tiny .t...e is, jprna terrace Notes ... d-tk II I .voce .nriiiiiipiiii ipii h'lny linnif nhtftl in New vin Wptininlpr.Lucerne, for If Yon Trade Out of Town, and I Trade Out of Town, What Will Become of Our Town? bill lie l.anridlan it in charge lllrls of In a Trpln-camp THET DOLLAR SPENT IN PRINCE RUPERT WILL "REMAIN HOME TO BOOST'- few Frle day llirliunind ill Copper- l Cily spcnd-as "Trade Home" let nf hiiiITIii.Mr. l.elie,mi fjklnripr.I'lnrpncp at Campaign 'tlli "nil Mr. Itiu iKiiii it iri( In Arnbury I til k ... -w.. Hardware Read these articles withcare,. They may present something you haven't thought of Butchers rnresiry iiepartmpnl 1 before. Patronize the people whose advertisements are here, They are neighbours ti ring rigidly Hip llii flri ypar.regulation ThmiK-i GENERAL HARDWARE arid will treat you right. The money you spend with them stays in circulation in Ask For Hhii ' Clmmllpry have liecn no mnvlfllon. your district SHAMROCK ORAND imlicr of ranehpr Iovp, llaniiM, Palnla, Oilg, who wpn l'hot.i! 301 Hams, Itacon, Lard, Ilutter. In VI li a mi Ihe law rpceiveil ling, . HOWE A McNULTY Printers Life is Give and Tailors P. BURNS A CO. LIMITED. nr i ii ramp ni -work nn Ie;it tn nt road lm broken YOU WILL ALWAYS FIND SATISFY YOUR DESIRE HAVE YOUR STATIONERY A GOOD BREAKFAST hpru a cumplcle Mock of ahelf Take For and lienvy Hardware, Tlnwarp, Prlnlpil in Prince Hnpprt. Proposition TAILOR MADE CLOTHES. help each day with a good start. Ilal1iw-pl, a representa-f (iranilpwnrp and Tool nf nil! I'hl I pasy when you buy your Hie ' Farmer Inslilule kind. Quality rninuWod. Wp OpI (lur 1'rlcea. A. CARLSON, meat from No Man, Under Modern Conditions, Can TTrl shipment 'if nppt all rnniK-iilion. (ipl our Tailor. Third Ave. Kilt till season nn jiric list. ROSE, COWAN A LATTA, LTD. Live Entirely Unto Himself FRIZZELL'S ROYAL MARKET. heday ' Tire hprrlp were KAICN HARDWARE COMPANY. Phone 10. hi mi Wni, Kings' place EACH DEPENDENT ON OTHERS. Druggists wit a tnintfier nf ship- IF IT'S HARDWARE Stationers Fish and Poultry Is nf gmipiprrip nice. V havp it, if wp haven't ant Citizen Who Doe Not Aid In Building up THE It. wp will gpl il fur you; if wp - NO NEED TO SEND Community Cannot Expect to Have REXALL STORES ran'l rpI II. ft ln't madp. Tlii antin if town for Slatinnpry, FRESH KILLED LOCAL MEATS. tcher lil, nn of ihe lafp Prosperity Himself Rave you money on all drug re-ijulrpn-iPrrtA. Iviil if Vaneompr kih th our buinpi policy couplpd Hooks, OfllcM SupiiliPA and School Our Retail Store Fresh nnd Smnksd. Fish dally. with I li? fact Dial rpaaonahle There was n lime in the world when a mill Mr. Cha. It. illlbpri fuppliPA. Wp carry a.larRi. alock Poultry. Hultpr, Hggs, Vpgetabl-is. In Prlncp prlppA prpvail in all llnp. nuiii I'uiihl do pretlv niueh n he pleased. sprvp you rtupert. of Ihp abon aud kinilrcil HnpA. Phone Oil. What ilitl of little In inie man wa ciiiirern STORK'S HARDWAFE, LTD. Wo prirtl Kpppial onlcru will S.Mrt an. llPintz- .iill representing ORMES LIMITED. anyone ele. fur it hail little effet't nil any-niie has In limn In- Kind In quote prices. PRINCE RUPERT 's'lSH MARKET. piM mi SHELF AND HEAVY ele. Thoe ilay are gone, however, McRAE LIMITED les hit week HARDWARE. BROS., and they never will return. Today, nn man . Men's Furnishings ..v I'ainK Oil. Varnlibp. Tinware, VICTOR, VICTROLAS RE- can live entirely iiulo himelf. Life is n II r l.angfpldl of Ivlmuii Uraniicwarp. Stnvpyi CORDS rntnplicaltil affair under mnilern I'liuililion. MEN'S FURNISHINGS Provisions in l own rn biiines ami Pliolo nnl Carnora Supplip. .iiinif man in any riniiniiiiiily i enlirry Hools and Shoes. Clothing. lir.aili in I lie Aniilii'im The Oftlpp and pprsonal SUIionpry, independent of all oilier in Jhat rnmmii-uily. MEATS. GROCERIES. III iitrt.li.v..nlirlil THOMPSON, HARDWARE , CO., Mnjtiulne and Honks. A'p Inviln I)omPsllc XovpIHp. Fresh Fruits, - Limited. . you In romp in anil look ovpt Organijoil oriely, in the form nf goVern-iiieiit-. Ypgetablps, Dairy Products. anil Mr- knlffhl ami M our Inrire slock. natitmal. stale and local, have recng-nized Fur. Houyht and Sold. Phone 13. . P.O. Box 123. I ... liJ H'WM M 1 HT Boots and Shoes W. W. WRATHALL the new eiinilition and have tlecreed I hat mul nlier certain rules every man e PAT PHILLIPSON F. W. Moersch. 1 in hi relaliotii wilh hi fellow men. He CITY MARKET. WhPnllPV has Ml exhibit fine footwear Opnnrtmpntnl Stores niu-l,nut ln certain thing thai wmiM endanger WE INVITE YOU Your hpaltli i larirely deppiidenl j d::iitnipj lmi on view f the health of nlher people in hi lo lmrpcl our stuck of Mpn QUALITY SHOULD BE FIRST- fool pomforl. Onr fr iioipi, upon your cnn'imiinily. ' lie mnl not do uch thing as Clothing and Furnishings. TIip consideration when ordering knbw4Pilirr of Hip hiisinpss pn- BEFORE SENDING YOUR ORDER wimlil dislurh the peace and ipiiel nf his Quality nf our linps la of the Meal and Groceries. Our stock fil-' OUT OF TOWN ablp u to prp-crihp proppr lieiphlxirhiMnl. He mut remember that he bPsl and Ihp price will satisfy is well kept, clean and wholesome. ling sIiops which will bWa you ?ppm. We aro alwayn rpady to i. were up for IIm rlo-in iiwei n duly In his riimmuuity. the most exacting buyer. We specialize In imported good. bolh conifon and sprvlep. All, with ! al Hip rlnMl on Frl- conipronnsp ynu. Not Question of Right Phone 027. Phone 208. A number nf Iim-hI parent linp moderately prlccil. j A mail may sny that he has Ihe right lo THOR JOHNSON JABCUR BROS. LTD. Advantage nf Hip rloniK fo FAMILY SHOE STORE. LTD. rnnne oia. spend his money where he pleases; Ilia- no ALBERTA MARKET. ln? chyd'. man' ran slor him if he wauls to buy his THE PATENT ADJUSTABLE CAP For THIS STORE OFFERS groceries hl chillies and his furniture in MEN'S AND BOY'S FOOTWEAR lo Ihp iipojiIp of Prlncp Hupprt some cily miles away from where he earns lul In. Fit. any sited head. Call- ATKINS' MEAT MARKET. nay School Work will nouk of qunlily and rpnsonalily land ilUlrfct a convpnicnt, iIp Ihe money In pay for Ihem. lie is right. in and see Ihem. "Iluy in town Plinne 571. 3d Avenue. Brr ,i.iii i-ui.,.. ni ill'- jirinnl conie lo iieiiilnliln and rconomical store There) is no' law In prevent hinr from doing and help your town." tilAr iilii nl Sunday School OEO. HILL pnicp. Trade in Prlnco rtupprl so, unless it is Ihe law of sef f-preservn-liou. FULLER'S GROCERY.-Phone TIip Shopman il wt", wy you. The Mian who has the right In send his STEVE KING. 15. P.O. Box 877. Mm ,n,v v v iiH.t itipfr niM- Shop Itepalrlnir money away to some distant cily instead of Third Avp. inipr nance mi i nursnair H. S. WALLACE CO., LTD. spending il al home, al-o has Ihe right In IT PAYS TO BUY send his children In that cily, In he educated THE PROGRESSIVE MAN a-nod (hop and trade wIiptp you WE ENDEAVOR in Ihe schools, which his money helps to spends hi monpy in his own Grocers r. an.l .Mr l.ernyd or .nyox. can secure valup for your nmnpy. al all lime to anticipate your suppnrt. hut he doesn't exerrie thai right. community. This store caters to a i I a ... .... llolh are nhlainablp here. Our requirements here in Prince ilrpf of I 1 IIJIVH III IllVkll III! He sends his children tii the local schools, the requlrpmpnts pro. OUR AIM IS TO SELL way nul in Khliinl l.akr repair department i "at ynuriltuperl. We a-ivo ynu a sprviee. the iiiiiiuleiiance nf which is made pnsihle " f.ressive men. Hart Shoe, Burberry you a line ol liroceries. Pro llipy will Ip jiiipU of sprvice.'" We Riiaranlep our nn eveiy purehasc made here hy the men w ho spend I heir money nt home. Waterproof., Stanfteld visions, etc., the price and qual. work. Itoosl hnjiip Imlififlry. ultirh yon cannot seture when Life in' ifny romnriiuily loday is a give- Underwear, Headlight Overall. ity of which will keep your M. McARTHUR ilea I in 2 by mail. Try u first. . aud-lAke pniiMisilinn. A man cannot lake Trade at home. money in Prince Itupert. A phone SMITHERS The UNIVERSAL TRADING CO, everything and give nothing and gel away J. A. KIRKPATRICK. call phones 2 and 58 will brills Electrical Houses with it for any gr?at length of time. He ran SMART CLOTHES FOR SMART our service to your door. Decorators not lake his- living from .1 I'nmmiinily nnd MEN. LYNCH BROS. A McMEEKIN. w a a a- ii.ii AHrtmaiii WE DO EVERYTHING ELECTRI give nothing,hack In help the nlher fellow We carry exclusive line of high CAL make a living. If he -ii t off tliV nlher fellow's cj.is clolhe. and furnishing. FANCY and STAPLE GROCERIES and would be git', to Rive ynu an WHEN YOU THINK living, he i hound eventually In cut Agent for Wm. II. I.eislimann estimate on any contemplated of Wallpaper, pufnt. Varnish, off his own, for unless the iilher,fellnw has X Co., Custom Tailors, llorsalino Pure Food Products, Provision., '7 work. Wp carry a larur slock filasH. Iturlap. etc., think nf money in buy his labor or his goods he cannot Hal. and Stetson Hats, Dr. Vegetables. Fruit. in season, nf KleHrlcal Khlure. l.abhr make a living himself. Jaeger's Pure Wool Oftod. l'hone 88. P.O. Box 331. Bit IlirilllMUlU III Rff-IHI Havinft AppllancPA and Kleclrlcal S1LVERSIDES BROS., You niny say thai what ynu buy doesn't BRYANT COMPANY LTD. tiw a mail .1 u uti .:irmaa rui II- accessorie. Thirji jUeihv Phone tt. amount lo much nnd (he money that ynu MUNRO BROS. PARKIN A WARD ELECTRIC seid nwny to Ihe mail order houses in nlher "TH2 QUALITY STORE" LTD. cities cannot have any great effect upon the Fop Men and Boys. CO.. lira itfiii aiiPiwimi iiiiiirr1 IMPORTERS AND DEALERS Direct importers of Men" and geuernl business rniiditinus in your town. Photographers lii honor of r II. V. WARD ELECTRIC A MARINE In Wallpopers. Ilurlnp. Mnuld-lnu Maybe il doesn't arnoiiul In much and m.iyh'o Hoys' Furnishing. L'ndprwea. r SUPPLY CO. Palnls. Oils. YarnisheA. ilvuu'l hnVtv'aiiy great effect upon the community's Hal.. Cap. Large and well a DEVELOPING, PRINTING Ilriuhes, etc. "I.et-'us advise you prosperity in itself, hut what will he sorted slock of clithing. Our ENLARGING l.liy lm i-i'iuriiPii iroin ivi- We specialise m Marine Palnls, on your work nnd secure our the resiill if very persnii in Ihe cnmmiinily, prices in all lines ore at rock This is our business not. our .... 1..... I... ....W I.i.mI. eslimalp before, sending out of bottom. ACME IMPORTERS. ..m n nnd in-lernalinnal Union Jiiek Copper or half of Ibepi, nr n leulh of (hem, lake llio side line. Portrait that will irlp, l.aKOllnes. town. same view nf Hie mailer. II nuinuuN lo Ihe please ynii. Bring u your work, W. EDGE A CO. The A. and Anll-c.orrole. Bakers Aiilo-fnulInK difference between n prospernus rnmmiiiiily F. W. CHANDLER ami Mr. Jh. 1'orlpmin ar1 COW HAY, unit n "dead" one. II nmnuuls In Ihe differ- 318 Sixth Street fnwn liiilidayinK III Vnnil- Prlnee Itupert, ll.C. Furniture ence, hi the end, between good limes nnd IF IT'S BAKED ITS OUR JOB. 'paIIIp ami ullipr roiml bad times for yourself nnd your own family. Our plant is absolutely modern THEY SOON GROW OUT OF Jim rpinrl liu.vinir lnnl Wear REMEMBERI If yon lived on n desert isle, il would make and sanitary. Kverything is baked MOTHER'S ARMS I....II I U.. .. ....l limn Ladies' When buy rurnifiirp, Carpet, but Photograph of the Children P 'fFi f" you no difference where ynu sent ynur money, in scrupulously clean F.lertrio I. Hubs, Linoleum, China, Crockpry, because it would make nn difference ovens by expert bakers. See for invpr grow up. ip noiv AIiIpIiI'a llrilT uliiiili EXCLUSIVE MILLINERY. elc. at this store you se tlio whether ynu had any money nl nil or mil. yourself. Phone lie.! 183. genuine article and not a picture Hill ynu are nnt living upon n desert isle. Ktertrlo Dread is Real Bread. The Photographer In your Town, lit i.i up iiiinnr. ..in. uir... j iiui.i....riiin . Utile' lleady-to.W'ear. before you buy. As well, we give Ynu'nri' living in n modern community. To ELECTRIC WINDOW BAKERIES. Hip IiiIphIIuii to fonilurl a i:erything In Woman' Wear. you a personal service and guar tin eyer.v'hiug, nssibe lo build up that rnmmiiiiily 100 WHOLE WHEAT BREAD. BENSON STUDIO. rliv Imkrry hi r'ninpriioii antee vvilb I'verr "nurchiisH nt n i not only a duly which you owe In ad.iition'a!'cost. GEO. D. TITE. the coilimiiiiity. bill more important Mill Hip PM"'i'l ni'rvici'n of ml DEMERS. The Bread you will eventually Jewellers At.is a duly which owe In yourself. r v,iJi ip HPi-urril, 3rd Ave. Phone yon cut. Fating is belipvlng. Phono FURNITURE. HA1DWARE. Taxes WIN Increase too. THIS STORE'S POLICY Ynu .have children In educate. Ynu wnnl l. II. Cliuiiiiiiiii wa'liiili' BUTTERICK PATTERNS. lo represent good exactly as Household flonds, romniMiiily In have good schools so Hint il.'JiHlilfuf I i-a lii-li) in her I.aco and Fancy Work 8peclalllP3, Trunks and Suit Cases. your vour children may have Ihe samv ndvaiitmre LA CASSE BAKERY, lo quality; lo sell each customer, mi I'rlility la.l II wit ii Htamplnit and Kinbroitlery, Mil. Third Ave. jewellery values at a uniform 3jiI Avenue. i thai the children in the big cily have. You nrjuiip(f affair, ami en linery. Dry flood. fair nriee: lo corrppt all mi. that share nf iheinxe mnv ny you pay your olpr rplipiila In iiippI lakps; to fulfill all F, M. CROSBY. nut nf which the school house are built nml Sheet Metal Works guarantee,; HILDITCH. I hump Ifi rill Hrrivui. I lir MRS. J. L. lo give each one a square deal. Ihe roads constructed. Maybe you do pay Ol-i P.O. Ililikling. MAX HEILBRONER your "hare, in proportion in (he value nf your . SANITARY AND HEATING EN lil ful iiiHiini-r ami Iim Uir WE CARRY A COMPLETE STOCK Confectioners world's good, ml where is Ihe other fellow GINEERS . YOU DO NOT i nf llitliislve Hasten) ami tin. to gel Ihe money In pay hi share of the Hot water, steam and hot air have In know jewellery values ll.'ii. f, iiritairy, jiuiii iini polled I.adieu' Suits, Cloak and THE DELUXE luxe if. afler yon pay your taxes, you send furnace Installation. Agent for when dealing with this store. I i e f. We are offering many 817 Third Ave. Ihe remainder of voiir money lo some nlher McClary's Fatuous Hot Air The benefit of our advice nil rml ie vuluen at this lime in THE ROYAL cnnimjinitv to help build their schools and urnafPH. F.Ktlmale cheerfully your on all Jewellery matter. 'iiii'ihi i,niiniiiiiip ii all line and we urge you lojako I V,ititt I v 'f'litrit.............Ate. cnintriirt their road. The merchants nf any given nn all job, large or small. Bring us your repair work we ........ .. . i dvuntairo of these, bo rKaln. j Home made candies, chnonlnles. cnmmiinily nay n Very considerable part nf Phone S guarantee you satisfaction. IIIH lliirl I." i. I - i""uiiiiri nnrip J. BENT. bori-boim, lee ereunit freAli fruit. Ihe laves collected in Hint community. STEEN'S LIMITED R. W, CAMERON. in ajipun mo wpi-k irriuru-l'i iioliiK in Mill )uy on Hi lllvi-r wlipip Iip u in j n(i inr I Iip filiinr enon,