4 j .v PkOB SIX THI DAILY RIWS Wednesday, October 21, 193 il .a L'H-1 I to Iff i L mi v "i? in! Sport Flannels A new shipment of these popular Flannels, T inches wide, in Sand, ijenua. Turquoise, Hose, laddy and Pekin. Kxccllenl quality at $2.50 FLANNEL MIDDIES Halkan Style in Navy and Cardinal. Sizes from 0 yurs to I I years in Misses and from 10 to 10 years in Ladies. Serge Gymnasium Bloomers Made in full roomy slyle. Ages 10 to IS years; well cuL From $4.75 Wo carry Pictorial lteview and Ladie' Home Journal .Patients. H. S. WALLACE CO., LTD. We Prepay Mall Orders. Telephone Tor Specials at by the Shop by Phone lo Save Tune nil-1 loncv. the Mote Phone Specials Only. can Granulated Sugar, 9 lbs. 1 for ... . 1. $1.00 (LtinitrlJt lb, to each , customer hp. U'asliinirSo.IajtC lbs. for 25c ! (Limit 12 lbs. to each customer . Old Dutch Cleanser, 3 for " , 35c f SfunlijIil Soap, carton. . 25c Fels Nanlha Soap, carton s, 90c Maple Leaf Matches, pk?e. 35c j Wild Ho?e or Snowflake i Pastry Flour. 10 lb. sack j for 50c 1 Illuc Label Catsup. lies. 50c. Phone special . . 40c Canada Corn Starch, pkpe. for 10c ! While Gloss Laundry Starch. rkse 10c ! Ropers' Syrup, 5's .... 55c t0' $1.05 Kyaporated Aprlcols. lb. 20c Kvaporalcd Peaches lb. 20c Rupert Table Supply Three Phones, 211, 212, 281 MADAM! Try our Llectric-llake Raisin Bread 11 will be a favorite with all the family. 15c a Loaf At your Grocer or at the Electric W indo w Bakeries ' Third Ave. Phone 667. You have no trouble with CON-tfUMCUS COAL, no fuss with flues or draught You never know how some coal will burn clean one day. sliuly the next. Hut you can safely rely oil COSSUMCIIS COAL. Clean, sited, selected, il always burns the same brightly, wl(li steady heal and free from soot. Consumers Coal Go. Ltd Phones 7 and 311. tvT-r"7 T'Tf 'l',.'-iaf!a"p'n Phone 9. i NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. BURNS LAKE SCHOOL. SEAI.I D Tt.VotHS. rndursfd "TfnAT Bam Ijkf School. villi l irrl1 lb llonuunble tbr .Minister of Public Works up lo IJ o'clock (noun, or Thursday. I he tltb day of October. for of erection and completion of a three-room School with tuseutent and outlxMie. Burns Lake. n the Omineca Electoral DIMrtct, B.C. Plans. Specification. Contract. . and Forms or Tender may be seen on and after ttth day or October. 193. and further Information obtained at the Department of Public Works. Parliament Build-In, and at the OfflfM of the Ooremmcnl Arents at SmttherM and Prince Grorre. Copies of Plans. Specification, etc.. up be obtained tnm the Department on payment of a dcpxtslt of Ten Dollar (JI0.OO . which will be refunded on their return In rood condition. The lowett or any tender not neces-Mtlly accepted. T. PHIUP. Public V..rk tnrtnecr. The nrfiartrofnl of public Works. Victoria. B.C. October. 4th. ttS. la In Loggers 6 Prospectors or BOOTS lo Men's Fine Shots ftom Hie $4.50 Men's Brown Calf Shoes, in Goodyear Welt, wide or narrow Iocs, from $5.50 Hand Made Loggers' Boots from ! $8.50 REPAIRING. GEO. HILL The Shoeman. Next St. Ilegis Cafe. St. Regis Cafe Prince ftupert's Leading Restaurant. A Bakery Unsurpassed. Third Avenue. LOGGERS' CLUB situate in me oiu empress Hotel Building. Rooms to Rent by Day, Week or the Month. Steam Heated. Hot and Cold Water. POOL TABLES. First-class Restaurant In connection. James Zarelll - Proprietor. Thf'lJtlte Dolicrty Compared with ordinary sized piano, Sewing Machines, Pianos, Phono graphs and Player Pianos For Hen I by Week or Month, Wear's Musin Slurp, lid. 'KANATAK IS LATEST ADDITION TO FLEET Brand New American Schooner, Owned and Skippered by Pete Wold, Is In Port Today The brand new Seattle halibut schooner Kanalak, a fine looking craft, is in port today with 30,- 000 pounds of halibut after her fir! voyage to the fishin? banks She sold lo the Canadian Fish A Cold Storape Co. at IK.Ic nud Hc the Kanatak. which is owned and skippered by pole Wold, for merly of the Alias, is 53 feel lonp and is powered with a full-deisel 65 horse-iNiwer motor. -She car ries a crew of set en men and has a capacity of 60.000 pounds of halibut. BOOTLEG JOINTS ARE FOUND IN BERLIN Take Place of all Night Cafes Which are Belnq Repressed: Banker's Place Used Ithltl.LV Opt. 21. -Since re former .stalled out recently In put an end to the all niphl eufe life in Iterlin, ingenious boot-lepper.s have conceived all sorts schemes to outwit I lie police. Despite lie reputations, all-niplit cafes hao been exceedingly popular here, ami briup in handsome ttrofits for Iheir managers'. Clandestine cabarets and drink- in? places liae Iieen spriiiKm like mushrooms, chiefly for the henefit of profiteers ami their friends who usually do not feel like i;oiup to their homes when ousted by the police al iniilnipht IN PROBATE. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. the Matter of The AdiiiiniMration Art: and I he Mailer or the FJtate of Janiet t-anaille. Deceased: lulettate. T.U: VlTli i: Hut In Order of lll Honour F. MrB. Vminr. made the I6lh day October. AH. 3. I wa apn)nled Aauiinmiraior oi the utile r.i Itmr t-antille. dn'eaed. ami all parties hatlnr liini arainl Hie saM ttate are hereby required to rurnlb an.e. properly trriried Hie. tm or lierore the tJtn dar or .November. Aji. js. and all parllee In-debted to the KiUte are required to pay amount "t their lnd-bted!ie to lue firtliuiih. 1IIOMVS W. II MIME. Official Adiiihiliirator. Prince Rupert, tl.f luted tln ISth day or Oclobcr. ioji FULLERS ATKINS People's Providers. II SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK SwiGs HreaKfust Pawn, sliced, per lb. .. .. 45c 1.1 .C. Kpps. guaruuteed, pr doz 50c Loral Kpps, per doz . . . 70c Gallon Jars Chow Pickles. Hep. :.V-'3. Special Tor cash $1.65 1 tins Sardines and one tin Kippered Herriup for 25c Cheese, Ontario, fresh, per lb. 35c Corn on Cob, in (ins. Special 35c Fresh I'ork Sausage, lb. 25c Wc have in slock at all times lie chicken and fowl. We will kill and dress them for you. , Apple Special, This Week Only, Fancy Mcintosh Iteds, per box $2.65 EXTRA SPECIAL. 1 lb. of .Cocoa and 3 of Fresh Ground Coffee, all for $1.00. Potatoes -Grade "A, Karly Hose, per sack . . . $1.50 Potatoes--Grade "A" while. per sack , . $1.76 Phone 45 and 574. Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Nelgerson Block, PRINCE RUPERT, B. 0. Office Hours, 9 to . Phone 688. Open Evenings Only For 8pecl Appointments. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phono 68. Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. I Makei I Tt t0 Preserve vp your health. YaTfcllie best yW I Otir asset for Mi nrl making life nu successful. Good digestion is all-important. The best way to insure it is wmmilo Take Beecham's Pills. When the digestive organs fail, nutrition is interfered with; blood is tainted, nerves e suffer, headaches and minor ailments multiply. A reliable cleansing, corrective agent that acts quickly and with highly satisfactory results is KEDMM'S PIUS C.U. Lara- SU ! aar HUJkW U Ik. WarM. from the downt.iwn licenced cafe. The Im i lei,---iii joinl are easily fnuiil. To the Ial tliners in (he regulation' cafes. the addre.Hse of I he Mfrcl re- it( usually come uiisollcileil in whispers from the waiters. .Many of Ihefo waller hae an in I erf I in the illicit places, or else ir- reie fees regularly for Iheir good will." Six weeks ajo Karl Schlesinuer a banker, left his apartment In n fashionable pari of Iterlin nud started on a long planned viien. lion wilh his family in an automobile. When he returned n policeman answered the door bell instead of the holler. Sehle- singer's supply of champagne. Rhine wines, liquors and cigars were gone, ami Ins luiller ami servants were in jail arcued of haiug operated a full fledged all nighl resort. CHURCH PAYS FINE TO KING OF ENGLAND Was Imposed During Reign of Henry VIII. 'Fop Allowing Pilgrims to Come LONDON, Ocl. i't. The record for a )opg distance fine appears to belting lo the office of vicar of the Church of Our Indy of Wil-lOsden. I which ancient edifice stands in one of Loudon's suburbs, for that personavc is required lo pay an annual contribu tion of one pound, two shilling and a sixpence lu the king, ami he has been paying it for almost 100 years. This fine was imposed after the deformation by Henry VIII. on the medieval vicar because he al lowed pilgrims to come to his church ami Lat lie their eyes in the water of n well which is supposed to contain curative properties. The pilgrims in gratitude often left sums of money. which aroused Henry's ire, and the vicar escaped the slake only by handing all the juouey thus collected oer to Henry, am agreeing to pay no annual fine, and vesting his sins on his successors. . Although Henry institute) many such gentle methods of In creasing the kingly exchequer, (his is the oiily; instance of tho fine .still being paid. The well on I ho church pro perly flill attracts many pilgrims who come lo bathe their eyes with tin: miraculous waters, many of whom claim lo- have been cured thereby. GERMANS STAND AS MARSEILLAISE IS PLAYED BY BAND ZlltlCII, Swilzerlnnd, Ocl. 21 There was a tense moment dur Ing (he congress in this city of Hie InlernAlloiial Cycling I'uion when (ierman aiid Austrian dele, gates met Ihe French reprcsenla-ies hul it ra'ine out all right, for Ihe (iermaus arose and slooil ial allenlbui while n baud played jibe "Marseillaise," the national utitiK.Mii or I ranee. d . lb L. .Inliiison-Wallon Co.'s luy Lome, engaged in lowing logs from Ihe, Queen Charlolle Islands In the mainland, was in port Ibis morning for walejv . When you buy advnrlislmr you Snv r.inni.l.ATIorCand see thai yod g'et It. tf CHINESE ARE TRADING UNDER BRITISH NAMES Henderson Brown Company Turns Out to be Der Hong YICTOIUA, . Tj. A certain feeljng of mild surprise was observable in the demeanor of Magistrate Jay.when, in response lo Hie rharge called against the llcndcrsoii-lirown Company, of failing lo carry a rear light on ils motor ear, ler Hong came forward and said he desired to plead guilty to the ottieuce. "What, are you the Hender son. Hrown Company?" asked th court. Through (he mediation of Wing, the court iutrrprelct. Ier Hong wished it lo be understood ihal he was Ihe llenderson-1 Inns n Company, and that Ihe 'lleiiilerson-llrtu Company was an association of Chinese fanners in Ihe Guidon Head district. H is becoming more and more the en-loin for Ihese men to do lniiiie.ss under Knglish names." explaiueil City Prosecutor Harrison; while II. C. Lowe, inler-veniug in the capacity of amicus curiae, pointed out thai another Chinaman in the city was doing business under the name and in the slle of Sunshine A Company. "Me lleiidlersiiig-lllowu. me pay." volunteered ler llonvr; and Ihe court decreed Ihal Hie Henderson-Krown corporal ton should pay a fine of $5. CN R. CONNECTIONS FOR WHITE STAR SAILINGS Steamships nr die While Slur line will sail from Montreal as follows: "Doric," Xovemiier Id: "llaiiada. Noxemlier l' ; "lle-gina." November 21. Paseners for Ihrsc steamers should arrange to leae Prince Ituperl via. Canadian National llailw)sou November 3, u Uu, 17. For rales and reservation. -call or wrile Ctly Tieket Ollire. Cana. diau National Hallways, r?H Third Ave., Prince Iliiperl.ll.C. Phone -'ClK 25 1 IN PROBATE. IN THE SUPREME 'COURT OP BRtTISM COLUMBIA. Ill Um Mailer or Tlv Adiulnltlrathin AM; ami In Hi Mailer r llu IjUle i.f Auul ktrrv. f'wead Imr.lalr. TAaE M'TIIE Ihal In Order of III Honour r MrB. V.sinr. made ihe I (lb dar ut Ortber. A.U. ItU. I aiflnlrl AdniliiUlralor i.f ihe r.tlale tf Annul Iww. derrad. ami all wrllet luilnr rUlni. araluol I lie ald E.Ute are Iter, by reiiirea 10 rurnon ui, (nf-eriy irrlried lu nie. ou or tierorr I be 1 tin day ( Mmeitilier. AJi. IJ. and all turtle In- delitsl fi Ihe E.lale are required la bt ne atuuuni or Iheir lndebledne j Hie rurthllh. THOMAS w orru-ial Adinlnl.iralor. Prlnre Huprrt. ft.r flaled ltif ISth d r OelJiee " FARMERS' Meat Market A shipment of liulkley Valley Heef and Mutton will arrive for this week end. Look at These Prlcesl Hoiltiig Heef, per lb. ... Cc Shoulder lloasl, to and 10o Choice Itoasls 16c llib steaks MViC slcw Heef . . lo Veal tcw ... ... ..... 80 Veal Itoasl 12c Million Slew ... .. ... 80 Shoulder Mutlon 15c Legs Mutton 28c Sausage 15o Hamburger 15c Oainers Dry Salt Pork 25c Oainers IlrcuLfast Ilacon, V'ikiiig the piece .... 40c VALENTIN'S DAIRY NOW OPEN Phone 81 DAILY DELIVERIES EPSON COAL Wc can now Supply our FAMOUS ED80N COAL In any quantity. Prince Rupert Feed Co PhCne 68. Phone 376 The House mm of Quality Flannel and Homespun DRESSES Our firsl shipment of Hice er -crviceiiblc dee f weid mi Tusl that we re onl -red a( once ami lme one e:; lirely new line, copied from the niot up-lo-dale la -In ::: joiihials. Tlie rolurs ne S.nnl. Peacock. Mauve, Tan, Pad.: Henna and ScarTel oud all sniUiMy Irlliuued in coilrl g shades. .Suei range front II ears to 20 nr and ure y. r j from $6.50 to $15.75 UNIVERSAL TRADING CO. Sole g ii ' for W writer s II I .nof tirseu. H'ani Lsnl eiKiier PaPern Satlsfsctlon or Money Back. We Prepay Mall Orders. WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight and Tomorrow, 7 and 9 Thos. H. DOUGLAS MACLEAN . A merry nim.ince oi oung idiu. MsU'r. ud i; . fun. A pre: u girl, a would-be hero ami a linn. Ii v, who will thrill .ii ..n.l m ike our ide n he with Iftngh Hi'illiiint c.tst ini-liides MARGUERITE DE LA MOTTE and RAYMOND HATTON. TOPICS OF THE DAY. t HEATER TIME IS HERE ii J Mukc jour selection early while our j imp is complete Phone 376 '5J both plain and brick lined, priced fromtf , " $12.50 to $45.00. Huy now ami hac jmirjf(ii4 neaicr ready for the nrsl cold enap. KAIEN HARDWARE CO. P.O. Box 1646. 60S Ince presents "A Man of ' Action" Admission 35c and 10c All tdyle and sixes. Third Ave. Tel, 8. $4.95 P'liohe 645. QAJVF0RMEN JiLL ONLY On Thursday, Friday and Saturday of Thla Week, October 25, 26 and 27. GENTLEMEN! If you require Itubber Hoots Tor the wet weiilire lir e Is a chance for im. II is not oflen Ihul we Iiine u f al' r iliisjvely Tor men, but the prices qnohd J.clow will how Ihal this is worth while. Men's All White Knee Rubber Boots Itegular " Men's Black Knee Rubber Boots with while sole. fteg.. r 0.00. Hal- price ? ; $4.50 Men's Black Knee Rubber Boots with re if side Hcg i"" .".rU. Hale price ...:fi $4.00 Men's H Black Rubber Boots wilh red sole. Meguliir 7 " bale price ' - je.50 Men's All White 8" Rubber Boots. ItegulJiV Jiil,r.(i, Snl price -.r.h.J $4.50 Men'!.9f!.Top Black "bber Boots, wilh while side. Ilegiir f.i.O.i. Sale price $4.25 Our whole slock of Men's Finn Hoou' in llliick am! Inn, regii h.rly priced nl front L(M .r.o. U"K ,r fered in this sal- nl n riflffii per cent reiliicliou. A .o.I line lit workitiK shoes is also included. FOR CASH ONLY. SEE OUR WINDOWS. Jabour Bros. Ltd. Corner Third and Seventh.