4 PAGE FOUR. " . Tim .DAILY-NEWS. Thursday. December 7 BRINGING UP FATHER By George McMami New Year .LCJROMO.we-uu If KTTOOOWMi MATTER? 'OM-NC oT) HQ A Ml HUT C J GIFTS May wo suggest, Slippers for All your friends. The one gift always appreciated. Prices: radios' from $1.00 In $3.00 Men's, from S1.C0 In $6 BO Children's, from 90c In $1.75 Family SHOE Store Third Ave. We remain npen tint il 10 p.m. all Ibis week. Money Orders On Norway, Sweden and Denmark at Current Rates of Exchange. Make your reservations for that Christmas visit to I he Old Land early. . For Ticket j, Hales and .Information, see us. Oliver Typewriters. Cary Safes. FIRE INSURANCE. Dybhavn & Hanson Insurance and Steamship Agency. Prince Rupert, B.C. The Home of Domestic Bread Hread is your best food. Hat more of it. Kept by the leading grocers. La Casse Bakery Phone 190. Third Av. Prince Rupert B.C. HydeTransfer Phone 580. NIQHT OR DAY. Express Baggage Coal 139 2nd Avenue. I LINDSAY'S artage and Storage Phone 68. Cartage, Warehousing, and UisinbuUng, Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand ari GraveL. We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. Loggers' Club Situate in the old Empress Hotel Building. Rooms to Rent by Day, Week or the Month. Fleam Heated. Hot and Cold Water. .POOL TABLES. ? FlraUolaM Restaurant In connection. f Jamea Zarelll - Proprietor. UTILITY RATES ARE INCREASED Edmonton City Council Boosts Price of Light, Water and Phones F.DMONTOX. Dec. 27. Hates for eleetric light, water and tele- hone services have bi;n in creased by council ami it is ex pected will go into effect almost immediately. It is estimated thai they will result in an increase in revenue of approximately $110,- 23 per year. Jleduclion in assessment of the semi-business section of the city by approximately 1,1 50,000 has been also approved. This properly for years has been taxed on the basis of practically (lie business section of the city anil was being used largely for residential purposes. As a result of the high assessment which had been based on the possible value of the property a large number of JoU were re citing back lo the city. What Increases Mean The electric light rates are In crease.! from 7, ti, and 5Vi cents per K.W.H. to 8, 7 and cents per KAV.lt. This increase it is estimated on the average will ampunt to alxnit 50c per month for the average home. The total increase iti revenue from the electric light department will be about $68,723. Ihe rate., for the water, .service are increased to IbtW in opera- lion in 1922. The increase in re venue in this department is is estimated would amount to 30,- 000. I The rales for the business lele-J phone are increased from. $55 to i0 for Hie "wall type and from S58 to (53 for the desk type. No increase will be made for telephones in private residences. The new rates for Ihe business telephones are Ihe same as those charged by the provincial government at Calgary and otber places. II is estimated that the increased revenue from the telephone department will amount lo approximately ft 1 2,000 for 11m? year. SPANISH-ARGENTINE AIRPLANE SERYICE Technical and Financial Questions Settled and King's Signature Now Awaited MADRID, Dec. 26. The decree for Hie etablihnienl ef the air ship service belween Seville and Ruenos Aires now awaits only Ihe Hffnature of King Alpbonso, Ihe technical and financial ones Hons of Hie project having been sell led. The work on I lie airships for the service will be started within two nionllis. A three-day service will be maintained over the rnule which lakes I Wo weeks for boats. The money for Ihe project has been furnished by Spaniards and the mechanical equipment will be made in Oermany. MverlUe tn the nativ News, HELPED CROWN PRINCE RETURN! Princess Hermlne was Guiding Stae Behind Enlpw of Stn - son Into Germany jej-owit of curious persons path- LONDON, Dec. 2ti. It .lowered, lie died before threats appears that the Princess Her-jiuade by Ihe crowd were carried mine, the ex-Kaiser's wife, was, out. Ihe guiding slur behind the hur-r rieil return of her slenson. Hie . ex-crown prince, to Germany. I j accnraling to the Dutch rorres-iX. nondent nf Hie I.onilmi llnilv, Mail. II was, in fuel, largely duel lulernaUonal intercollegiate to her energy anil tact when shej"'lhall conlesls between Anier- last visited fierniany that lhej'" and Canadian college iernan Koveninieiil eoiifcenlcd lo issue the necessary passports to him and his suite. Immediately on her return lo Doom Ihe prinw hurriedly left bis island of exile ami hastened in ,na lanier s nouse. Jle Jlien spent much lime in conversation will, his slep-molher. xvalking luUagw ,IM,all club in addl- Ibe jfround. wilji her while his father was out walking with Ihe Princess' children. It is reported that after last visiling her own estates Hie Princess Hermine travelled lo Ilerlin, in n closed compartment and left the train heavily veiled and muffled. She later visited several of the slate oflirials. fhe is. commonly accredited wild be ing as clever as she is energelte and for some time she has left no stone unldrned lo get, the Hohenzollerns back In fiermany. AUSTRIA'S FINANCES SHOW IMPROVEMENT Central Nation Making Good Progress Towards Its Regeneration Financially fiKNKVA, Dec. 2fi. The Lea gue of Nations has received an encouraging report from Vienna on the progress of the regenera tion of Austria financially. One of Ihe features of Ihe regenera tion was an international loan, secured by the Austrian customs receipts and the tobacco monopoly. The league's Vienna represen tatives report, that during t)cln-ber the receipts from customs aod tobacco aggregated 270.-000,000,000 paper crowns, ah increase over the average monthly receipts of 87,000,000, 000 crowns. ' If this income is maintained Uie total loans issued or arrang ed for will .be Ihrjce covered. NEGRO IS SHOT DOWN AFTER KILLING THREE AND WOUNDING NINE DHKW, Miss., Dec. 27. Joe Pullen, negro, who shot and killed three while men and wounded nine others, died from machine gun bullet wounds while lying In a street in Drew at 2 a.m., while a large crowd milled about, threatening lo hum him. pullen was trapped at mjiluighl DDI LTD Dill Lit in a drainage ditrh. nfler a 15-! jdour chase. Machine gun fire' .'. d lit Main.. a I.. I. I . I ' ..cisi mi ii. -ii .mi in un iinprtM isimi fortress in the dilrh where he . . v.n.4.i I I...II .1 im'jc a siuiiii, .unri iiiiuiei" struck his noity. When members of Ihe posse reached him he was still nlie. Jle was brought lit ..... llrou .. nn.l lfl .Ji.Iiia. In . i i. 1 1 iii.. in .1 1 n i . .near Hie dejwt where a large " -.. . '. - a Sport Chat j r-. -.- ., innj : would be made entirely practic al. ie ly cerluin minor change In Uith codes uf rules, in Hie opin. ion of Frank Shaiichnessy. coach of McUill l.'niveritily. Montreal, ,nn,j former Notre Dame foot m. - .ll star who I., now manager ;f ihe Svruua.. ii..r,, .,, lion n his roaching duties Speakinjr froiu, Jii experienccr in football on both sides of o border, lie says Ihe chief ob. staele lo u comiinn' basis for Hie sporl is Hie difference, m the rules regarding interference. In Hie Cmadiau game Hie offensive team must Bin ten yards in three downs while in' Hie Ujiiled Slates a.leam is given four downs lo gain Hie same distance. In Canada interference also is restricted to three yard in front or the line of scrimmage and only men within one yard lif Hie, line when 'the ball Is put into play are allowed ii interfere. In l.S. injerference is uiilimiled. The MrOill coaeh ays he e-lieves that modification of Ihe Canadian rules regarding inter ference in conform to American standards would benefit Ihe game there. He also lakes Hie stand that introduction of the orward pass into the Canadian game would' be beneficial and that adoption of the Canadian rules regarding kicking behind nn opponent's goal line would help Ihe American game. In Canada kicking behind Ihe op posing team's al counts for a single point if the opponent i unable to carry or kick out on Ihe playing field. American players as a rule, according lo Hiaughneosy, are superior to Canadian' in line play and line plunging,, but Can a dians excel in open field run ning and kicking. The appear ance of the McOIII football learn against Dartmouth at Hanover next fall will mark js first ap pearance in New F.n?land In many years, although Mcfiill credited with having introduced the Ilugby game in Ihe Fulled Stales in a contest with Harvard in 1871. If you study economy China ware and Dinner sets at reduced prices at Tile's. If Daily News Classified Ads. 2 CENTS PER WOKD IN ADVANCE. No Adr.rtl.m.nt T.k.n for Lb., than BOc WANTED M0I.KH HAIlHI'.lt COI.I.F.ni-.'O. wants men ami women to' learn the Karber Trade. Pnid while learning. This it your; opportunity lo Jearn a trade and get into steady employment, firaduates earn from 10.00 Jo 50.00 per week. Write for free catalogue. 50 Uuslings K. Vancouver. WANTFD AT OXCK. Woman for dining room work. Must be experienced. The Inlander. WANTFD. FxperienciHl troner and folder. Apply Canadian Ijiumlry. FOR SALE FAIl.M FOIl SALK. IfiO acres top and bolloni land, dark loam soil. Location ami wnler good year round. Itiver through properly. Present crop fruil, vegetables, Imy. Stock included In price. For further information apply W. Preltyjohn. Lawnhill, Queen Ohurtotle Islands. H.C. MMJNSWir.K Cabinet Phono graph, fifty record, five album. Hemming'' Furniture Store. , 300 FOHD SKDA.N for Sale, in good ruHiiing order. UOO.OO cash. Terms if desired. Phone U3. Itril.DINU For Sale.- I se.1 a news sland. Apply A. C. Little. FOIl SALF.. Fnglish Itaby Uuggy. Phone Itlue 272. FOR RENT STEAM Healed Flat for rent IJesner apartments. M. M, Stephens. BOARD, HOARD. The Inlander. 830 Second Avenue; Phone 137. tf LOST LOST. lilauket. belween Hu pert Hotel and Weslview Finder please return to Dailj News Oillce. FOUND HMIIIIKLLA found at Itooth School concert, Tuesday night ApplyjitSchooL I'OL'ND. Lady's vanity case. Apply Daily News Oillce. REPAIRING ANYTHING IN CANVAS. Phone 780. P. LeClairc. Cow Hay IT WAS NOT RAINING RAIN TO THEM BUT ONLY WHISKY CASES Ml.NG UFA (ill, N.Y., Dec. 27. (Ily Canadian Press . Half of Long Heard labored In the break ers during a recent stormy day lustily smglng thai il wusn't raining rain, 11 was raining vio lets. The laborers were cheerful necause of Hie task al which I hey ,were employed was labor of Jove, Somewhat out beyond Ihe scud. ding mist a whisky ship had lo jettison cargo, and eery lueom ing wave, bore cases and cases of .whisky of various brands. Tin-salvage crew wns pot choosy. .Kneli look what came handy, and thanked Lhe sea gods. One man gH 21 cases, anil Ihe toiler who wasn't able to make, Ihe rear spring of his llmouslno ag wild ,ils cargo was playing in .III luck, 4indeed. MISCELLANEOUS. ANDFHSON, .SallmakerSnlls and Tnrpnullnii mnde lo order and rcjiaired. Third Avenue, opposite Pioneer Laundry. Phone (ireen 302. P.O. Ilox 723. ' CHIMNEY CLEANING M.nlerate Prices OLD NICK Prince Hupert Cijjar Store Phono Itlue Jlere is where you gel the big price for your furs. See me first and last before selling else where. like you to make money. W. GOLDBLOOM, "The Trapper s Friend." Second Avenue. AUCTION SALES. floods Hough!. gold or F.xehanged H. H. HEMMINQS, Auctioneer.' Furniture iuiJ Crockery. Third Ave. Phones lilaek 1.1(5 nnd Red 412. TAXI Taxi 87 Phone. (Call Heorg? or Huil) Ross Brothers. Prompt Service and Comfort Day or Nfght Stand: Boston Grill Third Avenue MAIL SCHEDULE For the East- Mondays, Wednesdays and FrJ. days, closes at 5.30 p.m. From the East- Mondays, Thursdays and Sal-urdays, 1.30 p.m. From Vancouver- Sundays .r. m. Wednesdays 3 P.M. Fridays . A.M. Saturdays . .3 P.M. CP. It. December 15 and 31. To Vancouver- Tuesdays, Mail closes at t P.M. Thursdays 10 P.M. Saturdays , A.M. Sundays m P.M. C.P.H. December IU. To Anyox, Alice Arm- Wednesdays 9 P.M From Anyox, Alice Arm Thursdays .8 p.m. To Port Simpson, Alice Arm Anyox and Arrandale. Sundays 7 P.M.lU'si From Port Simpson, Alice Arm Anyox and Arrandale Tuesdays .M. To Stewart and Premier- Saturdays 0 P.M. Sundays 7 P.M. From Stewart and Premier- Sundays 8 P.M; Tuesdays A.M. To Alaska Points December 15 nnd 3'. From Alaska Points Drcwiibrr j'J. To Queen Charlotte Island Points December 15 and 2tf. From Queen Charlotte ruinkl.ihn --I. December 13 nnd 27. To Naas River Points and Port Simpson-Thursdays ...io P.M. From Naas River Points-Saturdays . . A.M. 444iaAavakA4i PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Thursday, December 27 HiKh 1:02 a.m. IH.D II ! 15-n 1J p.m. ii in IU.7 hit Low... l:IO a. in, H.3 " 22:IU p.m. 1.1 t Friday, December 28 "'KM :ffi a.m. 1 8.7 ft. 10:31 p.m. iH.rS " '"W 10:3(1 a.m. 8.3 " -'3:03 ji.iu. 5,0 " -i TIMBER SALE X S481. Thr-rr mill I i.riprr.1 fi.r ul I' i turiMKi. .I rt.. m, .si ttw arrt itiy ,t i ury. m ultirr ..f in- - tli l snuiivr. i: tlio i.tn. x In ritl I (MS Uivl I'm t4 . . Mt an tiTt aliened tmar i, UMiar mini imirlri T.i (. irar. sill t albMnl f imital t llmlvr Tnriltr HnimUf' i,f Dtr i hi' r , It. Vklirfla. h e . .it lu.inri r ,-. I'rtiM-e Hn-ri. H TIMBER SALE X SSS2. Sralrd TmW lll I r-rlr4 lr Mln4ir of IjisI. Viriiiru. i, lfeu it un h nib 4 $tm Iff I. I or tnr frtrthf ! ii.pt.. WKWI XM rrl .f rdr S.r... . lurk, llf tint hiluiu. mi in p (. . Mi lh mmi Ik vt llli.M IUite I. 0l ljuul liUlrtri ntal tit lmur. t iHflhrr luiilnilar U 11 tii,it . e-f, VlftMU, It. I' , t Putfi'1 H TIMBER SALE X S4C. Trr mm W irrMt rr mI al r-M Xnrtina. ai i4t ta iiae tt i JaiMarir, lll. In I IV uflVw M- I irtrl T.rfr.l.r. rrlnr nuiwili I ' IIS. I. ml ftt... fwl li ' Hi hrk. SfiHp aii4 Ottar. ami t tl. f leilar l'lr, i an arra " .U ttr IUmH ami !'. tm it-"- t A awi4 ftHfr, haurv i. i..i TW f. lar oil! Lr alkil hmtiI of IIMW. I'NrlW Mrurnlara J il tin' -1 lr. VlriurM. iM.irl. I : I'nwr ltl. II TIMBER SALE X 6790 I SralMt TemWa mill l rmnnl t lil.lrirt furrow. I. lalrr IUa Irr. thr Mtt dai ul Jauuan. ! ' purrlute U Urrr X a 1" shmtt nrats-j inlrt. r.JL I. I rui fi rjljll. at tUlMtn. Ilrtu.k Sl'nim Tu li par will Im alhivrd f r r mmal ir lunlr. I'urllVf narllnilara nf Ihe Milrf . ler. VlrWia, Hi:, .if i.r(ti ' i"f fringe llHprrt. Ii.r.. 1 VVATISl NOTICK. Y (Oltaralwi iM U.). 4 T.tKE MTII:lhal W. C C-.tti n. ImlUM SSMit, tnM aditrrM l I'' lMri. H.C. IU ari'lT tt a liren.-n ' Uks ami in.ooo t illnna dr if oul of amall vnnamrl lak fm XrifnUHi lrtlnn f Txrnpvan Imtian lirr s V. nini Ikma rlrir ami drain Durtran Sr. aUsil tm and a kail ni iwlh ot HimrairT rsnl. TM ai f III b HOfM! trim I IV lake at a r- " alMNH IU mil iwlnraM W MrlUkalla I mtii n Villta. and lll U i nw.ilr piirtsw ufxsi Ih. land n 'it"l MMlakaiia Toil. T.ini."-kn Huinn i' r. Ku. f. Thla imtir t ll Hi rnsind i ih Sntb ar "f Smmnls ttfl. A n.pjr uf tuu nadir and P plirailun fiiriint lhrt-n and I" Water Art. Itll." Kill h fowl in O" iifflr. uf h. Wairr llrordr at Pri"- Jlllllwrt. HI' llhl.rll.,n. In lh lH''l' may l filed ullh the aalil Wat. t nrnrar or with ih. r,impiriirr Wairr niihti. Parllinwnt Rnildifif . lorla, B.c, lihln ihlrtr dari ariT frt appearance of lh. tU- in a I nppr. The dale nf th flril l.rrtiti' lion of Dili nnllr la Iwrrmher Iti. to.'. W. K. COI.I.ISOM. Appllftnl Indian Aitriit. Arenl. IN PHOSATC. IN TMt SUPrUMS COURT OF BSITIM COLUMBIA. In thr Miller nr in Administration Art: and In th Miller nf pi rotate 'f Ijiirln, 0rrawHl: Ihlr.llle, taki: MiTir.i: mat I aiiim Admlnlitrat'ir uf th r.mate l tin!"' laurln, drrrafd. and all partlM liaunt rlaima atalnit th Mid F.nlat .kr tsTiiur i..l-rf r.....l.l ....u. ..Mn-rlf V M1 rival to m. mi nr lirfnre'lh l f ' uaimarn AO. tvti, and an paru 'drtileil la th rlal are rxjnlrert In P" aniMuil uf llwlr lii1.lililiirii to r flirilOAllh. TIIOS. W. IIFMr. orrirlal Adiiilnlilralor. Prlne aiiprl, f r tian-d tlili nth day nf iwiftiiirr, in eaosATi. . IN TMI SUr-RIMt COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. 'n "i" Matter of the AdsilnlrlralKsi Art! and ' In lit Mailer uf lh Kilim f,!,'!l Vie) rina ali kisiwii Jenri Mejrl'iF). , TILL1 .1.-1 Ih 11.1a. 11 (11. I.l.l. ."1I'T. IIIWI III I'.-. -- , llmmiir r. Mrll. Yiinnf. mail alia. aU.v fLiiiMNniier. a.p, ivss. I a re"'"''" ;simnniirator or me tiai m . ri. ,.i. v...... .. ii.nriftr MMrlnF deaeawd. and all parllea B.tvinf xaln.t llin aald Kalalo am lierehv ri-iurr' In furnish aam. pri'irly neriffrd-lo m. ii nr befnri! th ifih day uh M,h A.li. I Of I. and all parllea liideliled H i"? Mlal ar r(iilrd In py ih aiumn" " tlielr Indehledneaa in m frllinlli. THOMAS W. MKIlNi:, llf filial AdllHW""""' r ' I'rlnr lliiperl. Dlid ibis Ilia day ef lxcrndier, l-