILS FOR STEWART half limp Io.h 2 In 0. i In- ..ITi'r would mean. TliPrP n Alioul luilf way lliroiicli Ih" a Ii.iiiiu' 1 1 1 it l ii in 13 hi loop lAppiiml nprloil M.i'rLN iipIIpiI Hip Fail to use it, and your view is limited TIip t:.X.It. ,(piiti..-r I'riiu-p Our Hlu II . a. nu plan' mil ni"iu-.ie-in.nil.le Autwuy,for Hip Hip rily malii-tpnnupp waa Join. Harry N-I.lpn. nr-(.ri f(ir MM,:na,,ian,)oIr liri,,,whn you remain in ignorance not only of events at (In- in , ' I.i t- in ..I I'll IMHII... . it II . ll (. t hi . III' ScoM I k I inUt III rUarp for Hip rwid in quealion. , , .... nr home and abroad, but of much that concerns V'""1 I'HAII'Mir I I at T l I" (I. !. rtlH'rn II rt : illlill-IUI'1 Willi Hip hall nflPr Iip hail clop-ppil M.l. Miinni frll Hi.nl Hip ofTpr lal mirlil nml ihiIpI tliisa inoru-inu I for ltc IlilmlllliK xhol from I'.lilor. vitally news of the things even more f all rlAK 'r i ami kIi.miIiI ip arcppled (iipp Hip eilv al I. it fur Slpunrl laktn a you very nmiieer Iiii.I f Mini Kip work uorlli V. J. Crawforil. transfpr-iiwn. I". Itoliprln wn rpfprrp. A. hoie repim that have to do with your personal, everyday anil I'. llPinmon of. A trial order will convlnco p.mill lie iIimip fur Hip fiirnrp ami Hip liPad of ior" Clapprlon laie.l. hp from Ivlmon. firialPil on Hip iiipJliiP ami Hip lVAU thai: aup work onrt iap. TIip etitmeil IioiiI, ni-il rii-pnlly lirouphl life. la aacond to nona. in yplliniz 'Hip iiiiipIi iippipi Ion. IIip John will hp Imrk In. I pain- linp.l mi n followa: Ivlce I - rpinir. AM. I'prry look V I.islit nml i m-IipiIiiIpiI lit Kail lu-niorrow Son of Canaila .piiII : llrnwn f.w pwlfllW !i lia"d-iiin.le imiliir iPw In AM. Monro. pninif al K n hpr rp. ami V. .pniip; J. Milrlipll, W. Some one might be selling a new, better and oVffllI Ilonta, TIip itpli'iii f lialii(T lo turn aoiilli ia Hip MaiHl. On Murray nml J. Milrhpll; II. Ax-loria. oimmi ii HiPSioilli llan.l iunrry hrr rrliirn from Stpwurt what V. MilrliPll. J. .Mark. K. more economical food; or a utensil that would add im-measureably I fr'ltil Hip vpp lia fnr I h it Smith ami II. 'Jack. if llii work u'ii iimlprliikfii McArthur Shoe Store n l.nnulil up (y AM. SIpiipii, port will Ih iinia.pl. A Inrpp (Initio S, (Sawthornp; llaniil-Ion to your comfort and well-being: or some niitnlxT of loBifpri' nrrivp irom Neil C.N.R. Office, 3rd Ave. AM. Munro on ll Hiprp wouM nol Hip ll;tli. on Hip John. luol of nml Wnujrli; Jarkon. Hoy better material for shoes or clothing but you would l.p piioiiiiIi r.rtk lo finih Hip ...... ....i... .... inn, .""Pi"'" ; Joypp, .hci.ow.iii. -rrr Thinl Aipiiiip u..rk nn.l II.p'on hip.. itiih'i' lliiprl. .ii.i".!.... . 011 l.rklllP, .MallllPW alll M.lPr never know, because of your restricted view. quarry wouM liap lo I ip rp HiPtn wprp from Hip Mhsio-lt 'liiil-! oi.pti.tl aiirway. lM-r Iji. mill at llurklry Hay. JUNIOR BASEBALL TIip rPromiiiPiKl.il ion of Hip You may read every line of the news columns, LIN G Hoard of Work for Hip ai-rpp- PUINCCC RCfrAD 15 Boy Scouts DtfeaUd Whit Sox VlllMLaJL. ULUUnil llJ but if you overlook the advertising, you are still living OUTCAST OWN PEOPLE: ' ."S r; "J in the valley. You remain uninformed about many 4 TKe Tailor i TIip Seoul dpfpaled IhP know in order live Found by Street EvangelUt ,1 lly things you ought to to a happy, useful, TIMBER SALE X 3117. 'IV'liilj. iv n b.'.ir-n IS I.. It Phone 649. Vancouver and Fed by Them !jn life in this of uf nj(tirjt Jun(or , ,.,. profitable age progress. Sftl.! ...TrnArr will l tt llv " ,. Ih.-i-ph.ill fivliire al Hip, Mrllriile Ulhl.lrr I a. b..u. n... I.I.. i .Li .r; i.l.ii.iii . i.ik. j hup i.-.i i au . ur..n.,. ri. t,nm wc DO DRY CLEANING I PRESSING OT EVERY if" J rT' " 'jT'rf.- '.' of IliPir own Miifi.rliimilp-. nml a;.. jS , M i.Sn,r nuirh 8CRIPTI0N BY STEAM. ''T.''trXwP-'f- " "r ajawny. P. l.aporlP wa umpirp. , . .f',Hri:V " rnrfly. (ppa.l.mally. Iioweypr. in . ,,, ,,ao. Climb out of the valley to the mountain top. W. I.. I'rt. fin.U dpjwlp.1 oiileal h oiip it (rirn-a- HufM-rt. H fnipj fin; UITS l o-iraeiiMsi uy ma own eouniry- . .ieoiila Sort Read the Advertisements. lll. il HO. ...It..-.. .1. nifll II WhitP Sox and die )i a pariah. Nobody M'i-m lo iiiilerlinl Hip Pi'ami. Van ordered to eouver liu lonv had oiip of Hh-p j TIMBER SALE X S05I. Sport Chat iiiifor(inialp. He M m familiar l measure -ali Tihih4'p. will Im iwplifl lt Hup ftiiihl in liiunl.iwn, wlipre Iip n- ---""-- ' m Mm.-In . r Uwli al tlrKM-ia. ix'l lairr Milan hurrp al.uiK. nrrayed in ran Willi arlioii promipil for I..-HI mi llw ffHtll .U.v itf iulM. IVV3 a. ''Second Avenue. I... IIm. .iiti.i4a r t.lr'iirp Suaa. lo wan ami hiiiitp.1 I.M.kiiiu. Non. nearly eery lille ami u i-hantre . :ff hi iii Him ri nf rir aim iilr m an jra .iiualitl mi It .i Imitp nt twan of Hip tiiiiPM apeak to him, of ll.'l.le rs likely in lilo-l i'iikph. 1,lr.ii 1 naiawl.l.laml.aiinilHiMlrl Hatiirr i. '.ia.I mllr laml inirlh.iirlri..if They efii inert IliPir ppi and Hip hotinx world i rerlainly lajdieM polf honor. Thpy arp TIMBER SALE X 5182. Tn )rtr will ! alkmnt fur r- lep aaidP thai hp limy not even K'ln In lie huay 1 Ii is year. At Maurirp .Md.oughliii. former nMai r iiiiiImt loiirli IIipiii in paaKiiift. tteata-d TefinVi-a will bp rprrlvpd by lb I Inrlhrr ai1irular ! nv rliipr ror-Vi, I lie prptpnl lime II would ppm rniled SlalPj- ainp rhnmpion. MHHMrr .r IimI, Vlrlorla. not laiar tl-aa Stove WOOD ni .ru. i.: or 1'i.lrii-i rvir. rhii unhappy lipimi rnuip un. I hat only oiip lille aeemt aure lo ami Mi .Mary K. Itrown. Iwice on Ihe II ih .Mr of Junr. lit., f.-r l -niir Hnipii. H.i:. der Hip iioliep of iimi alrppl itlw purrluiv of Llrprira XJI6I, lo rut I LT.LEE he relained hy il prehenl holder winnern of Hie I lliled SUiple 4Jo.u fu.1 of ixjar. Spruw. Hi-ni.-. j TIMBER SALE X S070. evanireliKlH Inlelv. A youny tit it i "'a-. n area .liiuusl on ih lhal ialhe wiii'M'h heavywpight hup. .ew Jiur, pi un i"i. I aralnt Trart-rt will br twrlvpit by lh wniiiail found him in appallingly u. Ar, f nraywy Inn-i. Hanr . ,llnl.l-r ir laiHln. at lrha-ia, not Hit erown whirh inoal people eou-re.le Will pp IIIPIII in Llllieti r-iairs uati liiki ni.iriri. We have just received i ie Ladies' and , lh la r Julir. Itll. wridohed eireiiinnlanrea. livintr in Two (tj yrara will tw allowed for re- mail laaiu mi UN- trol f ehampinnhip loiiriiamenlii. car load of up river wood, will he defended wilh IIIIIp : I... IIMI p'TI'tM- "f l-tTPIMT XIlJ. I an iinpnix inil hut near Hip via. rtH-val of ilmbpr. Gentlemen's I I in rm f -iH-iirr.. imiar. aiut li'iiuhlp hy .lark lenipey iiKMinal I'urlhrr partirHlara nf ilw Clilef" rnrra-trt. guaranteed seasoned and lurl. a "Ihiip'm Hi row from C.I.inn- ilnalnl IIm pi Vlrioi-ia. or il-lrr ('umiar. im ll.iili'ik an arra dry. biie cut to order-Also .itr r familp MaiMl. ywrn IMrlollr lown. TIip nupal a lakon Tom (iihhona nel July t at NECESSARY ITEM I'r-in--p Hniarl. B.C. ailor il.uiul T" anil I aiul luir liUlrhrt.i' 'r allow-el away, fp.l and eluil. He lia not Shelhy. On Hie whole ft look "Han I lakp a train lo t:hiea?o TIMBER SALE X 4744. Kindling In Sacks. ' for 'niiH.nl or lliiilvr. lonir lo 1Ip, hut hi eyp nip el'- a if hoin(c Hiis year would lie willioiil ehange?" fwrllipr iwrllnilara of llw rhlaf willi Brnlilude nn.l luippi. in Hie liineliiihl ".Vol -ery welll You'll have lo For Prices, call Irr. Mn.irU. H.i or IM-Uiri lorf.lrr. ipiPiit more dUlinrtly Sealed Tender will be received by in hav? jiial riilnrifpd our ITIn. Hiiiwrt. h.r. t l npaa. Inti'rrntinliiin ninonp Hip Hum it ha. Im'imi fur many year. tip Ihe porter." .New York Uluuirr or l.aiHl. al Vr.,rla, n.,1 Itier llian inni on ihe lilh dav uf June. mil. In make room for our TIMBER SALE XS123 liM-al r.liiiiPHP eynkea no remark lAenins Jnurnal. for Iha purr ha.a uf Urri.ro X 1141. to rat HydeTransfer Hpiinif and Hummer trilml Trml-ra will tH rrrrlvad Iiy, Ihe oilier limn Hip Olllrntil l. Him ItelliiiR' in' ennneoliiin with Capl. V. II. McCaiNlell I e. and 47U.OIMI IlaKain.frri on.rf an Kprnrp.arva aliuaied dar. Hemlnrk on uvi . J'rlrm are model ato. In.rp raeine va Inlrndured in ppcled from the eoulh ioou lo aoulh hm ur Orinrillp channel trl ad-1 Phono SSO. ganlng, Praaalng, ifor Hip pnniMe nf t.irvnra MitJ. lo alto. No frnt more flendi. IIip Sweden for Ihe firl lime on May lake rhartfe of I.en Hell's falinmx joininr limriri.s.T.I.. aaucp, name , cat Land! Service and Quality our Repairing. -L,"!?J.J?.lZ,f2l unhappy nwn l.na eapou he 7 nl .liigrrMii, 1lip larireal race iiirplane whieh ia lielnf over-' one (I) year will be allowed for ra. Motto. i Phone Red 136. Ilia watl tlnini i.'f Hurt InM, tl'I'mM r.hriliaii fill III ami nlleuiN IIipI eiinre in South Sweden. Kor hauh-d nl llaiellcn. Th river ntoval lurlhrr of .Itiuber.iiarllriilara nf the Chief Forea it in l.inuro Office, IViIiVn'-lrirr.'' ,r""' nieel(nr witli -enl loeora any' many )eara Hie lielioii of he). roe earlier thia year than uual ter. lriorla. H i:, or Pmlrirl romier. j Two ) yVara will I" allowed fr ra- (e will die ery muni. I an.l rallier inlerfered with their . . Hiilf ha heen lie foil' the llirdair inoval of iiiiiimt. i. j I TIMBER SALE i furllMT iwrtl-uUra of Ilia flilaf Toraa. I!ul fnlerxal nml many IIiiiph It plana. Mr. Hell auid. XS011. lar. Vlrlorla. H i:., ur IHinri roretirr, ITIIW Hlllwfl, n'- ha Iippii rejeeled a immoral. LAND ACT. .- Healed Tendert will be received by the HOTEL HUDSON ' -riaanrn til r X K01. I -zr; V - , (Mintek-r. uf Land, al Vlrlorla. uol later Nolle at Inlaatlaa la aplf ta Purahatajlluii iaai mi lit Kill .lay of June, taa. Baalril Tnul.rt will b rarrlvrd by Iba I t:ieeland i hack on Hip pn-fcxalnnnl Lane. fur the urrliaa of Lfc-rara Xlail, lo 773 Seymour St. Mliumar of l.an.1. at Vlriuria, not lalrr foolballmari ,in llniled In Kkeena Land ni.iriri. Heronllnr tilt-'rut Oo.Ova reel of Haleaiu. Ileoiloik, Cedar (Near Hudson ban noon on Iha find day of June, lJ. Irli l or ITliwe ltiiierl, B.C . and alluala aad Mpruae, un an area aliuaied on Hull Iiay Stores), 1J for llai purrbaa ur ijiwiipw imi. 'Slalea and hint Im'cii yrrmiled a ihe north end uf kllnumaalluiii Lake. Iimrlb .iK.re of Hurka Channel, Hint t. VANCOUVER, B.C. and llnu. Taka olior. that I, Alfred I of Coatt LaiHl liimrlri. cut t.lOl.vua feel ir irur 'I'niirliiae in the .Nalional Af--nii'iallou Mil. loi-k, and l.fuo.oua ferl ur frllt-d and noMwn.nl. H.i .. tanner, Intend In apply one (Ii yrar will be allowed for removal C. Westergard, Manager. liurki'd aprura and ll.-nilurk, on an arra of I'rofPaKional Kool-hall for nemiualon io purrtiaa Iha followia of llllilier. Lata of Winnipeg', llrandott iltnalad mi l.iiiif.iiniB Hay, I.ouIm Itland, iprriliel laatla: Cjanuienrina al a poet further partiroltra or the Chief Foret ;plue 1o Uurrii Cliarlolia Itlandt Land UUIrlrt. cluli. (lumea will he play-d plaiileU al iH.rttiwe.i eonier of lot alia; ter, Vlrlorla, B.C., or lutlrlrl lorenter. and Moose Jaw. Per Piece. Two ill yrari will 1 allowed for re-npival al I Hi n u rield, Hip Inline of Ihenre weal Vii rhaini; UN-nee aoum annul ITirtre Hurt. B.C. Modern-Flrop roof-Central of iiinuer. la rliain to kluuintall.tio. Lake; thenee H.rllirr o.rllrulara uf Ilia Chief lorn- lie Cleselund Atuerinan I.Panne follow loar I lie lake aontheatierly to tbe TIMBER SALE XS160. We Appreciate Your ler. VKlorie. B.C.. or llw pitlrlcl toretler.i Syr M4tli4lOilrafvV oulhwr.t cirncr uf Lot lit: llienia eatrd A.ibWS. liuaehall eluli. Oilier citleH iv-preaeulcd Tender will be received by Iha liualneis. SS.. Ml Alt MIII4U, oorih lu rbalua to puim of nanciieure. I W a Ml .. .i.m IT Mlhlater of Land., Vlrlorla. not later lliau in Ihe Ai'lulioii ineni, I'lat .-onialiuni iIhiui tl arret, are lit ihmoi ui lib day of Juue, till, fur a pound X 5190. more or lea.. TIMBER SALE l.lneano, i.Milwaiikee. SI, l.oula. ALtHFD r.a.i, Ih pun haM of Llienre X lieu, la rut Ift.uoe feet of pruee. Cedar, llemlot-k iOAT-IRONED Ilui'iiie, ItiH'k llaml, l.ouiavillp. I'er L. H, lienury, lid Hal.aia, on an area ailualej on Wal-lane luie.l May teih. IVH. .ni...i r.n.i.r. will he rpeeived Blvtil. Ibaierbli Itland, Hauira a, Service of l.nnd. ul Vie J Aunaville, HiM'lie.ler, HnlTalo, tioaal LaiM lu.lrl.-l MinUler family hv Hie IN TNI aUPRKMC COURT OP BRITKH 'loria, not luler than noon on IJioj l.reeii Hay, Akron. Cnlumhu. COLUMBIA. iw I sear will t allowed for ra looval uf luiiber. r ( you l wtthing to l'ltli day of June. lVi-, .tor im -aS,w taaia .W.l II Canloii. Toledo, Marion und Itey-lou. in reoaATi. I uriber iriuiiltri of iba Chief fore.-ler. KING GEORGE r tnt of youf Ironing- 'purihaae of l.ireiire 5 1 tin. lo KaB T ......1,1." tCKIM.awaita "lt A aclieilule of will he lu Ilia I.ereaaed.Mailer of Hie L.tale uf Joha Winner. Vl. iurla. B.C., or la.trirl loreM ir. iramea lyimng- laiurnad of Snriiee and fume Mii-rl, B.C. dry- cut l.lioo.Oiiil feet T aa atut Mil ! nti TAkE Mil ICt. that on lb tb day f Ifou limply touch up Hemlock and S7.5.MI lln. fl of draried on July 57. Aurll. 1(11. nrubale uf Iha Lat Will and outtr (aimanta auch Spruce mid Hemlock pllliiK an TeMauienl r Joliu Winner. UecrMU. wu TIMBER SALE XS1S9. CAFE walau, blouaaa, tkouaa nieii ailniiled on lh norlheaat California enHiuela-tn frtM.eu ... .ae Hmroiiimi. retled Trudert will La raivlled bv Iha iaa.1, with band-iron. ifolf are Ail iierMaia uaviua arrounia aaami'iii'i.irirt lurv.ier. erituo nuueri. out uur First Class i'om iihoro of suit i'Ue. I Ik aald t.uie art required lu fiu itw'Unw noun on IIm n day of June, tvii, keepliiK an on wo former Ifhonaf today. Und I1h eye lalund, Itaunc f. f-"Ul rune lerltwd by derltrallou wllb llialtor Ih loirrliaM Uurura X !, Iwar CHOP UEV and NOODLES. leiinia rliaiiiploiia. wlioae recent UtMler.iiruad lorthwllb. U.T.I. IMIP. Veo Maiwl. Hanaa 3, C.iaM Furnished Rooms to Rent For CANADIAN ,rlVwo ? year will 1 nllowe.l Unequalled uehieemenla. Ail ia-rou uwiua luouara io iua aaig uiw iiriri, (hi h.w, rea er cedar ITCAfrT LAUNDRY. r.... ............I .f ImllielV on Hie linka (rivei lt ire hereby required to piy tb.ure tKUalu and Hemlock. I'llcea lleasonablr) nf the promiae nf their pnaeilde tu,e In Iba uudernlrued forlhwlth. I Two t )er wilt Im allow 4 for r. Phone Inra Blue 471. Phone 8. Kurther partlcu SKIN TROUBLES Paled at I'rince Ituperl, B.C . Ihli lothlnioval of luuber Chief I urealeiv Viclnrla, ll f , r Iriuiiiplianl return ' Ihe apo. day of May Itll. lurilHr particular of the Cblet rrea- Second Ave. MIX,,JXalrlct lorealcr rinne num., litflli of uporl ua winnrra uf Hie luiii loiiin.Eiarutor, ll'riuc iter, Miu.ru.Huperl.i.c B.C.or Iba ln.lrlrl t'oreiirr