Monday. Mar ig IUGE PODH Tim DAILY NEWS By George BRINGING UP FATHER McMat I'll Increased Volume Means I Mel. JOtr t THR Lower Prices to the Public. VsVMMei M OW I 'CM W FCR I ' We Are Getting There. M CON TO nun wc ill nx fou HOW THC TO "lOO esrv levKt CM WITM ME err tome WANT TO UP FINC t DON'T Met JUVb: J V ) Jil VNT HE VirE - MK A. VHEN HE Cy3 B'JNCM OF MMmro rsJS rsv-v nno i r t OK CA.W.Y OUT or jmu RObeb TOR TO KNOW ftOUT IT- 1.- P1 IVH'' I Specials! TO PUT OH CANQUET to jec whvt or THD r wi n v. , f? ifv I &Y Hlrv l!r . , v.-P i-etC CONN A While They Last. Child' Mary Janes. Siyes H ltlH $1.95 Misses' Patent Mary Janes. Size 115 S2.B0 Men! We have n Special Line of Hlack Shoes. Poo it In our winilow. nt $7.50. This Ia n real bargain. Only 40 pair, so get yours while fhey last. tli r Ikt-v fiArvwt s-v. Ic. ws - - Family SHOE Store Ml tna- il.a street sicrn. ! "Shoes For The Family." WAS HEALED for The screening WVstholme holire.Theatre Lo. News Classified Ads. The nose. Cowan .V t.attft, Lid. for Daily Mm printing notice ranis. AT MEETING i All who exhibited cards in ,-t-M-r pbb WQHD IN ADVANCE. No AHrllMmnl Takftn for hn BO. Saving on store windows. " Boat Engines Victoria Doctor Pronounces Miss I It would be impossible lo it WANTED wuacELutWCQUi j mention by name nil Ihe kind Ruby Dlmmlck Cured of Cur- QlinrfnninfT WONDERFUL RELIEF 111 t receive,! OPKN FOn .:,N,nv AND PARTS IN STOCK. iuhui svuiiMi donors of gifts for the various-'FOUND HFAI.I-I, Tenders vat u re stalls; but special mention must,itrtti up i May 15 for ..ur Mill. Ileal. Too! Ilm.e. Columbian TTdpellora, 26x20 r! FROM CONSTIPATION i K-'e ami Mariner, af Port, Air drll. ... I Inches dawn to 12x13 A leller has born received in .Mrs. O. .. Kdwards writes ak- be mnile of (he Home League Ihe Salvation and the mer-been Clement. HI ier cenl rrpiireil l"i'nie .M'H -Willi which ha Army inches. Ibe cily by J. W. I.edlie fnmi llev. ing Tor a recipe, she rhnnls nf Ihe who mol BY USING lender. Ilmht reserved to. senl. Ill her Idler cily jrnve Tohln llronze Shafting, up to .1. .1', Dimmick. formerly of llii.s EVWiriQ 'You make il l generously, flnr wartnesl thanks accept or rejed any lender. L ..,.... . IV In slock, lily, ielling of Ihe healing of hi says: easy ",, Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills n re who iraliaui Island Spruce and ' 1 Paragon Reverse Clutch to daughter, Mis lluby Dimniirk at pali-onie home .n.lnslry. When are due lo all and -everyone l fit 2 V hart (rebuilt. nfeeitnjr in Ibe Metropolitan you announced an improve, in any way Helped in raise ine ldnr tU., Ltd.. Prince Hnrt. , ,?Nqnnn"' 3tb 3.10 II.I'. Clutches r rebuilt) (.hiirrh. VirloriH. during one or meiia' in Pacific Milk il seemed siihslaliliat sum of nearly ?of)0 OnMipstlm li one of llw nmsl pr I t.C. in; AUCTION MLtV mold' but Inwards lliiilding Fund. (1. nlenl roiiMrt the tminin fir l fabrt and Power Ourdies and like it not be rigbl. our lir. Price's meetings. In. imI ! Ihe rretrl ran nr tntnj of WA XTl'.l . M f n and W6men to Conduvled n v, , Winches, sprocket chains, According lo I he leller Miss I rind Ihal I saie almosr half WhileheHd, or Ibe Canadian tmr (llmrntt, for If Ihe bnvrla mt Is learn Ititberlng. 'Tald while o,.,, . our room... I shaftings, pulleys, pillow Price hail a curvature of the Ibe sliorleuiiig I vtas iovus- Hank of Commeri-e kindly liauke.) sTfirm tlvlr pn-ir rsarlhui til itm learning and tools free. V'rlli,nflnt1ion. , blocks, and thrusts. (pine, and her right leg was toiueil lo iis( Actually. wilti Ibe money the same evening, Ihrr uritn will heeoru ilcrasisa. for Moler lo lo Ibe II. M. It.VYII'S. Sec. sn.l catalogue. IUrler( h. M. MeWMnos, kttlsM ;lrawii lift so that it was an inch milk. I have lie loyal Il'mi jrivur tx.l xklt cnlly 'and half shorter than the other. Iis'al prodiu'l. for no oilier milk . natHMIIy ij llw dm of MilUirK Lta- i antra fnt RUPERT MARINE a l.lvrr Ills ami lima do a ay wnh lb certainly! fne! (Denny Allen's 014 Her ankle joint had pone out ami seems so rich and CRITICIZES BYLAWS cnlitHin and l eihrr IravblM raH vvvv rim .iinui.v lin Sural 'was separated so that there was Pacific has Ibe mo-d nntiinil .. bjr II. ...I. Vl'.llo lln ! ll.ll r-nwri Id mo UmiC fluid in the socket. This could i" flavor." .Kdilor Daily News: Mrs. A. H. spenr. sprtnrMII, . 71. S. Sr. If TAXI Ironworks Co. Ltd seen -by Ibe X'-ray. This made ibe In answer lo the statements Hies: "1 bae offerl fr xnne lime ankle so weak thai she could nol Pacific Milk Co. made by Hie Mayor anl Chairman ferns mnMiIIMi. and u aatt by a WAXTItD. flirl as helper. The Tail 7 Phone. friMl tn Milbura'a Uii Lim nn. try Inlander. RSO Kerowd Avenue. I of finance at a public meet-ing Iill .., it alone. She wore leei Waterfront. land on Limited Afirr takiny a lal of UMsn I bate fssml Phone 313. (braces in her shoe to hold her Head Office, Vancouver, B. C held III the cily hall lat mon.Wful rtt. aixt oM aitrtse all FOR 8ALC Ross Brolntrt. In J'riiay night, iu support or the llxise who ar ratMllpaiMl K. rl Up-m - rir...i..ia ankle place. Factories at Ladner and Ab-bottford, bylaws about lo be voted irlaL ff I tn-1 Kirr thy IU also l- I i 1 1 atl L'.... ..-.I.. .. . . . I. . . ,j (In April 20 she went with her money B. C. reive Ibe faim bDril I did." Ifalher to the ineeljiig and ar on. II was slated by both speaker i - - 1 cinrni miki hihit runniM.i. ovano; satiofl unn TKIff lMa rangements were made lo pray that if Hie poolh School bylaw Ahnnt M arm strawberries' ' We have stales they have nol. over iier, but before Ihe lime was not endorsed by the eleel an.) some fnill trees. Al Itemo. 1 ' FURS. ruL n rigltt lo knowj hy a Summer came, while I lie meeiing was i I managed, il is liol surprising voiers. Dial f&J.OOO extra would bridge should be .i.)itutei wllll )I.C. Apply owner. I'. O'llrien. NOTICE TO TPUr-rtKt progress just afier me singing n..ia jiiu.30 was raise. have lo be levied on Ilii year's a wiMen bridge. fsk, It.C. fc,-, ,.. tivnin Ihe eirl turned to her. laves lo for the repairs of i The Candy SI all. under the pay The mere pletiat.T slalemenls FOIl SAI.K.. Mn.ern house at '"' nie i father, threw her arms aroun.ian)p ,,f Ceo. that school. I hal slatemenl is oi r Mrs. rnpiion management by laymen on such quesllone l 7 Ambrose Avenue. Six COAL jhini and cried: h. Dad. "'"jKerr showe.l its popularity by . . . a .. 1 1 i lo be ileplorl, jWJitn the elly rontHkUd lialh; funilshe.1 nr ,,r," ,r : corning lo me now: I ieei "im ,lHl)(r Hie firR, ,0 sell out, with '" !r . S""n l""""7' enaages experts - to advise on unfirmlshe.1. W hat offer? w OOLDBWCt, and , laboiil ..0.Ofo from, last s Ulln'iugh me. She praised -. ...-, year 3r ( such subjects we have a rlghl to Ai.nlv liar IO.V llnllv N-ii rapperxisr clorifieil r.rid and thanked llim.j TV in.i n.n.i iil. aves for Ihal wirk. The School hear-from Ihein lireeL Second A m. and Iben pointing lo Ihe f,M,,'MrW nhn. in Ihrnicrli enr lias pnouini o-r The the council has deall llreat satisfaction! Hepeal al.i: 'Jiisl look at foot. "", remaining, 5,00rt in their way 44HM my 'I.iiol FOn hlle found SALi:. )e pen Leg . . . , very ornamental, was with Hay's Creek bridge question orders being filled every j 4 I - i. ..a :a A.l.n..ilinAl.w ...i m a I u ...In 1... PR1NCK RUPERT TltU going ngiii mil. i.ih.k hi ii. .,, ""j horns). Iie.i-y laying strain. Also and 2rt.70 was Joes nol Appear to me to be good day for Her faliier lookeil and saw it tro, ,. , raiset by the school rales Ibis public businens, Ihey liv wast fertilizer for sole. Phone MM nown inio piare. .uin i nn- m .. pinri;,. in her doter 'ar- 1n ci,y council of this ed ahoul five nonlhs of lime lllark ill. 107 Mondsy, Mr I, Nanaimc-Wellington, she felt her pine xtiddeniy snaiv palmistry, attracted quite a few ear ha. nol lo provide one dol. and now recoinineiiil a temporary High A and she healed. ,ar ,h"'r Pneral lev Mr the FOR RENT into place was " y , and added H.fl0 to Ihe 18 people, si ruclure instead of a permanent Nut Coal The CoUowing Sunday.Dr. Lrn- proceeds of Ihe bazaar. .repairs U. Iloolh scIkk.I. slniclure. I ronslder the differ KOfl IlF.N'T.Furnlshed rooms, IJiw n is who bad been treating isl Hall, Captain and Mrs. Coleman for . Increase Debt ence fn prtce all in favor of Ibe with or without board, home I.' ' Ouick Fire! Lasts Longer: ier. called lo see her. He exam- 'rendering willing service in Ihe If lhi bylaw Is indorseil. Hie sleel bridge and as ibis (jiteslmti cooking. Also housekeeping Tuesday, May I Cost same as other N'-it ined her spine and root i'"r- . .. i M t .j inftl r,5 High 5 ' Is merely a plebiscite, I shall suite. Norfolk llimms, phone Coals. Hiatily and pro.ioil.ieed her .n' rlUnn. f..r rrnnalmr 000. We will have lo .y C per slay with the Meet bridge. Ulaek 319. tf 20.M Phone 110 or 564. perfecl roil.lit ion and aulhorue-l . ... jninn.i ii.oi amount for W. II. MONTfiOMLTlY. Low . . I a public stalemtnt lo be . .. ' , ,. ' ',. so years. This vearV council 8TRAM Hisited Flat for rent. II 08 Albert & McCaftery ""' r"v"- 'phone. 'ln right to submit Ibis by- EXPERT COD-FATHER Ilesner apartmenls. M. M. Wednesdsy, May I LIMITED iiji;7 TTTi .u.,- l Mr. Carral's able services In law. Ibe policy or a council Sleoliens. II led oi 1 1 Ihe kitchen given gratuitously rapilaliiing a previous council's LONDON, May 5. - After .13 Fffll nHJVT Housekeeping room ii o I III the Letter Box I --contributed largelv to ibe sue- general expenditure should not years service, a verger ai isie-worlh 110 Sixth Avenue Fji.I. lihims Low :i iim I jt.,.. .. ' ,, - , I 'Au. of the undertaking; y be endorsed. As a rale-payer, I parish church has rellred. Illun 217. tr IS 10 , I Thanks are due ror Ihe loan will v ole-againl Ibis by-law in He has attended 1,1 17 weddings Are You Contemplating RIDLEY HOWE lof Ibe following: the best Interests of the, city. I ami has been god-faltier lo 2,mi0 MODKIIN fiair PHim flat for MAIL SCHEDULE In Ihe nam7o7tT,e Iruslee.i of' Me.r.,ple 11.11. Mrs. O. Ilan- believe thai if council babies. Absenl-milbll bride rent. Weslenhaver Pros. If the nidley Home I w.ah lo thank son' . nan mil. sin-ni iiini hhiim-j n grooms who forgot the wedding FOIl II F.NT. Front flat In Smith For the Ea si- Building a! ome Mtn.,l.H would have been ring have mi occasion been pro A Mallet I Hock. Mondays. Wedoeid ' Z. .YZ l":r: lha -Denny Allen Ro. .omdhing else possibly videit with hi churcJi-door key urd.vys, close i 7 p w These are good Itulldin cess of Ihe Itazaa? in aid of the ' Tabln Clolhs, Presbylerian no. as "fuL us a subslilule. BOARD. From tha Cast Hi I ft nl low prices;"e l.'iin.l" r a.,ij.. ...ii....r.,,...., Ullllirll. ,..,.... .. il,. The rale' payers w. are entitled lo ' BOAT DEPARTURES IIOAIll) .The Inlander, 830 .Mondays. Wednesday - m i rrx luiiifn. i-n iij.iii.iii Lot 4, lllk. 35, Pec. 8 convenors oi ine. niiiereni , - - - days, 6.30 p.m. me, , u ..,.. llir ,,., thi bvlnw oil account of discharging Second Avenue. Phone 137. tf Lot Lot 12,3. lllk lllk. 15,38, Sec.Sec. 7 8 ''TlrNeella'er1''otophone: WaVur'r Music ihan hai been supplied lo .hem Delayed a heavy freight cargo AUCTION SALE. From Vaneoutee . fu l(, ire,iU rat.(, we al SleWarl, Dm tl.T.P. steamer ,TJi 3 for $250. 'M eaumon.'" hTXj fery "''" '' hl '' Prince (leorge, Capl. W. S. AUCTION SAI.K. Thursday. May .Sundays lot 19. Illk.iJJ. Sec. 7 t0. lr ot Wednesdays i useful advertising: Lvening I'.,,,- supplied lo . as o plans, cos.. Moorehouse, did nol return from 10. al Arthur's) iivrery hforo. i Lot. Hlk. (5. Sec. 7 1400. aH Fridays 7-8, ,' mlyr.r 'Sse' P"e and .he Daily New. for.heir or whdher the.leel br ,Jge con the north until midnight last l oril delivery ear will be sold Saturdays Lot 25-20, lllk. 21, Sec. 7 nrc d. a insertions. Hailijrs have fully reliniuisbed niuhl sailing for Vancouver at 2..10; afler, a 13 fl. o In 1250. .r.i.i ...),,i ii,..... ...h. many C.l'M. April 13 at I " -..-v.. r,,.. ...m 111'..S for paliiliiig .heir coiilrurls or nol. Humor ' Itvn limira Inter. counter; 7 fl. counter; l fl. I.Ol 17, 1I1K. 4U, I au slanlinl sum of I77.C0, To Vancouver The following was the pas, silent salesman; 3 fl. 0 in MAndnv m t a flrstn) 1 Oliver Typewriters. Mrs.Capl. Hills came next with Cary 8afes. her stall of miscellaneous artic-i senger list from (his port: relrigeruior; : iciiixlrr; Tuesdays, Mail cU ' For Vancouver diehard Smilli, marble lop table; llerkeley les. Apparently, (here seemed' Thursdays INSURANCE. FIRE Misses llellinger, Mike Maka-yawa. meat sllcer; cheese culler; nothing very large or expensive, Salunlnys Mrs. .lorgenson ami family, Anderson Automatic scale; ' 11 ' il, but the Iwo good sellers Sundays upon (1. S. N. Toledo Computing scale; 3 tier Dybhavn & Hanson had very little left, and handed, Y. Morimoln, Ilridgell, C.P.n. April 17 at I Wilson, T. A. Hoy, llev. (. II. blseull stand; Irori safe (Taylor) Arm-Wednesdays in fOG.AO, with more lo follow. To Anyoi, Alice Third Avenue. Jlacker, S. Ilychiiishky' W. A. nearly new; .10 in. x 3a In. Mrs. J. (i, Sleen's array 'of, .1. A. Oill, .1. MyhilUloucs, clpclric fun; . cash register Prince Rupert, B.C. Home; Cooking was- very tempt-) Ilurke, From Anyox, Alios Arm EDDYS Miss U. II. McOirlhy, Mrs. Morris (iNulional) glass cake stand; ipg. She and, bc.r ,helpers did a lliufsdays Comloii and nud Mt ruller; fish labia and sou paper Premier Jirisk trade, 182.80 rewarded To Stewart and t)ierr efforls and nothing was! Wliile. - knives; awning, blinds ?o fl. x Saturdays I'or Ocean Falls II. A. Creech 0 fl. x 0 fl. drop; healer and Prml auction olT. and From Ion in Stewart Gutta The "While I Ueplunt" turned MATCHES and Mr. nml Mrs. .I.C. Cray and remaining groceries. , II. Sundaya , 1 u i(n grey, in its efTorls lo make sou, Heiiimliigs, Auctioneer. To Alaska Points-April Percha! Mrs. Xewell's si nil a success. I Seullle A. Ilerf, Miss H. I. LOST 13 and ?3 McLeod and Mrs. M. II. J. ll.lnl. A. .m,.An liuH lha i-cI..m r.t Mcl.eod. From Alaska points T?bV. aZ 2&c- any of H uineron par-! The more you use Vidoria J. Sullle ami Mrs. F. LOST- noil of hills, between. Atiril 17 ami 27 h foeslevhSs- Hli. W Hsh Pond A. Ornham and cnild. Post Olllre and 'Penult CoutI. To Naai fllvee pelnls "Built ... ... ma.a.Lm. ,nj,.. Swunson llay J.Mr. Arkley. Finder please phone Miss Thursdays i. Price What a tlru 7 7 the better them- costs depend en. soon fished oul by-Jhe. children. BOAT ARRIVALS Ilyau, Jllaek. 135. From Maa Rlvee Polnl- y Thes.f inldeil the large sum of nr.i. il.. ii ,i:.-.n 57.nO lo the fund like them Arriving on 'lime al 3 o'clock J. Derenberg, W. J. Alder. C. To Queen Charlotte IsUm r you'll Kuliirduy ?rjei-uoon from Vancouver Ilowbothain, II. (i. Fraser, .Miss la. am.I 8 "e hundred sweet IllUe hai.d- and VgyporU, the slcuiu-er F. .Martinson. S. ilobsoii. A. D)er,arrom-- Qutn Chsrlotl r T i-es are (he "Tjrcs k(.relllef,, Nol on? was left and Prince Oeitre, Hlapt. W. K. aiiss ary rowers, u. h. )ama-liucka, April 20, I 1 hat Cost Least, so.OO was handed In. Miss Moorehouse, had a heavy freight M. Kliiniia, jl. W. Sleven-on. To Port Simpson, Alio4 Phone 3. I Warrior's nume was willed in ON SALE EVERYWHERE IN CANADA cargo for Prince lluperl and H. N. Wilson, J. F. Dillard. Aniros Sold by 'die list of her ussisUnlM ASK FOR THEM BY NAME Stewart und Ihe following passenger Mrs. Lund and child, O. (i. Sundays II' T,,e ialny im room, t the list for Ibis port: Kniithan. Miss V. Myles, Hr. und From fori Stniosen, Alt rAl HI lAKIAGh Udlp" vf I II S I'.dgecoinhe. D llrurlci Mi- My Ics. M llein and D, M Anyos mBmmmmmmmmm patronized, fl ICely h"ii. Miss I; Kiughi, II Mrci -, Iv'im. Tuesdays