ammentaeetmeneneaie vende 19, 1932 lay Ar» THE DAILY NEWS Ka’ ae a | Thousands of People Read The Advertisements on 1 This Page Every Day RENT THAT ROOM, SECURE HELP, SELL FURNITURE, REAL ESTATE, ETC., THROUGH A CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENT soe vi : No advertisement taker for less than 50c. For rent, for sale and all other small advertisements in this section charged at the rate of 2 cents » word per insertion with six insertions for the price of font. By the month the charge is 25c a werd, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS | mw ee —. YOR RENT TRANSFERS LY eo vened Your Health AMERON’S Transfer-—Wood, Coa), ens ran “ i moving. chairs for rent tf 1 For f ne. | Is More Important than a ily ed. 1 anything else (LEANING & PRESSING onsull LY RICES nable Benkendorf, oe ASPINALL D. Third Ave., next door to Daily 70) Chiropractor) New Green 241 Phones Green 549 ~ RE for Re I Exchange Block ymont A A kN ce PRINTING ‘Sons z Norwa | District News y Cinderella Dance Enjoyable Affair Sixty persons were present at an enjoyable Cinderella dance held Saturday night by the Sons of Nor- way Lodge at the Oddfellows’ Hall Dancing was until midnight enjoyed from 9 p.m music for the occa- sion being furnished by member: of the lodge. Mrs. Chris Jensen was in general charge sisted by Mrs Hans Underdahl. Mr. Hanso1 ided at the door nre- PRINCE GEORGE yt ae te _ Ss ‘eh eet (Conia Legion Christmas Tree Very Enjoyable ,».,Over, one hundred children were in attendance at the Christmas Tree on Saturday of the Cana- dian Legion, the affair proving a very jolly and enjoyable one for all. During the afternoon a visit was paid by Santa Claus who, after be- ing introduced by Mayor Orme, proceeded to unload the big Christ- mas tree of gifts and sweets. Refreshments and ice cream were served to the children. Mrs. J. 8. Black presided at the piano C, L. Youngman was chairman of the Christmas Tree committee’ being assisted by M. M. Lamb and Henry Smith. Ladies who assisted were Mrs. William Rance, Mrs. Ar- thur Beale. Mrs, C. L. Youngman, OFFICE SUPPLIES ' : . Mrs. R. T. Anderson and Mrs. Jack FOR SALE OR RENT PIANO TUNING | Rose, Cowan & Latta | Preece. : The cold snap ntinuing w Phone 234 ae : ™ et ES . rt] ‘Tu $3.00. Waiker Mi Ce Ro i cae a littie modceration this district s i The lowest thermometer reading of S W M wi se bast balk es one A mithers oman : gee - ail Schedule when 19 degrees below zero was re- ° LOST Steamship Sailings sod oses Her Sister i 7a eres Fo: the East The Bépartiiien . i National De- At Superior Wise ; suceda urdena ....1:30 p.m Monday and Friday 8:30am. fence, in a letter to Mayor Pattie : r ‘ Bus 1 pm Wednesda: 9:30 a.m. son, has intimated t will not a a Ven tur midnight (rem the Kus* tet ditertetie’ ead tock SMITHERS, Dec. 19:—Mrs. H. L: Friday Prin Adelaide ym.’ Tuesday, Thursday and Satu « Deine Uiaces lantionk Maik Howe of Smithers received word a Dec. 18 j ‘ p.m las 8 pm. durine the cesiing winter. dot: & few days ago of the death of her HAIRDRESSER From Vancouve: or Vancouver this nature of relief work is con- sister at Superior, Wisconsin. Death a ‘ Sunday—ss. Cardena p.m. "Tuesday 12:30 p.m | tinue hé summer..the advis- a : : é Bee resulted from an attack of pneu- Ww Prir k t 9:30 am Thursday . nis satin oo =e ul r : oo , " Fifty mil'ion Frenchmen can’t be wrong? That’s your story says monia “™ on rt dat . . om : a 4 = “9 At WORE Bee Aen Mile. Ge ine Series, one of the Parisian girls who hasn't got ‘i anes dh natan haliinals ) > Vv */ eted ir - are = : : Friday-—ss. Pr A te m.' Dec. 4 and 1 pm. 1 ~4 sere ae ae her man. Once a year unmarried women over 25, Lonor St. Cath- ' ; .m. will onsidered ! ; ' ‘ ; on ’ erine, thelr atron sau Fi ’ v \4 : N um rom Vancouver— rine € pa sa at 9 Prin. N n Sunday pm — T ty Y A ae Na “ Kiver ana rort Sempeon : Weds y 9:30 am | oquefort, Ib é*' Grapefruit, Calif., 7c to —.¢ 10 wen ears g0 PAINTERS ss. Cardena 8pm. Frida p.m leiorgonacia. Ib *)' Cranberries. Ib 30 In Prince Rupert trom Naas River & fort Simpsen— Dec : 9 n Sugar Pears. Anious, doz. 40¢ to 50 rINc Cardena 11:30a.m_ for Stewart and Anyox— White, 100 Ibs 5.50’ Pomegranates, each, 5e to 10 December 19, 1912 for Stewert aed Anves-—— Sunday i p.m Y 5 f ror Gr ; ; - eliow, 100 ibs ».00 Emperor Grapes, 2 Ibs 35 S 1y—ss. Cardena .. 8 pm Wednesday 3 p.m Retail prices cyuggeut Here at pre Lard R 7 en sare 15 Col. F. H. Cunningham, chief in- - Alice 4A ~ : - Wed s. Prince Rupert. 4 pam From Stewart and Anyox— sent aie as follows Pure. lb. 15¢ 17 f spector of fisheries for British Co- t From Stewart and Anyox- Tuesday 11:30 am Meuts whis Dried Fraits ; lumbia, announces that white fish- The AUC MONEER rue Cardena. 11:30 a.m Thursday 8 mn ; Vegetables rurkevs. Ib : 30 hite Figs, Wp 12%2 ermen owning their own boats and Pot * 13 to 15 Ibs or rkeyvs, | ‘ Dates bt ; rhur Prince Rupert, 8 p.m. tor Queen Chariottes— se ae a, +s : “7 Fowl, No. 1, Ib on Dates, bulk, Be to .. i AS gear will be favorably considered by kin For Ocean Falls Dec. 16 and 30 9pm. .. Ok $140 1.70 a s sank Chania’ . Lemon and (range Peet ...... -23 the department if they make ap- ania i tee 9 oasting hicken ‘ itr i nd Genera! Furniture Repairs Tuesday Cardena 1:30 p.m. 7rem Queen Cnarlottes— 6 . . ee ae yt ee a Citron pron E ‘ : ~ plication for licences before March , , = ‘4 ' .. Parsley, bunch , Ham, sliced st grade Prunes, 30-40, ! 15 45 List your goods w . Frids Prin, Adeiaic ii I : 8 am » niente th “a , j - wr Pr flack | from Dien Fal . for Naas River and Port Simpsen awe a 0 en ee ane - 18 ‘Prunes, 40-50, Ib 12 GEO A Ss Phone ac e mo = . . _ @ Veal | naall en : > ; Wed Pr. Rupert 9:30 um Sunday tom ho Ibs | f ; » 30 Prunes, 60-70, 3 Ibs 25. “Jock” Dunn arrived on the , Green Peppers, Ib 39 | Veal, shoulder, Ib 2 Raisins, Australian seedless, lb. .15 . » fr , I Ver p.m. Crem Naas Kiver and Port Simpson — 5 ee ans Sigil gad tenet Wk i: a, Seen 8, 1D. .t° Princess May from Vancouver to el Adelaide p.m. Tuesdy 11:30 am 348 Potatoes, 5 Ihe. mad each nen: rp i: heen Cal. soctiany, Fs 38 spend the Christmas holiday with For Queen Charlotte Islands For Alaska— eee : ee xs a Beet ay . a eee tp -l® his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas > Satins 10: pas m, Parsnips, 6 Ibs 25 | Beef, roast, prine rib, ib 22 Apricots. ib 18¢ to 20 Dunn. . . on oe = ae 2C Cauliflower. 20c t 95 Beef, steak, Ib. 25c to 30 sles. ar Prince Rupert From Queen Charlotte Islands— From Alaska- BA : a * 20 =i natn hy 4 7 ADE ke aried Pe ope ' p J ™ Dec. 18 P. Norah pun. | 2nion: BAC e Ibs 25 " a Se 9 Eo appanage Peeled 18 The Grand Trunk Pacific Rail- ' ‘lubbard Squash, lb. ............. pn ytAm0d, ‘teg, *D 23 Black Cooking Figs, lb 10 way has started making of repairs ' ~ prt 1 Be ft «|Lamb Chops, Ib 25 . DRY DOCK | Celery, head, 8c to 15 a ’ a a . ia Nuts to the Prince Rupert Inn which : sia } ) } Mutton snHoulder , a : Spanish Onions, lb at . yoni : 39 Almonds, shelled Valencias .. 50 Was partially destroyed by fire Sor) n rte ‘ , acol side, siced est grade “ . . > AND : ies abies 4 ' ‘ vg Pork shoulder, Ib 1g California soft shelled Walnuts 35 (‘What was formerly the Prince Ru- ols ' S as ner eee " weg ae : 9) Walnuts, broken shelled 30 pert Inn is now used as the general li i ; en 03 o; Walnuts, shelled halves ..- 4) Office building of the railway here.) u ° ’ H Le 10c t 15 20 t r It 1g Peanuts i ae —— abe é > ‘os 2} feea ‘ We sav it with our chin up and looking en, 1D . Fish heat, No. 3 Alberta 1.76 H t | A | — three a re ke oy — 7 * eye , Flour Smoked Kippers, lb 15 \Wheat, Bulkley Valley 1.75 0 e rriva $ otal capacity 70,000 tons } of fighting vigereusly and re Flour. 49’s. N hard wl 1.3 ulmon. fresh. lt ' ) eo theaniy Veur ancient Guibas, eabereuie i h ~ mo esh, lb 15 Oo 1.55 Central : ) si rte Secon “9 | Ha 15 Bran 1.30 —< | se i Of bringing ald to 3000 sick British Pastry Fic 0 Ibs 45 to 0 Apples Short 135 J. Hadland, city and Ship Repairers Columbians during the past year; ust. Pastry flour, 10 Ibs 40 wWieIntosh Ré repped) ib 07 Middlings 185 . : ~eneds i J , : " : | for Steet and Wood Ve r } Of providing free 2490 valuable and costly X-ray pictures Eggs bo: » 59 Barley 145 H el fron and Brass Casting for 460 needy people Alberta Secor doz 2 BO. ¢ 95 Laying Mash 2.55 ot ntra e Of helping to pretect theasands of men, women and chil B.C. Fresh Extras, cartoned 0 Deli , t og Oyster Shell 1.90 Covenient to business dis [oa . “ec Weld v7 cy 6 district, | Pleetric and Acetylene Welding dren throughout the provinee against the spread of tuber B.C. Fresh Fi doz 45 OX »75 Beef Scrap 2.96 homelike, beautiful harbor 50-tan Derrick for Heavy Lifts | culosi Lax I doz 2 | D C”.G ped Ground Oil Cake 2.85 views. } [ Of helping to protect you, nutter 35 Oat Chops 1.65 Rates reasonable. Spacious | Sawmill and Mining Machinery Fancy carto! Ib 34 Delici bulk, Ib 06 Crushed Oats 1.80 sample reoms. ired and Overhauled No. 1 Creamery, 3 Ibs 90 per 00 s ABS CAF Rapemed ane ; rhis Great Work Is Werthy of Your Support Honey W : 6 C.N.R. TRAINS Gn - a tin ny SE eR ; st aoa Wag ne K, iD v6 NN. ALLNS a ours RUY CHRISTMAS SEALS Extracted Honey, per jar 20c to.30| per t 1.75 Special monthly rate for rhe Good They Do Depends on Yeu Com Hone 25 Grit Golden, bulk, Ib 06 ®er the East— Rooms and Meals Cheese er | 1.60 Monday and Fridays .. 9:30 a.m. . If eceive Christmas Seals by mail they ib Ontario solids, new Ib LS Fruits Wednesdays 10:30 am Hotel Central Ltd. ul e 0 ladly upon request by : — {_ . : re ’ ' First Avenue & Seventh Street | . : ne ; : Ontario watu Ib 30 encia Orange doz. 25c to BO From the East— fhe Tranquille Tube culos Society, Kamloops, B.C, aide - a , : PO REE | C ndents " $1.00: smaller quantities if desired Stilton, Ib 3§ Jap Oj es, box 95 Tuesdays, Thursday and Satur- orrespo Edam, Ib 4; I I 55 days 8 p.m. Dally News Watit-Ads pring results. iad SS m - ic er -— oo (he Daily News we omes topics jorrespondence on live \é t the day or any other sub Til | Ik ect of public interest put let 4 and to the THE | ters must be brief point, The long-winded cor respondent has no place in c Et TATA Y modern journalism \ ERVES & «© Every letter must be sis! ed Last OF CREDIT by the writer, not necessarily bi poe COACH ING for piiwlication but as a mat ‘| a TRAM Tea) : \ WS Arle ihe oftgond faith and courtesy, stunéd dotuments go & the waste paper basket. Let ters of a caustic character must have the sienature «Pp pended for publication } Letter should be written on one side of the paper 0!) Correspondents must av personalities and the languar: shuald be such as would be al lowed in the ordinary rules of debate, — Te TOILER” Trike BiLt BOLE WAIT RIN TRS Down ) | Homey i vs 8 Mabe mH | Vie TOUCH BOT FORGET) Pee oF Hope SiIMePeINS SHoOws } AME ME CIATION b en It’s All Decided! tings Triest HIS iN HureRY TT THE OFFICE } _ —By Westover. > CH. MAE VAT GONNA TT AK] DON'T Be SILLY: Bi THE Bo: tO 7] “Tite NOW FoR A LAST Give & ONABTE DANCE! | rres NICE THOSE jw st «- N) 4 HONOLIE you | OF YOu — KRAADE Teo THIAKK ovr —Sor me PooT+ THAT wea», BT Cnt 1 DON'T VeoaT “= & BEM Qvel \ VANES? [oont nueD |\/ Rd et Fate