'AXI When You Want A lie main Suits measure made to In tlic Latent fprlng anil 99 Summer Hlylrin nml Fabrics. i a hurry AT MODERATE PRICES. Phone PRINCE RUPERT STEVE KING lest Cars and Best Service i tht City. Rate Reasonable Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Opp C.IMl. Ticket Office. ) XIII M. 115. I'Iiinci-; ill I'KiiT. in; vi;(m:hu.y. may io, 102:1, VMOrdtf't C-tMllloi iss tir.ttt 07. MICE FIVE CENTS. ONIffiDNS IN CHINA CONTINUE LAWLESS ERY SUCCESSFUL OPENING FOR NURSES' HOME NEW BUILDING CAMPAIGN inese Bandits Hurled Nurses9 Home Campaign Drive Makes Good Start Yesterday . T .It nsoners to ueatn rrom i and full Amount is Expected Top of Nearby Precipice Tim leums in (he Nurses' Home collection campaign got nirelv Marled jcslcrduy uml ut tin- Hose of the day reorted having met with good sin-res. thi -urn nf 91.211.50 having been ... i secured lo odd lo 'In1 amounts iilri'aily on li.unl, inukuig in all Ml Wdll Al, M Hi. Three i:tmi".- fuptivt- lukeii li I :i.NIU.i'l Mili-ribeil up to Iuj.1 iiikIiI. The work is being tou-Uiiiii'iJ ow tjhi IimhIii- hi 11 nml have been hurled l Iheir li- j ihu ami there i every hiipe thiil the full amount will a r .1 (' near Hit bamJil' slroughohl where H iiiiiiiImv; be .ernrrJ. Vr few refuaU have been met with unit hardly ri'ijr: fit : -. ui t- art: hcing lieiu us noMagca lor rci-opiuioni any have Miberilii'l le than five dollars. Manager .Campbell e IJuiu . bum iiiiiii'iit of I In bandlls' claim lo cilienhip ;il lliat if Ihoifaud people eonlil lie found to give five ri;- J.ll pC'Ipri'lV. ilullarK each, I here would be no rHie- k iig II..' Chinc-c prisoners is Ioom-u upon ;i- an hiuht as lo Ihe final outcome of MRS. E. MCCOY ft 't Ihe ;..,;-; I.i- I,. i'iinixl ijujrk recognition by China, In" drie. The amounts secured Tin- wli I pl IU' nir iii good (li so far as i known. liy (he teams are'as follows: Iiii iier:: ;U'd Ii-ii miles fnHher buck into 1 he iiioun .1 I.. Christie's team.... 55l.00 IS ARRESTED K'fll' lie Milli.il (ion.ales' learn.... IHt.jll I- lluherge's lea in 155.00 Hen SelTs outside sub... 318.00 ILICE BOARD The individual amuunts cul-leeleil Proprietress of Alice Arm Hotel ALL JOIN TO HONOR above fixe dollars are a and Two Assistants to be FAMOUS IRISHMAN follows: Tried Thursday TAY PAY O'CONNOR " Previously ackiiowleli:ed - Xiiici nan pmhibiliou .'geul ivitiiJ i.je- (-il On alleged ruin fleef .nine Iweive miles 2.r..2ll FORMERLY LIVED HERE inil'd the ol Ihe llor of liovn above, lo off Hie i-oal. They wvre li rr w ti'.cgi'w. I.OMH.N. May in Uen Self J00.0di board and examine Ihe i-argo of "lemonade." Mtack Official, Beat Servants Three hundred meiirtwrs etiiue mi Slewurl A Mobley. I.ld.. 100.011 men Remain In Jail and Lady on and Selie Everything on of I lie Hon-'- (if Commons I', li. IMiWsoii. I.ld. 100.00, $3 000 Ball to Appear Before if hII folil ') fuith. Join-'I Stork's Hardware, I.ld. lOll.lllli ...... a Tables I ycslenluy In honorintt FOREIGNERS Communist Member of British lOrme l.imiled IUO.0U ! T. I'. O'Connor, famous Mrs. lien Self 50.0H PROTESTS UNHEEDED M.lf.K AltM. May 1C. - Acting Irish parti.mruluriuii unit K. I". HHil i3.u) ' till GET RELEASE Parliament is Suspended by lion mrortnation laid by Ooii- Government Gendarmerie Ketp join uiilisl Hint tu t Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Utayiis I'lerM.H nnd Allen.oI the if llir I loo so," the "evasion I'Jirisl -?...vMtr..vrrr. -r1 ti.m f IF Several of.Cin Hours J or Jiffiia; his 75lhf?rln-dv Vote of House of Commons (L ti. Minns .. 25.00 tS'.til mriai proprietor urj 5 I'rao.of ihe.irs.Alice r Arm . Chinese Minister and General .1. MeXully 25.00 Unlet loaether with', tleorge liru- "'Pay I'uy'' was ii-.-.-nt-I Olve Selves to Brigands tlAM ll .May Iti -Alrmber up S. K. Cumnhell 23.(10 Iimiii k'lil I', liariiliain. lale em- . ' IIIINnil tfetl. Midi a gold snuff hoi. as Hostages LONDON. ..i 10. When I he llone of I niiimoiis wus n f pulleii plovers, were playoil under arrc Bid , li -,j I. I a train IhmiihI -iMimc n h i-miHiiillee of Ihe wholi- esienh. J. T. Ncwbold. jalllr, Mrl.e...l su 0 jesterday. l' S''U -i I llu ni"l PEKIN. May 16. With i tin in ii i i-1 member, clashed with (iapl. K. A. Kilzrov. Omimtvu ;llo)le llros. Iinada I.ld. 10.00 f:,Mil.i,i I It m 'nhi In , - .mi.I heal llM'H the government's consent, ip. who wu ailing a i-hairmau of Ihe I'ommillee. jK. M. Crosby 1 0.00 jail al An).iv and Mrs. Mrdiy Ii I n vsi-lf.i NORTHERN STEAMER Wu Yu Tin, minister of communications, r ilaniy onli'i'e.l NrwUoliI lo w illulr.iw ami men oniercii Id' ;tr. J. MaCuire 1 0.00 out on a Ihree thousand dollar . and General ergeanl hI arm lo rcnme NewlobJ. Neilber uioveif. 1 I tMU Ill'' j. MrCulc heoii 0.00 l.oiul In Tor trial befuic 1 1 i-rnlrl of OF LIGHTEST DRAFT Yang Teh proceeded to the ' I'ilarny Ihen ciIIih1 Ihe speaker iulo Ihe llinisc and Ihatjw. J. Alder 10.00 Mavo-tralc appear Conway 'lliursday. stronghold of the brigands as loffii nil upheld rilaniy, llioiigu ugri-emg llial Ihe ilcrisiou was a -p. MrClyiinnit 10.00 i .jJ li Vessel Commences Service North hostao.es In order to obtain li.isl) one. lie Miggfetl lli.il tlie House woillil he prolialiiv Miss lllancbe llarle 10.00 of Edmonton Today Carrying the release of the foreigners 'ready lo giie snimlhclic coii-iileniliou lo Ncwbold's cuse Miss M. Meyers lo.oo ENGLISHMEN who are held captive there. Wednesday. Frelqht and Passengers ; lieorge Mcllmoyle 10.00 JRIE wagon Ncwbold foneil (lie mailer to a vole and Ihe lliiu-e siis-jlieuded W. K. Ilulchiiiifs 1 0.00 j i:ilM(i.MO.. May 10. T'mIhv FRED STORK ADDRESSED him. Hie vole in favor being :tim to H8. The commii-!nisl Kddic Clajip 10.00! FOR RAILWAY N'oilli-lani member Iheu willidrew amid iniirh cxi'ib'ment. .1. Cicenne . . 5.1m I Hie new rler uleuiiier. OFF ON TREK lm, -vs liSelt H blllll here LIBERAL GATHERING W. V. liameruu 0.00, In ilesiuiiK of C.HI'I. Jiiliu Malhe- AT OTTAWA RECENTLY FISH ARRIVALS AMUNDSEN TO W. .1. Ilayiooiid 5-00,Sir Henry Thornton to Have fcnii. ii leavim; fr her firnl -o' I'.. Iti.uri.-el 5.00 Former Assistants With Him Griffith Lays In Supply otre lo I'lUyerald. I.imdeil, he Eleven Boats Sold 155,800 Pounds) Fred Cumeron 5.00 on C.N.R.. Wind' has been r iM'd here .1. II. Meagher 5.00 wing Tobacco and Eat draw only about eijihleeu iiu-ben Ibles on Trip California lof wuler nd I" llton-fore the Mini I'n-d Slork. iiienilior for Ihi-riding, of Halibut at Etchange To- ; W. Chandler 5.00 MONTHKAI.. Ma 1(5. -Colonel liM4ilet draft leamer in Ihe wus one of the spenker-al day Maekie 5.00'X; II. I la I four. formerly asilaut I, IMI. H;, Iii. Willi a Mril. a dinner uiven recently by W. Mackintosh 5.00 1.1 Sir,Henry Thornton in the :i i-Muilie oli i . ,.u eoel in roillliiarided members of the Liberal parly to I'oiir Aioeriean boats sold HI.-1 Wireless Message Tells of Hanson 5.00 work of the Ureal Kasleru llail-5 ' iIiiiwii by f'ii' i,v r.il. Harvey .leunder. She tliuut Hon. W. I.. Maekeuiie Km?. 500 puiiinJi of balibul ul thej Definite Start; In Good Thornthwallc .00,way in KiiKlaml, arrived here lo-5.00. .i Mi-, a pioneer t );,:, frl. ),. u, her Iwaiu i There were ten speakers in all I'ish i:eliauue Mil- Uro-uiUK iin.li Health Itev. ti. A. JUk day to join Sir Henry as one of i ''ilii fin u 2,50i ..i f..,.i li,.r nuKRi-ntfer aeeom- unit Ihe Kkeenii member is said Ki'ven Canadian markeleil CH.:ioo Miss llelly Harrow 5.00 his assistants In Ihe mauapemeii'. I - ,njele. !iiiii.IIi..m in for jn lu Ihe sal i lo Iiiim' ai ipiilled himeir with Hiuiid, a total for the day oi ; NOME, May 16 Raold (I. W. Johnstone 5.00 of the Canadian National Hail. hoimr. l.Vi.xim American ra'-j Amundson left Kotxebuc, M. Foote 5.00 here. He is areompanied by al Viniseiiy llegular weekly IriJH are In bo pound-. Mr. and Mrs. II. ways II year uao ami U made iH'tvteeu Waterways and lies IuoiimIiI near Ihe Kc marl. Alaska, April 28 for Waln-wright, John Man son 5.00 A. J. Thomas, sou of the well, lllll H I" Ihe Slates. I'llGerald. r..r firs) eluss fish while Canadians ikiys a wireless message Archie Kuixht 5.00 known parliamentarian, and ulso hr tiad tai'l tn a Uool TOPGALLANT received a reiil or u less.! announcing a definite Alex, llunler - 5.00 11 foriisi-r assistant to Sir Henry, i Ik'WHi-.- tnltiireii and Second class fish in all cases , start on an attempted flight J. Nuylor 5.00 on Ihe (treat Kaslern Itailwav. SETTING by air across the north pole. CONFESSED HalilcB and I here's pleul WAS WINNER sidd for un even Inc. It. V. Cameron 5.00 f : I lie hol'se-. FIRE TO BUILDINGS Arrivals uml sales vre us follows who Reports remained thr.t at Pilot Walnwrlght Omdahl, Mrs. (1. Slaney 5.00 FIRPO TO FIGHT : J. N. Killus : 5.00 all winter looking after the American T. W. Silversides 5.00 JESS WILLARD IN IN TURNS DOWN l.tlMMlN. May 16. John Ison Newmarket Stakes Taken by Lord I'.. Neilsou. 5,500 poumK un. plane Is dead, are discredited Mr. M. Mercer 5.00 RMAN REPARATIONS il.ll rr-.l-l lo seltlll IIH Hies III Penrhyn's Favorite Colt Today Lincoln, lil.ooo pounds, ul 1 1.He here. The last reports Waller (iale 5.00 NEXT TWO MONTHS re.ultiiiii in piopeil) were that all members of hi- iit and lOe, lo the lloolh l-'Uheries II. M. Tuylor 5.00 )FFER RECENTLY MADE lots of owr ?(i0,uii0. lie wa.- (Viinailiuii lUi. the expedition were In good 5.00 A. K. Wright XKW YOltK, May 10. J.uls Newmarket to ten lu the pen-ilenliary. I.O.MKIN. May The health. years Kr M-nl-iiiM-.l Senator. ;'0.ono pounds, al 5.00 old Harry Mcl.eod jKirpo of Ihe Argentine and Jes. Stakes for Ihree year mid I"f. uml Mildred. 2:1.000 Pl I.IN" Ma; lo Japan liu- rolls iiiul fillies oer a nlile ami poiimls, ut. I l.'Jr and I Or, to Ihe JOE LYNCH SECURED II. I.elourneuu 5.00 5.00 iuhhi, lormer worm heavy II. I.uwrence weight cbuuipiou yesterday sign, is. Iiiiiiiuii ifoveru- UNION won by l.onl ORNITHOLOOISTS ipiarlrr course was Ciitiadiuu Fish V Cold, Crfi. tjtoraye C. Anderson 5.00 ed articles for mulch not later IllH ihi fiiltr.ul aeeepl the I'enrhyii's " Top liallafit," Ihe bel Canadian DECISION YIC FOLEY a L'n'on uv I.. McKeuzIo 5.00 tliuu July 7, uecurdiug tn an announcement It (rnilliobKil' to ii:,ifi i 'iiaralioiis pro. The IIH. ling on which whs four one. Maude. I.H00 ut l.'I.V J IkiIIi the Vaiieouxer. this laken Ag'i pi-uuds. j.Miss Jos. Ilonsseuut .... 5.00 made by Tex Hie-kurd, luiils in by i an met leeeully Second place was I Malamute. California 10 and On; Cl.imnj SI A l l 1.1'. .May 5.00 In r- i- 1 1 ami the roniii- beintr the first annual Riilbering Khan's Teraslna al K0 to 7. and liomids, ill i:i.7c and I0e; auil'Jne l.ni'b was awarded Hie de-Alliance, I Miss Ida lloherl. Ihe promoter. The winner '.Miss l.illiuu Itusscll . . 5.00 will be mulched yillcfil 1 Hike West, attains! Jack iiMsiilisfuctolT- I ir the of the orKHiii""0"- Ihe Hi Mil was 7,510 pounds, nt la.ftV , .mu over Vn l-nlry ( uiuidia.i will be held in -oil ' Twelxe Pointer," j.Mis J. Loisella 5.00 )empey for the world's title. minsler's annual iiieclinir and toe. lo Ihe caiiauiun l lsh & dnmlumuf iiihl rhaiupiim. m .1 1R SHIP ASHORE Vleloiia. lion. I. Harrow was II to H. Seven horses ran. Cold Slornue Co. -i ri.iind bout uhirli was o 1 Miss.,, ......II. I.awrenl,. 5.00 5.00 and J rank .ins iiuio tcrun eleeled lion pre-t.lent .Miil'tinerlle. Il.oim pounds, al r.i.e dial only lw kuorkdow 11 LEAGUE BASEBALL OFF NOYA SCOTIA Keniiode, curator of tho pioiu-elHl I.I. if and I or, and Kuien, 1 1.000 were n-mvil liy l.ymdl Tins influenced A. W. Mgo 5.00 4- McCoskrie 5.011 Iele- Capl. iiiuseuiil. niesideul. pounds, al IU.dc and 1 0u, to the I li 1- iliTisii.n National League Mand in- PRESIDENT HARDING W. J. Nelson 5.00 M il IV Mm In I he Hniil-h dale from Yuneouer GOES TO VANCOUVER .Vtllll l-lslii'l'les. Mr. McKay 5.00 SI. I.(Mils 10, lloslon 5 Im Ju i;- utioi'e oiiiioslle eiinieu llieeil Mlhliell I'earse of hi Millstieam mniii--X. EARLY JULY NEXT Jnhunua. '.'O.unu poiimls, and VICTORIA'S TAX RATE Mi (Had). Mitchell 5,00 All oilier. posloued; I' IliliHO. 0,000 pounds, ul ia.tr In ihi ii in - iii inir .rut lo nay. J. A. Munio oi vicioi.u. mid 10c. lo the Itoyul l'lali IV). nml MILLS i U -niall esel tif I,- and Iver.node. VANC.OI Vr.lt. Muy 10. SET AT 39.72 3.HI0.20 American League l' ' 'il i. Iiniiiiil here uith II Me...'.. Munro lulled Slules consul lllder New York t, )elroil 5. r ti .in Cubu. hat been W.llor. In Hils in eonmu-,.M dUtrlel here bus been olllciully SOUTH AFRICA WILL YICKHIIA. May 111. The tux ANTI-JAPANESE RIOTS W ashington u, Clovelaud 10. on several (K-ea.ion. uollfled Miul I're.ideut rule for 1033 bus l.eeu flveil by (Oilier.,, ijs I poned) QOULD IS DEAD ullh field work. llimllnn has ilennlieiy ue- NOT ABOLISH TITLES Ihe cily council ul SV.1S mills on SHANOIIAI, May 10. Severul cldd lo visit Vancouver Ihe dollar, un iiM-reue of 25 per I ersoii. were killed aud many In Coast League I i'uiii'e, Muy 10. BIRTH born al Iho uml Vu ioiiu curly In July CAI'I TMWV May 10. mo. een I over lust year. A reducliou'Jurcd lu anti-Japuoc.e riols ut Seal lb' 3, Im Augele 0, Il'f'- J (lllllld. tho t'lllllld A dauuhler, was lienerul llosillal on Iii- wuv lu Aluiku. Hon lo ubolis'i lilh's in Soul' Ill the usscsments makes thihuiill ubourd a river .teumer. Sun t-'runeisiM 7. Suit l.uke 0, -unrier who has been III I. llm.ell John vfi'leu wu. ilefea'""! in Ihe frder- 111 s laves about tlir tamo us V.M .1.111 II. Sui raineni.il r 'inn l ime died curly lon Muy 10 to Mr and Mr. I Sub.crlbe fur the Dally New., !'" :.. .! 1 Oiil-'.U. if J.