In' MM) H " TUP. DAILY NEWS PAGE FIVE US III. I"!'." Sharpen INTELLIGENCE If You Trade Out of Town, and I Trade Out of Town, What Will Become of Our Town? THE DOLLAR SPENT IN PRINCE RUPERT WILL "REMAIN HOME TO BOOST" ie PapsC f Hit Es- inin iiN prmnts for Hi seiettlflr "Trade at Home" Campaign ti mi.hi if leh-tialliic rilr II i.t nli liilMllwttcr lihrp ,r rliou Mosf Itcver ill hiiii'i. rriiiuiiiiiii III.mtii, tw Hi the il7 (inn m ,'ici( mil nvnilnilM-r m' Hardware Read these articles with care. They may present something you haven't thought of Butchers Ho.-v I nfifi'b'tir'i'XiM-Miiitn by mean in'nr before. Patronize the people whose advertisements are here, They are neighbours m, .-I'll I iiriiiiuiiim, says nil GENERAL HARDWARE and will treat you right. The money you spend with them stays in circulation in lli Vancouver W'liiln. ul Ship ("linmllery Ask For i fil 1 1)' n ililiKl'iiph ill' your district SHAMROCK PIovpk. Itanjfp. I'alnln. Oil. BRANp riiin?1iii. Phono Hrt I Hams, llaron, Lard, Hntter. lalt fiwn pencil In which flinl a grepti string with n HOWE A McNULTY ' Printers Dead Town Tailors P. BURNS A CO. LIMITED. Mr key lied L Hip end itf Very k' mm I'J mprhnnioal con- dy wbfWi llir nrrhhlhop YOU WILL ALWAYS FIND HAVE YOUR STATIONERY SATISFY YOUR DESIRC itilo, ivnruMntilration Willi hora a rnmplHn ulnrk of shelf Seldom Recovers For A GOOD BREAKFAST L filer (n Prince UnpcM. nr and heavy Hardware, Tinware, I'rlnlrd in Prinoo Ituperl. TAILOR MADE CLOTHES. helps each day with a good start. I) iilhiT liii inn rt being who Oranllewar and Tool nf all This Is easy when you buy your icnlrirte his tlimiglil- k(fid. Quality rnniitered. Wni flnl Our I'ric, A. CARLSON, meat from , I Community That I Not ProipcroU Cannot lml riinrjT.lriiluMi m.,l - - -flit 1 1.1 nm i " ' L llll l-illllin-l lilll, 1 1' I Mill Tailor. Thlr.1 Ave. lli thing lluil ninny ehil- vton t. ,ROSE, COWAN A LATTA, LTD, Attract New Residents FRIZZELL'S ROYAL MARKET. . nnil wilh lis nhcnec KAIEN HARDWARE COMPANY. I Phone. 10, nl. school hecntnes nnr- IS LIKE BIG CORPORATION llllll It ll-tuM !;. lillll IF ITS HARDWARE Stationers Druggists i.!Jp lilllf iiWIriimriil l have H, if wt haven't not People Are Stockholders and When They Fish and Poultry it. wp will got it fur if THE .u- Imp nt present iii you; we HO NEED TO SEND Spend Their Money Away From Home REXALL STORES ean'l pet II, H ln'l made. Tlii nl 'w lciivintrallnn mil of for lown Hljilionery, FRESH KILLED LOCAL MEATS. l our bil'lnesii poltoy coupled They Deplete Its Capital Save you money on all drusr re ll Itll-IV IS a !)' PlHTI lluoko. fiflice Supplies and School wllh the fact that reasonable quirement. Our Rexall Stores Fresh and Smoked Fish dally. in meeiianirni marinoe price prevail .in all linen. Supplies. We carry a Innrn slock There is nothing deader Iliatf a dead serve yon in Prince llupprt. Poultry. Hutler, F-ggs, Vegetables. k imly ronlil Ihi iiri .o of Hip above and kindred lines. luwii. Try (is hard a it may lo conceal the Phrtne 671. lie ln( 'Heel r the farull ' STORK'S HARDWAPE, LTD. We print M-clnl orders ,an. will furls, (he truth i wrillcn nil icr it mi Hint ORMES LIMITED. "iiirfttiiirt in ihildn u. hoi SHELF AND HEAVY bp if lad nuH" prices. Iir who run may read. No ramouflag-c nf PRINCE RUPERT FISH MARKET. xihl he. nf ronsiderahie McRAE LIMITED HARDWARE. BROS., bluff nnil lihislrr ral i-oureal Hie true sit-iialion iiar.chlng their' inipili- Men's liofl (lepalbie !.- I'ainU. Oil. Varnlln. Tinware, VICTOR, VICTROLAS A RE fruni uiiyone who romes wilhin the Furnishings 4. firanlleware. St"e CORDS limits Vif the I'limmuiiily. A dead lown is MEN'S FURNISHINGS Provisions lead ami thai' all Hi ere is In it. I'bolo Th Dsvlce and Cniiiora Supplie. Honls and Shoe. Clothing.: The. The wor of il is thai once a town dies, (iflirp and l'eronal equipment Hip arch Slalionery. MEATS. GROCERIES. THOMPSON, HARDWARE CO., it slays dead. There have been exceptional Hooks. We invile ives ts litis pendulum aid .Miitaiiics and Iiomeslic Novelties. Fresh Fruits, LlmlUd. i'h in which deiul lown have bepn revived, ilifl iKTHIiuli'il fanw c in yiui lo runie In and ionk over Vpgetables, Dairy Products. have Ink n on new life and prnfiered. Irrlr im a "heel nf paper nr large slock. Furs Itouyhl and Sold. Phone 13. P.O. Hot 12.1. ' I In- ppriiluium i li hi Boots and Shoes W. W. WRATHALL bill Ihrse IfJe are rule.nrerely the eceitiuns Ih.i rn over llur'filr ' Hit PAT PMILLIP80N F. W. Moersch. Tli firt thai a lown ran seldom "rome I'll1. he show how iimi FINE FOOTWEAR CITY MARKET. trforiinnnil, wphout any Your heallh is largely d''iendpnt Departmental Stores brick." i" enily eilaiued. The (rruwinfr ami WE INVITE YOU lown Inday i the iiiie thai' rftfi'' Vif'th'spVcl slock Men's of motcuicfil of the arm, upon your fool comfort Our pniperoiis our QUALITY SHOULD BE FIRST- .Inert allrorf' iip'- ivsiitenls and new rapifal. It W Cloihiiiz' an, Furnishings The ruiisideraiion when . ordering svviuir (ii any ion in. knowledge nf Hip business enables BEFORE 8ENDINQ YOUR ORDER i( riC!lai'r. FifMirr us lo preserilie proper filling OUT OF TOWN one Hint ran offer iillrartive imlureinents for Quality of our lines is of I lie .Meals and O-rnceries. Our stock r, any ii'fmn lnn ling leide dhoes wlilr li will ttivi you See us. We are always ready to the location of new- industries. 'I'he dead best anil Ibe prices will s.ilisfy is well kept, clean and wholesome. iimil aWny from dim. I both comfori and service. All rotuprnmlsp wilh you. town, offer no attrarlimi tu outside rapilal. Ihe most exaclins buyer. We specialize in imported goods. nut il in lines moderately prlcnt. j man looking for n plare to launch n new Phone C27. Phone 208. s piiier'turnl can by.roiirpn-' FAMILY SHOE STORE, LTD. 1 JABOUR BROS. LTD. bifiuess or a new location for an old industry, THOR JOHNSON is not'e-oiiiR (o pick out a dead lown. lie-is lion nhllf I li" pert'tidnm swiii I'hone IS. ALBERTA MARKET. w'eflt i.f Ilic .1 bxiTit UT For pitiuV lo sfle'et a town in which money i THE PATENT ADJUSTABLE CAP on, liohlimr I ho i rliinnk MEN'S AND lOri FOOTWEAR THIS STORE OFFERS pN'iilifnl. a town whoe men are Eshoo llnV i id fdin of , quality and reasnnably lo Hip (H'ople of I'rinrn lluperl progressive and whoe reiilenls, a a whole, 'Just in. Fits nny sized head. Call ATKINS' MEAT MARKET. fiiin:li' in ..y Con. priced conip to hihI dislrh! n eonveiiiitiil. Jp-IM'ndahlii are prosperous and roiilenled. There ar in and see, them, "nny in own;Phone 571. 3d Avenue. Errfln .-hrl ii,in by mill. OEO. HILL and eeonomirnl lore loo many live and thriving- towns in the and help your town." Ifin; slin i tttrii nrt Tin- Shopman servipp. Trade In I'riiu-p Hupert world for a man to rik his future in nm FULLER'S GROCERY. nor unil Inch on I if Shoe n'niriiiif it will pay you. Ihftl i dead. Thi i the reason that n lown, STEVE KING. Phone 13. P.O. Hot 877. 'I'Iip riinrni'":l l ia-1 imer ilcail. almost always remains dead. Third Ave. 1 lianil (H'lihnu llir IT PAYS TO BUY H S. WALLACE CO., LID. Thpre is jii'l one Ihinff. ordinarily, that n rpi ' I'ifl nnl.rl kills a town in the firJ place nd that is a THE PROGRESSIVE MAN trad'' where IU, I Zool Iips and you WE ENDEAVOR lack of money. A lown is just like a cor-(oriilion pnd bis money in his own Grocers can sccurp value for your money. al all d This store raters to PpoJd Proof I 4icre. Our times anticipate your and Hie money possessed by its rommunily. IM h are ohlainable reiiuircmenls her in I'rincn inhabitant is its rapilal. If Ihis capital is the drps requirements of pro IM' i:'IHlluni lUflf 4 department is - al OUR AIM IS TO SELL repair your HupiTl. Wa give you a servico depleted the town will fail just as the ror-Hinilluii. jressive men. Hart ''hoe. Bur it rtr hIhmiI cine imti. service.' We Riiarantee our you a line of Oroceries, Pro-iMons, 'on pery puirbaso m:ii here whose capital I depleted Ihrouph lrry Waterproofs Stanfield Hir xi-nlifir jirwif of work. Hoost hnme Induslry. etc.. Ihe price and quality jwliicb yon rannot secure when manafrenieiit or other fail. And Fmlerwear. Headlight Overall. rauses, n:'' nf lUmiulit Im HfT M. Me ARTHUR fMior of which will keep your icauilif ny man. i ry us nri. (he which lias Trade al home. mtftf Hiiriinr rrrnv just a corporation once failed money in Prince lluperl. A phone Tha UNIVERSAL TRADING CO ran seldom retrieve it lost fortunes, the J. A. KIRKPATRICK. i lililio Iurnel linn call -phones "2 and 50 -will brin; nl ft n n in In i- nf rrri- Electrical Houses I" town which ha failed cannot often "rome SMART CLOTHES FOR SMART our service ro vour door. il tia ftrti bOiic no far Decorators back." MEN. LYNCH BROS. A McMEEKIN. r 'irinlfr Hi arini't WE DO EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL The capital of a community is deoleled We carry exclusive lines of high tally nilm inn In tin illf-' when its money i spent away from home in flass clothes and furnishings. FANCY and STAPLE GROCERIES and would be jtla I lo vlve you an WHEN YOU THINK a. way that bring no return benefit in the Agents for Wm. It. I.eihmann In' priMif f ilii? rtpori- evtiniale on any conlemplaled of Wallpaper, I'aint. Varnish rommutiily. II lakes no great amount of A Co, Custom Tailors, Horsnlino ' Pure Food Products, Provisions, ji vdli'lit, lit rintfiiil. work. Wo carry a larite sUick ;l;i-s. Ilurlap, vlc., think of thought In be able to realize that the lown. Hats and Stetson Hals, Or, Vegetables. Fruits in season. IliOi'tflil. or nt any rnl.-, nf Klerlrical Klilures. Labor like the individual, cannot la.t long, if it is Jaeger's Pure Wool Oood. Phono P.O. Hot 331. IhoiiytiU. arc imrt! Savintr Appliances and Klcclriral SILVERSIOES BROS, paying out more money than it takes in. BRYANT COMPANY,LTD. Iiuman itnivily. accessories. Third Avenue. I'lion That doe not mean thai a prosperous town MUNRO BROS. i 'untly rrfii' rw's- PARKIN A WARD ELECTRIO is line" in which, (he people (lo not spend any "THZ QUALITf STORE" Rll llllN IIVT1M'I1 cnm- CO.. LTD. money. ()ii the contrary, a prosperous town For Men and Boys. H ' w nr Im). a imrt-1 T IMPORTERS AND DEALERS is one in which the people do spend money, Direct Importers of .Men's and Photographers l why nl lintr a WARD ELECTRIO A MARINE In Wnllpnpcrs, Hiirlnps, Mould but it i one in which Ihey spend Hie money Hoy hurnishings, rnderwea". iiiiultuni'iMil' run SUPPLY CO. inus. Paints. Oils. Varnishes, at home. As long n the money is spent at ILils. Cops. Large ami well as. DEVELOPING, PRINTING away liy a uniform j finishes, pIc. Let us advlsa you home (he town gains by having il kept in sorted stock of cl tilling. Our ENLARGING ' It aUn filiin I In1 fa i-1 Wo specialise in Marina Paints. on your work and sernre our rimilii'ioti, lull when il is spent away from price in nil lines are nl rook This is our business nol our p niliiit lini wiiirkcil I'nioii Jack ('.upper and international estimate before sending out of home, eiHier by being senl to the mail or-, I'oltiuii. ACME IMPORTERS. side line. portraits that will In' fiii Irnltin nl llio aui" l.aMines. town. der houes or by shopping trips to other please you. Ilrliifc- us your work. I lii irpnhit lnt firnt Anlo-foullnn and Anli-corrosivft. Tha A. W. EDGE A CO. rilje, (he town's capital is impaired lo that Bakers F. W. CHANDLER fcr-oolnn II in hMlory. 1 COW HAY, etenl and if enough money is spent away 318 Sixth Street rUi'n llio enljrn rrnlll Prince lluperl, H.C. Furniture from home in itial way, Ibe town rollapr IF IT'S BAKED IT'S OUR JOB. ami yirtuiiMy goes into liankruplcj just as Our plant is absolutely modern THEY SOON GROW OUT. OF. irrvnta Chaon i Wear rsmembsri due the corporation which lisipatew its and sanitary. Kvervthjng is baked MOTHER'S ARMS tin in no, rnulil n law-' Ladies' When you buy rurnllurn. Carpet, capital. in scrupulously clean I'leetrio but 'holograph oT the Children I'ljnz n nuin wlm wan no-! line. Linoleum, China, Crockery, The people of a ronimimity are apt to4 evens by expert bakers. See for never grow up. mm crime, "ngaiid n EXCLUSIVE MILLINERY. etc., ul Ibis store you km Iho overlook Ihe fuel Hint Ihey are sni-kholdcr yourself. Phone Red 183., l"f 'Iroriif inlmlml inon.' tfeniiine nrlirln and not a picture in their lown ml Ihnf -Iheir fortunes are I'lnctrie Dread is Heal nread. I'he Photographer In yoiir Town. bii'ala unon ip July, .Inr- f it..-, ri A.l ln-ntr before you buy. As well, wa Klve bound up with lliose of. (he i cjniiinmily as a, . ELECTRIO WINDOW BAKERIES. Bmim llin i'iiiiirfl fr IIih rverytbinu in Woman's Wear. " pcmonal servlro and ttuar whole. They do iiotrealie if Iheir lown 100r WHOLE WHEAT BREAD. BENSON STUDIO. V'inl hip niforrli, ami liv liiIpo with nerv nurchase at nv fails they wijl faif with il. Theyw or many in llioiittlil. "Ho i nol DEMERS. UlllillliOlinl COSl, UlU. P. TTC. of Iheih nf! least semi' their money away lo The llread yor will eventually Jewellers ! a lnlrnUiir trick, inn 1 Phono Ihe mail order houses ,ji Ihe great ritios. 3rd Ave. rat. Fating ts believing. Phono jury, Ibnl nurli wu t lie FURNITURE. HARDWARE, without realising hu( ijiey are impairing (he I tin. THIS STORE'S POLICY pii-nlimlly fr 'p Hmv a- PATTERNS. capital of iheir owii corporation ami that if tl ( BUTTERICK to represent goods exactly as I"' wan ki-il, enough, of Iheni thai rniirs they nf I Household rioodi. pursue and I'anry Work Special!le, LA CASSE BAKERY, to quality; to sell each customer I.arr? ll'i I II nl pnulil nnvor Im Trunk and Suit Caes, will fore their corporal ion inlo certain Mil-iinery. Third I'mbroidery, Ave. values It all,"- SlainpiiiH and Jewellery at a uniform Hip ArrliliKhnn 3rd Avenue. hnnkrttilcS. Hoods. fair In correal all TIiitp 14 unmrllilntr Iry The home merchant will not be the only price; mis-lakes; II the 'fcarilir of lh' P. M. CROSBY.. one thai will lie hurl when the town "goes Sheet Metal Works to fulfill all guarantees: E J. L. HILDITCH. l give each deal. MRS. onn a square I'OWlT wliloh yuiirilM broke."" The merchant run, j-cduce bis inbound ronvirlinn. If, ()! P.O. Hilihliliff. idork. and cut Mown' his eS;pe"iiseii mid. get SANITARY AND HEATINQ EN. MAX HEILBRONER "' ''nnN in ilhr WE CARRY A COMPLETE STOCK Confectioners Along some wiy or he ran sell out and move QINEERS YOU DO NOT f llmiittlil (Im worl'l r.M'l-sl Insli-T" ,ln-porlnl In some oilier town which has mil been so llol water, gleam and hot air have to know jewellery values of tt I'lllllln ' Ludiu Willis. Cloak and THE DELUXE blind In' iN own welfare. II is Ihe great furnace. Installation. AgenU for whim dealing Willi this store. Itrcstw. W '" Mf'"'" ,muv 517 Third Ave. hiiijv of Ihe people of Ihe coniiiiunily. in-f'ltnlinif Mi-Clary's Famous Hot Air The benefit of our advlca Is ronvocallon of lh An- .,iiullve mines ul thm tllllt Hi THE ROYAL all Ihrise who have senl their money Furnaces, F.stiinate cheerfully yours on all Jewellery matters. ri ll"U'ilcal Colleirn fn it I A 'I'lilwl Vvu lo rilher t-peuding given on all Jobs, all line and wa urira you to tako nwny cities iuslead nf largo or small. Hi ing us your repair work- wo lt weik Archhliliop nilvmilnKi of Ihese imrtrnins. Home Hindu candiei. ohocolates. at home. Dial suffers mol when Ihe hard Phone &, guaranleo you satisfaction, I conferred ilia degree J. BENT. hon-lions. Ice cream, fresii mill. li;ites rome. STEEW'S. LIMITED R. W. CAMERON. 'Tnprilvlnliy on Hey. J, U.A. I he firil. ilu. flu collegr t recelva (tils