Vla-, rfcemter II, lt?3, Where the Sun Shines Most of the Time TIIK Union Pacific System (ml .HfHTIIKItN PACIFIC operate Through Standard Sleepers Seattle to San Francisco AMI Los Angeles THE SHASTA and CALIFORNIA EXPRESS ' Leave Seattle 1 1.15 p.m. rnve Hiin PraiiriM'ii 2nd Morning 11.30 n.m. iiv'. lits Angeles 3rd Morning 7..." n.m. THE OREGON IAN' Leave Seal lie 3.30 p.m. Arm San Fniiiricu 2nd Morning 9.10 a.m. Low Winter Rates on Sale Dally. Coiiiiei-liou fnni VnuriMiver: ( I' ll, Sleiuiier Ut.'V) n.m. nml II p.m. 1 1. Y Triiut X n.m.. .'I p.m., 12.(M p.m. For Rates and Reservations Apply Any Railroad Ticket Agent, or write F. 8. Elliott, W. H. Olln, Truv Freight ami At. (ien. Freight nml l'ns Agent. Pa, Agent. O.-W. STATION-SEATTLE, WASH. Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating O. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plmil i equipped to hnmlle nil kimls of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385. Nanaimo - Wellington COAL DOUBLE SCREENED! LASTS LONGER! Real Satisfaction Cheapest In Long Run! NO SHALE OR ROCK! COAL GUARANTEED! PROMPT DELIVERY. Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phone 109. Phones 110 and 564. Helgerson Block. Dr. F. P. KENNY Dentist X - RAY SERVICE. Office Hour: if n.m. In (1 p.m. Open. F.veuiiiK by Special Appointment. Carss Mackinaw Pure Wool Coats and Trousers XMAS GIFTS NOW IN. STEVE KING Phone Green 85 Third Avenue advertise in "The Daily News" THE PAPER THAT GETS QUICK RESULTS STEWART Another important strike wa made in the iiunwell mine. Intl. week when high grade gold wn encountered nt the. intersection of the two quartz Varn in the east-went vein of No. 2 tunnel. Masons of IhU district are lo hold a dinner about one week after .New Years. Invitations will he enl o member of the I'rinee Rupert and Anyox lodge. 4 Ml France Whllian ha arrived from Vieloria to join tier fattier. Dr. II. A. Whillan. Capl. anrl Mr. C. A. Macken zie (dan on leaving for Kngland some lime in .lanuary. They are at present (in a trip south. Peck McSwain of the Portland Canal new . alatT suffered a stroke of paralysi lasl week hut If recovering nicely. Mr. and Mr. W. Tl. Tooth have Iff 1 fop a two months' vacation lrip in the United Maie. iney plan lo viil Sail Lake Oily and go through the Panama Canal lo New York. The 'following .nomination have been mdc for office In I he International Service Club: for President, II. YV, .M. Iolon and I. f. Lyon: vice.preidenl, J. V. Wflon; secretary, Hugh Wake; treasurer, is. (i. Lawrence; executive committee, V. Wanton, II. Hochefort, V. Watson, II. Ilnolen; trustees, II. C, llennctl. J. Sent I, Nim Travercy and C. Jackson. The Haldwin block on Coluin- Cameron. P. S. Jack and Jack Slanicr. The CnrcHau general store will ! moved Into Ihe premise. N. Musallem wrole lo, Ihe city council last night asking that Fifth Avenue lasl 1.- kept open lo pedestrian traffic while grading operation are in pro gres. wie. hi ioily inlerfere with. The let l.. ,tmm-A I,. I I. - T)n...l nfl IVnrl. IP"'' PHE.EMPTIONS Ytnt. unrtttrit-4. uryr,l Crwn Undt ID4)' t pr-mplU b BHUI fubjcu er It yn of r. ui4 If Utn on drclartnx Intcniloii lo tucro UritUh ubjfti. unUl lianal upon, rHJnc, ocv-uixtloti, in 4 Iroprer miit for trlouliurl iurioi. U Infortuatlon roiutrnlrii tiju-alium rrdltir lr-mpnom I flin. In lUDttln No. 1, Land Krrlek. Ho lo frt'mpt limd," toyl "of hlth ran be obulntd lfe uf chart by addrrfatbf Ilia IHpartmrnt if Ijindt, Vlcloiia, b.C, or to any 5ov-rnmn( Acnt. Ilacorda wlU b tranttd rovrrink jnljr land autiabl for atrtcullural purpottl, and which U nut llmt.tr-land. I.o, carrjlnc Tr I.OWI boirrt rl par atra waatof thaCouat IUO(a tod . faat par. act rait'uf that Rahga. Appllrailona for pr-mpilona ar lo be addrtaaad to tha (jtnd Com mlaalonar of tha lDd R.iord'nr 1)1- vlalan. In which tha Una applied for lion, la altuaud. and ara maua un primal tortna. coplaa or which ran l ob-(alaad from tha Land ComnJ.kntr. I'ra.amptlona tnuat ba occupied for flra .jaara and lmprovamenta made to ralua of (10 per a era. Including: clearing and cultivating at laaat Ilva acraa. befora a Crown tlrant ran be recalvad. For Mora detailed Information aa tha llulletln -How to Ir-empt Und." PURCHASE Applications ara received for purchase of vacant and unreserved Crawn landa, not being tlmberlaii.t. tor agricultural purpoaea; minimum and tha ranga administered under -l uraimg Commissioner, Annual grating parmtta ar laaued based on numbera ranged, priority being given o established own era. 8 lock -owner may form associations for range management. Free, or partially free, nermlta ara available for eettlera. snipers and traveller, hp to tan 'lead. THP. DAILY NRW8. PAGE PIVft COUNCIL NOT DECIDED YET Difference of Opinion Apparent In Connection With Sidewalks In Section Five Though Aid. .Monro suhmilcd a ielilion howinif that certain properly owner alTecled were jn favor of board walks and Aid. Stephen countered with ii lil of name of thine faTnrimr cin der walk. Hie city council did not alify ilelf l'al night on which plan lo accept In connection willi the completion of the Mreel work on Fourth anrl Fiflh Avenue in Section 5 and decided lo have a petition circulated asking for a change of the original .plan from boanl lo cinder walk. If IhU petition l sfgn-ed by two-third .or, more of the properly owner ..alTecled, cinder wnlk will be 'put in Instead of board walks. If not, the original clieme for boaril wnlk will be proceeded willi. Comparative.! Costs F.slimate received front Ibe cily engineer showed Oiat I he cost for five foot cinder walk would be A I, (103.15 and for four fool six board walk would be 2lll. Aid. Monro xiihmitled hi peli-lion asking that the- work be proceeded willi along the line nrisinally inleniled, namely board walk. Thi wa signed by f!. II. Arnold, Mr. II. I). Hryant. Mr. I. l. Slewarl, Sisters of SI. J II. Morgan organ, 0. .1. (iraham. Aid. Munro ad mitted there wa difference of a. Alii. Mepneits siumiiiieii a lil of lliojte who favored cinder It contained the. mimes of Prince Ituoerl ltiiiblin? & In- Ue.lmenl Syndicate, "J. Freil llilchie, Mr. J. A. West, It. L. Mcintosh. O. P. Tinker (Wald- 'ron Apart menls W. Pat more. Macdonald lial u petition be circulated. The mayor 'was em- jpowered lo secure the services of a man to circulate Ihe peti- CHRISTMAS ON LOCAL MARKET Seasonal Lines Are Moving Freely and Trade Will be up to Former Years r.hrisltnns lint's nm now fen former years. Turkeys, geese, thick and fowl will be plentiful this, 'ar with an increased amount of in-lerio'r live and fresh killed stock offering. Advance smle on turkeys are heavier than ever before tlue lo Ihe low prices prevailing and Ihe usual shortage on Christmas eve will result if sale keep tip lo (he pace slarled. The butter market s Ira advanced ngnin, 'No, 1! creamery Alberta an'' "c o,eph W. K. William. J.'k"pW M. P. McCaffery and,;: L 1 " f Yanderhoof 55c jlda Slreel J,n been Piircbased amonlf ,ir(lporly ; ........ ...union IKMH ni nil I... I on. (op walk, some board walk and other do not eem lo care. The ladie. il eomed, favored plank walk. In order lo lesl out Ihe feeling even, more thoroughly be suggested thai decision be- deferred for a week. Slating that it wa not hi fight but rather lh.it of Ihe pro Dairy o, 1 .. ... ... Lard Pure Compound .'. . . . Ontario solid Local Cheese Kraft , Ingersoll loaf Jack Napoleon Limberger B.C. Sim-ape Kxlras . Veaetabtes Beets, per 100 . Carrol, per lb. Carrol, per 100 Turnip, per lb. Turnip, per 100 Brussels Sprouts vegeinnie .Marrow oc box 0 apes. Hcl Kmperors, lb. .. 25 iPears, wintT variety, box $1.50 Oranges. Minkist, doz. 25c to 85c Lemons, Sunkist, per doz. .. 50o Bananas, lb. ... ... .. 20c firapefruil. CnllL, 3 for .... 25c Orapr-fniit, Florida, 2 for .. 35c Comb honey 40c (Dates, bulk, ' 3 lbs 40c. price ui rirai-ciasa taraDie) mnd is ',,,, ,. i.u1i Pini mnrkot , r. i Dir in. and nj.ri... i.iu.m.t luring ttie km ai reiaii irarhci. iv. Ps Dromedarv Nuts j .1nond , ... 25c ; Brazils and filbert 25c W'aliiuls, California No. I .. 40c Chestnut, lb 35c I'eanut . 20c C-round Almond 85c Almond Basle 75c! Walnuts, Manchurian ... .. 25c, - butter is retailing at 55c, per. White, per 100 pound. Prospects are for n cnn-jYellnw. per 100 . tinned high hutler market a oleo-margariiie is barred after February I. Storage egg are aboiil cleaned il p. The price on latest arrival storage stock Is .up lo 55o per dozen. The pulato market I firm on Clqs A grade slock. In fact very few real lop grade spuds are 30C land per acre. Further lufor- ;They nrc moving out freely and .nnisins, bulk, per lb tferVn'EnW I'l ,s nllclpall ll.at thefclive RaUinSi packa(r0, u 20 No. 19, Land lierlea, "furchaaa nd teaa of Croan Landa." Mill, factory, or Industrial altea on timber land, not etretdtng 49 acres, may ba purchased or leased, the con dltlona Including payment of atumpage. HOMESITE LEASES t'naurvayed areas, not eireedlng 19 acres, may ba leased aa hoinealtea. conditional upon a dwelling belne erected In tha first year, title being obtainable after residence and Improvement condltlona ara fulfilled and land ha a been aurveytd. LEASES Kor graalng and Industrial purposes areas not exceeding HO acraa may ba leaaed by una person ar a company, GRAZING Under tha Orating Act tha Prj-Inca la divided Into araslna districts season trade will be well up to i t-ninftt Cherries, lb. 15 15c 0o' ... 5c Calif. Cluster llaisin 25c j Lemon and. Orange Peel .... Ooj Citron Peel 60c! Sugar ! Flour Flour, 49', .No. I bread ... Pastry four, 49's ... .... Fish ned.Pnimon ... ... ... . Halibut . $11.15 $2.00 2.25 . 25c MeU ; Turkey, live, lb. 33o fleeje, lb. ... ..: .. 30o Ducks, lb 300 Pork, loin 35c i Pork, leg 32cl 5iV ... ... ..... Beef, pot roast ... ... 10c lo 15c Beef, boiling 8c to 10c Beef, steak 25c to 35c tn Beef, roast prime rib 22c Mutton, leg 35c 23C Mutton, chop 35c 2oc Mutton, .shoulder .... ... .. 22c Lamb, leg 45c 3 it,. Lamb, chops ... 45c 50C Lamb, shoulder ... so,.! Feed CO.; i 70c N "ral. No- 4 IVjueforl $1.00 Wheal, No. 3 Eggs B.C. Fresh First Z -ucr 'ineslion whom el dial o, slnewSd be :" '" ' ' 'I "minA I-ulW-. Fresh . SWSISOF LAND ACT AMENDMENTS 5C Oats Bran 100 lbs. . $2.30 . $2.50 . $2.45 .. $l."5 . $1.85 . $2.40 . $3.00 .. 28c Ton. $11.50 $15.00 $16.00 $31.00 $35.00 $15.00 55C Hay, carload, per ton . . . $27.00 May, less, per ton $29.00 Sweet Potatoes, lb. 10c .Alfalfa. f"?r ton .... $35.00 Potatoes, lOO's $2.00j B.C. Onions 5c' Areounl tin lo l)er-mber A- n""" .B.C. Onions, sack $3.83 ".v c"-v emincil las! niplit. . J'r.S:'7,"S ! OI'T. 2 heads 25c, 1N probate! IW. Homer. Cant. McCoskrie. B Webster, Mrs. Prinsle, Mr. O'Brien, Mr. Candow, Mi filad-will, Fred Oil hilly, C: -h nrahsini, (lier llojrer and Archbishop lleYernel. New Petition AbL Mncdi. nal.l felt that, in view of the difference of opinion I hat wa apparent, it would he safest lo have a petition sub-milted in writing-. If such wa dune, there would be little dif-ferenci of opinion for all would favor cinders. Aid. Stephens slnled. Finally it wa moved by Aid. Mackenzie and seconded by Aid. 85c Shorts e0c Barley 90c Poultry Mash In ttut l . t , . . r- . . - . . 8. Wnllji Walla Onfnna 1 Ih 55n lolallillff $3,001.11 were passed Celerj". large heads. Iwo for 35e, thc supreme court of British r.... . .1. COLUMBIA. iri.s i.r 111 . . iu In the Matter of N AdmlnUlrition Act: S 2.7S nn . Jl.Mri 1.1 .in- I.UIB Ul llUlTr .. 4C, Uurln. nereaed: InterMie. 2.50 -'TICF. that I wi irpolnl1 ' Artinlnl-lritor or the Enlaie of r.uIave .. C Laurln, dereaod. and all parties hitlnr 50 -llnS iralnl ihe Mid EUte are hereby ' rMjulred lo fumih Mine, properly rerl- 00c fled to me. on, or before the ttb day of '.-iiilirl.mor nip I. on. I me In SOn Junuary. A.D. 191. and all parties In ilehled tn the P.llte amm mitiiImwI tn n. r Cabbape. per lb 4C the anMHint of their Indebtednes H me. Cabbage, less quantities ... Cc TI,((jl w California Head Lettuce 2Tic & 25c orrirui Xdminutntor. Hothouse Cucumber 35c & 15c ,,. h TyLSS? AS. iiarnc, importeu, per in. ... ouo Tomatoes, hotliouse, per lb. 35c Red Cabbage, lb SHCRIFrS SALE. f.c In tha Suprm Court of BrltUh Columbia. a liaa ft an. tl .!. ... - . l . . uiiiaiiio vu imqitiiij i.imiiMi, ruiniiir. Hubbard Squash fie fJZ,r.w Gray and Marl L. ttray. De- By virtue of a Warrant of Eierntlnn Hilron ''"rnn 8c OC " ln hl action and directed lo me. ' 1 have selied the Interest or Ihe de. Fruit fendanls. 0car V. Oray and Vane L. I-n nrnncrcs ... r'nJ " Ihe rollowlnir Mineral Claims j!p tiranpes mic ,, on RniJy rwk Mift Arm. t.ranberries, imported, lb. .. 35c wild no. wild nose No. i. wild nose so. ? Mnn''n Coat. By View, Moonllrhl and .pUl Vtniliw , runkin" COOkin, I 1 H ID nc -ac Keystone Fracllon. which said Interest I Apple, Mcintosh Neds, 3 lbs. 25c 'H ffw ror sale by Public Auction at Innlo Mclntnvh 'n I wnnno.l my orrlr "rt House, rrlnre .MCiniOMi .o. .vpiies, 1, vvrappen, nnpert. B.C on Wednesday, the tJth day $2.50 of necember, I9JJ. it .so In the after- JOHN SHIRLEY. Sheriff, County of Prince Rupert. B.C. rle at my cfrire, .November 9. 191. COAL The Famous LADYSMITH-WELLINGTON Lump and Egg Sizes. STERLING Stove and Egg Sizes. We deliver in sacks or bulk. Phone us your orders day or night. Prince Rupert Coal Co. Phone 15. Main Office: Hotel Central. St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading Restaurant. A Bakery; Unsurpassed. Third Avenue. to be found on southern market. Fowl, No. 1 .... 30c While (he prevailing price in Roast in? Chicken ... . 40c to 15c town i 2 to $2.25 per sack, it Ham, bonele .,. 65c is more lhan likely that price Ham whole 40c to 50c will advance as A grade are Bacon, back ... ... ... .. 50c i worth 2.50 lo 2,75 retail today. Bacon, sliced ... .... 45c to 60c j Sugar ha advanced another 'Veal, shoulder ... ... .... 18-3 1 3c per hundredweight recently. jVeal, loin 35c Present retail price prevailing; Veal, leg 25c In Ihe cily are a follow: Pork, shoulder 25c Butter FiveRoses FLOUR When liuying Flour ask your flrocer for "FIVE ROSES," The World's nest. John L Agent: Christie Shoes Men's Solid Lealher Working Shoe at $5.00 Leather lined Ilox Calf Hoots ,in Black or Urown at ' $6.00 Hand made Loggers Boot from $8.50 Men's and Boys' Rubbers. SHOE REPAIRING. GEO. HILL The Shoe man. Third Ave. next St. Regis. THE Valentin DAIRY Cor. Mcllride and Fifth West. MILK, CREAM AND BUTTER RETAIL Phone 657. HOME FROM HOME. MOCHIDA ROOMS 714 Fraser St. Steam Heated Hot and Cold Water Rates by Day or Month P.O. Box 75. Phone 659. BENNETT'S CHEMICAL LABORATORY. Assayers, Chemists, Metal-lurglsts. Ore Shippers Agent, TACOMA, Washington, U.S.A.