Monday Ms PAGE SIX THE DAILY NEWS I! THE STREET SINGER THIS WEEK'S Movies and Movie People WILL BE TITLE OF WESTHOLME THEATfiJ TIMBER SALE X S0S1. NEW PICKFORD PUY sealed Tender III In- (retired liy Ilie. l uniKit uiiu i winurruw, nnU 9 Specials wim-trr nr umii-. at t iruiria, nut later Devoted to the doings and sayings of those who than m.ii iki the tKiHt day uf iune. Iff, Htil.l.VWiHilt. May 7 Afl.r Tin IIm' 'iir.liae i,f 1.10m X mill, lu entertain the miblic. riiililrriii(( -.exeial hundred nit'ino r.- ut Minn lid llrnt-. Pur Honey, lall tins. W.' link. iihI l.tvn.nuu fill ut felled tint lilies Kubniilled iii a cunleiil r1T' r uni-keti iruii- ami Hi-mliMk. on an area a i v. -r-i jfjunc -Tcrorf, have about ro tin to crll tlltialeit tm l.itneplunej Bay. I.iiule Inland, miiIiIii her own orMaiiKalinii, at lowest iiriiT we tmc VH. ri, 4:iiarHiir lamia Land putrid. t WILDEST NEW YORK Mary 1-iekford Imk ileelde.1 that Two ( yrara will I allowed tor re-ni"al ccv een Honey gold at. tr Umber. "'I'lla CI Mll WhliMIr U Li li'll U n and Damned ttfd$. While lliey tnl, 2 for 25c. tiirilM'r r-artirulara of iih rlilrf Forra- WEEK AT THEATRE SHOWN IN PICTURE ler. Vlrturla, B.C., nr tlie liislrlrt I'umlrr, a! McCormlck's Sodas, 5 lb. muni -aotlaMe her rrnieg miieri, bm. i1 ti fur new a - rations. $1.15. We liavo .Mmi-lay and Tuesday. pholoplny. " The llrauliful and Beautiful and Damned Has m . . A... I 1..-J U. .1 1. I J I teen mil of litis line for Thl plrtufr' h roli.rful AllOiar vail' niwiuuca ntninui nanan, U0ui Tatar I Mime time, li injt unable lo MS Daiiineil," wllh Marie 1'rn-ol Night Life Setting With rottiatirp, hiittily ilruiiialie, buill Marrv Mori, and Clao flldnnU uel tdorii. This stock I Ilie noted Mark Sen-nell A I osaumui... . r tapper (ycniraj MKaiiiKl a hai-kiii-nuud fif early ini'l. Iiilll.llllli lir '"I Ue whi'e ! ji'K Iresdi OihI riip. Tender- mil be n-rrtved 111' ttie umH-r llalbing lleauly an i of Scene early nineleeiilli i-eiilury Spain -ban und -plemloi nnirii fur tin- liulldinc uf a ST foul (iloria. Iliu Flapper. Canned Peaches (real llieel imarreil Latinrti. super liepti in Ilie eourxe of urn- !perinl . OuaVer Miced nan and -iwi-triratiiiiii ran lie oiiiaitied Comedy "Shine tn up." Wiekril old New York, iln un- diietiiHi Nl Ilie I'iekfiu-tJ-tKnji'- COMEDY -"SHINE 'EM UP." PATHE RCVlCli rrmti iImi In-lrK-t fureeler. Vancouver, I'earbi'.x, -J'n. lieu, value tHMi-ii-t Inn-Her. I'rltin- luiiert, and the I'albe llevlcw.' it Miry ilie-, ii white liahln, iln Ininkf Kliidio in llnlrj jsKUl fur Admission 33c and 10c. .iOr per tin anywhere. Spelful chier liii-i'-li-r. Viriurta. on payment (if rafe- nnd rahurel, i i"lnwn ai the pal elyltl week", and -inn :. on. whim mill lie refunded un re I urn 25c, or !i linn fur $1.15. if -atlM. Wednewlay and Thntday a Miriioimin Uiutfnn nlaying all mer will prubalily lie well -pnii t Tt .1. I.OII-tMII T O'Cedar Mops, triangle, and T.n.inu-l In- lie HI rerelved lw nt-rnei!on roam.or before May lllh.tlial CuiiflHiice Taltnadge. In' adenliirer( in Ilie nereen rr.inn befme the filnl in rmnptelo. ,1 uff h H- 95c. dale. "WriWintr lleHs," ajilflH of F. Seoll ' iltgerald'n noiel, ' V S.i I.I lie M I O'Cedar Polish, title size. rai-ll leinler lllltt lie kerotlioailled tiy a by Harrixuii Ford and notable Mr nl. The 'i rertiried iImhihs for to't of in tendered llev,UliMI and Hanu PftRIM II AC AM jcr Pperinl 45c, 3 (or $1.25. 11MM111I. iil lie forwanleil In an rii)elow ral. .featuring Mane 1'rcvoi.l, wliieli n-J in Snap Hand Cleaner. Ili-p. IiimI.iMn-'.Mil Vlrturla,lo the and iiiarked liriml- "Trndera Milliliter fur of Turrhy Coineily, "Ttreliy's will , ,h(Kvn a. the U e.t.u e; UNUSUALLY LONG RUN 25c. Spei-ial tli in week only. 7 root Laumh. Feud." lliPHlro lofitglit. C. IU AllF..N. 20c. Iiepuly Ntnuier uf I amU Iincially IIia Nmv York ? Llbby's Orange Marmalade, Friday and Saluiiliiy and I ilmatii L'-til.- n.nn.t -e.i.,1 Cat atit ! YltMDIIIA. May t. Ilie tu I Oiir. jar. Hen. vulue CITY HTS OP CREEK PRINCE BRIDGE.RUPERT. Saturday inaline. neeond SI reel i on one iide, and bankn play (Initio Hood i- In-ni,,-kIiowii Canadian National Railw 1elnler Will lie li Hie ':!! a neeorid week at Hie I'lip luc. While they lal. 120 tin-Iced William lie Millet- pro-duel Fiflh Aeieie and llmailway on ulirll fi.r Hie n-elliHl uf a Tllolier jar ill 25c. lii'ile liridre irni llaj'n :reek. I'lana. ion 'Wire I'eople," I lie oilier, where all the thealren ilol Tliealrc. A nerunil week Llbby's Pork and Beans. I'm rile, and ! ririean. may lie din with Wallace Held. Helm run in a eily llim sue in a uin-l and cabaret eenlered. and ned and fnrllier liifomintlon ulilalind al are Heir. :'(ie. Speiial. 2 for the nrriii- of tlie :! t:npineer on and lianieli. Conrad Nagel and where Ik .fnuiiil Hie ml molly uiiuliat I hlti?. II indirale-one Prince Rupert aro-r Ma 7 Hi. ivi.i , uiiumial condilitin. Mana-k'er 35c, 7 for $1.00. Julia Faye. A eensalb nal Tender- will tie imioidered liy ! :il eolleeltnn of liuinanily eer Terrace Turnips. . They 'j,iii-it. riindlllonall on the aiiliiB ot Jimn Urn ma of modern thrown aihl liuiblled Into one llnbeHmifl ban had mm li are jtellinit pt-i-lty well -h-aii-t lie-'iil.d m-reiii-arv lender.Bylaw.eiMlorM-d "Tiiwler fort lire. fpol. nlieep with Ihin pit-lure Dial In-ban DRYD0CK up for I lii! year. Thi Bridre." mint In- denoalled with tlie City fiilui'y Comedy. Harry nioritt Oillierl, the beauliful litaile eMeial arraiittetni-nl-lo I11 k un nr M-riin- 5 p.m. Hay Iim.J. the film neennil weeU la! keep a i a nppiirtu. in "Id pniliy Sweet Apaiin." I(i:i. Tender" nwM lie aennianied ljr aT flapper, ami Anthony I'alrb, Ilie AND nily lo buy n Kod m.ply oT erlirietJ i-tleqiH- Tor five ier rem Fox News (.iaiclle. hlle yimnt? man wail in? for bin itiolead of relurninir il ! I he ir no aiieiuni ur ine inn. be finenl Turnips (tiown at The rifiil lu n-jrcl am nr all teiialera Krandfutber ! die and leate Id ieli4ii(re. Money ux iiiK price. Moreover ii ved liy Ilie r.iiv i:.niin-il. SHIPYARD r. v. eK nii.x. i millions, are liv.n wept into, tin i itte.l -lurk ani rSleshoot" i Ijiaineer. ' When aVerlMinir i"" vnrtn r ""' M', ''reel--h,. U- you buy y..., they - nf !' ntnriii.iTiiiv nt ... ihi ilhronjreil wllh nharpera. crimin-! Operating Q. T P, 10.000 Ton Floating Dry Decl for 25c, :t0 lb. I .i $1.00, pi i 100 lb. s:n-k. $2.25. you net it. Htn, wjiwnnin-ri. ana ueiut-iiton- , 0)Jy far martl,,,,,.,, allenih-il Engineers, Machinists, Bolieriyiakers, Biseksnutht, altrl Buy Your .linnen. wHff Harlot out vlrptn ,hp w,vm, rirv Ki.M,t at Me.; makers, Founder. Woedarerkers, Cu. jonlleeaeli olber. clerk and Rupert Table Supply inillioiuiire rub etbown, where Mchull Mj i:reek atvanfaut yenlerttay rr the no ilu,mi. Electric and Acetylene. Welding. oefrssarit paie eniHi.iy at me Umkrr for an. Sh Phones 211-212. oes TIMBER SALE X S024. piiremm Itellllllr uf (fiaMKMued awari riii elabl. Our plant Is equips to ajdle all k t -aled Trnder- will In nreivetl III the OVPriirrilJM lailien. f(wint TOrep wmi.ler or i.ami.. ai noi lairr The picture, an adapt at ion from .. Marine and Commercial Work . . . . 1'ieHie From A Practical Man. iiu i i,,..i il,.. t.i ii.i ,,r June (Mi. ..r fur iln- i.iir. iuv uf Mrrw-r x :.(.. o. r.n r. .-mii r iniferain noiet oi jflll ftltfl flIHI Ttl, i;n.iMi r-ei ..r i.iiier. i iHiar. Hai-am i,n Mim name, in (bat utorv nf t- . m PHONES O AID US 31 ami lleaiilora.. mi an ana 1iMai-d al vi r Y 1 1 -.-el the benefit of a l4ke. tianre I, lml lii.iru-t. (iloria and Anthony and llieir Imtt If ?H i'raelieal Man's Kxn;rieiice niotal Three of i litnlier.3 yrar will be allowed for-re- uihenluren in the iiaellroni of y. While ... 13 It 17 il Clean Up and wben tniying Shoes here. I'urtlier imrlii-iilar. of tin- i hli-f l'on-- mailnenn that in New York al n. n lludON II lit III - 3t eellieiil, ami ll w.i-fltal li.. ..,, ler. 'lriiMria. B.i... or lntriri I ureler. lie l( niffhl. Iltey riitonly ul , aeraue -l-! lil.-'ll l-U' I liaxe fine Shoes made lo Vriurf KuiM-rl. B.i:. Hie day (if -iiiniiiir oown wlewi HOTEL ARRIVALS liele. were lunl m i-ln-rw .-l lift i my own tinier by one of the SILVERSI1 Ibey are diC"ered by Ihelr II WUIlbl rr(pnrr O.IMlii ii.i Paint Now I-ei-i inamiraeitirer in tlan-inla SYNOPSIS Or Up and every pair carries n sraitiUalher )urin? a wild parly m x. Ixjer, P. Hobou. J. In nrr the jiie area. al their home, and dinitiheriled. Hita botbaru. H. Morrta. H. S. guarantee of money back If unsatisfactory. LAND ACT AMENDMENTS A- hisb a they have flown in vuiiteeoiiibe. V. F. IVell. In AU Only five anen Itfrited up af Hie I Martln-Senoue, pleasure. a, deeply are Ibey on. ,. ,. Urown sn.i C. II. llo Ime arran-ral fur Stiitd nmrn-ittft 100 1'ure l'aint. pluiipnl. into puierty au.I kjn Vancower; J. I MtienteerK. In help rlear up Hr aliilelir Wallpjper5, Alabastlne, GEO. HILL Minimum pel t of flnrt-elaea l.d wrelrhetliienn, and llieir mutual M.mlreal; (I. C. SnalbaH. Seattle; irrouml al .erii!: Titer Sanitary Wull f inish. reduced J S an to cra li ail mcend e)M to eahalioii brinifn on the alrons j. tiljtary; V. J. Alder. A. Idid a ill lie r-Mlinc and anrradinv Kyanize, The Shoeman. Third Ave. I-re-emeiton laride only,new oirtnd to aur-ere climax of Ibe pielure. ,j. Kt itubop. V. Ijiinij and II. V. but the number wepr ! few t Paint, Yiirnili Slain. Recorde will be (ranted covert ft Mitf iKliMil, Ylrloria; Mr. I5d. J.iiml, iM-rtinipliah tnueii. , Neu-Tone, p. C.X.It Ticket Office. land lad whk-6 eullahla la non for aertcAillural timber land oun' WEDDING BELLS TO ' laeouia; Frank (iordon. Sunny. Art Supplies, Flal Wall Finish. r-artnersMp pre-empt l-na abollriea. aiile; Ineg JitrvetiM-n. San Fran KIND TRANSIENT but iiartte of not mora than foul ma. ( Vltrallte, arranare for adjacent pre-mptio'i. , RING ON WEDNESDAY riacn: V.. J. Omway. IktwU; A. . liM Ife r iurli.Mii u.i a-iih rfnt rM,lifi ihj, each makloa url tif ttMw. iti i i J.nna Life Hnainvla. on re-vortle Williauia. inuiieT: William Barretts Special, pecenearx Improvemont ( l.illle, Terrare; A. WatL F..X.U.: fit Ye. tnal he newr r.- I SSI In- 'I I.1 I ' LING rVe-eniptor muat oecuii latim i Tin- pielure. eiliiin llelln, . ittiititM-i I.. reluriL San -i iii p Pinnule Yaruiah. fire year, and make Improvmjneiita ( I. Maa-ill, I'remier; F. HtMier and T'alilliiiK l-oiiMainc IdliiiHil IX valu- of IIS per acre, Inctuolt l clear- II. W. Harriniin, twanm llay. p-. Phone 22. mc and rulovation of leaat baeil mi Iln- lialv uiiirriaye of before receive,c Crown (Stant Central Kaien Hardware THE TAILOR SHOP. Where pre-emirtor In in-.i,oai vm No-leea Ilnnalie and IlemaliJ. Afler Ihii Mr. Illehard Jordan. I'nine Kuliacrili foe the liaii Vw( I and haa mad uro than rear, day uf wctldetj life, a muni Irifl. COS Third Ave. Phone 643. iorHwf-te ImiiroTemenla. r.e ma. ba (eeorire; It. Hronp and A cauea of HI-beaMh. or other raine. ilii; iiK-ldeul rauaeei lluaalie to P.O. Box 1640. Tel. 3. rrariled I- ternwnllate reniflcate ol im Slntiifr. I.orerne: H. X. .inlei..M. Vat inn Woollen Fabrirx in pnrvrroenl and tranafar bla clatm liei-mne angered ami ebe rutin F. W. I lall and M. ferhfii-lil t: Dr.A.H.Bd Reccird wnhoul permanent r. away, fully eie-liinj Iter bearl-i...l.... fal -idiir in eloek. dene mm) t tanuod. prurlded applt N.H.; W. II. t'Jirrullier. Smilb- of i...i.u...t i r..ti... all Shoes ! make to len-t cant Improrementa ' .,',' era: Mr. and Mr, ltv.ler. Slt-w- laaa .er annum and retird nam e.-t. made to )ear. Kallur to make Imtimvemoaita T1 ,':, wHI 'ad n,jr"! .mrt ; ".lark. V.. I oria. DENTIST will aa Im or rat 4-4 name operate felt bra. Til la ran not be obtained In Announcement! measure and Rooms 4. 5. 6 Hrlr .eat than It eara. Improvemeait til cleared IIS DO and per cultivated,a.T. Inoluillt and a rlde,I avlaa eti'lirm.-.r!,,"!! bed' To fulliaw TINY DUST PARTICLES Wlien liiiyiii Khoes jrar-j Block. Phone IU llaviitii taken over the of ai lee Z earn are required. wu iiupiiible, mi lltiaalie (toea uanl your in mrys worth. iTc-emtrtor holdlrj Crown (Jranl SIX MILLION TO INCH Offic Hours9tl lm-ims- if Hie I'arifir l-url SUITS may r .ird ai,otbar pre-emption. If ha lo l.uiiipe tit furirel aud Uieti lo Ue I.III., we are now III 1 fenu'ree land In eonjunrilori with aa-fann. lleiiui lu .el a divorce., Thurly, M poi-ilmn In liunitle every i-M-nplinu wehoul ptatutory artuaJ Improvemenla oocupatKm. made pro-rnled The Reparation i nl la'aliitc. i:iili:t.ri m.i It i. Our Prices day Evenings, 7 1 uf earlae work in-I'luiliiiK and reildene maintained on trowa Up To The Minute. framed land haweier, when each dinewver more Hum rijitiuiuio liny li-l fiiriiil nre ami plan I nic ii-lil rfli unit let i.-i t'penrveyed ar n.t en-eediim M thai Iln- ullier elmubl mil tie I article. lo'ciier a ul plate guatily eolieldered. tan't be art, may l-e leaaed aa homealtaa. removal, eie Catron are dm yon our tinle ratine uf tlUe lo be olitalned after f jlfllhia real-tfenllal inarrieil lo any one el.e. lie nu ll lUHre aeeiirillllit lo III- b-al. UlUieil i.f i-tfn H ill MTVne -!vi - fur for g-raxlnc and imriroi-ement and niditnti ml tiiriMW The p ir I m e will lie een here elilialor al the Hirurliirii! Illark or Tan (wilf, from KING GEi ill all bram-lie uf our bu.-i-11 SPRING AND SUMMER 1923. areaa eaeeedirg SIO acrea may be Wednesday. Malerial fleiaeareli llmralmy of! 55.50. e-. inai-em bv one oerann vr rumuany. Itrwi liiUiute tu-rr. 821 Second Avenue. Mill, factory or Induetrkal altea on the New llipllienl lit Hi fIUOU umber land not reeding 19 acrea Allhoiiub i WoJlbl LINDSAY'S Opp V ittl Ofljce Corner. anay be purchaeed. mriditaue include STRONG MESSAGE w'lU B llope Tted-rtte Wells for (lie CAFE tHiiyieul of atumpege. l,- lak to eounl I brae liulhoi -"f ouiit folk. l.y Natural eiiatng nh nt meadowa may be leatnwalble puichaacd HAS 'NICE PEOPLE' dtl-l learliel" no.l tiien.iin SHOES REPAIRED WHILE Fleet Clsil Cartage and Storage eoudttlorial efinn oonatructkin of a road Ili -ir exaet ize. Ibee l.ewi- In-j WOOS- 10 them. Rebate of cirie-half of coat ot YOU WAIT. CHOP SUEY and ' road, not' exreedlng haU of ourekaaa elltllle iltl pl liiMlor liae rHiliiil Furnished W 214 Fourth Street. irf-u-c. la mad. New William de Mllle Picture out ii e-e of te-l in wlin It'i Rooms Phone 68. Stove WOOD PC EMPTORS'-cope of thle FREE Act CHANTS la enlarged ACT-Tlie Not a Sermon, However lee iipetHlloli Were pel IIU 'I McAr thur Shoe Store V Phana- t Blue include all peraonr Joining and eerv The It-el were eiillll'e, () ijr Neil f N il Office 3rd Ave. Second I Ing wjlh Hla Majeatjr furrea. Th frerklail dicaiikiiiir. priiiiiint-iious tei-inine the fineni of 1 .i-1 'a .'1 'iim wlthii. which the heir or demiee We Lave just received 1 i-f a deceaaed H-e-emptor may apply flirliiu. "erup eboolinfr," and die for title under the Art la attended car load of up river wood, from tor on year front tha death of vieMi-iuir of darifiir feminine St. guaranteed seasoned and ' much pereon, aa formerly, until on See Yourself as Others See the dnera clolliea, uetj lo mark Regis rax after the eonclueton of Uia gtaat dry. feize cut to order. i war Thle prlUe la alar- made ro-'rocative. a "raai." Hut not in this day You, DENTISTRY HOTEL HUD! Also Kindling In Sasks. So fee relattrg to pre-emtrtlone are of "jaw." Nowaijays really "nn e It-Near due or payable by aridlr on preemption 773 Seymour Cafe reoorded after J'-"r :l, imi people" do uU tlieae tilings wilb-oul for MIRRORS Jl For J'rlces. call raea are remitted for ! year. -enmiTe. " I'rovlaton for rturn of euoneya ae- VANCOUVER, I i i ued. doe at,d been paid alnre AuaTual The danger of I hie altitude, ' Prince Rupert's Leading HydeTransfer .t. mil. on account of payment, .aea willi particular rerereiu-e In Dr.J.Maguire t W-et- a: ' .1 taaei. on eoldir.- ore-amptlona. I.alo r Win Restaurant. Intereel on ,rfr.n.iu ii. nMroiiaee you ii- Kiel, forma the Ibeiiin of M.,. i town or city lota held by member of T. ROSS MACKAY u,-.l A Bakery Unsurpassed. Phone SSO. MHed Koriiea. -",iii;.-'-ia aouutred "Ni I'eople," William de MiH-' Rooma 7 and S Smith Jlook. I direct or Indirect, remitted from aa Udodern-Flreproof-C"1 laleel I'ai-aiiK'Util ture wtiii li Third Avenue. Service and Quality our I litinetit to March II. 120. pn Fulton St. Office Hours: t to t. Ait I uiiie In lb Weallioliue Tlieal real Motto. !I SUB-PUaCMAlEBS LANDS or CROWN Ibe weok-ejid. Phone Blue 16S. Phone S7S Lady Assistant. II' Prorlalon made fur laauanca of ".Vice I'eople" ieii'l a Oroaa granta ta aub-pirchaaera of Crown Uanda. acquu-lng rigbta from II - a iiiniieuUily eulerlaiiiniir puretiaaera pjrrhaae. Involving who railed forr!tur.t complete ou ful-fUlmerit !ii) wild a faaeinal niff romaiue The Latest In Spring and Dr.E. S.TAIT Boston tarewt and of ta onioit km ion Where of purehaae,aub-porriiaa-era In. tun) real dramalii- power. Hut FRESH MILK DAILY Summer, EDSON COII do pot claim whole of original par Willi tin -i- il cuii'ie a powerful cel. purrhae price due and lata way F rom LADIES' llieine 1 1 1 1 1 1 cut ayaiusl the ut -liitele ready-to-wear be dltrlvutd proportlontly war Our tiovei iimeiii Tested GRILL whole area Application muM be made n u lui.e jiortion of DENTIST. by May I, 1110 liMiili rn - H iely. Herd uf Uuerusey Hairy apparel W ran iifW r ' , Helgerson Block, OHAZINO 'IW'. C0 SEASONABLE SALADS. Uraali ( Act, 111, for eyatematk An nl I -lar eal headed by Has Arrived. FAMOUS EDI0N PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. SEASONABLE FRUITS. developnieid for graalng of uveatock dlairlcta Induatry and rang pro-ride W alluii Hi id, llviMs Itauieii, Con BETTER MILK. Call in und view our stuck BETTER SERVICE. Office Hours, 0 to 6. SEASONABLE MEATS. administration under ConnnlaaWuer. ' rad ayel and Julia Faya jior-Iray- Phone 686. I llierrfui Ker n;e on a-nliuitl nupibera gratleg ntnged.pertnita priori laaued l j lor ealab baeed 1 1,t h a lory Viiiich wax STANDARD DAIRY BENT'S Ready-to-wear Prince flupertft1' Open Tuesday, Thursday and OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. lUhed eanera. Bto -k i" r may iiilaiiled liy Clara lieratiiter fi-iiii for Saturday Evenings. 3rd Ave. Phone 467, foroj meot. Aaeoeiatlona'ra, or partially range(ie,uutnage.pariaila Kaeliel i -cottiers' J'luy f the Phone Black 61. Third .Avenue. Phone for eel tier, camper or travaliera. us Opp Hank of Montreal. la tea ia4, lauii' i.auie.