PAOG 3'Wrt " ttir n!rrcr irrwfl " M v. uy , Those Who Drink Japans The Mail in the Moon Movies and Movie People should surely try SAYftt It's kind to the Devoted to the doings and sayings of those who ihr SPKI'.li iii.'oiii.'is ruiie all nyht as fast as u.nn.1 as is hands "SALADA" entertain the public. rpont. "en r: rVb-t 1 I KJk Three times d Tlllvlli: is one Hung al I fir day your ioH nr sensational in the y Henry, a se;i ladder V nol neoil-el hands may Ku into(he rich of acrobatic. llm I we ier. ...i in -order l see him in a rr.wd uiiiiicbx ounugnt suds, fcrREEN TEA HISl WEEK AT MOVIES 'onally rare much almut Ibis 2d . und never be made red sort of lliinir. "THANK heaen bo hi. human" "T 1 and rough It is recn tea inperfection froh, clean oKRorc. II is of hi. Mnmlay and Tuesday, a motion picture and flnvory. Superior to the finest was a remark heard .about iir P - .link Ilnll ami ne first or nil. II is constructed Japans you ever tasted. Salvia Henry lliofnfiin ii earning Sunlight Soap ii a blend of dreamer In "Tb Mhii l'n-' carefully ciiuntli In Imp it wtion woni nenl anmrni the pure demising oils ,Sold by all Grocers. iheine in the mind of conquerable." A, lal of prejy steadily bin man could dance, fNi, play the coconnut und the the. South Soas. of it, amiicnce, ami it affords palm, fennts and swim. "Grnsh." "Our some of the. riix-ol phofniiraphte tho sanic grade as used in til- Oil." effect which wo half even wt'n. "HiriT'lNl ah education rn lh pure toilet soaps. Itsgreut Pal he llevlew. it will Im a urees. V'ar I lie cleansing The Daily News wel." was the way one man power, and absolute amo reason thai ll.irnum and .(escribed the trip of Ihe ruilwny purity, make I'MNCK nUI'BHT - .MUTISM COLUMBIA Wedrteday ni. Thursday. Hailey liircn is a success. V prr.idenl. Sunlight Published Every'Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Hope 1 1 amnion in "Tho is hm ami color'"!, and furious. -s - Ha suitable for particularly dish Washing, Aveniie. l.iahl iithe hark." IlKI.Nii marrie,! t lkeUyinir Third Rupert Daily News, Limited, Comedy "Ltllle Tales." LIGHT IN THE DARK a hall srame. ,u jour orrr arej II. F. PULLF.N. Managing Editor. l.LVFR SKOTIti'RS I J.I ITU) mkl up uctiiiiisl y.Mi. 4 t i i Friday nml Saturday and IS STORY OF LOVERS TfMft SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Saturday matinee. IlKTl li lts oh the road l sue City Ilelivery, by mail or carrier, per1 month ..$1.00 Iiouplns Fairbanks in Hop Hamilton Is Charming rpvn sn ioinniun, hno vol lo By mall to all ports of the British Umpire and the United Slate. Union Hood." The merry Heroine end Story Dominates think they i.iul be pari of Ihe in advance, per year '. . . tfl.00 outlaw who robbed the Evtrlhlng hiirliwu: . To all other countries, in advance per year $7.50 nrli to ie In Ihe noor.v Slfcj 2 I"x News Hacite. The play l the Ihlnsr in Ihe il.NH wimiM bate (o l.svr I. sll TELEPHONE 91 rae of "The Lifhl in the hark." hehin.l sir Henry at" a sliiny. I .mi 11 ir here '.vlne.iar. foe no Transient Uisplay Adverting. Sl.0 per inch per insertion pe'son. Hoi .-veH Hie taeaii. ALL the ..(her big men of the Fransient-Advertising on Front Page. . .S2.S0 perilled f)Ar)jm TIAAn IC fill ami lalenleil lar...lmirftes town mere otll IA meet Ihe lux Local leader, per insertion. ,v. 25c per Hue J(jfP( flUlIlr lu all Hi. scene. I.on f'baiiey, a visitor l sHiiirhiiw1 lhy forsl laassiiieu iiTli?lil. pr uisf-rnou ; .H'y v, ,...?! per word the Ihief who steals the cup tie-liee, lo ak mo. W ciirbms Legal Notices, each insertion. ... 15c per aerate line; o m Hie Holy Oral), is tio'nlpact Rate onjAiipltnlioti COMING FRIDAY xheii a womlerfnl opportunity lo IK Sir Henry neii wlmtninsr portray one of Ins ureal ehanw- hewa ro f the tkfal Statft. All advertising should be in The Oaily News' Oltlre on day preceding IrriiHlioiM. Iv K. Lincoln is cmi- publication. All udverti'ine' received subject to approval. Famous Fairbanks Film Said to Miiruijt as Ihe arUlorrnlie but NO wiMMler Ibey bate lo pay; tie Colorful and Furious tickle lover. An Hi. erfnrnianr Big, Ihe president nf. Ihe railway a, of Mis stands mil Member of Audit Bueeaii of Circulations. Uamplon as big salary. He need il ln""fiuy, UnMn Hood, tho biic Fairlmnks the work of a true arlil. for .l.oes and rlolhe if aren coiiols' she make a most rl.armiTis ami shown for two DAILY EDITION M'on.lay. June 53, 1953. jfilm, was.rereniay lillTe for anything. I ! iii end al -Hie l-npllol ,apiealinir heroine. s - , The story deals will- the ex- Theatre. Victoria, lo raparity n- rilRUK is a chap down east Welcome Sir Henry To Only One of I ho Victoria lnence or ;Jat iirejmr. n jnaroeil Will luniniill. He would Canadian National Port. iiowiaiorj in reiiewinn it says: MMr Vermont itirl nho jroes It i with great pleasure we join with the rest of the community I linbin Hood is jtil what I he New York lo make her Ihlnv fol- t"ry n" iisr-iiii in it sjw. r lowimr the rt-atli of her i' Canadian National in .program calls it a show. , The rarent.i Railwayi welcoming Sir lleury Thornhur o Prince Rupert, the ehe ol.tain vniplnyntenl a nl inly reason wo cannot airre If onl -exclusively l-inadiau Nalioiial .rl in the L We ONK eannl hlp won.lecinjr lwvewill, Mr. FafH-ank, in oayinK rheckrociik dirl. - Injure.! in an looked for.the visit for sunijs time auire glad that it.has citnu' ji it "tho rreatol film show on autonioliile arcirffiit, ho is InVen any woman really eer nml e-jr under her thumb and If Henry Prince at a time when he. is able, nut lyily tr see lhi-porl but tn look 'rilC is thai thore Is not spare Into.Hie luxiirimi home of .Mr. sn liowblx her thumb was. Rupert III to Ihe resources of tlie roiinln lo which the railwav will luoVl1""- oain Ihe .liffon-nc l-rsuslennnce. Teny.eon Orrin. where .Mrs. " ' Orrin's bachelor hrother, J. War-, ' For this wV are Smtel.-eM largely lo the bK-al!'0 ,?.r1 ."l y?.'t Imrlon Ashe, soon become in. TIIF. other lay a ynuny lady DRYDOCK ny hluhei anil II -so itnusiiat iiirrrnir, r. n. iiawsi.ii, wno niways nas jne iineresi or the wlioie film show on earlli." Ami il i fatiiale.1 with the ronxale srenl was .of northern and central British Columbia at 'hfnrt. 2iinic to Im fine vnlortainmonl irirl. hen ltesie learn of lhal il has tifen Hie talk of Ihe AND town f er lnre. Hneli action on II is unneeessary for us In talf that'Jhe people here have for alHMxt rrMM(y alnil ,hf's insiiicerily- she fae lliel Ihe pari nf a lady ha mil heen full coiifiilence in the ability of Sir flenry lo handlo railway af Vrywin-fv il is jhnwn. tioue. fimlinK.refiice, in as KaV SHIPYARD Cfairs in the best interests of-"jhVTiifinlri. In doinir that we are Tho olioloiilay. wlitcli lias bn Mile tenfriieiiL, l.nable In locale known for years. J rall ready to slippiirt Jibn. We think lhal Ihe bet iiilercsls .ifiunrter way in California for miro Ihe girl and reatiiinx what a ra-l be hal befii Astie OF eonrse Ihere will he .mie ilhe coiinlry will lie sene.I by developing Ihis port as an alter-lh six m.Hiiiis. ami which em- trie to fortrel Opsrslrtg Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton FlosUm 0r Oo Ihe wronir he has ilorie by lalins knockers ariHind Imlay who will riiaine 10 tancmiver anu ny making it an uiillel for the pn.1uctsil',,,yr" wrn in us i. C.iOlnsaci, Machinists, BolUrtnakars, Bikmn, a huniintr triii abroad. In e saying thai llio railway pre.i- or Ihe eoiintry and an inlet Tor Ihe giHs which have to cornel'" '' ,wo warl v" differ.-.' ihe Foundsrs, Woesfwarisrs. lu. maksrs, ruin of an ahtey in old Lne- lenf I loo bur for hi Job. an r,je fore iarl from the Orient. We ilo have an ideiii that a profllable Ihnuixhj"1' l'art- i-iiii- trnffic roiil.l be Imilt up which woiilif help relieve Ihe overbur- prises largely I Ijy ieate-tabln. of lisli forest he fin.l a cup of Electric and Acetylene Welding, , ... M.VIlfllKD .lo ; I ti r Kinfc- Itiruar.1 a he rnarrhe .ml straiiiie ilesisn which he lirinv men not usually ut-iini i.i.iMiinii uimjer inini uie inieresi marges ami oer-.aling tfroiu Knalan.l lea.l the back to America hii.1 which fi.. cumuli Mfleide beeaue Ibey deOcjl -lo lloly ol .f Ihe railva. , Our plant Is equipped to adls all kf&4s t - Ousa.le. aeeomjianieil liv Ihe ure jirnininfiiily in a ret human tiave nol lime to think abouf ?Lay Case Before ' w Karl of Hiinting.lon Mr. Fair. .Ira ma ibat ha a happy and their trouble. Marine and Commercial Work Sympathetic Listener. " Lank . wtiA has won the kind's romantic ruiniinalfon. Tliree When the Board of Trade nice I Sir Henry' 'his evening and favor by Ms champion-hip at I in tiine the inysleriou run i slolMi ONK of the senior member of , sM0NS8 4S AND 3SS in America before II finallr .Ii. the lirotirher' ttllili lakf -trep. tournament. The meeting lielween lays be r.ire him suggestions for mutual benefit, we Tee sure apiear In Ibe tmlloni of Ihf Ka lion lo Ibe the of .they will receive a ympathie hearing, something thai we have Ihf Karl and Ihe Lady way president i.Manan Fitzwaller and their llher wild of Ilie Ihifies. Ihe national railway ear "bis not always been usetl to. Being big iii I a,, man Sir every sense. lartitiR as Ihe knizhl rfle tral-lant hoi it ne lo brinir lhe lover hal. a nVjiiilalioii jllenry will bey glad if we can hejp hini to solve some of the rail-way .liffictilties and" at Ihf .snnie lime benefit ourselves. We l away lo war alo are im-IKirtanl Uiuelher in a denouement nn. slooild inleriew Sir Henry on FISHERMEN.' events; in the firt hour ritalleil in dramatic power on Ihe the subject and Jirl hihl lo garb depend the for railway upon our very life. It is only by muliial 'servire we can hope lo pns-r. ;o-owrnlioii mul be our of the film. As these scene are screen. himself in a soft fedora. .watchword all the time. f.,r thrown arros the screen Ihere'i.nly by helping each oilier tlwl 1 art- remarkably fine ' If are buying your outfit at K-' ,euner lire runway c.iniiaii'.f)r Ihe ily can make a sun-ess of photograph! iUUIH SEA ISLANDS I T Ll you "shoU" from Ihe lo visit Ihe iiiisinesfK nere. tower ami Ihe you s:..n.i:m... L:; ir ..rf'.r. . . .... alle wntls. Interior rene mr..). STORY IS PICTURED; WYW UOUUie ...M,,r,,,1,.-, .-.,r nt-iirj win see too mucii sei iisiuiesH in our FISH Company kd Ihe gijrantie royal lianiniel NEW ENGLAND uggeuii,A hontelimes be will think the suggelion unwise. 11 lie noes, we nope ne will lell us m order lhal we may try lo room and outdoor views sliowinn "The Man Unconqusrabla" ' ' Hard lea, Fane Bait, and tha Bsst In Gear, Crocerlei, Ihe wiiviinx trail of the olier Pains get Ihe correct outlook the Swift in Stomach r.n problems lo be solved. We do and Exciting Meats, ate as 1 hey melt into (lie li 1101 want to neat Ihe air. We want to strive for Ihe attainable away Picturesque j , tanl shadows of lhe mountains Void we look, to Sir Henry to tell us when-we are wmnrni that Most of IS BUr t4 UMwaUk Ul .wp..jim eri ourselves right. I rankness between people wjlh lm we exquisitely done. II seem natural In asaneiale'b""taiiy Utimror4 milk tn I turn Jlar nlms is nuisl beneficial. ' l . Plenty of Action Hie South Sea Island with ,ay, of'" ,b r toU. II i the taller half of the am. nf.h.a of , rf'Z S kJX!? XZ MR. FISHERMAN! y1SSt ,Wlll Get New Outlook photoplay which seems to us In ami an unbroken succession of eaiinr. toar (toOMrh. tllioat ' flu. on Rupert Problems. be far more fnlere.tiiur lo Ihe unlrouhle.l thouzhU. Hut I here," tuiooi artdariifi. iwsribura, tier We have been making Unks for boots d. r g S' P The present viil will Bive the president of Ihe rood n new Fairbank followers. Here liouir. are other viewpoints, a"fad lo b ..,t'-. rf 14 uu ' " ten years and we Iiavs yet to gel A. coinpla ' la, as Itihiu IIimmJ, the leader o. most roreii.i in;..if..i ri..' .U, "J"' tbe win workmanship. 011 me railway molilcins of lrm- tt..,.Ari w;u.,... Ihe outlaw '" l.vra up UH llttr, rnUU lbs bols, n4 WE CAN hau.l which reobes DONE FOR OTHERS peing Ihe place- and Ihe Weslhnlme Theatre IhU WHAT WE HAVE people it is difficult to reilue Ihe con-llilloim eteuinir, on up im Moftrn, here. It is diffirult for him to visualize lo relore the throne to II ir hard when "The Man Uncomiueralile." Mr. T. C Hilknto. Hlrtasit. Oal, DO FOR YOU. ' mr resources, our wnlerfroiil nrter lie has fallen into Ihe hands a Jack Hull ParaiiKiunl picture rlifsf k ba nr trout l ttvi needs, and lo.establish n proper f.f the tyrant Prince John. I plu la Ik, (tuoura fur WORK ision he of Ihe fulure. When, Jir looks aLur ciiy building prob-enrs ilashfnjf. ilarin?. .levil-inay-care wil i-M-eive il initial presenta-liou. urwd lo mm biir Mllbsra'i o(Uu tiroa.Uix I ROWE'S SHEET METAL will.ruulize what it meant lo us to irive Ihe rnilwnv i alienturer with Pllla, im Ii i twrt llnw! Dourrd twj Fnon ' years rebate of taxes, in exelintiKe for n bolel which wos never Ifltn and jumpiiiK-Jack Mr. Holt ia Ihe role nf a tr kwtpitif .lo I ouM sol t Second Ave. a smile Hurt's bouu.l lo f.uilt and is slill n debt the railway owes to Hie citv By net the jjirl. Picture. in y.ouiiff man who bejleted lhalH,B,, 1 , toa nuM Jnixing wflh the big men of Ihe cily aiid .lisiricl he will reiliie little tuft of beard ami rniMarhe,pie hi. peace ami kind wonls eoubl ar. s-sn mibanl tsev iUij,Uia-LJiriir PUli u tu sucl, 1,ueii 1 niijrhl do under proper 101 .,. and wht.t an til lloimi iiimuI hat ami hi Int. complisli anything and who was rUI it tl dlri, or mtika dlrr on hl,n in "1P work ' j""1 coniinencing. iere.1 unifnrmhe nol IiicIIiip.I io change his view ripl f jrk If Tb T. Mllbvra Cv , On the hand it will be a great insir jf, ( ,IM , rfimP csliim ami arpnsiiiK i q figure,most inler-lie een when he found his nearlfhsL1 Torbnta. Oat. SHOE LING ill conlnc for h Tew hours with one of Ihe big of groun.l Iwinjr .epollc. ruf. men the world -I'll" Ihe fact (hat Ihere i little .y QUEEN CHARLOTTE LAND DIS- man who lias prove.i f ltt he ran do bitr things in n big wav except action in this last half. flan. Hut Ihe scorn of a t-trl imuT. Jd who is h(e to estimate people and ifieir whipped him Ibintrs l Irue sun 11 seem lo 11 lhal Mr. Fair. into action and her Tailor ynlue, bank has ilnne nolhiuir nw smite at hi iiPre was llm re Application 'to Lands.Laass Forsshors REPAIRING The ward lhal came o hlrrf. Phone 6. AllieispheriCHlly, tho picture in In Oueen niiarlntla Land DN- a goml a a Irlp down Iricl. ..f rlfNIfl into I lie Soul hern Seas, for il i inn r iiui" ii, (aiiii ajiiiiaiR H inn Our Shoe Hepalrlng plant WE OU wn, - bus the selling and locution mouth of Slatechuck lerk. Kaunn Is Ihe most up( in of that part of he worl.l reuro- Inland,y. Hkldegatfl II.i: ,,et, iirahani Northern ll.ii. and is eiulp-ped DESCftlPTIors luce.1 with a ii'adherence Irf l 'lake Notice ll.ul V n M for Ihe prompt handling tail that I nulla In "J Vancouver, ll.i:. oi'ou of all classes of boot and action il i wlfl and eiellimi J'"1" " '.' "'T- to. al.U shoe repairs. while Ihe .tor,- ) logical andijowinic iwroiisiion.le.cril.c.J no fum.hore iu tin rol i f trial order will convince SUITS cnntlnrln KUiinmeiirinir ut n no.I i,Lmi...i ... you thai our work and service hluli (till mark Is second none. tj RIER J. F. I.u.hie. heft.) of Ihe flulhle' H'''' ordered to Mine, rric.J nt n(irhl from ner pol of Lot Ir thence iu We specialise In hand-made Smllher. He la here In confer chains soutlif aaterlvL liienre lu Logging liools, with Sir Henry Thornton in con- 'chains 5 u " noithweslcrlyf A"9..9 measure 1 f.fciion with (he fiossibillly ofmll , )k1, w,,r ,'lllirk ,u '(nl McArthur Shoe Store f.cond Avsnws. shipping ore from his mine loiof roninieiicetiieut, and eonlaitu Houtticrii -mrllers l.y way of Ihe '".?". acres more or e. Nsit 0.N.R, Office, 3rd Avs. Opp. I'osl Oft C.VII and h,s nnrl. I V L A" J""Yi. MeMOIIIlW. Iut.'. May ta, IU23