PAGE BIX. Striking a new note in Gifts LINENS arc always appreciated 1'iecaiise one can nevar have loo much of a pood thing. We have an exceptional range which UANNOT BE- DUPLICATED IN TOWN. Linen Luncheon Sets In colors of Rose, Straw and Natural. Absolutely fast colors. 5 pieces to the set. From , , $6.95 per set Pure Linen Towels Willi colored t'nds of Pink, Blue or Muuve, at $1.50 psr pair Pure Linen Table Cloths With napkins to match, or can he purchased separately in pleasing patterns. Sets from $16.50 to $25.00 Two Pure Linen Towels With scalloped borders, hand somcly embroidered, at , $3.75 pair Quest Towels In very fine quality, pure linen, also in Union linen, from $1.25 to $2.50 per pair Napkins Individual Napkins in hemstitched Damask or Muderia work. Pure linen. From 70c each Handkerchiefs A splendid selection either boxed or separate, for every member of the family, at all prices. Silk Underwear A rich assortment of Camisoles, Bloomers, Nightdresses, Steps-ins,-etc. All very reasonably priced. Gloves In Kid, Wool, Silk or Chamoiselle, from 95c to $7.50 pair. Hosiery Clove Silk Niagara Maid, in plain or fancy weave, from $3.95 pair Holeproof Silk Hose Garter lop, in Black, Brown, While, Grey or Suede, at $1.85 pair Dressing Gowns A most acceptable gift, in Jaeger all wool and Beacon cloths, from ... ... $6.75 to $27.50 Also a large variety of Fancy Articles in Fancy Linens. Bags, Necklets, and a lot of other desirable gift articles to select from. Fancy Gift Boxes Presented with all Gift Purchases. H. S. WALLACE CO., LTD. Third Ave. A Fulton St. Phone 9. To My Many Friends and Customers I Wish to Thank you for ypur Kind and Generous Patronage ' and Wish you a Merry Xmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year. Max Heilbroner The Jeweller. Cor. 3rd Ave. and 6th Street. FiveRoses FLOUR When Uuying Flour ask your Grocer for "FIVE ROSES," The World's Ilest. John L Cine The Famous I.ADYSMITH.WELLINQTON Lump and Egg 8lzes. STERLING Stove and Egg Sizes. V'e deliver in sacks or bulk. Phone us your orders day or night. Prince Rupert Goal Co. Phone 15. Main Office: Hotel Central. Place Your : Order Now for New Years Turkey, ptr II 32c Geee, per II 27c Duck, per. lb 27c Fresh Kilh-.l Fowl, lb. 25c Fresh Killeil Itoasling Chicken, per lb '35c Jap Oranges, per box .. 60c Rupert Table Supply Three Phones, 211, 212, 281 Many a Rood slove cive nnnr results because it is suoDlied with the wronsr kind of ennl. CO.NSUMF.nS COAL Is picked for stove use. It is sleady-heatlncr.' liplrvlll 1 1 1 1 nri I ...... I I . o.em.-uuiiiiug vuai ireea irom choking impurities. Trv P.nN SUMEns. See how your slnvn will "behave." Consumers Coal Go. Ltd Phones 7 and 311. - -- - COALlSI NOT IN FAVOR CLOSING PORT Local Merchant Makes Observations from Friday's Meeting Kditor, Daily New; Are We Fools ? The writer attended I'riday night' meeting in tlu City Hall at which a resolution was pas ed lo close the port of Prince liupert and Vancouver to Aincri can fishing vessels. without exception all the speaker volunteered the opinion that the city would be hurl. First Some of the Canadian vessel Owner adtiiilled the pro-babilily of their receiving a re duced price for their fish. Second The representative of the ship supply house staled that they would lose more than any other merchant in town, hut llicy supported the resolution. Why this unselfishness Third Some Canadian fishermen felt that it might hurl them but they were prepared to take a chance. This is gambling. Fourth It was staled that Hie railway company might be compelled to reduced their train service from a daily train to three day a week. How pleasant this would be for Prince Rupert! Fifth It was the concensus of opinion 1 tint the local cold storage plant which ha been the support of Ihi town through all of il vicissitude would he hurt more I ban any. Apparently no regard was shown for the employees of the cold storage concern, whom I understand number about two hundred in the summer moulds. Sixth It was admitted that in all probability the Georgetown aw mill which supplies the fish boxes to the fish buyer, would be seriously inconvenienced. Not Ready to Qamble II i e fishermen may be willing lo gamble on the chance, but t lip average business man is not prepared lo stake on Hip throw of the dire, his livelihood and Phone 84 Cash & Carry Here Is a chance for Anybody who wants to save Money Jap Oranges, per box . . 55c Table llaisius, per lb. box 25c Table Itaisius. per - lb. box 45c Xnia Crackers, per box 50c Hales, per lb 12C Table Figs, per lb. . . . 40c We have a large assortment of Mixed Candies and Toys at very low price lo clear. Come in ami look around. All Orders over $10.00 Delivered E MM STORE 417 Fifth Avenue East Follow Fie Crowd To the Farmers' Market Hobin Hood Flour, tl', $1.90 Hobin Hood Flour, Utt's, ... $3.50 Only a few left at this price. Karly llo!e Spuds, per .sack , $1.50 Jap Oranges, per box .. 50c Slrictty Fresh Eggs, doz. 65o llonelcss Ham, per lb... 35o Swift's Premium Ham, per lb 40c Swift's premium Hacon, per lb 50c Spices, any kind 10c I'aslry Flour, 10 lbs. .. 45o King Oscar Sardines, 2 for 35o Try Farmers Tea, lb. 65o Harvest Coffee, per lb. 50o 3 lbs, for $1.35 All Kinds of Fruit and Fresh Vegetables FARMERS Marke Phone Blue 428. L- THE DAILY NftWB. Thursday, Dcceifllier 27, the means of support of In family. For the last two year Keleln- kan interests, have ,beeu en deavoring to have legislation enacted in" the U.S. lo prevent the American fishermen from coming to Prince ltupert. The resolution passed at Fri day's meeting if carried out would accomplish what Ketchikan need. In lUlt.the citizens of Prince liupert in public meetings urged the Canadian Government to al low the American fishing boat to come here. Why Ihi change of attitude Ketchikan money has , been spent freely in an endeavor lo build up the city of Ketchikan. Is any of this money being spent for propaganda purpose in Prince Huperl? Are we crazy or fools A DOWN TOWN MF.IICIIANT And ItltniSlI StlUFCT. CARE IS URGED IN USE AND HANDLING OF ALL EXPLOSIVES The Federal Department of Mines has issued a booklet with a view tu preventing accident arising from the innocent or foolish handling of explosives. In the memorandum is submitted a list of rule for the keepiiiK ami use of explosive ugcetcd for inclusion in municipal bylaw. Lists of aej'ide'nls. orrurritiK during the pal year are also given showing lllat many live were taken, the, most of which, vvilh observance of proper rare, could have been saved. Carelessness on the par' of anyone having occasion to keep or use explosive. which result in explosive being left exposed, cannot be condoned. the booklet stale. ENGLISH-IRISH TRADE IMPROVES LONDON, Dec. 27. The f tit-port from the Irish Free stale into Oreal Itrilaiu for October showed an increase of H'J per cent a compared with the aver age for the first nine month of jlhe year. While the export trade with Free Slale also show, ed an increase il amounts lo only about half Hie value of (be imports. the total figure of bold the import and export lo Ibis dominion are more than leu lime grealer than they were two year ago. The imports are principally caltle and swine, poultry, hides and wool. LUCKY LITTLE TOWN IN CENTRAL ALASKA Idltarod Needs no Tax Levy Will Build Power Plant and Supply Residents Free IDITAIIOD, Alaska, Dec. 27. This town, if ri the heart of a gold placer district, finds it unnecessary this year to injike a tax levy. The municipality lias a reserve of 3,fi00 in the treasury. Ilev-enne from federal license will amount to more than the expenses of Hie town government. It is planned to build a municipal electric plant out of the surplus and lo furnish the current free lo resident. Idilarod ha a winter population of about 22. In summer, during the mining season, several hundred are here. Subscribe for the Dally News. GOLD DIGGING IN ! SIBERIA FASCINATES MANY AMERICANS ItlOA, Latvia, Dec. 27. (old mining in the wild of Siberia Is so fascinating (hat several American who arc out there seeking their fortune have not had time to get lone some, notwithstanding the fact that their home ami families are on I he oilier side of the earth. One of tlo;se Siberian miner I J C. Vint, or Seattle, who spent SI year in Alaska, ami who I now operating a placer concession at lllagovcrhck. province. Vint passed through Itiga recently on hi way to Merlin on business He claim to have received from the Soviet government (hit firs I gold min ing concession ever granted a foreigner. Five ier cent of Ihe gross output of the concession goes lo the Soviets a a lax. Vint emjiploy about 10 men in hi digging. WARSAW NURSES GRADUATE FIRST CLASS IN YEARS WAHSAW. Dec. 1. The Warsaw Nursing school ha graduated its first class, composed of td young women. The school was Established two year ago with Hie material uud moral support of the American lied Cms. MI Helen L Uridae has been in charge of Ihe school allied 'by Mis Dorothy Hughes. who contributed ? 10,000 In the organization. Thi is the first graduating class since the World 4 war. Steamer Prince Albert, former ly of the coastal fleet. Is now on Iter way south on her second voyage to Mexico for the Western Freighter. She ha 10.000 cae for Enscnada and there I considerable speculation a to whether she wilt be affect ed by I lie order recently made closing Mexican port a a result of civil Mrife. SYNOPSIS OF LAND ACT AMENDMENTS PRE-EMPTIONS Vacant, unreeerved. surveyed Crown lndi may be preempted b' Urttlth subjects oer II reare of ate. and by aliens on declaring Intention lo become British subjects, fundi tlonal upon roaldoitc. .occupation. nd Improvement for agricultural purposes. Kull Information concerning regu-atione regarding pre-emptions la liven In Bulletin No. I, Ind Heriee. 'How to Pre-empt Land." copies of trhleh can be obtained free of chart if addreaslng tha Department of '.anda, Victoria. n.C, or to any Uor-'nuiwnt Agent Recorde will be (ranted cotering mljr land suitable fftf agricultural purposes, and which la not tlmber-land, l.e, carrying over 1.009 board tet par acre west of the Coaet Ilange nd 1,000 feet per acre east of thai Ranee. Application! far pre-emptions are o be addressed to the Land Commissioner of the I.and Hecordlng IM vision. In which tha land applied for It altuated, and are msue on prlntai forma. coplea of which can be ob-Ulned from the Land Commissioner. Pre-emptions muit ba occupied for flra yeara and improvement! made to value of flO per acre, Includlnc clearing and cultivating at least fire acrea, befor a Crown Orant can be received. For mora detailed information eee the HulleUn "How to ITs-empt Lend." PURCHASE Applications are received for pur chtie of vacant and unreserved Crown lands, not being tlmberland. for agricultural purposes; minimum price of first-class (arable) land la It per acre, and second-elaaa (grating) land M0 per acre. Further Infor matlon retardlnr purchase or lease of Crown lands Is Uen In Bulletin Nt. 10, Land Herlea, "Purchase and lsie of Crown Lands." Mill, factory, or Industrial altes on timber land, not exceeding i acrea, mar be purchased or leasad, the con. dlllons Including payment of stumpage. HOMESITE LIASES Unaurvered areaa, not eiceedlng It acres, mar be leased aa homeeltes conditional upon a dwelling beta? erected In Ihe flrst rear, title being obtainable after residence and lrp provement conditions are fulfilled and land has been surveyed. LEASES For grazing and Industrial pur-puses areas not etceedlng 1(0 acrea mar ba leased br one peraon or a company. GRAZINO Under the Oritlng Act the Troy. Ince la divided into grating districts and the range administered under i Orating Commissioner. Annuel grazing permits are Issued based on numbers ranged, priority being given to eatabllshed owners. Htoek-owners mar form associations for ranis management, Free, or partially free, jermlts are available for settlers -ampera and travellers, tip to ten Phone 376 The House Gift Suggestions FOR THE FAMILY. Nothing Will be More Appreciated Than Footwear For Grandmother i'clt House Slipper. For Grandfather- -Hoots, Slippers, ltihher- For Mother- -Drcs liimp, nailers or OxfonK For Father .Slater Hoot. House .Sliiier. For Sitter Dancing Piiiri. Hailer) Oxford or Jre Hoot.. For Brother- INil-iil Pumps, Dresi Hoot or Hlippm For Baby Dres HooK Slippers ur Itiihhers, GIVE THEM ALL FOOTWEAR. IT'S A SPLENDID 01 FT. UNIVERSAL TRADING CO. Phone 376. Mail Orders Prepaid. Sulisfm lion or .Money IIspx WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight Only, Thursday, 7 and 9 Will Rogers Phonejjj of Quality HI CIGAR STORE We Cash Chequei. "The Headless Horseman" Or 'The Legend of Sleepy Hollow " Tin world s or known short story. A ipiiinil (rrolesrpte photoplay: ?h nhle, grtilexpie. sjHioky. A tale or witchrrafl ImeiJ hy mi lions. Lois Meredith ami strong supporting rnl, Comedy "Bonnie Brier Bush." Fox NewGuetti. Admlnlon 35c and 10c PURDY'S The Autocrat of the CANDY World Wo are sole iigenls for Punlj's Famous ,UliH-tlatr-iiinl Cintl. .Made in Vancouver. There i nothing lir In Ihe world. A hox or Pnrdy's nuikr- u delightful pit! a1 all limes. Start the New Venr in Hie right .piril ui'l your mother, sisler mid .sweelhenrl i hox. ALL SIZES. ALL PRICES. THE CANDY IS DELICIOUS AND THE BOX 13 BEAUTIFUL. Prince Rupert Third Avenue. BENNETT'S St. Regis CHEMICAL LABORATORY. ft Atsayert, Chemists, Metal- 1 VeClv luiolats. Prlnc, nup.rf. utilnB Ore Shlpperg Agent. R9lturanL TACOMA, Washington, A Bakery UnurpM. U.S.A. Third Avenu. ' j Stocks and Bonds All Victory mid Oovcninionl llonda lloiighl and SulJ We still hnye n few shares left of tho PREMIER MINE at 2.00. This is Ihe greatest dividend producer in Canada. T. McCLYMONT Phone Black 85. Third