Famous Tor its Flavor Just try Transient Display Advertising. . Transient Advertising on Front Page Local Readprs. per insertion. . . PROPOSE UNION -WITH CANADA other, but why not union edilorial is as follows We believe that such a union. If it could be brought about wilh. ihe overc.-ftlmftirr .... 1 ui of . . ........ ifini ii.,.;,- - i. , nunsier. HSM sample-. The Daily News PRINCE HUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA t Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, LimitedThird Avenue. H. E. PULLEN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION - RATES: was reaL -.ni. iiT-i Reeve i- Loutet iuiri o of i . North iirm a.t aai City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month $1.00 Vancouver did not think it was up was By mail to all parts of the British Empire aud the United States, io the Union In dictate lo the gov- T in advance, per year Ifl.OU eronicnt where road were In he wir re To all other countries, in advance, per year. . $7.50 buHL A motion for the adoption . the TELEPHONE tS counter i"uniT motion HiiKiim ram came from irom. an an i .11.40 per inch per insertion "try delegate ratline for i. . . ... i .... .32.80 per inch action. The latter was carried ... a- illl-l-UUk division. Nett T .. . . . and such friendly relations be-vole was accorded resolutions ask i fu'een the fu. .rumip..j ai.n n.. f . -. nn . i : . . The, .... - - -. i .-i mai iiif ,,fi ci ii iHir.iiuaiittn a ui Kite .present very desirable utu will col of ron.tructinz a hiehuir - Aid. Buchanan - "i -cii ui iiik rouiiines ..... and ihe blessing: of JSreat Britain would da of New Vesi: In recommandatinn of tbe PAnBTWO Friday, Anruii iiv i i Pure Green Tea- ii is guaranteed the finest when it bears the name SAMOA" SHORT SHRIFT HALIBUT BOAT i I RESOLUTIONS SAMPSON BURNS ON GOOD ROADS Number Turned Down Including Gasoline. Tax at Convention i Here Yesterday CapL Rosenvold and Crew Had to Jump Into Dory to Sate Uvea LIVED ON BERRIES Ketchikan owners In.t t. hand Ml at Ihe loss hr lirninir of the Sectionalism made itseir ap- halibut' Uat Sampn. The parent ad the merlins of the Chronicle says: "Capt. E. X. Union of B.C. Municipalities yes. Glasscock. niader f Ike Fred-terday afternoon in ronnertion rrjrk.C. am"vel at J o'clock this 'with the consideration of recm- morning from Waterfall with the tnrndations'frnm the flooit Road crew of the Sampson, a 40-foot Leasue convention appmvintr and halibut boat owned by Kvar urging road work in various pari Roxenvojd. thai is a total wreck ol the province. A resolution ex. as the result of a fire thai started pre-, in? pleasure at the an- in the engine room ah.Mil 9 ajn. tiouncement of the irrovinrial Sunday al. Waterfall Ray on the government' proposals to make wtsI roast of Hall Miml. where considerable improvement on they were setting out their gear Malahat Drive. Vancouver Island, to rommeiKe fUhiag. The pear entire miiIb nwal . 1 4 IK tut! Minted. Uassilled Advertising, per insertion. 2e er word lMa "pressing, pleasure aixl and were without any f.l. They Legal Notices, each insertion ..15c per aeale line -on;rraiulaling the minister of live.1 on the wHl Iternes ihey - nuhlw works at the romnletiw. r ewili fin. I w .i-.r.ii Contract Rales on .Aopiicalion. AH advertising should he in The na.lv rim. ceding publication. AH advertising received subject to approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation. DAILY EDITION Friday. August , !93. 1Te rauti Ui fir. Ther Utl n PfSA SHTMhna S OV.1 lift A f AM. an m w a of the report was put forward by moments the baal wa in flames AW. Sargent of Victoria ami a and Captain Rosenvotd and Ih up- other two men bad In jump into a no rtory in order to save ibeir lives. on They did nl have time to save .25c per line . came a resolu- syiy of Ihe equipment or rl(hing a t - - - . . - -. - -. . - .i . . . ti ii tbe j.avinjr of the Pacific Highway Usl nieht hair lared awl almost on Ihe mainland. Aid. Sanrenl rxhaustei. CmtMln ila.sewir movfNl no action be taken hut Ihe the roniBftBder of the . North, resolution was rarried. A re-o. Mrn, brought the men in lo lulion iirsinsr the ernneeiH.n of KelrhiknR I his mnrr.u T,- - - - " - y- b . uinnerland and pearhlaml by a Ixat is rep.r(e-l to be fully In-;new uht road abarnloninsr the snre-L" jlake t.hore was not endre.l, .M IW. f Sargent's motion for no act .thinking neoole that Delinv has tiotncr aidiilMl I'l.o ir.t-i.... . :decree, tba! there f-Iiall l.e .such pates got another rrark at Van- a Union of thoutrhl and senliriiwit roover Itaiut uku fh ......... AiaKkan pM r.io.,.i. m-.. l'"rtUnuf' lo 'pmve as time pro- aoug the west roast for ?3 miles Second Prlxe Forest Competition Ii sir" jtr1 itor b Denn, "-- 1- i Renfrew and urging the pmvin- CountHe,Jo..nB rnNVFNTIfiW HFAIQ .a. government to approbate a! ' Ocean Fa... Following tip an editorial in the! " V7. ' ''ur''n, 'um of numty lo finLh Daily .News on the visit ol Presi-! WITH n KKSiIT I ITlflN ,J' ma', heween Uelnelei and mmmm waxw iiVIW es . A resolution from the rfctil h mo ? INTERMEDIATE GRADE ESSAY A e.,iiiir;- ih benefit el by hav- mo- t i.M I Iia 4 t..M a a .a II. ..!;.. ... -- . .... Tofino .e, .irri iaiuill(, ll IdliriMlirr Ilie' . hunl.,. fi-I. ...1 . 1 . f f . .. . .Vt Ih. mil..) f ih. ........., m.ui .-I - -u..r-M u,.,rr -uresis ,iui Proposal For Direct Admlnlstra- V u V . ""They make go.i. ,dace. l or me iu Koads '"vuiu ih- IMF lllliUXIIl HI t am nf IaUIam' Ua...I.. "i-mv annexalion of one cwmlry by the! Act Turned Down u"M lfiood Roads I .enziie 7Tnlnrsinir flm for the ue of mills. This ration '-oiniriiMir Jiasiers or r-oulll i"'" i'ie m a ian no league . , . . ulutions. Mayor Colley of Kam- r;M, ,,,,,f "r J n ir,ciTliir TV1 CO ATTC d ,.s -aid it was tbe first Um J'i' -M!rir-r h'. Wa,'r w VISITING DELEGATES "ir .,n... ik. Vancouver riiiiieil ..oflinir r..- . not been accenteil Iioliis hnlu l.r mattiiflg places for animals; but ...r Wu-..M "1 Ull- - .... ... ----- , ., ,..., ,,,, ... ... Package of 1 0 noit Z Packages would be poverty and misery fr througbiil llrilh Odumhia. resolutions of the League had n"".' '" a, ""Im,r n4' IT DATIDV I IIiirurAU rtl AUlrtAI LUilLnLUll nexat.n is a matter that is not amendment lo Ihe Municipal Act Ln"n r .Municipalities. Reeve " . ", " " ' lo f,e .seriously considered by making it necessary that taxes in ''""'el of Xorlh Vancouver did not ' w """' 'UtWj liml--r Yestenlay a number of visiting American tr lniwiians Hm ,w arrears be paid before an apral n"" "eitY f the I'nion re- r"r,.""' , delegates to the big ronventJon about union tt he ma.le on property at a Parsing he (uuh Roads league! inanufaclure the pn-lucls W4.rP pUe.s al the Rotary JuIr- -Perhaps thai, Um, is a niaf- r-wt of Revision was accepted by resolutions and lliought it wi "r r"', diifnl)ia fords there uiichein and Ex-Mayor Mrllanh ler that it werejr?lte'rft d7srus IMUnion of H.C. .Munwipalilies lime it was discontinued..3.1 ''" hundred lumber and of .eMn gave a short address in Forlunalely nowevef .Wricans' al th aflernoon session ester- n c'"i ads league shotild " mm a raj which be evlendd to the Prince and Canadians tfnrfer.land each '' he strong enough to stand on its a,", I,n',''r '"ills. Nearly Rupert Club greetings from Nrl- other wtII enou"h lo permit its A'her resoliil ion from the'"." i1'- Mayor Odley pointe.1 l,'"'y mousami opie who -on, the (Jueen Cly of the Kwil. discussion witbonl rancl.r or fear S'l,,h Vancouver council asking oul lh League delegales,"rk 111 HIi Columbia are in mays. or sini-Ierthmr-hta either for ,ir' administration of the ""r "d nvove.1 that the "omp waX eonnecle. wilh lum- .Mr. Mcllardy ahl it wan linfor- ..... " " " -fde o..i.i:. ii .- ... . . . ru.Al.il i.... I-. ...... berinir ami Kiev mulm im. 11.11 li.ni .iii.a... Of Ihe line. i-wiirri iiu"im: .vri was noi niiinurmi. ii auopiru on monon or iuncillori " "y iucnanan J. V. Morris of Point C.nv -.n.t ! Nelson ami rarrie.1. lS- ...- ........ ..ill. I im ,. , nr r .. . I v. 1 r nt'ot all the wages paid in British closely in 'touch with municipal ' U!ohitfilil;i P.am. - i ..... i.ii ... ..ii... ri.- ir.i.n ...i.t.i. .. ..... m.w irui ir llll IIHHiri I .1 ' IIIIHIII VtllH Il feel of limber is cut down meeting here was a loose organ i of municipal offirers t to exceed amount to the lolnl value of meeting to di-cusm the needs of T . . .1.. .... . . .11....; a nl. n. 1 1 . . .. tllllill 1 ... i I I i . . .. . I . . 1 1 .. . . mora I.. ,,.,, nimiuirraiw IUI JorWEPl a re-:'"" r p-i icdiioii providing. J hoomiii iionur". Ihe milllicipalllies. They dealt English speaking peonle of the H n making it necessary that l"ai' ixissiwe. a pro rata re-! .vmong uie trees or Itrilish iareiy wim taxation as helng ai world than any dher event ualil a" rw,l,liwn!' ' hmillei to'.'mction of license 'ees be made'undiia are hemlock, spruce, ubject of viUl importance. Here thai could possiblf occur wi."" annual "convention be n the rnH hort .shrift when it f'r and ceditr. Iluring Hie war"'" provinces had not Ihe Mime) brieve it would be Ihe finest b?nU nf tbi sHr',arT al leasla given the no action vote bypruro was shipped to England riht to levy as elsewhere In Can. thing for the sarelv and welfa e ,,,ir,' ,iHy Moro the convenlioYi.il,ie Union delegalee. AbLlej.bens make aendanes lcause of fda with Ihe result thai Ihe land of Ihe world llial'coull o ill a,iU,n wai ,ak'n r,n s be. jWonded Ihe ihotkin to Ibis ef- strength and lightness. When had In carry all the burden. They lake place We 'believe it at he ,aU'", ,he ,min- ft,r,Hly covered f,rt' Tnn resolutions commillee Hip British Covernmenl saw what w asking that Ihe pMvincial cause we believe the uni? n or ln ,," r"'"'",u,lon- 'I was sug-of ' Union bad approved Ihe excellent quality it was, men F"vernment assume part of the these Iwo great countries lid ,f'''',P,, 'mwever. that the erre.tpri"Ciple of a gasoline lax. were sent out lo galher seeds '"ad. The liquor profits were not I ha i...Ji..,.-' . . ""' ,J"-om win uoures 111, " in. ii i rpre-fii. niiiiii i-re seill IO r.nsiaml III lie "inn innii siuuir source Ol ! . 'u,--oi uieniioneil, ii.;, .....:.- talloMH i; mn.le lo ll.a ,.,.i r.lnl.l II. ing people Inlo alliance not n T"" ,W m"nU,s r six weeksHXI'oritie rcganling the exces-j I'eo,de Ihoughl Ibe forest vof ofTenrive and .WenX" !Hnnrei1'nT fonv"nlion- MV" ,,r"T f olin' ln CaMa,,a "rili!,,, u'.hia were loo big! kucI as IS h, T A Mlr frn,n 'arl, Cillespie &Vo,,ipaie, w "U 11. United Stales lo ever 1. destroyed but now Ihey' mnrteii forTrM M "" ""ndred'and billion! unl-t V" Vl 7? '"r"'-""" Hf.y .iali,t ",,cyi"3 t; f l cnrriedvill, en- feel of timber have been de-lrny-' peace, square and world nrW - L.i,Lii. ... : ...f"n?."nd Mnce Ilnpert, wa,, filed. This thusiasm. ed already. We hv ten r o Incim I .? T Mtr ntt'rP'1 ,"fW",n" " faction was taken on Ihe res. 'forests three hundred . and fif aim lr i.. y ,re.e oTlLr .. . ... .,.,... ........ of Vernon Hmban", I, 'one rnwon a"'?:,,'.m?Vri,,n . , il"Vl'" !" r .1 ii. mi h...ion iiiniim fee, irei or of nmher'and at one NOTICE ""nut TO CON Hie uir Nernnn lrrmin resolution drawing rging lliat Ihe connecting link time there wa three limes as lention of inennilnlitp JUlpil.n. nf the iiiternrnvinci.il tiialiutiv i .1 n..i teat ui.. ...... - - ihjii iiijii in ui iiroviMi'ini provincial iiit iax rpi'iiniin revenue mini tis ia nor uie rriiser rraser nnri nnri i ! nor inmn. i.i i . . . . -- --- - . .......... nil, ww pi annum bmi.m -ri. m. DUle Iminenselv Unv.ird ,t . . . ,. .. . m . ... i ' . , w.v nun I ii - ... . mot. tl i. .pi. i ... i t v 1 The Art of Spending and for practice When possible avoid the habit of uuyniK on crcaii. n gooa rule is "Pay as you go." Think twice and challenge the necessity of every expenditure. 'DoutU your SsUufi; ft C4V ft ft,.- UNION BANK OF CANADA Prince Ruperl Branch A. T. Broderick, Manager oilier vetiicliis.be romnelled to out areas, and Hint speed atwl other mol or car regulations made uniform Ihroiighnul provinre were approved. No action was lake,, on the resolution recommending that, rules in regard to passing schools be susoenileil oul I . .. .. .. w,, " r-s hum, liwtil , jor In holidays. This rule should ion ne tampered Willi, It was felt. I CONTRACTOIW. Ml(hr r4f 0.f Stn Rlttr SuMriMtura. vclnpment of b.Hh ronnlries nn "mn" WTm , ' ' : """" T c"m 're started by Tea .utrlbM -r,nrtr MioweverwhelUr''erVlian S,.,,,,.,. J' - M-rks from pass! rXul wns rque4,H r , , be politica, union be.ween the a,,', l!, Ihe' i. r !a'T Un,i n1Ra:'a r "f,,,,nnn'' on MU nln has i U.ile the Union Wunmitlee had is ness of Zol ' "nP su'trrVrlr,; He Ihere can he no doubl among yet been lake,, by Ihe leglslnlure. urged completion f u.e highway, ThZL mil . ftorUM;irUMr1-., e i z ...in..... ........ i uougti it. it may take t tnanv venrs irr of uinir Hrirt t.vr ih. sk. 1 ResolulionVcal.ing for .he pro.Z.i ,TT 'fV """t 1.55 1. 1 . . ' ' . . ,,,,!l lo burn it down. In f 'r imi I n u aiul arir o i.n. i.ii novHrnmeni io esialdisli ii)2j fiPa ,1,,,,, irtr,,!''"1'"! r Anrmt, tl. n the :primnry highways as no.ind .. ..7,. . .;,WT"l.WMil na-14 r?UM,MilmS m. ""in -pi niirpiff ami Bit i imi it Mjria inu a iruTpr. ar t rn.t ; other i.ronerlv. i-ir... .in.i.Wn,i Kf..fc."K .w'1'"1 V If our forests wen! deslroye, JV 7 r. it i ix in, nun ii IP iini'kinr or . hk- M miliar or I'lib e worki fop ir imn cars on highways excepl in set " .ZJ1. "' WM ?bJ?1, WfH, tn.,S"i , nun isst. ne money iiiwnry lll1iamll In 111 our flllir Mine, tlirt-i- u, -..-t-s. a.- ..... - inverted er Vni .RAiraVi whn iUd . niii-in nouiu ne wasied, I " liere ' r im k nunii be I' urt rrinirtrud ...... w . . or. TU m. iimiuri ruWi HlO nr r- iMtKMiailUMh- CATARRH IBLAOOER '11 . nnntirn.ftrul IiMim rit k- ......... .. Vwm orn ewrntlnn of lh rnntrtri. j Tenters miot be. ni4e out on the form tiiTfiliedinil lrnfd ih lbs irtul lit .ntliirf of ili ciiOTer. Tbe l'iel or tar lender not neretmrlly t. rump, . PUilK Worki ininier. iiis rniiniiiM of rwic woiit. I'riiaieiit Duildum, Vitu.n. .c. Aufuit u, itu. - 35 Canadian National Railways , Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating O. T. P. 20,009 Ton Floatlno Dry Dock Englnaara, Maohlnlsts, ollormaktra, Blaoasmllht, Mature maksra. Founders, Woodworksro, KU. Electric an i Acetvlne Welding. Our plant la equipped lo e-adle all kind of Marine and Commercial Work PHONES 43 AND SM I uhcBeerwithoutttPecr Sc. I Demand "Cascade" jj ll'l " Will T q f Contro' rd or by tht Goverruntnt ef Ufitiah Cojumbla.