PAGE TWO. The Daily News I'RLNCR ni PERT - nRITISH mU'MBIA. I'liMi-hed Every Afternoon, exr-pl Sunday. the Prince Rupert lkatl Xm. Limited. Thini Avenue. . II. Y PIT-LHX. Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: I5ly IHivery, by mart ir ranrr, per month fl.Ort By mail to ait part of Ibe Brili-h Empire and the United j Slate, in advance. fr year fi.Oi.j To all other f-otmtnr-. in advance, per jfar 7."0 Transient Iiplay AdvertiMBf. . t.l" per inch per insertion Triisienl Advertising on Front fi-... 2.J0 per inch -a Header, per insertion . per line I3a.-ified Advertiin?. per insertion 2e per vmnl Ijcf-al Xotires, each insertion I-V jt ajrate line- Contract Rale on Application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone -Editor and Reporter Telephone - - - PILLS Sold ererywhere la Canada. 98 86 All advrrliinjr should Ie in The Ilatlr New 'Office on day pr-redin? publication. All advertising received subject to appmvaL Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation. DAILY KDITIOJf SVe.Be-lay. le-c. I. ISiJ. Discusses Science Versus Religion. A correspondent ye-terday tried to decry ths work of the: tlrealor a- revealed by scientific study and set up against them tho. religion view ol a few eople that enc- i- all wrong. , There t- m intention to enter into A -erii dimioo of thi -object, hut it would te wfiwp for nch a H7getHo a thai made by the writer of the latter to fa unchallenged. Seien-j a weH as tho-e who ba.e all their reasoning tnt religious: liew- aH agree that there i- one supreme architect in charge f of Ihr affair of the universe.. There i- a ma-ler mind work,- of nature in a -mcere de-ire to know more atwiHt them. isa-ea on the above a--umpliou thn the really religions pejxm is the. oae who ha engaged in entifie -tndy for he know- more than others about the work? of the creator and the niarvcuon- evidence- or that ma-t?r mind. He ha- rea-ori for the failh that - in him. He know, whereas the other only gtif--s. ne i- tesl aide i di-linpiii-h letweeii religion and Hierslitin. Tru- science is not wppo-ed to religion neither -honld trne religion ,e op-ed to -eienre. When, either lakes a dogmatic tiew and sconi the other, it i an indication of weakness. When we have a great man we are inl?reled in hi work. II is through hi work thai we realize how great a man he i. Hit it i- with the ma-ler mind of the universe whom eople call fiod. It is only through a study of his work that we can really know him. . . ... 1 1 : 1 a t in- worK rxirjius iiuo every reaim 01 science ana me incere sludenl ol Ihe works of nature is the one who recognizes and realize- the working of that maler mind a- none other fan. Develop. Mines Of , . . Interior B.C. , . t , . - - Anything thai I'nnce lliif-rt peopl; can do to develop the mine- of the interior which will eventually hip through thi f-rt .-noma not e neglerled. Ju-t now a coal mine i heing developed at Telkwa and Prince Rupert people will le auxioii douldle hi do their Ml in living thi coal a fair trial and in ii-ing it wherever po-ilde. Laler it i to le hoped the hig coal projrly on Ihe Telkwa River owiifd hy the Jeffer.on interest-will te operated ami lhen an offea- hii-inrss wfH have to he done through thi-gyort in onler to find a market for the product. The liroimdhiig and other coalfield- in the neighborhood will al-o add to the indu-lrie of Ontral B.ll when they are developed. The thing to do jut n"w i- to unite uith a view to developing what we have. Just A Little Early For Cluster Lighting. It look to ii- a if it was just a little early for cluler lightin? in Prince Rupert. PoJIdy when it i- installed it will not prove any more co-ly than the;older sy.tem hut the in-tal-lation ha to I paid for and the lax'e-iare already high. .Slret and -ewer- should be the fir-l claim on Ihe ralefaers for they are absolute neceilie wher;a' the extra lighting i- somewha't of a luxury . Tendency To Pass Too Many Laws. There i. a tendency lo pas tori many law both in Ihe province and in the Dominion. No one party i- yuilly in thi re-"P?ct more than another. All newly elected representative- go to Ihe capital with the determination to make a record and pa a many laws a po,ib)e with the re-ult that the Matute lKks are Hollered with enactment- and the people are worried at having to conform to irritating regulation. If we could but di-xolve all parliament- for a period of ten ear we .hould have a chance to recuperate. Every law that i pad irrilale- ome-one and usually o-e a lot of vote for the adminilration The rcsiui is uiai no aamini-iralion retain Ihe confidence of people for many years al a -Ireteh. The Perils af Neglect Digestive ailments are frequently neglected People say "It's only a touch of indigestion-it will go away." What begins as simple discomfort is allowed to become a serious-chronic ailment Never neglect the treatment of digestive derangement To relieve disorders of stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels, Beecham's Pills act promptly and usually overcome the difficulty. Take BEECHAM'S LargMt Sale of any Madicine in the World Ihe 'Tfc ddcw frtjriftca cf Baker's Breakfast Cocoa 1MI Its irxvnimd ' inJ piUuiility1 nate censtant um cf 3 L trf it; it is cocot cf KijK Made In Canada By Walter Baler 4 Co. Lfaatd U2mDiW.MM. sooszrr or chokx vxcra son na frollin? ever thing. The work- or nature are Ihe work of thif Jn sjjg letter Box I ntatcr ntater mind nimd and and all all scientific scientific sliidv study i i. -imply .imtJt a .t.Uinr delving into the ihlf I I EVOLUTION OF GOD IMPOTENCE OF SCIENCE Editor. Daily New. There ha been many inter Kiliior. Iiaily Xe: Wilh your (tcrtniintt I will t obliged with lh inhtiliins of Ihe fo. Iwinp: Mr. Matlheson apiar In txv jrrally di!urbed over the Itieory ft evolution a leiruinJralet Itr Charles Darwin, while he him self aiHear a- a ehiH of evlu lion in hi defense of the evolution of Ihe idea of OoL Man' idea of (iod i defer- mined by hi mental reflect im. A a cae in point, lei u ron-nler and the evolution Af -ACiHy of, the evolution of the idea f no.. When man wa a -avape hi Ond wa the reflee-hn of a ava?e rnind. When man emer?e! In the slate of a barbarian, hi Co. wa produced from Ibe harharian imaze. Hence, when the ilawn of eivili- zalioB arrived, Ihe iiha of fiod acam enansei a the unaze or man in that age. So. we have Ihe evolution of the idea of Cod and a Gad that i marie accord in? to the irna;e and fTkenes of roan. The scientist undoubtedly deoiel for themselves a scientific fJod. CFjORGE B. C.?ET pretations, so possibly you will allow me to explain mine. When Kurop wa- experiene mz its ierioii of yrowtli. every-Ihin? was lovely, but gradually a cleaveage wa becomm? seen while the manufacturers and nuines in ?eneraL wa in creasing hy leap and hound ine weiiare ol tne people wa not iinproviny at Ihe ame rale, o Hie reply to greed wa the union, faience wa met hy science, and the result i Ihe checkmate, a we see today, wilh nooly pmferou. o we see th law in opera- lion; thai Ihe welfare of a people miui-1 imlubilably depend upon reason in Ihe last analyi and not upon Ibe exercise of our natural ene. and thi princi pie run through Ihe whole gaiiuil of human endeavor. MALCOLM MATIIE50N .JOHN HARfS SYSTEM i FOR IRISH FREE STATE ! VICTORIA, Iiec. II A cable (o Hie Montreal 8tar announced Ihe lother day thai the lrih Free iflnto Senate had adopted by n iinaniiiioiis vole the appointment iof n eommillee to enquire inli the feaxiliilily of. adopling the Hrilish Columbia governmenr (system of rcoutiluncy hy the new ireginie at Dublin. Tlii i laken jto mean in Ihi part of the Do. minion thai Ihe lem wliirh lhe Hon. Mr. Hart ntrolucfd In to the department of finance a few years ago aln-ndy ha added to li Dominion reputation for clearn;H nuA accuracy ome renown on the 0.1 her side of lli Atlantic. THE DAILY XEWSL LORD SHAUQiNESSY ! ROSE RAPIDLY FROM ; A LOWLY POSITION C.F.R. Prttldant Began Ufa In Th Purchasing Department f Milwaukee and SU Paul Thorna- Oeorre haushiev. fir-l ItaroA hanshne.j of Mon-' jireal and AhfHrd. IVnmU)- LKaer.i ,iek. lrelaL wfcoe death irctr-, (red Monljy. wa trn ia Miru-tlee. Vi October 6. Hi3. she ;-Aw r Thiwna ShaMsbBe-iiT. He wa elaeate at the rnihlie , schools mt hi- native eMy ant et-"ter. railway work in iti , - rbains tearimesf f th M - waukee and l. Paul Kaii-ay He roe rapMly tn he rani- ( raitmay official asd sen era I lrr teefr af h 'Ihieazw. Milwaukee ant ' Pa- Kailway m Ikm; when k wa- a; I. -ache.1 u William Va- tben rotleetlflZ a staff f--r the rant iUnaKan Pacific Rawav and en?a;ed a seneral mr-ha-m? a;en!. It : saial thai when Van Hrr c lesri ahowl Mr. .-banzbne y h immediately -nushl him njt. IimimI hi 01 ealia; a Meal in a . re-iaorant and without delay put up bi propo-ilkm in him. Mr. .faau2hney acceftied it ala without deay .Mr. Sbaichy wa- nunle assirant l the lare-i. dent of the O.P.R. in tx. a ice president and director ia and hecaae iresident of lh eoBany in t99. reliriaz l he-come chairman of the tioard f direelors ia 19IM. He wa tnishted in tSll. made a Knubl !Commanler of the Wtorian Or-. irier in ivo; and raie. to the peerat-e in 19t. unri naiztinesy was cialed thrmizh dirertnrshifi with a wile ranse of enterprise-.' -He a on the directorates of all the subsidiaries of the Canadian Pacific Hallway. Ibe ftaal of Montreal. Royal Trut Company and Tran-.Canada Theatre- Limile.1. ami owne. mwli real rrr estate an.1 offiee buildm; pro- f. perty in Montreal. He wa a fel- cta-low of the Roral ttobwiial In-li- era ilo.pital. Mont real, ami a member of the Montreal J or Ley PLAYERS More sold than all other brands combined Beautifully Cool and Sweet Smoking physical iramnp hi i ! publu s tf tu.e. a PvenH.r of Laval, t o.. NFW NAMF K RARRIF' HOME FURNISHINGS Club. He married in lMn Mand Trading Nam of Old Firm Elizabeth Xagle. t,f Milwaukee., Changed by Rw Manage- 1 His heir m Hon AV. J. Shaush.' ment Who Are Contlnu- j nes.y. The Karon arnl I ta rone. Ing and Eipanding Sliausrhney had three dauehter. Bulne the Hon. Mr. H. W. fteauclerk. T, , furniture . , , , . . . business on 3rd ii.. the lion. vi. Mrs. n Rene f. j Redmond, ' " "" and . . .... ,,,, , , Avenue formerly owne. by the 7 ' Ihe Hon. Marguer.te haughne.y. ... .. . , ' late . (,. Itarne, will be rarrmi f Hon CUAIirtlUrCCV f,n Bl "n nner 'he name if LUlUr OnAUUnrttOOI -Barrie' Home Fumlhlng,M ' OBJECTED TO UQUOR ZTT'Zr'Xn have feen taken over hy Ihe ew Orderad Bar Closed at MooMjaw management and are lawfully' and lUqulred Prompt Action due from lbi date. ' " Tlie same efficient ervire and While not a total abstainer, real value for yoHr money in Lord Miaughnes-y a a finn be- choice line of good, which ehar-hever in tl h.r wnrling hour, acteriied the butine. in times Ihirins hi time a president of pa., conihiue to form Ibe the c.PJt. an onter j.sue.1 d,.unci feati re of our trade, banning the ale of alcoholic and i the best rea-on why you drink from the dinin? and buffet shnuU look over our toek and cars of the system. Hi feeling enquire aboul our price before in regard lo it wa evidenced in buying that particular article nf action he look once at Moo.ejaw. furniture you need. Travelling with the late Sir. Watch our window for ug-Uilliam Wbyte.- U,en western jretive Chritmti Oift that vice-firesidenl of the road, he no. would he appreciate.1 by any liced trainmen entering a'bar atimernlr of Ibe family or some the company's hotel I here, (ill.idear frien.l. Let u help you mg Sir William, be said. "Whytejmake their dream come true close that bar." Our Nam. i. "H.rrle. Mam. .-errai i.oiir. later, nolieingj FurnUhlng,M where the bar still open. Hi iiinMnp; monev buv Ihe mol called Sir William shandy atvl Our Stock eomnrie mmfnHaU anl, hjie, told you to rlose long-wearing furniture of that bar. Why wa.n'l it done?". distinctive deign from Ihe Sir William replied that he wai nation bel hon iroing lo close the lar al closing Oue aim i In Mmm 1st ... Kslo lime that night. " not."; yon fumlh your home. 9l I said Shauzhnessy. "Close it , ; now." The liar was rh-d YANDERHOOF Hirbard Stuart ha relumed! lo Yanderhoof after an absence I of several rnonll,. (n Prince fiu-l leri and srnilher. --4 Miss Lillian lirace Ilona Cop- er, daughter of William frionee. and John A. liilhs rrc married lal week al Ihe home of Fred Horliavi n by Hev. v ii Arroll Mr. Fred Horluven aud child ren left lasl wii-ic fr IjicoiiiI. Alberta, where they will visit with Mr. Itorhaven'a mother. - Mr. ami Mr, tieorge. Little of Terrac were in l..wn lat week, the guests of Mr. and Mr. II. C. Mat hew. Mi Kathleen Morrow ha won a Siralhrona Trul priie HOME FROM HOME. your MOCHIDA ROOMS 714 Fraser SU Steam Heated Hoi and Cold Water Rate by Day or Month P.O. Bos 75. Phone 669. BENNETT'S CHEMICAL LABORATORY. Attayers, Chemltta, MeUU lurglsU. Ore Shippers Agent. TACOMA, Washington, U.S.A. is r V', 7 NAVY CUT CIGARETTES Super-Quality' 10 for ISt 20 - $5f and in tins of SO and 100 Dandy : Gifts for Wife, Sister, Mother, Daughter or Sweetheart Gloves, Hosiery, Blouses, Camisoles . Bloomers, Slips, Underwear, Sweaters Handkerchiefs, Dresses and Coats "Doners" Phone 27 P.O. Box 327 CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert SJS. PRINCESS MARY. For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle, November 30, December 19, January 4 For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway, November 26, December 15, 31 8.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Butedale, Swanson Bay, tail Bella Balla, Ocea.v Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell Rivar, and Vancouver, every Saturday at 1 p.m. Agency for all Steamship Line. Full information from W. C, ORCHARD, General AganU Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prlnca Rupert, B.C UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. ?lllnri rrwa frtorc Bnperl, e VANCOUVDt, VICTOnUk, Oum fM TaM4f. J. tor VANOOUVtR, VICTONIA, lrt 4 ltM Mir4l Na. ft ANVOX, AUCC ARM, (TtWART, WllM lilaM, MT for roaT aiMetoa cue m?e cntM, rrwtr aja. (ft tnn amj. t. arnir, A(Ri. rrtac htuxrt. c BUY USEFUL GIFTS We know thai t;t onr Hum of "Hanoln" Ilallt ltx Kixlure. "Ltininio" Aliiiniiium Ware, "Kverendy" Klj"-ligliU, I'ockel Knives lllock., .emilalur. Tea Pol, V'f that you w( find ome useful sx f I. thai sohivoiic would l most pleaded lo receive. Tel. 3. KAIEN HARDWARE CO. Wa Deliver. 0 p.O Box 1046. i