inp. by Hi Nnrlh n.r.. negl-jm.nt MINSTREL SHOW Hand, paraded frrfrn Hks" k : Home dmvn Tli ml Avenue via Spventh Street and Hie Pl " r"'' ! MUCH ENJOYED lo Ihe theatre nlimrlintr mic m- of Urue crowd, .fl" 1 1 n.ri n 1 Ihe dhow Ihp performers had lEIks Scored Success In Affair Put (inner ml Hip St llrst (laf. ft- ALADA" on Last Night In Aid or lowing which IIhto W-S aiioiiier Nurses' Home iiir:.l- to the Flks" Home whir dismissal look iln 1 Hip Elks' mlnstrpls and pnler"i' in their concert lnl night; B4M !(il the Weslhnlme Theatre in aid PATRIOTISM Is always delightfully refresHing. 'of I he Nurses' llftnio fund were The coolness of the mountain top la in greeted with a full house ami the every rflass. So easily made --- Try it. itine pnterlalnntcnt was fully tip. NOT STATIC Ipreeialpd hy nil. Credit for His arwiigrmpnt of the program and I he excellent nrtmnpr in wliieh il Address at Rotary Convention i iwas staged goes (nCharle I t.-tlnjr Yesterday by Prominent j The Daily News ini. musical director, each of the j many iwrformefs and all who a-ited . Banker BlUTiSH COLUMBIA I'HINT.K RUPEHT - in making the affair lb Published Every Afternoon, eicept Sunday, the Prince great success that il was, Tl m ST. I.Ot:K, Jnio . -In n nd- Hupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. f a hvpI and enjoyable nature lres n Patriotism Uie HHar ami a such gave full vnlne aimrl rnnvenlinn hprp yeiema. M. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. of Waller II. IIpA.I. v tce.prpsidenl from Hip cause in which it m ' Hip Ar.i-rienn Hankers Association, pul on. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: , TIip opening and mol import sahl: City Delivery, hy mail or carrier, per month fl.OO ant part ttf Hip program n the) "Patriotism, is not aliripl. t)y mail In all pari of the Hritisli Empire and the United State. mintrel show. Hip I roup conslsl-iiiK II l not static. II .IpvoIps itself, in advance, per year- $0.00 "f K. A. Joiiohop. interlocu- pot niprely In maintaining and To all other countries, in advance per year $7.f0 tor. A. A. Ilnssnn, Joe Italchtord, increasinK the preliSlP of lh- n Mack (tddt. ami James .Mitchell, tiou which it honors, bo! ppiallv TELEPHONE 88 pnd men. and Harry Astoria, A. In .the tierfeelhin of thai vvlurh it SalMiurin. Kddie Craggs, tieorge palls. Ileforp Hip true patriot Transient Display Advertising $1.40 per inch per insertion g Mitchell, Harry i-Vlrhpr. L Cou rightly says. " My emntry, right lYansient Advertising on Front Page $2.80 per inch llure. Harvey Kraer and tieorge or wrong." Iip shouhl to ht utmost Local Readers, per insertion 25c per linelWaddell. A snappy Hm f at tit make rrtaln that hi- Classified Advertising, per insertion ?c per word and jokes was preented ami eortitrj- Is rtfht. Itartiripalion Legal Notices, each insertion. ...... 15c per agate line 'be antics of Hip end nftn were in government ha given lhi Contract Rates on Application. rluinly mirth provoking. TIip privilepp and imMf;I this duty. soloists, who were ai-dcd in Hip which did not i-p I tiMHi the pa triot of an earlipr stage of pro All advertising should he in The Daily New Office on day pre- choruses by llip-lroup. witp Kddif AH received Oalirs who sane "My Manuify" gress. ceding piium-aiioc advertising subject to approval l!Hrtrp W'u.I.IpII. "TmIs" "There a a day when war w a (a Mime pvfclciirp anil success in Harry Fletrhpr. "Dreomy Mel Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. vy"; Jams MilrliPll. "Iwtwii war a primp uirfie of patriot ism. Harder to athlete i the Vomler": A. SatMirin. "Kallinir": DAILY EDITION 'rtlfuD Wednesday. Jurw 1923. of harder Ip re Wilh patriotism picp, liporsrc MitehPlI, "THI Smiles"; Japk db. "Whaair cause the Issue i mil so plain. Package of 1 0 nou 18 All Planning For Una ii ir Itliips"; Harry Astoria. Uardpr hpeanp at limp reason Holiday Season. "Smith Sp.i Kvps": nil A. A- conflicts with sentiiiK-nt. hardPi Everyone seems In he planning for the holiday except the. I jssi.n. "Lovin- Sam." In lli.t- renlire that Ihp coiirsp of Hip miii'lrcl show. Jim. very onjpel of one worsiup " 35 uninriuiiate rew who cannot afford to take holidays either mie ami Wizner Uryant as "Pick. neels assistance to make it per Packages through Iheir own carelessness in not saving during the winler limine, sang May in vour fprt. no Ipss than devotion to or Ihroiudi stress of circumstance over which they have no Own Hack Yanl" anil "Hagtime inakp it supreme. W e cannot prearh or en control. Jfp." playing thpir own acm- ' ; 7.? fuimpnt on Hip nianilnlin and firaetiep tatrintisin in politic The holidays are coming hut what are we to do with them? guitar. "Dixie"' and "Humming" ami ignore its prfneiple in hiit. .Many have already settled on what their action are to he.pvpi-p Hip oienni2 nd elosing ness. No nun cans, violate IIh Others are still in doubt. What we have lo suggest is that there iriiM-ipps j.f stMlHtl lmsinps are much finer things to see in the north than there are in the Vocal Numbers without injiinag the mntnnityl sotilh. The scenery is belter, fish are more plentiful, the air Mrs. II. L. I'j mi.Ipl was a welfare. Ilyl.rt jtiqg.he injures a genuine lc. morc-watjig.ui me people, inore-.hos.pilabJr; Everything ug-gesls i.iisl mo.I plpasing with hpp'lhe, ommo.nwealllijustj as when I nolp Hip eily has alh4lp. the Canadian National Railways siimmeriiig in the north. oios and rendprcj swpptly ftiej'" viniaie me iaVMr commit omlracl for seven firemen's uni forms to Inral hrni wlnse con M aci or in Wind's in the South" and "Noli"" iTimyMlly iir na Course Of Study Itpally.- This was protKihly one!,,"n,, insiuuiioas. ll is un tract price was 5? and I Being Mapped Out. of Mrs. t:amnbeir last,a,r4,' ' ' oe; il i read in your cdunms that three Prince Rupert A iiunrher of people are mapping out wime course, of sludy ancp. nn II.S Inpal poiwppI '.IbkAI Hwliy lll.4lrioe lo lltp lemter. were marfe l rice of for the holidays. They are planning to study niiiiernlogy, Imi'-any. and hpr partirjpatinn in last other. II lo 4. This eni In me or lo gel iu touch wilh the birds or insects or to read on iiiahf nrosnm .lein.lral.l' " ' tdy IsJllrioticin this ipiile it .oead in Ihe price a DRYD0CK some hitherto neglected branch of mechanics or physics. Thp that Hip bs or tins artist, whnl'" a" mx gun- by - suit of doilies ami I am sur holiday offers an to (hose ol.lpit lo the laws prised thai the lowest letiiler opportunity whose work, is not of a i moving shnrlfv In Viplorio will AND ludiou nature. Thne who have been studying will want to bp keenly fpl in nusical circp!l,.irh nation nrakep for Ihe was mil aceeed anal I am assured inrow an inoe inuigs lo jne winK and do something mechani. of Ihp eilv in which .hp lias l.e-i.I "dancp ami safp-gnanling of the price of tl pquallnl al or muscular. Mountain climbing, hiking, boating and im- kO active during her resNlPiiepj"" various inieresi or all Its any S5 siiil. As a ralpnayer. I SHIPYARD imr occiiiMnns are gono. it is always teller lo do sonwlhlnp l.ete. people, niipfiieni In Ihe cortven. do nol think this is jusim-p ihi.I ii-niiiir iiiai- io u mi, evll in liolulay lime. I'omniy Smith's iiMtnoiogiie, tionalities wliicli gtMxl lalp has why hiii I pMymg more? T. Ton fleeting Dr DK' Operating O. P. M.0O0 ' ldipn at Hip WpiMing" was a estahH.hpl for Hip iroteeliiHi of lliMiikiog von Mr. Editor. riur Losing Many Ihe MetlsitiililipM ntt.l II.. ninml. A HATKPAYKIl. CnBlneers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths. most amusing nuiirtMr, Mr. ... . """- El. Valuable Citizens. Smith' get-up in the Hetirewl"' 'oe romniuniiy. oneillenl l Hie QUEEN CHARLOTTE LAND DIS- makers, Founders. Woodworkers, Many valuable cilirens have been going away and Iheir role further lendim effel to Hin 'tiiral trinrips which characlpr TnluTf Electric and Acetylene Weldirf. place- will be taken by others. Each has a place and i an asset comical nature or the recitation. "H 'm """ pcaciiee ror thp" mn- lo the commiiiHly unless he happens In be a knocker. Among Mr. ami Mrs. Frank Howler P"" "'..n ,Hn sinriiiiai Application to Lease Foreshore all kinds f the men who will be missed is . L. Campbell, the suprviinx oth sang solos which w-re much Lands. Our plant is equipped to e-adls In Queen r.harlolle Land 1)1-tri'-l. principal of the schools, who is leaving at the end or the term epreciale.. Their....arrival in .Ih'. I. - : Ilecording Inslrut of 'Marine and Commercial Work Ilfkhan done, excellent work diirimr the tint he has been here iijt win mean a ueri.ien acpii.i- i Prince Itiipert. anil situate at the nud .Mrs. Campbell has used her fine vocal lalenls with effect lion If, liteuf vr,.at lal.vil VI.- In the Letter Box ! mouth of Slalcchuck Creek, Kagan H0NCS 43 AND M for ! Hay. Skidegatn Inlet, (iraham Hie pleasure of the community. .They have made main Howler, soprano, sang "Arditi's Island. H.C. rrtetid here, all or whom will regret to see them go All we "II llacin" in Italian andjhe "The lake .Notice that W. O. Mr. can do is to wish them success in the onlh. The emir .r Valley or I.aunhter." Mr. Howlpr. CIVI0 ECONOMY Morru. of Vancouver. Il.l). ixeu- training in he north il is to be hoped will prove one or Hie barilfine. sang "Mrvana" and lation miner, intends to applv ,n-porlanl raclors which will make ror ' AIispiiI." lvililor daily Xpwm: for permission to Mase lh f"l their success in rninre. lowing ilescrilipd forpshore lainl-t'jimmpnring Saiophone Quartet Will you kindly ajlow me a at a post idantpd at Prince CIGAR STORE Canadian Club And t he saxophone ipjarlet. ron. small spiu-p in y.nn valuuhle high tide mark on Hip wp1 Iuiiik Rupert Sir Henry Thornton. sisling of Kenny Hood A. A. paper, to register, what I claim. of Slalectiuck teek, about I.50H . LS'r !'e"0' Tn0rn,'" ' I" nI'lrcs the Canadian Club f.ext Lasson, lUiward Krizzell and icei rot wesi of or or l-ot llie I:southeast IIipiicp corner ii) "The Hervica Hlore." many Kople Mil wish lo hear him. The constitution I'ele Leighlon irnvlpd a siiIpii.I :haiiiM soullipaslerly; thence to WE CASH CHEQUES. or the club fori... s general sale of tickets but membership in '"'i oiiiiiiw-r, i.nroilMa III me cnain unrlneaslerlr: lliencn 1(1 chains northwesterly: thence following Agent For: " n;"",,la' Morning" which was encored A" il ' '''.V' '".ii'.e" " high water mark In nninl jiluens tbdt is coming, none who wish to meet persistently. The Jazzy strains f 'Miiiinipnrement. and contain N. and S. ENGINES to be excluded unless it be through pressure on sealing of Hip instruments wen I down ing 0 acre morn or less. ac.m,,HMM1. Any who wish lo hear the visi(or wY.uld o strong with the audience. Hie WILLIAM i i 1.1)11(11. McMOIllllis. Terms Arranged To Suit Purhaer. well lo arrange for their licked, as i( will I.h perrormancp or Hip artist leaving BATTERIES ' . J'aLed.MaT,2,Ju;X Phone Blue 81, for sale f,4.r le ljln ,i(ni, (J. , r,u7eXecntive? nothing to be desirpil. (QUEEN CHARLOTTE LAND DISTRICT. The closing number was n Swlmmlno Pool At f plantation pcpiip in which all the Salt Lakes. member of the minstrel roiii Application to Purchase Land. In Oupen Charlolla Land District, o?T' ?rnn; hve had occasion In remind took part. Art Kasson nnd A. I Ilecording District of Prince pie here disgraceful condition I of M,e Sail Lakn ...:.';... 'I""1"1" clpver step dance. Make up your llupert. and situate, in Kagan FISHERMEN! pool. ov w wish lo congrnliilnln h ... i ...?(ani O. (juliire took the role and Hay. nktdegatn Inlet, and known ..... ...... . mind that when - r us Iturnl Island, lying to the im.hui' iiii oeiiarimeni of . ..-.-i. sang "Old Hlack Jim" in a nn.ll on Hie excellent soulhwest work of Una Island. done in pre isi ring Ihe nlncp n.r .-i.iu., 11 :.. :.. i . .. , excellent mariner. you need another Take .Notice that W. O. Mc-Morris, today Hon, ever i, has io-en ,,frV i. ma "y. Z"JZ2Z Throughout the program Iho battery you are or Vancouver. H.C. or-cupation If yon are buying your outfit at Kc1, Ink : before Ihe close of the Wcsllioline aiignipnlpd miner, intend to applv with season Cilizens can now visit (be plaeo orchestra,! going to have the for permission to purchase th.-following you to visit the sa.fey nud doublle. many will do o. mpuihers of w hich were also in I described lands: Commencing costume, played numbers that best,for it will pay at u post planted at the NEW ENGLAND FISH Company were well suited In Hie occasion. in northeasterly corner nt Hurnt . The members or Ihe orchestra you every sttse Island, thence following shore-' Hard Ice. Fancy Bait, and the Best In Gear, Grocer I were: Charles Ilalagno, of the word. line of said island In i.oint of Meats, etc. It's jdann commencement, containing 20 Different nnd rnn.luctnr; W. X. Iloss, has,; 'i wen iv acre more or less. !l. Leighlon and Kenny HimhI. sav. WILLIAM OKOIUIP, McMf)ltniH jophones: W. r. Dated Mav 25. (013. Hrowiie. it does not rub off phone: iy0- Look lot thl Sttn I Howard White, drums; C. NOTICE. or soil the clothes. jV. Kirkendal. cornet; A. Heale, I 'Jrr:"7T Ill lb VI Her of III tl,Minium l,,r ll X'i clarionet; W. II. Kerry, horn.' .xxiae i.sim) hi t CrvflsluM) irllflrji. nl Till MR. FISHERMAN! f'.r Ul thirl) llu-pr (SJ,, of lr,. Program of Merit lllllHlrut IIMl .III) 130(1 . ilttlf fir.- fur boats lonkn J M Altogether ! Isilrlrt 'Map SXi We havo been mukliiK NiiGGET the program wnis lni-K.r pn.f 14 iur la... or 1 ten years and wo hove yet to get a cotiiplnmi ion of great enlerlaliun'i value OniclMW of Cprlirirllr i,f Tllir N.i :7B.I ml atu-i) iih iii do .r Mo ttu workmauhlnp. CAN ami merit which was iud. Ii appreciated THERE IS AN EXIOE '.trrllir Its. 4ll Ulft. iV.'ll in. WHAT WE HAVE DONE FOn OTHERS WE White Cleaner and it is generally DEALER NEAR YOU liif.i ii i. niv internum l i-.ue, ilu YOU. III' iKIrallfMI lit Mm lu.SiOi rrn.,1 1 f...i DO FOR ho.e,j that tins will not bn Hie "il.iinl..n I II... ii.iii.p a i'i.,ti.i.i,ii, laid attempt of Ihe I.Iks . ..ill.. ,i, .,f T.ile In IIm nam ., WORKS,. along A Suhslilllt Wilt DlMpfMHSt Ttl "hU line Local Distributor: '"""- maila llw-ffl."as.i uiiu iu ni ROWE'S SHEET METAL IN prior to Hir show 'jm( h.-ri-ifi 'ifflTe frlnre lliiri. Hip ... miiislreU J W. R. LOVE, electrician a '.ut Mi. 111 o i ' iBiid iiietiihera of the or he.lra, I COW DAY. ii r ciron. lifliilur bf TIIUi,