Prince Rupert Visitor to Germany 0 HALF HOLIDAY Tells of Curious Condition Caused THIS WEEK by Deflation of Currency There This Store will be Open All Day Thursday, and' In ture this rule will prevail for the week affected by the I ; w of preeut cuinlifiniis in Prince Itupert, which mi expanding our business owing In Hie inrrea-e v ou( oi-lowu lwd, ninl a general nir of sound v ,.!! (tt'oiiiMl ii, we feel thai we should answer a if ipicstioii which have hern asked lately. Why the increased telephone service? , t iwn renou.. First, we hove found lately . rt on Imim'.i every month IuiUi our main line niini-uorkuig t" capacity mi incoming calls and pen-j; (o iim' the phone al Hie store hail to wait fur . u- he fore the linen were clear. Secondly, at . ve..u when the weather i disagreeable' fur .; . a town, our iihone Inisine i hound to ni-i no (Ini, k i more annoying than to have Central It line are busy. If the new main line iniinher .1 lender a sufficient increase of ervice we will nolher. What happened to ogr delivery service on Saturday. r Hung. r rulher three days liiiine, in 0Pi .s ;i S.Unrday. Secoitil. it was the firid day o'f I.. nd tlnnl, it wii. a business day preceding a . wonder our hipping deiarlnieu got Jammed. ' 'IM . Tilers large ninl miihII, molly large firi Hi order. It would he impossible to keep a staff gi in handle mkIi a ruh. However, our staff i . I i with an annual payroll cloe to x2iUMMl.ini. K . a iiig every month. Why does the Table Supply feature Fresh Vegetables irl r.rm Stuff to oromlnentlv? p -i' the l.hiiieoe hate threatened to roilrol this Pun. . HuperL For eight year we have 'i.- .m.ition cloely. ami we can stale vvilliout ' i li. lion that we have done more to suppress 1 geiaMe men haul hy fair competition than IP V. Why has the Ogllvle Flour Mills, makers of Royal outehold Flour, and the Robin Hood Mills, selected the bio Supply as their exclusive agents when both are com. Cing lines? ii.... . .ini'liide.l Hi . Hi,. , (I,,. ne ,in. , "' ' ! -l-i'tt could give 1'ierii the lei reprcsenta- i i. u.ii iianuie imlli the and retail 'l fel lMiiiie. We have the orgamza- i ... rii.Mi.e riMiin, and what i more we are 1 '-iee line than v formerly sold hy the ' ' Ihird ear of Hoyal Household is over half - of ( of Itoliin UimhI i now on the way. a Prince Hiiperl i now atdMh erurr these 'i-toiners provided he i willing tj elMJieni obtainable. IVhst is likely to be the future market trend on prices? "e or two exception, uinly steady price nl lightly Ingljer on some line. We look for a 'hi floor, due to Hie heavv crop in Western - i-n'. Sugar i goiNl buying at today' price. ... v K" mi higher any day. and continue un, ,,. i, .g .is... jo.i arlnig is over, lliiller, eg? ion are nilvanciug steadily and present price nee shortly. he Rupert (able Supply Co. Three Phones 211 t 212 i 281. Rupert Brand Kippers SMOKED DAILY by Onnrl.,... L.L P. f.IJ C T llJ uiiaivaa mm m mj m v mm mm m m m PRINCE RUPERT 3y,j: rxii.: 1 d:i ''w'- 4 1 1A A1U1ITT JJ J Prince Rupert RYnnric AND N SHIPYARD Peratlna Q. T. I. 20.000 Ton Floating Dry Dook Din. . . . V . ... '-'ea, machinists, Boilermakers, Biaokamuns, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Ito. Electric and Acetylene Welding., Our plant Is equipped to kindle all kinds of Marine and Commercial Work PHONES 43 AND 318 A suit of clothe is worth eighty million marks, n nnund of hutter, co,s three million mark and a street car fare taken the inoilest um of fifty thousand mark, according to Gaston Ilen-guerel. of. Prince HupeH, until recently of the s.Univeal Trading Company. At the time of writing,, (he middle of Angusl, he say things were in u had way in Hermany and the people were looking for some kind of a revolution, wljile Holland was laking tep to prevent a rush of. people over the bonier. Telling of the variations in prices. Mr. HciiKiierel .avs von may he on a shopping trip and may price the article al several I ore. If ynu pn hack In the first to make the purchase, the price ha, probably doubled by th time you et there. That in the reason business is good. People are pentinK their iiiony today l.fraue tomorrow it will be wortli only about half as much. iisiiie.smeii keep no (.crman tnwuiey in the bank, only foreign. or baro certificate. When payday come they change just sufficient to carry on. "At the post office jienpe sland in ijiieiu; to buy stamp am) about every two week I be charge for postage goes up ami often Ihe day or two before Hie ailvaure Hie pol office will sell no stamp hi pant anil it cost 35 mark to evv It on. " The summer eaon i jn full wing here nl eheveningen. which I a few minute fmm Hie Hague by street car. The great est part of Ihe guest are Herman but there are many Knplish. American and Belgians. .V bath cnl fifty cent but if you want a jsiin bath Jut lying in Hie sunt jyou have to pay a florin and a half extra, so you see the mm in Holland is .more expensive than water. Dutch people make you pay for everything. If they could they would make you pay for the air you breathe." -iJASTON HKNr.UF.ItKL. I'.S. I Just hear that a pound of butler col today 3,000.01)0 marks ami meat i the .same price. Street car fare u gone up to 50.000 mark. QUEEN CHARLOTTES Hev. Fattier tiodfrey lias been paying a visit to Ills parishioner al Massed, Huckley Hay and Port Clements. Tlio crab cannery conducted by Mr. Simpson, al Naden Harbor, will Mart .operations in a few-days, vvilli a full complement of c'anners. The resident of Massell and the Fast Coast of Oraliatu Island will hold the Annual F.xhiliittnn. on September 7, under Hie auspice of Hie Farmer' Institute. The Fair will be held at Iho Social' Hall, Massell. The Dominion Telegraph Service is constructing a new lint from Port Clemen!. to Tl-F.ll river, under Hie. management of Mr. Hlackstock. Work ou Iho roadway, between, the North and Soiilh end of the island, is also in progress while a parly of workmen i at work in (lie iliiec-I ion of Tow Hill. Countable II. P. Ponder, with Mr., potuler. left, Massed, on Hie sleanier Prince John, to take up residence In Prince llupert .where Mr. Ponder will occupy Hie position of clerk in the oltlce of the inspector of Provincial police. rim police .station at Massell, lias been closed. .Constable. Heaven and Collin. will be local cl id Huckley Hay and Queen Charlotto City respectively. The Farmer' Institute of Ma-ell, wilb Hie Imllans of Massed Hand, inlemJ to make a creditable exhibit at the Prince llupert Fair. A large al tendance of visitor from Hie north end of Hie island would be atjemtance slimib the sleamer return directly to Massell and. other point al the close of Hie Kxliiliilion. SK1DEGATE INLET J. I.. Ilarge, J. p., returned Saturday from l,pckeport where The (dope Hie same with their he held court for a few: day.. Mr. good. ,nan was fined for assauliing "(in August H-bread sold al (Mr. Morgan of I.ockeport. 90,000 to 2t0.000 mark; 'flour! from lOO.WiO 1o 150,000. mark a' Mi Phyllis Creigbf'on, Hegina, lound; butter 1 OOO.QuQ mark who has lieen visiting Mis yesterday. 2.0O0.000 marks today. Peter al Tl'rjll, leave on lo.a. lgg were 10,000 mark yesler-'leainer to lake up the position day and today tOO.OdO; niar-Jof scliool teacher al Porcher I.s-gi.nne. marks: lard, U50,- land. 000 nrark a pound; lierring. 70- j fi)00 mark each; street car fare. Mis Chrisleiien I reluming 20.000 mark. to Prince Huperl on today "On August V a pound of pota- steamer to her course a toe cost tC.OOO mark and only the Prince Itupert High School, ten pound at a time rnnl.l be oiirebaei. Mat wa 30,000 j Mr. Hlliot nn.l Mr. Corlelt of mark. Two week ago the living Victoria were' passenger soulli-unlcx wia 75.01)0 time pre-war bound on today Prince Albert 'rici an.) today it i 150.000 .They report a very enjoyable trip linie pre-war price. On August; to Taon via the west coa'. I a suit of clothes out 10.000.- ono mark and today it i double Mr. and Mr. Coulson, Mr. Ive that or more. I,al week a family jand Mr. and Mr. Slrantson have oeiNled a million mark a dayjarrived from Thurston Harbor. each peron to e." rlliey Intend making Hietr home The ory I told of a nun who 'at Skidegale. aw a person drop a 25 mark Mill when purchasing a tlekel. Thai The MelhodNt mission boat watcher told him of it and the 'returned today from I.ockeport reply war thai Hie last liri he and points south, Oanl. Oliver re- dropped, one a button vvel off .port an. excellent trip. MAny friend are very sorry to hear of the death of 11. Husband, al Hie Skidegale Inlet hospital on August 20. Mr. Husband was one of Hie old timer. of Skidegale having resided here for the past fifteen year. The funeral iook place on Wednesday, Hie Hev. Mr. Allan and Mr. JollilTe conducted Ihe service al Hie vestry, ele. ANYOX Anyoxites recently arriving from holiday in the south and elsewhere included Miss I.eilch. Mr. H. M. Selfe and daughter, Mr. W. .1. F.. Pamphlin, Mr. K. J. Conway and family, Mrs. -Clay and son, Mr. and Mr. A. Sealnn. Mr. and Mrs. W. Robertson and child, Mrs. I, C. liny. Mr. and Mr. Js, MrHuire, Mrs. Wilkinson, Mrs. V, A. Cooper. Mr. and Mrs. .1. A. Swanson, Mr. and Mr. Armstrong and Messrs. 0. E. Tnvvnshcnd, 11. 1). Southain.aud J. Haslets fi round ha been broken for Ihe new Union Church to replace the building destroyed in the Tire and tender are being called for Ihe erection of Ihe building. The new building will be located in a much more convenient place than the obi one, and will have Ihe advantage of a basement, which will be modelled for. gym nasium and. other church work. The new church will be fifty by. (vventy-six feel, the auditorium being forty, by twenty-six, the remaining ten feed being devoted In usual church otiices, such as The play for the L. F. Champion Cup, t. developing keenly, the dilTereut, contests showing tennis of high order. David Cole, jr., II. Bullion and !eo. have. nullified for the semi-final, which will bo, played, as soon as one'1 more game is selllod. This game Is between F. C. Townsheud and F. Hrovvn, Ihe winner of which will meet Cole, while 'Hal ibut will meet In thn Men's Single Ladder series, II. Halibut Is al present In the lead. . . Front August 22 to August 28 Inclusive. 1 1,757 wet Ions of ore were mined al Hidden Creek. Total tonnage for Hie month of IcMiJ MXIaryfe For Sale by HOWE & McNULTY August to 28 inclusive, 68,796 wet tons. From August 20 to August 28 inclusive,. 1 8.0U5 wet Ions of ore were treated at Anyox smelter. This was made up as follows: i Hidden Creek ore, 17,110 wet Ions; outside ore, C85 wet tons. a. From August 21 to August 28 inclusive, l.tHl short Ions of coal were charged at Hie coke plant and t.OUl short Ions of coke were produced; 3,455 imperial gallons of light oil and 8.HCI imperial gallons of tar were recovered and 4,617 lbs, pf ammonium sulphate manuJaJc-I tired. Among summer campeVs arriving home within the oast few days were Mr. Patrick-and j son, Mr. J. Mint n ami ramiiy, Mr. C. Hague and family, Mrs. Herein and family and Airs. Cloke and family. NEW HAZELTON Colin M tin ro and Charlie F.k have discovered a natural park abounding in wild game back of llocher de Houle mountain. Mrs. Jnynes has relumed to Nanaimo after having spent Iho sunimervisiling with, her sister. Mrs. W. W. Anderson. She was accompanied hy Miss Roberta Anderson who will resumo her high school studies. - I.. Hanson has returned to New Hazellon from Donfe Miss Holly Hergman left last week for Dimmit, where she will resume Iter high school studies making her home with Hev. and Mrs. J,. It, Hewitt. . .Miss llalphena Wrinch Arthur Wrinch have left Vancouver where they will lend High School. and for at- Ilaymopd J. Hoark, Madison, Wis., and C S. flwynne. Syracuse, ,N.., wjh'V i.njrtt la,sl vyeek ettiHiuba to the upper Skeena for a big ganie hunt. Advertise 1a the Dally News. OVEN. WHITE- NICKELED l . : . . un Ii nkk.ll. luclanluw urf-cri. radiau Ivat qukUr and trenly a (artor which adda to tb Kononir and baking quatitira .f UfKuknur. TluaaMto.aicaalatf. ovtn la wauablc aad. cf courac,' rriiiti rutf. Bake With the Good . Kootenay McCUry'i Cooking Uteniila Tberiaht utrnyil (or rrtxr talk u ti hours nl a kovar. wift'a tilat. Oft Mrl'lary'i buafkd Cooking UtraiiU at your faroriu irdvarc tore. "The Clean Wert" Then wiN know how you superior a range may be--and why it relieves cooking and baking of ordinary care and distractions. For & generation the Kootenay has been a good baking rangeand now its endurance is ex-. tended beyond all 'former records of long service "ENAMEL-CLAD" FLUES The flue construction of the Kootenay. is protected at 'every vital point with tough porcelain enamel, and the oven is built of rust-resisting Armco-iron. This unique McCIary's construction extends the life of the Kootenay by many years. Ask McCIary's dealer to show you the' inside construction of the Kootenay. Lon4oa T.ronto Montreal Winnipeg Vncvr S. Jot mi N. H. ' Hamilton Calgary Saakatoon Emontosk aBaaalaaaaBBaBBBBBBaBBaBBaBaBa if Ik, I uhBeerwUhaitaPur " fn'Sc. I Demand "" greater Order today from any . I than all . iRv Government Vendor. others This advertisement is not published or displayed, by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. Cassidy and Nanoose Wellington COALS Vancouver Island. yvv are Sole Airfim In thl .luirlrt fur tiw hlrh rrnite Iln4 Cil. Our rirjt stiM.inrnl r Luni met Nut wll arrive nhorily. r.a!ilO' iinl XaniMiiie art equal tu atijr lOaml Coals, ft.r Strain riirnarr. m.l iLuiifKlle usft TImi fiirmr-r l a eukin roal. LUMP Sacked, delivered LUMP Loose., delivered NUT Sacked, delivered NUT Loose, delivered . Tel. 648. . $15.50 per ton 14.00 per ton ...... 13.25 per ton 11 .75 per ton. Special Prices foe Car UU. PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO.