jay, December 19, 1982 FLU The ‘flu epidemic is slightly abating, and you can dg much to reduce the risk of infeetion; 1. Avoid crowds as much as possible. 2. Be careful of your diet. Partake freely of fruit, vegetables and milk, which are alkaline in their re-action. 3. Avoid draughts, but see that fresh air is freely admitted to home or office, Last and most important. Get a bottle of BUCK- LEY’S MIXTURE and take a sip several times a day. BUCKLEY'S is a highly alkaline, germ-de- stroying mixture, that rids the system of cold- giving acids, invaluable as a preventive. If you shoul take ‘flu, go to bed at once, and call your doctor. As likely as not he'll tell you to carry on with BUCKLEY’ 'S. Many doctors do. But be sure it's BUCKLEY’S—the original, genuine. creamy WHITE MIXTURE, The ‘flu is too dangerous to experiment with un- preparations and worthless imitations. BUCKLEY'S became famous during the ‘flu epi- demic of 1915 and has been famous ever since. 34 prove n For day and night Taxi ser- | vice Phone 32. tf Card Tables—Exceptionally gooa value at $1.75 each. Gordon’s Hard-| Ware ie tf] Alberta's Best Sootless Coal, $11, per ton. Nanajimo-Wellington in bulk-lump, $12.25 per ton. Pione 116. Albert & McCaffery (tf); ek j Robert William Harrison whe have turned to the Constables Gibson and provincial police duty, re- city on the Cardena last evening from. Vancouver } ; been on escort G. W. Laidler, loca the W,H vests rdg@y ess Norah for 1 manager of Malkin Co. Lid., sailed afternoon on the Prin- Vancouver where spend Christma Mrs Laidler left for Vanecuver nontn ago he will about a re throats Quickly relieved by rubbing on 2 Wicks VAPOR sal H alee ee TITRTITIE Personal Greeting Cards Printed While You Wait Goed Selection to choose from ROSE, COWAN & LATTA, Ltd. THIRD AVENUE PHONE 231 yton Portable 7 ‘ ri it reduced prices. are much appreciated Christma presents. S8Euuaeeeeeeeseeeeneeaetceaeeeeae MACKENZIE" S FURNITURE ok ae Place LINOLEUM or fl fr, CONGOLEUM on eo S at § Your Floors ? F Makes an Ideal Christmas ay +3 Gift Which Will Last I 50c per square yard Third Avenue Phone 775 IWHY BAKE? It’s Cheaper to Buy You iin Cakes ne quality Is assur { yuu : as Plum Puddings Mince Pies Anything to order PRINCE RUPERT BAKERY Christmas Cakes UNION $ STE \MSHIPS LIMITE D Steamer t , Val LS.s (ARDENA EVERY TUESDAY 1:30 P.M n Palle hs VI NTURE. EVERY THURSD AY MIDNIGHI Arriving Van ‘ : : : ate N lings to Port Simp 7 te ie fk om Biver | 8 : SPECIAL WINTER EXCURSION RATE, ROUND TRIP, RUPERT TO VANCOU VER, $82 PRINCE On seule Nov, 10 to Peb 78, return limit March St, 1038 : nd tickets at . nformation regarding al) sallings & PRINCE RUPERT AGENCY: Se ond A venue Phone 368 : : tr re ome eR CAN NADIAN P Y PAC TRIC er via Ocean Falls ™ ADELAID! lays, 10 PM ae ef sis s ver direct - PRIN Cee eK CURSIONS SCOUVER Low hy ROUND rrip WINTER "EXCL RSION rovA ‘ 1988 Dan Hill gineer f the Timmin ntere whe cated at f Inlet mir at Po Isla llied yesterday uf no I e P t Nora [ Vancouve where spend ‘ stm i l i aboa ( 1 la ven ,0UTK Al e Arm w ) th Christma New ay Ww ) M iM Stud W ie yw = i t iinat ) nave > A 4 Cc! : MP Sa lay aft he § Arn 4 yable I Q | Announcements Lief Er 50 y Ch T> 1 D De Elb i I i ) D l ODI I M ‘ l New Yea f Ja Elk y 4 th i M i . — ORDER YOUR XMAS TURKEY NOW Fresh Killed Bulkley Valley Turks S at per Ib. 15c te 25¢ 9 XMAS POTTED PLANTS Nothing is so greatly appreciated at this sea- son of the year as a || plant in full bloom. We |} have a selection just arrived from the south. Also mistletoe, large Prices Moderate ‘Lloyds With every dollar purchased you get a chance to win one of the fa-| mous Victor Radios. McRae Bros.' Ltd 292 , &. F. Boomer, underwriters, arrived in the city on the Cardena last even- ing from Vancouver, being here on official duties Mrs. Annette Wood arrived in the city on the Cardena last even- ing from Vancouver, being here on one of her periodical visits to her local business Miss Dorothy Patmore, who is teaching schoo] at Oona River, ar- rived in the city at the end cf the week from Porcher Island to spend the Christmas and New Year holi- day at her home here. Dwigbt Rice of Prince Rupert is! eriously ill at Vancouver General Hospital. His parents, Mr. and Mrs Dwight Rice, are residing temporarily at 1144 Bidwell Street Vancouver Province Frank Dudley Th »} Ci orne, who is attending | Vancouver, was a pas- aboard the Cardena last ev- going through to Kincolith where he will spend the Christ- mas and New Year holiday season with his parents, Rev. and Mrs. Ol- iver Thorne 100! In Senger ening John W. Allen, superintendent engineer for the es, sailed by Princess Norah esterday afternoon on his return to Vancouver after having spent a few days on official duties ini with the overhaul of boats at the here onnection departmental land William D. Gordon, superinten- nt of the river division of the Yukon and White Pass Co. with headquarters at Whitehorse, and Mr Gordon were passengers on board the Princess Norah yester- lay afternoon going through to Var er and will spend the re- mainder of the winter if the south With a fair-sized list of passeng- : Union steamer Cardena, Capt A. E. Dickson, arrivedjiin port at 5 o'clock last evening from the south and sailed at 8 p.m. for An- x, Stewart and other northern yin whence she will return here morrow morning southbound Knox, formerly assis iperintendent engineer fo) Canadian National Steamships | who left the service of the com ral months ago, arrive the city on the Cardena last ening from Vancouver and will be here for the next week on pri- Xmas Specials Select your from our store. We many good bargains to suit you. We Make Up Christmas Hampers For any amount from $1.00 to 5.00 containing any grocer- ies and gifts you wish, Each article in this hamper is at the lowest possible price. 50c 75¢€ gifts have Xmas Stockings irom oc to Amas Cracker per box 25c to Xmas Candies—48 to 18¢ : box, each box Xmas Plum Puddings—Reg 50c to $1.25 85 25e tk c Xmas Mixed Nuts 50c 35¢ 20c Give us your order now 3 lbs. for Fresh Roasted Pea nuts, 3 Ibs. for Xmas Turkey per lb. 15¢ to Our Candy wiat Dep't carries a variety of chocolates, in bulk, and special boxes at a price afford to pay. You are invited to inspect our stock boxes or Christmas you can ; We deliver all orders over. MUSSALLEM’S Economy Store $2.00 or representative of Dominion Fisher-/ Digby Is- TOYS Claus, titi from. ping Paper, A selection that will be a great help to Santa - CHILDREN’S BOOKS. We have a very complete line of new hooks ranging in price from 5c to $3.25, the well known Chums Annual, Girls and Boys Own, Chatterbox and Scout. FRAMED PICTU What could be a more appropriate gift for the home? We have a large selection to choose CALENDARS Our lines of Calendars has had a reputation Gi ie seasons, from l5c up. phate = if yt ‘ Some of the newest things which your friends will like te receive. We have a large selection from 5c to 20c each. PERSONAL CARDS There is still time to get personal cards made. Leave orders with us, See. samples at the store. including Own RES iv Both Old English and Burnt Leather Goods in variety of choice such as Purses, Oriental Gift China, Novelty Silver Gifts, Christmas Cards. Full line of Wrap- Seals, Tags, Tinsel Ribbon, Christmas Decorations, FRASER STATIONERS - Kte. Third Avenue G. Wenman, who is on the staff at the Surf Point mine on Porcher Island, sailed yesterday afternoon on the Princess Norah for Vancou Christ- ver where he will spend the mas holiday season The father of a s |}peared in city police morning before Magistrate McCly mont on a charge of violating the Curfew Bylaw. A warning was is- ‘sued and the parent was allowea ito go. shoo] boy ap- Miss Lillian Mos jing schoo] here, sailed last even ing on the Cardena for Alice Arn where she wili spend the Christ New Year holiday season and Mrs. * mas and twith her parents, Mr nest Moss “Build B. C. Payrolls” Pacific Dae Was “Perfect” Ge) Before MILK Mrs. Elsa D. has lived on Vancou ver Island for three years and Gur- ing that time has tried “every kind of canned milk.’ I had found that Pacific Milk seemed to go I tner It made much nicer cake The children could teil the ifference when the another brand on porridge We thought Pacific w I most perfect, but your new vacuum packing has been a wonderful improvement We thank you Mrs. D Pacific Milk “100% B. C. Owned and Controlled” PLANT AT ABBOTSFORD eee ee JONES’ Fanih Meat Market Rump Roast St 6 Ibs Rump Roast Baby Beel 2 10S Round Steak, 2 ibs Bacon, 1 Ib Shoulder Roast, Baby Beef 6 Ds Leg of Lamb 5 lbs Shoulder Lamb, 5 !bs 1 tin Peas Leg of Veal Sirloin Tip Beef 18 lb c per Ay rshire Bacon 2 lbs if a —_— "Phone — Pyar ’ . . Tickets o «ale November 10 to bebea ws A S d ee ; r Piha wen ttm M ! 4 rctic a tu 10 P. O. Box 575 \ t. COATT “. General Agent Urince Rupes : court this! who is attencd- per Ib toasting Chicken oes 20¢c Boiling Fowl 7 : ib M 20c¢ Shoulder Pork, 4 lbs ; Seon 3 Bs a0c L Pork Chops, 3 Ibs ita 3 ae 50¢ 35¢ | What ceuld be more deligntful for a Christmas gift than hich grade perfume such as those we sell. Give her Jasmine of Southern France or Gardenia or why not try Yardley’s Lavender? Christmas Presents for every member of the family can be found in our store, the kind they like to receive. CHRISTMAS CRACKERS SHAVING SOAP TOILET SOAP Ormes Lid. She Pioneer Druggists The Rexall Store Phones 81 & 82 COVERED ROASTERS ALUMINUM SEAMLESS Roasters and Black Sheet Iron Roasters In assorted sizes 75¢ to $3 50 ° PYREX OVENWARE from NICKLE PLATED TEA KETTLES Thompson Hardware Co. Ltd. See Our Windows For Christmas Suggestions STAINLESS STEEL CARVING SETS Special Low Christmas Prices FUEL Balkan Alberta Sootless Lump Coal Balkan Alberta Sootless Stove Coal .... Balkan Alberta Sootless Nut Coal ......... (Per ton, sacked, delivered) $12.50 $12.5 $11.00 Nanaimo-Wellington Lump Coal .. ae Nanaimo-Wellington Mine Run’........... $11.00 Nanaimo-Wellington Nut Coal ............ $10.75 (Per ton, bulk, delivered) ALSO SPECIAL PRICES ON COMBINATION ORDERS FOR WOOD AND COAL Service and satisfaction guaranteed! Phone us before placing your orders. | Phones: 116 and 117 ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. Early Ad. Copy is appreciated i ‘ the f ‘ be “e's i 4s ¥ . { 1 |e s h ’ ‘ Wis 4 ari i