Bday, August 31, 1923, 11113 brewing of coo.l beer demands 1 tha, titrnost In aelentlflc up-to lt piaQl nrrt iiiiibuvh- cad" It tit product of B. Ca Million pollar Ilrewery. Order foiar from any Gorcrnniciit 'i IJqnnr lor. ynv9 vAxconm Usui i:i m. 1 niti:vvi:itii:3 1 1 1 1 : w i : 1 1 1 :s LLf saiam. aw aw fAarv fj v ZQhcBeer without zPccf flhii idrertifcmrnt U not publiihcd or ditplajcd bj the Liquor Control Board or bj the Government ot Columbia. SPECIAL. Ganong's Assorted Chocolates A 65c per lb. These nre fresh chocolates ami regularly retail hI from iOc to l..25 per lit. We ore selling UumaLthis-tKcial jjrice of drc in order to make room for another shipment, low on the way. mjj . ORMESLTD. 'The Rexall 8tores. Phones'ioO, 82 and 134. iZrd Ave, and 6th. 3rd Ave. and 2nd. We pay osloge. on all mail orders. Canadian Natjpijrfl Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND V SHIPYARD Optratlpg O. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineer, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Cte. Electric and Acetylene Welding. Our plant Is equipped to kindle all kind of Marine and Commercial Work PHONES 43 AND 385 ! Special Teapot Sale i We have been fortunate in securing an assorted crate I of OM Knglish. Teapot which we have priced exceptionally low. There nre several .styles and sires to choose from. Prices, Mm from 0c to 1.50. They are now on display in our window. KAIEN HARDWARE CO. P.O. Box 1646. . 608 Third Ave. Tel. 3. Shockleys plani"g Mills Ait-how Solo Agents ftr the lumber output of the Royal Mills, Hanall, B.C. I DIMENSION LUMBER. SPRUCE AND CEDAR 8HIPLAP. 8pruce Planking and Cedar for Foundation Work. GET OUR PRICESIT WILL PAY YOU. Phone 383. TBI DAILY KIWI PA9C TIM DAWSON OPENS Local aid Person! Not Only Faster Shaves- IN NEW LINE Ralph E. Harrup to Have Charge or Men's Furnishings Department of Wholesale Establishment J', (i. Dawson announced today llial lie hail completed arrauge-jiaenls for Ihi' opening of a men's funiihing. department in Jiis wholesale e.otaliliti riicul and wa putting in a Mock al once, llalph ' llarnip. who i lo have charge of the department, recently went east (o arrange for the stock. is now going lo Vancouver , to meet Hid representative of several British manufacturing firm who are 'there ,and from whoni they expect lo make some pur chase. One. floor of the-' warehouse will l devoted to (he new Mc-Hariup, who i to have pllIsV&Opft.l-:ls t..kfiii...(it.l will, llu. finivjjtfjl'o'rcy. Morris A Co. here Ago. RUPERT TABLE SUPPLY INCREASES FACILITIES TIim Itupert Table Supply Com pany in order lo nuc tin- de mand of ilf ever increalng bui-iii-m i Installing another telephone Nil 2Ht for I ho Grocery Department bnly. The present main line numbers 211 and 212 will In- maintained a in the past with Meat Department and office cini noi l kmis. The new phone No. 281 will mil connect with the of. fin- op niral department as Ihi i nut feasible under present ar riiiiueineiilH. Phone N. i'Hl if our oilier line ar bny. CHILD BROUGHT BACK INSULIN TREATMENT KKHNIi:. Atin :t. Krank Hick, aued nine. tf .Vermillion. Al herla. who wa mi far uont in diahelic conin. thai he wa jirae- nraii juiif wa niorei to convale'ci-no in (he hospital hy ijie application of the Itautin in l in cure. .Mi S. A. Mill.. Mi'c-iirincinal uf tin- Uoclii Slrcrt ScIuhiI. rv 'nciic.l (i. i he riiy on I lie .teamcr "rincc ieor;ii' Ihi afternoon. I WIHtLtSS HtPORT l! 8 a.m. UlillY, II1IV, ISUNI. ISINH. 0ereat, fich "iiulhra"! wind harometer. ."..Oil; l.Miiojjriilure, 55; light vvell: H p.m. poke lcanicr .Mogul 20 mile,.oulh of Anyox lulhlmunil. li:.M TllKI. I'OINT. V Clear, calm: haromHer, 2U.72.; temper-alure. 5K; sea moolh. Ill'l.l. MAltltOll. Overea!, freh oulhwet wind; haroineler, 5'J.KO: temperature, 5rt; ea Mii.tolli; 8 puke leamer l'rince ,lohn abeam Noble Island northbound: ?..'l( p.m. spoke leniner l'rince tieorge ;JI Namti uorlhbouml. Noon IHtrltY ISI.ANH.-Cloudy, lighl oulheal wind; barometer, 21).-tti; temperalure, 5"; sea smooth; l'rince (ieorge due 2 p.m. Ii:.l THF.K POINT. Clear, liUil oulheal wind; tianuueler, 2U.KII; temperature, 73; sen moolh. Ill'l.l. HAItlHIII. Oveivn!, light ouihwel wind: barometer. 2i.Hl: lemperalure. 00; sea moderate: II a. it, spoke steamer Prince John. 115 mile. from Pino Island norlhliouuil, Plus 1c Per Piece r a pound FLOAT-IRONED Family Service All of your washing 80 p.i c.nt or your ironing v.rythlng returned dry You limply touch up tw oultr such s waists, blouses, hous., with hsnd-lroru Phon. us today. CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY. Phone 8. li.C. Undertaker. 1'hone 41. Hayners, Under takers. Pboue 351. tf W. r. Itinn came in from Balmoral Cannery yesterday Special iliplay of Fall Hat and Coat at Mr, (ioldblooin's, Friday and Saturday. The Church of England Sunday School will resume lis work next Sunday at '2.30 p.m. 207 Save Money! Uuy oar Nanaimo- Wellington Nut Coal at 113.50 a ion. Albert & McCalTery, Ltd. If J. B. Karris, inspector under the liquor hoard, left for the oulh on the Prince Itupert last uiuht. Mr. II. T. Cro and Miss M Cros were passengers for' Van couver on the Prince itupert las night. COMHINATION Special. 1 lb Armour liced bacon, I lb. fresh killed beef liver, the two for 50c. Table Supply. 200 Mi Uren of, who ha been visiting at Telkwa with her isler, Mrs. P. Hegan, reach ed the city on last night's train and i registered at the Central Hotel. Mi Klizaheth Irwin returned ihi morning on the Venture from Surf Inlet where she ha been visiting with, her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. II. S. Irwin. Having a heavy cargo of freight lo discharge here, the C.N. It. steamer Prince (ieorge, Capt. W. S. Morehouse, arrived in port Ibis afternoon al 2 oclock, one tiour ahead of regular schedule lime Miss It. 0. Stewart, school teacher for North Itulkley, who arrived from Victoria on Wednesday after attending summer school eions, returned to I he interior on last night's train af ter having spent a day in the city. . tM'ening game j'f I he Married v. Single Men's llaseliall series, Sunday afternoon at 2.30. The Single Men request the attend ance of all the Single Ladies- in the city, as the Married Men are bringing their families to rout for them. 207 lr. Hewitt, who ha been re lieving company' doctor at Surf Inlet for the past seven weeks whije Dr. Beach ha been spending a vacation on Vancouver Is land, paci Hi rough the city on tin' venture Ihi morning on his way lo Vancouver. - The Union steamer Chilliwack. Capt. C. B. Smith, arrived from I he south at IMS last night and spent all night and the most of the day linloadini: trenee;il i-ar-rn at I he ( i.T.P. and AHiert Mc- Cattery's wharves. The steamer returns south from here. W. A. Kulloiv and J. II. Starr. prominent mining men from (Iras Valley, California, passed through (he city yesterday-after-noon arriving from the Kit I on I he train and sailing for lh south on the steamer Prince Ru pert. Tliev have been on a lour of Canada and have visiled the Porcupine country in Ontario. Northern' Manitoba and Cenlral B.C. Mr, and Mrs. It. W. Cihson of Oak Bay, Victoria, accompanied I by llieir daughters, Misses Boris, lean auu .viuaiie tunson, are in he city Ihi nflernoon enroutc to l ot onto where (he Misse. Oilison will continue their stud-li,s at Urn Bishop St caelum school. They arrived from the south on the Prince Oeorce lo- ;day and will leave for the Kast on I he evening I rain. Union steamer Venture, Capl. A. Johnslone, was in port from 0:15 (o 10:30 this morning bound north from Vancouver and way ports lo (he Naa Itiver. The steamer had a good passenger list including Mr. and Mrs, P. jMcMnnon mid Jack McKluuon, I.Mrs. N. Norman and Miss Skin ner, Mrs. Whitehead and daughter V. M. Wells and Ir. Hewitt all of whom are' bound from Surf (Inlet to Vancouver on the vessel, FREE 10 Better Shaves Send Coupon ' but better To iit sharing time is important To tare sensitive skin from irritation it more important. V .. For million of men we hare done both. Now we ask you to make the same sharing discovery tbty made. Tut this'new sharing comfort at our expense. It took 18 months' work 130 laboratory experiments to perfect Palmolire Sharing Cream for you. But in these S ways it gires yon better, faster shares: Multiplies 250 timet in rich lather. Softens beardt in one minute n rubbing. Lather lasts 10 minutes, if necessary. Strong bubbles hold hairt erect making it easier to cut cleaner. Your face' is left coot, comfortable soothed by the blended palm and olive oils.' We give you the first 10, shaves free. 'In that time you will know whether or not we're produced' a real blessing for men or hare failed. Irl any case, only we can lose. Make the test. 'Post the coupon today. THE PAUCOUVB COMPANY OF CANADA. UnM Maatnal Toranta WtmnifMC vMsfcsfr, 10 SHAVES FREE PALMOLIVE Tr.5t"o2L c",dfc D'vt- D4II SHAVING CREAM . . ' 111 CMr I . II. llarkuess of the local school teaching' staff, relurned to the city on the steamer Prince George today. -- Peter Black Jr. vvho has been spending a holiday in Vancouver, relurned to the city on the steamer Prince (ieorge this l. Itoss, recently appointed by the School Board as manual Iraiuinc instructor, arrived in the city on the Prince (ieorge this afternoon. Mis 11. SrtAflV of the local leaching s'f5ff vvhir'tfa t;en holi- ilaying in tin ie thi afternoon Prince (Ieorge. joijU m-T.'.. ' Tl .ui returned fj'fM'mer II i.i. .. . :jii.i .iis r.nccii nmiuiiT, wu been visilint' in I he south ti iii as wM, her sister Mr. Walker. ' rtnrirell lo the city on the Prince treofjiV' this aflernoon. - '' C P. Hickman, of the jirr.vlrtcia'f forestry ifeparliiletil 1 pl'sslrtii through Ihe city today on the steamer Prince (letilige en route' lo Stewart on departmental bust- Hpss ' 'Mill "I ,:t,l, James Mitchell; of till!" Borden Street school teachtivfr staff who ha been holidaying in the south, relurned to'ithv' city on the leamer Prince (Jvorge this Mrs. I MpB. Young who has beau holidaying al Nanaimo, accompanied by her daughter Mar guerite who ha tieen attending the Conservatory of Music al Toronto, arrived on the l'rince George this.afteriuHiu. l.asl night about (en o'clock fire-broke iul in Ihe launch Star at Ihe Boat Club. The caretaker and others al once got busy, forming a miniature bucket brigade and Ihe flames were subdued without recourse lo the Fire lieparlment. The fire seems to have originated in some cylinder oil around Ihe engine. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert Francis- Milled, W. A. Allan and h. Duffy, Vancouver; W. F. Binus, Balmoral Cannery; A. Wright. Prince (ieorge; .Mr. and Mrs. Charles .1. (initio and K. ,V Irvine. I.os Angeles; James Lever. Terrace; (. W. Starr and J. A. Fullon, Grass Valley, Gal.; Mr. and Mrs. Frank F. Davis, Philadelphia; Chong Latt, city. Central A. Holland, Washington: IS. A. Dawson, Smiliers; Miss Uren, l.adysiuith; J. W. lliseh, TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY LOST. Auto crank Jiandle. Kinder please return to 00 Taxi. U EM0RRH01DS not auffcr another lar itri nl0 Itching, llleeJlnc, or Protruding Tiles or llemorrholda. ,'o urglcal operation rriu!rnL Vt. Chart' Ointment will relieve you ut once ntt altonl latlnp benefit, soe a bo; all Oealera. or nJmAnaon, Pates & Co., Limited, Toronto. Sample box free- - - - Fall Styles at Bent's Our first shipment uf Kaslern ulid Imported models i comprising i..ii i -i i i, .do, J-ool. j Nil J I r COATS, SUITS and DRESSES Is Now on Display. 1 -i The islyles were personally selected, and some were ,.i designed by' Mrs. Bent on her recent trip lo Kaslern Canada . ajfd the I'hiled Stales, , YOUR INSPECTION IS CORDIALLY INVITED. QfNTfQ Ladies' Ready-to-wear MJLJll 1 kJ a Third Avenue. It's The Pace That Tells Keep it up, you Fishermen and Moose, and with a spurt these last few days, make your candidate Miss Adeline Henrickson t"The Little Fishermaiden" Queen of the Carnival Prince Rupert CIGAR STORE 'The Service Store." WE CASH CHEQUES. Agents For: N. and S. ENGINES v Terms Arranged To Suit Purchasers. Phon Blus SI. - . '! B 7 x. ' n sx m ax a w s