I PAGE FOUR. THK DAILY NEWS. BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManuj Leckie weuu if it iwr MO-THE Jelt COME WITH TO KOOLDNT CIA I I 1 CALLAHAN WHEN Tt OOTTUC A.trCRfo aminOTC iUfl Tor AN' THEi LIKE THlti DiOrH'T HAVE r PARDON? TO POT ME? Shoes I ft I i I I 'I for Men, Women and Children Lowest Prices fn the City. Family SHOE Store Third Ave. Money Orders On Norway, Sweden and Denmark at Current Rates of Exchange. Make your reservations for that Christmas visit to the Old Land early. For Tickets, Hales and Information, see us. Oliver Typewriters. Cary Safes. FIRS INSURANCE. Dybhavn & Hanson. Insurance and Steamship Agency. Prince Rupert, B.C. The Home of Domestic Bread II read is your best food. Fat more of it. Kept by the leading' srrocVrs. La Casse Bakery Phone 190. Third Ave. Prince Rupert B.C. Stove WOOD We have just received i car load of" up river wood, guaranteed seasoned and dry. Size cut to order. For Prices, call HydeTransfer Phone 680. Service and Quality our Motto. I LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68. Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. GLASS and Glazing Of Mvery DescripliOn. T. Ross Mackay Phone Blue 166. SECTION TWO LOT DEAL RESCINDED (Finance Committee Submits Re- commendation In Line With I Aid. Munro's Notice of I Motion , j The resolution of the city; council of April f) transferrin? ja tax saltf lot in Se"tion to! Paul Taillandier was officially i jrecindetl last nisrht on recom-' mendalion of the finance enm-j jmitlee. Aid. Munro observed thai 'the recommendation was in ac cordance with notice of motion lie bad already given ami asked why it was necessary- Aid. Stephens expressed his willing ness to have Aid. Munro father ithe motion now if ho so wished. It had come up in connection iwith the routine business of the, finance committee. The report was adopted without further dis cussion. ., ,., lUUHUL MLUWb iU act: Albert A Nanaimo- McCalTery TkW fiVCD DDIUATr lAlt UYfcK iKlYAlt Wellington lump. 12.30 perl on. WAIL7 NEAR WAinRflN n- Mc,, 'unlpr Halkan fur-nAUV IlEiilV WiiLlmUli nafP jjio.JO; Pembina lump. ' ; 7"he consensus of opinion be- iiiK thai the communication wasj a public convenience and its maintenance should be taken ovw by the city. Ihe council last nisht asked theihoard or work? to,- PhiIMtt fc Evitt Xanoose-brtnriin Hrf.sllmale of lli cosfTV(.jm!r((,n UII,,( .32; Na ur rebuilding Me sidewalk ,anirn),0, Wellington stairs that connects Section I Cassidv nul with Section 5 in the lane be-; neath the Wabiron Apartments. The mailer rame up in Conner- lion with a report from the board 11 of works -eekin authorizalion ; for the rebuilding of the upper! rwirfinn nf fit x-ith 1 nil it p- I The whole, walk is now in a slalejP. or disrepair. The board of works Commander with John Bul-reiKirt was adopted. ) Per Vice-Chancellor FINANCES OF SCHOOL of ROARn ARF nKfUWPn u u:uw niva. 1iuuvuubVii. lEstlmaUs for Year Will be Ex - ceeded. Aid. Stephens Re ports to Council In connection with the pass- jinsr of departmental accounts un to Iiecemtter I, lolalling ?!K,-575.51. school lard finances were briefly discussed by Ibe icily council last night. In reply lo a question by Aid. Munro. Aid. Stephens staled that Hie board rould not gel through this jyear under its original estimates. Mayor Newlon. slated the repairs lo Honlen Street school had exceeded Ihe city engineer's estimate. Aid. Perry said they had not exceeded Ihe board's own eslimales, however. COAL TENDERS Bids for Supply of Thirty Tons for City Hall are Received by City Council The following lenders for Ihe isupply of 30 tons of coal to Ihe iCilv Hall were onened at last night's council meeting and. onlchange. the city council last - - T.R.C TtapWtas'a Mtaautic Caput For Raeamatitm, Lcmba(, 1 Sciatica and Neiritii; Canada's standard lem-edy is Templeton's Rheumatic Capsules. 1 TJt.C's stop the pain by removing from the system i the original cauie. Send v 10c for gtivrou ample. Cite 90c and ike coupon we encloae witk each ample, to four dnig;iat and he will give you a (all tat J $1.00 box of TemplcloB I RKcumalic Captnle. TEMPLETON CO. TORONTO Tie. For Sale by Ormes Ltd. motion of Aid. Perry seconded Itv 'Aid. Munro. referred i-i the ifinance coinmillee willi power loj 910. 15; Victory lump, 1 0.30 and 10.05 ; Victory, egg, 9.80.. prince Rupert Coal Co. Ladysmith - Wellington , lump j j 36; sterling epg, 9.05; sterling Mack, C.00. mine run, and slack, n -in-. v.nnn(l. and Cassidy .jiark to.iO. nrrirrnQ rnn til UrrltLIVJ fUrA KNIGHTS PYTHIAS W. Wssch Elected Chancellor Skeena I.tnlge. No. 15. Kniclilc Pylhias elected Ibe fidlowin' """s fr " ensuinjr term last night: Chancellor Commander, F. W iNVpah' Vice-Chancellor, John Hulger. Prelate. II. K. Hawkins. Maler of Works, C. C. Wesj away. Keeper of Records and Seals W. W. Wood. Maler or Finance, S. llanib- lin. Master of Exchequer. Oeorge W. Johnstone. Master at Amis, W. R. Love. Inner f'uard, W. 11. Iturken. Oilier Guard, F. W. Hart. PEOPLE TO VOTE ON CONVEYANCE OF LOT TO WAR VETERANS . Advised hv Ibe eilr solicitor lliat original conveyance of the lot on Third Avenue I wo .years a2o lo Ihe Great War Veterans' A social ion was not in order because of faulty despript ion and also for the reason thai Ihe Association did not hold I ill to Ibe ltd which il sought lo ex - - BRIER .niphl ordered I he pullin? to the! , people at Ihe net election of 'another by-law authorizing Ihe rconveyanre and exempting the properly from taxation. The mailer came up in connection with Aid. tVdlarl's notice, of motion ratlin for tnxalion ex- emplion. a 1 Sport Chat i I -a Preliminary work on the clearing of Ihe site on the Canadian ,Nalirnnl Railway yards on which the Prince Humeri flyro Club in-I lends to establish a skating rink this winler was started by several members of the club who turned out Sunday afternoon. iOwing to Ihe fact that the weal her was so bad and several liyro could "jol be notified be-caue phones were out of order. here was not a full turnout nf members but has been derided ,-il to set Ihe thing going in real earnest right away and the school boys will also be given a chance lo asj.if. Times for gel ling at the job will be set as convenient to Ihe club members. Die rink is to be located be tween the nverehad lo Ihe station nnd F. ' iMwson's wholesale house. Timbers for the sides have been ef down - on Ihe site and several of I hem have already been pul In' place. It i the in tention to have Ihe rink ready for the first cold snap. Tlie Knglish flat racing sea. son, which Was conclude,! willi Hie Manehe.ler and I.ingffeld Park meetings ten day ago, was most salisrartory from every laiidpoiut. f!ach year interest in life Ihoroiwh-bred increases and durim? the past season Ihe various race meetings were well patronized. F.normoiis crowds witnessed llie.running of the classics and other important races while every meeting re- porle.1 literal patronage. The attendance at the ewbury Autumn meeting broke all re ronls for that popular course. Public faoriles niel with more success -than during the pre ceding year ami the upsets in rorm were neither a startling or as numerous as had occurred during Ihe past two years. Win ter racing, under National Hunt Club rules, which is growing iradily in public ravor, and will now hobr fiitf-.sway unlil early pring when il reaches its climax with Ihe Grand NationaJ llandiran Ihe blue riband of Vhasing. The rial raeing season after thai will again rome into its own. Mile. Susanne l-nglen and William T. Tilden II. stand nl the lop of men's and women's tennis-, ranks for 123. Compilation or Hie season s championship records reveals The French star hold or shares in five world's lilies while Til- den has four American national championships to his credit Lenglen swept through ail op. position abroad including an in- tvading American parly lieadei .by Mrs. Molla Mallory. Her only JT2 " ' ' ' 'sAMVKt'. QKi ir lri futwi 1 Daily News Classified Ads. 3 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Ad vrtlamnt Tatkan for Lata than ftOc WANTED t t.F-MKN!- Wanl, Salesmen L, in every town. The chance of' a lire-lime with a concern thai has been doing millions of dollars worth of business on its regular producl, now going on Ihe market with a new- one. Write" for full particulars, P. II. Orr. Itox 1601. Winnipeg, Manitoba. 285 VANTED. Men and women to learn barbering. Paid while learning and tools free. Write for catalogue. Mler Ilarber College, Vancouver, U.C. FOR REKT OR RKNT. Small furnlshe.1 bungalow in Section 2. Apply. Prince Rupert fnsuranre Agencies. If STEAM Heated Flat for rent. Besner apartments. M. M. Stephens. FOUR ROOMF.l) FI.AT lo Rent. Sleam beat. Apply Smith & Mailed. tf OR RUNT. Molcrn house, five rooms and bath. Apply Munro Hrps. if rival for honor seems lo In Helen Wills, the yiMJlhful lali- fnrniaii. who dethroned Mrs. Mallory as American title holder. Hut Ihe American girl's, acconi. plishments were confined to t'nlled Stales and no real measure of comparison is posible. niden' pre-eminent place i unqueslioned for he deciively conquered William M. Johnston. his California rival, and Janiejs O. Anderson. Ihe Australian lavls Cup ace. The 1 a is Cup conMsl. allrarling a .reconl en Iry list of 17 nations, proved on or Ihe most interesting in Hie history or the trophy winding up with a sensational title round in which the tinted Stales defeat ed Australia afler a hard battle. four matches to one. REGIMENTAL ORDERS IsL Bn. North B.C. Regiment 102 Bn. C.E.F. Orders by Major J. W. Nicholls commanding: Duties Orderly officer ending Dec. 8th. Lieut. C. V. F.vill. Next for duly, I.ieul. G. P. Tinker. . Parades (;iaes of insJmc- fion will be held as follows: Monday 8 p.m-rMiiskelry. Wednesday. 8 p.m. Care of Arms anil map reading. Wednesday. 0 p.m. Machine gun inlructlon. Friday, 7..10 p.m. Sfrefcher Hearvrs. P. II. ASIIIMIDGK. Cap!. Acting Adjutant PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Tuesday, December. 4 High I0:0l a.m. 0.C ft. 22:13 p.m. 18.5 Low 3:37 a.m. f.8 IC-.3C p.m. 5.1 Wednesday, December 5 High 10:5! a.m. 51.7 fl. - 23:39 p.m. IU.5 " Low 1:30 a.m. fi.t 17:31 p.m. 3.3 " . Thursday, December S High . 1 1:10. a.m. 22.8 ft Low . 5:29 a.'m. C.fl " 18:22 p.m. i.y Friday, December 7 High 0:31 a.m. 20.1 fi 12:28 p.m. 23.C " Low 0:20 a.m. 5.8 ' ' 19:10 ji.tn. 1.0 " "PIQS IS PIGS" but PURE BRED YORKSHIRES FOR SALE nul of Mae of Alderlea 15. 7 r.'J 5C. by Springdala Tornado 28.87 W6 are Ihe best. ' Litters of 11,. 13 and i:. Write J. L. I large. 0een Charlotte City. ROOW AND BOARD ; PALMER HOUSF 0 Seventh I Avenue West. Phone lied 1(0.1 Furnished suites. BOARD. BOARD. The. Inlander, 83b Second Avenue. Phone 137. If FOUND FOUND. Two keys on siring. Apply Daily News Office. REPAIRING ANYTHING IN CANVAS. Phone 786. P. IClaire. Cow Hay. TAXI Tail S7 Phone. (Call Oeorgs or Gust) Rosa Brother. Ppmipl Service and Omifort Day nf Night Stand; Boston Prill Third Av.nuej EXPERIENCED C0R3ETIERE Onlers taken for Spirella Goods Mrs. J. M. Orahlman Kaien Shoe Store, 714 Second Avenue West. CHIMNEY CLEANING M nlerale Pri.-e OLD NICK Prince Rupert Cgar Slore Phope llloe MAIL SCHEDULE Foe the East-Mondays, Wednesdays and Frl days, closes at 5.30 p.m. From the East Mondays. Thursdays and Sal urday. 1.30 p.m. From Vancouver- Sundays ... ... P. M. Wednesdays 3 P.M. Fridays A.M. falurdays ..3 PJM. C.P.R. November I! and 20. To Vancouver- Tuesdays. Mail closes at I P.M. Thursdays 10 P.M. Saturdays ) A.M. Sundays ..10 P.M. C.P.U. November 2. 10 and 30. To Anyox, Alice Arm- Wednesdays 9 P.M, From Anyox, Alice Arm Thursdayf 8 p.m. To Port Simpson, Alice Arm Anyox and Arrandale. Sundays :1 P.M, From Port Simpson,. Alice Arm Anyox and Arrandale Tuesdays A.M. To Stewart and Premier- Saturdays ...9 P.M. Sundays . 7 P.M. From Stewart and Premier Sundays .'..8 P.M. Tuesdays .M. To Alaska Points-November 12 nnd 20. From Alaska Points November 2. 10 and 30. To Qusen Charlotte Island Points Noember 3 and 17 5J0 P.M. n- the f..n.iiv VTiier :.i From Queen Charlotte Points i wMdX.e'!llld, n"Ii .vtTtvii't ' November 2 and 15. MaMi iwt. mi viW; ' ; u , L , ' , )kraiiMtr rtaMW.n. hi, r"' ' , to Haas River Points and Portm nffrr roe t.u braraiii'i' ': Simpson- Thursdays 10 P.M. From Naas River Points-Saturdays A.M. HELLOl OLOJTRAPPER 1 Whether yon are y tyou want t make jnjnrv sell y..ur fur caU 'you want my motti- W. Q0LD3L00M, The Trapper Fr..-:, Second Ave AUCTION SALES. Goi.s llouutn.'- s.. Kv.cliatige.1 H. H. HEMMINOS, Auctloneir. Furtulure and t'.rit -f " Thinl Ave Phones Itlark 136 and Tl ,! i m CANCELLATION PJFJJE3ERVC tatter is Mtnriir Trrrx ri-iri i"f.ii n:ty-t i-mj tl the autjU UtrxttSt. ' ,' r Cl ltirni ai.d I .nrwli -r Tioilvir Lr't . VlflRM. . -.ill Mil. LaM Pn-anawnt. vifint. fc, . , , tlisj KVsrr. ItrS.-" WSTIR HVtKl. (DttartlM M.Um), TjUC So1H. last osnwal. laar mt tf talkaa-alb so K mm 11 aawMm-o uk' I. mmrtt !') waatvrlf- a4 ' I'aayw, S,. tl ul .-m j'Mt . SIMM Ik sulr wrUwJM 'A. Hrfailtlla Tll. T.ii-. . Ilw ml ti ia MM tt 1ST). A r4) at m null" 4tralMi fwrniaal lhW WaU ISIt." I r. tttrr nt the WaUr H .m u- mar b rtvsl uk ir f r llh the lisri Ytt-r Riaftu, r-anianwM b.r MMii lrl Aim nri id - m . wimpt. Tr .in. .raTi m C tMa mmrr i lm,i - W. K. :) t li . . , I mil a f- riSH wsnsHoutsfatjo- oocx, eeiftct RvrtftTao. ttre ar tarltrd l.i0- ' a lh Wtrrtrm lad rdxk' tl Hapri. 9fL. SI'IIIHIO ererlnl in i a tt aariali'tt ti;'" Hallly tmt aatd Mlmi' U IX t. U'llartraat HWI I - riSarc liaswtt. B.C l XI . ITS AetT- Uh ! J Sl fi4 hrM ))' I Oraawl Tnssk eaetfle hallai- Ts4,r t b rwHlK) li " Inierf aj to SaiaerWr ih i ' ' itrmtr. at it o-x iP4 arawsaaaled by iVr-ii annawt at lewVr. TUIMS Cah. .The kel nf aav li-adrf t. aarttf aref4eil. mrtn parilnHar o tH'i"l' F. J WIl'l.TMIIil. I ItHliUI ' llai) ta'liia ' B e vMimiii'i" l; u. m. sTr.riir.i " Prtnr li"i- ' ' m esossTf. in THt sueatktc couar or bsiti COLUMBIA. Is Ihe Mailer tit ilv i.tajin-.i-awl Is the Mattrr nt Ihe rtsl f '-. Orrvavd. lnlUI-Tiki: MtTlt K llul lo -t ' r XrB. Va. lead ha "in VllVMtll-. ft tl ' M t. El ' I MmlnHlnu.f ,.f he.flV- iXelx, (leretaed. and U f ll- Iflalma atalnt M MhilXatale 'required in tumith aajfte. rmt" ' 1 noil to me. 4i ir butatr V of fiereniliari A P. ISfa'in-1 iiMvnim la Ihe ratal i ta"" the amount f tnrlr lmlb(eiiif -rarthnh. tiioms w. firnvr Offlrtal Ailmin'-'"1 , mure B' v' ' PttMt thl Kill day .f SMiairrs sali. Is th tmprtm Coart f SiU el,,1 llr Ann Mininc aixtirlV"' Cimtiaiiy I imltrd. ruitlff. ' lvr W. Crar and Jl.rle. Li ''" frns-ant. M,' Br virtue .r vaM "f ' U.n-d in tills ai-llmi af.H din-'-"-' ' m. oJ."tv '"ZZZjA mv fifflnt in the Cmrt vll"s Mrt. B.C.. nn VHni"U4. the ' " . ft rtermilirr. Htl, BICMS 10 lh ' joui umiht r.r. siwrtf Coimlv i-r f rtrw-e B':'' " Ditaa it uiy office Snitir I. "n