ui row SPECIALS i Ladles' Brown Oxfords, French heel, any size $5.00 $5.00 AlsnLailies' F.vening Pump patent ami kid. Men's Work Boots, all sties S4.S ' $4.95 Boy's School Boots, sizes I In 5. solid leather S3.S5 $3.95 Family SHOE Store Third Ave. "The Home of Real Footwear." 1 BUY A HOME 1 i Twenty acre tract, fronting on Frascr River, one mile from railway station, with 5 room house, barn and chicken house, five acres cultivated and fenced. Two acre; slashed. Five acres with commercial timber. Oood. school, etc. This home can be had for $2,000.00 Oliver Typewriters. Cary Safes. FIRE INSURANCE. Dybhavn & Hanson Third Avenue. Prince Rupert, B.O. The Home of Domestic Bread Bread is your best food. F.at more of it. Kept by Ihe leading grocers. La Casse Bakery Phone 190. Third Avr. Prince Rupert B.C. Stove WOOD We nave just received i car logd of up river wood, guaranteed seasoned and dry. size cut tb order. r. or Prices, call Hydenansfer t - Phone 50. Service and Quality our Motto. KING GEORGE .CAFE Flrat Claaa CHOP SUEY and NOODLES. Furnished Rooms to Rani. Prices Reasonable Phono Blue 471. Second Ava. REDUCE HIGH COST OF i LIVING. Kliinina'te th .draught around your windows an4 use, less coal. SEE OUR PATENT WEATHER STRIP For Doors and Windows. Glasn and Mirrors of all kinds. T. ROSS MACKAY. Phone Blue 108. BRINGING UP FATHER BEAVERBROOK BUYS GAZETTE Newspaperman Extends Holdings In London by Absorption of Old Established Journal LONDON, Oct. 18. - It is authoritatively stated that Lord Heaverbronk'has purchased the their neighbor ami those who try to jrvt something for nothing or to Injur their neighbor. Those who injure Iheir neighbors are criminals, whether lliey call themselves bankers or bootlegger., or working men. Those 'who do not injure their neigh- bors an' jtimm! citizens, no matter what they are railed. The best governed country Is the leas) governed. HOOMF.S K. FRF.F.MAN. CLIMBING TO RECORD American Price This Morning Was 20.8 and High Can-adlan Boats Received 1Sc If the scarcity of halibut arri which has prevailed for Vom lime continues all price record the past are apt to be broken. , 'Pall .Mall Oaielle which will be IMIIDIHr DRIPF IC !l,snr... l.v Hi tfvoninsr Stand JUflLlDU 1 IlUtE Id Janl. Ijord Itcaverhrook has just ; completed the purchase of Ihe, F.vening Standard from Sir Kd-ward llultn, as well as the Daily Top Sketch .and Ihe'Suuday Herald, all London publications. The announcement that Lord Iteaverbrook lias purchased I lie Pall Mall Cazelle is causing no little perturbation, following; vals immediately as it does the ac-j quiring of. other newspaper pro-of perties hy Lonls Iteaverhrook and Holherniere. The accumulation of numerous Ibis morning the top price rr hjy swell American fish was 2U.6c, lti"Lpaiiier learner l'i papers with huge circulations inlhaps in years. Canadian fi-.li the hand of two men is regarded 'was serinttdy as; mcaninsr the con-lwas highest bid in months and per- at-o on the tipurade and lle Ihe highest bid. .Four boat 18,000 pound two American having Miunds and two Cana- dians, 8,0nrt pouuds. Arrivals and sales were as fo lows : American Fairway 6.000 pounds, al n.oV ami ti'c. 10 Hie i:auniiaii risn v JjS.l.r'farage Co. t 'Mnj-stic. 3l.0ft pounds, all 20ie and I2e. to Ihe Hoyal Fih Co. Canadian tlape Spencer, ti,ron pound. and Mingo, 1,500 pounds, at 19c and I Or. to the Canadian Fish A Cold Slorage (Jo. ' ' , PRINCE JOHN TO CHANGE SAILING I DATE FOR ISLANDS Yancomer via Ihe Queen Lhar ilolle Island at 11.30 Ibis morn- ling with a heay cargo of freight eeral passenger for this jpnrt. The John sailing to the Island and Vancouver this week I being delayed until Saturday evening al 8 o'clock in order to take passengers off the Prince Hunerl arriving that aflernoon. In future Ihe Prince John will sail for the Islands on alternate Saturdays instead of Wednesdays a Hchedub'd op to Ihe present. PATRICIAN HERE ACCOMPANIED BY FISHERIES BOAT The destroyer Patrician ac- poa si in Ihe course of her dnlie coming th dxtxi nwi - Thursday. October 18, t(n:j UU t'O LIKE TO "M H WHO t THE. I Hgv, ON- OF nr HAVE. HAO THREE FANCt CUY 1 ?MC CvTRev r.Mv.Qb Ik" 'MC TME centralion of an enormous power'marketed a total of in the moulding of public opinion which in the present unstablei.iu.oon late of public opinion on Euro pean questions gives these two men tremendous power. The Pall Mall OweUe whichb. now disappear as a separate en-lily, was founded in Irtrtj and was jntejTdeil ftifiif -jv5 realize Tharkras picture - in, "Pen-dennis" at tine "written by gen-llemenl for gentlemen." In the Letter Box i FREEMAN ON LABOR t. Flilor Daily News. The fir! labor union to ask government protection were the saloon keepers, gambler and prostitutes. They have been pro tected to death. Today almost 1 C.N.n. slamer Prince John, every labor union i asking IhejCapt. Harry Nedden, arrhed f.om government to protect their j member against the compeli! jon of Iheir fellow citizens. We have a strike of the long-iand shoremen asking, nay, demand- ing 90c. per hour. Ordinary labor5 is receivinir 50c. per hour. This is a discrepancy in wages of 10c. In oilier --words the longshoremen are asking the or dinary laborer to contribute almost two hour labor in exchange for one. This hardly seems fair. If 90c,i per hour are necessary for one class of labor. 90c .sboubl be accepled as Jhe base rale for all labor. I beg to point out that while money is used a a medium of exchange for commodities, Ihe real base of exchange is a day's labor. Money in dollar and cent i simply a method of ex- chauging fractions of days labor, coinpanied by the fisheries pro-One class of labor has no more lection sleamer Thiepval arrived right to force an unfair rate on this afternoon nnd will rem'nin Ihe rest than ha another. here for several day. She i I beg to point out that there maklnr a regular cruise up the are only two classes of people in a Community, namely, IhosejShe was delayed in who serve ami in so doing help. north. BRIER OPENS BRANCH OFFICE IN VANCOUVER FOR PURCHASING POWERS F. U. Dawson, who has jut returned home from Vancouxer. njwned a branch offin in that city while lher and placed J: C. Knight in charge. The office will look after purchases and the consolidation of shipments from Vancouver. It is located al tll Dominion Itlock. WIRELESS REPORT 8 a.m. DltiHY ISia.ND. Overcast, freh outheasl wind; barometer S9.95: temperature. 18; light swell. .DKAD TRKK POINT. Overcast, calm; banineier. temperature II; sea sunxdh. Itll.l. HAIlltOII. Cloudy, slrong soiitheasl wind; baromh- 30.08; leiniteraliire. 18; 7 .50 a.m. sp,,ke Algerlne left port Steven- bay in low of lug Na-noose soulhbound. Noon Dili MY lisia.ND. Overcast. freh stMilheasI wind; barometer, jy.Ui; lein!erallire, ly; ea iiKMlerale. DK.D TItKK POINT. Itajninz. ' slronp -oiithen! wind; barometer,, SSl.H; temperature, 5o; i rHigh. MULL 1IAHM0II. - Overcast strong southeast wln.1; banme-ler. 30.01; lempitValirre, 50; se rough. -e j Sport Chat I t X k Three entries are certain in the Senior Masketball League this wiuJf-r with the possibility of a fourth. I lie tdls, fon of l.an- ada, aiidTeacher are already in be held ami Ihe l(uprl Table Supply may be the other entry. There promise to w good com petition in the ladie and junior clases and there is, a !oibility that Hie nut in intere-t may centre in lhe.e divisions. With Tuesday evening the final dale for receiv ing Ihe entries, (earn organization is now prelty well completed. I lie executive is having more difficulty with the finding of soil able playing quarters than ha been anticipated, and has n- been able to settle the matter el. However, this will likely cleared up within Ihe week. The rheme of issfiiug .season ticket bus been adopted 'in order J reach some people, who would willingly support the, winter wpo rt but cannot always find Ihe Ijm lo attend the game.'-' 'It will al I so furnish some badly needed funds for the period Just pre ceding the opening of Ihe season nlien expensex are high. 4 - X.ev, the American three year old, and Papym. the l.ngti Derby winner, will meet at Mel moid Park .New York, on Salur fay under Ihe .inspire of Ihe New York Jockey Club in the In lerualional 00.noo race. Th race is being looked forward In L4ITW , v ONlHCCOKrtrwwT NO I IU HOW J S.MO W)CC3 ' TCUU HIM TO PUT J KING! ftOU! l PuEHt'y OT O'CV KM c, ' vL Qoe IM) IXT-V riATvm ScKvtcc. lac Daily News Classified Ads. 8 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No AdartlMmnt Takan for Las than SOa WANTED ' WAMfcl).-Men and women to learn barberingr. Paid while learning and tools free. " ,,Dc tn - .ililn.ii. M.U. 1 1. .-. - i . r. n uuiickc, Vancouver, n.u. STHONli LAD WANTKD iiplyl l.inzey" tirocery. MALE HELP WANTED SALFAMF.N! Something new. something everybody want, a repeal seller, no deliveries, best propoil ion ever developtsl fur XMAS. business, an ideal gift, nationally known ami nationally advert ird. Write p.- II. Orr. P.O. Hot Ifioti, Winnipeg, Man. FOR SALE SHI. LINO OUT. Commencing to day, I will sell my entire stock of merchandise to the public at fifty cent on the dollar. F. M. Croby, HIS Third Aenue. FOH SALK. National Caeh Ile-glsler; credit file, like new. 0t 470.00. .e 1 25.00. Itos 118. Dally NewOnice. 2t0 IIOUSK FOH SAI.F Four room and lialhroom. Apply I to, Seventh ami Mowser. 23(1 FOH SALK. Modern house, five rooms and bath. Apply Minir,. Itros. If FOR RENT FOH HKNT. Six roome.1 houe. llorden Street. Fully modern. Apply McMeekin'. If STF.AM Heated Flat for rent. Uesner apartment. M. M. Stephens. FOH HKNT Housekeeping room HO Sixth Avenue Kat. Phone Illue 217. If FOtTt HOO.MKD FLAT lo Henl. Steam heal. Apply SmilhA Mallelt. tf MODERN four room flat for renL Westcnhnver Hros. If BOARD. IiOARD. The Inlander, 830 Second Avenue. Phone 137. tf ROOM AND BOARD PALMER H0U8K. 400 Seventh Avenue West. Phone Red UU. Furnished suites. MISCELLANEOUS. TAXI and Light Delivery.-23. Phone Let Tommy .Th il? REPAIRING VNYTHINO in Ihe line of Canvas. Duck, Cnllou goods, etc. Oil Skins, Rain coats, Tent and Awnings, baby buggy lops, aulo tops, etc., at P. r.eClairo's new shop at Cow Hay. P.O. Ilox 012. Phone 7HG. AUCTION SALE. AUCTION Sale on Saturday. Oct. 20, al 3 p.m. al I (0 Seventh Avenue Hast. Consisting of Viclor gramophone, jno rug, sofa, armchair, chairs, healer. MrClary range, b'ds. rugs, elc. Philpoll, Hvitt Co., Auclion-eers. 217 jwilli more than usual interest on two contiuenls. Papyrus, Ihe F.nglish roOlender, has been in America long enough to adjust himself nnd he is said to be in Ihe pink of condition. His regular daily diet Is twelve pounds of hay, eight bowl of oats, and two buckets of water brought es. pecially from Newmarket. During hi trip across the Atlantic he had bran mash twice. II 10 8 t.iu j JUST IT. FURS FOR THE SEASON. n,,,!,,, k.,,.1 i.,.,.,, r .Mn. ,.,, .....,:, .., .i- iprmn ni rock bidtom prireJ . i riieiiiior ioupir I man tin 11 .lu iew 'in. iere. l.otne aim see for yoiirer. W. 00LDBL00W, nonen run." BMona . TAXI Taxi 67 Phone. (Call Ueorge or Oust) Ross Broth ere. Ilest Service In the City. Anywhere. Anyttme. Day or Nlghl Stand: Boston Orlll Tlilrd Arsnue CHIROPRACTOR R. D. TAS3IE, D.C. Chiropractor 3rd Avenue. Prince Rupert. Il.C Hour: 10 lo 12: t to t; 7 lo 8. Phone Mlue 023. Residence Oreen I3J. AUCTION KALES. Condueled in your home or -t i'ur ruuuis. miiiui biso soiu 011110 rwn a n imi r iit lo-j oiiimisslon. H. M. HEMMSflOS, Auctlonaer, Third Avenue (Dei.ny Allen's Old Store) Phone black 136 and Green 471. EXPERIENCED CORSCTICnr iirder taken for Spirella (Um Mrs. J. M. Grahlman Kaien Shoe Store, 71 1 Second Avenue L MAIL SCHEDULE For the East Momlays, Wednesday and Fri day.i. close at S.30 p.m. From the East- Mondays, Thursday and Sal unlays, t.30 p.m. From Vancouver .Sunday ...P. M. Wednesdays 3 P.M. Fridays A.M. Saturdays 3 P.M. C.P.H. October 8 and 19 To Vancouver Tuesdays, Mall closes at I P.M. tv,or,"r. B.C. cruiti"n Nrnt-rwu. "?,n, 10 Pflr for 14 raf' TliliraiUvs Irtnllon in t XI inursaays 10 P.M. - riu th foiioio 4lmu4fiuau c Saturdays A.M.I',!r!rlB r pumwt Sundays .10 P.M. C.P.H. October 5. 12 and 53. To Anyox, Alice Arm- Wednesdays P.M. From Anyox, Alice Arm Thursdays 8 p.m. To Port Simpson, Alice Arm Anyox and Arrandale. Sundays 7 P.M. From Port Simpson, Alloe Ami Anyox and Arrandale Tuesdays p,M. To Stewart and Premier Saturdays o P.M. Sundays 7 P.M. From Stewart and Premier- Sundays 8 P.M. Tuesdays pM, To Alaska Points October 8 and I 'J. From Alaska Points-October 5, 12 nnd 23. To Queen Charlotte Island Points October 17 and 31. ...5.3(1 P.M. From queen Charlotte Polnte October 15 nnd 29. To Naas River Points and Port o t. From Naas River Points Saturdays AM PRINCE RttPFirr Tinn Thursday, October 18 High H :!H a.m. 1 7.3 ft. I7.I " Low 217 a.m. rt.3 " I 15:00 p.m. U.3 " Friday, October 19. e l i a lllgll :R0 a.m. 17.7 ft. Low- 22:18 p.m. 3:28 H.in. I:U p.m. 17.1 fi.i 8.3 By George McManu LAND ACT, Ln4. ".i Mnj lu.irin, unwdi.n '"T '". "nr nnn n.i ,4 rUmiir. wl urwi ltno. pl liaiiiu x, tj 'i',ujS, iui t. 1t4fa4 4 H, n,. orroiutl.,11 I.,.. , ilnur. . inurwi iu wtf l.r tnr ,li J rhiins. lmc itf- ., u xttr 1 iUudirr af T.I.. till; ttip t ,r4ktfi U Ml4 nlli Uxintltr ( rluias mu nr Wti. iu Um juiiVi ;irr of mM T.l-j IfN-ar il0 K , 'OheHr. r4lnMif th bltti (: . Z2J&11&& ,"' fc- IMS ACT. f ' NUt ( lat.MU U lf U ertM IS juI IjikI fiotnrt. ftr.,r.t. t Irtfl of I no.' Hwtwrt, aikl ,,(.- l Um bal r A tin IN I InUl T .VMIrr llul I. Thsra. 4 l.'-. I la fwrrtw lfw Minan Wrnb-l UK rT?1,i. if f UHlia ll.lt rtuln.; hrfm n, rhtma; Itiriww mwlh it- t kiln rmmiii in hlrh mlr tntrt puim ut r4MivrrtnM. M r t; J H. tfr. tttnr nr TtlOVH , iniJT i.fsy rnnt4r fin. itri , in ct. Nk tf UUMfe t AtHr Ium ut. In Cm.i LmhI puiHri tf.trtiit. ti im vni imi. t . omw 1 IttrMIc I.Urvl Ttte Ndlr llul I TIhsm V t YkMtmtr, HX . m-urtiu !.,- -ortir, leiriKi u ih-o Aif r'n-I" ItM IMtnn ln p ! Itne of Am lii. ilrrto o- 5 'IMfMhroi tt h mImI nttvrr ISJSj IWnrr s t't . iworr 1 Itm, lb ,i5n iH MS laM: Ihmnr kwl.fT r. V rnri. ivi r4ttiiar uu w t"Ml f rMiintntrnttii, mt ln II. Tl rtM. tnurr !. TIIOM A. AHJ.IT ! nf ami'.. c PU4 Srurol-f I tin, iff. LA NO ACT, In 'Ifftu Liml IMitrirt. HMrdlet W. i If If I ir rrtnre llvprrl. siwl intl ibRil t't milt wkinhit of Slm on C. ilitilxy and roauinlnt all of rll lUfcl. i Tik fmil ih.i rKh Ik .n..it tl 't itiiii iiiana 11 Mil ii i: .., mum' ,neri. mrmi, impnrc iinrinr rolhrniaic lhr ,ikM unr or '''? "''"I P"nl nf rnniwrnt i4 tnrQ4lnr ill nf mw! IVtili lilirw) ut 14 Mrt-M hr hiibl i.f War r MM f naiiwtr, imt tontitnini fi irrtK nwit r Wnprrr ,im jrAMli'Wt Arnt for rrina t. hiirtwi. Jy C WnimH, - II n Iw I O. . J.M II SiItiii, Kvt. IMIty ltl, t N0TI0C TO CONTMCTOSJl. BURNS Ui SCHOOL M Vl.rii ttvnrnt XnV for niifii. a iis4' (J I- hr l!i l(4tiirll tl. MmOtrr ef r i!-i.rW U. lit If Pk .iwffrti nt Tsir nr. iv rtin lUr of DmiMi Iff ' ' lin riHi ihI M4i,Uiton nf a Ihw' rmm Srtxsti wo h-iihh) ri eairw l liiifn lale. n I ho fimmwa IX'm Mi; Sorririritlon.. OVntMM. : 1 rriiinf Trmk-r imjr W n on afwt nr Hi lllh dir f oriMr, ami f" tlwr iMrtinriOiHi nlilaliwd al ihr irt mrnl of fuUHc Wirtka, r.rtuliwM P' lr. lint II Itw Offr nf the rttrtini? :l Aiii it sninlxTM and 0"f" OplM fif f'tim. si-TiririiUMil. M rin Ik utiflllwd frn Oh. HmrlnH")t 3 .aiiisui ,f a ,1.1.11 ..f Trlt x !!r IB.ltOi. Khlrh lll ! rvfuiulnl tm W rrinrn in rl cuimIiiiihi. iwet er any imtr Dl Mfllf M-fTpled. r, riiiLtr I'nl.lic Worm rnalwHf Tl iwirtmiil f piiblir Virk. VlrKia, B.C.. fMlirr Hh, ttJ. MINIMAL ACT. ccRTsricaTt or improvmsnti .... WOTICt. MalaT .tit. I. lUir .to, . tll J10, (Jaliiii, I SMMiled tn lh tlolll ri.tt win I)llMi i,r r. IHllMll. XVIivf 'fca-iM! ISfjliiuur lnlr uu vvitwitn Hx. alniul (mil .Will of fori Manly. ; Tiki. llr thst I. Th-sl' MU. Ifrn Mliwr-l Orttflral MoyfiI ' t'nn. ainjr frwH lit Jul Jr'r; lWv to the MSiluit Bionler fur HfWiw of lniirrMiiiU fr Ibe imrixe f it)iiluinr a rj-uwu nraui of lit nl furilr laku tH.llee thai ;'"" iinilrr smini, t rol, htl n4,ninrr(l I. fnt Ih lonance nf uld lrllflr' liiiiM)in,nli. ... bnd ihts mti oir i.f Inlr, ffii Mlner'i Ccrilflcete to. T" c'