i m 3 4 ! 1 1 mm run row thi nmn vwwi Wednesday, October BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManm Hallo Ween T 1 1 1 .r j t -j- 1 1 -juLvt . i crt il I DONT LIKE THE. t J I KNtW "" WrMSlJl MV W-V-' ' f,E T LLOW I " SLIPPERS For Ihe Parlies ami fiances for this time of year we have a full, ratine of Ladies' Slippers in Kid, Suede ami Safins at prices ranging from $5.00 up to $10.50. VVe wilMie plad In show you the at any llin yon pall. Family SHOE Store "The Homo of Real Shoes." BUY A HOME Twenty acre tract, fronting On Eraser Iliver, one mile rom railway station, with 5 room house, barn and qhicken house, five acres Cultivated and fenced. Two acres slashed. Five acres with commercial timber. Good school, etc. This home can he had for S2.000.00 Oliver Typewriters. Cary Safes. FIRE INSURANCE. Dybhavn & Hanson Third Avenue. Prince Rupert, B.C. The Home of Domestic a Bread Bread I youv beat food. Eal morn of it;. KepJ, by- the leading grocers. La Casse Bakery Phone 190. Third Ave. Prince Rupert B.C.. Stove WOOD i . We have Just received a tar load of up river wood, guaranteed seasoned and dry. fcize cut to order. i I For Prices, call HydeTransfer Phone S80. Service and Quality our Motto. KING GEORGE ! CAFE ' First Class CHOP SUEY and NOODLES. Furnished Rooms to RsnL Prices Reasonable Phone Blue 471. Second Ave. -REDUCE HIOH COST OF 1 LIVINO. liUimlnate the draught around your wiudows and, use less coal, SEE OUR PATENT WEATHER STRIP For Doors and Windows. Olas and Mirrors of all Linds. T. ROSS MACKAY. Phone Blue 185. EXAMPLES OF Urv wr thm- cop lo(h) ; , nuT" it- yj rc n ckm ORurr Wr nco ourr srv "J WONCR J"' MP JIV rJ IVCottMYIN tmE 41 00 r POT ON -N( NOR PAftT yoyM Tr v "' 1 MIND MESSAGES Number of Testimonies to Ability to Communicate With Abesent Friends FEELING A PRESENCE Message Through Subconscious Mind May Afreet Optic Vision and Cause Sight Hy F. H. DuVernel, Archbishop of Caledonia One rrsul of publishing an lacen'unt of my scientific experi ments in radio-mind has been Hip receiving of a number of telepathic testimonies from far and wide. A classified selection of these is. iIiip to the muse, of science. j An Episcopal clergyman in III United Stales write that on spy-I ral occasions, when absent from his house andx visiting in his parish, his wife, by telepathy, has WRHJLEY5 Take il home to the kids Have a packet in your pocket for an ever-ready treat. A delicious confec tion and an aid to the teeth, appetite, digestion. 1 am Sealed in its Parity Package. Maurice was here last night and wauled me lo go away wilh him." jbrolhrr was jf hut a liltl laler succee.le.1 in gellinjr him to eall.TJiey h3( Uot llieu heard that inv; her by telephone. A I'rp.livlriuii . ... .. . - minUIpp in' i.. n. l.,.. II... I i ... ....iilJUtnij IU1L1UUI UU1I Western Canada says fliat when.them that he hail die.) that nislit." his wife has frculten to pive a f,pse examples we ob-him a commission lo buy some-!srve that there was communion thing while down tow n she has 'of spirit aided by sympathetic re. .in inr imi iijT-utiiini-i,aiii(ifirii receplixily as well as in Hie power of concentration. The importance of the messape has an evi- ,Pnl bearinp on this. In the first spiiI him a thoueht message ami lationship. There is a remark-he has pone to a shop and asked. able difference in the decree of for the needed article. Thought Messages A Wfi'jelcSs" tefeprilplier'ih F.llP- lan.l testifies mai several limes he has arranged with his wife al a distance to write down al a arranped moment - the Ihouphl which then comes lo her, and il has usually coincided with the thousht he has sent her. three eaes ihe mesape was da in Ihe lasl three it was and trapic. My nephew in Irelaml WTiles:tialfliP Ml,rienres. The vast nra thai at an. inquesl recently hehl.jrjy of people are laws lo the near wio-re mrs me louowiup ijiouphl that the same body can-faets were piven under oalh: AjMlt j)s in ,HU .ijffer,.,.! ares at father and son were in a boat which capsized not far from the shore. At thai moment the wife and mother, 'some miles from Ihe spot, told another son who was al home what had happened. This soli palliered together a crew and ?irried al tJie sr-fie in lime to reseue his father, but his brother was drowned, j Shot In Breast A woman in Alberta who had a son In charge of a machine gun ai uir irnill iiau uie iimimuiK experience iunnK Hie war. Whether asleep op-awake at Hi Mind Energy there is irollihiV mapirat or stipiTslilious about these tele ilt. same lime, bul his law applies ony lo a material Iwidy. and, mind enerA is a spiritual enlily, where il acts there il js, regardless of distance in space. When we have iudisputable proof that our friend's mind energy is ppiiPtraling our subcon- seiiiu mind and influencing us. as my experiment s have srienli fieally dem'nns! rated, wp are ijuile right in saying that we feel the ,.,,.,,. of ij.js r-in.l. This'i M ,le iivinn In verv li-nlli lie -nearer than hands and feel because the' energy of his mind. tonality, is active within us. Seeing Mentally u nen a material ohject or sound stimulates our optic or, auditory nerve, and this nerve euvcys ihe movement through a series of nerves to our physical ibrain and the vibration in our l..om -..11 ... ..:-:,. ...I ,on ' (hal w; :" ! IN CANADA lime sue noes noi Know, nut sne.i.t.!. i. essenpe of liis ner fouiwl herself loading a machine gun. tliougli she knew noltilnpt alKiul its mechanism. s Afler she had loaded II she- sal down behind if. ' Suddenly there was a sharp pang in her breast. She put her hand up and as she drew it away she saw it was dripping wilh blood. Jailer she received word that her son had loaded his n - ' - , chine pun. and having been given! Ihe command nol to fire until or- ilered, be sal down behind if and, while in this position was shot in Ihe breast and killed. , Felt His Presence I I A friend in Ontario, who Is an parnest Christian woman, wriless t"My brother Maurice was very ill , (in Alberla and we were receiving .daily telegrams reporting pro gress. We heard one day that there had been a change for the. belter. That night I was awak-iened lry feeling that he was be. (side my lied saying; 'I have Just 'com to say goodbye.' I Ihouphl (hat I would say nothing altoul II to anyone, bul in Hie morning my mother said to me: 'Maurice was in my room lasl iiighl. I felt as thought I rould almost see him, Some lime afler this I ran across Hie daughter of an old lady wilh wTinni my brother hail boarded when he was in a bank In a small eastern I own, and referring to .that sanfe eventful nichl she said jthal her mother, wdioin she was , nursing, was very ill. The nexl. tnoruiiig her ntother said, to her. I Ida object, or "In ar ' I his sound. 'Instead of the stimulus coming from without through the physical senses II can -mu; from willi. in through Hi' MibcoiiscioiiM mind, especially when two person are in ported coiiiiifyuiioii. of spirit. It is possible for "l toj think and see an. I hear and feel m nl ally in complete unison with our sympatliplic friend. Of course it j very,, seldom that such perfect rninniiiniiiti ran be attained in Ibis tifc. but there are various tppre leading up to t lii. until we enter Into (he fulness itf'lhe fellowship of the Spirit of Ood. When St. Pant, a prisoner In Home, wrote to tin- Coloiaii Christian: "1iim:-Ii I am absent m I lie flesh yM am I with you in Mir spirit, Joying and beholding your order, ami the leadfatnes in vonr failh in i:iint." he vvns simply iisins i metaphor of 'spwli. he An expressing a jpsyehiilripieal fan. iiis pliyskal 'body was hi Rome, but bis mind energy .was in Cnlnsae. opera- live in the subco ious minds of hi sympathetic mend. IfirAI UAIIDTIT H(KT MAKES GOOD PASSAGE UP TO KODIAK ISLAND M, M. Christopher Goes North With Crew for Cedric which Will Return to Port Covering the I.OO0 miles dis tance fr-'in litis ;orl in eight in fpite of slurmv weather making a call al Ketchikan en mule, the ioeal halibut schoiwier Mary (Thrislnpher. Capl. Henry lleiidrieksen. reaches KMliak Nland yelerlay with Capl. Iluphie Miller and crew of six who will take over the schooner Odric whirh will return to this port afler being away ror a year or su. On the way hern. Ifae OdrJc wjiich is owned by lol inler- els, -will fish and ft is expected she w ill' have a ialch lo market when she arrives. ALICE ARM Camp buildings al (he Home, slake mine are now completed and development w'nrk Is pro ceeding wilh very satisfactory results. - Sixteen men are working at F, Miller's lozglng camp where logs are being taken out for the Hix Kay milt al (ieorgelown. A big boom of 2fi seel ions is nrw ready lo be lowed south. , - Several Alice Arm heonle have Joined Hie Anvox Moose Lodge .....I .1 .. I.-... ..I, ,.fl ,,. riay 7 )e rilIl,i(lIlwl Royal Yeast Cakes reach the user in sealed air-tight waxed paper wrappers, each cake being wrapped by machinery not by hand so that even after package has been opened, the cakes are protected from dust and other harmful contamination. Daily News Classified Ads. a CENTS PEK WOKD IN ADVANCE. N AdvrtlMmnt.Tkn.for UM.Itun rIOc WANTED WANTED. Men and women to learn bartering. Paid while learning and lools free. Write for catalogue. MHer Hariier College, Vancouver, H.C. WANTED- Oiok, Inan or woman. Apply Central Hotel. .'.' FOR SALE FOIt SALE. Two Slaiei.per bad - ! inliiton racijuels. net mid flvn shuttlecock. Price tft. Daily News olltce. l FOR REftT I STEAM Healed Flat for rent. Hesner apartmenti. M. M, Stephens. FOIt KENT- Houekeeplng nwuiis 110 Sixth Avenue East. Phone Illue ?I7. If Ft 11' II ROOMED FLVT to Kent. Steam heal. Apply Smith A Mailed. tf FOIl KENT. MiMlern houe. five room and bath. Apply Munr( Hros. - tf MODERN four room rial for rent, Westenhnver Bros. tf REPAIRING ANYTIIINO IN CANVAS. Phone 7- I. EeClaire. Oiw Hay. MISCELLANEOUS. TAXI and l.iphl Delivery.- Plmnv 23. Let Tommy do it ! AUCTION SALE. AUCTION SALE on Thursday. October :.", at 3.30 p.m. al No. 6, Summit Apartments. Consisting of Wilton Jluif, armchairs, hed-rourh, chairs, Vie-Irola, rocking horse, desk, 'card (aide, hed, chiffonier, H m.iti. Mauser, rifle, etc Philpoli, Evil I A Cm., AucOnncer. i.'.l LOST I.OSI'. Ilelween Pol Olliee and Prince Ituperl Fih Market, I wo' keys on string. Finder please Telurn lo Dally New utllce. LOST. Hunch of keys In folding case, ttelwren pot Olllre" and McHrlde Street. Firfiler please return to Daily News Olliee. LOSTV--While rowboal in Prince . Ituperl Harbor, 'Saturday lasl. Howard.' Phone tlreen 102. if here before fftmr. 1 l'" ''" n vn of ore Is being made from ,," Esperanna mine. Harry Owen has returned from .Vancouver and expects Jo spend III uiulor liur Mr. J. Johnson, and family have arrived here from Oreen. wood lo Join Mr. Joliiison who is contracting at; Ihe Homeslnke mine. Provincial Conslahle Harry Martin of Prince Ituperf eien! last week here and then left for Stewart. PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Wednesday, October 24. High 1:07 a.m. 1'J.t ft. I3!00 p.m, 20 'J !' 7:07 a.m. 0.1 l'J:3 p,m. 1.2 Thursday, October 25 High .... Jit 1 a.m. ivs, ft. 13; to p.m. 2.i Low . j;37a.m, f,,t 20:68 p.m 1.0 BOAKD. IiOAIll). The Inlander, 830 Second Avenue. Phone 137. tf ROOM AND BOARD PALM EH HOUSE 406 Seventh Avenue West. Phone fled U9. Furnished suite. DO IT NOVA ru alw, JW H). ,lf rveriWng in h"ur for the winter, FIPM , u 'iMieket. Anything In fur made up in any style. W. QOLDBLOOM. "Honest Furs." Second A. TAXI Tail 67 Phone. fCa.ll Oeorfts or Oust) Ross Brothers. He Serviee m Ihe City. Anywhere. Anytime. Day or Nifht. Stand: Boston Grill Third Avenue CHIROPRACTOR R. D. TASSIE, D.O. Chiropractor 3rd Avenue. Prince Hit pert, B.C. Hours: to tu 12; 2 to I; 7 lu 8. Phone lilue fits. Residence, Oreen 134. AUCTION SALES . . i . . lir rniiins. lioods alsi siilit nn I'OlllllllssllMi H. H. HEMMINQS, Auctlon.tr. Third Avenue (Denny Allen's Old Store ) Phone Black 138 and Qreen 471 EXPERIENCED CORSETIERE Orders taken for Spirella O00.U Mrs. J. M. Orahlman Kalen Shoe Slore. 711 Second Avenue West. MAIL SCHEDULE For the East- Mondays. Wednesday nnd Frl. days, closes al 0.30 p.m. From the East- Mondays. Thursdays and Sat. urdays, t.30 p.m. From Vancouver-Sundays :.'--., , n M. Wednesdays !. , 3 p.M. Fridays A.M. Salurdays J P.M. CP.lt. October H and 19. To Vancouver Tuesdays. Mail closes at I P.M. Thursdays to P.M. Saturdays ..; 'A.M. Sundays 10 P.M. CP.lt. October 5, J2 and 23. To Anyoi, Alice Arm- Wednesdays 9 P.M. From Anyos, Alice Arm Thursdays 8 p.m. To Port Simpson, Alice Arm ' An yox. and Arrandate. Sundays 7 P.M. From Port Simpson, Alloa ArmlTh ,4"!: " idimii-"T" Anyox and Arrandali "' Tuesdays p " . To Stewart and Premier KAMI Mays ; g .)(,! unnays 7 P.M, From Stewart and Premier-Sundays 8 pi, Tuesdays ti To Alaska Points ' October 8 ami ID, From Alaska Points-October 5. 12 and 73. To 0.uen Charlotte Island Point. October 17 and 31.. 3.30 P.M f" Minefa Ceriifirate- .lo -1 .'? From Oueon ch,in. "i,r,"1'' ' fnni 11M t.I' wueon cnartotte Points ' ,, :arnr to ins ." Miiuiiip Mininr n,"" Meeonirr ;' ' uciouer 15 and 2U. To Naas Rlvsr Points and Port 8lmpton . Thursdays jq p y From Naaa River Points Kalurduys . a u LAND ACT. fMtk f IstMllWt U Aplf u PfcKM In Citl IjuiI pl.lrlrl. R , trirl ,( rnn"- liBprri . il I'limtlvm. Murrlv !. . OurWIM UUnJ. tnd -l4SmB i i Hie MMitli. Tike .Mlr OKI , ThiM( k I . ut VlMr. nfe4 7, . (iccwr, iniriui to tnr ri.r r-lo rurrfin" IIm lot uit i Otnsurnnnt tl I l r'i' i' fwr nf i.'liinht Inlrl. wr- II. Tt rlulnt. nr of m, i, buandary of T.I . Mil: lh.i.' . . rllnin lh id Mtiib iK.Hti.i t . rlwiM, rwtr or U, lu ibr .. Bf Of MM TJ..; Ibrlu Mil' l KUIherhr, ml fllAtnt ih i, ., t mark of Crnnabr( InM W) K rtitaontrturil. Iivl emitioinr trr. tnorr w TIIOMVS , kft ijf.v Ktiue ( Pie4 Splm.br tllh. mi LAMB ACT. NlU f iKltaVWo U Ap1 U entM Lm4. Id CM'I Lind IHHrl. flf- m1 W PWK Mrl, rrt, m un hum. un oUr. t (I thm IWMt uf All! lalrl Ttk IMv tlvtl I. T!iu erf Vtltcauirt. H i'.. Mvtl"' I" t4irftw iii ruOottiut ' OofnawftrMf al a ml Dlitil' ) lr X Atti ll. iImi i .mi rlf frum Una -l nt Ul I T -miu li. It ruiUH: ifcmrt t hm: lbrnr 'lh t,r huii rtvwint ttw bltk ur butt lajinl uf rxnmenrMiiptil, f i tl tttr. rrm or Irw Timvivs v i tU.t IU.inW ttlli. Hit, LAND) ACT. f UUll U A4f U L4M UM. In Cmii Ul Uuirtri. tu '.) i inn t rnw hwrn. i al tfc Mad of AlH Inlrt. Iv , :. - Ooera hrl-m Utatlt I Take .Vitirt tlul I. 1H.tu ' r lJ Yturuuttt. B .. ncrupaii. ... 1 inTluf. inund Ui aiTiir f bnr itbur lib et tin ilui r.i nonaral w lw twlimM rrv7 lT: Uwttrf S. II K . 10 more or ten. Ut the twH 4IU lllll; Xltrucm SimiUvM). .- mirnfrlr, and f,4Wint oaW sk " '? M"w,inw,V "; TIIOVIV V IE Saict f A; . Intd SftwnWf nth. IH LA HO ACT. ka f lalaallas U Alf U iHM Lasd. Is Skrmt Laod DUtrlrL hetaftff rs tHrt of friiM- Rurrt and titoai M CapUlna Cote, put I Hand. CJl Tk ntir mat w. Jffri. 111 reutar, ecrupatlon rasnerr mm. : s' m . appir for pminKui 10 b ftlolkr darritMt UlMla C'n; 3r ' t pout rlinifd im lb aotith that it taina Cot. Ihrmer aoutft II lui. ttve-t ail 10 rhalna) ib-nr eorlk I rtatai ti ttsir. Uwor fttlrisinr abort lo 1 rwearinal and roouioinf 17' a nor or kaa. w i. jirrEn" jrv jf mA nalit Tib ialr. Hit. - MintRAL act: ctMTiricATt or iMeaovtMfoTt. IkOTICt. Mow." -V.. o. t." ii " a. S Vmrl Cliima, altulK Sketva Mimar nmluo of a.er 1, " M-trifl. tVHrtH tcwaled M-pt t X MHil nn W hat rjianiwl, Take .I.,. thai WbaU Chantfl UmliM. Trr Mlnrfa OflinuM ttitar iniMiii .1.. imm 1 tiaV wnw, i apiy 10 im mnini n V, for a IVrtlflrale of Inipmtrttietit ' l porpM of obuintsr a Crotrs -im I f J Ixtte rlalnt. And further lake nolle IbAf I1"- - 0Mtr SrllA at . I-. r-.1mr-- 1 Ip: tar Dm lunanr of anrh Certl' -t Isirmtemenla. led this I eih day of AupHU A I) " P. U. MOHCKTOl, ' LAND ACT. Matlta f InWnOoo la Arslf.tS laata If"- In Va rn Uod Knirin. Iw !!' 1 rf Pnsre Mnrfi.Wi 1 ,M n cum.hra Intet. rret Oie-en 1 harlMI tland. bJ Take .Xotlre Ih.l , Tl- J 1. atif iHiHiirr, n a. urruuawai Oiwratur, IhuikI u atily f rf W Wh U rrrfkiwtiig .ksrriKi: CMnmenrint al the a,iitrnsffrrwk' K'uiiM; Hiallta: Himw tlienra nortborlv m.Mi..lv and .n.l .,lcr " nuiowiair tfmfv nt .ninra I-." lo 11- M,ini t ri4nmen.eiiH-nl. t lalmn 11,11 arrra. nx-re or ! TUOVIVS A, kf1'-'-1 -JS' . ,aie of M' nl.l spiMj.r tllh. nil. UNERAL ACT. ctnriricATi or iaesovxiiTi IHIr, Half Ha. I. Half Mo. llllt !W, . naif .10, 1, and naif Misiara' CtllDII. ... .... flluatnl Iii Itia (he Kelts II. It. 1 a ' " UiHUuH of Coail IH.Irl.l U'horr SMiwsir lH ,m Wlrwam Ha-" iulla Murlli ..f I'nrl llaril. . ,, , iaa -ii'ilrr that I. lfwillH V" im.. ...... vl ,uiirrTiiF-iii. 1 i'- f bhtaliiHit t I ron Uriut of . 'imwa. ., , And furthrr furthrr taku tikr nollr nollr tbal Ul r, ft ,iih.i m rt. 1 i". ' On Umanr Of Mid oniri tv """leiiirina. , ,. tialrd Ihla ttlti day of lW Aenl-n. MKMr',,,. rrra Minar'l crrtirtcaU f utn