Tuftlny. December 4, 1023, Give the Boy Ss llf a Sleigh AM our Sled and Wagon arc extra trong ami well finiheiL;4 .Made in Canada ami at lhe price are hound (o wore I i !'. 8TEERINQ SLEIGHS. 'MMltl $2.40. :iflxl $2.75. iO.xl $3.20. "' WOODEN SLEDS. , MiMiml Mpriiiff steel runners. ;(0ft -$1.10. 1851.65. iL'xI.! $2.15. DISC WHEEL COASTER WAGONS. $7.40. Mx:iS-$8.75. McRae Bros., Ltd. Have' You Tried? jji Rupert Brand SOCKEYE ALMON andwiches Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Hf O, PRINCE RUPERT Here Are a Feu) Xmas Values .it v. cjl I riicrc rUAT t ART it ; .Mils' jewel Vrit-Walrh with Hrarelet or Hihl.oii. goil Hlled $15.00 Whili'llaiidletl ,Slaii(U( ThMv Knives $6.50 u... !... i.. ..ii ,.,,l,.r S1.00 to $10.00 ' l II I-- II ...Mil'-, hi. -r - - - ! i afHlirmalade Jar ' with .Silver, l.ul, untl KW Mhm.ii 52.00 Nice Cut Class Howl. 8 hp'lie .liameler $B.uu Kversharit Pencil, from $1.50 iU;.jMirv Conih, Hrilh ami .Mirror Sets, in i rac Silver- Pyrex Casserole . .. . ... $7.50 up I8U (togcr '-'II niece set. wiUi slaliips kuive.. ... 36'00 Bulger & Cameron, Lid. rv . . I YOU HAVE THE GIFT LIST PROBLEM We Have the Answer Come lo uur lore ami cc. our stock or French Ivory (ioods ui wide variety al reasonable prices. Walerinaii Foiiiituni Pen, from $2.50 Walrmaif I'enril. from $1.00 KvtCiJiarp Pencil!., from ... 75c Autographic Klidak. from ... '. $6.50 Urolile Camera, from $2.00 Christina Crackerc. Perfume and Toilet Water, Manicure Set. Cliocol.lle in Faiivy Hoxcs, Christum Card. (ircetitig ami Photograph Calendars. No'w t the tune to make your hoice r gifts whil our stock lit complete. Any article will he set aside for you. DRMES LTD. Dispensing Chemists. The Rexatl Store. 3rd Ave. and 6th SU We Prepay Mall Orders. , , it a : : : THE DAILY NEWS. " PAGE THREE. A SEVERE ATTACK OF HEART TROUBLE Local and 'Persoflal Was Relieved By MILBURN'S Heart and Nerve Pills. Mr. .. t. lurnr, Alliens, onL. wrlim: Tour yum atu I bad very severe attack or hi-art trouble. I numulu-il my jiloctur; lie Holed m for some lime, but I only iMcin.il to be gelling worse. I rinslly went in uur druggist and purctiasod line Ihm of Mllburu' llert and-Aerve I'llle ami di-rtved immediate relief frwo fir ue. and I can truthfully nay they 'are ondi-rful mc-dllfie. 1 always keep a boa on hand, a ltd If I reel out of urt I take t few pill ami feel all rliht aKaln." ! Mllliiirn Ifeart and .Verve I'llla are ior a but at all oValera, or mailed direct mi rerel.l . f pure by Tlie T: Mllbiim i'M.. I.lmlli'd, T'imiiIk. Olil. REWARD IS NAME OF NEW WHEAT AT INDIAN HEAD FARM lti;j.A, sa,k., Dec. 3 A ilcw varcly of whifut lia been eiperi-meiilcd with during Hie pat sea. mm hy I he Dominion Ivxiicrimcn-tai J arm at ImJian Head and lias provnl a marked ucce under aihi-iM' romlitioiis, accordim: to N. D. Mackenzie, -uperintemlenl of the farm. The new wheal, which in a ros between .Manjui and I'relude, is rallwl "lleward," aiuj nave a yield of 18 bushels to the ucre. The yield of wheal crown tinder fiflil condition!. Mr. Mackenzie Mate, wn materially cut jdown Him year hy a new lieac. ( Jtasal (ilume rot. an tiflment winch i attributable to Hie ex- leepliniially whI weather experi- eueeii in the Imliaii Heail district. Advrll. in tho Dailv New. CORPOHATION or TMC CITV Of PRINCC ROPtRT. Take nllir Tbat: I i.Hirl nt Herll. be Im-M Im tlw i n StaK. I'rtam- Hii-rl. hi Hie 7lb ... iwui), mi. ai ih.iw a.m. nr Hiil mil made pHnumi o tiytaw .. ij;hh ior inr iraomf i.r tin and Mh Atearaea in th Clly.f frlner Itupert. Tlie Mid Hclal auM-Mtwni roll u f.ir imfM-. al the i lly ll.ll. I. r. inKs. :it v rit-k lii-.l (In. mm f ,,..n.l-r. lit. srwsis of UNDaCTaMENDilNTiS PRE-EMPTIONS Vacant, Unre.erved. turteyed frown landa may b pre-empted b-Urttlah aubjecta over It year of ase. nd by aliena on declaring Intention to bcim llrltlah aubjecta. conditional upon residence, occutuitlon. nd Improvement for acrlcultural purpoaea. ull Information concernlna; regu-atlona regarding pre-emptlona la lvn In Bulletin No 1. Iand erle How to Ire-empl l.and," coplea of hleh ran be obtained free of charg4 y addreaalng the Department of Landa, Victoria. B.C, or to any Clov-rnment Agent. Hecorda pill be granted covering inly land aultable for agricultural purpoaea, and which la not timber-land. I.e.. carrying over S.000 board feet per acre weat of the Coaat Range and 1.000 feel per acre eaat of that ttange. Appllrallona for pre-emptiona are ' be addreaaed to the Uind Com-mluloner of the I.nnd Recording ni-vlalon. in which tha land applied for l altuated, and are mi' on primal forma, coplea of which can be obtained from tha Iland Commlaeioner. rre-emptlona muat be occupied for five yeara and Improvement! made to value of 1 10 per acre. Including rlearlng and cultivating at leaat five acrea, before a Crown (Jrant can be received. Kor mora detailed information aee the ilullelln "How to lv...mm tjind." PURCHASE Appllcatlona are received for pur-ehaae of vacant and unreserved Crown landa, not being timberland. for agricultural purpose; minimum price of first-clas (arable) land la II per acre, and second-class (grating) land JI SO per acre. Further Information regarding purchase or lei of Crown landa la given In Bulletin No. 10. Ind Series, "Purchase and I.eaae of Crown Iinda." Mill, factory, or Industrial altea on timber land, not exceeding 40 acrea may be purchased or leased, the cott-dltlona Including payment of stumiuige. HOMESITE LEASES rnsurveyed areas, not exceeding to ctea, may be leased as Jiomesltes, conditional upon a dwelling belns erected In the first year, title being obtalnsb.e after residence and Improvement conditions ur fulfilled and land has been surveyed. LEASES Vor graslng and 'Industrial purpoaea areaa not exceeding (10 acre may be leaaed by one person or company. GRAZING Under the Orating Act the Prov ince la divided Into grating dlstrlcta and the range administered under i Orating Commissioner. Annual grating permits are Issued based on a number ranged, priority being given 'ii eatabllahed owners. Stock-owners may form associations for rang management. Free, or partially free 'ermlta are available for settler, -ampera and travellera, up to ten nrod, D.C. Undertakers. Phone 41. Hay iters. Under takers. Phoue 3M. tf WHO TAKIX Till: (1KK? -Kce HemmliiV window. 287 Interior Pasteurised -Prince Hupert Dairy. Ulack 216. Milk. Phone tf Choice Creamery llulter, 7 lb. for 13.00. F. W. Moersch. Phone 13. if Hill (id Chanter I.O.D.H. Tea ami Sale of Home Cooking at the home of Mr. O. D. Tile, Horden Street, Saturday afternoon. C.N'.lt. itleamer PiTnce John, Capl. .Veil McLean, sailed for Vancouver vfa.the (jueen Char- loin iniaua ai 8.3U last even Fred Hilfou, formerly of (hi city, wan inarrieij' on December I. and i on hi way to Prince Itupert with hffJbifiJe calling at Toronto, NVIhuljieg . and Vancouver. , SM . A repurl from the Hoard of Work recommending the pur-chaM of 18,000 feet of hemlock lumber from (ieorse Utile of Terrace at $2(5 per thousand wa uccepled hy tlie city council lat nllil. . Tender for-500 jhiuiiiI of pijr lead were .ijiened by Hie city council last jiijtbt and referred to the Hoard" jif Wirk with power to act. Howe A Mc.N'ully quoted a He per pound and .1. A. Hiiitnii, '. per huiidredweiKht. - The city treasurer wa au-llmrired by (he council. Ial night to jiroceed with the prinl-insr of delienlure for the Section I lreet urfHciiic local Improvement work which wa recently ratified hy the legisla ture. The bond arc to be old on February I. ' . Tlie roulructiiHi by-law for (he Fifth Avenue Hast grading project wa ftiveti it third readmjr at "lasr 'night' council meeting. TIhtp will hrt a pecial meeting- of the council on edneday afternoon lo finally adopt (he by-law and open tender for the work. A. (J. Crate and WW. Taller- al wnle to the city council lal nialil akin; thai a idewalk be built from eleventh Avenue Kat to connect with "their hotie. A private walk which they had been tisinir wa wreck- til in recent lorm. The matter wa referred to tlie Hoard of Work. 4 Joe MerryfieM, provincial or ganizer of the CniiM'tvalivc parly ami formerly a resident of Prince llunert wa one of th(.e who addrc;cd the con- veition at (ianse when Colonel Peck was nominated a candi date lo contest (he Islands con- tiltiuucy in the Couervative interests iiBaiiist M. It. Jackson, Hie sittinif member. In compliance with a i-cnue-.! contained in a petition from more than three-(uarler of the rilv Im t-ln.i-a II,.. aIIv I IIU- i-ouucil ' '...'v..-, I'll.", .1,1 til VIIJ as! iiishl authorized I lie cilv .-"IH.IIIH solicilor lo ii. proceed ii uircu with Willi an alt amendment t ie present clos- Imr I. ..In... ....... I I... r ... .1 . me iii n i.t iijiii; inr closiutr of barber shop Ht o'clock on week-davs un.l i clock on Saturdays. the C o'- Commissioner and Mis. llmU der. Col. Taylor and Knsi-jn Muuily, Salvation Armv olllcers who have been visiiln.- 1 1 PiV len for the Kas un last night' train. They were accompanied as far as llaelton by Slatf Cap-lain Carrutliers of Wranirell. Special meeliiiifs are being held today al (Hen Vowell. near llazelton, a centre of Salvation Army activities among the nu- lies; Damage from fire in Hie city during the mouth of October totalled 3,I51 fully covered hy insurance according to tho report of the fire chief .submitted last night to the city council. I.tfs from the flro in tho Partington house en Seventh Avenue was 11)85 and the Kuwait blaze causeti y.'.ioii iiainage. The ex- pendilure of the depart nient for; II... II 1.. .1.. I! . . T no.' oiooiii including salaries was SMSi. (i. W . (i. i a; M g Wednesday. D.e. . 5, a! 8 p.m. - Miss T. Mi-Lend ..f I he telephone exchange wlio lias been confined to tier home on account of illness is ivc-'i.-ruiy nicely and will soon be al hrr duties aitaiit. .Ifuirtfi. sleamer 'r.ardena. Capt. A. k. iMeksi'ii, ii-niiiii'ii rrotn Anyox and Stewart ;ii tl:i5 litis mornintr and will saii f"r Van couver and way purls al 5 tlii afternoon. -- . James Marliir, posluiasd-r and cuslonis, ollifer al Masseit, returned to tin; Islands on lite Prince John last evening .after spending a couple of days in t lie city on business. BLOOD WAS VALUED AT $2,500 A PINT SAN FUAXOISCO. Dee. t. A Jury ha awarded Miss I. eon.' P. Slaiiditord -i.5no Tor a pint of, Idotiil she gave in un imsnc- ces-ful efTiirl lo save the life of Mrs. (i. F. Hilliard, of Santa llosa, Calif. Although the palieut proiuised she would la? well paid,, Miss Stamliford said, Mr. Hilliard had given her only $5. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert J. O. Peterson. Slutmes; II. Ilobson, HulTalo, X.Y.; J. C. Mil-lichainp and H- I- Hrowii, Vancouver; C. A. .Maneor. .Terrace. Central H. F.wart arid K Demer. Vancouver; Chin On, city: A. C. Possum anl A." V. Springfield. .'e, rr; J. Scott and S. Huck. Anyox. ANNOUNCEMENTS (loyal Pui'!b' and Klks' ltazaar and Old Time Carnival. Klks' Home. December i and 5. Salvation Army Ladies' Home League ltazaar, December 6. Haplist Church Hazaar, Dec. 12, In Church parlor. 4 Methodist Church Hazaar, December 15. High School Nina. Concert, December 20. niUBUin CTJTtJTTJg aanPrrW aaa I i . fti lit, h T.W-Owk H ltim CATARRH of the BLADDER bftficmal 7E.rh Capsule fijinvj 'Uaraoam. tTSy rnii rnf Co kiti COAST STEAMSHIPS SAILINGS FROM PRINCE RUPERT. S.S. PRINCE RUPERT and PRINCE GEORGE. FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, Intermediate Points, Thursday, Sunday, 11 p.m. FOR ANYOX ...... f WEDNESDAY, 10 p.m. FOR STEWART SATURDAY 10 p.m. S.S. PRINCE JOHN. For Vancouver via Queen Charlotte Islands, Nov. 17, Dec. 1, 15, 29, at 8 p.m. PASSENGER TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Leave Prince Rupert 6.45 pjn. for PRIXCE GEORGE. .EDMONTON, Wl.V NirEU, all polnta Eastern Canada. United States. AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. City Ticket Office, S2S Thlrtf Ave, rrlnca Rupert. Phone 260. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY I B.C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert S.S. PRINCESS MARY. For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle, November 30, December 19, January 4 For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway, November 26, December 15, 31 S.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Butedale, Swanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Ocea-i Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver, every Saturday at 1 p.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines. Full information, from W. C ORCHARD, General AgenL Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Sailings From Prince Rupert, for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Ocean Fella, and Swanaon Bay, Tueaday, S P.IM. For VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, Alert Bay, and Swanaon Bay, Saturday Neon. For ANV0X, ALIOE ARM, STEWART, Walea laland, Sunday S P.M. For PORT SIMPSON and Naaa RUee Cannerlee, Friday A.M. M Inrt Avenue. l. Barnaley, AgsnL Prince tliipert, R.C DENTISTRY Dr. Jos. Maguire Rooms 7, 8, 9 Smith Block Office Hours. 9 to 9 Phone 575 Lady Assistant Shockley's Pllllls Sole Agents for Royal Mills, Hanalt, B.C Lumber J. Fyfe Smith Co Hardwood Fraser Mills Fir Veneer Dimension Lumber. Fir, Spruce and Cedar. Spruce nud Cedar Shiplap. Spruce Planking. Saslf, Doors, Mouldings. Glass. Shingles. Fir Veneer. Cedar Piling.