PAGE DIX. NIACRA MAID GLOVE SILK UNDERWEAR W? have jlist received a shipment of this, pure Silk Underwear including Vests nnd Mourners, in sizes tUMl, They come in Pink or White in Main Weave or Drop-stitch. VESTS from $4.25 to $5.50 BLOOMERS from 5.00 to 5.50 For those who prefer something slightly cheaper, we have n wonderful value in Vests, only Dropstitch style at each, and also a heavier quality plain weave, cut Opera style, at $2.95 each H. S. WALLACE CO., LTD. Phone 9. ! Your Friends ! From $13.50, JUNIORS from $7.50 "Demers" Phone 27. P.O. Box 327. Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Helgerson Block, PRINCE RUPERT, B. 0. Office Hours, 9 to 8. Phone 688. Open Evenings Only For Special Appointments. Many a good stove gives poor results because it is supplied with the wrong kind of coal CONSUMERS COAL is picked for stove use. It is fdcady-heating, 'triRht-burnlng coal freed .from rooking impurities. Try CON SUMKJIS. See how your stove will "behave." Consumers Goal Go. Lid Phones 7 and 311. 3rd Ave. and Fulton Street. 1f there is one thing we do appreciate in this world it is our friends and to find a charming and sincere way in which lo tell them so is a problem that is not ?asy to solve. There is. however, one season of the year when expression of appreciation and friendliness is appreciated. The Xmas Season No lok-Mi of friendship is more effective than a LASTIXti (HFT no matter how small. It gives the sterling rim? of sincerity as nothing else can do in the years to come. OUR LARGE RANQE OF JEWELLERY, Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Silverware, Cut Class, China, Genuine Ivory, 1'mbreIIas, Drassware, Lamps, Leather Goods, Amber Cigar and Cigarette Holders, Pipes and Novelties. Will Solve Your Problems. Quality, Servcie and Value is Our Motto. Max Heilbroner Diamond Specialist. Billie Burke Famous Flannel Dresses EPSON COAL We can now Supply our FAMOUS EDSON COAL in any quantity. Prince Rupert Feed Co Phone 68. BENNETT'S CHEMICAL LABORATORY. Assayers, Chemists, Metallurgists. Ore Shippers Agent. TACOMA, Washington, U.8.A. Phone 84 Cash & Carry We are giving the public a chance lo save from about 8 to 15 on their grocc.ry bills. Come in and inspect our stock. Here are r. few suggestions for washday and general cleaning: H.C, Soap, 1 box 25c 5 boxes . . . $1.15 Sunlight Soap, per box 25o 13 bars r $1.00 Lilac Hose Soap, 12 for $1.00 Ivory Soap, 12 for . $1.00 Castile Soap, i bars . $1.00 Oold Dust, 3 pkg. for $1.10 Peailine, 3 pkg. for .. $1.00 Fcls Naplha Soap, box 85c Dutch Cleanser, C for . 70c Lux, 0 for 70c Lye, 2 for 25c lleckitt's Hlue, 4 for .. 25c All Orders over $10.00 delivered. ECONOMY STORE 417 Fifth Ave. East. JACK NADEN TOOK PRIZE MASQUERADE Have you had your PASTEURISED MILK TODAY? ( VALENTIN'S DAIRY Sells Milk, Cream and Butter Phone 657. Daily Deliveries. TVLutl Dohrrty Coop&rf d with ordinary sized plsne WHY NOT HAVE A PIANO IN YOUR HOME FOR XMAS7 For Sale, and Kent at Walker's Music Store Ltd. THE DAILY NtrvVS. Tuesday. Dcccmbrr I, 1 93, END CONSTIPATION BUILD YOURSELF UP BUZZING TELEPHONE! A wholesome vrcetable tonic is J. A. Kirkpalrick ha received from his son (fordoit ut the Uni- 1 a I. . t 1 . Nadeu son of the deputy minis. ler of agriculture ami formerly, a resident of this city. Jack much better than hutsh laxatives that pain and pipe without giving lasting relirf. Thi it whr Dr. Thchr' to now preform) correttiv (of ronjtipwloa Try ,. .1 , k your wu I iuh m hkhhiiui iri uv ptai vor.xlly of loroilto a Copy of thai fJmli.Gqukiie(rromroiipiion. university daily paper giving an I &&b$&S account of the winning Of the moiiir.untc you rt complrtelit Mtwfitd. prize for originality of costume! at a masquerade ball by Jack! u.i.-c-.u I'U ,"-0l. C I... I I 1.. I... nhone and Miss .Margaret Loe- : 7 . " ."".'. " 1 V . head was the operator. A pic ture of the character was shown in the journal as well as a u rripliou of I he event. . Will and Fred Kerjrin are Prince Hupert students at the same institution of learning. AUTO LICENSE PLATES FOR NEW YEAR READY Yellow Numerals on Black Ground Is Color Scheme Used on New Markers VICTOIUA, Dec. 3. Several new features huve been incorpor alrd in the desiiru of motor licence plates for the year 1 US i. Numerals ami Iclicrinir are in yellow, 011 a black background, ami where the licence number runs into four or iihi.'c figures a dash Iws been inserted between the. figures separating hundreds and thousands. The words "Itrilish Onlunilda'' a,rp vi'intcd in full at the boltoin of the plates and the space In the left of the licence number formerly occupied by Hie 'letters "H.C." is utilized by the insertion of the letter denoting Hie type of chic4e for Xmas Suggestions ORDER YOUR MIS ' TURKEY THIS WEEK, Our prices will be lower than for many years, consequently there will be a heavy iiemaml artd orders placed ahead will receive the preference. No, i California Walnuts. per lb , 40c No. 1 Brazil, per lb. . . 25c No. 1 California .Almond. per li ..... 25c No. 1 Filberts, per lb. . 25c California Cluster Haisins. per lb 25c (ilaee Cherries, per lb. 75c Almond Paste, Vi lb. . 40c per lb. 75o (round Almond's t lb. 45c per lb 85c Shelled Almonds, per lb. 50c Hrokeu Shell Walnuts, per lb 40c No. I Shell Walnuts while halves , per lb 85c Mixed Peel, i lb. pekf.'. 45c Rupert Table Supply Three Phones, 211, 212, 281 Hupert, and by leading dtupgist.s In every city and town. which the licen-c is issued, OLD CENTRE STREET IS REPRODUCED AT OLD TIME CARNIVAL AND BAZAAR IN ELKS HALL WHICH OPENED TODAY. (continued -from paso 0110) at which. music will be furnished by the yVestholnio The Christmas tree feature will open tomorrow uflcrnooii at i o'clock. It. Self is chairman of the gen eral committee, James Neville has been supervising the build-in k'a ltd It. 1. Johnson will be in charge of the railway track which runs up lTlre Street. In charge of .the arlous de partments of the bazaar and carnival are the following: Horn! raffle committee L. M. Fuller and frs. F. IHbb. The. first prize is a 50 Victory Hond ami the total value of the eight prizes is 250. Finance committee Mrs. II. It. Johnson and II. A. Itreen. Christmas Iree Jack Cobb Santa Clans , .Mrs. F. W. llen- 11 in--' and M,rs. James Campbell. Advertising Frank libb. Hen Self and W. K. Williscrofl. Months ami decoration James Neville, Harvey Fraser. 1 Hen Crossed and 11. 1). Johnson. F.ntertainmenl Hert Mnrpan. Charles P. Halasno, (ieorge- Waddell and A, A. Fason. Dance Kddie Craggs - H. F.Ikius. II. F. (Jlassey, Mrs,. liaw-tliorn, Miss May lleid aud Mrs. It. Dowdier. , , Bazaar Booths Fancy work Mr. H. F. Self. assisted by Mrs, II. F. (ilassey and Mrs. II. D. Johnson. Home cooking .Mrs. A. T. Hailey. assisted by Mrs. C. )l. Klkins. Tea room Mrs. H. Newell. Mrs. K. H. Shockley and Mrs. It. D. Smith. Raffles Mrs. W. Iteid and Mrs. Jack Keefe. Candy Miss Pulmira Aslori. Miss Mary Aslori, and Mrs, Her bert Hampton. Plain sewing -Mrs. Harry At kins and Mr. I.. M. Fulkr. PRINCE RECEIVES LETTER FROM GIRL Asked by British Fourteen Year Old What NaUves of Canada Were Like LONDON, Dec. 3. In the first speech delivered afler his return from Canada the Prince of Wales remarked that he would like lo ncourage w spirit oflrael in statesmen, journalists, writers. and school teachers in fact, all die distributors of iuforuuilion lo the people (if (treat Hrilain. He amused bis audience with the story of a letter that he had just received, from a girl of fourteen, who hoped that he bad had a good holiday, and wauled lo know what (he unlives of Canada were like! If some of the school teachers could be sent out lo see something of, dm Kinplic be would not receive letters like that. Hon. W, L. Mackenzie King, in response? (o a loasl, said he was sure dint the Prince's appeal would fall upon willing ears. He hoped that, in reply lo the teller of the young lady of fourteen, His lloya) Jllxlincss had given an accurate description of the Canadian native," He was quite sure that there were not. many girls of foiirleen or overt who culd not give an accurate description of the J'rince of Wales, N, H. Walton. general superintendenl. Is now in Mont. real in the course of a dip Fast on special business. rt. A . Wf,W,,ll r..iil li.filil IIKII11I ger of the ImneVuil (ill Co..' left by last night's Iraln for Fort I rascr ot. a brines 8 lll GERMANS STARVE AS POLITICIANS QUIBBLE Soup Kitchens Already Operating In Cities and People are Restless ltKIU.IX. Dee. 3. While noli. lirians ouililile sunt tlefctVi llin jliermans starve or live 011 insufficient rations. tuciitploymVul grows at a rapid pate ami mil-, lions of (icrmans face 11 winter of waul and privation. lierliii nml .illior iili.w mi. I towns hae estaldished kitchen, l.unitvd quantities of free fni'l iiri. iirnv iilml fur liv ards. Hut the meals and the fuel are ilcpcndcnl upon cants whose issuance is irregular and shares the General ilisonler whteli Ims spread throughout the control of kkmi supplies. With die abolisliiiieiil 11 f the breadrard nnd the subsequent rise of (ieruiaii hlackhread lo figures vshirb are fanliislie in comparisop with the iineurploy- meiit uoies. 1 lit situation became more aeule Hum ver and gae political agilalors Iheir opportunity to incite riol. The condition of the unemployed is pahclic in die extreme. Hy ilegires the old people, mauv tf diem middle-class, have befit forced In go upon die streeU for alms. LONQ .PRISON RECORD OSSINCIMl, N.Y., Dec. I. (eorge Ferguson, alias tieoryc Tbompstiii. 71. has Just began his twenty-fifth term of im prisonment. This is his third term in Sing Sing. His prion record, dating back fifty-four years, started in Joiet. III. Since IKiVJ he lias known but six years of freedom. Sh oes Men Solid Leather Working Slices at $5.00 Leather lined Itox Calf Hoots ,in Hlack or drown at $6.00 Hand made Loggers' Hoot from $8.50 Men's and Boys' Rubbers. SHOE REPAIRING. GEO. HILL t no onoeman. i Third Ave. next St. llegls. $1 Deposit will securo u TURKEY at .'l.'c per lb. If placed before December 15. After dial date, nrarkct price prevails. ORDER NOW. GROCERIES AND MEATS. I Lowest Price. Highest Quality. FARMERS Mar e Phone Blue 428. HOME FROM HOME. MOCHIDA ROOMS 714 Fraser St. Steam Heated - Hot and Cold Water Hales by Day or Month P.O. Box 75. Phone 059. St. Regis Cafe ! Prlnoe Rupert's Leading Restaurant. A Bakery Unsurpassed. Third Avenue. Phone 376 The House Phone 376 of Quality SPECIALS Boys Fleece Lined Combinations, sizes '." In ;VJ. .SpenalU priced, per suit S1.35 Boys' Khakl Flannel Shirts, Hoy .Seoul sjylc, size 'i i m. Specially priced, eucli $2.45 Boys' Navy Serge Bloomers, anie Fox Serge, all wnui siz 2 to ail. Special $2.65 STANFIELD'S BLUE LABEL UNDERWEAR, llcg, In two piece or coniloniitioii. Size for $4.85 Boys' Shoes, ixes I to :. Iteg., fun $3.15 Youths sues. ( In Meg. ;i.Vr, at . . $2.85 Chllds' Button Shoe rbofiilale . sizes 8 lo 1 1. Ihg. A , Tor $30 UNIVERSAL TRADING CO. Phone 378. Mail Orders Prep nd. Satisfm lion of Money Hark . . ,, T . WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight Only, Tuesday, 7 and 9 ANITASTEWART in "The Love Piker" A sciiililluliug drama -iirkling Willi life (irigliles1 lh"me. The slory of a snob who proved hrrelf ! e a regular girl after all. A piker in love who c'cutiully wj-brave enough lo break down the harriers of society and false pride. Notable rat includes Robert. Przer ivtd ' Belly Francisco. ' COMEDY "WASHED ASHORE." PATHE REVIEW. Admission 35c and 10c Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, pattern makers, Founders', Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDINQ., Our plant is equipped o bundle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385. What you have heeu looking for SOMETHING NEW Good, and Cheap Wi! have a wonderful Xuias slpck of TOM SMITH'S FAMOUS YULETIDE CRACKERS, imported direct Troni London, England, All die fun nf tit fair at die festive table. These Cruckers.nre the; acme or workmanship mid each one contains a delightful gift. See them in our window. Unsurpassed for table decoration. Sole Agent for PURDY'S FAMOUS CANDIES, put up in beautiful Xmas boxi'si. Say il with I'urdj's and tnakv n killing, TOM 8MITH'S IMPORTED TOY AUTOS;:TRAIN8, ETC., FILLED WITH CANDIES. Jitft (he thing for the Xmas Slocking. To introduce, these famous goods lo die public of Prince Hupert ve are rtfferiiiK them n,t the lowt price ever ipioled in Ihe city. I Prince Rupert CIGAR STORE Third Avenue. We Cash Cheques.