Vednfdy. September 5, 1023. 1 1 ii rilljrour pipe wita pa; CUT PLUG ItScdisjks" id J your ask for MX Premier Gold Medal Beer The New Wonderful Beer Tie- i- ..nix oiie'WHj In prove tfia I'ltllNlllfH "flfJLW WMI. IIKKH i l4TIIX if. ; ' Order from the Government Vendor Today. COAST STEAMSHIPS SAILINQS FROM PRINCE RUPERT. S.S. PRINCE RUPERT and PRINCE GEORGE. v FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, Intermediate Points, Monday, Thursday, Saturday, 11 p.m. FOR ANYOX WEDNESDAY, 10 p.m. FOR STEWART FRIDAY, 10 p.m. SS. PRINCE ALBERT or PRINCE JOHN. Ttr Pert Slmrxon and Stawart Monday, pjn. Vancauiar tla Qvaan Charlotta Itlantfa Wadnaidai S pjn. ItMM Rita Pru . . Sunday a.m. PASSENGER TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT 8UNDAY, t.Mf I'fllic. r, i.-. p m l'll.V:K litoltl.E. tlMO.TO.X, WIS MPLa, all pulnta ta.lrrn ' aiwrtd. I'mfc-d SUU" AOtNCY ALL OCCAN STEAMSHIP LINES. Cllf Tlcaat Offlea, B2S Third Ait, Prlnca Ruptrt. Poena 260. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Services Sailings from PrinceRupert S.S. PRINCE8S LOUISE, S.S. PRINCESS ALICE. For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle, Sept.1, 8, 14, 25; Oct. 5. For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway, Sept. 3, 10,21; Oct. 1. 8.8. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Butedale, Swanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Ocean Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver, every Saturday at 1 p.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines. Full information fruin W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent, Corner of 4th 8treot and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Jlllnr8 r'riiin Prince Ilupert, 'of VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Ooaan Fall, and Swanaon Bay, Tuaaday, B P.M. VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Alarl Bay, and Swanaon Bay, Saturday Noon, 'ar ANVOX, ALICE ARM,' STEWART, Walaa Idand, Sunday S P.M. 'or PORT SIMPSON and Naat Rlar Cannarlaa, Friday A.M. 1 tml AVrnue. J. Barnilay, Aganl. . Prince Ilupert, B.C Prince Rupert School of Music Musical Director, H. Aubrey-Pryce, jiriirtussur and tiiclnip , n, ,. uf violin anil vuiiiii playitiK- Fall Term beglno Tuesday, September 4. t'Opils may how be eiiiiilieil fop (lie si'iimim. Senior Orelifstra Prni-liee Tiiestlny evenings, 7.U0 "'flock. Junior irilistra I'niciice Friday Hvuiilug, 7.00 " clock.. For terms, etc., Phono 674. WAS ARRESTED 1NWESTVIEW William Oarcy Put Up Fight Be fore Being Taken by Police BIT POLICE SERQEANT Shortly after H o'clock last evening Aid. Collarl. Krunk Somers, of Hie city light deimrt- iiieiil, l3ty Police Countable Alex Muni. maid, Sergeant Hailey and a. beggar nanu-d Williatu Garey, believed lube ineLnlly unbalanced figured in a free for all rough anu luiuwe iiauie-ruyul on Second Ave. In Wetview in front of Mm residence of .Mr. Siiiners. Jaiey whs finally handcuff eil and arrc-icd ,ul not before Aid. Oil Iftrl had received naslv cash on luj. of hi fread and Ser geant liaiit-y M( hi, right hand IiiIIimi . Tin- first intimation of Oarey's uiiwHi-oHif presence in Weslview was tuadf at 0.10 when II. ). Crew. A 1 1 1 ii Avenue anil Seven leiMitli. i-oiujilaiiH! to the poliro station Dial u man was begging' Hi hi door. Sergeant Hailey and Constable Miiidoimld went lo the "fi'iic ami Hi-ouroif W'cslteiw end ing up ill I he residence of J. C Heady, ittaliain Avenue. Mr. Mrad had reported, thai a man tint) i .in. io hi' door and politely asked for something lo cal. The wu'il wu mnl ntd the man pi ... ...led happily -on hi" way apparently in Hie direction of the wai erf rmil. The search wan eon liuu.'il y I lie nlliciTs hit) without reiiu in locating Die man so Hiey returnerl lo Hie station. Resisted Arrest At K o'clock Aid. Collar! phoned in with a similar eomiilainl. Hp also phoned Constable MacdouHhl at hi;- residence on Af I in Avenue WM;,atl itfil aVt 4f UevyaiiMr ""lW!" A.. 1M "e ikiu ao In tin' poliee nlalion. The mall then rroe to the rei deuce of lr. Iloherly where "he n Hppitrenlly luno-d awav ukhiii. Il' Hien plVx-eavied to the on Ins wrisl he made a furious Miap with his teeth which ju-t grazed Ihe ollleers wrist drawing hhuHl however. Was Uninjured iuiey was taken lo Ihe station ami i. now under examination for his sanity. He was uninjured in Ihe tussle hi Wenlview hut eomplaiiied of a ore head. No euleures of drinkim were, found upon nun. (Jarey is an American and for a tune was eugrnged as a fisherman oil. (he . Canadian " Jftslf A Cold Slorape Co.'k trawler Juine Caiiulhers. He had - heed in the hands of Ihe police irrevlfnsly wi- eoni-plaml of-stMinge poinluet bul ww rtdeasedr - The power boat Provineinl wan taken on to Ihe pontoons al the dry dock yeslerilay afternoon. The damage is not very senou a a result of her reeenl submersion. A new forefool will be reriui red as well an general cleaning iimf paintm!2. Plus 1c Per Piece. 7- i a pound FLOAT-IRONED Family Service All of your washing 80 par cant or your ironing averything ralutnad dry You simply touch upa faw outar garmanta such 9 waists, blousas, housa diasaas, with hand-iron. Fhona us today. CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY. Phone 8. Il.G. 351. TBI DAILY NBWI PASS THRU Local vd Persoult ... n -u Undertakerti. Hayneri, Undertakers. I'hone 41 Pboue if Joe Greer returned by Hie Car- dciia last evening from a busi-neti trip to tilcwarl. Mrn. W. T. Kei Kin and daugh ter Margaret left on lliia morn ing's I rain for .Toronto. Itoyal Purple flea and Sale of Home Cooking on Saturday Sep-IciiiImt 8 from 3 until G. Elks' Home. Account- up lo September 1, totalling (6,325.20, were patted for payment ly the city council la nl uibiil. Provincial Cou-ttable 0. . I. I.oKaii arrived from Arrandalc la.l night and will be returning north on Fifday. J. O. Slenhralen, "Stampede John," arrived from Alice Arm on the tiardena laxl evening and in repiMcred ut the Hotel Prince lluperl. A. K. Hendertioii, charged with permitting drunltenneKx in the Hoyal Hotel, was remanded fur eisht Jays in (lie police oour. Ihi.H morning. nr. vviiuam af:ar, HUperin- teioleiil of the Port Simpson hoi pilal reached Ihe cily yesterday afternoon and in registered at Ihe Hotel Prineo Ilupert. The formaI bylaw exemptin crown laiuls from tax sale was lo have come up for its first readinp at lasl nislil ff council ll diUarl Jmd HmW Uie nianiniwluif but was laid over for a weak on request of Cily Solicitor lOtlftj. I. S. Cameron, fisheries over seer with headiiuarlcrn at Swan son llav. returned miiiIIi llii irfbriiiiig on thr depart tnentut Jaum-hjIlnnilUi jjftBJ' havinp spent thl- MacflfliiaW arriMiij" iuTutlrtlie (lie (r A Sri he week in the f!ie' siie liin. Tin- mwrk rf-frfly. " ' i !!! Ihe arri-sl and I he"Fou:h Mini' hIiii i.-iI with Ihe olll-''i and .Mr. .S.iniei's allempliiifr lo niiMlue luu. Aid. Collnrt join d in Hie fray and il was while iiohliiis; Ihe mauV feet Hint he was kicked . Iiaekw arils oti to a harp rttek, injuriiiK his head. Ily llii-, Iiiik Sergeant llailey had armi'ii on (tie scene. J he man was finally put down and while llailey was putting the liamlcuITs lor Ihe first tune in several 4iioulhi, no halihul was oiTerinu1 at the Fish Exchange this morn ing. The recent stormy weather, it in believed, has tied several of Ihe boal pji jn shcller olf the Ii-li niK banks. i. .Nakauishi and K. Ikeda Jaim invohed in a ctabbin? af fniy at Cassiar cannery recently, were coimniHeed fof trial hv Slipendiary Magistrate Heme this muniitur on charges of unlawful ly wounding. -a. . Capl., William Oliver of Sand "pit, who ppcrutc Ihe Methodist mission launch Thomas Crosbv on the (Jueen Chaclotle Islands, arrived in the cily early in (he week and left on this morning's iralu for Mirnia, Out., on a vaca lion trip. He was ac'coinpaiiied by Mrs. Oliver and Mrs. John Muther. Aid. l.ollart asked hi lust nights council meeting as to the col of the surfacing that the cily had done on Pacific Place for the Canadian National Hail way and if n statement had been rendered. Aid. Muuro replied Ilia! Ihe cost had been under the eslimale and tha! a bill would be prepared for the company in the course of the next few day. Letters from Hon. John Oliver, premier, Hon. T. I). Pattullo, minister of lands, Hon; A. M .Malison, attorney general, Hon. W. II. Sutherland, minister of ! public works, and lion. J. . Mc Lean, minister of education and provincial secretary,. . acknow. ""i""i nH-vipi oi inc. fijy s re-'solutions undertaking .lo'do its share towards the building of a jroml out of Ihe cily were re- ecivcd and filed by the council i Inst night. I j On recoiuhieudaliou of Ihe fi- nance eoniniltlee, Ihe council last night decided to call for lenders for Hie purchase of lulu 13 and ! tt, block 5 section I, .and lot 75, block id, seel Ion 2. bids 0-be in by September 17. Oilers have already been made for these lots and those making ilieui ate in vited to submit lenders with Ihe explanation that Hie oily has no 'authority lo sell outright except by lender or at auction. Two of-ifcrs have been made for the first I mentioned parcel and fine for llm I. 'iter. 'iP FREE Send coupon for first 10 shaves Dr. A. H. liayne is sailing for Ihe Queen Charlotte Islands by Ihe Prince John Ibis evening. Ilesier Ityan, native, charged with intoxication, was remanded for eight days in the police court this morning. Tommy Atkins, charged with supplying liquor to Italians, was further K'liiflnded lor eight days 1n the poliee court this morning. '' S. O. Spelt, charged in Hie police court this morning with intoxication, failed to put in an apeparunce and hi hail of $50 was estreated. a. James (Sreeu. 16 year old hoy, was charged with in toxication in Ihe .vol ice- court this morning. He was released by .Magistrate McClyiiiuut with a warning. Alex. Hoy was ordered by Mag istrate MrUlyiiioul tins morning to pay monthly to Ihe sup port of his wife and child. Mrs. Hoy's complaint was heard b Ihe magistrate in private. V Edward llyan, was fined 810 in the police court this morning for intoxication. He was alsocha:g- ed willt assaulting K. S. Wong, (iiiinese restaurant keeper of Ninth Avenue, but ,was lei ofT wilh a warning and ordered to make restitution of meals and a butcher knife he hud seized. a. AM. Mactlouakl reported at last uighl's council meeting that Hie utilities committee had not yet decided .whak' lo do witli Ihe old launch on Shawatlans Lake which bad been offered for sale I'he bid thai had been received was considered loo low and would not be aoecpletf. The com uiiuee iiiigni stilt rum some use ful work for1 the craft to per form. LIGHT MEAL He was unaware of the eccen tricities to be found in Ihe Wild Wesl when he entered what seemed lo be Ihe only hotel in Ihe place. After ushering him lo a I aide and giving the stranger u glass of ice-waler, the waiter inquired: "Will you have saus ages on toast r 'No, I never eat 'em," Ihe guesl replied. "In lluil case." said Ihe waiter, dinner is over." The Open Hoad. APPROVE GOLD TEETH CONSTANTINOPLE, Sept. I. I'lie religious eour! of Constan tinople has decided that il is not against Ihe Mussulman religion for adherents to cover their teelh with gold or oilier metals. When you buy advertising you buy CinCUIT10N, and see that you set it. tf r07FMA You Are not xierlniaiiu In ( w ban you use Dr. aa ar aaaa mmm al ai ai rk.,u. f ii,t IT for Kotrma and Silu Irritations. Lmeut It ri'llevrs at uu;e and gradually hals Ui akin. Sample but Dr. Cbaie'l Ointment trre It yuu uiruUun IU paper nnd scud So. autmp fur 11011. me. box) all drillers or Kduiann. UWs & UailWU. Xurun'' Shave in Real Comfort 10 times at our expense ' We want yon to know what millions of men now know about shaving;: That it' row be done more quickly, and in far greater comfort i So we make this test offer which costs yon nothing. It gires you a chance to check up on our claims for Falmolive Shaving-Cream. We spent IS months perfecting it , --made 130 laboratory experiments. In S ways we made, shav- ing easier,' more comfortable: : Cream multiplies iuejf 250 times in rich lather. , ' Softens any beard in one minute no rubbing :. Rich lather lasts for 10 minutes, if necessary. ' Extra stpng bubbles bold each hair erect for easier, cleaner cutting. Your face is left gratefully cool and comfortable thanks to the blended palm and olive oils. If these claims are justified you would not shave with any other cream. If you should find them unjustified well, only we lose. So make the test. Fost the coupon for your 10 shaves, free. v THE FALMOLIVE COMPANY OF CANADA, Limited Montreal Tm Whipa Mod to Coda PALMOLI VX SHAVING CREAM 2111 10 SHAVES FREE U All I. - - J II . VL . ., Companr af Castd. Ltd, Dpt. ... Taranta. Oat. D ill Nama.. Addm cnr. It's The Pace That Tells Keep it up, you Fishermen and .Moose, and with a spurt these last few daysr make your candidate 'u ' Miss Adeline Henrickson "The Little Fishermaiden" Queen of the Carnival SPECIALS! 1 Writing Tablet Q and Package of fm Envelopes for - This is a 50c Value. Sorbo Sponges A Sponge that cail be demised without damaging it. Nil 1 25cj formerly 40c. No. :t and 4 75c; formerly $1.00 and l.r0. Ganong's Chocolates the finest in the land 65c per lb. ORMES LTD. The Rexall Stores. Phones 200, 82 and 134. 3rd Ave. and 6th. 3rd Ave. and 2nd. We pay postage on all mail orders. Prince Rupert CIGAR STORE "The Service 8lore." WE CASH CHEQUES. Agents For: N. and S. ENGINES Terms Arranged To Suit Purchasers. Phone Blue 81. Special Teapot Sale We have been fortunate iu securiug an assorted prate of Old English Teapots which we have priced exceptionally low. There are several styles and sizes lo choose from. Prices run from COc to .$1.50. They are now on display in our window. KAIEN HARDWARE CO. P.O. Box 1646. 808 Third Ave. Tel. 8. I hi ,ii , .-i i. a: it i!