V m r I i ; ifAnltwo. THE DAUA NEWS. Tuesday, fvSHiU.er I, j iV1 The Daily News PHlNCK RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month 00 By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United States, , in advance, per year... V ..$0.00 To ali other countries, in advance, per year , t7.&0 TELEPHONE St Transient Display Advertising 11.10 per inch per insertion 'jtansient Advertising on-Front Page. ......... ..52.80 per inch Local Readers, per insertion.. 25c per line Classified Advertising, per insertion! 2c per word Legal Notices, each insertion 15c per agate line Contract Rates oh Application. AH advertising should be in The Daily News OlTlce on day preceding publication. All advertising received subject to approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation. DAILY EDITION rup.oilay. December 1, 1023 Frightful Plague Infects The People. Senator Copeland, who is also an eminent American physician, has been startling Mime of Hi? Mielety people of the eastern stales by giving them a straight from 'the shoulder talk on (he great red plague, Ihe. greatest scourge' of the age. He spoke lo a 'mixed audience at a dinner. Telling about it afterwards to a representative of Physical Culture, Senator Copland says: "One of the Ihings I (old them was the fact that eighty r.an ...itii i.r.iA ......... I i. ... ..r. . ..... .. . . i I uit ipjTun"u mi niru ujhiii women .ur? mane l,,rsliod orres-nrj oecause 01 muoceiiuy acquired venereal disease. 1 told them how th statistics and figures of. the draft showed that n.; out - ..t . . . .v.,.. . . .... . in ten million men nun examined -.iiiiiiut-i. 1011,111111 j.iii.iiuir nan svpmiis sllS and ailU 000 ...I. i I Forced Slimy Evil To Crawl From Darkness. . "Hut the draft figures made thee farts1 known to Hie medical profession and Mo ollors vhoc business it 'is to -keep in touch with the IriHh. W w- had only guessed at theni" before;! now we knew and Ihe npire corruption than dared to guess. It was as if the crisis of war for the moment had" forced this slimy e.vif to crawj from the darkness and ex-Pe itself naked to the sunlight. Oh, if we could liav? kept it there, till it died. "Hut the monstrous thing' lias returned again, although it is always in hiding. Hut it is a real as ever; and if the number of iufeeled men who pass you oif lb? street today isn't 2? per cent of Ihe total. of pre-war days, it is more; it can by no po-ihilily be less. We have shut our eyes and slopped our nio.ilhs. As a result that 27 per cent of infected men iret mar ried like other men. They are permitted to iufecl innocent wives and to help fill our asylums for the blind and the. insane without anybody o lift a finger lo stop It. Physician Cannot" 1 Warn The Girl. "Not even the medical profession can open "its mouth about the individual case. Xu physician is permitted eilber by law or by ethics ofhis profession to warn a girl who is about In marry a man he knows lo be diseased. He can protest to the man, but that V nil he can do. Our girls as a matter of course marry men without a single question about thai 27 per cent. They would consider it indelicate to raise the mistiou of a medical examination, evei if they knew the peril of foregoing such a precaution, and most of them don't know it. "I went on lo give, them some plain truths about yen?real disease. itself as the physician sees and knows jt jn his dailyvprac-Ifce. 1 -explained how it is that boys all over this country are brought lo manhood almost as ignorant of the truth as their molhrs find listers and their fathers before thpnl. What they don't know blhal. Ibis disease, however local it may lie, ravages and wrecks the constitution, weakens the system, debilitates eiery vilal JoiYe in a man's body, and leaves him in a condi-Ifou ihat js . likely to put him on the scrap heap while still young in years. When you see a young man in his twenties racked wjlh rheumatism, look out. ".What lhey don't know is that if gonorrhea and syphilis could b? liinip.ed out, Ihe .average length of human life 'would bo enormously extended and that, it would be common for men and w'oiiien lo live past lb? eeiiliirv mark." SMOKE BOARDWALK OR CINDERS City Council to Find Out Definitely What Residents of Fourth and Fifth Avenues Want The question arose at last n is til's council meeting as In whether the resident of Four Hi ami Fifth Avenues in Seel inn live desire flank or cinder sidewalks jn connection with the (.rrnJiny program I hat has just heen completed in that part of Hie city. The matter rame up in ronneelinn wild a report from the Hoard of Works recommend-in? that Hie womlen sidewalk lie proceeded with a per Ihe original tiy-law. Aid. Stephens, I haxTuj; submitted a by-law lo' t-eieal the by-laws for wiMtdenj sidewalks and siilislitule einder; walks instead, opposed the work, along Hie lines w nut. Differ-! Nice of opinion arose and it was filially decided after much discussion o lay the matter over for another week in order lo ascertain more definitely the wishes of the properly owners affected. Will of People Aid. Stephens referred to IJie petition that hail Iteen MlhniiHed askin? that cinder walks t put in instead of plank. He hail uir- frinili..-liao .. I..I..I ..f J . . jiiiii t . I .1 ' 1 r iMjwi jir, t ,ifii im ,i, t .,imw rnr 01 Aenercai uis- e:ie or about 27 per cenl out of a multitude drawn from every walk of life. "I related how when our men first went to the cantonments, Ihere were (10,00(1 in one day who could not report for duly because of venereal disease. . These were men who had ...ma j1irA..flf f ..nV I.'il tlftM .....I a.l....... ......l:i:.... I. .1 II. i " mai iiiv twutrii uii Works was taking step aloniri line and had ordered the1 necessary to makinsr such a change. He had found.! however, that such was not I he case and thN was Hie 'reason) for I ne amendment tie wa iibmilling. iuonilis nail elapsed. whatever to do will, the license and the insanity of war 1 tnllWrwl lo lia(, in,rt(l iih-iii iii. ii inure sirMiess mine irom mese uiea.es in me army.ii than from nit iMnr .tnix riml,inpi llial tha .laail. ik! .... ....... ...... .... . , uitii I u.uui.-. mill mi7 . disabilities caused by them directly and indirectly, were com- rifimliln 111 Jllu iiiiriiliai L'illij.l nil. I ....I. . 1 ....... ...I ... I . .....I II...I iii. minimi niurii iiiiii cimil, , nil lluril , IIIIU 11111 f..,, I 4i., i. il. i. ..in.. n: ..r ii.. i -1 .. lioani iiniri(iii uir ii.uiit- iiisoiuiirs n me war were uiau? iiiiuic, iiom- ing l nil was said in this lusltly iroier and mora! couiilrv of ours nlKiiit Ihe 44uI)kuowl, and Ihe "unspeakable" cauej death and total disnhiljtv. . ; ' . sulisequenlly had not. fouiul out H Aid. Stephens objected to of Works ipnorin? project had bein contrary lo ,e truth was more dreadful, it uncovered j !'P,r "'' "P even the extremists and the fanatics had ,,TP,, ". the jpetllion. He fell that Hie pen. lulo uITaiIi.iI . r.l m1I.Iar -1L- ; l l nail . 1 1 for that reason he wii oppos- mp Hie report oi me lioani o Works. The 'resilient s of thai part .of" town hail suffered ehoiijzh. The whole pradjnir j?oiiiF to see a sidewalk foisted !upon I hem thai they had peli. tinned against. Majority Owners . Aid. Munro look Hie view that Hie petition submitted did not represent Ihe majority of Hie propriy owners alTerled. He had checked over Hie pel it ion and found that there were 01 lots involved. The pel il ion had been signed by Hi people, some of whom were' not a (Tec led anil about half of whom had subs- quefilly told him that they would prefer Ihe wooden sidewalk scheme heing proceeded willi. The Hoard of Works wa not anxious to go against the wishes of the majority of the people and believed that, in asking I It at Ihe wooden sidewalk scheme be proceeded .with, it was interpret injr Hie wishes if Hie majority. Aid. Stephens staled that he lived in Ho neighborhood alTecl. ed and he would like lo say Ilia! the I !(i.i id of Works was much out in its interpretation of Hie people's wishes. Kven if Hiey did not waul a sidewalk at all il should not be wished upon I hem. 'Willi, 'Hill, OLD CHUN TOBACCO ttottUlAL TOBACCO COMPANY Of 7,. was not They were hetter ntT now without a sidew'alk than they had been before with the plank roadway.. Sidewalk Wanted Aid. Perry felt that the people there wanted a sidewalk and wanted it before another six that had attended the Kuirlli and hirtli Avenue pm Avoid Bad Colds t if clop quickly and almost before you know GOLu It the bronchial lubes are attacked and the lunjs itlireatened. While consumption is not jo common as formerly, the number of cases of pneumonia has increased enormously, Mavnr WmIi.ii .aid li liu.l trf. Aid. .MarilOII.Hd Held re.jlief that Hie Mople in Scflimi hnl i wanted a sidwalk and It is more than ever necessary to stand on ruard against these dreaded diseases. Success In treating colds depends so largely on prompt action that it Is Impossible to overemphasize the ad- vantage of always keeping the treatment on hand. It was thh idea that prompted us to put oh the market the large-size bottle of Dr. Chase's Syrup of Unseed and Turpentine In addition to the better economy In buying jeel. Aid. .Munro wished lo make;!. If the wirk could b done it clear that the Hoard of Works had not heejt responsible for those delay and had done had pell-Kverylhing in its power to ttel it he work carried alontr. He siiirpcsled that Aid. Stephen hadj not helped lo speed things alon?. Ibis suggestion bein? rcsenteili ror ies man uie estimated fhnire, refund proportionately woiild be n Kii'le to Hie owners of lots. The city would bear u portion of Ihe cnt. A WONDERFUL WOMAN by Aid. Stephens. people all over Canada are Mayor Backs Munro jasking "Who is "The Wonderful Mayor Newton spoke of Hiei Heroine" whose life story Hi rill-many delays from Ihe oulsel and,"1? romantic, iiispirinir - was confirmed the remarks of Ald.'l"llj"hed in the Family He -aid Munro thai Hie Hoard of Works ad Weekly Star of Montreal.- It had-dune il best Hi gel result Finally Hiey had reached Hie decision, to proceed wilii I ho wooden sidewalk believing thai such was what Ihe majority of the people wanted and that it would save further delays that would lie caused by having to is now announced that the story in pamphlet form tifciy be obtained free of charge, from Hie Family Herald by those who are not now subscriber lo Ihe paper. The publishers of that trreat farm and family paper tilo an-nounce (hat a beautiful picture change Ihe program .In one of0' 1 '", " omlerrul Heroine will cinder walks. Under Ihe present l'" tTOP " subscriber of " . ..... . . .11. l-... : I., ii i i circunislanres, however, he felt 1 tin t Ihe (tickiou should be de. ferred for another week lo gel more definite in formal ion as o Hie people' ii wishes. Aid. Stephen, suggested Ihaf the city engineer should submit estimate comparing Hie cost of wooden and cinder sidewalks. In reply; Aid. Monro slated I lint Ihe city engineer estimated ,the cost of Ihe cinder walk would lie at least three, ijuarlers of thai of Ihe wooden sidewalk and in sOpie places il could not be liiiill al all. Little Difference In Cost Aid. Perry thought there would be very lillle difference in Hie co-l. Aid. Slepbens replied that Hie peopi,. did not understand that. The mayor observed that I lie city engineer was not err tain whether be. could fret the Ihe cinders anyway. Aid. Monro formally asked thai the mailer be laid over for a week and it was finally derided to do so, Aid. Stephen' repeal bylaw also being laid over. The dale for Ihe silling of Ibf court of 'revision on Ihe assess ment was changed from Decem ber 17 lo January 7. Hie city clerk reporting Hint it was neces sary to give a tnonlir cb;ar notice. SIDEWALK ON ENGLISH , HILL WILL COST LOT OWNERS $31.50 EACH Ifjhe property owners on Hill who asked last week that a sidewalk be built to con- the Family Herald and 'Weekly Star, new or renewal, who rvmit in time. H j. indeed u remark. able offer, the Family Herald and' Weekly Star for fifly-lwo weeks and a large picture of this splcu. CONSTANT HEADACHES AND DIZZINESS il I Turn Im utruifle il4i ullli a hurt Ilia I arhra and paint all the time, and In nliw ra mil i.r leu tlx- rtiriit IwadartM are due In (unut iWaii-m-iil iof li afifnarli, lusr ir l.-l, rndniiliirdlr Hi- rati.i- mu.i tf iiiiitm ii-riire srinaiM-nt rfllrr inaf lie had. DiirdiH'k BIismI Kilter rMimvr Hip rati nf Hi- Iwailarliea, a It aria m every orran t Ih- Issly anil Irrnrtlieiw, piiririea and n-iilalc llw lu.ln yni-i,i. Mr. Tel-r Cnrran, J horrlscxi SI.. Sjilner, Sj., wrltea! - hays -n tnsildsd rwr Ihe lot rive jeara llh rniKianl licailarties ami iUiiJnen. .Uler trfliiit iwveral rriiK-dlr., wlilrh rmiiMl to lie ir mi avail. Iinrdnik HIismI lifio-ra v.a riviumiiHMlid In me. , H.ll. 11. did tne a world i.r rood, and I rannul pralw t til remnljr enourti." Maniifiriiired only liy Tlic T. Mlllinrn Co., I.lmli-d, Tnrorilo, ont, LOGGERS' CLUB .Situate In the old Kmpress Hotel Huilding. Rooms to Rent by Day, Week or the Month, fcleam Healed. Hot aud Cold Water. POOL TAILI8. FJrst-ctaas Restaurant In connection. James Zarelll - Proprietor. the larger quantity, there i the satisfaction of ihavtothis medicine ready for prompt use in cases of einergeBcw You never know what night baby will awakeu clioX. ing with croup, or grandma will have an attack of asthma. Chest colds and bronchitis get too great an advantage if you are not ready with Heathient ' lo check the advance of dijeae. Such ailments are too Serious to neglejt, and they are too dangerous to accept any kind of cough mixture., Dr. Chase's Syrup of Unseed and Turpentine Is a real medicine of tested and proven value, and should never be confused with the thousand and' one cough mixtures that are offered for sale simply because people are not sufli-cienlly discriminating In their, choice of treatments for such ailments. You can buy Dr. Chase's Syrup of Unseed and Tur-pentine In almost anv store where medicines' are sold. Ask for the large botlle. and consider the widnm of always having a bottle al hand. Experience Is a dear teacher, and on this account It pays to be cautious and prevent serious results. V Mrs. Jeremiah M. DIgelow, Dlgelow, Ont., wrtei; "I had a verv stubborn cough for over four ycarv and I tried doctors and almost everything without results. One day an old friend asked me to try Dr. Chase.' Sjrup of Unseed and Turpentine. I used five bottles, and It worked like magic I have never been bothered since, indjha' Is some years ago." DR. CHASE'S Syrup of LINSEED AND TURPENTINE 35c a bottle. Family size, three times as much, 7Sc, All dealers or Edmanson, Bates & Co., lid., Toronto. n n-rt them willi McHride Street -did woman, who hy her heroism, woman of a (Sreat fr'U'ire T1' Hie le- ar wIIIiiik to advance 3.5U per elf-sarrifpe and abounding picture I in the .true rotor f 5 lot. the city will construct a lrui and fmth in iod, by her HiU oripinal. site In x t in-ti. and Hiey cinder walk for them. A recoiif. ucci puriiy and atoiiiniii)r on ricii. iieav pni?r should $el jhp, kind they wanted, niendation to this effect from courage in Hie fre of unpeak Ibf ubrriiloii price r n,. U'liiU lie Ml. hi tirin! llmi ilnv tlte Imaru or work wan adoiiei aim iiorrorp. ratiw lo 1 rei:arlfil i-uniuv iieraiu ami "-iy nreferred a wooden sidewalk, he by Hie council last iiiitht. the wouhl like lo .e,. the mailer laid '' Munro explained dial Hie over or a week lo ascertain de- unuenakinp was loo small lor really wanleil a cin-l Hnilly "before lakiu? acllvn. "e passins or a bylaw. It was IilIaqiI Islead . i . of if ' i plank nlutil i'iiiii. andi Heferrimr lo Hip many delays .proposed to put in a four foot whole walk ami iiie . inn-iuiu oi rock would be Hie principal Hem in the u a litii'tt saint wild the wonder nt Montreal, i only ? - Services by ?r The Pound WET 1 1 WASH THRIFT-SERVICE SOFT H" FINISH Your entire washing done for as low as 75c Can you afford to do it at home? We think not Phone us for particulars. CANADIAN Steam LAUNDRY Phone 8 "LUMINO" 1 Ihe best Aluininijun Ware hn tlio uiarkel loday, Ne shapes uud sizes. New cold handles. Now on display i" our window nt bargain prices. KAIEN HARDWARE CQ. Tal.3. We Deliver. P.O Bo 1040.