Pi As- v J Whan YOU Want A QUymade to Minn Mm measure... In the Latent Spring and Summer Styles and Fabrics a hurry AT MODERATE PRICES. Phone PRINCE RUPERT STEVE KING Lit Cars and Best Service l tha 2lty. Rales Raaaonabla Northern and Centra! British Columbia's Newspaper Opp. C.IMl. Ticket Office. ..' C;: '; M.. XIII No. MO. PIliNCE lit. PHUT. II.!-, MONDAY JLNK 1, IlKW. laturor Clfltl, 14 ttrttt ! Sit. PMCE FIVE CENTS. EAD OF MERCHANT MARINE IS OPTIMISTIC DATS AND LIQUID BOODLE FALL TO RUM RUNNING RAIDERS AT VICTORIA PRINCE RUPERT AT WORK AND PLAY. G.M.M. to be Active Factor FRISCO BOAT in Developing Port of Prince VISITS PORT Express Cruiser Grayling on Way North to be Taken Into Interior Rupert, says General Manager Lakes One of San Franeisro's best I look U r i -lr.nl development in Prince II u perl diirinr MILLERD TAKES OVER known express cruisers., the llrayling. i.vuiimI by . ((. Harrison, next e:ir or two. I ilu not Me why Hie port Minimi not akc irmKl itr 'R T-- anil grow steadily, suid II. U heeiey. gen- NASS RIVER CANNERY presiileiit of Ihe llarri'on ill malinger nf "In' Cinadiuti Oovernmeiil Merrlianl Marine on Inveslinenl (i. and a jirominrut iii rousi who rnved in Ilu- city Maliinluy uim win sh'iiu .-- W. J. Jefferson, Formerly With Frismt nulomobile dealer, al- fral day m Uie neighborhood nivc sligalnig tin? shipping pm5 the Western Packers to Irarleil much al lent ion ami wan docU of IfiO northern Hnl i-h Columbia district, lit- is urrom-j Manage Somervllle Hie subject of ?oueh rouiment alon? Hie local liuniei iv Mr niul Miss Iveeiey. una also uy lilt muMier iiimi 1111 waterfront yes ' private secretary. ) lniHII n. arrivals fit I lie ciiv terday. K' Mr KtHl,,y Ue h.a arr"ft- on Saturday from (he south wa. The Crayliug was unloaded d fur tin' Canadian Transporter . Irom Ihe Princess Louise yester J. formerly iiiuti- IN DISTRICT SOUTH In Ix here mi June o in man ... ' day morning and this week, with fnti l);si-Lrri tat til 'Die line new (h -Mimenl Ituilding on t li- left and the lioolli Mrmoriul Srhonl on Hie lumber fur the Oriehl. It is ex .before dial wild Hie Wjilluev .' right lleluw is a lialhing neene ul Hie .Salt l-ike and u wulerfront ce.ne with fi.oliiiig her luaslcr, Capl. Kd. Ralston IP. S. Bonney, Forester, Returns V , ,., , . V , ! "' ",,,- "M""i lioals uiliii(r lu diehar?e their -argocs. aboard, will clear for Skagway F After Visiting Oeean F.H.. ' ; j : ,;p n.e nmr -.a,,.,ery f..r where she will be laken on train enroute to Allin Lake and other Swanson Bay and !,,.,, WI ,,c fr..,,, ,,, !' " nus w. - northern interior waters for a Smiths Inlet . 'port and i rom.cction will. ll.U.',rwni Tr"'" '"'Hie s,n'!r ilte :Rum Runners CaptuYed summer cruise. Mrs. Harrison .i..i..i.m i.. ...in. ..f ii.. land Is riiniiiiia jiiit DOUKOBOR SCHOOL IIC I" SlSlllllfl Illr- Jllllll. U HIT- ,11-f .... W and Iwu daughter and F. A. P. K.lllmiliry ilUlilel fnreler. Iprlor and will ilit-uft with the euniiery lor llns season,. yoir 4- BURNED SATURDAY Mr. relurdj,wi the t:helolilil thl inillmrii personally Ihr polhlll-jl0"'"' , 1 rom r.vaus, lineman v FOLLOWING THREAT Iluggius, Harrison's secretary, i- Near Victoria, Several Vonllnuril through on the iltin a iii-iuriiiii-iuui ue ul mukiiiK regular .iiiniucrJ,ifj"' ,,- "I : Princess Louise . Skagway Iri plo Oc v all. pwaii rliiiiiieiiii.per the lJ.i.M.M. I :JLlt!Sn jijf'il I'Mikintr for NKI.SON, Jupe t. The u Where Ihey will be Mr. . . U al llril- joined by 'I I II I H(I "I LOOIllll lOr BUAJTWrB iui.MiiuiUi4iJii-wniy rei;c!iuy I fcnviotwr eliiHl "'S'lll JKU'd, Thousand Bottles Taken Ilarri-H'ii IrVsiwi'ul mwliCai'l.ii&ri HaUloii. Mr. ... ...... ..- . ' "alitnlaV rlmTlC Tew Princess flfi Alice ffgo Nexl week.Ii ttn the lia heeti rftirairiiii; Mr. hroles wrfie sHowiniTd be l. a weu-Hllenliuii ihiys iirevimi I'eler Vere- lllrii l I'lie .lalMi I a- Is the mailer of acquir- kn-iunr eannenman Willi a jooiJ (fin. vvli.i is m chartfe or The (iraylin? is a brand new lii. iI 'Uidk four iiiIIIImii iiiK tutt uew nleiiMT! to ply UUl t-ec"ril. ' ! I to IliMikopoi i i'luiij had VM.TOltIA, June I.--Four gas bout. lo of them "f (5 f'jol boat and fs powered with Aliierirau and several thousand bullies of beer und l Mil pori. une or lliem- l wrillen to tin- inhiisler of registry a SOU horse power llall-scoll rr fur fl'' inie- llieoe le comparatively mnull RESTAURANT rilueiilioii. II."i. .1. II. whiskey were seized ol'r Discovery I-liiiiil late Saturday night tnolor which gives her u rruisnsr denllti ' i In Pariftr mill er' Hie raiiiienri ,ira,',Lb LARGEST Lean. waruin;r him Dial-Me-if when officer of Ihe lliuiijuioii and Prm incial olire closed :i M-e. of knots and a MiiMe M Silt Ii Inlei. Hiup uml Die ullier in In I u IN WHOLE WORLD IS the ill inisteil dragnet spiVnd for international bootleggers. The value of Ihe speeif of 3D knots. She is one of i . put ii i 1..'.-. IhmiI uMiiewlmt larger an.J riiif..l irirteniuif haul has uol been estimate!!. The boats and caro have boen Ihe fastest gasoline boats that if .ia Ua Mliirli will eiuMy faxter lluu (he J'riiirr OPENED IN LONDON on the rvutilalioii roinpei- confisealcil and the men who operate the boats have relumed has ever visited this port. Yes islU-aa 1 h'iii.in lUiy r lin uMemlanec or llnllko- . to Seattle and Taconia. John Ihal would imr a BM rr terday an attempt was made In Imr rhildn-n al school, lie In eunnectioii with the raid Alfred fur tier In Stewurl. Alijm mid ll-Oueeii I.ii.Mmi.N. Jinn I. No it tun" could iil guarantee thai Feiiher, a Herman, make Ihe passage north bul il tively resilient of Victoria. Hvas a (ilurlollf lul'imji ami t slurls lo el was loo rough outside and the Ilu- Vaiil.ii- ii i-1 Hie srliiMit would uol he BEER AND WINE nilll aim do l relieve oil Die tin- Irfiiiilniier how iiuji'h tiigifer burned. BIG HALIBUT BOATS taken into cu-lmly on a charge of linat relurnetl In port. ui The rum run ni;. Amriean en4l rim in rase it iin ni?nnry at home he prohahly HiiiiMs NATIONAL RAILWAY ... . ..rll.. .... niv RESUMING FISHING boaL-t M7IH and KI0K, and Hi-Canadian in mat' repair one vi'inn imi will lie taken iiiiwii io rii i u'ini v I OR. OF boats Cicerone ami LAZARUKE, HC nilFRPr x',",,'l "'"r 01 uiwim nave i.ireiiM unu Miiuwn me lawsi res-la I KUVInLt Ul IjUtDLvi bi-eii ttaluineil and one wu fouinl ii ran I in the world which hu-Ju.l Vansee, Kodlak and Tom and Al, I'.in in:i of Vuiicouver were the LEMBERG, UKRAINE, 'In 1h ipiile Miilabln hut I ho ex. ti-cn iihiiiiI. Ilui'in' the Americans, and Atll, Canadian, ones confisealcil. SULPHITE CO. Tlie raid was apparently Hi" fc"l-lll. tf I I I..1.I a..1 Miuirlwl lliul .ll( .II I. ii..l it iet Jwehe imiiilh thin reslaur-biit Sold Catches VISITOR TO CITY opening kuii in a eaiuVaign lo be ii: .-. ;tv in- iiiliiuii-i on (tin.i.1 roixlilion. II i hupni lo eaim-lit lo ere (en million Today iiuiIimii N:il' nil liain lie-'iirl Ilu- Kinaller lioat lMfore the iiieuN. A htMisliiiK Hlnlislicieu waueil by Hie aulliorilii-s against HAS CAPITAL rum ruuiiinv into American Dr. Joseph I.azuruke. a lawyer Mi null ijuelii-r. .i nalmoii i ready lo hip n thai; H)' Ihe largest ealiuir plar" in I.iir?e American Ii a.l i b il t ' waters. Men of. (he mounted and doctor of laws ut Lemborg, lia a i ' iKiiel I'V Ihe'iiiiirh of Hie suliiu-n inay he u America serves two million meal-a -ili.iniiri . after uuiier.'oiiiK U'l-iiuul i ul ice assisteti iii Ihr raid. the Ukraine, latter Ittissia, spent . ii- ) I .iiimli..ii'i. i'hlx Kvmhleil at the new dufk here und year. ovcrlianl in Ihe smith, are $1,500,000 The whiskey uml ber ruptured of Ihe week visiting with Mr. purl liMiyi- r ..in l lie iMiliry ot .iiit.iml ilireet In the I'nlleil on Ihr fish banks opain' uli -il lluilwuy Mhirh r. -KliiKiluni hy Hie IMi.M.M. y 'Ihi'i SHIPS IN COLLISION ."..MIiib ir bit catches lo Ua'1 " l'aeke.l twelve liottlcs to und Mrs. James Krikevsky, 718 the suck and ul! bore Ihe labels . . lake out Jut i i i i.. ti.i l.olbiuiere Street. Dr. I.azaruke, prevmiihty n i.iit will al he eriire ii Itnui 111 1 IM'i iiii.ii" 0 Ill-it -1 ii :iv he Mlpplied .i.,m un n- riu-hl t"at run he. MAIM sn. MAIIIi:. Mich Secures Right to Operate hi repuiai.ie ninisii i.oiunuiia who is on u six mouths' tour of w itli meal found. June I. The strainer Sfhlller Pulp, Mill, Lumber and Tom und Al marketed 1 1...in. ol-lllleries anil nrewenes. Canada, arrived from Vancouver Mr. Krelcy eeee un'at lliinax In rinPAX'ilkiiisiiii were ill rnllUiou Power Plants rate lie .. and the I'.auailiaii Alii i .'I i he Discovery...I I.. ! group i ti.of Islands last Wednesday and left on Saturday iff Point IrinpinN at mldiiiuh'.. ,is lotaieil in iimt miuiis iiiiposiiM itv n HKPlin 111 lore for I he idiippinsr lnielne was also in with a lartfe c.iirgo. evening's train for Edmonton. The former was huneheil to pre- .fl.!',ak Hay un.H.a.lboro liny close lo i.,..i n.r .i!.l.i he there to the current t...-.i - After observing the Hie I'acifie und ay According i n fill her slnkinj.'. 'I lie crews' of '-d air er.ute.l fn,,.., of the British Columbia Lite on ll.e price mule for firtlV1ic,,,ria, sitiiutlou in Canada whole, CROW'S NEST PASS ix no ren-on hy Prince llupeit Issue by about three miles us u both rescued. I I f 1 11. .... I.. II...I l.ll.llli-.M were Gaiette, a copy of which lass cuddies while second class Dr. Lazaruke wus of the opinion of water. Must of lliem are umlet DISTRICT ARE GONE HU ll.e rin.. harhor. the dork The new Union steamer f.ar-ileuii has Just arrived, The Prince was prelly even. 1 0c being puid reserveliy Ihe Iniliau Depart men I thai Prince Hupert, through its I lie naluial ieouire Rupert Sulphite Fibre Co. in all cases except that lir Ihe bound lo eventually position, was jfucililie. next and except for u small lii'llau ix due lo arrive early Atli which got 10 We. Nine boats Ltd., a short despatch on MiAHY June I Ucreililiif " me unui " "r nl Vancouver from Scotland villuue. u likdithoi'se keeper and become u great centre of trade. . ... ,. . . ... i..i.i. I...II III 1. I.i.i.l In iin.lilieV Jllr4 Uillll week the Incorporation of which h id a lolul id ttll.OUU .poijtiils. and oilier He wus much impressed with the Cur-dena family one or two per. where he built. The was six Americans willi I la,n6ii here In Hie was published last week, has will he hupKlilnif result of his visit thai die ilanaer of u neilim will replace (ho t'lielolmin an authorised capital of $1,-500,000, iiouml ami three Canadians with sons, are uninhabited. place as u It had Iring been reported that here. I he Prince llupcrl-Anyox service in I In CIaa Touch v divided Into 16,000 to.nup. a l ..i ill 1 lit there buse . early in July. Arrivals ami sales: wus n rum running on ii i i i...u unu shares. Tha registered office i:il.MI June t. - lleceilliiK sir. ueeiey i. in? the Islands and thul the Sou Juan . LEAGUE BASEBALL Is Vancouver. American 1-eleai.i' Hiln iillrill INim I lie C.O.M.M. Miull P an urine belli? slalulory hull-iluy, In. Islamls across on the American .... .... . ..I,...l.ii.lllyir Ills Tuduy a The of the company it. f.. II... I... objects Oonali. I t.m0 pounds, and lie. side Mere also more or less con-lierleil will be lueclinsr of ,. i i .....l' t I l t..t.intr fll I'll I atll 1 1 Midi there no as set forth are to liauce, 7.UUII pounds, at 15.5c und with the profilahre SUNDAY'S GAMES will ... . ... very II city council toiiiulil. Ilu) .1,. manufacture pulp, -1 i....i. ..l.ii.l. will ..HI. ..II L..iallllMtln IlMlklllLr 111 paper, IOC, io Hie l.oyui riii i.o. , lusiuess. Many I'niteil Stales National League lake place lonforrow evening' instead. lumber and shingles, to Ihut end. He I I'Mxeiaiiy iiner-eiled V.i ii see, 5.'l,tmo iiouuds. at 11 cities can be easily reuched troui IhIoii 0, Urooklyu 7. ill the pOMiihilily of the carry on logging operations, mid IHe. In the Hoolh Hslieries Hll. ,,r ijiese islands. Chicago I, Cincinnati 3. iperutioii in the near fuluie nt to develop power and operate Canadian. Co.... ... ' .. . Pittsburg a, SI. I.uu I. hM I K and electric i. ..I... r r a nr. waterworks an the Prime llupi'il mill and Ihr Koilluk. Jo.lion I'liiiniis, t ii.ic American eLague at thit light business, and to do all und fe. lo the Pacific Fisllories. MINING INTEREST Ill L L IJ HI f 1 1 V I 1 1 1 1 ererlion of u pulp planl BIQOEST SUBMARINE Philadelphiu Washington G. other things incidental to the Tom and At. 10,000 pounds, nl pol l. One or firt fruit of Inter-rt IS BEING BUILT AT SMITHERS DISTRICT St. Louis I, Chicago 7. is the carrying on of these departments. U.-'iC and inc. to the Cauudiui. NORTH OF MONTREAL or the company here CHATHAM, ENGLAND ' Cleveland 7, Detroit M, ill the Cout eerUeo, Fish X Cold Storage Co. tlll'I'lMI efferl today und l.uii'ku. t.OOll ptximls, ul 1 1 3c ('curve YVudilell. electrician, Coast League IX rill' Al June I. ....l-vhieh Kiiex t"do"f " lrM LONDON, June I llril FOSTER LEFT FOR and toe, lo Ihe lloyul Fhli Co. who has j ui I returned from Suit Luke 3-0, Seattle 5-0. II"1 i'"iHiiK (ilu will have Ihe lurirest I nit nut iliMlnrt of Mnull Canadian vxV Snillhers. says Ihe hotels (here Oakland Vi-'i, Hun Francisco 1"' II MWflll llV lIlHUlll'OIIK r ...-'tliri.UKli Prlnee Hel-'it uiiil niost powerful xtih- HALIBUT GROUNDS Alii, l-'.i'inj poumls, ut yl.l.yc lire, full uud Ihe whole pluce is u 1-10. hy the ini.le paK. 'iiinriiie in the world when Ilu 'tmlicr ("s will he well Iruiiier trip ulliai--Uoiih. and I'l.rn', lo the Canadian' Fish hive of industry. Promjneiit Veruou 3-0, Los Auueles a-7. of the elilef submarine .. ........ .. Ihe ship .1... !... I f iuii as one myery miliiuii makini; visits men are to tsuciumeiilo 5-U. Puiilund l- --7. A tUild Storage XI i eomph'led Big Trawler on First Trip of v lie llivei wan inenured hul l .Majllower, 3.0H0 pounds, ul the district und there I every in. ...... ... . hlic lit lo he i'u' ui iiunprr.i launched siimi. ul Chatham. Mic Season Is. Being Operated 10.7c and l"e. lu the llooth ilicatinii of u big mining develop, II. F. Kergin. M.I..A. for Allin. LIQUOR SCHOONER will illspluce tons By Company 'isheriee Cuuudiun Co. j, nieiit there. and J. A. Stephen. uitaut pub-tie SCHOONERS BEACHED AND SUNK uf'oul and U.uuO loui when Kiuynii. &.000 pounds, at Vi:M works engineer, arrived from RAMMED suhmei'Ked. This is a The Uauudiuu Fish Cold end Uf. lo Ihe Jlpnlh I'l.liei ies SIR AUCKLAND STICKS Slewurt on Hie Prince (leorgo ... ...... . , thousand Ion greater Hloruve Oo.'i. truwler O. I'.. Foster. '.Hllii'liau t'i. LONDON. June I the news. lust night. Mr. Kerulu returned ii lie lll'lllhll ki'liool er iViiiirviim - .. -. . YVulleve. nailed Capl. yesterday lu Alire Arm the Clielohsiii on lliMii niiy rurelii suhmur-iin linnet1 .,ii.ii-I lliul ils t ii,,L lu,,.I Idni and tin Afilruu ateuluier lritlh five Ion "'""l' Heuian afloat Klie will mount tuoruinir ul '' o'clock for Ihe T A. Clarke, Junior r'ifler;i,e,,h.s U retiring as Hritl.h al.i-for this morning and Mr. Stephen is by an uni'leniiei,"r a welve inch gun halibut banks .hi her firs I trip of Ibis ilislrlcl. sailed last ulglil 11,n,r , L ntlf.l States Is reinuiuiug In Ihe city III) Wed. heurheil ifui uml bu.lly illable.l lammed I IIU IM'Ulttll viv wi the season ttlie isbeluy opera I - oir the Prince lieorge for Swun ofrielully ilenieU In the llou.e ur nesday when he will proceed lu Louyh with no loss f sleumer. i I (:1 "it y . V v toe : I'