Iff Ply w 3i- N(Km U - M4 M wfar Only put aatarJ i4r uV avar. Al UJOciM Im4 alt. it IWIH MUct CmUsm twk dn mm) T3 row I'm l ' fiM turplr today. Summer COAL ureal aHfar lion! Hepeal ilom Iinfr fillpd -iry lay for Nanaimo-Wellinglon Nut Coal I. k Klrr' I.an laonxer: .1 ame n oilier N-t Coals. Phone 118 or 664. Albert & McCaftery LIMITED The Demand For Whole Wheat Bread It Increasing. " t "tomrr nmv ulnir eiithulfiic mer il ' " 'V unit ni'cti.ms fry a Loaf Today From jour Grocer or from the .lectricWindow Bakeries DENTIN'S DAIRY NOW OPEN Phone 81 DAILY DELIVERIES !DS0N COAL Wo can now Supply our FAMOUS EDSON 0OAL In any quantity. frince Rupert Feed Co Phono SS. LINDSAY'S triage and Storage Phono 88. isrlnge, Warclioustnir, ami JUtrihi'Hlng. Team or Motor 8rrvlce. Coal, Sunil. :rind Oravcl. Speolallio In Piano and Furniture Moving. COMMITTEE TO SEE IF PRICE CURES ARE THE GENUINE THING representative Each from University, Mlnleterlal Association, Medical and Legal Professions to Make Inquiry lr. . ITlnrp lliiirl, B.C. OH. 18. A ri.m. ""'" XHlif Info ,n heal. iitK vurk now l.einif .tn- in vA. inm-lon, I.y IWaiiKrlj.i r.liarlc. S iTIi-f ha been upii.iinle.l will begin it liivr.iiaallniin l once. Ilio mallor ,.i.....i.. fieen before I Nr. mlni.trrlal a, oelalion nml Ihe hoard of gov ernor or lh unicrily, and a Mill roiiimlllee rciin'.iilliiif Ix.lli bodies ami lli medical ami leiral jprofeiiin. in addition ha. been iiiruli.. with I he rcpiirmiliiliiy of romlm-ling an imparl ial ami !ilniiaei inquiry. IK firt meet, ii-if. for ofcanialion .iirMi.w. 1 1- belli held al IIk. unhorMly (tin iiflt'rniMiii. j H'v. II. A. Clarke. f,,r the min-'Merial aoocialinn; Prof. F.. I). Mr Fee, for I In iini-ril) ; ir. II. 'II. l.oai., representing Hie ni-ilt- al profession, anil a lorn I liar-lrilcr lo m imiiii.iI ,y CtilfT Jim. fire llanry. Mill rompriM jppromip of ii rotiimillco. Mr. Price will be Invited In i,,pp Willi IliPse eommilleemen ,) ,, jKir llicui mrrary information iabnul Hie nature of I In cure, 'dial hae ifn nllnluilrd in lllloll line llllil rUculoTf. ' The plirpo.e. : eiiailic. by Mr. t:iarke ami Pre.iil-Mil Tory, i In make a slrirlly fair ami iUioroiiKli linl of llir riH rr- jfrrrril in. m i l( ,llP (f n.r(.r. ;innmiit ra.i dial will, if r. alxlifil. lie ..f nrLnimlrilcril valiif lo ImiIIi Mir rimlfrir anil ,r. lii.iMi. hfr of l In' lime. THE QUEERED EXCUSE Tin orry ynur motl.fr ran' I ronn Win a in. Wlial .hall w .!. wild i In rlra MHHf "tth, sii' il lo man yon jro oui in men in Ilio inlrnaU. Ui'orsri: lliru lo run ronir an. I il Willi !" Tlir lluinorit. TIMBER SALE X S451. V W-il frmlfrt l rrntr4 Uj llw Vim. I. r ..f uixiv i Virtunt. hut Uir 'Hun fwi i inr f.ili dr i.f in-i.4r. lit! titr IIh- iirrlMr ..f lrrnrr lltl. fa. . ul t:i.iM f-l .4 lUmhai. nlam. (lurr ilXl inlll l l in IM It'ii. . luot f. I aM IMHIM. I !. it yrtr mill ilkivrd for nn -l lunlvr irllr f.arilr'iiUr '"f IIm. I.liff tntr-, trr Vn-lrl. .' i llw iMorwi f'nrr-Irr, I'fiiw Hu-rl, H.i . TIMBER SALE X MM. Ttrrr hr ciff-rl for !tb it ltiMI-Kurwn. II Itumi tm Hr Itlli 1J -t ttr- i-.iir ii. in ihp irnv .r iim noinn rirrlrr. 1)4111 ftna. ITImv Hnprrl. IIm! Ureniv X.ltt. I wl lf.i Jlrlpiar ml piw TM. l n iiti Hltld rnuruia !., it i (huI kiwmo Llf rliinl Pty Hnr I. feu! Und IMOrirl. lit ti ynrt will itiord for n-i 1 1 f I Unix" I'tirllW MrtlnjUM of Ibo CMrf Tor-Irt. Vlrtml. B.C.t Of IH'Irlrl riifrlfr. rrmr imprri, n.i TIMBER SALE X4701. hlH TrtvdPM lll lP rwvllml T Ow MlnOIrr if l-inrt. il MriorU. iml lilrr Hum l1 imi llw 10 lr i'f ori4MrJ !. fi IIh lurrlup nf IJivtir X 4;ill. In ml 4 "..ono fr bf mr, Inlur, M110 'inrk, tiul IuIuiii. i.n 111 irn MliMlnt on TlMnrit tlLC XUS1 BOYS AND.dRLS AND TEACHERS OF SUNDAY . i'...,..i li fw..iPd TiHrr. will l rpril hr. " i?' 1?JLUJ Mlnllr .1 jm.1( SCHOOLS ADDRESSED iwv. Msmiii lloylr, aMfrialr "crrlary for Allirrta of rrntrious Mural inn for lh allllialnl I'm. Irlanl I'liurrlipx, ami Mr, lloyln arnwil In llo rily from I In Kal niBiit ami arr Ihr truil of lt". ami Mr-. C, j. Uiwkrr at I In l'aronay on Siilli Avenue l-'il. Tlioy willn -oiilh by Hip Ii'!iiiit I'rinre (Irortrr tonight. Yrlenlay afltrniHui ( 0'-rlork in Ilio Mp,fMlit Cliurrli, Mr. lo- allrmlpil a -iii.r for l"i) of II, 0 ami II yrar- of atrr ami lali-r a.ilr"e.l llirm lirirfly. In lli Hanll.l Clmrcli at 8 oVIock lo ail.lri"p a scallirrin? of Slimlay SrhiMil loarhrr of llo hrioii rlmrrlicH of tin rily on "'Itoy-' ami iSirU' Work. Ilv. J. i. Sfuil Ii-om irri.-i. Tonfirlil al a luiuim-l in llo Mi-IIhhIUI Cliurrli Mr. Iyp will aihlreo buy ami g(rM ,,f Hie Iri'n wjp pirp-niliii(r ihr var-iou rlnirrlii' ami Sun. lay rlinol of I In rily. SCHOONER BLOSSOM SAILING SOUTHWARD Will Visit Polar Regions Seldom If Ever Seen by the Eye of Man M:V I.i '.Mm i.V, f:onn Ol. 17. Wliilr Ciii. ijiHirgp I'inlay Simmoiio Iia, Im-ph .rmirinif Hip roiiniry for a laff ami pi-pw lo lakr I li rliooiipr "IUiimiih" inlo Hi squill Atlantic ami In. ilian Orram. Hip hi. ilnf ha Iippii Hfiiarl for imp of Hip longp.l rruip prr umlpiiakpn hy a ti. lo-r i.p. Hip PXrMitji.n ,, (hp Anlarlic i'laroU wliirh .larl fnun Xpw l.omlon llii wppk for llo T.Ipvp- laml Mu.puni of .Natural lliplory l j.ai.1 In In oiip of Hip largpt rpr timlprlakPii for mirplv rirnlifir iiirop. Krr ono of Hip i nipn al.i.anl hi. r rpn hip inn'P nii oiurrr, i Iraimil in !onp I in thai will nil in Hip rtillprliiiii if animal ami hinl Himrn nm In taking noli .n Dip rology, plant lifp. .oiiipiliop. human lifp. ami Hi maiir riiHiiii.n m hip i-pxioik 1 Iml will hp iilpt. TIip Ilio. oni will vftit Hip Iph( known imrlion of Hip worM on hrr two ytar rruip. ' Kxtilorpr !iar boiip orr Hip I'arifir i- laml anil ollipr Irojik- rtinn with fair lliorout'linpi". Kpii Hip IMilar n'Kioii hap Iippii viilrl 111 rrrrnl yrnr by iiipii wlm lia lakpii arriiratn nhi'niition of Hip lamU llinuipli whirli Ilipy lnirllr.l. Tin' South Allanlir j-laml, liowppr. Iiap Iippii iileil only by ral ami .ra ppiliaul liunlrr.i. who hn 111 nh I hark nuiianlir lorip, Iml il I ac-rnralr inforinalion of cii-nlific aliip. TIMBER SALE XBK90. Dm VpI l. r rill l.nn.1. an , it TnuW will Iw rprrllnt liy Um Und IHtirirl. ..,,. Vll.llrr f Um.K U Vinnrl. l. Iht Tu ' JPr m I-" ilV.rn.-il fr r .tun ii on tlx fn.t iUy ..., mbrt-. n.til f lmilr. ; fr u pimluM- r t.lrrnr. x . ( lurllipr pirliriiUM .f lh fhlrf rnrM- , ru, f,fij itrtt PIIM. ilM) jxnirr TM ilr. Virlitru. B.i. . '.r it Hoirlrl I or- ilin , tn; n,u,lrit nr Shrr.Km. lun ilrr. I'rtiwp Hnt-rl. B C. i L,1Hl mtrtri. 1 . . . . v Tn it) fr will la ill.mtxt fnr r- I TIMBER SALE X M3S. Iiih.wi r iiua-r. lhrp will r .ffrl for Sl 11 ruhlir lunhrr i.rortjitr rf in- r.hipf rrr-- .iiriiim. l niin m llw 111 liy f or- ir, Vniiru. ri.i:, ihp nxinri inrr.. llolM-r lOtl. In Hh" nirirp f IMi MMlirl l-r. rHnrp luiiM-n. B.C. : Cimrl IMi. rrlnc RuprU ihp ! li.rpr, ... . m.tmmmm w llrror- X lil. 14 ml . JirkrltM. TIMBER SALE .X SSS. .iml ?rurp TIM, m IIuIp1 on TphJt will lw rprplvnt hy Uip l'r.inrl MS, it P"0,' t.n.ifl Uf NlhOUi- i.r t.aikl. II Vlrt.trll. IHil Utr (ninoiiil tlir till) I. Clt lJlW DUlrlrl, Hun imm thr llth .Ur iitlw riv I vnr will l illownl fnr r- tstj, for Hip purrlw nf Llrrnr X JJuf.. Iki.iviI rtt llruttpr. '! nil lO.uim Hpii.I.mIi Tip. in iri at Vlrlnrl. lull IH'r,"".' " "I 'I Hun n.M.n on llw lih '"".""fi'l IPfS, for Ihi. urrliap i i.irrn. "J ....... .H...I..I IWII lull- friMU Cfilanilp Station. Canadian Mllonil lluin ihmiii u IIh illi day iliallway. i Twit Twit I'.. alir lllalrlrt it VP", Wilt r IIMWP.I IIT rr- Innval of llmlMT. . . rirlhr MrllmUr. of tin" f.lilif r.ir-tr. Vlrlorli. H :.. r poirlrl riir, rlno Hiijwtl. H.C I TIMBER SALE XS4S4. TI.fP HI V""1 f".r f" !,v,''1H'' Kiirlliiu. il ikk'H m in tnd .lay of rt"; lH-r IttS III UN- tifflrP or Hip IHMrlrl rtio-tiVr. o-in linn, rrinr. nurn. ihp llrnirP X lal, I" ml .:oo Jarkplin' x..,!.. . hum. ain.MHliiial.'I.Y I ii'" r' rr.,in Irani-ola l.ikp. ""'i"" ,"?;p"'&r"'yiM will I- iiKiwrJ for r ""rthV Pillar., nf II- ChN f Furrs r, ! VW.M-U . B.i: r H. M.trlrl l un-a lorl rrlii'-p lU'lL'. " ci- TIMRER SALE XS449. .,.,,. Twilrr. will mm '-.,t":!.lT,.V:r lw" rrOPlVI'll l)T IllPi Mliil.lfr of l.in.l a I..., iiim.ii nil UN rrinct nur-rn """" TH1 DtlLlJraWB UQLH3R VOTE ALBERTA SOON Short Sketch of Legislation Leading up to Present KDMONTfl.N, OH. 1ft. (fjy Canailian lre,., Through a lippfiTPiilial ballot with four al. iprnaHvr rlrrlorH Tif AlliPrla hn .opmJipr 5 will jliilf whpllipr Ihrrp i lo Ip a rhanirp in Uip prnvinrial loiiwr laws. On ihr rrnlt Hip proprnmrrit will bar iU iPuWation, whrllirr Hip imo pip rail for a yipiii of irovprn niPiil shoji. for h rontinuation ami ilovploiirnpnt of Hip firpnnl tylrrn of prohihilion. Alhprla ha- hail p.pn ypars' rxppripnrp wlih varying lp(rrrPH of irohibiljoii b'jrilatinn. 1'Iip Hiangp from Hip ol.l liquor lirprnx y.lrii4 camp inln pffprf in Alhprla on July I, litltl. On July 3.1 of Hip prpvioni ypar a ipfprpmlum hail Iippii IipLI on a liquor arl .iihmitpil umlpr Hip iroUint)4 of Hip n"irrr p?ila. lion law by lh Tpinprranrp ami Moral llpform. Assorialion. It rarn'pil by a voIp of '58,295 lo 37,- 509. 'I"li ilirrH p?ilalion law pro. iipil that in rap of an affirmative op Hip p?ilalurp phoulil at Hip n'xl p.-iioirpnaH Hip pro-iopi nipa.tirr wjlhout ulMlan- lial allrrations ami thl. was Joiip. TIip alo of liiiuor within Hip provinrp n a bprrajrp was pmhihitril ami. a ilorlor'n prr- rriplion wa rriuirpl for Hip purrhap of liijuor for mpilirinal iurop4. I inlpr Ihr arl, a it wa papl, Hip fart that a wrofi hail on hi pn-mi.!. HKirp liquor Ihan was reasonably rpHiiirH for hiniM-lf or ln family, "not rxrppilini: oiip qiiarf of .iril .H ami I wo cal. loii of mall liquor," wa to ho iIppiiipiI prima farjp ripnrp of unlawful miIp. In Marrh, 1917, aflpr thi Haup lia.l Iippii ari-ouly iiilpriirplpil. Hip psila. turp alli-ri.1 il In n-a.l thai "no tprmi within Ihr orovinrp hall hap or kfit in hi prisale h pi ling bou.p a quantity of liqmir rxrppilinp mi, quart of .piritunu liquor ami two sallon of malt liquor.'" Right to Import TIip riuhl In imiMtrl from ollipr proinrp wa put an pih! to by frtlrral oi-.lr-ju-coimril unilir Hip war nipaurf act on April I, 1918, but wa rplorvl wIipii I hi ornlvr .wa rpvokeil an Janiiar" I. On OHi4ir 25 of that year Hip fpilpral rrferrn. .Ill lit on Hip qUPtjon of wlirllipr Ihi iniMrlntioii shoiibl br attain !.topjs wa laki-n ami Ihr otr loixl A2.772 for ami ii,l7t again!. On (hi orraion wonivn I ! 23, a pprial roinnnttpf wa aMiinlnl lo rrnlinip lh ppi- hmi "i t" in tests-' I SSI 1 ' t t larllir inrin in .nniiMn ronnprlion .41 wilh h th ,,,., prtilion, but on Marrh li Ihr lloup mloplpil Ihr rnmtuittw's rrporl by a voir of 19 lo Various Ptiase II wh thru arKUOtl that, .ro-intr that Hit iiiovinru was thu lorihpr rrtlriiUr nf f-XArX Tnr- a.ij.nuini l ttl, IIwkp t, i:ii Uml". nquinn ...inircil lo in inrnr inrur Hie liic rxipiip rrii!r 01 of . nitlrlrl FftrIr. Iii.irin vi.tnri. Vlrlorli. ii B.C r nr or uf ort.jxr. opinion wen urpisl tiHn th g-ov- lia, lor IIH- 'wn-iir i.i UMTiirp A atHT, .... ....... I ... I In ml t. Jarkpino Tl tm imrtlont of r "' spiii.Mi i nut n, Tp. s, luiiaK r., ont niirr Ommfirbl Tlir. is., ypar will Im alkiwM.for r. inotal of tliutwr. mrilwr pirlirulir r tlw CliM rtrri Iit. Vlrlnrl. H.i: or IMllir riHYnirr, rriiMf ipiprri, B.r.. TIMBER SALE XS686. Jalil rairu Trtnlrri I nri will -will Im rei-ltpil in Tuy Hjr ! .... lit. Airil IC OlltlitlPtl tii'( ypr win in iiiownt fer r;Jriurs Aliirh h propospd (o fol. ,,,,;,,,rriHrr,l,.ra I H MtM nu. a rPstdulion of r,f r lr, Vlrlm-U. B.'.. or UKlrtrl rlrr, ('III ling for HlH Ullliioil of Hit' rrinr i"'irt.,B.i:. . "ti.,tprraiir arl." If Ihls rarnVd, TIMBER SALE X SSSB. hi would Mihmit a srcoixl rrsolu. Mll TpiKlr will Im. rrlvl by the'lion whirh would n-ad that il was MlnMer tif land, it Vlrinria, im. lann.. , , .., . ,. . .., ihan n.n on ! ii day i.r .No. ' i fnl ilf Ihal alleniale que. resolution, hoveer, should lll'A premier ilertared, lie The Court of Last Appeal You are the judge and the jury. Your verdict is final. There can be no appeal for this is the High Court of Public Opinion The wares of the world must appear before you the product of every factorythe merchandise of every store. Those things that fail to measure up to your requirements are quickly condemned to oblivion The manufacturer who advertises deliberately places his merchandise on trial. He openly courts your critical inspection. He invites comparison. He directs your attention' to his goods and then forces those goods to stand c n their own merits. 0 If he were not sure of his wares he would not dare to advertise. For advertising would put him to a test he could not meet, and thus hasten the end of his business career. It would be business suicide. You can depend on the man who advertises, knows his product is good. r BASE YOUR JUDGMENT ON THE ADVERTISEMENTS ! ' ; . i"ini, v iim-H iiiiti inn iii- .... t i, lnino.1 II... fmnrl.I.P ul....i II. ""u"r"' " miIp of 1915 wa takrn. HuriiiK 1922 what wa eniitlpi! "TIip T'iiiiranrp.Act" was ilraft. ml ami a prlilioii cirrulatp! ak-ins I In-liullal ur lo !iibtni it inub-r tin ilirrrl lrsilation law. II ...... i.l.l f... I..tl.l un.l ,-!,. .1 iiipiiilr., rrirepnlinK all c- fion of Hip Hon!', to h iianipil! rpconi- iiipihI allprnalixp qurstion lo br !uhmilpi to Hip rlrctors. TIip roiiimitlre"! rrport was Hip Mihjprt of a livrly ilrbalt ilur-fnR Ihp last two ilay of Hip sps-ion. TIip form of ballot whirh tit rpooniniiMiilPil was finally ,, , . ... . ... , ailootPil with slithl rhaiiKP ami ip nrpip ir i op ioi til oppt. - , i .... . ilio' iMPi'lors a IP In br a.kril , i i . W l..ti I l.u InfTldl.ili.tH. tit A I unfit- it, I'.' on Iniunlluia . I . .1 . rn.' lllAIR tiia .lit. Ill v ... 't. I'.' fvrpur., in arronlanrr wilh Ihr T . . , i . . . . i , 'i.hiita i. a At llui ill ooIa IrntWIAl. Ihui and rrM.rlrJ Ihal 1 mH Ilio ' " , ."T. , , ' 'ablp al ballot, br- . , . .i. . ' prrfrrriil as rrquiri'mniN pf Ihr direction ,, , , .. iPKislalion arl. Snnw mrmbrrs ' ,h; f;wniK-.- Pr.hl-allppp-l b sab of brrr; that Ihrrr wrrp irrePu.jM,io": u? (. Oox rrn iiipi. I salp of borr; (l Ooprnnt'nl sale of all liquors. What Two Dollars WiU Buy In rarh nf its many ilrparl- iiipiiIs, ralrrinp lo all rlassrs and Two it i yar win it n..i fr ' n'lrrrndum, inorx than Hie all agp. Hip Family Herald ,,MhV'i'!iHrriiUM f ibp rrhk-r r...',l'Uoii of whrlhrr llo Irmprr- WVrkly Star, of Monlrral. i. ... i.i.,.,-, ..-.. i I . ......... ii ..r..-a . and has r' " ii". iiuriT un Milium toiii- lui" rupci roiuinup.1 to iniirop eai'u ypar x kIiouM Iki Mibiiiitloil. Various ipp Iho ln.t tmlil now it would TIMBER SALE X S492. inHlioil of oblainim; in rut 7.3M ihJiiii. pi" alioul im HThr fOliI sai.i Tnnr wiii ur rrrj.ivi By uh romploli expression of wi. I ... ...i.m -., i ,1 .... i.i inrr . niore'.piiii MrfprHon wrre. rrarhisl public. Yel for Ihr romlnc srason that lrr- thr ivmarkabb farm and family jour, nal nuaiu promisrs and Ihr promisr will surrly b fulfillrd ; slill furlhrr improxrmrnts in all drparlmpiits. It i a profound myslery In publishrrs Hie, world ovrr how Hip Family Herald and Weekly Slar can continue lo pub-lih a 72-pa?e weekly pajvrr ronlaininir Mich a wealth and AAdta .. a tv. laiau.li-A .S IIal.. tf al Ial. a t a a " ' . . in rut u ... ' JsrtTtae tK .fcen irVa' ",n" 0,,"r ,,,rm', ",vnriely of rea.linjt mailer for a cini iiijiMninir lot . imi ihf n-irib nnir f .liquor lpfdsution siioui.i im suli.stibrriplion pnre of only ?2.00 I'raninl tai. Ilanr . Cnal llMrlrt. mille.1 by ilebirile al Hie Pamr per year,. lime as Hie referendum on Hie If t hi were not enoiigh, 'we proposed lemperaiu'i arl," Thisjiear lliat, added lo Ihe amitoinn; not. value of Ihe iuiei iNelf. paHi con.jsubrriber this season who re- slruetl as cmliodyiiiK Ihe olirymils in will receive, free - ' "i J Kin .v iu llllil ill lime llllil- mill inrnn . I i-r. a u .!,- V of rr,,arrNhlrn0,on',lt t'i.h UirTV'f rm-m. H wa. "e.j,n lulifnl picture i colors nnrriiar riia. ' a " Liifii.- - ' " x&n.i. . fr ' iirriia k. of Mmirp . x iMs.Jlirely . . ctmrenietl in olilaininK Hie, .of a hnelyand heroic woman, tim on in iifi.to ml M.imio Isrt nit, in.l Sprnrf TIm',,,,,,,. ... ... ,,r i..... .... .,.,.(., has ;oVorr..ooo-ci,T rZV mi f;VUiiint;T!,,',i,,l," remarkable life slory VTl'tiZVl ' J1.1:' ",lV1rl.,:. l'".n." Wioulil Ihe necond,been pulilishetl in booklet Torm Cnal ilirin. . i aiinwnl . for r l'p'1 ol l rr uni will i- l a,,., iiiowmi for re- l..,..i..n . .i. I. . .,. i.a a win Two it' iaM 'iimvii or iiiiiImt. ii'e.solulinn pass, he would move n ami can he Joblained w-.illinut iimval .of lin.lr-... ,,,, r.l il f lor n- j lliruvr i."riifnlir ot lit. r.tlf rttrra-.thiiM. rallimr for the oonlnt'pl.apD- frnm II.. r.nidlv Herjild LI- Vlrlori BA tw, v rmrn. c, or ihhtki rorMter.i . . , . : v. ' r - . jITlut ou.., j.-.v... v, w iiiuuiiiihi; ui five and Vekly Star, Montreal. BOAT ARRIVALS In spile of Hip lonjrshnrrinen'.s strike and Hie fa.'l that she brmi'lil north one of the heaviest freijrhl cargoes of the year, the; (a.X.ll. sleamer Prince tieorjre,! Uapl. W. S. Morehouse, left Van-rouver on lime Monday nipht. She was delayed, however, in handling her cargo al Ocean Falls and Swanon Hay and did not arrive here until CIS last eveninp. The vessel brought Hie following list of passengers: For Prince Itiqwrl Mrs. A. Allan, A. Cdlelt, J. II. Pillsbury, Fred Hale. O. l.anglois, A. TV Hussell. .1. V. I.illle. II. fi. Hraw. ford, Mrs. .1. 'Mardonald and child. W II. Jaynes. Mrs. K. Ives, Mr. and Mrs. F. Sailer, Miss II. Thorsen, Mrs. It. 0. Headle- stone, Mr. and ;Mrs. T. A. Lyons,' 0. J. Hinney, J. llarllen, Mrs. Olier llesner, Henry Stephen, 1 1. II. Tabruni, .1. W. Mrlinnald, Hon. and Madame Krnest l.a poinle aipl F. 0. Dawson. For Anyox Mr. ami Mrs. II. S. Muuroe, ilr. Moyer, J. Hu- clianaii, A. Hrerar, F. W. Me-l.aine, .1. S. McMillan, Mrs. I). T. Kvans, S. Ooldbloom, O. II. Levis, .1.. Kerr, Miss llendrirksen, Mrs. A. llentlriekseii, Mrs. V. llrng. ston, i. I). Wilson, Mrs. T. H. Ials, V. Hopkins, 1. Hyan, J. H. II. Thomson ami J. It. Hayne. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert (1. A. Manror, la. Wnlberjr ami II. WaHiery, Terrare; .1. lllack-lnirn, Mrs. J. MrDonahl ami son, Fred J. Hale. J. F. Little, Fred T. J. ..iyce, W4 H. Jaynes and A. Collell, Vancouver; W. H. Owings ami A. F. Hussell. Seattle; F.T. Saunders, Iiifby Island; Mrs. 0. 11. Ilulchinson and' Miss M. Jackson, Prince lluperl; P. Casey, Idlitmnlon; Henry Stephens, l)e-I roil ; John 1 1 arl a, Hockley Hay. Oentral W. Durban, Aberdeen, Scot land; F. Daniels, CWR.; W. Johnson, Vancouver. He That's one reason why it pays ta read the advertisements you find in this paper. It is through advertising that you are able to keep in touch with the good things that progressive business men are spending their money to introduce and to keep before you. mn-fffB- Loggers & Prospectors BOOTS Men's Fine Shoes frorri $4.50 f ' Men's Brown Calf Srtaos,' in (Joodyear Welt, wide or narrow Iocs, from $5.50 Hand Made Logger Boots from $8.50 REPAIRINQ. T GEO. HILL Ths 8 hoe man. Next SL Regis Cafe. St Regis Cafe Prlno Rupert's Lsf!iiB ResiauranL A Bakery Uneura asootL Third A von u. LOGGERS' CLUB Situate in the old Empress Hotel Building. Rooms to Rant by Day, Wook or ths Month. Steam Heated. Hot and Cold Water. POOL TABLES. First-class RssUttrant In connection. James Zarelll . Proprlotor. e z 1 i i