y,;t..ty "Cfflober- Hi, 1923. GERMAN-MADE ZEPPELIN IS TO FLY SOON' U)NI. ' ! OOr :!! Midi Uirnhip Zlt .'I under f . . ruciioii 111 tiermaii yard. Ifl m 'make her trial flieln :, i nioiiih. II m planned to have I, fiv duerl front KntlHitrk. I,. , u ili I hjlwJ Slate., after w In ii rli wdl be placed in the. I , w a(n inall Hnief IW, i New ytt'- i"l London ui ,Ip a 'wo-iUy schedule. Hi" r .;; lianliiil' will be Hi Lake. ! New Jerey. I ::ilr Allied regulation f.ir-ii., nit i'rjjiaii to luiild for war : addition 'Ui her own crew of .'u i M-f njnr willi their I.: virawi". I n "callfiS" rtnd Vliliiir ar- Titrnl "compare favorably !i i in' fmet American Pullman 1iee Quarter are nr. n-,- it hi Hi" main Tallin, which , fly nertircd In llir keel iiii-i'. tif forward end of 1 1 j - rhip. Tl: vif'nvrr alnri i nl ji.-i Willi d modern klli'lirn il Willi electrical stove. The u , mom i divided into five ar tii rii In. each com part. "fnnilf live pi'ro rom. nt.ly 3 pit hip pareuier tin o iew of lliw world Im. Mian .1.1 loim of pHrnl. In-willi oil and pari parlM, anil pMiiiin fur pH. anil tf&w. I hi Zll .1 will tir onlitiary pc'il f a in raoruTt II THt tUPMMC coukt of aamsN coLuaiat. VltlP' r ' AilHlllHtrtlll Art. lirr4ml tnlMtllr. COLUMBIA. JiHtwn H l TI.I. Ifwl Hi 'irrtrr of HI vn. T'Minir. ttV tt Kill du ttur ..r Ihr Mtr at Jl H. ttxt ii forth htlH I (nllHI tttr MM 4U ttr hrrttf I' ruih -4tn M.rli rrlnr4 - J ... tirt.r the lib 0T "f '-- II' lift til IXMIc Ml ft I 11m KUli r (WHirrd U- ii r iut-ii int. bttiM i'. mr Trx-y.- w m.iiMv irri n) Almiiiiirhr. Vnnr. Hnprrt. B.:. I' Mil iKy "f 'i.tijjfi. t)H in r no suit c i thi supmihc court or smiriSH coiutaai. J ttlr 'If TIW itqIMlrlli Al. 3 Ultlrf f Ihr f .UIr ..f liMirfr Tor iMrriiwvl lamitle MitMF Hal Ml mr -4 ! I" M' H tMnr. nMdr Itar l0' iNr !- All lI. I flulMl :i't .if llw lUlr .f -flnirft r'-aril, nd til rxrilrt tlKhit n: idixi Uv miI I !! r lrby H rUrutl mil, IVI) rririil " 4I ur lirlirr llw I till cl ''U- kit. !. ! tl I4MIV III 1 4r iho Ijuf trv twuliinl in tmf .ini anir inqnirmir i. iii mm nit 1IKIW V. mr, OfflrUI ArtllllnlOftlnr. Ptllwv Hlltart M l! '! l lhl Ulh djv i.r lirl'4T. ltd. M MOUTC. ' TrII M-PWfNC COUKT Of BHITISM MIUf. mt . llir AdmlMUrdiiia Art; i W tllrr f llw I'.nUI of li.-ti. Iim-tvit InirtUIr Mil: MiTICI. llul in uriW f III it: r Mrli VMinr ni1.- thm ir.ih iliv ' I1 Ar Il oil I wit iMwilnlrd 1 l:::3lrtu uf llr l.nlilr nf Vnwrr n ariMi. nl mil lurltra lufin ' lnl Ih Md l.Ulr r lirrrbr . ij uitiiim riiw., tnn iniii ' In I4t it tfti'tr llw llh (1T 'f ' ni.iwr iji. iifi. ind ill nirtirt in .i in mi. r.iii rr rrqinrru i ihj tinmint uf Hwlr lii-litnlin in n ' ""Ulh. TIIOM. AV. iikhm: urrirlai AdiniiiUtrtl'ir. l-rmcr Hnpm. B.: ! xih tlx tlh dijr of oriolx-r 113, VDTonlght iiminalten, improve atMtita. '"" eorrat conattMtim. Tomorrow Alright Ct a 25c Bex iimli u iiiiiiuif a riiiMiiiu iHiliim . .1... VII i- .1.1 . ..lf H.llflO IIUUIII'm lllllea ,ip mnic r.al urk Sh will h.,HH a l,,nr"' "f ." mile for II, M-are m1 equipment l arrvl',nf,',y W'M,,', " niuioiii oiiiiik fr.nn .Vw- York lo IIiiiik Kiuiir. llanKoiiii. CUih. lown 'Sulli Afrn-a . Anrllau l (.NVw .i-hhIium! , Mmiila. or llif vlirllj of the ShiIIi (!. An. Iruliu woukl Im in fay rf-ai li if lli il Hrl wvtv Hiailf from Snn I'mlN-Jli riHilrart llwri-n Ili Unilil Sliiti ami (ifrtnaiiy IIm-V.H 3 is to it 1livrml in Aiiu-ri-i ly a i If rum ii rriw. Tli I'iiIIkiI Siaif HiiiipiiiK Jtoanl. WVallwr ItnicHii. an'l nthrr Kov- rmniMil am-iirW iripiirliii; lo ut lift in i riiulil liv fur. ritlll-1 . . Thi. w1rnlow nrp larr.P u""1 '"r"l"u',ai Mile MlnuU nifinci nf too horof. r;i'li will ilritf Hii Iiik t. ii iiiatiniiim mi of ah nil miif an hour. Carrying i imn .mi iwhv in lf .liaillll II li)i will ! -lalioniil n ilifprl tlif air mH nr to srhp lnrp if il kIkhiIiI 1 1 !( a ry. MAGISTRATE SLATES RED AGITATORS WHO URGE MEN TO CRIME Oi-i . .'t. Th riitn MI niavi'irati mad'- oni prrtiniit reiiMri in li- For Guns and Armament But Much for'Food lAXZIt. Ort."2J. - A Rmup of liermaii newrpapernien rieently I'lll.-lniruli in lliif hailxir. and joined in r.iyinB thi mot alon- irhlnC thiiiB lljey nw wa the lorrinic oirlioarl hf a quantily of while bread left from the noonday meal of Hie rrew. "II wu lli' firrt while- hread mot of u hnd feen in yearH." one re. (Mirier declared. None of Ihe visilors wrole murh aboiil IIoj rruier' arma. menl. II was Ihe kilrheii". Ih food and way of rerinff ineaN lhal held Hieir ntlenlion. iROYAL PURPLE CARD PARTY ANDDANCE1S AN ENJOYABLE AFFAIR . Tin 'Ladle of Hie Hitjal purple, wi're iVfpoiiKlMi for fn of IIih mol rtiJoyalil ami .iirrcMfiil jaffalr hii tliix Hfamtii in llifjr jlirnU and w1iil ilHw- and daiir-MifM lat venlnii in llm j:ikV 'llomi. 'riiiTi" wir jti'VPilofii ilall-. uf whirl. 15 Lalile of ilirldK. and nomc on piTximn cii-!jrd Hih ianr llial followoil f tip jeard playing. The rpli-ndld r'-'frfliiniitH mnrd wire a fpalurp. ! Mr CnlliMi and 11. K. (iiillrk wi-ri firrl prlf winnprM at lirid?, roiitolation awards irnitic to .Mrr. II. I. PorMr-r and II. I. Ponder. Mr. J. if. Joliiirnn won Uo" fjrt prirr al whUt and .Mrn. V. Shaw lln roiirolalioii, (h. winnrH of IIih menV pMzi) hfina A. Akrr-Ufrtc and John Millar Sr. Mrr. li. K. (ilarafy and Mr. H. F. llf roniprf-ed llif rard enni-rnlllpi' and Mm. (',. II. i:il,in and Mr. AV. IIHd wrf in rharjfe df r'frelrinpiil . Ir'r'' OrHnMlra furin)isl Hip niiir for lln ilanr. fihri F.lkinx wa manlfr of rprdnoni and V. II. Irry wa on Hih dour. J. How won a pair lialli tiiwcU rafflfil by li' lixlve. CABINET OF SILVER PRESENTED J. WEIR StafT of Table Supply, and Universal Trading Co. Mark Occasion of Coming Weddlnn A pn-'MMitutioii uf a lieaulifiil i-nliiiirl of KiUcrwaro wa inadi 'al ma III by I hi" rtalT of I In IliiiM-ri Talili Siipnly and Hie I'nivprral Trading llo. to one of lliflr iiipiiiImtm. J. WVIr. who I uliuiit lo ii iiiarrioil toiiinrrow Jo Ml lluby Cacpy. Tin Kallnr inn limk itlarr al the homo of Mr. 'funirrT. Thomn'.on Slwl. t'iiHnjr a man to fM,r WfH' lin-U,r.re nn Mijoyahl. ev.'itinK wn. priwninMii. -our naim hoi help." Uf Mid. "havinc oiih pit ffy men Irtr th pr1fler. Yu ar." he added. addreiinB 111 in. "litade In I-Ii4i Dial you nr the trtint of tlif o(a r. nr. Thf wlmlf .wrd i uffer- Hitf Uie tertHhle ixihpI of lh war. ami lbe IIiImk Hint fill me with hurnintr indignation i that the men who Ma liy fnflamlttit ynur palon and put you in I If lHio lhal mi rf in Inday. keep n wlmie ttki flfMl tlHr per- onal frvedoHi. ! yon really think yoii aip fre- to kirk poliee offifr and impnon filiren without r4'rain' " rwnl. Iteorjie Spike afled a r-pokei- man for llw party id made Ihe lt"'enlalHHi in a neat Mwrh In refeh-fnir M, Mr. NVefr wn m taken hy iirtirie thai hi tti(Mi alrnoitl failei -him andhe wan nhle only l epren-il. appreri a I ion hi falleHrtR wtinN. tin the iireiou r-renin? a irtiini-'r nf ladieK palhered al I he home nf Mr. T'nper. the oera- ! lti peinir a Hiirellaneoii hmver ir Hie hfwle ! he. .Ml tii-ey riyehrd n iireal many heanllful prrpnlr for her new home. PETHEEP HERE Wtfuvuv v iii:um il I T n.l. I m am w u i tMirflvw rivm vaiai u UN AMhK LAN VVAKMllri Seem, Quite .iKom, on German Reporter Cared Little I Vacant Lot Mairsie. lln prl of Orland Smith Kland. arriM-d in port yes. lorday nflernoon by power boat in rare nf V. tirinwni,' roiiiKiied o Fuller A "Atkln. Maufie i a 1lled the I'Miled Slnle rrtiierfpi-l hep and eem ipiile at Aitv limne in her new paltire iilualel 0itoiti"lo the'AlkinV ilore.,The hep has i,rali nnirli Interest to the pai'r by. Ah to .Macxie'r final dipoitioii no diHMion ha yel hei'ii miole bill II ha hecn -U3tieled lhal a raffle Will he her. fMial undoing, litis I one of n floek of rheep wliirh l lieiuc, reared on Siiilth Irlaiid. From ex. p'i-linejlr already made. l has been proved rOilrlimlvely lhal ulieep do parlfriilarly well on Ihe, Nland and lhi is fully borne mil by Ihe prime appearance of he iflrrl arrival. II U Ihe inlenllnn "Tifi tjxtti iiwb ALWAYS READY FOR Baker 's Breakfast Cocoa Growing children wtnt end frequently need more nourisKment tkan edulu, owing to the activity of their restless littU bodies. Wiw baker L-ocoa tills all the requirements cf the dietitian and physician as a delicious, pure arid healthful beverage. Just 'as good for older people. Il the toe tf kith fuali'g Made In Canada By Walter Baker & Co. Limited EtubtUtttJ 1789 MiO t Dordwitrr. Mm. nd Montreal. Canaoa IOOUXT Of CHOICE RECIPES SENT FKEZ of the rancher on (he inland lo dexole parlirnlur altenlion In fuliire lo Hii" branch of industry. J Sport Chat j Hie lirofltt Athletic Cluh hat ju( ahoul roiiipeis arrange- inent for Ihe precnlalion of a real live raid of hnxinir lo focal fan al a tournament wliirh U to lake olaiv on I In evening of .Vovemher 3. Tliere will be hIx boul lo a deoUhjii wilh the liendliner a nix three mlnuln round alTair lietwven Tommy hermaij and Tommy Fraer. The former ha been well known lo Iftenl faun for ome yearn and youtiR Fraer lia he-n coming on rapidly of late. It will be the firl formal meet ln between lhr two and should prove a pti'al al. Irarlion. H. M. Skinner of the Fire Hall and lierl Morgan have been taking an ni'live part in pulling on Ihe tournament and liM-al ehlhuiar of Ihe fisJic art. willi meiitorle of several nappy affair lal, winter, will undoiihliilly reward Iheir elTort with w food meii-ture of patronage. Conducted along Ihepropef line, evenl Mich h lhee will he appreoialed by Ihe loea. porlinv publir. penerally. United Slate and HrilUh navy eaplaneM env'i'ied In an inler-UHllonal rare at Cowe for the Schneider Olp. The ronlel was a poor one and the American were eay w Inner. The French Navy wa iilo In hare entered a rouple of machine but both met with tuirhap before the race. I'he. liehler float tixetl by the American were a re.ponible farlor in Iheir victory, illolh were tluitl. macuine. uie winner, piloted by l.ieiit. Ililleii- liifue, had. jin average of 1.7 mile an hour which wa 20 mile an hour more lliau the be! llrillh boill. The second Anit'Hean iiiachlne wa only four mile an hour behind Ihe first flcferrlny lo Ihe 'recent ballle between (Jeofne Carpcnller and Joe lleckell, the .Mauchesler ntiardiau says: Meckelt's lal fignl will rer lalnly be historic. If. lie relifes wills a heavy mur he retire with a heavier hearl-Il was said llial he cried uflerwitriU, and if this I true il would not be olil of keepiuir with Ihe picture. A be stood up to tlarpeulier lleckelt lookeil like an ox pHtcd iiBtilnst a 'tiger. The helpless remark lie Hindu after Ihe fl'lit: "I tun sitrrj'i lie Va loo quick for me, whs piilhellcally line. The val mullltlide, which had remained hrealliles itml bewilden'd, al las) recovered II rene of realities. and h(iVL lulo an iittjy booing o Joe lleckell. Hage, disappointed appelllf, and perhnp u sptiriiMH fCelinif nf tiutioiial iiunilllation citnihineil lo"producH (tiKiiulburxt Of rut her hcusfly cmlion, 'A frantic 'wnmali srreilned: "Ani fill is 'IlrillshV 'flisKiint Was stamped on Ihe fnres'of (he meii If you find y6u oaiinot get the daily News regularly, call in and subscribo for it und have 11 de livcrel to your home. tf "The Most of the Best for the Least Beautiful Winter -;tY Bolivia Coats at Less than Wholesale Prices Xv itml tin year that the more expensive coats are not celling the same as in previous years. 'Consequently we have decided lo offer you our Mock of 'VELVET BOLIVIA AND WOOL BOLIVIA, -FUR TRIMMED AND FLAIfiJ WINTER COATS, AND VARIOUS OTHER COATS, ALL IN THE VERY LATEST FASHIONS AT PRICES WHIOH WILL CONVINCE YOU OF THEIR WONDERFUL VALUES. R THE PRICES AT WHICH WE ARE OFFERING THESE BEAUTIFUL. COATS ARE BELOW WHOLESALE COST. The reason we are elling lhe.e coals at greatly reduced prices is thai we do not believe in having one garment l?fl over from one season lo Ihe other. It is not Ihe larwe profits we -are after hut a quick 'turnover always having as our object to give our customers TIIK MOST OF THR IIKST mil THK LE.VST. You will niuke no mislake in .seeing these wonderful values.' Every coal has our guarantee behind il and'hv purchasing a winter coal now i on will SAVK MONEY. This stupendous offer will hold good for Ihree days only, nmely, Mondnv, Tuesday and Wednesday of this Week. RAINCOATS RAINCOATS Just the thing for stormy days. Rubberized Tweed Raincoats (belled . Wednesday "Special , $1040 Just a few Navy Slue Mohair Raincoats. Reg price $22.50. Wednesday Special $18.00 ; ALSO A BIG REDUCTION IN FALL AND WINTER SUITS. BenVs Big Bargain Day Tomorrow WednesdaySpecials for Big Wotoien Exceptional Bargains. 'One Dozen Serge Dresses, sizes 1 1-tX. Wednesday special ... . . . .tlSO One Dozen Black and Navy Satin Dresses, very stylish. Sizes f 2-1 8. Wednesday Special I18.S0 and' 'One Dozen Genuine Scotch Tweed Skirts, for big wom?n only. Wednesday Special ...v.. REMEMBER As lliere are a limited number of coals nnil iiits in stock you are invited to call In early and make your selection vhileMhe' Jine i complete. Mall Orders Living out of town need not 'handicap yon In.-yoifr raiment. YV can fit up your'svery requirement in outer wear if .vol' will hilt write lis slating your needs anil at prices the same as if you were., in Prince Itupert. BENTS Third Avenue. LADIES' READY-m-WEAM Opposite 'Bank of Montreal. ItiorfttSI. 'iff -