Whan VN Want A NEW SYSTEM OF STREET LIGHTS Superintendent of Utilities Re ports on Cluster Lights for Business Section Cost-Ing $36,000 A cily solicitor's confirnration of opinion. Aid. MardooaM oiiggest. ed Hiat Hie time for the solicl-itor s ruling should have been before registrations closed. lie fell that il would be working a jhanlship o now disqualify those1 report from Ihe siiperln- Vi, ,ud paid the $2 on the un- emleiil or ulillliea xuhmtlleil MV.dersl.'iiullttg Unit they could vole. Ihe r-ily council las nighl by II,.. r(irl nf reinion should se. Ihe ulililies commillce suggesting Ihe submission of a plebiscite providing for a rlusler rioiisly consider Ihe mailer before deciding lo do so. City Solicitor Jones subnijllcd 'licet lighting system in the n,,,! , ri.ling had been made business seel ion of the cily cmplinli"ally before regislrnlioits cosling a.10,000 did not receive rinsed. Referring lo a similar a very in favorable , wi mni' reception tin mhiii nl-rase hi -j case in in Victoria icmiiii some sninu years jt'in.s ago, 11.11, IllOtlUII nrxi wi il was .laid over uulil . expressed (he fear that the i-ek wben the superln- (lection mlgh! ubscucnlly be iciiiieul will will be be present present In in per.(. per.;..! nsiile nsiile If If these these names names were were son in give nirl lo-r explanation of l(. The scheme provides for Hie pulling In of cluster lights on both sides Third Avenues allowed In go on Ihe list and vole. Aid. Stephens staled thai the cllv solicitor was being unfairly of second and'eriiicUci. The dverllsement In between Second tmestlon had been Inserted oxer and Sevenlh 81 reel and Third M muni' of Ihe mayor and Ihe Mrret and lecticy. Sevenlh Street res- PUBLIO MEETING RE FISHERY MATTERS A Public meeting will lie held in Ihe Council Chamber on Thursday, Occember 13, al H.I 5 p.m. re American Fishing Vessels using Canadian ports; Casnllno Tax affecting fishing bonis, or any other mailers uffcel Ing thu local fishing industry. All Interested in these matters iuviled to attend. 8. M. NEWTON, Mayor. luting now made by the cily solicitor was Identically Ihe same as be had UHide nt Jlrat lime. Mr. Jones staled that, if Ihe court or revision struck such inanies off. any persons who were inot satisfied could go to the JCounly Court and m'ake a test ' . ... ii case oi ii. I In answer In a iluesliou hy Aid. Miinro, Mr. Jones staled thai Ihose who had paid the !! ahead could not miallfy now by paying Ihe ?5. Householders had to be duly iualiflod before October 31 lo gel on the list. PANCHO VILLA WON IMIII.AnEI.PIIIA. Dee. II. Pancho Villa, world's flyweight , champion, w'on the Judges' de- !eislon over Palsy Wallace of ' Philadelphia ir, ten rounds. I.ONItON. I lee. dismissal of Ihe government by an adverse vole in Ihe House of Commoirs, which il is assumed will inevitably happen. According to slalements of Ihe besl informed political mongers Hie Premier has nlready determined upon his course of aclhui. resolving in deference lo preponderating opinion in MOUNTIE AGAIN UNDER ARREST Jury by Manson. WAS OUT ON BAIL VANCOUVER, Oec. tl F. .W.I the cabinet ami in the Couserva-'tive party lo waive his personal preference for immediate resig. 'nation and. continue in office. II Is understood that Premier llablwiii has received assurances it f support from Ihe cabinet and Special Investigator of Narcotic XU" Cmoo'rvat.ve parly and will Sauad Charoed With Per. jConlinu." at Ihe head of the gov- lernment. GENE TUNNEY GETS BEST OF HARRY GREB Eceles, special investigator on! the Royal Canadian Mounted Also Tommy Loughran Secures Police narcotic sipia.l, was ar-1 Decision 0er Roland Todd rested Inst night by cily police; of Britain on a charge of perjury laid by i Ihe Allorney General or Hrilish 4KW YORK, Oec. 1U i iene Columbia. j'i'unney .defended the American No details are given as lo .jK,t heavyweight, title against where Ihe alleged perjury was Hnrry Oreb in ririeeu fast rounds eommilted. Eceles was recently Ur, which Tuuney got the best in convicted in Ihe Victoria police a i'y attack, court oi illegal Iratllcking "in 5reb made a. whirlwind rally drugs. He was released on bonds iH ,,e ws round.. pending Ihe outcome of an ap peal in the superior court. The hearing in the superior month, Tuuney will be matched with Carpentier In New York next courl has not been fixed pend- Tommy Loughran or Philadel-ing Ihe rinding of the .federal phia got the decision over Ro-royal commissioner, who is in- land Todd uf Urilain, wearer of vesligating in a general way Ihe the European middleweight title, charges that mounted police in- vesllgalors were guilty or illegal practices. VICTORIA. Dee. II. The charge against Eceles will bo lhal the evidence given by him be fore the Royal Commission of inquiry was perjuroiis. He will be denied bail and returned here, for hearing. in' fifteen rounds. RAILWAY EARNINGS The gross earnings of the Canadian National Railways from January I, to Nov. 30, were 232.1 50.it0.57 being an in- crease or 10,273,117.1 8 over the ' tirreipnndini' period of 1922 j A .Lit NEW TAXI mm BOSTON GRILL 99 Third Ave. u a hurry The Latent in Restaurants. Phone Private Boxes for Ladies and Party Use. Beat Cara and Best teryloe PRINCE RUPERT Bast Food. Bast Sarvlca. In the City. Rates Reaaonabla "Take Her to the Roston." Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper OPEN DAY AKD NIQHT. VOL XIII., NO, 2!M, PHINCE HUPEHT, II.C, TUESDAY, DECEMHEH II, I5:i. InttrUf't Olrtu'ltlon 1702. itrHi aiM ssa. PRICE FIVE CENTS. BRrnSh f SEMlER EXPECTED TO HOLD ON VANCOUVER NEWSPAPER FEARS PULP AND PAPER H0NOF0LY THIS COAST Method of Conducting Reparations Inquiry at Last Agreed Upon WASHINGTON, Dee. II. The way has been opcn-d ul for American unofficial anl in solving Hie reparation riddle ir Europe. Afler muny moii I h of )im-iim(iii and ninny failures I lie I'.uropcun Allies and Germany have hit iimmi a lati of in-iinry vvlni'li it looked umiii favorably hy Washington. While the United Stale", gitveriinieiit will not participate officially or Jiminl official representatives mm the roiiiitiiiun if 1 1 f 1 1 ry . it will approve the participation hy American economic expert in Iheir private capacity. drugprobe" thesepeople is continued may not vote Attorney General Not Represent- - ed at Hearing Before Cit Solicitor Again Rules That Commissioner Smith Householders Must Have Paid $7 to Qualify VANCOUVER. Dec It. When ! Mir liive.ligatlon nidi narcotic Reiterating an opinion glvcir charge- aiifnct agents of loitIrly hy him In October.!.! Iloynl Canadian Mounted Pulir- registrations closed, Cily was resumed here yesterday hv Solicitor K. F. Jones ugain in. Iloiuml.sloner Smith. Allorney- "'me,, ,MC cil council last night ....,-.. I M2Wk; l.rii(l.biUiiMUOMiC whu hav .paid; charges, was not represented by ss r,M", a,,d iM" ,us counsel nor w (he provincial ' "c nnaiuieu io vote a IH.Ilef In attendance. C. I.. liar- b'seholdcr al the forthcoming non representing Ihe allorney ''cUon. It will b rrnh-nu general, and hi as-Manl wilh- I""'' October n .liffer- drcw from the rase on Friday P"" "r op'"'" arose between follow our the refu.al of ie H'C mayor and the eily -olieilor commissioner lo recall J. J. M matter and Ihe mayor Wing, the notorious drug dealer. cau.cd published notice who Is .rrvlnir a term in Ihe alaliim lhal Icnlalive rcgislra- penilenliary lo give fnrlher wo"1'1 l" received rroin evldyiee lbo-e payinv lhe roud tax The commissioner ronlinucd wlthoul the Toll lax. Now il Ihe Investigation, hearing evl- appear that such people wilt not fence. aH' "'" a'"'' advice of the city solicitor . is taken. their name; will have to be ".truck off the IM by the rourt of revision when It niccts tlii week. Following the readfnc of the The Caltieilral in Milan, Italy, was surrounded by myriads or people, Vtfo observed Ihe devotions or armilice day that was held in the solsmn structure. The cniwd are shown waiting Ihe cortege of the bodies of forty soldiers lhal were brought to Milan for burin!. Premier Baldwin is Expected to Continue Premiership Until he is Defeated in House oi Commons ISSUE LICENSES TO AMERICAN FISHING BOATS ON PACIFIC OTTAWA, Oec. II. The minister or marine and fisheries has been authorized t o issue licenses M Lulled Slates fishing vessels mi the PaciHc Coast ir Canada which will permil (hem during I1I-.M to enter Hritish Columbia ports with certain privileges they have not had hereto ro re. Immigration Policy Soon Railway to Bring Is Selected Settlers For Settlement of Canada MONTREAL7Dec. 11. An Important and definite policy of Immigration and colonize, lion has been decided upon by the Canadian National Railway as a result of a con-ference last week at general headquarters here. It provides for the bringing to Canada of suitable settlers carefully selected. The aid of the soldiers' settlement field service Is to be request, ed In connection with the work. Chief Constable Ihe provincial police returned to Ihe cily from Anyux on the Car-flt-na h'..-- af'ernooi;. Vancouver Paper Warns Against Allowing Whalen Company to go lo California Monopolist Company Special lo laily News, VANCOUVER, liec. 11. In a Ironl page story today under the heading "l'aviiig of Whalen and Paper Company lo American liilcrel Seen," the Vancouver Sun cays in part: "Fearing that the Flebdiaker and Zellerbach iiitereU coii-trolliug Hie pulp and paper inlert. on Ihe Pacific coa-il may for a ."oug come into iKise.sioii of Ihe'Whaleu Pulp Patter Co. and the vast timber holdings granted it by Ihe Provincial jrov- ernrneul, u numboc of citizens, some holding slock in Ihe Whal?n Company, are anxious for the Provincial government to "take immediate action lo protect " the inleresls of the stockholders PFf)pP fl A ri of Ihe province. TlliKLri llALR i ri.... i.. ii. ... i i l iiu.c III luuin viiii mt- in; dulry are firmly of opinion that; the recent appoint ment of E. M, Mills, vice-president and general! manager of the Zellerbachs of Wellington Pulp & Paper Co. hj receiver for Ihe Whalen Co. in-place of a. F. (lyles of Vancouver is the first step toward add ling 'the Whalen Company lo the monopolistic California concern. " In vertically Ihe same way, ,.by calling in 'business doctors' from Fleishacker-Zellerbach em. ploy, Ihe Pacific Mill Ocean Falls plant and Ihe government timber concessions passed 1'.jbe ' Flenhacter control. "Archilwld M-artiu, receiver for II.' The first meeting of the- Hrilili cab- , Icresls control Ocean Fblls and inn! since Ihe election Ial week is being held today to make a decision as.lo whether Premier liablwin shall resign al once or await lie nsM'inhly of Parliament oil Jauiiarv 8 and receive K Columbia, announced, afler some time in control of that company's affairs, that il should be sold. It went lo Herbert FleUlraeker's ;bid at a low price. The creditors received practically nothing and Hie shareholders in Urilih Columbia and in the old country have never been able lo gel returns on their investment." The Fleishacker-Zellerbach in. Powell River paper plants. : Trouble on Pipe line Caus'ed City Power and Light be Shut Off For Several Hours Today to Packing on Ihe main pipe line near the north fork or Shavvat-lans River between Woodworlh Lake dam and the city's hydroelectric plant at ShawaJJans Iake was blown, out during the night and, in order lo prevent serious dauuige being done to the line through Ihe water running wild, it was necessary to sliut otr the waler rrom the dam, this morning at 10 o'clock thus putting the power plant out of operation and leaving the city without power or light ror nearly rive hours while repairs were being effected. As it takes eight hours for the Iheir operation wero ef reeled and ror this reason the Dully IN THE SOUTH Steamers Unable to Operate Gulf of Georgia Yester day Morning Irr VANCOUVER. Oec. II. Tb8 worst gale of the year raged in Ihe Gulf of Ceoraia earlv ves- lerday. So terrific were (be seas licked up by the wind that Ihe Nanaimo-Vancouver steamer Princess Patricia was forced lo return lo Nanaimo harbor when fourlevHiMHle. ouL from tlitycual. city and the steamer Charmer U'Uii i tin tin llui I I - n a Ir itAtlne Itm ... 1 1 11 i VOIOM.M1 u i v .--i.. va OIIU ILI lit Ihe Pacific .Mills, formerly with , ,. .. . illlubbcr Hay. ., , , ' Ihe company which ,is now reaeji- ing for. Ihe la.l Independent' producer of pulp in Itritish TO CONSERVE FUR ANIMALS New Trapping Law to Coma Bs-fore Legislature Next Week VICTORIA, he.!, tl. Measures lo conserve the li.C. fur bearing ..:...!.- r.... i..i..t ...ii..i: i lo revive the fur industry is eon-laiued in legislation which will be introduced into the legislature next week by Attorney General Manson. Under the proposed amendment to the (Same Ait no 'aliens except bona fide farmers will bo allowed lo trap fur bearing nni- tlinlw VII !?, II. .a In II.a ..nr. .. -. .... ..a,, iiiiu., ,i, inf.. i ir vince will be registered and tli trapper will be placed in Ihe po-, snioii oi a game conservation official. He wilt have to prove his., right to trapping areas ami wilti have to observe the taw strictlyv in conserving Ihe game there. In" return lor this he will be pro. lecled ngainsl inroads trour other trappers. DEATH CLAIMS SHAUGHNESSY C.P.R. Magnate Dies of Heart Disease at Montreal; Born Milwaukee MONTREAL, Dec. It. Haroii Shn ntrli itiwuv' i rtmm if I It a emergency dry dock power plant oar( of-"UirPCljr!l of (;ilIia. o gci sieai . up a. u power imu dian pajfic Railway and direc. he lines rel.er be ob- could not lor of severa, sub(il,ia c,jm lamed roni that source until tiet of hearl tj!ll.as0 2.J( this arternoon when Hec-jt.omincJr, iuns rM , herefrom nelly from here was turned in-,a,t ni(.L e ,,tt) imrti(.ilm(,.( lo he city lines. The city plant;in l0 Kniahu r i:ohm&Uit ,., will be operating 'again late thU.ade 5;UIH,ay ani, 0(m,ralllPJ aflernoon, it is expected. ,jnvelf. He was born in Mil. various industries in the city waukee in 1853. depending on electric power tori . LIBERAL ELECTED News was late in issuing this uf- LONDON, Deo. it, In (ho lernoon. Western Isle division of Inver- Thi city's waler supply was(ness and Ross and Cromartyfc was not interfered wilh as there one of the delayed election re W. Spiller of; is always a reserve In the Aero- turns, A. M. Livingstone, Liberal; polls Hill reservoir. ijUDi ribe for (be Daily News. was elected. by a Liberal mint The seat was held in the last parlia-