Whan You Want A 4T 0 tfeMMQIKT TAXI i .ii. I i iuii mmirLi Phone 671, 99 in a hurry Jellied Tongue, Boiled Ham, Roast Ham with ,dressing, Phone Fresh Home Made Beef and Btfi Car and Best Service .. PRINCE RUPERT Pork Sausage Dally. In tha City, Rates Reasonable Out of Town Orders Solicited 'in,,;., ':'".,, Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper "Hi I,),, VOl, XIII NO, III). PHI.NUK lll'PKHT. II.C. MONDAY. Jl XK 25, 102.1. eircv.l.llofi, 1S23 irttl StlM 0. IIUUK ' ilENTS. r it i iitiATiffiifni wm iiinnm rv irt Affrnir mAf wr m am - m. mm - i - m m m m i - - a m am mm I 111 k WW H VII IH 111 I IV I IlkVI Mil I II V IIIIE1V WVII. I lVLiiJULiAi 1 liJ UULnJl Ul VI 1 1 111111 BRITISH NEWSPAPERS MAKE FUSS OVER UNITED STATES LIQUOR SEIZURE SIR HENRY THORNTON, K.B.E. . -nf British luge ixuuwuy i uiiy sniuuzu Newspapers are on Train and are Busy Seeing mmrmW'TQmmmmmmmmm Oatspoken in. Criticism the City and Meeting People ir SMLw ; of United States Action Sir llenrv Thornliui eprcsed Inin-uJ r a very plei-ed provided. ttr Henry said: Well, Lloyd Ceorge DJends Seizure of Liquor and J Dai!v I rawe '"p Hie l-eople '"' Hi Uie ciitiulrv he had -fen and with Hie harbor hrre a ,., ret.r.c..i..l.vt' iiiuht .l.nrllv after hi urnl. Hp ".al ' ' '"Hy ' " " .null Urges More Sympathy with America 1 iwnl ln time seeing things m vinif .u...i IliM 1.111.il mill . ill" ill,ir-ii ,n nun" V.HHBlnUaW. bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb! (miff In know then, lid il. he Iih- l.cinnj.i)lMg n'ljHIe re -H..illli. rs. and at Lakel.. he -ani in Prohibition Enforcement ...... .. I... I .r I 111.I L u f u tILl.Il 111 II) I 111" lOar U lla. IP-H"I M" iar,- ? . . . ... 'dry mmKmW&7 fJ.kmmmmL a a --.-.. biiii airsMin uistmi iiiii ii 1 1 mi i I'll - I.OMMJ.V. June 25. l.lovil Oporge, uilJre!!ug Die tongrp - "" - -.. ll.r: Ill IIP t.U VV l .1 IIIITllIMT'lll till llllll. lllill. I. II. I'fll-i"'" ' 'arHBBB'PBBBBBBB '! ltitcrl wlm liinl In TirTiicc autl nil' nipnii.ers tu ,iii puny i galioii in the Wp1i ftaplil Wiuj.el here yeIPrUu, urged tlrat uml i'tr:ii 1 1. 111111 gum iiihI Ijkflm' In miitI linn, mil ably l,av nol fished before for tn -" MmmmW- 'bbbH i lie l.'nileJ Slulc" liiiililigtt mure Ynialliy in trying to enfurcQ J. S. Mil..-...! M. I', Mci:Hffir.' years.'' It1 said. "Mini it a iruhiliition. which Iip a ' law iin'ed hy u greater major ANAniAN 1 1 IIP, Iimr XlrkrtiMi. null C 11.' Croat (real. I cailghl some Ii ily U.Hii any other law ever aei. II attempted In deal Willi in lli laki iBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBhv." WS. sHbBhB? lltttf t L the of civilizulion. Oriiic Hi wn iiiiI ul li il ii(foil llif stream and sn,..e jIVW rjt greule-t euie the Im-1." The urgeJ that America wu within her rigliU hy JUyor wln mikI f.,.lt Oil liflt tlie stream .was Tbej ex-premier llNfHFflN TODAY BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB In -eizinx liiiior aljt-unJ I'icr from nf which boutlegyiii; lniii. iril'nl fx Hit' Moaril i'f .1-1. - I nil li-n U l-,r,l-n iiit-o,,-; t-nnte had eerluinly been jM'rpelraled. i rail.. iriiuiultcr are Mug Hlii?il cal BB PA amBBBBBS-aaBsaBBBBBBBBB The Irfimli.ti Time iliru'"iilK s tlx .li-lrirl. ii. wrll n H ri'l"1'- in ir. Hie .eimire hy the L'nile.1 Still .fj 1 If IT1) CIIlC lrl r Henry Thornton' Is Speaker ioialli annii of ritujAii, Vim Iihw a. ipinliii liartn-r. uf liuuor .... llrllW. .I.i'.a. -ai.l IMlL .Ur jlUL And All Railway Visitors ,inllay ami Iranulnn tuiitwimi. Sir llrliry rvinarkPil. "NVIiy. yuu the ailurr of the ltrilli iorrn- Are Quests ami itlir anI Hniiifnuiiir Ileud of Hie Uiii ju mi Ntilional Itailway Syciein, who is Vl-Ml- -aIiiiK llrfllli urficiallyavaint iiijil Mrk I lir it.,-..I lo prole.it jlnnrilml Hip riliiii- inli-rlltM'- iiiK Hie cily U.Juy for Hie first lime. MOUNTAIN naiy Iipm "ai Hit ylnp or : the liquor cizure wax invitiiisc -Ifalnpr .Mni-ii'ii nun mum 1rlil)r irl i.i.v nroiiml lli Imrlmr nil Hi" . )' mnillipr nf Hip viiHn;r party ihe I'nileil states to trample up ! SHI Hi ill - ... Ml - ft. i I......I I.. II. ,1.1.1 'Yw liap a fine tnwiiMl''. a on llrilii-li liulil aitd Hip aniitie rhtt iriii H'r 1'lanl.'lariHi- i"-.i w mr w. .iiPMliil plarc fur n ' ily." mil a Prince Rupert will mf fffiliied'ey.Mei.cP. - - - -iRoad SuperinUndert Say Proper MnraitP .aid' in Hi I I" ll'iiur, ne tl.Inl n.I mtr il i.-tnl nil alutii: Mo.tl ut IajiiiIo.i n.ilaily iiewn-ilaMr..j'.i;alijiiiflvvlc.iiouiici Route Lie on Other Sid i1irHiiiliiil Hip rivIC llnirr A rr ll.l-nr Hit. Mrf-iiiilll if I I..L I L u.1 llni lltif. Tlip )ilUr'ciiiPil l- Jhi',, II.- -.11.... I- 11... -I.- " -- " , Jl in,iiitnii'wr i.r I'rini-p iiu 'li'liior hPlinres, rinlniinz ihe e- 1 1 "If lllllllf ll' W He u-aiilel lu l14 ami vre ih4 iiwjpre. be Great Port !t lot to be i.ieilille.Home ami ab-j The 'rrper mule for ll.e firo-Mirilf ..-..I..-II. I.--.. ! ,-.....T I .i L..i ..: ii dIiib iiipiimpiif h.' Tv J. Ial' says jpoii (rail up Hip mountain back 11111 ti. I. I i. . I II.H..II..,l,lll. II....III'IIA.,J t II mill l.a.l in-m.l"t .! Ihn.ii ,,;jrni... I. P-.rp.l..iit ... Hip r..a.I i XKW VI IIIK. June r.V The t Hie rily i not on Ihi ni.lo Jllflll'a ill. flll,.II.... I v-l. Ul.ll.-.l riiiiiniaii'i,I Up un. ...urh ii.lfie.le.1 ill llirt.MI PliwrB- m .rump, il .. n.'i ,Iti-jti-.lt liner. tUilrir ami lironUi.'"" the niinmlaili but oil Ihe other Kretl Mnrk M.l'.. MaVin. XrIiH"l.lO.Ux k ami the f"U 1C?. un4n "' w" " '" " T Sir Henry Thornton Ihe rrenrh liner I'roviilem-e. and "i'le. ueeonliiig lo I'. V. Aiuler. ....t w.i,r4iiiiativf criiiin I,. , , - Itvlm Ii..1imI In luv flu iiImiim In: the Italian -liip Venli .hMked ye.ri. rt'ad miperinlendeiit. Hp-lenlay iii, i s uii tinuii'i in im uiMinr bp n nauicnki r Ui Mirl ami who iri-niv. fimiilmi will, lilwral Mipplica of 'nt agitation for utirli a trail lo Hi lii'Mil ir (lir imlu-uy. will, ei pry ilrlail. He wax alili 'liipior uinler .eu1. A Tier Ihey h ulwa.Mi had the premise that I lic ulral inl.W wa Hi l tiMti inallpr will, n tiark-Jii'i'iilid 'Prince Hiiperl repre-euts one of Hie mod ideal harbor, have riled Iheir man i fe-1 today,Hii Mile wan Ihe natural eide. f" ' I ' that il ha- ever been in. gomJ rortuiie to ee," -.aid Sir Henry hi, llfiii- lliiit-lilmi. r Iiy nf kimwlriivi lliul Hip Ihe aiilhorilip are expei'ted to' Mr. An.lep.oii eilaiu lhat Miis , Al lit' Thornton, al the lum Iteoii tendered in Iii honor luday the '-ide I form. by Alni - i 1 u oilier ili'l not n.eT. eje any liiur over ami alMive or Ihe mountain, the xhady rlc lir ai'i'onliil a "' "i According to Schedule lliiliadiau l.litb. Omlimiiiig. Sir Henry said: "ll alo oitupkn a the amount certified r.jr inedieal ide. i alwayn Wet and is also : tliatsks K. II. I.iwoii. ilirtM-lor of Hit Hisili.ii of ftreal trafelir iniKiiiaice in that ou are elioe lo purMie-4. There were no new '"teep ami routih. TIm vlher side ailwav. win Iiail arranirel tin Ihe Orient, and ullhiiugh mi rar iiorlh the port i open all the in rejiafd to Hit Hie miliuy nide. I ilite dry j-.levelopiiiei.U THREE PROVINCIAL i1rii ami wlm rpfiKiiifilile.for year. I venture lo i,y thai we sdinll all of iih live In ee Hie mailer yesterday. ami the country in easier, lu ad. day When Prince Hii.,irl w ill be one i.r Ihe Kieilel r the port , i1h rarrylim mil. M eerfiiiiK Note of - lilioii to. Iliis, there Is all easy., MINISTERS ARE HERE l.a.l it.ili.. off iirronliiiK lo lii.il-ul Pacific, and certainly Ihe d.iiadiiin National Syslem ha every Anxiety sloMall ll.e way up and a road'' will, tin iriillon of a .Iriii 7 " ri'aon lo join with you in bllnsr- I.OMM'X, June ii. (laler- ifouM be easily built for Use of. im. ., i.,ilM'l mIii.iiI I Iinv7 f Seizure of liiiuor aboard llrilUhj I mm Krair l.akn lo I'liilnVo. automobile! and oilier vehicle am a aaai manaAn ann nnn. u r-. liner. in Xew couliiiups wliii'li lliul lo lip raiu'((lpl owini: reiv.il a ino-l iiistlrurlive and il-lliislralive Yyrk I...il-iglil to the lop of the mountain. . Sutherland Arrived This CATERPILLARS STOP be I hi' oulslaudin4; feulure in I luv ,talpuient from vour ,l o littc Iihi iniicli limp liavina Mi-. Anderson, has examined tin Morning, Hon. T. D. CANADIAN NATIONAL tllonril of Truile I ii several ilil',riaU?k.' Yumlerhoof .,J I i.isr forlli .miI- pres,. li'pn InJvfit ir Hip am) slates that Ihe most i Pattullo Yesterday TRAIN ON SATURDAY us lroisitioiis Hint articles here Is a derided note' illi'l.. Ollierwi.i all Hip ilarf-liail wluijli la(.(. fuf Vk ,,,.,,.,,. Imtii fluilril at nrrnnu'isl. The hoard wishes me lo look Into. r anxicly IpI the controversy (lff -f bf ,rajl ( the llvlJMlain Hun V M Muikoii aiK'i"iry I ml it liti'l lieen ilrluypil nliixliHy i.i MONCTO.V June ?!. "I can assure you that IJ.ert' i lea-l lo seriou.- ill rcelin bp- ,,., , rupoe(1 t Ua,0, l-TIII -al aiKi 111,'iniMT fill IIIIUIII1-H, The Ore ii 1 1 l.iiuilrd of t lie I Ivveen laired stales ami lo uolhiu? which you ran suggest, t.realR:ay of tin I hi- la-l In l Irip I'winti tfllljl wo(ll, ,lt, aboul 2 in iiiipHClcl ly llni. Ir. Hiillirr BBBBBBBBBBLammmmmmn tin ili)lri.if lir Henry to hpihI Canadian Nali'Mial Hallway t vvlijcl. is feasible and reasonable, Urilaiu. Paper, vxiiipsh Ibchope lnile, fmn, l(, renln r ie city, lllllll, lllllll-lll "I IUlJIl A"lk was on Saturday delayed that here wilt retrain froiil I ' K lillle nuin- lJiup.at ono or Iwu dial ll.e Canadian National sysr people sJe of Ue baM. o( lir'IVPlI !lH IIIMI-llllllX IM! Ill"' 11111 , iofit, - for liouiv between llalh-iirsi I flit will not join bands willi you inleiuperale uml . uninformed n(. tnounlain. n Alirr ii) iikm'I 'Kir Henry ! Tlii noil niim Hip imrly i i I I mi, Newcastle by u ami assist yuu lo achieve. To a crilieisiu Vr what is held In bej " i lifll-lillill I llli Ulirilfirii iii- ll.e ilryilork anl iiiM'pptinu Hip .warm of caterpillar-. large extent Hie prosperity nf purely a legal .iiestion. Several pniinit? fDnPC I fin If aiiailiaii I lull liiin lifou (In- lit I ailwuV iprtiiinaU. ami tl.it aflrr- I'rjure lluneii, and ils develop, papers suggest arhliraliou hiki.i linuui. viiuid buun I :-iiihii ami Mr. MaijMin uill lr ilinoti Hii'y utlcmlpil Hie Cumiilinii incut, must depend upon (he d-velnptiieiil sUfpenslon of Hit new regula-llons UNUSUALLY FAVORABLE hiip nf Hit1 inki'i'i lit Hip l"H'l i:i!ii luni'lipoti, rifl a roniinillpp of Canada as a' whole. pending the derision of n ,t I'iihIi iiiifluiK Hil pxrliin. lliree r f tin' I auuiliuii XaMona.l of I In1 rily council ami lonitflil The more Hit hark roimtry ros. chosen Iribuiial. Hon T ll. I'liltiillo. iniiili-l- i-f Hallway lio m ci'inlui'lliiif Sir will jiip.pI Hip I loan I of Tnulc HYDER MINER WINS pers ami develops the more the Premier Speaks Rains Falling at the Right Time LiiiiIi nrritiHl aiIIi amf Sir Hi-nry vill li-ur.aml Henry 1 horiilon oti u lour oT il. Ilic council rliamlirr. All nail COMMISSION ON MINE natural wealth will pass ifiruugh Premier Kaldwiu stated in the Made up for Backward Spring Marly lal e,ilinit , the wchi for Van'roiivir l Hip, I'llnce litis city as Ihe gatewa... The e.wilnjt. House of Commons' there was . I'roin almost every section of fur I'rlnt-f Ortirvi' HiJ : . .. ... T IuipiI. louvii.K at elpveii. country belwepn here and the if Hrillsh Hie coiuVs lr. Sullu-ilanil. v ..-... Court Give William Bunting no i'round for pndest (he. prairies report iicnii'iaiilil Iiy iell-t in taw u e- it. exjirPi-!!! a I lie parly cuiisim oi: prairies must lie developed, n custom seals were broken will.in thai during Ihe critical early On hi rplunt In; will iimlialily in the Salt l.uke incciPiuaiiy,. n. hlr llpivry Thornton, K.ll.ll tliry- $12,000 a Result of Sale of couulry which ha been bpslowed t'uiled MuihI1 J territorial walers by the leri(Hl of growth moisture has vmlt Ouppii Cliurlnlli if piiiii'for iiitiiiikpiI a KiihiP llij lilenl. Unicorn Near Stewart by nature will, every ennceivulile Stales customs service. This was been aijiple for Hie grain, says aflciii i oml hcntil liiuny .at- (I'i'A, (iilli)ii, pupiil of Sir Henry. a I f . r believe thai with a pro. lo asked ir ll.e Hank uf Moid real Nniimiul hIpiiiiiit ill answer a question telegraphic Tin CuiihiIIhii t ir uliil it alioill, I he local InntlU-tioiiH K. Hceary. director. Justice bus I,. Mr. Murphy a i ven grcssive iiiuuigralion policy we Ihe rigid of Ampriea lo breaV icport. Weather condition) are I'rinrp JiiIhi. :njil. Hurry NpiMph, uml comliliolix. lu every, Ikiloni'l 'I'alhot, ilini lors judumeul iii Hie Supreme t'.ourl will be able lo provide thai population favorable. seals of liquor aboard ships bogenerally prosects are nrrpi mill Viinri'inir Mil Hip tlilnw Iip elnil Hie urt'ulent in-terit. I'.'H. i)uwon, dirrvlor. " al Vancouver in ravor of William which will belp to makf throughout .Manitoba and .good recognized. Foreign customs Ouppii UIimi'IoKp l-luml al 1:30 ' j. I!. Iialryiuple. lce.prenidpnl in who claimed III cent Prince Mil iliiulHijr per perl a great purl." seals, the Premier said, wcre'Saskalclicwaii. while in Alborta Mli afleriiiiiin T the railway Hip prpllpiiJ hi iruinie. the I'liUI'KI' commission on purchase wlrti Hie habitually broken when nrceiHylhey are more favnralde than Aim purlirtilarly lih-axil A. V: Warren, tic uci'itlA!Uuiiat:i.,r. thrilungTame of li" f railway price of TfU'O.noil paid by A. H. urose in llrilish territorial Ihey have lieen ror many years. eiieryiih)liic Hip II, M. Melatikou, vti'iiTal iapii Trilcri lo John llovlaml and l.ouis lu (Jurhce and the Maritime walers. pro. l willi Hit uml more jiarllcnlai ner Iraffiu maiiaiter. Wuljiiiis for Ihe Uiieoru is roup LACROSSE SATURDAY luces crops are backward but LINER MAKURA IS nf the Skpena lliver over II,' A. HUoii. clilcr eiiilinct'i'. liuive or claims ailjniuiup Ihe Dig Missouri mow growing rapidly, III olhcr IN FROM AUSTRALIA VANCOUVER WINNER BASEBALL SCORES lie which he enlhuneil. eip.,f.l W. O. Maiulcr., rielulil traWi- al Stewart. Ills Lordship territory good growing weather WITHOUT LIQUOR ilelitilileil with hiuieir an very i iniiniiKPr lield Ihul Hunt mi' had fultilled l,as made up tor I bo backward VANCorVT.lt. June :. Van-coiiver American League HioiiHlit h nip. I iikcl-i' l.uke ami II. Crri'llnan Iraflc - paPiiHPr' li uf in briuginv t art an ayeut kpriug 1.1 id rail wheat Is already vax:;oi vkm, Jimp .'S- oni' .lioiil'l tu il I a hotel on llio. inailiiPr, . defeated New Westiiiinslci Chicago 3, Detroit 5. tll4iHier Hie buyer and seller uml The AuHirulian line Mu-kiira ihoie of Hip lakp and ill!' H"'U.tl. i'.iiiikioh, aitaiit iipm-ial in a Ifirilhug lacrosse uwilili. here SI. Louis H, Clevelaud t. heading oul. n gMM uyeragc crop llnis entitled lo eoiiiiiiissiou. vva being assured. In HriUli (U.l-iimbia arm el liere liulay will...- lo il from Hip hot ilrii)tfS iiiuuaKPr. . r on Saturday afternoon, the score VVashii-glon 5, Pliira.e(ihia III claimed thai Hunting ilioiuj ilry fur I lie fn l I inn' He Hioiiwlil il would ha fi."T ,Y 11. Wallou. ieiilaiil i'iicii'l (lefeiuli'iils elfecled the saU. al Hie close slaudliig seven -to six, New York t. I Ids I on ll, crops, orclurils and ias-lurage all in ghiu roudition. In Hie Iiulory uf Hip Cm (oiiiin- i cial v eiil in p. Hp aifKVOj ilpi'miti'ioli id. AgrepuiPiil I'd ween llu parties 'I'he game was Hie fasteot ami National Leaque are aijiau AuilrulaniHli litn. ...I ll uu. mil ii l.iir hlilpl lliut'wll A. McNIrlioll, (iPiu'rul pan.cii best played' this season. mi .March ii, IVii, provided fur lloon 5. New York U, Ill lew of the applicy'liou unnii'il Iuii alnu'iliuui "lie pluise W el aai'iil. . liayinenl of u cuniiuUsiou lu BIRTHS Cinciniuili S. PHLIiurg.. PARLIAMENT LIKELY uf ll.e I iillcil hi ale liiiir willi hoi halliH a iu rcuuiii, M,,loriie, KPiiei'al fri-ljilil aliPiil. Cbieago 5, SI. I.oul u. I tuiit iiitr if be seemed n puivlias. A daughter was horn' to Mr. THIS WEEK lawn lu Hie jmrl nf lli.uii-1 the neiiery Hiere wa wAnileifulJj Moiiion,'ilitrii;l enfiineer, I'liiU'leljiliiu 5-3. HtxKiklyi. ll PROROGUE er for Hit I'nicoru at a in ice In and Mrs. Sieve King, Sixth Ave. ul ii. Ihu I'niiiiiiuiiilei' of I lio Enloved Visit HW 'r. I. I'allullo, iiilnl-tcr i.r tfr evess or l(i(i,noil. In Auyusl. West, at Hie Oeneriil llospilal on OTTAWA. June S5. The work Makura ilec ile) to leave When one of Ho iiVPmhpl'H Jamlx Coast Leanue Trite agreed buy tin t'uieorn June ss. al tuva all liiiior in ex- Hit' imily iiniKi'il-'d Hie ..n4i!ip ,v of Parliament is being expediteii I Mlljiiil M MUlllcll'lll alolia III'' I"1'' "I'd I'P "Mll'llneil 'i'hu Caiiailiau Nalional lcain ror I ill,IHIil, paymeuU evleudillv A duughler wu born to Mr, I'orlland t, Seattle ;'. ..lid it i- "Xiecle. will he finished i'j curry IIikiii In Honolulu, ut him iluiK'iMtr Idl inoniliuf M er I'iHipp lluppil, l.apl. It. over lliree year). and Mrs Alex. Macdoitatd. At Ml. Sail Francisco 8, Ve.no, (t. pi lliree or four ilayn, 'l luifsdiiy hiiiiiliri- ami taking such an ui -' Donald, I due In l'l'l on lime at Avenue. a Hie etieci.i liospllul Sail Lake (I, Saci-aiiieui t. or Friday f lhl week is set for r.. '' aitituii!ini J Advertise in he Daily Now. lu i - imr:.- Mui.ia it I mi- o :