I PAGK POOR THE DAILY NEWS BRINGING UP FATHER By George McMa We usually talk I Him LxJri..TIlfvllirTMXTAlli THrtTt alu mmt- I I cx-ko i S 1 1 I M.L I I I TOT? m about Shoes l l' , rum 5' i 1 1 1J - , ii wt inr-.' 1 1 1 y - u v nr ' ttttt I I j,mxi m n,-. J I V I -V J - - III I m. fTX - it II I Lkn - . - in this tittle epaoc hut fur I lit next few days may w SUBgfsl Tliril yon gie The Nurses' Home Campaign I YOUR HEARTY SUPPORT. j 1 j Qttt w tirt-v. nw Iwwi, ic , 1 'l Family SHOE Store Shoes For The Family. CORRUPTING THE YOUTH OFFICES HAVE I I : After Meal Every i I OF BOLSHEVIST RUSSIA News Classified BEEN SWITCHED Daily Ads. LONDON. April .'7. A special Boat WRIGLEYS 3 CENTS PEN WORD IN ADVANCE. No AdrartlMnvnnl Tkn lo L,t Engines cot re-pi indent if the London lh, Time writing uf Ihe mi'Sb-ids General Move Takes Place In AND PARTS IN STOCK. C.N.H. Qeneral Office Build-Inn "-.I by. Ihe Huxian llolshevils' WANTED FOR 3LC off each meal i.i Ihe youth, of llie n Top irrupt ctMin-1" Columbian Propellors, 26x20 Opposite Station with a bit of i ry says : WA.VIKO. A customer for a! mil 8ALK. Fur acre ranch SPORT SCHEDULES Inches down to 12x12 sweet In the form "II is -.ignifi.-unl that in their very suitable buibling f.r a I cleared and under cultivation. inches. There lias been n general ( I summer Will sell Abmil 'i acre strawberries first oien onslaught against ramp. very re Tolifn Itronie Shafting up to , swifi'li-up in llie office quarters of WRIG LEY'S. BAItSkLL lisi.ui .. isf should use reasonably for cah. Write i and miie fruit Irei4. At Ileum, Isnlor 1 H" In stock, f llie C.N'.lt. departments in I In" It satisfies the i their in-si n l iik-ii t o the "Kiim. lt"l lot. Itaily News OAlce. ll.C. Apply owner, P ritrlen, V.,. t Paragon fleverse Clutch lo general office building opposite sweet tooth and j- iniiil."' or " in.hi ..f YHing Peo-i.lc." Lsk, H.a Jl- Sons f a fit 2" shaft 'rebuilt . 1 1 he station. WAiN'TKI). Men and Women to a. ) 3-10 H.P. Clutches 'rebuilt) I The Pacifie Stevedoring Co.'s aids digestion. which con-i-t. of youth and learn lurbering. Paid while I IH AAI.K. Fumed oak sMite, J cirlt depiad the 1 tir . and Power Curdies and iifllce is. moved lo Ihe drafting Pleasure and t.y . syslemalir learning and tools free. Writ AiniinslMr rtiK. Linoleum. Only K. crrMi-t ir the -..v r-ninenl In the 7 -flfOtl-. Winches, sprocket chains. room fiirmerly occupied by the benefit combined. . for catalogue. Moler ItarUer usul "yesvr. iisli or Istws, v .in ..- nt ihe lii.i rue ear. Ihir-iii.' IS- Son. ..r t shaflings, pulleys, pillow divisional engineer's slnfT. A. S. iln tunc llnl.hevUls College, Vancouver. H.C. Write rlo 105. I tally w. Hi.- have 81 (Mi's v- Mocks, and thrusts. Paul local is acting as manager cit rcligmns i.'.i' liiMg iMit of the I K.M ICIIS will be received up In HtH HAI.K. Kosjiish i.any carriage I he absence of P. (I. luring Capt. clMiid. have "i..tantly a unit May Itt for the purchase of in first cla.s condilfi. RUPERT MARINE tirovrs who is in Vancouver for In- ln.lrut tlml ulilienee 2 Son. . .,! In ir one scow now at ketrbum's pply lU.x H7 hail) News of. 1 ix inonlhs. resiMfl fr Mr.'iil i a lioiir- 1'liml. Ijw IUy. Apply I lot fice. lie 13rtll s K II. MrKwen, dislricl freight gciM in-ejinlici-. that marriage is If) rtroli.. . M, liaily News office. 1 17 - i agent, is moving his olllce fri'in un iiilunrn institution, an.I hav.- K.Vtil.lsiJ HAIIY CAIIHIAilK fr rj- e!.fis f 1 ,1, Ironworks Co. Ltd Ihe second floor to the comer -upiili'inenletl tlnse negative WA.Vl'F.lt. Five roometl mm4ern sale cheap. Apply 1 137 lUghlh v office formerly occupied by W. lriii. i.ci ilh their own materi hoHse or flllt. close in. House Avtiiw lisl. Phone lle.1 3hh. $- rtMr v k 1 Waterfront. S. Kealherslonhausrh. nlil nml emoraliing doctrine preferred, permanent tenant : MISCCLLANCOUS. itrolto v , t. Phone 313. It. A. Harlow, roadmaler, is II is here, innr.ni: Ihe vnunir .that ho children. Apply H" l". I A Sons of 1 , now located in the office formerly service. Heme he is not con- their noii.rellgi ami anti-re. iMilv News OfNre. OPKN FR CoXTIlACr. 3oo l-Oll v S. erupted by A. Atiger, construc lent in beg and do nothing, but jsiou wort shows the greatest fool liaise, HIM) foot tunnel. srt tirotto . i tion engineer, on the main floor works whenever he finds some- j results. Thcv have dev loiml FOR RENT Air drills and steel furtttsbcd.4 InUrmWUu Summer in mtr rnoveil from upstairs. thing thai needs doing, preferably inJ itmltiliiile of semi-illiterate, FOIt ftKN'T. Furnished rooms, Ihilhic Mines. .Soul tiers. IU1 ill? The entire engineering depart spniedirly manual job, like corrupt. inmiiral. giHltess youuu wilh or without board, home TV fettls me.nl has moved from Ihe earner cleaning out ressimols. This, he men and women, wtio.e highest rowing. Also housekeeping MATERNITY NURSINQ h to Hie office formerly occupied says, calms his mind. He never ideals are in satisfy Ihe cravings suite. Norfolk llooms, phone MATF.Il.Nin" Nur-lng done. t -White r. COAL by Ihe Pacific Stevedoring Go. asks for wages', and prefers even of their lirenlioii appetite. The Itlack 329. If Would go out of town. Phone 12 High Sci. and before that by Ihe amlif office. nol to accept money when offered I'Vlenl In which the rising generation lllark 73. 18- Colls .. ! to him. If any. in the spirit of in lliissia impregnated ST RAM HatM Flat for wt. it While The accounting officers of Ihe doing something for their fl with 'liyi'Hl arwl moral disense Ilesner apartments. M. M AUCTION general superinlendenl's depart-, low-men. choose, to irive him llielaiid vices is truly niiuallhiir Stephens. 2 High Set, C ' ' it. r. real satisfaction! Jlepeal, mei 1 1. wh9,a rj..aiu t : 1(t..t ta n s f e iitchen scrapsj'he. will eat Ihemi Che Itoshcvets havn succeed Conducted in your home or at in ibdts vs. 1 rtvt- FOft riKNT nril' iicing filled r . ry here from Smilhers, will have gladly, but will nol look upon ed in ilisorganiiiig. but not in de Housekeeping rooms our room, flood alio sold 011 IC While S..x 110 Sixth Avenue Flasl. Phono commission. lay ftr tieip quarters on Ihe second them as wages stroying, religion. They hae 1 -High Set,... Hlue 217. tf H. H. floor in the dislricl freight From Ihe Christian leaching 'however, worked incalculable HEMmifJQS, Auctioneer, So iVtlls is. 11 Nanaimo-Wellington agent s old office and in olherjhe has adopted Ihe idea of failh hatoc among I fie youth of Ho MOOKHN four room flat for Third Avenue A.. roi.in now vacant. ) in some higher power, and of con 0 1 t rent. Welenhaver Ilros. tf (Dei nv Allen' Old Store) - While S..X ' prayer to it, yet his pantheistic Phone black 136 and Oreen 471. Hhrh S.-li-. Nut Coal thai al-j FOft IIFNT. Front flat in Smith! It h f - (conception of power, BELLINGHAM IN TAXI Vs4 1 Quick Fire' Last- Longer.' NEW JAPANESE though the words tuighl fittingly A .Mallet Illoek. f7 WhHe S.. I Costs -iamc cs of lift' Nit be in the nioiilb of Christians, PORT FOR WIRE BOARD. Tail 67 Phone. Sept'tnl;- ' r (:al. have a different idea behind IIOAItli. The Inlander. 830 l ull i.t'org" or (iiisl) I High Sch ' f t Wh PHILOSOPHER them. Nest Call at PorTwill be With Ros Brother. Phone 116 or 564. Second Avenue, phone 1 37. If All Act Alike a Canioof Fish from Southeastern Kive-psnger Touring Car Albert & McCaftery Xishi.la's ideal stale of society Alaska LOST Prompt Day and Nighl Service. 15 Falcons Wbns t Nlthlda Believes In Levelling is that we 0101111! all eat only LOST. Soldier's Service button. Stand: Boston Qrlll Third Avenue 18 spools - lair- The Kelrliikaii te-lingham LIMITED Down and to molorsliip H Wlitte S.. V K Object an such food us can have, everyone I'.ai.i. I,cii. Williams, Finder please return lo lUily FURS, FURSL WU ! Exalted Individuality wear only such clothing that the 2i Falcon- v New s oOloe. 1 1 5 arrived in ;, ir1 from Ihe north i'' poorest obtain, and dwell in NOTICE TO TRAPPERS. Is- SeHil TOKIO, May IfT A recent ran al 10 iiYluck this morning to Don 1 31-While S..X - r FOUND .e your furs until such bouses all you Japanese religions hook has as may occupy Uoad wire for southeastern Alas Jut:. Are You Contemplating I hen, he says, there would be no oav n no- I buy every de. quickly obtained a circulation of lust for ka rnniierie.. hum will lie llie l-'OFNH, Long green silk glove.,script 1.,n of raw f.ir. at best Falcn- Wh '" r 2U0.O00. II is called "The Life envy, no possession, no Itelliiigliam last trip here lo Owner can have same by applying I ric.'s. Itrinu in voi.r catches. 8 -eWmls V .11 Home of Itepenlance," and Is written quarrels or wars. load. When he next arrives II to Itaily News office and W. GOLDBLOOM, II White Sox - Building a This liuddhist Tol by a new learlier named Nishida, is having Japanese effect will be willi 11 cargo from Alaska, paying for this advertisement. "The Trapper' Friend." II Falcons W f ' stoy profound u one of the products of Ihe religious probably fi-li for transhipment Second Avenue. l'J--Scstuls Fa: Ihe I'Or.NM.- of in down of These ate good liuildin and intellectual fermentation on many younger genera. over Ihe railway from here. The -Sum money 22 -While Sox - S Kites at low prices: going on today in Japan. lion today, for his own life is a vessel exoecls to clear for Ihe town store on Saturday. Mm MAIL SCHEDULE l? )' ram 11 Wll" ! noble one. Young men are I -J. Apply llox I OH, li.ul) Lilt I, iilk. 35, Kec. 8 Nishida may bo described as very north at :i .r I Oils afternoon. 28 Seoul v Fat seeking lo follow il, and pulling News olllce. I tf. re Lot 3, Iilk 45, Sec. 8 a compound of ituddhism, Communism Jul ' Lol 12, Hlk. 38, Sec. 7 and Christianity as Tolstoy on old clothes and taking on C. O. M. M. sleamer Canadian For the East-Mondays. .1- White Sox vs S The 3 for $250. understood II. Ir. Alberlus manual work and forsaking their Observer left Ocean Falls yesterday R Wednesday and Hat. 8 Falcons vs. Wh Lot 10. Iilk. 32. Sec. 7 S25Q. Pielers. the manager of "Shln-sejk previous mode of existence. bound for ' Astoria, Oregon, Ten Years Ago I urday. close at 7 p.m. p Scouts vs. Fair " Lot 7-8, Hlk. 15, Sec. 7 t00. Kwan," (he newspaper evangelisation wilh a cargo of pulp and paper I From the East- 12 White Soi vs. K' Lot 25-2(5, Hlk. 21, Sec. 7 movement (11 Japan, Members of the llrilish Colum front Ihe Pacific Mills. In Prlnc Ruport I Mondays. Wednesday and Frl 17 - Falcon vs Wh it Sit. bia and Allieila associa ... .. days, 5.30 press -Sl.l Sa I !. p.m. 250, who Is in clone touch with Ihe OrVouls vs, Fair tions who are 1 1 1 hold their annual Mrs. i: II. palmhom, who has Iit 17, Iilk. 9, Sec. 7 $50. movements of religious thought May 16, 1913. H Wbili.'Kox vs, Sc convention this year al Jas been in Ihe eity for 11 few days. Ilev. J. F. Oililluick From Vancouver. Jrt Falcons Oliver Typewriter. in (lint country, describes him us has been vs. Whi" Park, will return oft ret rued last nighl Ihe Chel-lohsiii Sundays ..p. M. per by way 11 by 1 Cary Safes. being; 75 per rent liuddhist, 10 nplioinled .Meihoiiisi minister for 3 Scouts vs. Fab FIRE INSURANCE. per cent Communist, and 15 per Prince Ituperl. to Surf Inlet. Prince Ituperrl al the conference Fridays Wednesdays 3 p.XI, Augut cent Christian. The. great pro-Mem now being held in Vancouver. A.M 3 While Sox vs K for Nishida was Ihe economic Oilier appointments for the district Salurday 3 P.M. (V f alcons vs Wh'" -U ii!iiiiiiii)iiTTTnininnnniiiiuiinninn CP.II. April 13 and 2.1. Dybhavn & Hanson tangle of modern soclely are: port Simpson, Ilev. To Vancouver- -Mcout vs l aii " rather than sin in a religious Oeorge II. Haley; Sidegnle, Hey-. M While, Sox v S Third Avenue. sense. Why should men make Ir. .). C. Spencer; purl llssfng-lon, Monday (train) 7 p.m. 17 Falcons vs Win " Prince Rupert, B.C. Tuesdays, Mall close B money by buying goods and selling Ilev. W. II. Pierre; Copper p. M. io Seoul vs. Fair " " them al a higher price? Is liner, Ilev. (I. M. Ilealley; Jluxel-1.111 I liursdays , o p.M 23 While Sox v- S'ee" it nol robbery? Why also this llospllat, Ilev. r. II. C. Saturdays A.M 28 Falcons vs Wh t K eternal struggle between labour Wriueli; Itiilkley, Iey. Cha. U. Httnilaya o P.M, 31 Scouts vs I nlc We beuT lo announce (hat C.I'.II. April 17 and 27. and capital? Is (here no way EDDYS IllaOirld: Kililiiaal. Iley. Francis Seplembr (wn iirliiKH have lliisiness disposed to of our joul Nishida turned specially In Swan; China Hat, tieorge Held; To Anyox, Alice Arm 3 While Sox vs S.':! 1'olsloy's writings in his search llella (Viola, Ilev. Thoma C. Col-well. Weilnesilays 9 P.M, FOOTBALL LINDSAY'S CARTAOE COY. j for a solution. Hut he read Tolstoy's From Anyox, Alice Arm Sealer leaching through Hud-jdhist May 22.-- Hon of Caw Thursdays 9 P.M, and lake Ibis opportunity of MATCHES M...II-. Ilftl. ..f'-.S I hanking you for your patronage spectacles and came to Ihe With a spectacular eleventh To Stewart and Premier "IIIIIM. .firl.-.1. in the past, and Jconcluslfti thai Ihe way out for rally, the Calllos last iifjihl ecor-ed Saturdays 9 p.y. May 28. Hon f I'BT). would bespeak for our sue.-cc. mm was 10 uin 10 ni nui me three goals ami evened the From Stewart and Premier Son of Canft-ia, mtw and begin a new one In which he fool ,ull game wilh Ihe (..TP. Sundays l...la W fl v or your fuluro business. ji.m. ,fl ' would have nothing1 lo seek and always satisfy I n lied, Kelly and Abboll started To Alaska Point li. tt . Illuh Sche"' We 'lie uiivious lo close lo gain nothing. Nishida says for Ihe Cnllie and Ihe (jtrio . April J.I and 23. lio Hcliord, Campbell re'"; , up our affairs, and tin arly that so long as a man retains lirollmis did yjniari servh-e for From' Alaska Point May 25. Colls v I'1'"1 -ellh'iueut of nil ui counts any notion of hi own individuality the housewife the L T.p. Ali'x.Jloinl.er(r pj.i -eij April 17 and 27. J'ollerlon referee mil be appreciated. being worth uliile he will an cllleieiil reeree. To Queen Charlotte Island P0I0W May 31. PuMI' We seek to gam things for himself. vs. Co ts. Marker rei"r - will continue in Ihu April 1 1 mid 28. Warehouse lliiMnrss, handling which is Ihe root of all evil. Ihe Itsplttt Church is plan From Queen Charlotte Point JHuckMiinli Coal. Tire. Resemble Buddha EVERYWHERE IN CANADA ning Ihe erection her.' mm,, April HO. PRINCE RUIHTTID" , Automobiles, Hoofing and Having roi'u lo this point. nifireiil edifice al Ihe eviriier of To Port Simpson, Alice Arm other lines. Nishida went out 011 lo the ASK FOR THEM BY NAME Fifth Axeuue and Young Street. Anyox Thurdyi Mr " i reels as a iiiendicunl, exactly I f 11 1-( 1 1-1 ri lingers is the nr. In n' 2 Sunday 10 P.M. High I 7 like the HuiUlu of old, with the ..' Pacific Lid ici't. Cartage, exception -that he added Ihe imniniiiiinnuiniiinnnHHiiiinn From Port Slmpton, Alio Arm f 1 3 r in 5 Anyox jo .n-20 8 I modern Christian Idea of social Low AdvcrllsH the In Daily New. TuMday . A.M. 'fl r ,am