-t A8i eur THl DAILY NEWS Thursday. "October 18. jr. B.C. LOSES TWO MCLEAN TAKES APPEALS TO ISSUE AGAINST Phone 376 Phone 376 Handkerchiefs PRIVY COUNCIL CENTRALIZATION . The House of Quality i i i: ' Just unpacked a splendid assortment of, Fancy Hoxed Individual Handkerchiefs put up in the daintiest manner possible. A large assortment of bolh colored and white. Look them over whilst ranges are complete, No girt more acceptable. Priced from 65c to $3.50 per box PICTORIAL QUARTERLY REVIEW NOW ON SALE. H. S. WALLACE CO. LTD. We Prepay Wall Orders. Phone 9. - M1LV1E. TELEPHONE SPECIALS 8hop by Phone to Save Time and Money. Convinced that by telephone we can sell for less than olhe.rwifo. -we have decided to put our theory into practice by means of "The Telephone Special." The special .prices quoted in this ad. apply only on orders phoned in. as we have proven hsyond doubt that the overhead cost of selling which is the largest item in the expense culumn'of the retail grocery business today is reduced by more than one-half when orders are taken on the phone as compared to those taken on the floor of the siore. in other words our records for the past six months prove that the average clerk uuTlic phone can accomplish more than Hire? clerks of average ability in the store, ,consequently we feel that it is only fair that we pass this saving along to those who -shop by telephone. Shop by Phone to Save Time and Money. This method along the lines we hav explained above, completely explodes many of the time worn and accepted trade principles of the past, and we venture to predict thai just as modern inventions have supplanted the methods of olden days, effecting big reductions in cost of manufacture, so also will our policy of lower prices to those who shop by plume supplant the lime-wasting method of personal shopping. Every home should have u phone No looser is the telephone considered u luxury. It is Jm absolute necessity, and no household can afford to not huye!.aphfne. Make the phone pay its way. It will save shoe leujjyeh and possibly a big medical bill from exposure on a MiOppjitg; trip when the weather is bad. It brings every niryh.in't in this town right to vour door, no matter how far! away you live. WEEK-END SPECIALS For Telephone Customers Only. tJfttjLlallo Vegetables, .00 (Limit 'J tins cucli customer. Loganberry Jam, I'J'SJ pack dial the heal value in town V lb. pails, special . . 75c I'ure Huspbcrry Jain, 'Magyar a Kails ltraiul, I lb. palls .............. 75o Illue Hibbou Tea, lb. .. 65c "Hroke'n tshclled Wuhiuls, lb, v'Jvs .v. ...v 35c tshelM Almonds, new, lb. ...v., Mv ...... 45c Mixed I'ctiphuir Citron, bal-upeii,;Lciilou ami Orange, i)Kc- ' " 400 OrrtifgV and Lemon Peel, ,,inixj'ili b. ......... 35o ' Minc.i' MT-jif in bulk, lb. 20o Hill Pickles in bulk, do. 30c Hriscofciirbulk, 2 lb. ,for 45c Combination Special. Canned 7 for j3 Tin's "Toinalos, 's. ,.! Tin Pumpkin, 2'a. 1 'I'iu (iolden Wax Heaus, ,2's. 1 Tin Ilufiigee Heans, 2'. Combination Special. Canned Fruits, 4 for $1.00. 1 Tin Lugunberies, 2'a. I Tin Strawberries, I s, lulls. 1 Tin Apricots, I s, lulls. 1 Tin Peaches, sliced, I s. tails. Libby's Aspurugus Tips. Tiny (ireen. Heg. 50c. Special 45c; .3 Tor $1.25 Cider for Miiaje Meat. Dyson's full snugth builed anil concentrated, (5 in 1 pints 35c; quarts ... . 60c Special offer on Johnson s Fluid Heer and Hovril Cor-dial. With every sale we will give frecjone only Jap. auese Cup ami Saucer. lOoz. Fluid Heef. Price $1.35 -'0oz. Hovril Cordial. Price $1.50 While Hock (linger Ale. -This is a splendid line, and h recommended by physicians because of Its medicinal properties. 25c each, per doz. $2.75. Giuliani or Whole Wheal Flour. 1" lb. sacks. Special , 45c We are Wholesale and Retail Distributors for "Canada's Best" Flour and Feed. Following at" Ihe prices effective on the Ogilvie Cur due this week-end. Single Five Sucks Sacks Wheat Mi. "2 ft or- : Ihcrii . . ..$2.60 $2.50 f llrau, Ogilvics Hcst 1.90 1.80 Shorts " " 2.00 1.90 Fine. Oat Cloqi . . . 2.46 2.35 Kgg Mush (gets results 3.50 3.40 Scratch Feed O3II- vie s 3.45 3.35 Cracked Corn, Ogil- vle's 3.00 2.90 1 Whole Corn, market firm 3.65 3.55 OOHVIfS L.R0TAI HOtSEHOLD J Feed Oats. Harlev. (Iround Hurley. Hahv Chick Feed. Developer, .Fine Cornniea, Crushed Outs, elc, arriving ut lowest prices. Abovs Feed Prices not confined to phone orders. The Rupert Table Supply Co. Three Phones 211, 212, 281. ii B.C. Orders In Council Held to Conflict With Japanese B.C. LIQUOR Treaty MUST PAY DOMINION DUTY LOMKiX. Oct. 18.-The anneal of llritisli Udumhiu iil-hIii! the derision of Hie Canadian Supreme Court in the case of the ltritish Columbia Attorney (jeiieml aguiiisl the Attorney (ieaeral ot Canada volutins to the rmolov- meiit of Japanese labor In Can ada was dismissed by the Judi cial Committee of the Privy Council. Hie main oueslion as to whether the Oriental order in council Validation act passed by Hie H.I.. legislature in II; ami ordcis in council scheduled to thai statute were in conflict with Hie JaputieM Treaty of IJM3. of Hie Dominion parliament, was ultra vires. The (.overnor (ien-eral of Canada in No ember I 'J? I referred the matter to Hie Su. preiue Court for their opinion on the question "Had the ll.C. legislature the authority to enact the Oriental orders in council Vali dation art" The Supreme Court, with Justice Kdintnn wholly dis-seiiliiu;'aii .luslicc llrodeur, dissenting in part, answered in the negative. Liquors Must Pay I.ONOON. Orl. K. Th,. appeal of the Attorney Ceneral of Unt il Columbia in an action against the Attorney Ceneral of Canada on I lie question us o whether liquor imported Into ltritish CHuiiihin hy the Provincial Sov-eri'iiient vvu liable to Iominion customs duties was dismissed lo-day by I be .Imliciaf Commillee of the Privy Council. This was a test aclion brought to determine whether the Dominion parliament of Canada hud Hie power to impose custom., duties or excise sales tax oil goods imported bv Hie ll.C. government from outside Canada. The ll.C. government claimed that the province was entitled to deliver whiskey without payme'nl of Dominion cus toms duties or taxes. The Dominion government resolved to cluim on the grounds Hiut wines ; FULLER S ATKINS People's Providers. WEEK END SPECIALS. Choice Steer Beef. Choice Pol lloust. lb. 12!2c Mil) Itousl. per lb 20c Hump Huusl. per lb. . . 20c T. Hone Hoasl, per lb. 28c Sirloin Steak, per lb. .. 30c Hound Sleuk, 'Z lbs. .. 46c Choice I'ork Sausage, - lbs. 45c Hreasl of Veal, per lb. . . 10c Shoulder Veal, per lb. . . 15c Leg of 'Veal, per lb. ... 23c Hump of Veal, per lb. . . 25c Potatoes, Crude "A", Early Hose, per sack . . . $1.60 Potatoes, tirade "A" (while per suck $1.76 Fresh Eggs, 50c, 60c, and 70c per doz. Shipment or Live Poultry has arrived. Place your orders Fowl, per II 35c Spring Chicken, per lb, 45c Dressed and Cleaned. Phone 45 and 574. You can't get thut flash heat so necessary to baking cakes unless you use Clean Coal, C0NSUMKHS COAL, cleuned free from choking shale, burns brightly. 11 sends clean heal direct to the oven steady heat which slays. Our Coal Ih free from soot. Consumers Goal Go. Ltd Prion 7 and 311. J ive large, modern ron.iensaries in the finest dairy district or Canada, are reipiiied to sitpplv Canadian housewives with his evcry-purposc milk. Four sizes a size for every need. The Borden Co. Limited VANCOUVER. Condensary at South Sumas, B.C. i-ii-ii ami saints uc e i. i.an- ada were hal-.e a duly and excise lux. . JusIm c lUis-.elfs held Objects to Proposal That Pro. vinclal Government Should Provide Money For Schools DUNCAN, H.C.. Oct. 18. - proposal hut the provincial gov ernment hear all the cost of Hritfsh Columbia schools recently made by (ho Union of ltritish Columbia .Municipalities during their recent session ut Prince Hupert was described by lion. J. D. .McLean, minister of education, as luuiusiic ami tetrograde. In a speech which he made to Hie convention of ltritish Columbia jodiool trustees here yester day he declared that it would '1-ruig the whole system of education into he arena of purtyjioli-' ic-. The Icuelrers would formally ally tliemele to one party to fee ute advancement. , ! If Midi a step were tuken the government would have to add the iHM-esittrv i'iiIk o luxation and Mien it would have to (urn the mmiey over to another body for IIihI if HrlHsli I .niuiiti.1 ,10-iadministralion. which would not norled irtMids lo carry on aiL-i-i'"' I'luineso ness or trade i must pay Ihe ciisthiiis dues , ami cluirges due to Hie Dominion government. This decision was allirmcd by the Supreme Court of '.unadu. AN OUTSIDER WON CZAREWITCH STAKES Prcphets Confounded When Rose Prince Led the Field Home at Newmarket LONDON, Oct. IK All advance dope was upel when Hose Prince a four year old coll own ed by A. K. .Macomher and ridden by Archibald won the Czuevvieli lakes, one hf the -principal autumn handicap- Hose Prince -lurled .'.") to t uicuinsl slarieis. Apu Khan s three year old. filly Tcrcsnm. tbalj came second, stood too lo 7 1 againl and Sir A lie Haiiey's four year old roll (Jeylonese which j came I bird was a favorite ut 0 to I. ALBERTA NOW KNOWS ITS CHIEF JUSTICE LONDON. Oct. IH. lion. David Lynch Seoll. one of Ihe judxe- of Ihe Supreine Court of Alberta, succeeded in his appeal to the Privy Council to be ranked a Chief Justice of the Appelate Division of Alberta in the Supreme Court IlMlead of Jiishcc Horace Hurvcy..:. coil's appeal arose from decision of the Supreme Court of Canada which ranked Justice Harvey as Chief Justice or Allierla Ihe title And rank claimed hy the uppellanl. ALGERINE LEAVES PORT STEVENS BAY BOUND ESQUIMAU In low of the Canadian Pacific Huilway lmdiiiul Nuuoos. the disabled salvage steamer Altier- ine, which went on the rocks on Hanks Island Saturday nicht. left port Slevens Hay at 7.-'ii this morn i mr bound for liiiimall where she will undergo repairs. WINNIPEG IS NOT VERY THIRSTY AFTER ALL PERMIT PURCHASE SHOWS WINNII'LO. Oct. IH. Surprise ami disappoiiilineut was recis- lered oil the niees or the members of the (iiivernoient Lhiuor Uoiil rot commission 'through Hie paucity or applicants " pernios bv which holders can procure liquor for beverage purposes, if desired, Oiderjj i", 'o come up lo ekpectations, beinn few in iiumberi It Is learned on good uulhorilrt with Ihe exeep Hon of a few Untitled cases from whom 'orders are received almost dally. II was cxiiecled I hat the issue nf oerinlls would have tolalled in excess i(f :iO,Oi0, but lodalo tho nuinlier lias not ycl reacneo mo JO.fiOO markV Approximately, H.000 have been Issued lo residents in (Irealef Winnipeg, and less than I; (00 outside of this area, with Ibn dlramlon dtsiriCL Mr. McLean said he disapproved Hie suurpsHoii that the muniiKcmeni of school affairs he turned over to coinmitlccH of Hie various ejiy councils and a re.o-lution alon tins line was de-fcaled ut Ihe convention. Henry K. WnllMrt. the Terrinv jnrHe mail, arrived from the interior on yexlenlay afternoon' Iraui and i resist ered at Ihe Hotel I'rinee Hupert. LAND ACT. Nolle of InUnllon to Appl, lo Loat Und. In Pkfrnt Land notrlct, Rfrordinr M-trlcl or Prlnrr nuprt. iml illinl tl Cplln Cnvr. I'll! ItUtxt. CJl. I. Tikf illrp inat W . UttttKM, ot Vn- eouvrr. tx-rutallon rinnrry nun. Iniriwl 10 appir mr prmukin 10 fiw iim follow mr itrtrrlbnl lnl Cnnunrnrlnr til 1 pt pUnlnl on Ihr oath tnnrc of Cop-Utiu Cnr. tnrnrr mhiiIi M fliln: Ibrnrt et to rhiln; tbrnro north It rndni 11 fhorr: thrnre follow inj itmrc In plirr of nrtiinwnrnHnl nd ronuimnr torij trrr. mor or kn. W. J. JEFFEHun. Hum ot Appllnnt. Pi1 7lh July. 1093. FARMERS' Meat Market A shipment of Hulkley Valley Heef and .Mutton will arrive for this week end. Look at These Prlcesl Hotting Heef, per lb. . . . 6o Shoulder Hoasl, 8c und 10c Choice (toasts 16c Hib Steaks 12'C Slew Heef 8c Veal Slew 8c Vent Houst 12c .Mutton Slew 8c Shoulder Mutton 15c Legs Mutton 28c Sausuge 15c Hamburger 16o Oaiucrs' Dry Halt Pork 25c Oalners' HreaUfasl Hucou, taking the piece .... 40c Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Helgerson Blook, PRINCE RUPERT, . 0. Office Hours, to 8. Phone 88. Open Etenlngs Only For Special Appointment. TVLtttlf Oolicrty Comparf J Willi ordinary tltrd uishO. Sewing Machines, Pianos, Phono graphs niul Player Pianos For Hent by Week or Month. IWalker's Music Store ltd. Great Values in Ladies' UMBRELLAS JUST ARRIVED. Lndie' I niircfli hi strong Taffeta elolh rove solid rib frame-. ,i-orlrd slvlc-. struiglil bundle- v, n strong leather strap holders. Priced at $1.05, $2.50 and $3.00. Kxlra fine ipialilv union Taffeta rover on li.l i4( gon rih fnimes, assorted -trnuHil sh- iuude. hell ivoo trimmed. Priced $4.50 to $6.00, Kxlru fine linih. hesi ipialilv -ilk. covers on 'J :: frames. Handle- i- of Ihe hesi finish hi nortril - Priced $12 00, $14.75 and S15.75. UNIVERSAL TRADING CO. "Outfitters to Whole Family." We I'repav Ma: ()i de - Sali"a MOll or Mouev l;i: WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight Only, Thursday, 7 and 9 Agnes Ayres "The Heart Raider" The love lui ut a de v il -in.. -' irt' gin who- - i. look, out an iit-ni .Hi r v u prole i h i in of I : iigtin,-prank- When ti.nt- me chomp- iul (rtUnv the love uttu k- ( a pcai h. tin lo an wu- -el on In; she l"t him ee her in u balhiug ml ami won the v worsl woman h i er. HniMiriiog ' nt uo lude-MAHLON HAMILTON, CHARLE8 AND MARIE BURKE. THE NEW LEATHER PUSHERS - ROUND NO. 5. "STRIKE FATHER, STRIKE SON." FOX NEWS-QAZETTE. Admission 35c and 10c Shockley's Plani"g Mills Aro now Sole Agents for the lumber output of the Royal Mills, Hanalt, B.C. DIMEN8ION LUMBER. 8PRUCE AND CEDAR 8HIPLAP. 8pruce Planking and Cedar for Foundation Work. GET OUR PRICES IT WILL PAY YOU. Phona 383. WINTER will soon be here Ami by wearing heavier underwear demanded lo change of seasoiyoti rati anpiire that sense iH we'll so necflssary ror efficiency that comfy reeling whi'ti comes from being well clad. To reel "good" n tin' coolc weather comes along, make your selection rruni our now. .fifilll Combinations for Ladles In pure wool and silk mid wtwt We have Watson s ami Uec-'fc, in hw neck, V ne k short sleeve, knee or ankle length, sues from ; : . Fiom $4.00 to $8.50. In 2 Ploco SultsWe have WalsonV null Cee-Tcu Hi n Wool niul sjk and wool, fioiu $2.50 up. For the Children -We carry both iomlimitiniis niul tw Piece suits m pure wool. In sizes from Llt lo IX V For tho Boys and Girls We. Iuie l'ciimiiii KU mid tr Hoys we linv Peniuiiii's Pure Wool and Tigvi' .Hrund. both in eoiiibiiiiitious iiu'il Alhoiigh Hie snow is hile on (he hills this vear w may have a e0, ni.. any day now. He prepared!- Jabour Bros. Ltd. Corner Third and Seventh. Phona 645.