f Whsn You Wanl A TAXI Wm Wail ulllLo made measure 6 99 In the Latest Spring ami I Bummer Styles and Fabrics in Phone a hurry AT MODERATE PRICES. PRINCE RUPERT STEVE KING Beit Cart and Beit Service In the City, nates neatonab' , Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Opp. C.P.n. ticket Office. n M l i VIII NO. 107 I'liixci; in I'Kirr, n.a, Monday, may 7 n2:t. SaturSlf' ClrtnlXlu 1.SOJ. I.Ul eo. PRICE FIVE CENTS. HIPPING FROM RUPERT TO BEGIN IN JUNE !IG CANNERY FIRE AT PORT ESSINGTON CAUSES GREAT LOSS TO DISTRICT keamers to Call Here Monthly MORRIS CONDON to Carry Lumber to Orient from ! DIED YESTERDAY Well Known Local Man Expired at' Mills of Prince Rupert District New Westminster Illness After Long Morri I'nri'lon I'ied vpnienlay O. Y V.k' i-'in, IimiiI lumber broker, announced thi- MASSETT LUMBER ! HflMiiiMiii at Vtminler for rn : g Hi'' iiu in jwie u utiiauiuii in-veriiiiicin .Men-nan. ;-.liieli cily he left here about ten hue i .g!il ' will rail Here lu loao l lie nrsi sinpmcni in GOES TO SEATTLE! ilay alio. Mr. (IoikIoii and on ibcr i.-lIii 'In- district fur Jaiwni. Two hundred thousand fee1 tlieoritc and V. Ilurke, a half-l-rollier hem nek id itiJn-1- ihi' been Mild l) tln llii)ul Mill ut I f u 1 1 a i 1 of dereaeil'. itaileil last Sprue d Hemlock lo be Used ;ihc In ,ige Li'Mc milt al Tcrrucc lo II. II. Mr.Millaii. of Vmii- 1112I1I on the Prince (ieorKe for irr nil .iKl,IMKI feel monthly is now wanted wliii.li will Manufacture on Uir o.illi loatleud the funeral. III lilt' ...ding Her? monthly or a UO..M..M. oobi 10 take hi1 I? Lake Union Mr. Condon, who had been in ll.er r: '--- the I'arifie Ocean. , failiiifr health forborne monl,h, W SlriPii'-'ii. renreenlinK Sl:.1Tl.l:. Muy 7. MarkiiiR Iwa about 13 year of ae and ttrMillan arrived in I lie rily (be debut of I lie norllicanl w. wa a native of California. After af unlay itml lefl on 1 SHOWS FAITH lion of Lake liiioii h an artite jbaviiii; ben in Sar. Francico. he Ing t --s " t r up-river where fartor in Seal lie liippiiiv. ar- came to Victoria where for many ill i:: ! ' Hie lumber al- ruiiuemenlH bao been completed, yar be wa in the hotel buinet IN THE CITY and where be al-o acted oriz. a ami orucr liasnl learned y per place il wa today, by wbiclij the VM.OOO f-'-l monthly, i Hie teiiiiiliii of tb! Lo An-J tnal pntmoter and manager of wtl be made Joe Ha i ley. one time champion lii(.iii pU overj jjele Lumber l'rodiire Sleaiiililp lumbr k - mlily wharf wlilcli I F. O. Daweon Company Moving line will upply Ibe plant of Hie lightweight boxer of Canada. !- now be "u put in shape for il Into Warehoui 1'iiliet Sound Lumber A. IWt c-eai ranu- to Alice Arm in 19t8 sidling Tlie lumlier to be Twice Slta Pretenl Company willi irute and bem-iH-k and wh enuauol in Ibe rluli bui. ippeii will be hi form of what! Premliea from lluekley Hay. .Maj-lt The I'ruire 01 iJes mHf' I I nig the gu.ird of honor lierore mivt Jig u iiiemoi-i.il m there for on.e time moving w-iiilow il YV'tniii! ter Abbey. uIkiuI Ihree lo l'riitcs year app a known a" ou!y piare. Intel, llrilioh (Udumbia. The Lo r. O. Diwton Ltd. have lluperl w In-re he aumed the y I ami t'i py i'. 10. ia una Anseie eompany are allied corporation, I taken the pramliee and a iianatreiivcnl of Ibe Trail Club 20 feci long being owned by the Today large portion of the atock of which be conducted lip to hi a ai-ji"um-i-metil repre- aaliio iHleretl. Cannery at Essington eiitiUi lirrg"ig lo h bead of the Kelly Dougla Company TIh J'mfel S.Mind noinhtiiy' DCMPSEY OOT FIRST : aviu? tlie city recently. The 'ihManMoiiurenienl made rceenlly and they are moving In thla PAYMENT FOR FIGHT lale Mr. IVmdon wa a member of plant I at l;lli Avenue .Norllt-L weak. Th building I nearly AOAINST GIBBONS the Real I JlkT Lodjrey - f IIm yrflJMV Keeley. manager jtrnt uiel XurlhUle Avenue. front-1 lu.i a.ILk.. t. A..t'(f.iniil tjnlinnl twice at large aa that occu .m lt.i inn .r I n I'nliiii ' Goes in Smoke with Tin- funeral, it is iiihtn'.'mnJ, rale pied by the Dawion Com IfV cillCVt.O. May 7. Ai up wilt take place in tin mulli. the '.ar naa a vpcriai Itial alnttVitl in frin't of I be; Krwe, "d I . Mr. McMillan f-r pany for leveral yeara. The ranipu of tbe University of; runi'liienl were Cimh-pb-led tul- (o I Jaler shipped to (Uli-forma. eilenilon of Indl-calea Sal onlay fr I Injur 't luinlier through pren-rlera U aliniKt"ii. Ilerelofure tliul that the company haa i k m-mp-y-Toiii liili-Imiii Estimated Loss $100,000 Oi o-nl an.) al" iKr 1 , arm of Ho- lake nerr bud wirll-elpaled faith In the future of Prince lieavvwi-iKliI cbam-pnnliii Ki f II E. .Mien. l.y hi Seullle walerbortie RATE TO ONTARIO FOR it it I' H- al Mill... I bill Rupert and eipecla a conild-erable .romiiK'i-i i-. lo In- held al eitenilon of the whole Shelby. Molilalia, on July lo be limili' I COAL FROM ALBERTA ll wa- Two "f I lie Imi Anifele com-'pany builnen. t. The article were The Itnlisli Auiciiraii ruuncrv .it I'itI Es-uiglmi. owned by If - mi ImpiM taut I'A Uienlo and rc:r leamliipt by Jack Kearti. II. Hrll-lrving e Co. Ltd.. of Yaiirouvr. vva li.i.ili dc.-lroyed ir , lniiHii'i' bui-I Kl Alielu, alreudy have dlivereil ienipeyV i(.-m-d who b fire wlin h liruke oul al ti o'clock lal cvrniiig Irom defective Nine Dollars Quoted When Train lof ihn which may ile-proportion HALIBUT ARRIVALS lo niuiiaxcr, irneead bmloek eargee of Loads Are Taken at One 1. ii-d ft iki.vHII culi. clertrir wiring. It wa ilil0ihle lo top the tilazr after il wa ARE HEAYIER TODAY the l'liKel Souml eonipailT 10- I lord or the ?30(.loo started and the plant, dry and grrar-.iliii..l.'.l. w soon a mas Time III I lie - Kl IO""jr opri thit'd g plant. A hleanisliip, lie i lo receive for the of rliimcs. Forliinnlelv there wu 1:0 wind ami Hie boat and f It I ;f II 'IN hi I lit ll -a Oilro, uIm will brintr luiolter (UTAWA. May 7 Lower rates. Im.uI. ' adjoining building were at-d although I In- gear and net were d a sluppniK bun- American Boats Sell 125,000 for the plant when required. The all lol. The Ins which i el'unaled at HHI.OIIO. it is under- 011 coal from Alberta and the t!ic UgU Mi ? p"rl. Pounds and Canadlana, 44,- cel ordinarily opera I e I'-900 immI. wa well covered willi in-iiraiire. II inHuilr- I l.noo cu ses Marilime province are In sight, Pounds Iwrrli Iloeklej Ilay 11 lid San of fish Uf lust year s pick, .uronliiig lo a lelegrum to Senator :l'elro bill are beinjf iliverled lo I be plant wu bi-iiiK prepared J. S. McLennan. cJia-irmaii of FUSE OFFER i i'wlv balib'il bonU m.iiki'litl Seattle when Ibe like Lnion DOMINION ASKED TO lor I In- salmon ramiiiu: emoil. the special committee of the jli.'t.too ihmiiiiN X I1-I1 ul Ho la- plant leijuire uprnre umt hem- which i ahmil lo open. At till RICH AMERICANS ARE senate on fuel supply. Iiiiiiki' llii iiioiiiiiiK. Mi Aiueri lock. SUSPEND REGULATIONS lair ilalr it will be impoible to IN PARTY CARRIED ; Sir Henry i'homlnn stairs llml OF GERMANY;: rhiMiiier bad IJ."..Vu Hi.1 Tlie arrival and departure of Ibe National roads lo hii COASTING VESSELS ri-buibl for this year but a rump. OFF IN BANDIT RAID are ready ON and a imilar iinmlM-r of l.unu- (he lumber carrier in that pari I is iiuiirtiMI, will lie eouliiim d iiuli- a rale of SI a Ion on Al- J.I11111.. H.tfoo m.iimI. American of Irfike Lnion ha attracted wide ami the boat will fish a' trfipl, PKKIN, May 7. Uandits lierla coal h-aviug in train lot to e and Belgium win noi i,,,nln nal me m?e on ine intin ollenllon 111 rinppiiiir circle. It WINNII'Ltt. May I. Ilefor.- Tlie North Pacific cannery. In fhe killnl one foreigiier and Ontario ami similar consideration in consider Thirty uiinon i.hi-pm mark another leii forward, it Hie Irm.xiatun piorouij on slough, owned by the sanin company, curried off 150 passengers to the coal field of the niuritimo Marks AiriwiN and alr were 11 fid is pointed out, In the develop-lineill Suturilay. a r. 'lullou iiiti-oiliii'i-il will put ilp the fish that in raid near the Slian- province. . I low a t of Seattle' great fresh by Pi'i-mlri- ItijlirW'ii railing on would have otherwise been rumird lung border on the Tienl- EDMONTON. May 7. That the May France ;iid American 'water harbor. llir I mi 1 11 i n government to u-prud nt Port Kingtini Hin-Pukow llailway on lower rale of 9 a top for Alberta 1 ts ntraoiically re-j lleUetaud, 7i,0l0 Miuud. at the Itiiiiiiiii'H. coasting regulation Tbe llrilish American runnerv-, Sunday. Miss Aldrieh of coal to Ontario will not ba I 1. 1 1 . iiiwiiiv 3.c and Mc. to ijie CamnU.111 I'lth li. J. (Uiuway, field englnefr mid laU- tep to iio-ure which wu the la rues t al Port K- New York, a aisler-iii-law sulllcieut lo allow any big development t 111 tmii.iiaii.non cob. .V lild StornBe lUt. iforlbe (Iranliy Co., rt-turncd to Inir and eiuilanle freight rate iiig0n. ha been in operalinn for of John ll. Hockefellow, in the Ontario market -: a . The re- ; I4il0rn point, t Sim ,,uii.l.. at (0 (y fcy ?uvt,oat from ikfia. wu unanimously paeil. nearly Ibirly year and wa lo Jr. and daughter of fur- by Alberta is the unanimous l !Uita 1 '-d in a note eul 1.1.tr and I lie, Hud I eddy J.. 18.- Vuvm cilim lutttf Maud. yester entetl al Ibe rust or fur end of iner Senator Aldrick, was opinion of the Edmonton coal li Sr hi day niul ib-llv. mm Miiud, at I Lie ami ll'c, lo day afternoon and left lut night LEAGUE Hie town. It vvn a two line cannery. among llio passengers but operators, commenting on Sir El. Mi: ( i: ;i'i i'mbaie lit 1 be lloyal Fih Co. 011' I ho Chclohsin for Anyoi. JASEBALL A. M. KIpp was the manager. thrir fate is unknown. Henry Thornton's announcement. rani lint - -Ik Sunday even- Iniierlal. 1 3.000 MumK oml SATURDAY OAMES CALGAUY, May 7. .Nine dollars Kiain. U.IHHI pound, at 1 1.He and J. Alder arrived by the American League Then- are twin other canneries a ton 011 Atberla coal lo Klc. to tbe Pacific Fi.herie. at Poll Essington. Hie keen 11 Ontario by the C.NJt. is loo high 8. Prince (ieorge on Suturday afternoon llelroil 7, Chicago Ili-lianre, SI,mm oilhd. at Commercial and Cunningham' by two dollars and would be ERNMENT WHARF In Mjioml a fi-v- day in the St. l.oui Cleveluud 10. LABOR DINES WITH ll.tr ami I He. lo the Itoolli l ull. New York 7. both smaller plant than the IJril- useless, coal operators say here. idly looking after his interest Philadelphia -', HAD SLIGHT BLAZE 1 lie liuudiuu lo. heiW Huston 2. Washington t. isti American, while tin- llulmoral ONTARIO GOVERNOR Canadian National League is across Hie tiuiulh of the Kcslall DEAD MAN FOUND LiviiiH'lone. (M.iiiiii Miuml, t lliver. (SO Damage Was Done l.l lc mid P.St-; Joe linker, 3.500 IJJie and l'.3r, lo the Ik...Hi New York 5, Philadelphia 2. " Historic Event When 1S0 Provin AT HARTLEY BAY ken Overheated Stove Pipe Urooklyn 5, llotoii I. pound, al I:.!'. ami tiHc ami Kiherie (Uiiia.liail . L0CAL"6FFiCIALS cial Leaders' Sat Down Together Roof of Shod Cincinnati I'lllfburg 10. Ignited Nuba. K.limi ihiiiikI. at I.Lie ami I'illier, 0,3011 pound, at lU.Ie - I'r. to the Canadiuii Mu 'V Cold kml V.Or. and KlngiMXiiV'. I,too Chicago 0. SI. Louis 7. GO TO CONFERENCE Wireless Message Received by :h' 1I11111.1 iimoiiiiliu? lo Sloi-aiie Co ivmiii.I. al Ll.l: and lu, tu tic Coast League TilllONTO. Muy 7. lUinudiuil Provincial Police From Rev. hi" bd wa- o''caioned by Oakland 0, Vernon 3. niul local labor trailer lo the J. H. Matthews Ague II.. 5.50(1 pound, III Allllt iheiie. R. F. McNaughton, D.P.A., and H. l Kalt Luke i. number of 1 50 liim-tird on Satur b li lil ul.h nut at K.I5 lnt Sacramento McEwen, D.F.A., Will Attend (Mi IIiii i-nof of the Koveni. Los Angele 7, San PraucUeo Traffic Meetings lay with Colon.-I Many I'.ockshult, A wirclcs mcage received at Ivliiii l lied from 1111 ovi-i'- Steamer in Ice Pack and II In East firuteiiuut-giivci-iior of Ontario. the, local provincial police officn II liiiiif.' Oinli' 11 hole wa Caught Seatllo 7. I'oHlatid 4. In iloiug so Hi muile history. 11 Sunday from llev. J II. mi 'lir nub tlir roof 111 id it It. F. MeNiiugliton, C.N.Il. dis wu the fir.t lime llir crown rep. Mallln-w. of llurllev llav. via lei ary r.n- tin- fire depart Passengers Scramble Thirteen SUNDAY OAMES trict panuw agent here, uud eseiilalixe of Ontario hud '"- the leaimr Venture, intimated In ill r 1 1 "in the iiiIpiIoi Chieugo 4, SI. Louis 10. II. McEweu, dislriel freight agent tiled the ri'i'iigiiiurd leaders "'.thai a dead mans had be-u fyund I ur 'lie ru'i which wa oon Shore from Str. Kyle Philadelphia I, Ilroukljn 7. lafl oft Saturday niglil's train for labor to .hue ul In luble. in the wihhI near Hartley Ilay. 111 Jicil Willi Ibe ue of 11 Miles to PitUbui'K 7, Ciliclnnuli 8. Ottawa and Montreal where, at There wvre no details a to Identification Irah etiiiuiiihb'r. American League Hie cull of J. K. Ilalyruiple, vice. BRITANNIA MINER" or manner of death. A MMITIl KYUNKY. N.H., Muy 7.- AfliT ttfiuiiibling for lo Ilovlon I, Wuxlifngloa I. prideut in charge of trullU- IimiiI tii-iki Iiii'Im! tittit'ttr t&III lu. iriiTirn urnit lllitilk ikll IIIII llf I In- loiiuhi'bt ire nurk ever piled up off Mvdiiey Iiclroil 3, Chicago I. I hey will ulleod meetings of the DIES,FROM INJURIES '" nrrow to m. tmiLR nun II11 lior. I 'J mid il ineinber of llio new of the Philadelphia 5, New York I. Iruflie Dllleials of the ycm. Ivesligate. FIGHT FOR TITLE hlcuniei- Ivvli'pucngi'r rt-mheil hore Hiinduy uflciiiooii, inakliitf the last St. Louis 8, Cleveluud ! They will lie mel enroulo Eat VANCurVF.II. Muy 7. Neill few hundred yurd- in dories wliirli put off lu ineel them. Coast League at Winnipeg by C. A. McSlcholl, MiLm.il, rmilii... l.y tin- llritan-1 Conatable W. Howler, of the IS May i The klcuiuer Kyle struck, very heuvy ire floes eight mile Seullle 7-0, Portluud 8-3. general imssi-ngrr agent at Van nia mini's l 1 ! Sntnlay from in- lloyal Canadian .Moulded police Cai'iH'iillfi- and uluuuloiieil all ef forts lo reach hero iinlll the Oukland :i0. Vermm ll-t. r.niver. who will return West by juries received mi Friday when ul Stewarl, and Mrs. Howler ur. I nil L .ILKl'i.r.l n. 01 lilt off Cruii berry and bicakK the park- Koine 511 pus.eiigeri Los Angeles 7-U. San Fruneiseo way of prince lluperl Ihey ex--1. he was crushed bv u lix nmotlve rived in the city last night and 'louiiil of a lii'iluli-d 15- wind iliaiiges up Ki llic veel left bt I perl, to be uwuy about three mill '! U' had for IV are regiitered at the Central for tiioutli iiioit Mine oul fir Mm J- i-l-iic-Ii bcuvy hud been on bourd u or f- i 1 alllf ! Sail I liiB t.'5jW.-L . - yeui Iter, u Mailt. ... D.l Uott'l . I." i-ilf ! ri.-onn J...h: ijla.d