I ,.-3(;V- PAQE BIX WW Yfc , m SSf Now Is the time to be buying j your Rhubarb as the season ' will soon be over. Ripert Table Supply Phone 211-212. LING ""The Tailor Phone 949. Wat DO DRY CLEANING AND PRESSING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION BY STEAM. SUITS ordered to measure .Second Avenue. 'Opp, Iot Office Corner. St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading Restaurant, i A Bakery Unsurpassed. Third Avenue. FRESH MILK DAILY From Our Government Tested Herd of Guernsey Dairy Cows. BETTER MILK. BETTER 8ERVICE. STANDARD DAIRY Phone Black SI. ran come w'" genuine GOSSARD TYPE CORSETRY insures each of us looking our individual best, always. Our corselieres can tell you some interesting things about this new beauty ajd. Priced From $2.50 to $10.00 H.S.WALLACECO,LTft Mail Orders Promptly Filled. '' We pay delivery charges. Straw berry Rhubarb 4 lbs. for 9 lbs. for 25 cents 50 cents Tel. 3. IB Phone 9. P.O. Box 1S46. Summer COAL Great satisfaction! Repeal orders being filled every day for Nanaimo-Wellinglon Nut Coal Quick Firel Lasts Longer! Costs same as other N-it Coals. Phone 116 or 564. Albert & McCaftery LIMITED Dr. E. S. TAIT 1 IV - - -I r ft Ri ft Gossard Corsets TO LOOK MORE YOUTHFUL.. The modern corset doesn't aim to make us all qver, so we look all alike, as the old-fashioned corset did. It doesn't aim to give us thut objectionable corseted look. 11 just coaxes, restrains, redistributes us a little makes us longer wuisled, taller and a bit more slender. 11 gives us that graceful ease of movement which YOU CAN TRAVEL EAST VIA THE GREAT LAKES Have you ever travelled Kasl on one of Hie Northern Nnvipa-limi Company magnificent (real Lakes liners? If not. travel llial route this suuiuier. The Canailian National Railways make direct connections with these boats at Port Arthur or Dululli; only $10.00 additional, which fare include meals ami berth on steamer. Little time U lost on these fast liners over all rail schedule fromWest to East, Full information from City Ticket Ollico, Canadian National Railways, 528 Third Avenue, Prince Huperl. Phone 260. 18 IMDRY-Hirii Let us show you bow to do your whole family washing, Led-clothcs, comforters, pillows, etc., without once putting your hands in the water or having to handles wet clothes. - Kaien Hardware DENTIST. Helgerson Block, PRINCE RUPERT, B. 0. Office Hours, S ta f. Phone CSS. Open Evenings Only For Special Appointments. 'DIVORCES IN Per Who CANADA FEW Centane Is Low but British Columbia Is at Top of: the List . OTTAWA,.' July" 31.- Marriage in Canada jrt successful, and families still are loyal -to the "till death do us part" tradition. Divorces granted' in the iHititituj ion iiuuibttjrt'd only Sit in ll2'. or two-third of one per cent of j all the inarria?es contracted, nc- cording to accpucl jut compiled i by the Dominion llureau of liaseti on population, tlie re-i port shows. diorees numbered seven to every 100,000 ierou. Divorces ia I he United Stales, according to oflicial figures for the lasi year on record, nuitrber-ed 112 to every 10(1,000 people. "The 1922 figures,-' says the report, "probably indicate that rfic wave of divorce due to the war has 'reached its highest point and is now on the decline. Total decrees grunted last year showed a reduction oi four compared with IU21. The remarkably low per centape of divorces shows the stability of Canadian homes and institutions." B. C. Leads Of the total divorces granted, husbands received 3 1 0. or about 60 ner rent and wives i28, or about 10 per cent. HrHisli Co lumbia lei I in decrees issued, with 138. followed by Alberta with I2U and Manitoba with i7. One pro- NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. ANVOX GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS. SCALEO TEMiEBS. nirrrrlbl "Ten der for Anrux Oovrnunent Buildings." wlU t rerrlvm by thp Honourable tlx Minister or ruDiie worm up to it ochm-ii noon ti Tursdar. inr win day or July.. lJ. rur the rrertlivn ami rnmplellon of Government orrire at Anyoi, in tlw Atltn Electoral DUtrtit. B.C. riaas. Specification, Contract and Forms of Tender nay be wen on and after the Ittb day of June. 1J, and further In- rormallon obtained at the l-partmcnl of Public Work. Parliament Buildings and at Ibe following of rice: Government Agent, Court lloute, Vancouver, and Government Agenl, Court House, Prince Rupert. CoiMea of pun. specifications, etr.. ran l obtained from Hie Department on pay ment of a deposit of Ten Dollars (1 10.00). nlrh iu t refunded on their return in good rondltkm. The kiwel or any tender not nere VlrtJrla. B.C.. June Mtb, ItJJ. sarlly accepted. p. niti-ie. Public Works Engineer Departnient of Public Works. Has Hot Bread? Mrs. J. O. Martin is a young Kuglislr bride who recently came out to many a Texan who , went overseas with the Canadian forces. The husband likes "hot brea.l," which "isn't bread at all," she says. The newest idea site has is scones, ami tm calls them' biscuits. Mrs. M. says her biscuits arts "cakes ur cookies." This bride of a few short weeks is living far from any neighbors and earnestly requests some recipes for "hot breads." Will some kindly American cook, help her out through us? Pacific Milk Co. Limited Head Office, Vancouver, B. C. Factories at Ladner and Ab-botsford, B. 0. "nfUtilDolierty Cooporvd with ordinary sited piano WHY DO WITHOUT YOUR REGULAR PRACTICE? ' Ypu can have this little favorite right in your own room at less' than 23c a day. f Walker's Music Store Lid. THI DAILY NEWS SBULTONA (ran exc2usiOc fTAtute. or the TTTH BrwWl tw W k m&mt ! f pmun. Tmwnmtmh m MaliMai ta trj. Tt UWnn. iflirtnMd ate-a. wtmj ef ncori witk tfc camel point. powtm aid wmfkL A t-rtt f wintfy aJpaB it fnm nJl twr impami.wl sW h BnowVick ia you Kama. Prices $60 to $400. TERMS TO SUIT YOU Messrs. McRae Hros. Walker's Music Store. Miss Florence Sray, In km Hank stiitT, H3E viuce. Prun e Kdw anl I slant! granted no divorces. Only one divorce ha been granfrd in this province since IHGH, aud that was in 101. The greater per cent of the divorced were residents of cilies. Comparatively few applications were made anions the agricultural population. SMITHERS The prue list for the Fifth Annual Hulkley Valley Fair, lo be held here on September lt, tfn ami 21, is out. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. (iray is to be married on August I, to Frank I'nrker, C..V.II. train- maii. A miscellaneous shower wa lendereil I he bride-lo-be ut the home of Mis. H. H. Olsen on Weilnesday. . , Mr. ami Mrs. X. I'. Morau are enlcrlaiuiu? Mr. and . Mrs. .1. Gould and sou of Houston. II. Forresl, formerly of the as sistant superintendent's staff here but now lornled at l'rlnce PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Tuesday, July 31 ' High 3:10 a.m. 15:55 p.m. Low t:. a.m. 22.1 p.m. Wednesday, August High- 3:5:ta.m. 10:30 p.m. Low ' 10; 1 3 a.m. 22:13 p.m. Thursday, August High 17:21 ' a.m. p.m. Low ... u:52 a.m. J3:28 p.m. Friday,, August 3 High 5:32v.m, IhVoo i.i"n.' Low 11:31 n.in. IU.7 ty.3 3.0 C.I 1 IK.Ii IH.lT LI li.G 2 I7.t I8.1l 5.1 7.1 Saturday August 4 -nfigh.v:,.... (V:31 a.m. 15,1. 1 18:52 v.m. Low 0:20 a.m. 12:111 p.m. Sunday, August 5 High 7:37 a.m. Ill: 18 p.m. Low 1:21 a .in. 13:13 p.m. 1 0.1 17.' C.G 17.1 7.0 7.7 M.l 10.9 7.8 ft. ft fl VANDERHOOf Capt. Charles Hood and Dixon 11. 11. Taylor of I'rince. (ieorKC went up to luurt Lake lust wceW end, A pihhI hiietl iiarty of lrince jOeorge citiiens have made arrangements (or a vuraliou at t oll 1,. Jaiiie in I lie near future. Mr and Mrf. Harold Tibbelt ard the guesU of Mr. and Mr Warreu Johnson. The expect to leave for the stales in the course of wee. Dr. 11 I'lKary. in town Mrs. J. with Mrs Lake. v - vhitui-B tnitul it few F. IMuiund, dentist of pent a rouple of da thi week. Mr. and Mr, 0. V. Slurley of Marten Lake are Mendiuif their unuuer acatiou in Vancouver II. (".. r.raufurd of the Sluarl ljke hatchery lia pone lo the coast cities on a business trip. C. It. lleuderon. who has been in the tie luiuesL. at Willow lllver since the besinnlnjr of lust eain jhs lr town thi week on buiiuis. He will vonliiiue ut the batne point next tie seaon. Th Htty Scouts lieM a paper thae l.1t Saturday afternoou. M. Valentin arrived on Saturday afterno)ti from Kaiuloop. Iiaviiik fouie over t tie roatl rout by nulo. It. Armihaw Is jilim Harry James at Stuart - - A new bridce U belli? built on the Nechako road cloe to It. llaslani's farm house. Mrs. It. M. Taylor. MissrJ F. M. V. ami Violet Ijay are, viitins Mrs. Harry James at Stuart Lake. ' r - J. M. D-iell has been in 1'rltfe (letirve l(H)k!it3 after hi iiitecesls in the sawmill at Hutchison. On Monday afternoon Mrs Drain pave a children's party iu of lliff, honor of Katherine KyiHK'k. who youngest. was vUitinjr with her youn? friend, Kvelyiritrain. LONELY He wlio given hi frieml loan wins popularity: Hut vrlirn he want it stack again. Then he mloue will , be. " Topic! of the Day" Films. IlittieiL was back in town for u'wrte piiiii ed home from,' visiting her rar- enls in Victoria. Tlie home of Mrs. J. Hoberis was tlie scene oi a tietigituui en-tertaiii'iicut on Tuesday last when u number of ladies uf the town were her guests at aflernoon Ivp. Mrs.rJ. J- Heesley and children are leaving; for I'rince Hupert. They will reside there in fulure where Mr. Heesley is employed. on the Canadian National Hallways. Mr. Heesley paid a flying visit to Smitherij over tliw week end .to transact important business in connection with his properly here. He relumed lo Itupeil on Sunday's train. ranrrllrU, m CANCILLATION OF RtStRVI. xtriii: is niitiBV kivi:m that r minis it-tartiini. Virions, H.t'.. liUi July. ltJ II laiMi fofiifriv . " ... ibrM umlrr llmbrr Lkrnre Su. Mrs. K. F. Haywanl has relurii- inn i1 is 0. It, .Pt. Mlnlttrr of taiHjt. NOTIOL Take .Vollrr llial on mouth aflrr rub- llratloti of this rxtlirr, I'arlfle Carls r Llinllrd prois.ws to aitily lo Uh Krrtstraf of Joint Stork OHtiaiilcs, at Victoria, for ir?r in rtianr III liatii id "8. t., rJiiv kK.II UMtTKIi." I'.VCIIIC CAHTA0E U.MITlll, l-rr Williams, Nanstn k Oonialrt. is Solicitors. ANNOUNCEMENT On and after August 1st I shall be occupying Mr. H.'W, Cameron's store next to isl. Itegis Cafe carrying a full line of Men's and Hoys' Shoes. SHOE REPAIRING. GEO. HILL The Shoeman. NEW REX Cafe On Second Avenue. The best place lo cat. Good trvicc. Nothing but Ihe best. Under New Management. Phone 376 The House SALE! SUAS m mm mu You can't resist this appeal to your comfort nd &, pocsci Dooa. You ciiu'l seutl our feel to u mini urib i rill... i ii ,ii.nrv in irv mi rvtrfii ii . , . -.: ... ir .. .1..... .1. ...... ll r:i . . " 11 line jtiu gv ii in. u !tiw h-:mi v in, u ia;. Ik: i iinin r,,l uI.m vimr liMll'e. Injure inir , . . I ...... tl.c., ........ J.'tll , I ... I .....1. I... . ........ 'I niMi uioe ui-taieii wan juu uj pnipenv r 250 Pairs Women's Fine Sea-lsland White Canu sw J St s..- ... A'k ill. s..i.. I A new sntpmeni oi wnuo canvas wsioras and Pumpj Plum and leather Inintneil. Oh. e Tit , slaughlereil on these alo. ' BOYS! We slock the famous Boy Scout Running sl Yesterday one family bought 8 pairs of ihotL A saved $13.65 on their purchase. What could youds.il . . . LOIM 1 1 $13.eo savea on your snoo out i You rim tlo l ut the UNIVERSAL TRADING CO. See our Sixth Street Shoe Window. I'rumid ileliverv to all part of Prince II i-1 , Satisfaction or Money Back. We Prepay MaIKhJ WESTHOLME THEATK Tonight Only, Tuesday, 7 and 9 Thomas Meigm the good luck star in "THE MAN WHO SAW TOMORROW A photoplay cf political life in England; ad vent urn ail South Seas and Intrigue in mysterious India. Notable cast including THEODORE ROBERTS, ALEC FRANCIS, JUNE ELVIDGE, LEATRICE JOY and EVA NOVAK. CAMEO COMEDY, "DOG SENSE." PATHE RETDl Admission 35c and 10c DENTISTS Dr. Jos. Maguire Rooms 7, 8, 9 Smith Bloc Office Hours. 9 to 9 Phone 575 Lady Ami SPECIALS During this Week From Wednesday, August 1, to Saturday Augul Here urc u few of Ihe specials we have whu li r best Uic ever offeml lo the buying jtiiplic m H of our store. 75 Pairs Ladles' White Canvas 8trap Slippers and Oifc -Lealher sole, Cul.itii tuiU low heel HeK"l,r JTii 3.2R. Your choice for . ,2J 20 Pairs Ladles' White Slippers l.eulher ne. Hf price SI.7B ami $2.00. Your clinic fr " 24 Pairs Ladles' White Canvas Boots l.ealher sulf mill fill. ft. i I. ....I II I t. . ditl r.ll .ill. 1 ntvi, iiegiiiiir price (tmii $'" "i t.i choice for 'j 60 Pairs Ladles' Leather Slippers Hlrup and 0' ... . . . ... . i.. i. i.i i .r ....i. nr iM.nvtt Mti itiiu paieni leuiner, litftn "i"' eiH HcKiilar price f.7T. Your choice for . . ' . 8uede Strap Slippers llliick, brown mul pray. ''(S price stMHi. Your choice for . 15 off all Running Shoes for men, women uiul cl"'dlT in while, brown anil hlnek. Iiluli mill low. BOY8' COMBINATION 8UIT8 I'liuiucl lop aiiJ jj panl. from s lo 0, colors roil ami blue. Hcgiiw'J'j. W.lo. Your choico for iijs Boys' Jersey 8uits llvgulnr price ?t.'J5, for , Jfrt Boys' Wash Suits-nft0 rind StLSO vmIiips . . to clour ' atM. 1 1 -1 e mm. fl'.t P l' vniiurens HompersWorlh from l.r0 tip. ' "eiOO "I .' ' 'oo Boys' Cotton 8weaten2 for ' Jabour Bros.. Ltd. . . . 6 (Vim.. y i i nhnne """"i intra ana aevenin.