t pAgb two TITR DATLY NEWS Mmluy, M;iy (a, machine and the sire of I tif prr- Good LucK ANNUAL MEETING i" The Man in (he Moon !!enl building I doubled.! la thought to go a long wax but i SAYSi- I first trip Jtrt the roml Reports on Good farther. OF METHODISTS a from Horns Lake In Soothers Judgment goes 'lilt! . i...f II,.. rnl " '"'I'" crk by ' to Use lmrl. Canada's cats whiskers" was among Ihe .r., Took Place Last Nlaht In Place remarks heard nltont Ihe dry'. of Reflular Service Reports !,.,,e n, t, wrp( Hcv. James l.vans. formerly or and New Officers - v stunners, nas rriurnni in i.annua ; wi-r r s sj -iVv "SALAD A" Hi" IT Is understood thai the, now Vmvmu. lie was married, ! The eveiiliur sen ire al fashions In' la.lywcar inrliulo a'1" "" OM '""'""X- I MelhodM Church ypslerday was culling in price a well as Vivcn mer largely to the business iteks. IS GOOD JUDGMENT. HM' Reeling.r Hie lloprPsenlalives annual ronirregniionni or tnri-nus lj Sport Chat ) SOW Hint ilre.e are ffclllnc department of the church "The Tea that is always Reliable." submitted reports ami ihe election ug apnln, Imw i a man to he,n Willi the open i n if games or 'I lie of Die hoard of management fm iiri' he n not miirryliiK a handy i lcprc( wonmtit eaon in the Senior and Junior the,, confirmeih The year 1'ix.lliall l.eairues and I lie Junior 'AlcJIoilil Chwrch ear closes on The Daily News April he in.new board of manageweni ftoliielime IS jl any pn wnniler criiiy when thai wives II 4 lake Basehull place I.eapu Ihin week,srhcdilled mililonj l.i At frecjiiertt Intervals throughout PiMNCK HUPRHT BRITISH COLUMBIA consists of llev. n. (1. Hacker. conitered what sort of talk spori ror Ihe summer will ttet the season thr Bank of Montreal P. Dr. W. I hoy h;fe to listen to from their under way. The first Senior Miss Haddock. Derr?, Published Kvery Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince T Kerttin. V. II, Sherman, Mrs. husbands. l'ooltmll game wilt be nel Pri-I issues report on the progre of II 1 1 perl Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. Hacker. Mrs. O buffers, Mr;. W. day evpiiinc lie I ween Ihe Urol In the in Canada. These re H. P. PULLEN, Managing Kditcr. II. Keririn. A. J. Lancaster. I'. Styles for Qlrls and Catties and the Junior open.' crops Dihb. J. Wolslenhnlme.W. H. Cor IP Hie woman wlio dresup o,uile er will be on Salliiil.iv between ports, telegraphed to headquartrrt SUDSCRIPTION RATES: nish. Mrs. V. T. Kernin. MIm I-:. proper Ihe High School and Public J Wood- Doesn't rind something to School. Final plans ror Ihe from the Managers of the Hank's M. F-arle. M. T. I.ee. soon IJity Delivery, hy mail or carrier, per month 31.0(1 ' By mall to all pari of the British Empire and-the United States, worth. C. II. Itiiriinrl. F. Vickers slop her Junior Baseball League bad not COO Hranches, cover every Prov. been pcrfciMcd al Hie end nt Ihe oml .. .1. Squires. From wearing men's clothes, in advance, per year $0.tpi IIe. O. i Hacker reporleil p; Dear only knows week hut il is oiiirlMn lhat ince and form a reliable index of To all other in advance . . countries, per venr. . . 9?.n new members enmlleil during the 1 he kld-v won I know- mommer Hie learns will all be organitcdj TELEPHONE 88 conditions. enr Villi a loss or ii meniher from popper. for Ihe oiening came nn Ihe crop li net. increase-nf four duriiiK the Athens Messenger. Mcllride si reel gruiimli si.me Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation. year. ' The names or seeral who lime Ibis wec&. As uuil. tin. The report! are furniihrJ frtr. had left Ihe eily or hail become Tlie kids are loo busy to bother;HiaselMill letigues are a lillle later DAILY EDITION Monday, May 7, 1913. iniiclhc had been token iff Mc They prefer to go riding, rather! ill gelling lrtPd Willi npeiiiiiK Uon request ill any Pramh of the loll. And then, anyway. games srheijilleit for Mh i't in Bunk your name t ill be placed oh Press For Rights .Collections Cood Didn't some one once say, the Senior division nilt tn Ihe Worth Country. J. Volenhnlin church treas-urer.repiirted It's a wise child that knows its lnlriiiliNlc mi May 2'j.' mm our mailing '. All northern residents will do well to net i.eliind th loltl receipts foi own father? . iKirlheru members ii iiresing for Ihe riuhls of the north in the!'h year al ,IH.ft2. Collerihins . .Newark Advoeale. When Ihe first Senior Fool - mailer of mads and bridges mid oilier iiniMociiiciil. It thfl r"r U" i'1 yr ,,,, ',w"n bait same lake place iftnsFrnlay. place where nioliev i needed iii!t now. .w settlers are rum-1 1 ".? ns a?int l.tfii.TI th Who deride modern fashlems are Ihe romielilioi fur VtikyU-UU f BANK OF MONTREAL ing, in and mora will come if they can be asureii such improvements year previous. mooters, Cup, signiflewnl of be ns will make fur decent living conditions. Mr. Hacker i-epoileil on minicn! And we neer mix with the ebiiipi'nWp, xeffl atari. II Total Assets in Exert of 600,000.000.00 Take fur iiisiiince the Lakelse valley across the river-from rK:irtiri'liii r !he rtiiirrh for A knockers, liefnit arrange.I lhi yeqr lobae Terrace. Already it irood deal of Ihe land is taken nn and heinir .'. lihticasler. There had hM-ti When we see a girl scratch Mhe Shiarl Benefit aeries run' farmed with more or less success. The great handicap ag.iinst Lr"",, I'coyrcss in liic junior choir l-'or n light wilh a match, Hi nut h the season inlersiterseil it is Ihe fact Hint for weeks at a lime it is impossible- ( iross which wa for the fhsi lime jk. We are glad Hint she wears between Ihe leutruc (rallies lipfure the river. Both thai farming dislriet and Ihe LakeNe Hot I,ar' nn "venin service knickerbockers. and after July I. The rinal ror .springs arc handicapped Ihrotigh Hie lack of a bridge. P!"' ,""'"" ehif sufferinu Hmislon Chronicle. the City Cup is srhelule avion While Ihe cost or (be bridge would be a good ileal, and it jl'rinctitally fro"' "X ineml.r ror July I, with Ihe pluy-olfs Fancy Frozen is quite easy to understand the reluctance of Ihe government ; EACH lady her own proWeins previous lo ljut dale. The ;- 1o spend up to $I3(,000 in one spol, yet Ihe improvement i- Ml'- r presented I he handles, buly Cup final will Im on Labor necessary. The whole Lakelse valley will be One vast ngri- V.'r ' Ai''' N'-i,M.' Hut we, can forsee many scan Day as in Ihe past, followcl hy cultural secliouwilhin a ire'ueilW.n. andHlfai ran l.n h.-.inWrMi "ndrc dollnrs b:d. benn raised dals, Um Exhibilioii series laler in by prdvidiiig prjfi'rfjicili(ft. ' . Vs- " -4-irij&t lh ear ami 0o had Ev'ry hole in Ihe lo Siilt uiher jr Ibis roinpeHlion is tl'een' ien to Ihe rliupnli honrit. Herring fir her slocking will show hi lake place again Ibis year. Trunk Road From S A similar nmimitl was giMrnnleeil If she's spurting lho.e new King 1'he holders or Ihe fool hall Prince Oeorge To Coast for tills year. Tut sandals. Irwphie at present are: Mobley A Inliili road from PrinCe Hebrge In Prince Hupert is one VV. H. Sherman reported that Winnipeg I'ree Pred. (Sip, Sun or Camilla: City Cup, the MAn's Own liad lioen of the objeclixe for which lie whole north country mut press. retiriran. i. . Cullies; Stuart Shield, Sons of are all interested in it. and so are. our members, lion. T. 0. i.ei ln(cnr nni (, far bad been ,'I'IIF. nirl oM'rince Ilupert 'tis Canmla. Ihe IrnMiy ror Hie BAIT Pnttiitbr aifd llbn. A. Mr Mnnsbil. ' Thev are iii The difficult no- ery succerul. All men in Hie plain. Junior Pontimll l.eauue wdlrli ..... . .. city would be welcomed as mem :i r t: ji. ItirM4 ri-iivii vi it,ti"ii-ijio viiiiic proviui.e. fl wen as ineir-nar- hers. Know enough lo, ire I nut of Ihe starts vn Saturday i Ihe ... licnlar djstricls. cur l..- nun iviisuii w nave 1 10 ne always pressingl - $500 for Missions rain, ler Shield. This Irophy was i our claims and making siiib that we gel our full share of Ihe I.el Ihein dress as Ihey wvll won hy Ihe Dry flock I en in in neponinir fur Ihe Women's piihliC money that is to bo spent. Alissionary Sof-jely, Mrs. Hacker They look "jusl fit lo kill" It'JI and was not- in play last $30,00 per ton We strongly favor Ihe buibling of Ihe road from Burns stated that very ood work bail Prom advice Ihey hac nulliing year. Lake (o Endako and also another pari of Ihe same highway in been performeil durimr Hie lo gain. i this direction, from Terrace. Arid to Ibis The commencement year The Niekersofi Shield. Ihe f of the. roadjoul of Prince Jtnpcrt and wo see (lie trunk highwfi- neinher.Mrs. While had The been services made or a life the Senior Baseball Irophy, Iws bn' Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ill under way. won by Iho Swis r linnda1 neaconess were rererred to. Miss Ten Years ( A good deal of the road will have lo be much improved be V. Calderone reported for the Ago twice and it that club ntniin PRINCE RUPERT i fore, it can be considered of grcnl value but that will be done a Mission Circle and. Miss Had- In Pilnce Rupert omeres nn top Ibis year ii will J little ni Hrtipie. We, must it will be ulilain permanenl expect some yenrs before we Um'Ic ror Ihe Mission Band. A to possession of V shall be able to drive Ihronch In IIdtpII In Tn Hie. silverwarn. fill BP Of.Art .........wrn.'t In addition lo . : . .. lal of aiiii bad beon sub-rribeil May 7, 1913. .. .., ,, the Niekcrson ,,,wrc. -ouir ,,,,,r ijumro iroin iue iiaiurni jHirouph Ihe church to missions Under Ihe direct ion, or Mrs. . nhield, Spablinz MD CICUCDMAXTf Yourlifeof endeoi "f""1" rr-nacMni in roaos a mi nnuires inere will lie iiollimir t.i. n, wulcli robs will iin In each .if Ilohersou, a numher or local mi. rioiicuiimii! tank hi wiirr; iiiioui. ii, on me oiner nanu. p are not gelling our Miss Haddoek alo reporlevl nn children jjae a program or drills Ihe iiieiiilicrs or Ihe rtiaiiiplua . ......upon . good proper snore, u is for us 10 lei the government en that we know Ihe liinderirarten and Hie primary and exercises in Ihn Wesllwl mi Senior team, Spnldinir balls will v t k a nave- a oeeii m up i.,nk- ror him' . ii hiiii 1 1 1.1 1 wii nnisi gei iair irciiimeut, ifppartmen! of Ihe Hunday school. I'healre lust nlghl. Those tnk- be in use in Ihe ganiPH. -The ten irs and wc h. . v. t ut get .1 en , Kstahlishei) Coll Cup, now held hy Ihe (Init w..i-k m.ii--Kii only In January. in?f part were Misses Kale ldli- "Oueer Argument Of ihen had been an averafe attend. son, .Muriel Collfson, Florenrfl io rluh, .will lie Ihe Irophy again WHAT WE HAVE DONE FOR OTHERS WE CAN f Manitoba Minister. Mice of 13 and a loluj enrolment ilray, Mary Cray, Kathleen Hol rfir Ihe Interineiliiilp l.eairup. DO FOR YOU. S The. farmer Attorney fieneral of Manitoba has laken up Ihe or 51 in Ihe kindergarten. Classes land, llraee Manson, Constance. ITearh balls being useil in the 1 1 ii'i(in iiK.jHisi nriiisu iniiiiiiii.i.iii mo mauer or irnipht rales were held wenkly. .Mc.Mullin, Esther Violet nameM, Home Irophy is expected ROWE'S SHEET METAL WORKS ,aden, Mle s(5vs ir we gel lower rales-the peonte of Miuiiluh.i will h-" Miss Hiindae J'.ulderone repnrl- Mortimer, Madeline rrorn that company as well. The to help pay the loss to Ihe country. If thai is Ihe farmer melh. r! for Ihe Sunday school a lofnl Nelson, Brrnice Nelson,palmer,fierl-rude Junior Leaguers, as yet. have no Second Ave. Phone 31 . in ii-usuiiiiik Wf. nn tun uiiui mucn oi il Irophy ror whirjj lo play. niinnosa we jiih nemjiership of UH. an inrreasr MarKerel Palmer I...I..I ....I.l.ll.. I.A I.I I .. . Al . .1 .... .... Doris Pallullo. ...ii.., iiujuii.v iic wwuiii nur is irivillMI lll)llSijv: ifie nil; i" of seven and an avcraze allend- Alice for fear il niiuhl cost him more If wp were properlv treated nnce of 108, an increase or 13 lilirv. Pillsbury,Ilnri. Uhi.L Kalberino 1.... Pills.i ... i in i willing mat .AiHinioit.i snail, lieueril from our disability. If IConlrihulJons hul InlalM 3f.8.'shockley, llrace Shockl'ey nun i i.nii.-r moralily. dfliVcr n from a farmer government in an increase or i5 over Ihe year f.Mahcl Weslcnbaver and this oroviuce. w. in the W'sIl.1h not w'jsh.In bnnefjl from and Masieis previous. iioijy'K iianilicap. bill we do. w.inl'jnslicej any. Anthems wern sunn al the sei'- Maurice Shockley and Jack Naden Prince tice by Uie junior choir and lb Rupert Cigar Store ani Rid Ourselves Of ' combined junior iud senior choir. Mr. and Mrs. JL 0. IJelgerson All Excrescences. relumed (islay aHer a brief trip . Mflnilob.T id doing rme good thlnr. II has decided fo rid SILVER TEA SERVICE 10 Vancouver and Seatll. They txttrtuiwn D --I for C iiru oi ine nusoiwe granu jury sysleni. Like Hie senntp it has were arrompaiiied by'Mrs. Hcl- persons mother, Mm. I'llen the Weary Mind" tin I- ii- niMii u ijiiicrciu ape wnen n niay nave lieen needed. rUK CHD A.A DKUUlYJDAnjV DDnmCDAMbp Billiard Parlor, Today bolh the gram) jurv and Ihe scnale might well go along Moure, f Hangor, Malnn. no i in- iiiueceui hiiii iiioiairous syslcni or kissing the Book Member of Masonic Fraternity' when adminislering an oath. Kveu law and r n.. 1.1. .1. legislative marhinerv Made Presentation to District Third Avenue have eveulunlly to give way to modern methods but the old Depu , Grand Master A. s V.iLee look place Ifils afler- cusloins die hard and a vigorous kick i neeearv to rid the fnim tlo aijr(.h body politic of incumbrance-. Just bnfor 1 111 lrinoess Ileal ,0 Fairview Ccmotnry The "WE ARE NOT LEAVING TOWN" ice saileil lor Hie smith on Hat-hoiiorary pallbearers were 0. B. onlay nff erijoim. 'luc .il meiiiber "nil, Aid. Douulas Sullierlaud, or Ihe Ma-on ic Lodge galhered iU!-x- W. lilse, (ioorgn D. Tile, J. J. "My Heart Would Palpitate, Jbe gokornmenl wharr and pre- "ildilcli, IC. JJ. Mortimer, (J. I'eck Agents for .-enled Arlliur Brfe-disbaiik with u and Capl. IC. Jb Croskrie. The I Had Weak Spells" H'lver tea service. Mr. Brooks- pallbearers were . Ireuen, J. Mr.. L. WhitinS, 202 Kins St West, BrocltTiUe. Ont. bank, who lert for Ladysmilh Howe, T. II. Neill, M. M. Wells, N. and S. vrrilet i where he will resjile in future, is T. A. Bnek and L. Baker. .tiliirl depulv liranil Master 0 "I took very ikk with and my nervei and stomach, eemed lo thi' here luiliie tins be aJI rua down. At time my heart would flutter and palpitate yenr SMITHERS o and I would take uch weak ipelli in the pit 0f Engines SALVATION ARMY TAG my atomach that I tome The Smilbern foolball club de timet thought I would DAY REALIZED $321 feated lelkwa for the second and never get better, I had ,lime ibis season u week by a almoit given up hope when The sum or .i!M .1 1 was -..il. ' ' al to nil. a friend advited the uie ied. as ft result of 'be Sajwiliuil, - Supplies of Dr, Chaie'i Nerve Food. iin Sell Denial Tau (lay on ""' "''''"1 board I" sci'lilng a I did not ttop until had Saturday. WiUi suveral lolupiary '' for u IiikIi scbuul. Next taken twenty-five boiet. It male subscriptions. Hie objae.. term all Hie fmj- rooms 'in Hie Apply for terms hai done wondert for me je uf HUM lor llii city will 1m present school ij U expected will and I want to recommend i-erHied, it is expected. Capl. h" needed, for public school i-as- it to everyone.'' .Colcmau I his ninruiiiii expreaaei 'es and, Ihe higlj tiuliool will Phone Blue 91 i hanks ami nppriiciai ion to all have lo move. ! DH. CHASE'S NERVE FOOD Iii-se who u--i,-l"-il in any way in -linking CenU a box, l dtwlrrs,or lluiaiuiun, llale A Co., Lid.,Torouio Ihe iiMiioui iiiieal it ui ! Tb Inlerior News In Installing , cylinder press and folding