TOYS! at Reduced Prices NeW good will arrive slioilly. HciiiiiuiiU must go. coiilumed lines most go. , ! Prices Cut in Two w iy below col. Hee our window. Now in your opportunity to gel Minielliiiig for the children at very small cosl. Onu fourth off on ull toys and murli more on oilier. MaSres.M "Rupert" Brand I Kippers SMOKED DAILY by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. , PRINCE RUPERT Crank, Crank and Cuts but not with the NewELTO Alunl'T-Krnt fgnitfn. Powered to full 3 horo power, two ylitnler, silent running, nml no vilirullon. THE QUEEN OF ALL OUTBOARD ENGINES. When you buy an F.LTO the first vol Is the Inst A Complete and Guaranteed Engine. Agent: N. M. McLean Cow Bay. IIK Wlttl I IllC It Uses Less Fuel Save money by uslnjr SMP Enameled ware cooking vessels. They iisc less fuel. To satisfy yourself try this convincing test in your kitchen. Take nn Sill Enameled Sauce Pan and one of equal size made of aluminum, tin or other metal. Into each pour two quarts of cold water. 1'lace each sauce pan over the fire. The water in the tiMV Enameled Sauce Pan will be boiling merrily when the water In the other Is just beginning: to simmer. Save your money. Use MPWWARE A Face of Porcelain and a Heart of Steel" Thru Pf.fl War., 1w. r(ata p.arl-gr.r rn.m.l lnld. and .at I Dl.ra.n4 War., thrr., light bin. and wall, ant. Uvhll Ilnlni. Crr.lal War., thrr. raata. pur. valla Inald. and eat, with K.ral iu. rMl IIS Locijl Agent Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd., Third Ave. Local and Personal li. 0. Undertakers, t'bone 41. tf Hayuers, Undertaker. Phone 351. tf lee, Wood, or Ooal. 1'lioue Hcd 23. Casey Transfer. If 4-. Football Toni.-lit CrS5: S.O.C. v. lirollo. . Muarc bliii'IiJ. li "T J Save .Money! Hay 'ouV.Yailaimo- Wcllington ,ul Coal at $13.50 a Ion. Albert &.McCaIT6ry,.Ud. tf l'riticiia J. C., trady neturiiei from Victoria nin: I lie nleamer I'rinre (ieorge 'n-leiday afler- nooii. . , . .Min M. HurseH- who' ha been lioliilayinfr 'ijr the couth, re turned to IboflHy on Hie I'rince fleorne yeslenlay afternoon. llev. J. sjfiiyfirfd of .Telkwa wa u paieuKerA lor Vancouver on i lie Meanier , rnnce . ueorgc la! night. I lei). on aj holiday "p. .'' . Mi Heie l.ells left on the ea!Oiiuni! ti-iiiu lal " nislit for WalkeVville, Onl.. on a prolonged ad lo relalue inplinieil U0 jlhiighter a far a Milliner. , - Mr. N It. WiiIIoh mid her in. .liter. Mr. Tail, returned to ihe eily n the leniiier l'rinee Ifftirue tiierilay nfleniomi afler a holiday trio-to llomidary May near Vaiifouver. Al the uu-Minff of the city eouueil hit nislit, the lender re- eeied frtim, titM. I.illte, Terrsice, offering to uppl the city with fi-el of lu-iiil. x'k al J 2 lerirliiufllnl "Waj aeeepled on rpciMiniiendatioii of the Hoard of Work. 4- - A report from Uie I'itianee lattiiiliillee wa Vea.l al Ihe couii eil meeting lat iiighl in tin I'ouneil i'IimiiiIdm- on the grantiiiK of a ln-enre to the Hellenic Cuna-! itian l.ltil ,W . S. 1 WU.iyojjictal guv riiiiieiil tax cbHeftor, iHilrhed n Hie. I'rince Ijeorge yelerday aftei'iiuvn afler pendlng a iimiiiJj- li.. Inlaying in New York and Fredericto'u, New- Hrunwick, reviifllig In unlive hmue in Ihe laiier city, ,Mr: Fiher and Mi l.ouie Filii'r will return Plus 1c Per Piece. r a pound FLOAT-IRONED Family Service All of yout waahinK 80 par cant or your Ironing everything returned dry You almply touch up a few outer jartn.nta tuch a waists, blouses, house dresaea, with hand-Iron, Thona us today, CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY. Phone S. lo the cily al a later tlate. llle ijuetfon of a. bylaw to anlend bylaw 'number 2K regartU itHt Ihe relrielioii of load on plank roadway came up at Ihe meeting of Ihe fit) council lat night. II ya moved by Aid. I'erry ami eeonded by Aid. Indian that the bylaw be allowed lo tainl oxer for one more week. Thf- motion wa carried. A report from Ihe houing committee wa read at Ihe meet, lug, of Hit cily council, held lal night in the 'cily hall, on the ipiclinn of Ihe tlipiisal of Ihe houe oi-ciipied by V. .1. Sloan under lbe oblier' lioU'ln;: cheine. Mr. Sloan had tillered to pay $lou down ami ?10 per liionlh to clear up the arrears of 0oo tine .Ibereoii. This Hirer wa lurh'etl ilnwii and the cily clerjy wa instructed lo advertise Ihe lioue fur lent wilh.a view In receiving application for the eventual arceplani't of the best offer. TBI DAILY NKWB Mrs. Fred Stork will not -re ceive tomorrow, Wednesday, . UrotlieriTdlillt Miss MavHeid for Carnival Qtie'eh! Our 'choice. Jack llil.Jilch left on the gteamer I'rince Ceot e lant night on a holiday trip to Vancouver. Miss M. West left on the xlcamer I'rince CJeorge. last night on a Hominy irut io Vancouver. d II. I.. Ilrown was a passenger for Ocean Fall, on Ihe lcaiiicr Prince Oeorge leaving for Ihe couth lal night. North H.tV Hegimeutal Hand Concert and Open Air Dance at headquarter, Second Avenue, Friday, August 3. 181 Jack Miller, who ha been on buxiiic vieil to the cily, left for the south on the sleainer I'rince (ieorge last night. Mr. and Mr. It. L. Mclntoh will arrive hi Ihe cily on 1-rnlay eveiiiup'h train from Toronto and will hpeinl the summer here and at Terrace. C. Ilanen, a member of (i.W'.V.A., wa a passenger the for Vuncouver on the .teHiner I'rince (Ieorge la-l night. He i goiu lo the Soldier' Ite-etablihiiieiil iliMiartmenl in Vancouver for medical treatment. .Mr. . A. vv nyie ami on whit have been viiting in Ihe fit for the pal week with Mr. and Mr. It. F. McNauhton, left for Vancouver lat night on Ihe leamer I'rince George. Mr, Why If i the divisional freight agent for Ihe O.N.H. in Vaneou er. Sam .labour, who ha recently n-eovered from an attack pneumonia which confined him lo Ihe General Hospital for eeral ek, was a paeuge on the ideatiicr I'rince. (ir?t laM nighl for VaiicouNer where he will peud Ihe next fortnight on ltuine. The party of Huclianan' Hoy The granling'of llief I'etroil to number of fort liceiii'e wa renJeil oh ai-.un.l that Ihe club had ptrt-nii-'fhenfrnr fe,c!' the not five, who are on a tour of the Pacific coast ami Alaska, will arrrve in Ihe city tomorrow af leriioou aboard Ihe' C.I'.H. sleam er I'rince Alice on their return journey to the Slate. The parly ha been a far north as Atlin. Coiis-lnhju.. i: (i. JSewnliaiii of I lie Dominion police, Naas river district, retutvied - lotbe cily on the train liul-jiiglit, from patrol duly In die juteriur. He will leave Ihi afternoon on the pro vincial forestry launch Leila It.. for l'ort Simpson eu route to Ihe Naas and expects lo be al the head water of the river by the end of next week. Al the meeliiii; of (lie city couucU last uiglit, Cily Clerk Jones read a letter from the manager of the Hoyal Hank of Canada akiug for Ihe sum of flU. 17 due lo the bank on coupon tin debentures, covering J he period from May IU2I lo May H-.'3. Aid. Stephens advised the council thai he had. interviewed Mr. Mel.eod, Ihe manager of the Hoyal Hank' mi (he .subject, who hud staled (hat the cily was charged one eighth of one per rent on debenture ami a quatier of one per cenl on coupon. It was moved by Aid. Stephens and seconded by Aid. Collurt that Ihe recharges be leeognicil. The motion wa carried. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince .Rupert II. W. Chambers, .I. H. Sam King, A. N. Myer, A. Iove, M. J. Lnglish and J. W. Cruickshank, Vuncouver; A. C. Yoder, Nelson; 0. !'.. pnyser ami J: H. Keith, Winnipeg: I.. Haploustull, port F.ssinglon; W. M. ltoyle, Telkwa; Mr. and Mrs. G. Watson, Saskatoon; Mrs. M. Miller, Miss Marian Miller and M. -I.. Clark, Georgelown; I.. Gutave; N. Ol-sen, .I. Cleveland and - Martin Anderson, Seattle; p. Hanson, jrily. I w Central A. Chedore, Abbolsford; M. jdersli field, C.N.H.; II. Douglas, Si-allle: D. McDonald, Kclchikuii; I.I nun. F. FJIiotf, Vancouver. TENDERS WANTED Tenders me called for carpenter-work aHeialioii and plumbing repair at lloston Grill. I'reinises may be inspected after 5 p.m. Weiliii'silny, August I. 181 U. JAM liS Vs.. '"llllh WIRELESS REPORT HUI.I- HAHHOIl. Haiti, calm; barometer 30.02; temperature 50, light fwell; 8 p.m. spoke steamer Cordova I ld miles south of Ket chikan northbound; 8 p.m. spoke! lug I.on IT Ivory Island .south- Imuii'l. IlKAO TltKi: 1'OINT. Hain; calm; barometer 3D.O0; leuipera- lure 53; sea smooth. UIGHY ISLAND. Foggy; calm; barometer 30.00: ti-inpera- lure 5i; sea smiNtth; steamer I'rince Gforge not niidnighl southbound; 7.-0 a.m. spoke lus Cape Scoll al Wales Island can nery norlhhouiid. Noon HLU.I. HAHHOIl. Overcast: light southwest wind; barometer 30.110; temperature 50; light .swell. I)F.AI THF.F. I'OIN T. - llaining. tlni; barometer 30.11; tempera ture 00; se;t smooth. IHGHY ISI.ANO.- -Misly; calm: liHronifler 30.02; temperature 57. sea sitoolh. If you find you eannol get the daily NeW! regularly, call in ami ubcribe for it and have it de liered lo your home. If 3gi NOTICE. A Tubllc Amnion Sale r liiirernniMit Lot In Uie Town of Atlln. B.U.. will lie hrM it Altai on Wed04iy. Auruil 1 5 111, t3, rtdiiiurnclnr it 11 . lpanl or rive hundred Mi tu Atlin Tnwnslte and Addition will be offrrtsl ror ale. lu lb ca or lou on wblch Itn-roMiinit. eisltt, urh liuprovunciiti rau.-t Iw lutlil for In rull. at the Uovrnunrnl valuation, on the day or Mle, ir bourht by anytine oilier llian the persou responsible ror ame. For Sale Lll r any rurther Inrornia-Ik.n, apply to the Government Aaxnt. Vtliu, or tbe DepartHM-M or Landi, Victoria, B.C. II. CATHCART. Superintendent or Lauds. NOTICE. -ViTICE IS IIKI1KBV C1VE.N i required by Section 3U or the "Conipauiea Act," lil." reirardlnr the voluntary wlnillnr up or Companies, thai there will lie a meet-Inr or the creditors or Uie Indian Mines, Limited, ."von-rtrsoiul Liability tnhirn Is being wound up and re-ortraniied and Its assets and llabllltlr Utm over by a new company with nominal capital or 3,000 000 under name or Indian Mines Corporation Limited) which meeting will be held In the Law orrice or patmore and Jul ton. Prince llupert. B.C., on the 1 3th day or Auiusl, tv3, at 3 o'clock in ihe arter noon. ' July tilb, 1923. W. O. FULTON, Hi Liquidator PRINCE RUPERT LAND DISTRICT. QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS DISTRICT. Take .Notice that the l.anftara rishlnr k I'arkinr Company or .Naden llarUir Intend lo apply ror permission to leae the fol lowing1 described foreshore: Comnienrlnr at a point 11.50 chains northwesterly rrom the northwest corner r Lot linn': thence in -a northwesterly direction 6 i-lialns to low water mark or Mtort Entrance, thence southwesterly and rollowing raid low-water mark 50 chains, nmiv m- loss, to a point 15 chain, northwest trm Ihe quarter Lot post on Ihe shore line or Lot I00, thence, southeaslerlv 6 ch.Uns, tlience norlheasterly 50 chain, more or less, to the point r rmiiiiienrenicnt, and containing 30 acres, more or less. Paled this JOth day r July. 193. I.AMl.MIA EISIIIM1 & 1'ACklNO CO II. It. Hahtutii.n. Agent. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS. Sealed Tenders ill be r-elved al the ofrice or c.hler Eiigineei Winnipeg. Man itoba, until twelve n'rlm-k noon or the 31st day or July. !, rt the following: (l) construction or cuiveris nn ite Smithers division Involving fifty-nine timber culvert replacements. (i IHsnuniling ahandimed l!n.ber trestle bridge on the i.don di vision. Plans, prorile. specifications and forni tf in. i. tin . t.i r.Mi, nt Intl.- der oMsined at the offices of the chief Engineer, Winnipeg. Manitoba: Mslrlrt En glneers, Saskatoon, Edmonlon and Vancouver; Pulsion Engineers, Degltia, Calgary and Prince Unpen ; Hesldeot Engineer, Prince (ieorge. The lowest or any lender not neces sarily accepted, a. e. wahmri, flnral .Manager. Winnipeg', Man.. Julv 18th. 1t3. rCZEMA L You are Dot when you use Or. Chase'a Olnt- m.nt for V.ei.tiia and Skill IrrttA tious. It relieves at jnce and gradu al heals the akin, sample Do I nr. Cbss.'s Oliiunent tree II you uientlon tbls paier nI seud iW, aump forllsge. ODo. box i all dealers or Kilninn. H.fcs & tx XJjulleU, Toront.. rtUHWuuuiiuniiiiininntHHHm,,,, SMOKE ". - . ""mil OLD CHUN ""uiiiiiuiiiiiiniiiinui White TOBACCO healthy gums, 0 PAQI THREfl Teeth, clean mouth Anybody can enjoy all these by practising Uie daily use of KLENZO DENTAL CREME the common-seti,e dentifrice dnd KLENZO LIQUID ANTISEPTIC a scientific preparation for the teeth, gums, mouth, rioe, throat and mucous surfaces. ' Let us show ou these two popular and guaranteed articles. KLENZO DENTAL CREME, 35c and 60c per tube. KLENZO LIQUID ANTISEPTIC, 35c and 65c per bottle. GET THE KLENZO HABIT. ORMES LTD. The Rexall Stores. Phones 200, 82 and 134. 3rd Ave. and 6th. 3rd Ave. and 2nd. We pay postage on all mail orders. Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers. Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. Electric and Acetylene Welding. Our plant is equipped to ndle all kinds of Marine and Commercial Work PHONES 43 AND 385 taa 1 O . C a 1 mm Vtsc( tp! 1 r iiaiiii If i1 1 h.iihncrs rrom Prince Kunert S.S. Prince Rupert and Prince George FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, Intermediate Points, Monday, Thursday, Saturday, 11 p.m. FOR ANYOX . . . WEDNESDAY, 10 p.m. FOR STEWART FRIDAY, 10 pjn. S.S. PRINCE JOHN for Vancouver, via Queen Charlotte Islands i Aug. 8 and 22 PASSENGER TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Leave Prince llupert dally except Sunday at .tS pjn. ror Prince George. Edmonton. Winnipeg, direct connection all points Eastern Canada and United' Slates, Connections al Port Arthur and Dulutb. wlto Morthern ."Navigation steamers via Great lakes. City Ticket Office, B27 Third Aa Frinco Rupert. Fhona 20. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Services Sail ings from Prince Rupert S.S. PRINCESS LOUISE, S.S. PRINCE8S ALICE. For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle, June 3, 8, 16, 23, 30; July 7, 11, 18, 21, 25, 28. For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway, June 11, 18, 25; July 2, 6, 13, 16, 20, 23, 27. S.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Butedale, Swanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Ocean Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver, every Saturday at 1 p.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines. , Full information from W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Sailings From Prince llupert. ? for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Falls, and Swanson Bay, Tiiatday, For VANCOUVIR, VICTORIA, Alart Say, and Swanson Sag, Saturday Not. For ANYOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART, Walta Island, Sunday. S PJI. For FORT SIMPSON and Nut Rliae Oann arias, Friday A.M. til 8nd Avenue. !. Barnalay, Agent. Prince Rupert, B.C t vmi. tr l! i 1, ' a Bit 'ir. ...o .stiff I- z 1 Iff antt.r i i.oF 4 a K -1.1 s ..!-. "1-... .,. .11! - : v ' U I Ttl em rst rra wt ! SW I Tt1 i ri ; MB ; tars I Z3B t ase i ar : ass ; an